Why do you dream about the future? Dream about the future. Dream interpretation of seeing the future in a dream. Witch or witch prophesying with

future in a dream

A dream about the future should help you have more control over your actions and not make several a priori wrong decisions.

why do you dream about the future

If you dreamed about the future in the form of fiction, then you should be more careful. If you dreamed about your own future, you should weigh every decision before making it.

dreamed about the future

If you dreamed about the future, then you need to stop living in your fantasy world and learn to live in reality.

the future in a dream what is it for

If you dreamed of the future, then try to grab your head and stop taking unnecessary risks, at least in the near future. Especially when the temptation to take risks is very great.

dreamed about the future

If you dreamed about your future, then you should think carefully about every decision you make.

the future in a dream what is it for

If in your dream you see the future, then in reality you will need to reconsider your plans and decisions, reconsider all your acquaintances.

why do you dream about the future

If you see the future in a dream, then soon you will be able to refrain from making wrong decisions.

why do you dream about the future

If you have a dream that takes place in the future, then in the near future it will help keep you from making poorly thought out or wrong decisions.

future in a dream

Looking into the future in a dream is a sign that you are worried about upcoming events and plans. If the atmosphere in a dream is favorable, then you should relax, go with the flow and calmly accept these events, but if, on the contrary, it is restless, then you should be a little wary and carefully consider every decision you make. But one should not expect much from dreams about the future; they are very mediocre.

At all times people believed in prophetic dreams, continue to believe now. In a dream, with our subconscious we are able to see not only our desires, but also future events, those that will inevitably happen in the near future.

A prophetic dream may not occur intentionally on its own; you or someone close to you probably had 1-2 cases in your life when the events seen in the dream came true in reality. Another thing is that you can wait for such a dream for years and still not get it, unless, of course, you turn to the help of special magical spells. With their help, you can see what is hidden from us by the secrets of the future.

Plot for a prophetic dream with a mirror

All of us, especially girls, are terribly interested in what the near future has in store for us so good. Of course, the future does not always promise us something good, but in this case we will at least know “where to lay the straw.”

With the help of a small mirror and magic, you can see the future in your dreams. The mirror must be small and round in shape; it is better to buy a new one right away, without taking change and saying “thank you!” to the seller! don't talk or thank. Before and after the ritual, it is better not to use the mirror for its intended purpose, but to leave it specifically for such purposes.

Immediately before the ceremony, thoroughly wipe the mirror with a small amount of alcohol; it is believed that this will not only cleanse it of dirt and dust, but also cleanse its energy, so that the mirror does not lie and tells the truth.

When you are ready to go to bed, carefully place the prepared mirror under your pillow. Then lie down in your bed and say:

“Just as the darkness is instantly reflected in my mirror, so let the light be reflected in my pure mind. Let the mirror and magic help me see my future. So that on this moonlit and dark night I would know the truth, so that all the good things I saw would come true, and the bad things would pass me by. Amen"

The spell for a prophetic dream must be read at least seven times. Then you need to give up all extraneous thoughts and, trying not to think about anything, quickly fall asleep so that unnecessary thoughts do not block and prevent you from seeing the future in a dream.

In the morning, when you wake up, if you did everything correctly, be sure to remember any details from your dream that will definitely come true in the future.

The mirror needs to be put away where no one can see it and touch it. It is no longer possible to use it for its intended purpose or anywhere in everyday life, only use it in rituals. You should not try to perform such rituals too often, no more than once a month; excessive curiosity is not always welcomed by higher powers and they can severely punish you for this.

Spell for a prophetic dream before bed

When you are already lying in your cozy bed, before falling asleep, say:

“I’m going to the world of pleasant dreams, I’m going for secret knowledge. May my guardian angel lead me along the heavenly path, may he show me the future and tell me how to avoid trouble. So that everything seen turns out to be reality, but does not turn into misfortune or grief. So that I know for sure what to expect from fate, not bad, but good. Amen"

Just remember, after speaking the words, you need to try to fall asleep faster, you can’t talk to anyone. If you are a family man, then first you need to wait until your husband (wife) is fast asleep and only then read the spell for a prophetic dream.

