Why does vanilla smell so much better than vanillin? Vanilla: benefits and harms to the human body Harm and contraindications

“When I feel sad, I open a jar of vanilla beans that I brought back from my vacation in Bali. Rough to the touch, dark brown fragile pods smell like childhood, sweet grandmother's buns. I inhale this aroma and feel - I relax, I stop being nervous, annoyed, ”admits 38-year-old Alena. Today vanilla notes are heard in many perfumes, it is added to body creams, candles, lip glosses - literally everywhere. There is something both erotic and innocent in this fragrance: oriental incense intertwines with a floral bouquet and breathes with confectionery sweetness. Sometimes vanilla is even considered an aphrodisiac.

“This is definitely a sensual fragrance,” says aromatherapist and cosmetologist Elena Evseeva. - But her sensuality is not aggressive, not animal, she has a different nature. Vanilla calms, reduces stress, liberates and, most importantly, gives a warm, enveloping feeling of security - like at home, in childhood, in mother's arms. In such a peaceful state, those of our emotions and desires, which we did not notice behind stress and worries, become more obvious, obvious, significant. Hence the eroticism that is often attributed to this fragrance. Connecting with others - rose, ylang-ylang or coniferous - vanilla helps them open up. It is for this property - to enhance the surrounding aromas - that many perfumers love vanilla. (Except for those who are convinced that “culinary ingredients should stay in the kitchen,” says provocative perfumer Geza Schoen, creator of Escentric Molecules fragrances.) “For me, vanilla is a celebration, a spontaneous smile, an explosion of emotions ”, - describes his feelings aristocrat Kilian Hennessy (Kilian Hennessy), creator of fragrances by Kilian. Another perfumer, Romano Ricci, the grandson of the legendary Nina Ricci and author of fragrances under the Juliette Has a Gun brand, recalls that kings and emperors have always sympathized with vanilla in the past: “Vanilla sounds interesting on male skin.”


“Many people like vanilla, but definitely not everyone,” comments Elena Evseeva. - The reaction to a particular smell, of course, reflects our emotional state at the moment and emotional needs. Perhaps now we just need not the sweet, soothing smell of vanilla, but invigorating bergamot or ritual, deep sandalwood. In addition to unconditional aromatic merits, vanilla is also valued in cosmetology. “I add a few drops of essential oil to dry skin care: it makes it more dense and elastic,” Elena Evseeva continues. Green fruits and flowers of Madagascar vanilla became the basis for the active ingredient Planifolia in Sublimage cream, Chanel. This valuable ingredient protects skin cells from damage, moisturizes, evens out skin tone and gives the face radiance. It is not easy to get it: 60 thousand green pods and 14 thousand flowers are spent per kilogram of the active ingredient. Both dry vanilla pods and essential oil are expensive. The reason is labor-intensive production. The first flowers on the plant appear only three years after planting. Green fruits must spend at least nine months on the branch, after which they are harvested by hand, and then dried for a long time, in stages ... It remains to be added that, according to legend, Christopher Columbus brought vanilla to Europe. Once on the American continent, he tried liquid chocolate flavored with vanilla, which was presented to him by the leader of the local tribe - as a sign of peace and kindness.

The aroma of vanilla fills our everyday life with notes of a holiday: it is impossible to refuse pleasant moments, and why? It can give a second life to your waist and your love life. Believe me, they don't refuse this!

This gentle and sweet aroma will help you to give up sweets and pore over centimeters less. Vanilla patch - way out. Scientists have proven that the aroma of vanilla reduces appetite, the desire to eat sweets. But it's no secret that the first reason for weight gain is a large amount of carbohydrates, which is contained in sweets. It has been proven that aroma affects the brain, reducing the concentration of serotonin - and this is the very "appetizing" hormone.

Such a patch acts like a spirit that is always with you. They are fragrant and keep you full. By the way, the vanilla smell is very persistent. Proof of this is the dress of the wife of Nicholas II, which has been exuding a light vanilla aroma in the Hermitage for more than 100 years. If you do not have such a miracle patch, you can buy perfume with a predominant vanilla component. Kill two birds with one stone: and the waist will decrease, and the fans will follow the smell.

