Why are voices heard in dreams? Dream interpretation of the sorceress Medea. An unfamiliar male voice read a prayer in a dream

According to statistics, one person in a thousand hears a voice in a dream at least once in their life. That is, he does not dream that someone is talking to him, but he actually and clearly hears the words of someone invisible. Sometimes it is a clear voice that is very familiar, such as mom, dad, grandma, a neighbor, or someone who has died. In other cases, an intrusive whisper is heard. This page explains who speaks to the sleeping person, and how to get rid of voices if they constantly bother you.

I read it. I don't know if I will receive an answer from you. But I just need it! I hear a voice in my sleep. This is not constant, but periodically. It’s as if someone sees my dreams and comments on them with a vile whisper in my ear. This is why I wake up. And from time to time I am woken up by various sounds that are not really there: pops, blows, explosions, falling of some objects, etc. And tactile sensations. For example, I dream that a rat is biting my finger, and I actually wake up feeling a tingling sensation in my finger. If you can, please answer me, otherwise I’m already thinking about visiting a psychiatrist.

Who speaks when people sleep?

Many people have heard a voice in a dream. Invisible entities speak next to all living people. Creatures that are not perceived by the eyes of ordinary people are called ephemerals by the gods. Individuals who are brought up in the spirit of faith in God call them demons, angels, demons and other names that are also mentioned in mythology. These invisible entities do not need, like people, to sleep, eat or do any business. So they entertain themselves with conversations. Ephemera exist for about a year and a half and then die.

But while they are there, their main occupation is thinking. Their consciousnesses are very limited, and they do not see the physical world, just as people do not see ephemerals and their habitat. To perceive the physical world, beings insert themselves into the thoughts and dreams of the living. Such implementations give them a lot of emotions and even quite real experiences for them. It's like a person watching a 3D movie in a movie theater. Being under impressions, the creature speaks about what it is experiencing. In this case, a clairaudient person can hear the voice of the ephemera in a dream.

But everything gets boring at some point, including ephemeral creatures, so many of them begin to get used to the thrill that they received while a person was dreaming about something or watching a dream. So they entertain themselves in other ways. These may be attempts to instill something in a person or in ephemerals weaker than them. They also try to pronounce what they perceive and give comments about what a person saw in a dream. Being in a borderline state between reality and reality, you can hear a strange voice in a dream talking about what you dreamed about.

How to get rid of dream commentators?

Some people are bothered by a woman's voice in a dream, others by a man's voice, others by a voice whose gender is very difficult to determine, and still others, like the author of the letter cited at the beginning of the publication, are disturbed by an ugly whisper. In the ephemeral world there are much more underdeveloped creatures than in the physical world. Many of those creatures that whisper believe that if they speak out loud, they will be heard. But when you tell this ephemera that you can already hear him, then in theory he should shut up. However, he does not understand this and continues to whisper. In this case, one should conclude that a telepathic connection arose with a stupid creature with limited consciousness.

Other whisperers became like this because they were unable to receive a voice from space. Most of the voices that can be heard in a dream, and even in reality for a clairvoyant, arise against the background of some sounds. This could be a noisy fan, the sounds of running motors and electrical appliances, a strong roar on the street, etc. If a whisperer speaks, it means that his voice comes from a completely muffled source. A person may not even catch the latter. Therefore, at night you should try to spend a couple of hours in an alert state, listening to the noise. When the source of the hissing sounds is discovered and eliminated, it will be possible to take away the ephemeral creature’s “voice” - the ability to voice what it thinks.

The second reason for the occurrence of clairaudience, which is why you can hear a voice in a dream, is severe overheating of the energy. This usually results in something like a fiery circle around the head. In the world beyond, the energies of fire and wood allow ephemerals to communicate with each other. If a person has a lot of this energy in his energy system, then he will hear ephemerals, but not all of them, but only those that have been near him for some time.

In order to no longer hear voices in reality, you need to weaken fire and wood in your energy. To do this, you need to switch to eating rice and exclude fire and wood products from your diet. You need to stop smoking, drinking, drinking tea and coffee, and using drugs. You should take zinc tablets without vitamin C.

Why do strange sounds occur in a dream, and how to get rid of them?

From the previous parts of this article it is clear what a voice in a dream means and how to get rid of it. Now we need to figure out why a woman who hears whispers at night wakes up from strange sounds. There are 2 reasons for their occurrence:
- a channel has been created through which she perceives what is happening somewhere far from her;
- an ephemeral creature that whispers next to her, mentally repeats the sounds that it hears, and the sleeping woman perceives them as if they actually sounded.

