Why Hawking divorced his first wife. Love, three children and paralysis: Stephen Hawking's incredible relationship story, which won an Oscar. The appearance of Jonathan Jones

Stephen Hawking is a world-famous scientist. He studied the theory of black holes and the origin of the world as a result of the Big Bang. At the age of 20, he received a sentence from doctors: he will last a maximum of 2 years. The scientist died today, at 76 years old. The woman he loved helped him live.

Love and sentence

Stephen Hawking is 20, a student, passionate about science and his incredible girlfriend, Jane Wilde.

The diagnosis from the doctors sounded like a death sentence for the guy - amyotrophic sclerosis, which will lead to paralysis and early death. The young guy was given no more than 2 years to live in the worst case. At best, he will live until he is 30 years old. And this all happened at the very moment when Stephen truly fell in love.

Jane studied with her boyfriend at Oxford (some sources indicate Cambridge). Moreover, the girl studied literature. But Stephen could talk so interestingly and enthusiastically about science and his hypotheses that he always captivated her.

Jen later admitted that when she met the young student, she was fascinated by his big gray eyes and wide smile.

After the doctors announced the diagnosis, the guy withdrew into himself and began to avoid Jane. She didn't understand what was happening. Friends of the future scientist talked about the disease. The girl found Stephen, who had been avoiding her, so that she would never part with him again.

In 1965 they got married. Hawking would later write that Jane saved him.

Three children and divorce

Hawking continued to study science. The disease progressed, albeit slowly. Stephen did not die two years later, nor in his 30s, as doctors predicted.

Jane gave birth to three children. She cared for and loved her husband.

But at some point it became unbearably difficult for her to take care of everything - both the children and Stephen, who was confined to a wheelchair. For the whole world, her husband was a great scientist studying the theory of black holes, but for his family, his illness sucked everyone in like a black hole.

The girl became depressed. And in order to somehow get out of this state, she decided to go sing in the church choir. There she met choir director Jonathan Jones. Sympathy arose between them. But Jane did not accept advances. Jonathan ends up becoming a family friend. And she helps Jane with everything.

When the paralyzed Hawking developed pneumonia, doctors advised his wife to turn off the life-sustaining machine. But she was adamant. And saved the life of her husband.

In his autobiography, “My Brief History,” Stephen wrote words of gratitude to his first wife for being there during the most difficult moments.

But this did not save their marriage. After 26 years of marriage they divorced.

Second wife

And the scientist, who could no longer speak after pneumonia, married a second time. His wife was nurse Elaine Mason.

Hawking mentions in his autobiography that it was a passion. Elaine was married to an engineer who created a speech apparatus for the scientist.

Their marriage lasted 12 years. It was rumored that Elaine was extremely cruel to Stephen. It seems like she called the scientist a cripple and physically abused him. For example, I bathed him in very hot water. Hawking denied all these rumors. But in the book he mentioned that his relationship with his second wife was difficult. They divorced in 2006.

Life is good

The scientist always communicated closely with his children and grandchildren.

He spent his entire life popularizing science and bringing it to the masses through his books and television programs. He was not afraid to condemn politicians and wars. And yes, he knew how to love!

In 2015, the love story of Jane Wilde and Stephen Hawking was filmed.

The film "Stephen Hawking's Universe" was based on the memoirs of his first wife. And he received an Oscar for Best Actor. The scientist was played by British actor Eddie Redmayne.

Photos: Pinterest

The scientist and his first wife wrote a number of biographical notes, from which it is clear that they were connected by love, but due to everyday problems everything went wrong. Stephen wrote that both of his marriages brought him enormous pain, although many believe that the scientist did not have the persistence to remain with his first wife.

Stephen and Jen Wild met as students while studying at Oskford. Hawking was healthy then, the girl noted his attractive features, and love arose between them. In 1963, Stephen was first diagnosed with lateral sclerosis. The scientist admits that it was Jen who gave him hope for the future. They married in 1965, and their first son was born in 1967.

Stephen and Jen's wedding. Photo: Instagram

Hawking continued his scientific career, and Jen studied for a doctorate and took care of her husband. But two more children appeared in their family, and Stephen’s health only worsened. Jen began to suffer from serious depression: doctors predicted a quick death for Stephen; the woman had three children and a sick husband. She began to think about how she would support the kids after Stephen’s death and essentially found a lover. Moreover, it turned out to be Stephen's friend, musician Jonathan Jones. The scientist himself thought that he would soon die and did not object when Jonathan moved to live in the house with Jen and Stephen.

Stephen and Jen with children. Photo: Instagram

Of course, it is mentally difficult to watch your children and wife having fun with another man, but Stephen noted that they managed to maintain a friendly relationship, and even the other man did not destroy what connected Stephen and Jen. Stephen emphasized that he was very grateful to his first wife for being there during the most difficult moments in his life. Moreover, it was she who made the decision to fight for his life. In 1985, Stephen became seriously ill with pneumonia; doctors advised his wife to disconnect him from the machines, but she decided to save the scientist’s life. And I was not mistaken. However, due to the tracheotomy he lost the ability to speak.

