Why can't I add an audio recording in a contact? How can you easily add an audio recording to VK in different ways? How to add music to your playlist

Nowadays, you can’t live without social networks. Some people prefer Odnoklassniki, some foreign social networks, and some VKONTAKTE. One privilege of this social network is that it allows you to download and upload music to your page. But how to add music to Contact? This will be discussed in our article.

The very first thing is the presence of the page itself. If you don’t have one, then using your mobile number and a created password, you can create one for yourself. To do this, type the name of the social network into a search engine. Enter the minimum information about yourself and in a few minutes you are already the owner of your own VKontakte profile.

Now let's start searching for the audio recording. First, before downloading, look, perhaps a similar audio recording is already on this social network. To do this, click on the “Audio Recordings” tab in the left panel (it is located among other useful tabs). After the page loads, you will see a field at the top to search for any audio recording. Enter the name of your song there, just be careful, if you make a grammatical error, the search engine will not find the desired audio recording. Therefore, before entering the artist or track name, check the correct spelling of this word using any search engine.

How to upload music to contact

If you want to upload, for example, your own song or audio recording, then this will not be difficult either. To do this, also click on the “Audio Recordings” tab. The entire list of audio recordings will be displayed there. Now to your right there will be a tab with the word “Audio recording” and next to it a plus sign, click on this plus sign, after a few seconds a window will appear for adding an audio recording from your computer and a panel with the words “Select file”. You click on it again and select the desired audio from your computer. Only it should not exceed twenty megabytes.

That's all, you've learned how to quickly find or upload the desired audio recording to your VKontakte page! It is worth noting that you have the opportunity not only to upload your own audio recordings, but also to download already uploaded ones. This is done by downloading an additional program. This program will not take up much space on your hard drive and will provide the opportunity to unlimitedly download your favorite music.

Good day everyone, my dear friends. How good it is that VKontakte has the opportunity to listen to any (almost) music. I found something interesting, added it to my playlist and listen. But it turns out that not everyone knows how to add an audio recording on VK to their playlist. That is OK. We will fill this gap, and I will show you how to do this both from your computer and from the contact itself.

Add from contact

The easiest way to get yourself some music, I think, is to take it from another place, but in the same VK. It's very fast and convenient.

Adding from a computer

But there are times when the search for the desired entry is not available. This could be for various reasons:

  • There has been a breakdown;
  • This record doesn't really exist;
  • You want to upload original audio, for example your own song or any sound personally recorded by you or someone you know.

In this case, you will need to upload the audio directly from your computer.

Add to the wall

That’s basically all I wanted to tell you about today. I hope that now you will not have any problems with this. Well, I recommend that you subscribe to my blog updates to always be aware of everything that is happening. Well, we'll see you in other articles. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

Each user of the VKontakte social network can easily upload any audio recording to it from a computer or phone, as well as send the composition they like to a friend or add this song or melody to their group, and when this music is no longer relevant, delete it. But now we will only talk about how to add and download audio recordings.

How to add an audio recording to VK from a computer or other gadget: the only possible and very simple way?

    By adding to VK we mean placing the song you are interested in in your personal playlist. And this is done like this:
  • Go to the My audio recordings section;
  • To find the song you need, type its name or the name of the artist in the search;
  • Select the desired one from the list of tracks that appears;
  • Each song has a + (plus) sign on the right side, and you need to click it if you want to see any of these songs in your playlist.
Now, if you did everything properly, your playlist will be updated with the song you chose.

How to upload an audio recording to VK

    Again, everything is extremely easy here, you only need to perform a few simple steps:
  • Go to your VKontakte page;
  • Now go to the My audio recordings tab, there, on the upper right side you will see a sign where the first line has the same name My audio recordings and it has a + sign at the end.
  • Click this plus, then select the song you want to download and it will immediately be sent to your contact.
Ready! But remember that the permissible format of downloaded recordings is only MP3, and the maximum allowed size is 200 MB. Also, according to the rules introduced by VK, copyright holders are encouraged in every possible way, and pirates are condemned, so if someone added an audio recording contrary to existing rules, violating any copyright and related rights, then it can be seized, and even after changing its name, you will not be able to listen to this composition it will succeed. But to everyone’s delight, this rule does not always work, and many blocked songs become available again after some time.

I have been a reader of Habr for a long time, but have not yet written a single article. This post prompted me to write this article: Blocking audio recordings on Vkontakte. Restoring the playlist.

I liked the methods used by the author to bypass the VKontakte filter, but as a person who has been involved in audio processing and writing music for a long time, I can say that this is not the best decision that can be made in this situation, and here’s why:
1. The quality of audio recordings deteriorates due to repeated conversion and deliberate deterioration of quality.
2. Cutting a piece of a piece changes the music.