Water spell for a prophetic dream

Rituals with water are very popular in magic and spells for prophetic dreams will not be an exception here. Apart from your desire, all you will need is a church candle and a glass of holy water. The plot can be read not only by women, but also by men; the example shows the female version; if you are a man, just rearrange the words to suit you.

Move into a room where you will not be disturbed. Light a candle and, bending over a glass of holy water, say into it:

“The water is clean and natural, help me, the servant of God (Svetlana), to see my true future in dreams. Let everything that fate has in store for me come to me this night. Everything that will and should happen, let me know and see. Help me, pure water, to remember everything in the morning, and before it all comes true, be sure to remember everything. My word is strong, as I said, so be it. Amen"

Say the words three times, then wash yourself lightly with this water and immediately go to bed. Already in bed say:

“Everything that is dreamed will come true”

Try to sleep and don’t burden yourself with unnecessary thoughts.

To bad dream didn't come true

Dreams are not always pleasant and that’s okay; it’s much worse if the nightmare turns out to be a prophetic dream. To prevent the nightmare from turning into reality, you need to neutralize it in time and not let it into your real life. To do this, before getting out of bed, say:

“I am a servant of God (God’s) did not see anything bad or bad in my dream. Just as the darkness dissipated with the dawn, and nothing remained of it, so my bad dream will dissipate and nothing will remain of it. Amen"

Now you can stop worrying and go about your normal daily activities.

The secrets of the future are sealed and hidden from us, in a sense higher power we are even protected, thus plunging us into ignorance. After all, there are things in our future that we would not like to know in advance. In any case, don’t get too carried away with such magic and rituals, these are just harmless conspiracies at first glance, but where they will lead, especially if they are abused, only God knows, or the Devil, whoever likes it.

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The magic of lining

But any enchanted object can play a cruel joke on the one who intentionally created it, if the object is discovered in time and, without touching it with your own hands, you throw it back. In this case, evil will return, everything that the enemy wished for you and everything that he tried to bring on you will return to him. But what it will be depends on what exactly your ill-wisher wanted to achieve. There have been cases...

If in a dream you fall into a trap, this foreshadows the dissolution of your marriage in order to marry another person. Finding yourself in a monastery in a dream means that mental anguish cannot be drowned out by any means until you plunge headlong into work and forget about everything else in the world.

A dream in which a fox somehow got into your apartment is a warning to beware of envious colleagues, otherwise your reputation will be jeopardized. Finding yourself in an unfamiliar city in a dream means that you will painfully experience the indifference towards yourself of those whom you love with all your soul.

Getting to the point with an apt statement or a witty remark is a harbinger that your thoughtless and offensive words will cause a sharp reaction and the departure of one of the family members from home. If you hit a target in a dream, this means that you are striving for a prosperous life, which seems to have been created for you, but circumstances invariably prevent this.

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Dream Interpretation - The Future

You dream of certain events, and in your dream you are absolutely sure that these events are from the future - in reality, before you do anything, you must calculate your actions as far in advance as possible; the dream warns that you, without calculating matters, without drawing up detailed plans, you could make a big mistake.

Interpretation of dreams from

Is it really possible to see the future? Is precognition a superpower or nothing more than sudden brain activity?

Find out now!

1. Is it possible to predict the future? Scientists' opinion!
2. What is known about the ability to see the future in a dream?
3. From the memoirs of a man who foresaw a plane crash...
4. One more real experience foresight!
5. Is it possible to see the future in a dream at will?

Is it possible to foresee the future? Scientists' opinion!

Scientists and psychologists believe that the subconscious and intuition are responsible for predicting events, but there is no exact scientific evidence for this. So far this mental ability of the brain cannot be researched.

Physicists, having considered many options, are inclined to believe that time is not linear, as we used to believe, and that in fact, all events have already occurred at one point in time.

But if all the events have already happened, then why don’t we know what will happen to us tomorrow, in a week or in a few years?