If you are angry, tense or upset, drink vanilla tea, the aroma will help you calm your nerves, get rid of PMS symptoms and relax. And then you yourself decide what to do, the most important thing is that peace and tranquility will come to you.

Vanilla aroma - aphrodisiac

Vanilla - an orchid brought from Mexico can not only soothe, but vice versa, inflame passion. The Mexicans worshiped this plant. Vanilla is a deity that, according to the inhabitants of Mexico, returns love euphoria. Therefore, dear ladies, give a man a luxurious bath in honey and vanilla. To do this, take a glass of almond or other oil, olive, for example. Half a cup of honey, the same amount of liquid soap, and one tablespoon of vanilla extract. Mix and lather in the bath. And for reference: the aroma of vanilla makes men obedient, kind, attentive and able to trust you.

If vanilla perfume is not enough for you, and you want your hair to be affected by this smell, prepare a rinse for yourself. Two drops of vanilla oil per liter of water will suffice. When washing, watch your eyes.

vanilla essential oil

This oil has many benefits. The first - normalizes the processes of digestion, the second - makes the skin dull, saturates it with gluten, the third - activates the energy activity in the cells, starting natural processes in the body.

If you have an aromatherapy session at your home, consider choosing an oil. If you decide on vanilla, then in aroma lamps you should use up to 3 drops, in aroma medallions 2 each. To enrich cosmetics, add from 3 to 5 drops per 15 ml of base. And for a massage you will need 5 drops. You can easily combine the aroma of vanilla with anise, sandalwood, jasmine, ginger, rosewood and couscous.

Fighting cellulite with vanilla is not only possible, but necessary. Anti-cellulite scrub with vanilla and coffee to your attention: a glass of sugar, a quarter of a glass of ground coffee beans, 10 drops of vanilla oil, the same amount of almond oil. You need to mix sugar and almond oil until a homogeneous liquid mass, then add vanilla oil. If it gets too thick, dilute with a drop of almond. This homemade miracle can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks. This scrub is suitable for all skin types. Of course, the face, damaged and delicate parts of your body should not be treated with it.

Vanilla oil has few contraindications: individual intolerance and phototoxicity - on the street after applying the oil with a foot.

So, dear ladies, you can get a sense of calm, harmony and protection by wrapping yourself in vanilla aroma, which can always be at hand in the form of a patch, a jar of perfume or vanilla essential oil.

Vanilla is associated with completely different things in different people. Some have shower gel with vanilla flavor, others have vanilla curd cheeses, others have vanilla-scented perfumes... And only a very small number of the population of our planet associate vanilla with liberation, awakening of feelings and love.

Let's try to figure out whether vanilla is really an aphrodisiac and what does small bags with the inscription "vanillin" from the confectionery department have to do with it?

What does vanilla mean?

Vanilla is called the unripe fruit-pods of a yellowish orchid. In total, there are over 150 species of orchids in the world, but no more than five are used as spices: Tahitian with a musk aroma, Madagascar bourbon (Reunion Island) with a rich, ripe aroma, Indonesian with woody notes, Mexican, which has a sweetish aroma.

Vanilla has been cultivated since ancient times by the Aztecs on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The first European to try vanilla in an Aztec chocolate drink was Christopher Columbus. It was he who, in the 1500s, brought a fragrant spice to Europe on Spanish galleons, which is still popular today.

It is authentically known that already in the 18-19th century, doctors prescribed vanilla extract to men to treat problems with potency, not pills. None of the numerous scientific studies have disproved the claim that vanilla has a beneficial effect on "male" strength.

For several centuries of use, vanilla has deservedly received the title of a natural aphrodisiac. No wonder scented candles, perfumes, eau de toilette, vanilla-scented lotions can now be found in every store.

Exciting effect of vanilla

Vanilla is a gift of nature, one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs worthy of admiration. Its unique aroma affects the nervous system, giving rise to erotic fantasies and causing a feeling of euphoria.

