Why did Lyudmila die? The cause of death of Lyudmila Senchina has become known. When and where will the funeral of Lyudmila Senchina take place?

The sad news was announced by the artist’s third husband, who became a reliable support for Lyudmila Senchina in the fight against cancer, which caused her death. The singer’s entire personal life and biography is an example of decency and kindness towards her family and other people, especially children. Many generations of Soviet schoolchildren grew up listening to her songs, which became fairy-tale dreams of magic and tenderness.

  • Biography and love for music
  • Personal life
  • Recent years and illness

Biography and love for music

The future pop star was born in the small Ukrainian village of Kudryavtsy in Nikolaev. Senchina’s dad decided to give his daughter a royal gift - as Lyudmila said in an interview, he “aged” the child by several years by recording the date of birth in the village council as 1947 instead of 1950 - so, in his opinion, the girl could retire earlier. And the first 4 years of the little girl’s life passed under the faceless word “Dotsya”. The name did not appear on the metric right away - for a very long time the father could not figure out which one to choose for his only child.

This is interesting!
The artist’s mother is a hereditary Jew, while her father was born from the marriage of a Moldovan woman and a gypsy.

When the girl was 10 years old, the family moved to Krivoy Rog, which played an important role in the personal life and biography of Lyudmila Senchina - in big city There are many more opportunities for children from poor families to receive vocal education. It was here that the girl realized that she would connect her future with the song.

After graduation at a secondary school, Lyudmila entered the Rimsky-Korsakov Music College in Leningrad - northern capital Captivated the girl with her beauty and until the end of her days Senchina remained faithful to her beloved city.

Having received a diploma about vocational education, the singer joined the Musical Comedy Theater, where she performed on stage for the next 5 years. Along the way, Senchina participated in music competitions, becoming business card Soviet Union with a Cinderella song. The artist herself did not like this composition, wanting to be like Edita Piekha, who became the standard of beauty and talent on the stage of that time.

However, the simple song brought young talent unprecedented success. She became popular overnight. The artist began to be invited to the filming of musical films, to programs and performances of famous symphony orchestras - her beautiful soprano, attractive appearance and the absolute aristocratic performance of the artist made her performances unique and inimitable.

Personal life

For the first time, Senchina married her colleague, Vyacheslav Timoshin. By that time he was quite famous and was loved not only by listeners, but also by top management. Therefore, he could not pass by the young beauty who participated in the same performance with him. In 1975, the couple had a son, Vyacheslav, who later left for America and created a small insurance agency there.

Senchina’s second chosen one was Stas Namin, the famous creator of popular rock bands that filled entire stadiums of young people who wanted to join the fans of this musical trend in the territory of the former Soviet Union. Stas Namin was a great musician and leader, but a monstrously jealous person.

As the artist repeatedly recalled, scandals often occurred in the family due to the artist’s popularity and her demand - then the couple received bags of letters with enthusiastic responses after each Lyudmila’s concert. Therefore, the artist at one point simply ran away from the jealous man, realizing that nothing good would come from this marriage.

The third husband of the popular artist was Vladimir Andreev. As the artist said in a few interviews, most Her husband took on the “non-creative” work, so she was very lucky to have him. She was, as they say, like behind a stone wall - the man understood her perfectly and always tried to predict any desire.

He was not only the producer of the artist and her concert director. But also a faithful companion and assistant in the most difficult moments. The family did not officially register the marriage - according to the singer, there were no children in their family. And the sad experience of previous marriages left an unpleasant mark on the personal life and biography of Lyudmila Senchina. Therefore, she was somewhat biased towards the stamp in her passport.

Recent years and illness

In the 2000s, Lyudmila Senchina participated mainly in various television shows dedicated to popular artists of the last century. The singer was especially delighted by the appearance of the “Voice” project - she was amazed at the number of new talents and the quality of their work.

The singer has always been in awe of young talents performing live. So for many years she was friends with Igor Talkov, who began his career in the team of her second husband. She was even credited with an affair with a popular performer of patriotic and rock compositions.