The problem of this woman is the following - when she falls asleep, she is in a borderline state between a complete blackout and a state of wakefulness. While staying in it, many astral travelers; people who are interested in lucid dreaming; sorcerers and magicians can go beyond the boundaries of their consciousnesses, limited by the physical world. You can use this feature to travel in the delirium of your subconscious, considering what you see to be unusual, existing worlds.

This is what many people do, thinking that they have stepped beyond the boundaries of their usual reality. You can listen to the chatter of ephemera, trying to hear the voice of an intelligent being. But it’s better to try to get rid of the borderline state and then the sounds will no longer bother you.

In order for neither the sound nor the voice in a dream to interfere with sleep or wake you up, you need to achieve a state where the consciousness becomes very tired and switches off. This is achieved by doing physical work. When a person is tired, his night's rest passes without dreams, and he does not find himself in a borderline state between reality and reality.

Another way to get tired is to constantly think. For example, solving some problems, answering many questions from different people, and so on. Thus, the consciousness becomes very tired, and therefore will try to switch off in order to get rest. The third way to fall asleep deeply is to take a sedative. However, clairaudient people should not take herbal infusions or herbal tablets. After all, they only enhance the ability to hear voices.

Why do you feel something during your sleep and after waking up? Is it possible to get rid of these feelings?

In addition to the fact that a woman who sought advice was awakened more than once by a voice, she is also awakened by sensations that she perceives as real. At this point I would like to recommend studying Feng Shui so as not to come up with nonsense and not consider yourself an abnormal person. Feng Shui, at its core, is a method of studying energies, their qualities, properties and mechanisms that influence the living and the dead, the physical and the subtle.

Understanding how energy flows affect everything, a person ceases to consider himself mentally ill. He is aware of his characteristics and understands how the subconscious perceives the world and how consciousness records it. This knowledge takes him away from the inexplicable theories of esotericists and allows him to soberly perceive what is happening.

There are only five energies: fire, earth, metal, water and wood. If fire is strongly manifested in a person’s energy, he may dream of something erotic or aggression. If a person has more or less balanced energy, then the dream may be different. For example, in it a rat bites a finger.

But in fact, in this case, streams of water and metal energies rush into the energy overflowing with the fiery element, which suppress the fire and create, in this case, balance. But the subconscious interprets this process in its own way, the way it remembers how a person reacts to the world and what is happening in it. It selects the most relevant information and shows it in a dream.

The woman who asked for advice had probably seen rats, even if only in a picture, and someone had probably bitten her finger, maybe even in early childhood. That's why she dreamed about it. It could also be that the plot was told to her by the voice she hears, although this is unlikely. If she has not experienced animal bites or encountered rats, then she was probably presented with information as it appears in the visible world.

In Feng Shui, it is believed that a rat belongs to the element of water, and a bite with sharp teeth is considered to belong to metal. That's why I had such a dream. After waking up, the young woman experienced pinprick sensations, because the metallic energy was concentrated in her finger. If the sleeping woman had vivid experiences from drowning in water or after being cut with a razor, then the dream would be about this. That is, we dream of images that arise at the energy level. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, you just need to understand what’s happening with the body’s energy and draw the appropriate conclusions.

When you wake up because you happened to hear a man’s voice, a woman’s voice or a whisper in a dream, and also because you have vivid dreams that excite the mind with strong sensations, this again means that the sleeper does not fall asleep completely. This is an example of that very borderline state between the perception of the world by the rational consciousness and the not entirely logical subconscious.

In this case, you need to try to get tired, or you can use relaxers. The simplest ones are better, for example, the same St. John's wort. Among other things, you need to train your mind so that it does not show dreams. This is done with a clear attitude - a thought that is held in consciousness the entire time you fall asleep. If you carry out such concentration on a certain thought every evening, then dreams will remain a thing of the past and will no longer bother you.

Is it worth going to a psychiatrist if you hear voices and really feel like you are dreaming?

To answer this question, you first need to think about who psychiatrists are. These are people who graduated from some institutions that are considered to provide higher education in the physical world. They are interested in seeing the direction in which they work develop. Their income and the development of psychiatry directly depend on the number of patients.

If people seek salvation from a psychiatrist - someone who has no idea what it means to hear a familiar voice in a dream or an unfamiliar one and has no idea about the subtle world and its population, then they are dooming themselves to suffering. For a psychiatrist, patients' stories are complete nonsense. He does not see in these people special individuals who have extraordinary abilities. But rather, mentally disabled.