In 1762, a scientific study was conducted in Germany on the effect of vanilla on male impotence (342 subjects claimed that the spice cured them), after which vanilla strengthened its reputation as an aphrodisiac.

Heliotropin - a charming sweet smell found in vanilla pods, has a calming effect on the nervous system, relieves emotional stress, relieves anxiety. The sweet, intoxicating scent of vanilla has been attracting attention for centuries. According to scientific studies, vanilla has a slight euphoria effect on the human body.

Vanilla scent

  • invigorates, reduces drowsiness;
  • improves blood circulation and increases muscle tone;
  • stimulates libido (especially in older men);
  • has a positive effect on disorders of the abdomen and central nervous system, soothes;
  • May promote weight loss by reducing cravings for sweets.

Vanilla essential oil, when used regularly, stimulates the secretion of estrogen, testosterone and other hormones that promote healthy sex drive. Quite often, vanilla, as the strongest aphrodisiac, is recommended for loss of libido, for men with erectile dysfunction and impotence, and for women with frigidity.

Vanilla during menstruation normalizes the cycle, anesthetizes. Recommended for women during menopause to improve the quality of life.

Vanilla composition

Vanilla pods contain B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6), minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron), tannins, resins, sugars, aldehyde vanillin, essential oils.

Useful properties of vanilla:

  • helps fight various infections;
  • reduces high temperature;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • reduces blood pressure.

Which vanilla to buy

Choose brown, oily flexible pods. Long pods are valued more than short pods because they contain more essential oils.

vanilla storage

Paper-wrapped vanilla should be stored in a tightly closed jar in a cool place (not the refrigerator). Vanilla must be aired every 2 months.

To make vanilla sugar, place the vanilla in a jar of sugar/powdered sugar. After 2-3 weeks, the smell of vanilla will completely saturate the sugar.

Vanilla in cooking

The Aztecs were the first to use vanilla, they mixed cocoa beans, honey, vanilla and they got the most excellent drink worthy of kings - chocolate.

Vanilla in cooking is used in the preparation of chocolate, puddings, custards, chocolates, curd desserts and casseroles, ice cream, bakery products, cookies, biscuits, etc. Vanilla serves as a flavoring agent for many non-alcoholic and alcoholic cocktails and drinks, some types of tea.


Pregnant women and those with individual intolerance should not get carried away with vanilla.

Artificial vanilla (vanillin)

In 1874, for the first time, it was possible to obtain vanillin synthetically, despite the low quality and complete lack of useful properties compared to a natural product, cheapness made synthetic vanillin insanely popular. Now more than 95% of all vanillin used in the world is synthetic.

Artificial vanillin is a carcinogen and has nothing to do with a natural product, it is synthesized on the basis of clove oil, using paper, coal, wood and oil distillation products

Artificial vanillin is cheap, but can be harmful to health, be careful.

Central America was for a long time the only country where vanilla was grown. It was not possible to grow vanilla in other countries of the tropics. The plants bloomed, but no pods appeared. Only in the 19th century was the reason for the failure discovered: vanilla flowers, which open for exactly one day, are pollinated in their homeland by a special species of bees and hummingbirds that live only in Mexico. Since then, artificial pollination of vanilla flowers has been used and grown in all countries with a tropical climate.

Freshly harvested vanilla pods do not have a characteristic aroma. The aroma and color of vanilla appears only if you douse the pods with hot water or steam (you can even notice white crystals on them - vanillin).

Vanilla was forbidden to be used in male and female monasteries in Europe, as it was believed that it contributes to the manifestation of unchastity.

spice VANILLA!

Vanilla - this is the unripe fruit of an orchid (the only orchid whose fruits are eaten). Madagascar confidently holds the first place in the production of this spice.

Vanilla has a subtle, rich, intoxicating, sweet aroma. It relieves irritation and soothes, bringing a sense of spiritual comfort. In a house that smells of vanilla, an atmosphere of calm and love reigns.