An interesting fact - according to the artist Sergei Zakharov, his sympathy for the performer of soulful songs turned out sadly. A certain party boss tried to remove a handsome rival from his path and sent him to jail for several years on false charges.

The audience loved Lyudmila Senchina’s performance on the “Universal Artist” show, where the singer was able to try herself in new roles. The singer is also known for her numerous performances at charity concerts.

Over the past year and a half, Lyudmila Senchina has been battling pancreatic cancer, which caused the death of the people's favorite. An insidious illness interrupted the biography and personal life of the artist at the age of 67, leaving in the memory of children and adults numerous songs loved by all categories of the population for many years.

The unique "Cinderella" of the Soviet and Russian stage passed away on January 25, 2019. Long years she gifted the audience with her crystalline, gentle voice and charming smile. Always cheerful, she stubbornly resisted the disease and tried to live, no matter what. But, unfortunately, the singer fell under the onslaught of illness. Recently Lyudmila Petrovna celebrated her 67th birthday.

Biography of Lyudmila Senchina

Lyudmila Petrovna Senchina was born in the Nikolaev region in 1950. The parents of the future star were simple Soviet workers. The father believed in his daughter's talent, so early age She already shone on stage in small performances, then sang on the stage of a village recreation center. In 1966, after graduating from school, the singer came to Leningrad to become a student at a music school. As a result, the future star is studying at the school at the Leningrad Conservatory.

Since 1970 he has been working on the stage of musical comedy. On these stages for several years, Lyudmila brilliantly played many wonderful roles. In 1971 it became its finest hour. She recorded the song “Cinderella” and performed with it on the stage of the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall. The success was enormous. Her gentle crystal voice and sweet appearance suited this song perfectly. “Cinderella” became the singer’s calling card for life.

In addition to her amazing voice, the singer had amazing acting talent. The actress played leading roles in the films “Shelmenko the Batman”, “The Magic Power of Art” and some others. In 1977, the leader at the box office was the film “Armed and Very Dangerous,” where, by Soviet standards, Lyudmila’s participation was a rather explicit scene.

In 1979, Lyudmila Petrovna was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR, and in 2002 she became People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Senchina Lyudmila passed away on January 25, 2019 at the age of 68. For the past year and a half she has suffered from a serious illness.

Personal life

Brilliant Soviet and Russian singer was married three times. Her first chosen one is the artist of the Leningrad operetta Vyacheslav Timoshin. He would be much older than Lyudmila, the age difference was 21 years. From this marriage the only child of the star was born - son Vladislav. He currently lives and works in the USA.

For the second time, the artist married Stas Namin, a Soviet and Russian musician, creator of the group “Flowers”. The couple lived together for seven years and then separated.

The third chosen one, with whom Lyudmila Petrovna was until the end of her days, was Vladimir Andreev, the producer and for many years the director of the singer.

Health, cause of death

On January 25, early in the morning, the singer, actress, beloved by millions, died in one of the St. Petersburg clinics. People's Artist Lyudmila Petrovna Senchina. This news excited all the media. The artist’s colleagues express grief and refuse to believe what happened.

Woman’s day correspondents talked with Lyudmila Petrovna last summer. She joked cheerfully, smiled, and lovingly talked about her favorite cats and dacha. True, there was still a hint of fatigue in her voice. In this interview, the singer admitted that sometimes depression overcomes her, so after all the concerts she always strives to return to the dacha - a place of extraordinary peace and quiet, where she can heal her exhausted nerves.

The death of the popularly beloved singer shocked fans and colleagues. Tatyana Bulanova, who knew Lyudmila Petrovna well, said the following about her favorite performer: “Very tragic and sad news. We knew each other well, met often and talked. He was an unusually bright man with a great sense of humor. Her voice flowed like a bell. Bright memory, very sad".

It turns out that in recent years Lyudmila had health problems, but few people knew about it, since she did not like to show her problems. Senchina had been in the clinic since December, but the doctors did not make any pessimistic forecasts. The singer had an event planned for January 27 in honor of the lifting of the siege of Leningrad.

The newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" talked with the director of the St. Petersburg concert hall "BKZ Oktyabrsky" and close friend Senchina Emma Lavrinovich. Emma Vasilievna told the news publication that “Lyudochka” Lately She was seriously ill, she tried to fight cancer, but the disease overcame her. Last time Lyudmila performed at the BKZ anniversary at the end of October last year. Then it was already difficult for her to go on stage, but, overcoming the pain, she performed for the audience and gave good mood. The public had no idea about the singer’s illness. She sang beautifully, smiled at everyone, the audience did not feel anything. Only her close friends and colleagues knew about the artist’s illness; Lyudmila Petrovna asked them not to talk about her illness.

For fans of creativity, the news of Senchina’s death came as a shock. Even her closest friends and relatives had no idea about her serious illness and condition. In what year did Lyudmila Senchina die? The artist died on January 25, 2018 at the age of 68.

Senchina fought the disease and held on until the last

After the news of the actress's death, some friends began to share memories of recent years, months of the life of everyone’s beloved “Cinderella” - this song became a household name in her life, bringing fame and love from the audience at the beginning of her career. It is known that the disease that caused the death of Lyudmila Senchina was painful and made the singer suffer. But she, despite all her external vulnerability, held on steadfastly and did not show it, continuing to perform as long as she had the strength.

Composer Alexander Morozov called Lyudmila Petrovna when she was in the hospital. According to him, she understood the seriousness of the situation and once complained, “I feel so bad, I have no urine.” Emma Lavrinovich, director of the Great Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, explained that Senchina was receiving treatment in Russia all the time. She had several courses of chemotherapy behind her. But they didn’t help... Even on the verge of death, the actress tried to help someone else - she gave charity concerts, and, at the first request, sang in front of seriously ill people.

Semyon Altov recalled that he visited Senchina several months before her death. She showed off the new dacha and was in a good mood, not giving the appearance that she was feeling ill. By this time, the 67-year-old woman had lost a lot of weight, but she held on and tried to look decent - her constant sweet smile with dimples on her cheeks, makeup.

The former director of comedian Yan Arlazorov, who also died of cancer, Lyudmila Karchevskaya, said that the cause of Lyudmila Senchina’s death was cancer. What, you ask? Pancreas. The singer herself admitted that the gland itself does not hurt. But she did not learn about the exact diagnosis from Lyudmila - her husband Vladimir admitted this. He turned out to be loving person and until the last moment he did not leave his wife’s side, surrounding her with care and attention. Vladimir had a hard time with Senchina’s death - they fought cancer for a year and a half and everything was in vain...

A colleague from the shop, Natalya Gulkina, was friends with the singer, who recalls that Lyudmila limited herself in food and complained about her pancreas. She even went into remission—it became easier. And after that the condition worsened sharply. Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. guessed about Senchina’s illness, but recalls that when they met, she didn’t even show that she wasn’t feeling well, she tried to be cheerful and carefree.

Doctors have confirmed that the cause of death of singer Lyudmila Senchina was the fourth form of pancreatic cancer.

Fate: childhood, youth, three marriages

Lyudmila Senchina was born on December 13, 1950 and grew up in the family of Pyotr Markovich, director of a recreation center and Sara Alekseevna, a rural teacher. Lyudmila had a brother Volodya, who died at the age of 41 from a heart attack. While still a schoolgirl, Lyudochka was involved in amateur performances in Krivoy Rog. And in 1966 she entered the music school at the Leningrad Conservatory in the department of musical comedy. After graduating, she began working at the Leningrad Musical Comedy Theater. But she woke up famous after she performed the song “Cinderella” at the “Blue Light”. The People's Artist was the TV presenter of the Artloto program, and in 1975 she became a soloist of a popular pop orchestra and starred in the film Armed and Very Dangerous.