A psychiatrist will not be able to help a person who actually hears voices in his sleep, and does not invent them. The doctor will prescribe medications that will change your mental state. After taking these same medications, a person usually hears even more clearly the voice of the ephemera bothering him. And a psychiatrist calls this condition progressive schizophrenia. Therefore, visiting this specialist will only be useful for people suffering from schizophrenia.

If you don’t want to be considered mentally ill, you should understand what’s really happening. You need to try to get rid of your abilities yourself. Feng Shui and the methods listed in this article help with this. A serious approach to this problem helps to get rid of clairaudience. But if you hear a voice in your sleep every night, and you can’t stand it, you can consult a psychiatrist. Approximately 2 % of 100 % of all clairaudient people say that medications prescribed by a doctor help them.

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This site publishes articles in which information is given by a person who perceives the beyond not at the subconscious level, but clearly, as the physical world. If the content of the texts seems strange, incomprehensible, repulsive or incorrect, you should treat it as fiction - fiction. Well, anyone who has ever looked into the beyond will immediately understand whether the truth or fiction is conveyed in these articles.

  1. Anna

    Hello! I had a similar incident this morning, I woke up in the morning and decided to get some more sleep, and at that time a male voice (very pleasant) called me, which I had to answer. very real, I think I have a lot of fire in me. and a few years ago a little boy, (the son of friends) he is 6 years old, somehow when communicating with him I saw not his face, but as if some kind of gnome had appeared (as if this boy was wearing a rubber mask, the time was very quickly., whoever was nearby did not notice anything, and in general this child felt like an adult (I was even embarrassed at times in his presence). manifestation?

  2. Core

    Good afternoon

  3. Natalia

    Hello! I woke up early in the morning from the voice of my mother (thank God she is alive). In a dream I heard very clearly her words “God is merciful.” I fell asleep again, but after some time I woke up again from her same words, but it seemed to me that I wasn’t even asleep anymore, but was kind of half-asleep. She repeated this to me several times. All day long I have this memory of the voice in my head.
    What is it for?
    Thank you.

  4. Core

    @ Natalia:

    Good afternoon

    You heard an ephemeral entity. Usually there is a sound or noise background around each person. It occurs due to sounds that are heard indoors and outdoors, as well as due to your own heartbeat. Therefore, each specific person hears the voices of loved ones or strangers in his own way.

    There is a certain noise background around you, through which the thought of the ephemera penetrates and is voiced by noise. Since these sounds are very similar to those made by your mother, you identify the voice of the ephemeral as the voice of your mother. For this very reason, most clairaudients believe that ephemera can fake voices. , You will understand a lot.

    An ephemeral creature is able to read the thoughts and hear the words of other people. So it repeats what it hears. The words it spoke mean nothing. And in general, the case itself does not mean anything, except that it indicates that you possess the gift of clairaudience.

The article on the topic: “dream book of hearing a woman’s voice” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

at the Women's Club!

Although most dreams captivate us with their visual images, sometimes we clearly hear a whole range of sounds. The most common sound dream is one in which we hear someone's voice.

Sometimes dreams of this kind are frightening and leave a feeling of anxiety and fear. But you shouldn’t draw negative conclusions ahead of time.

The dream book characterizes the voice as a warning, a good sign or a harbinger of change. While listening to someone’s speech in a dream, try to understand and remember who is speaking to you, what the words were about and in what tone, and whether they addressed you by name.

Voice of the Dead

Probably the most ambiguous and disturbing question is why you dream about the voice of a deceased person. Traditionally, the dream book advises listening to the words that the dead speak. This could be advice, a warning, or a simple wise piece of advice from the other world. The voice of a deceased person in a dream is not such a terrible sign as many are accustomed to think.

It is especially important to listen to the speech of the deceased if he is your relative. Our loved ones come into our dreams only with good intentions, in order to tell us something important. Some dream books claim that the voice of a deceased mother in a dream is a harbinger of a happy family life, and the voice of a grandmother is a quick success in any professional endeavor.

But if you have a dream where the voice of the deceased is calling you by name, be careful. Perhaps everyone knows that it is impossible to respond to such a cry. This dream is a warning: in the near future you need to be careful, take care of your health and not enter into dubious acquaintances.

Who's speaking?