I propose a slightly different approach to solving this problem. Anyone interested in the topic - please see cat. I'll go into more detail about several methods that you can use to bypass the filter, including a method that allows you to download blocked music without changing its content (i.e., completely preserving the sound).

All tests were performed in the Audacity program; a song performed by rapper Pitbull and singer Marc Anthony, called Rain Over Me, was selected for analysis. This particular song is suitable for the test for several reasons: it is “banned” on VKontakte, all frequencies are present in its spectrum in full, it has both “quiet” and “loud” parts, which will allow you to experiment with dynamics. First, let's make sure that it is impossible to listen to the audio recording, because... it was removed at the request of the copyright holder:

As you can see, it’s true that the original audio recording has been seized, and when we try to download the same one, we will receive a copyright warning:

Now let's try to load the same audio recording, slightly changing it in some way.

Ways to bypass the filter

1. Changing the tonal balance of the entire work, or part of it, that is, processing with an equalizer:
In my opinion, this is the simplest method. Let's look at a few cases of using EQ:

Here I immediately present the result of what I came to; in fact, I unwisely began to try to “feed” an audio recording with a slightly changed tonal balance to VKontakte, so that it was practically impossible to hear the difference (for example, I used low-pass filters and high-pass filters with very soft settings - the difference in sound was negligible). VKontakte rejected posts with such changes, but, interestingly, accepted posts processed like this:

This means that recognition occurs only in the mid-frequency region, high and low frequencies are not affected. The first option is to equalize the entire track: you need to cut out a small area of ​​the mid-frequency range. I tried to apply EQ only to a small section of the track - it didn’t work.

2. Adding noise
In the comments to the article, user Gorthauer87 suggested “a little mixing of some noise imperceptible to the ear.” The idea is correct; in fact, it was the very first one that came to my mind. The recording industry has long used dithering, which is nothing more than adding noise, although now the noise is going through the stage of noise shaping - i.e. the frequencies most audible to the human ear are removed from it.

Adding enough white noise to be heard clearly did not help the audio load. This method is not suitable for us, because if the noise can be heard, then we can assume that the audio recording is damaged and cannot be listened to =(

3. Working with track dynamics
After processing the entire track with a compressor with fairly “soft” settings, the audio recording was successfully loaded. Here is a screenshot of the compressor settings:

It is quite problematic for an unprepared listener to hear the difference with the original, but if you listen with headphones or on low-quality acoustics, it is impossible.
"Crown" method
But this method surprised me with its simplicity, while it turned out to be the highest quality of all those discussed earlier. You just need to add a small piece of an arbitrary signal to the end of the track (after the music has ended). As a result, the useful signal does not change in any way, but the VKontakte website does not try to block such tracks. Specifically in this example, I added a 440 hertz sine wave to the end of the piece, the duration of the noise is approximately 1 minute.

If this article is of interest to readers, then I can take a closer look at each of the methods of downloading music (I guess that the “crown” method will soon be “covered”), depending on the material (classical, rock, pop, electronics). Each of the options will work better on one material and worse on another, that is, in some places it is more noticeable to a person, and in others practically without changing the source.

The article turned out to be not as complete as I would like, for the reason that my DAW refused to work and began to throw an error (so I did all the work in Audacity). I guess there are a few other ways that will work:

1. Working with the stereo base (its expansion/constriction)
2. Processing the entire track with a multiband exciter
3. Multiband compression of the mid-frequency range, to a much lesser extent than discussed in the article.
4. Adding a very weak reverberation signal, inaudible to the human ear.

It is unlikely that the news that VK is one of the largest sites containing simply a huge number of songs and compositions for every taste will be a revelation to anyone. Moreover, the list is constantly updated, so if you suddenly want to listen to some song, then you will find it on VKontakte with a 99% probability. What if you want to upload the song yourself? No problem.

It seems that the “My audio recordings” item is already in your menu. If it's not there, then add it. To do this, go to “My Settings” and check the box next to “My Audio Recordings”.

After that, go to the “My Audio Recordings” section and see the list of added songs here.

On the right side of the screen you see the “My Audio Recordings” button and a cross. Hover your mouse over this cross and the words “Add audio recording” will appear. Click on the cross.

A window will appear. You will see file restrictions (the audio file must be in MP3 format, must not be larger than 200 MB, and must not infringe copyright or related rights). Click on the “Select file” button.

Select a file on your computer and click Open.

The file will be automatically downloaded. Once this happens, you will be automatically moved to the audio section where the song you added will be located.

By the way, you can add to the section of your audio recordings those songs that are already present on the VK website. To do this, simply find a song that you like, hover your mouse over it so that a cross appears, and click on it.

The song will be added to the list automatically.

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