Lyudmila Senchina was married three times. Her first husband was Vyacheslav Timoshin, an operetta artist, from whom she gave birth to her only and adored son, Vyacheslav. He went to America at the age of 19 and settled well there. She often communicated with her son by phone. The first marriage exhausted itself after 10 years. And then there was a strange relationship with Stas Namin. Senchina married him, but jealousy, demands to leave her favorite job, scandals and even beatings led to a break in the relationship. After 6 years, someone appeared in her life who became a loved one, a friend, a stone wall. She lived with Vladimir Andreev until last day own life.

“It's been hard lately. We often sat and talked with her. A lot will depend on your character, on your desire to live now.” She says: “I'm trying. I'm trying". But the disease does not spare,” Emma recalls in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Lyudmila Senchina hasn't been feeling well lately, cancer has knocked her down, but she didn't want to leave the stage. She needed a lot of strength to fight the disease, and she drew it from the audience’s applause.


“We had BKZ’s birthday in October, she was already feeling bad then, but she still went on stage. She smiled, the audience did not feel anything. She seemed to be charged with the energy of the audience and this kept her going. She had a great desire to survive, to survive, but alas,” says the singer’s friend.


The artist died in St. Petersburg, and this tragic news left no one indifferent. Joseph Kobzon, shocked by the death of his colleague, said, “It’s a shame, because we have a lot of these twirls who dominate the stage today. But unfortunately, Lyudmila Petrovna is not as memorable and bright as Lyudmila Petrovna was.”


“We are not subject to nature. Beautiful, talented, kind soul, who delighted us with her exquisite and charming songs. Silently, quietly, without noise, she left us. It’s a pity,” the singer summed up sadly.
Tatyana Bulanova said that she was well acquainted with Senchina. “Stunning tragic news. We knew Lyudmila Petrovna quite closely and talked often. We met not long ago. It was so bright man with a sense of humor... Her voice is like a bell. Sad to the point of tears. Blessed memory,” said the saddened star.


Ivan Krasko was also discouraged by the death of his beloved singer. “This is such a little man! She was such a nice woman, so affectionate, so kind!” - he said.


Stanislav Sadalsky posted a photo of Lyudmila Senchina on his Instagram with the caption: “The undying STAR has gone out... The image of purity and tenderness, crystal transparency, light and goodness on our stage is gone! Beautiful, charming, modest, talented...”


Internet users write warm words remembering the star, express condolences to the family and friends of the deceased and mourn with them. One more talented person took away a terrible illness. Lyudmila Senchina will live forever in our hearts.

    Recently, one after another, the most talented and best artists of our country are leaving this world. On January 25, 2018, the most beautiful singer in Russia, whose magical voice delighted us for many years, passed away. She was also called the “Cinderella of the Russian stage” thanks to the song she performed, which brought popularity to the singer. The biography of Lyudmila Senchina, personal life, family, children, as well as the cause of death will be discussed in this article.

    Yesterday, an unexpected and regrettable event shocked the world of art and all admirers of the work of the wonderful singer and film actress Lyudmila Senchina. What is the cause of her death will be described below. You can also find out interesting facts about the biography and personal life of your beloved artist who died so early. Whether she had a family or children is of interest to many.

    Lyudmila Petrovna Senchina was born in 1950, her biography began in Ukraine, in the small village of Kudryavtsy, Nikolavesky region. The personal life of all the inhabitants of a small village (as always happens) was known to everyone. The Senchin family had two children: Lyudmila and her older brother Vladimir, who died in 1982 (cause of death - heart attack).

    My parents belonged to the intelligentsia: my dad first worked in the cultural sector, and then became the head of a cultural center. My mother, Moldovan by nationality, worked as a teacher. The family was musical, my mother had a beautiful voice.

    Interesting: As long as Lyuda can remember, songs were heard around her, which is typical for the Little Russian land. The girl, unbeknownst to herself, also learned to sing; she probably inherited her vocal talent from her mother.

    Father's surname Senchin was Moldavian, so it was not inclined. In Lyudmila’s passport it is written: Lyudmila Petrovna Senchin. But later, when changing her passport after divorcing her first husband, she added the ending “a” to her previous last name.