The answer is in our head!

The fact is that our subconscious mind preserves and protects us as if it were the most precious treasure, it uses all the methods available to it to save our psyche. Our brain is designed in such a way that in a normal state we are able to perceive only a specific time period, and the events of our life are arranged in a consistent logical chain.

This is why, under normal circumstances, we cannot see the future.

But if we accept the hypothesis that all events have already happened, that they are already known to our subconscious, then everything falls into place!

We already know everything, and under certain circumstances this information simply pops up in our memory!

The same hypothesis is consistent with the assumption of a global information field in which all possible knowledge is stored!

By connecting to the information field and learning to read information, you can find out not only the future, but also the past, make brilliant discoveries, and find answers to all your questions!

You will find methods for connecting to the information field

What is known about the ability to see the future in a dream?

As mentioned above, the mental abilities of the brain have not yet been fully studied, but the fact that people are able to see the future in dreams is beyond doubt. Almost every person at least once in his life has had a dream in which he foresaw the events that would take place later.

Yes, sometimes the subconscious can speak to us in allegories¹. In this case, in order to understand the meaning of a prophetic dream, you have to. But it also happens that the future is shown more than specifically.

Spotted! How more important than the event future, the more clearly they appear in dreams!

So, for example, people often see in their dreams the death of loved ones or some extremely important events.

From the memoirs of a man who foresaw a plane crash...

“Several years ago I had a dream that I was on board an airplane, and I somehow realized that all the passengers and pilots there were Russians. Looking out the window, I saw that there was a desert below us.

The passengers behaved as usual: someone was sleeping, someone was reading a book... Suddenly the plane shook from a strong blow, and when I turned my head, I saw the plane moving along the aisle of the plane. fire ball. A heat wave covered me, and... I woke up.

To recover a little, I got up and drank a glass of water, but when my head touched the pillow again, I found myself in the same dream again. I was no longer in the cabin of the plane, I saw the plane from the outside, as if I had been thrown out of it by a wave.

Then I found myself in a white marble hall, the arches of which were supported by bright pillars white light. The plane's passengers sat in chairs at large white tables. Everything was very beautiful, but I could not understand where this blinding white light was coming from.

A man came up to me and said, “You can go home. You helped them get here. Thank you".

After these words I woke up, but I still didn’t understand where I had been in my dream.”

Events in a week...

“The next week I was watching the news and heard that a plane had exploded over Syria. The plane belonged to a Russian airline, it was hit ball lightning, and everyone on board died. I was numb. This happened exactly a week after my dream.”

Another real experience of foresight!

“For twenty years I have been haunted by the same dream. I dreamed about him from time to time, but only a few days ago I got the answer!”

“In my dream I am traveling on a bus in the UK. I don't know where exactly I'm going, but I feel like this place will somehow change my life.

The city is located on the ocean. A huge ancient castle rises above the shore. To the left of the castle is the old part of the city, with narrow streets and buildings whitened by the sun and time.

The city was very familiar to me, I could navigate it perfectly, as if I had lived there all my life. I knew the layout of the streets, I knew the shortest route to the castle. I even knew where the secret passages were in the castle, and how to get from one part of it to another, bypassing the main rooms. I have had this dream for 20 years.

Recently my son met a girl on the Internet. After five months of dating, they decided to meet, and she invited him to visit her. When he showed me a photograph of the city, I saw that there was a beautiful old lock from my dream. This city is located in North Wales in the UK. This was the place!”

Is it possible to see the future in a dream at will?

This is a very interesting question!

And you can conduct your own experiment!

Our subconscious hears us constantly, and it is it that has access to all information resources in the Universe. Prophetic dreams are just one of the possibilities of our communication!

Try to turn inside yourself every day for 30 days before going to bed with the request: “Subconscious, show me in a dream what awaits me in the near future!” Such a command must be given in a state of interval (between sleep and wakefulness).

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Allegory is an allegorical depiction of an abstract concept or phenomenon through a concrete image; personification of human properties or qualities. (

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