Vanilla is still one of the most expensive spices on the world market.. This is justified both by the lengthy and labor-intensive process of its processing, and by the painstaking cultivation of the spice itself (meaning the need for manual artificial pollination and the fact that only half of the flowers bear fruit).

High quality vanilla beans should be dark brown in color, slightly soft, rubbery, slightly twisted, and buttery to the touch (small white crystals may form on their surface). Light-colored and open, cracked or hard brittle sticks indicate that the vanilla is of poor quality - it has been half exhausted due to improper receipt or storage. Long vanilla beans are valued more than short vanilla beans. contain more essential oils.

The aroma of the spice is incredibly persistent. If stored properly, natural vanilla can retain its original smell for years (up to 40 years!). The sophistication and persistence of the aroma of real vanilla is determined not so much by vanillin, but by the very aromatic oily substances contained in it, of which there are more than a hundred (by the way, the composition of many of them has not yet been studied).

It is a proven fact that the aroma of vanilla adds flavor to sweet foods. O extra sweetness - they seem even sweeter than without vanilla (this property of vanilla is often used in the production of dietary products).

Perfumers love vanilla just as much as culinary experts, adding sweet and spicy notes of vanilla to their perfume lines.

In its natural form, vanilla is quite expensive, therefore, its synthetic substitute is mainly used - vanillin, which, unfortunately, is a carcinogen (!). This is not surprising, since synthetic vanillin is obtained from petroleum distillation products (!); the raw material for the production of artificial vanillin can also be wood, paper or coal (it is worth noting that the smell of such vanillin is completely devoid of the sophistication of the aroma of real vanilla).In order not to harm your health, you should give preference only to natural vanilla.. When buying vanilla sugar or extract, make sure it's a natural product and not an imitation (natural vanilla products can't be cheap).

The amazing properties of vanilla.

Vanilla helps to overcome cravings for chocolate and other unhealthy goodies, and therefore promotes weight loss.(For example, an experiment was conducted in which volunteers who constantly wore vanilla-scented patches lost an average of two and a half kilograms more than representatives of the control group).

Vanilla just like chocolate promotes the production of the hormone of joy- serotonin. It enhances productivity and enhances creativity. It is valued as a means of exciting and stimulating muscle activity. In addition, this spice improves the elasticity of the skin, increases its softness.

Vanilla neutralizes the effect of alcohol and even causes a direct disgust for it. It also improves digestion processes, normalizes the acidity of gastric juice, promotes the rapid breakdown and removal of carbohydrates from the body.

Vanilla is especially favorable to women, helping them get rid of depression, reduce nervous tension, and increase self-confidence. It normalizes the menstrual cycle and alleviates poor health on critical days; it is also recommended for use in menopause. And for those women who are in search of a second half or want to tie their beloved man closer to themselves, it is worth putting a napkin or cotton wool soaked in vanilla oil or a few pods of spice in the closet with linen.

Use in cooking.

Initially, vanilla was used exclusively for flavoring chocolate. Interestingly, the Aztecs were the first to add vanilla to the traditional chocolate tree drink (which we now call cocoa).

To date, vanilla has no equal in the confectionery industry.

Vanilla has the ability to enhance the taste, make it brighter and richer. It occupies a privileged place as a spice used to flavor the most exquisite confectionery products: chocolate and cocoa products, biscuit dough products, creams and ice cream.

Use vanilla in small quantities - 1/20 of a stick per serving or 1/4 of a stick per kilogram of product. It is worth remembering that the sweet smell of vanilla is deceptive; overdo it - and the dish will become bitter.

At home, it is very easy to make vanilla sugar from natural vanilla by leaving the spice pod in a tightly sealed container with sugar. It will soon be saturated with a fairly strong vanilla scent. The vanilla pods themselves lose only part of their flavor and can be used for another 6 months.

Another way to make vanilla sugar is to thoroughly grind a vanilla stick with powdered sugar in a porcelain mortar. This aromatic sugar can be successfully used in baking and various desserts (ice cream, creams, fruit dishes, etc.).

The aroma of natural vanilla is best revealed in liquids, so it is advisable to use vanilla to flavor drinks, creams, syrups, ice cream or pastry dough.