Jen was looking for caregivers for Stephen when one - his wife - was recommended by the engineer who developed the speech apparatus for the scientist. She was hired among others. She turned out to be Elaine Mason. At first, everyone was only happy that Elaine had become friends with the scientist, and that she spent all her time with him, of course, did not bother anyone. What a surprise it was for the children and Jen in 1990 when Stephen announced that he would live separately from Elaine. Elaine, by the way, also had a husband and children whom she abandoned.

Stephen and Jen divorced after 26 years of marriage, and in 1995 Hawking married his carer, but lived with her for only 11 years. Stephen's children did not come to the wedding; their father's betrayal was a shock to them.

Stephen and Elaine's wedding. Photo: Instagram

Elaine immediately changed all the caregivers and, according to relatives, had complete control over Stephen. Which, by the way, could sometimes suit him, because he described their relationship as stormy and passionate. However, the scientist’s children and the public have doubts about how far this passion went. Some argue that Elaine actually mocked the scientist.

In 2004, police questioned Stephen about allegations that Elaine used physical force against him, but he denied everything. Although many are sure that he, the famous scientist, was simply ashamed to admit it. Stephen was brought to the hospital several times with cuts, signs of beatings and broken arms. Other nurses said that Elaine bathes him in boiling water, leaves him alone for a long time in the sun, does not remove traces of his natural needs, and spends time with other men in his presence.

Be that as it may, Stephen soon got tired of the passion and in 2006 he divorced Elaine, which only brought him closer to his children. His daughter Lucy is a journalist, his eldest son works in software, and his youngest works in foreign languages. Stephen managed to become a grandfather. He communicated with his first wife until the very end.

Stephen and Jen. Photo: Instagram

Stephen and Jen. Photo: Instagram

Stephen and Jen. Photo: Instagram

It’s amazing how a man who was predicted to die before the age of 30 managed to do so much in his career as a scientist, get married twice, raise three children and look after his grandchildren. And although Stephen was unlucky in love, he lived a full life and, according to him, enjoyed every day. Isn't this his most important lesson to us?

Stephen Hawking's life story impresses many. The famous English astrophysicist was confined to a wheelchair and was speechless, but this did not stop him.

Stephen Hawking and Jen Wilde

Stephen Hawking is a scientist, popularizer of science and one of the most famous physicists of our time, suffering from a serious illness since his youth. But this did not stop him from having two weddings and becoming the father of three children. And both of his wives are unusual women who evoke conflicting feelings among students of Hawking’s biography.

Stephen Hawking's first wife

Hawking's first marriage was to Jen Wilde. She was a girl from an ordinary English family who studied at Oxford at the Faculty of Foreign Literature. The exact circumstances of their acquaintance with the scientist are unknown; according to some sources, Jen was friends with Stephen’s sister.
Now it’s hard to judge what exactly attracted the young and beautiful girl to Hawking, but they got married in 1965, when Stephen had already been seriously diagnosed and doctors predicted that he would die in the year of their wedding. But Jen was able to save her husband from depression, and the disease did not progress so quickly. Perhaps then the girl saved her husband for the first time.

Hawking's first wife truly loved him

Hawking's first wife - Jen Wilde

The first years of their marriage were quite happy, the couple traveled together, and Hawking showed great promise in science and earned enough money to support his family. Two years after the wedding, their first child was born, a year later - the second, and a year later - the third. Jen herself continued her studies at this time and also tried to engage in science by studying literature.

Problems in the marriage began with the birth of their third child. Stephen Hawking by that time had become very weak and was no longer able to move simply with the help of a stick, but was chained to a chair. The wife was forced to fully care for both her husband and three small children, and she already fell into depression. Fortunately, Hawking continued to work, and the family was relatively wealthy, but fatigue from a very difficult everyday life was destroying the marriage.

Doctors set another maximum sentence for Stephen, and this forced Jen Wild (by that time long ago Jen Hawking) to think about the life of children after Hawking's possible death. As a result, she decided to find a man who could help both after her husband’s death and now.

He became the musician Jonathan Jones (by the way, she is now married to him), a friend of Hawking. To call a spade a spade, Jen moved her lover into their house, which dealt a heavy blow to Stephen. But in reality, he understood that this step was quite reasonable and justified, although it was difficult for him to be in this situation. But at the same time, Jen did not change her attitude towards Hawking, continued to look after him and treated him very well.