  • Hearing an unfamiliar female voice in a dream means success. And if, among other things, admiration and delight can be traced in the intonation, and she calls you by name, achievements will not only lead you to career growth, but will also give you recognition from those around you.
  • The dream book often interprets the voice of a young guy as deception and a cunning trick to confuse you. So listen to what he says and do the opposite.
  • If you dreamed about the voice of an unfamiliar man in a dream, this foreshadows the appearance of a rival for the man and a patron for the girl.

A common dream plot is to speak or scream in a dream, but not utter a sound, as if your voice has disappeared. There are a variety of interpretations of such a dream.

  • If you scream or speak without a voice in a dream, events await you in the future that you cannot influence. At the same time, not everything will suit you completely, and you will have to put up with some unpleasant aspects of what is happening.
  • On the eve of a real performance, a dream where your voice has disappeared will be a great sign. Success awaits you at the event, and all fear of the public will disappear in an instant.
  • Sometimes a dream in which you cannot speak or scream has a simple explanation: you are tired. Probably, persistent hard work, anxiety, lack of sleep and other things that negatively affect our well-being have taken their toll. Such a dream is a sign that it’s time to take a little break.
  • Another meaning of a “voiceless” dream is your distrust of people in reality. You rely solely on yourself, refusing the help of others. But take a closer look at your surroundings: friends are nearby, and they can really help.

Talking to family

In a dream, we are also able to talk with our relatives, whom we see every day. Moreover, such a dream may only be a reflection of a recent conversation, a desire to raise an important topic, or it may mean something else.

Talking to your spouse means changes in the marital relationship. There is a possibility that a series of conflicts will come, which, fortunately, will be followed by complete understanding and harmony. If your significant other calls you by name, it's a nice sign that he or she thinks about you often.

Pay attention to what the baby's voice means in dreams, especially if he is calling you. In reality, you are probably not paying enough attention to your children. And although, most likely, this happened because of work, try to be with your children more often. Especially if your child has now reached a difficult teenage period, when a serious conversation with his parents will help avoid trouble.

Hearing your father’s voice in a dream means subconsciously analyzing the state of affairs at the moment. Here it is worth listening to the words and intonations. The sad note in the father's voice means that everything will not develop as planned. A cheerful, cheerful voice means things will turn out well.

Hearing your mother’s voice in a dream means thinking about starting a family in reality. Such a dream is especially important for a girl. There is a possibility that she is so immersed in her career and work that she has completely forgotten about herself, about her feminine purpose.

For lovers

The simplest meaning is a reflection of your thoughts. You are so absorbed in the object of your passion that you hear its voice even in your dreams. At the same time, your feelings are completely mutual, and even if you have not yet received confirmation of this, very soon he or she will open up to you.

  • A lover's upset, dissatisfied voice may foreshadow tension in the relationship. To avoid this, try to be more attentive and affectionate with your loved one.
  • If your lover addresses you by name, he is planning to give you a pleasant surprise soon and is constantly thinking about it.
  • The voice of your loved one, which you heard on the phone, portends an imminent meeting.
  • If you hear your lover calling you, it means that in reality he misses you and thinks a lot about you.


If you suddenly wake up from your own scream, it's time to deal with your nerves. Apparently, in reality you were stressed and worried a lot, and the tension is looking for a way out in any way.

Waking up to your own laughter is a good sign. This is such a favorable period in your life that even in your dreams you are laughing and full of happiness.

It's not a good sign if the voice you woke up from is calling your name. The situation will be such that even a very close person can unwittingly harm you with his advice. In the near future, try not to listen to other people's words, but turn to your intuition.

If the voice that addressed you by name in a dream seemed otherworldly or unpleasant, in real life everything will turn out perfectly. The intrigues that your enemies will try to build for you will turn against them.

And the most important advice

  • Dream Interpretation

    Hear a woman's voice

    Dream Interpretation Hearing a woman's voice dreamed about why you dream about hearing a woman’s voice? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see Hearing a woman’s voice in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Why do you dream of a woman’s voice - interpretation of sleep from dream books

    Miller's Dream Book

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    A crying voice predicts hidden enemies who will try to discredit you in front of your superiors. If a woman’s voice called for you, beware of dubious enterprises. Participation in an adventure can end disastrously for you.

    Muslim dream book (Islamic)

    Dream Interpretation of Hasse

    People also dreamed of a woman's voice in dreams

    A dream from Saturday to Sunday does not foretell negative events, but shows whether hopes and dreams will come true.

    Why do you dream about the Voice?