    There was also confusion with the singer’s year of birth: the date of birth indicated in the passport is 1948. Lyudmila explained this by saying that the father intended to indicate such a year so that his daughter could receive a pension earlier.

    Soon the father of the Senchin family was offered a job in Krivoy Rog, so the whole family moved to this city. Luda was ten years old at that time. There she had more opportunities to realize her abilities. The girl was actively involved in amateur performances and performed on stage.

    As a child, Luda watched the then fashionable French musical film “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg” in a club. IN leading role It starred film star Catherine Deneuve, who performed songs by Michel Legrand.

    Interesting: Luda was captivated by this beautiful music, but she could not even imagine that she would later sing with this famous composer.

    Vocal career

    After finishing ten years of secondary school, Lyudmila already knew what profession to choose; she had dreamed of it for a long time. The girl went from Ukraine to Leningrad, but did not calculate the time. And while she was getting there, the recruitment of applicants to the music school had already been completed. Then Lyudmila, like the famous heroine of the Soviet comedy Frosa Burlakova, accidentally met the teacher and persuaded him to listen to her.

    Lyudmila performed Schubert’s “Serenade” (“My song flies with prayer…”) and captivated the teachers with her wonderful voice. She was allowed to take the entrance exams, which she passed successfully and was enrolled in the first year.

    After the end of the musical educational institution Lyudmila went to work at the Musical Comedy Theater. After working there for some time, she quit due to a conflict with the new management. But this only played into her hands: the young singer began to actively perform on the Soviet stage. Thanks to this, thousands of listeners learned about her talent. She performed various songs by Soviet composers, but the song “Cinderella” brought her particular success. It became the singer’s calling card for life.

    Senchina's refined, unusually high and clear voice was perfectly demonstrated in this song. In addition, the singer had amazing beauty: blond, lush hair, big eyes, a charming smile - all this was appreciated by the audience. Senchina soon gained many fans and became the favorite singer of Soviet listeners.

    However, she also very soon became famous abroad: in 1975, she had a resounding victory at the song contest. international competition in Bratislava, then the Grand Prix in Sopot.

    Important! Everyone admitted that she had risen on the stage new star. She performed many songs, each of which brought her more and more popularity.

    The whole country knew her songs by heart. Her duet with another famous singer, Eduard Gil, is interesting. They sang the song “Give me some music!” In 1979, Senchina became an Honored Artist of Russia, and in 2002, a People’s Artist.

    Soon her dream came true - during a trip to Russia, Michel Legrand invited Senchina to record a joint album of songs from the film “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg”.

    Actor career

    Few people know Lyudmila Senchina as a film actress, but, nevertheless, she starred in several films. Her film debut took place in 1970 in the film "Magic Power", where she played a teacher in English. According to the plot, she had to take her class to the cinema to see a film about the elusive Avengers, during which the children staged a real shootout. The funny plot brought Senchina popularity as an actress.

    Then there was participation in the films: “Shelmenko the Batman” and “After the Fair”. These are colorful Little Russian comedies in which the actress was able to show her excellent sense of humor and acting talent.

    In 1977, she played a singer in the film “Armed and Very Dangerous,” in which an erotic scene was shown for the first time. However, it was filmed by accident (actor Bronevoy accidentally touched part of Lyudmila’s clothes, as a result of which she was exposed), but the director did not want to cut out such a successful shot. After this, Senchina was nicknamed a “sex symbol.”

    Personal life

    The personal life of Lyudmila Senchina is no less fascinating than her biography. Numerous fans were always interested in whether she had a family or children. Below will be the answer to this question, and the cause of the singer’s death will also be indicated.

    Officially, Senchina was married three times. Her first husband was operetta artist Vyacheslav Timoshin, from whom she gave birth to a son. He was named the same as his father; now the young man lives in the States. A year after the birth of the child, Lyudmila became interested in another man, as a result of which she left her husband and left with her beloved. But soon she broke up with him too. Later, Lyudmila said that she very much regretted her action, committed as a result of her youth and frivolity.

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