Indian chefs prepare vanilla extract as follows: boil the pods in milk, and then add fragrant milk to the dishes,having previously filtered it.

One way to add vanilla to a dessert is to grind part of the vanilla stick in a porcelain mortar, gradually adding sugar or powdered sugar until all the vanilla is crushed, and then this vanilla sugar is added to the confection (for example, mixed into cream or sprinkled already prepared dessert).

Another option for using vanilla: cut the pod in half lengthwise, remove the contents and add it to the culinary product. And what is left (skin) is well dried and ground in a coffee grinder; you get a powder that can perfectly flavor desserts.

And the most rational way to use vanilla is to place the pod, cut lengthwise, into the liquid used in the recipe, leave for about an hour, then squeeze, dry and place in a tightly closed container with sugar for several weeks.

Vanilla is not too fond of other spices and spices- perhaps only saffron and cinnamon are combined with it.

Vanilla should be stored in a cool, dark place. Never put vanilla in the refrigerator!

For storage, it is advisable to wrap the vanilla in cling film. It is advisable to place the spice pods wrapped in a film in a jar with an airtight lid. But since vanilla is an organic spice - it needs to be ventilated regularly.(approximately every two months). To do this, remove the pods from the jar, free them from the cling film and let them “breathe” for about 15 minutes. And then wrap them in foil again and place them in a jar.

Vanilla is considered one of the most valuable spices. She is adored by chefs and perfumers. They say it smells like angels. These and other secrets of the fragrant spice were revealed by Nadezhda SHAMAYEVA.

The Aztecs were the first to know about vanilla, for whom it became almost a sacred plant. In honor of vanilla, a legend about a beautiful but unhappy love was composed. One king had a daughter of such amazing beauty that it was a sin to give her in marriage to a mere mortal. She had only one path - to become a priestess. But one day the girl met a young man and fell in love with him, which angered the high priest, who ordered the lovers to be killed. After some time, a bush grew at the place of their death, and then a winding stem hugging this bush. Then flowers appeared on the stem, which soon turned into fragrant pods. This is how vanilla was born. Centuries passed, and in the 16th century, the Spanish conquistadors came to the Aztecs, whom Emperor Montezuma regaled with a signature Indian drink - chocolate with vanilla. The divine aroma of the latter captivated the head of the Spaniards, Hernan Cortes, so much that he took several bags of vanilla with him. But the fragrant spice did not immediately become popular in Europe. For almost 150 years, the Spaniards single-handedly enjoyed vanilla without telling anyone about it.

Readiness #1

Vanilla is born not at all as fragrant as it seems. Vanilla pods go through a lot of tests before they acquire a bewitching smell. To begin with, they are kept for some time in hot water, then wrapped in woolen blankets and left for three weeks. Then they leave it to dry in the sun, and after a month they check the readiness of the vanilla. If the pods stick to your fingers, then they are “ripe”. If not, they are left to “sunbathe” further.

Calm me down!

Vanilla has long been considered a medicinal plant. The Indians treated it for sore throats, coughs, fevers, chills, and used it as an antidote for bites. Europeans used vanilla for rheumatism and irritability. At the same time, vanilla was considered one of the most effective aphrodisiacs. Today, it has been scientifically proven that the smell of vanilla improves mood, helps fight depression, promotes the production of hormones of joy and reduces cravings for sweets.

Fragrant Facts

  • Vanillin has nothing to do with vanilla. Vanilla is a natural product, and vanillin is synthetic.
  • Vanilla has one of the most complex flavors. It includes 250 organic components and depends on the region where the plant grows.
  • The vanilla pod matures within 7-9 months.
  • Vanilla is the only edible fruit of the orchid family.
  • There are about 150 varieties of vanilla, but only two of them go on sale - bourbon and Tahitian.
  • Vanilla is the most labor-intensive crop in the world. The plant begins to bear fruit only three years after planting and requires a lot of attention and care.
  • The vanilla flower only blooms for one day. And in nature it is pollinated by only one species of bees and long-billed hummingbirds.

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