Stephen Hawking with his wife and children

In 1985, his wife saved Hawking's life for the second time, and this incident best characterizes her attitude towards her husband. Stephen became seriously ill with pneumonia (it was then that his trachea was removed and he stopped speaking), the doctors convinced his wife, the only one responsible for the possible decision, to disconnect him from life support devices. Hawking at that time was a very wealthy man, a millionaire, his entire fortune would have gone to his wife, but she insisted on continuing treatment and did not even consider the option of disconnecting her husband from the devices. As a result, Hawking survived and, despite his significantly worsened condition, continues to conduct scientific activities today, almost 20 years later.

As a result, the marriage of Jen Wilde and Stephen Hawking broke up

But from that moment on, one important change occurred in their marriage - Jen and her lover decided to hire nurses for Hawking. One of them was Elaine Jane, at that time the wife of the engineer who made a speech synthesizer for Stephen and who himself recommended her. As a result, feelings arose between Elaine and Stephen, and the marriage with Jen came to an end. They divorced in 1995, although Hawking moved out from Jen and Jonathan 5 years earlier.
On the one hand, this was a blessing for Jen - her husband found new love, and she was able to legitimize her relationship with Jonathon Jones. But Jen actually didn't approve of Hawking's new marriage, and for good reason.
Today, Jen continues to live with her second husband, sometimes acts in films, and has released several biographies dedicated to her first husband and their marriage.

Hawking's second wife - Elaine Jane

Stephen Hawking and his second wife Elaine Jane

If few people doubt Jen’s sincere feelings, despite all life’s difficulties, then, according to most people, the scientist’s second wife married him solely for convenience. This is a woman with red hair who behaved exclusively demonstratively in public, trying too hard to convince everyone around her of her love for Stephen.
In 1995, she convinced Hawking to legalize the relationship, having previously lived with him for almost 5 years. It is interesting that neither the children nor the first wife came to the wedding. Perhaps Stephen himself was happy, as he later said - their love was stormy and passionate.

The details of the second marriage, which broke up in 2006, are almost unknown. They say that first of all, Elaine fired all the other nurses and hired new ones, and the main selection criterion was not professional qualities, but the ability to control them and not let them close to her husband.

We know about Stephen Hawking as a world-famous scientist, but there is another Stephen - a romantic and a family man. He was married twice, raised three children, and was very close to his grandchildren.

One day he was asked what he thought about most. Hawking admitted that it was about women, because they are a complete mystery to him. Editorial "AWESOME" I decided to talk about the physicist’s personal life, because his love story with his first wife even won an Oscar!

Stephen met his first wife through mutual friends at Oxford University. Jane Wilde was a philologist, and he studied physics. The guy was never popular with girls, but he became more confident when he was hired as a helmsman for the rowing team.

Finally he plucked up courage and invited sweet Jane to the ball. Afterwards, as befits a true gentleman, he took the girl home. This is how their love story began. Later, the girl said that she fell in love with his big eyes, sincere smile and the passion with which he talked about science.

When Stephen felt unwell for a long time, he decided to undergo a comprehensive examination at the hospital. So he was given a fatal diagnosis - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. That same day, Hawking saw a guy with leukemia and thought that there are worse diseases.

However, he did not tell his girlfriend right away. Doctors assured him that he had only a few years to live. How does he confess to her? Jane, in turn, did not understand why her lover’s behavior had changed so much.

Friends revealed the secret. Jane was not afraid of the diagnosis; she decided to connect her life with this man. The girl supported the guy in every possible way and encouraged him to enjoy every day.

The young couple tied the knot. Jane Wilde gave birth to three children for Hawking; she was a loving wife and caring mother. He, contrary to all forecasts, continued to live and do science.

However, after the birth of their third child, his wife began to experience depression. She couldn’t keep up with her children, her disabled husband, and imagined with horror what would happen when he died.

Jane found solace in the church choir, where she met Jonathan Jones. Sympathy arose between them, but the woman avoided intimacy with him in every possible way. Jones became a close friend of the family and helped Jane in everything.

Despite the unhealthy situation in the Hawking family, his wife continued to take care of Stephen's health. In 1985, he became seriously ill with pneumonia, doctors even advised to disconnect the man from life support, but Jane flatly refused. Later, the scientist will tell how his wife saved his life.

In 1990, they began to live separately, and in 1995 they officially divorced. Jane married choir director Jonathan Jones, and Hawking married his nurse. Subsequently he said that it was just passion. Elaine was married to the man who created the apparatus, thanks to which the scientist could speak after suffering from pneumonia.

Their marriage lasted 12 years. There were various rumors that the woman constantly insulted the man, even to the point of physically abusing him, but the scientist denied everything.

Based on the memoirs of his first wife, the film “Stephen Hawking's Universe” was made, which told the amazing love story of Jane and Stephen. The film received an Oscar for Best Actor. By the way, Hawking was played by Eddie Redmayne.

He was a great dreamer, popularized physics and science, and knew how to love, love like in the movies.

Goodbye and thank you for everything.

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