    In reality, it happens that a person who is attractive in appearance starts talking and the sound of his voice immediately spoils the whole picture. Or, on the contrary, an unremarkable person with physical disabilities, starting to talk, immediately attracts the attention of the people around him.

    If we hear voices

    Hearing voices in reality is quite scary, unpleasant, and can indicate a person’s mental illness. But dreams are a completely different reality. Why do you dream about a voice? It’s difficult to give a definite answer; initially, it’s worth understanding the details of the dream.

    It is important to decipher the advice of the subconscious in a dream

    A voice belonging to a man

    It’s good if a woman not only heard a man’s voice, but also remembered what he said. If you listen to him and act as he tells you, you will be able to achieve success.

    For a man, such a vision is not so positive. It suggests that in reality you are in a constant struggle for the best place. Competition is an integral part of your life.

    A dream may predict that you will have to enter into open confrontation with the enemy. To win, you must prove yourself to be a real man and listen to the advice given in the dream.

    It's important to listen so you know what to do next.

    The plot in which you hear a young guy telling something is interestingly considered in dream books. His advice is completely wrong and you should do exactly the opposite.

    Hear a guy from a dream and understand that he is openly lying to you - follow the advice and you will see the result.

    Girlish voice

    Listen to what you heard, it will give you the key to what to do next to solve your pressing problems.

    Did you dream about a voice in a dream that belongs to a stranger? First of all, you should listen not even to the words, but to the intonation with which what was said was said. When a stranger openly admired you or was surprised, then you have to do something unexpected. Your behavior will be radically different from your usual behavior.

    Dreaming of a relative's voice

    According to the dream book, the father’s voice in a dream is today’s affairs, state. Listen to the intonation with which your father spoke. If the voice was joyful, then things will work out for you in the best possible way. When the voice was sad or angry, then soon everything will go awry. Troubles and adversities will haunt you. It is worth finding the cause of disasters and eliminating it.

    Trying to hear words in a dream

    • sleeping together with your spouse may mean that he said something in a dream, and you just heard him; such a dream does not carry any meaning;
    • if you exclude the first option, then the prediction will be disappointing: soon he or you will commit treason, and family life will no longer be happy.

    When you hear your mother telling you something, but don’t see her, this is quite negative, according to dream interpreters. In reality, you neglect your responsibilities to your family and loved ones. You should not continue in the same spirit, otherwise you will move away from them so much that rapprochement will no longer be possible. When trouble happens to you, you simply will not have a single person close to you who would express a desire to help you.

    For parents, hearing their son's voice in a dream is extremely negative. Your child, even if he is quite an adult, is in dire need of help. It is only in your power to save him from harm, and the sooner you start acting, the more favorable the outcome will be.

    Conversation with the afterlife

    When you hear the voice of a deceased relative, then, according to the dream book, this is a direct guide to action. You should listen and follow the advice. This dream carries neither negative nor positive connotations. Everything will depend on the meaning of what is said.

    Talking to your deceased grandmother in a dream

    It is negative if the deceased calls you to him. Not only will you have to face difficulties along the path of life, overcoming which you will need a lot of strength and endurance. Such a dream also promises mortal danger to which the dreamer is exposed.

    Did you have a conversation with your late grandmother in your night vision? She passed on part of her gift or her cross. But you will have to carry it. It's good if you remember the words that the old lady told you and follow them.

    The voice of the deceased mother promises peace and tranquility in your family. Even if until recently you and your spouse lived unfavorably, then in the near future everything will get better, and you will stop harassing each other with groundless accusations. The mother was very excited about something - you should beware of the danger that comes from enemies.

    Your relative recently died, and you hear his voice in a dream? A serious quarrel is brewing around. The situation has been escalating for a long time, but soon it will break out and fall on you. The dreamer should beware of not only psychological pressure, but also physical injuries.

    Hearing a beloved - a thirst for communication with him

    The voice of a loved one in a dream

    If in night vision you heard the voice of a loved one, then this means practically nothing. It’s just that all your thoughts are occupied with your life partner. You love him and the feelings are mutual. You should not worry about trifles and fear the onset of trouble. Enjoy this moment and fully experience all the wonderful moments.

    It’s bad if your loved one was alarmed or sad about something. Such a vision can predict the appearance of a third person in your family. It is worth behaving correctly, not heating up the situation and not provoking scandals.

    How do dream books view such dreams?

    You can consider the interpretation in general terms, or you can choose a source and listen to its interpretation. Fortunately, today there are a lot of publications that will gladly help you lift the veil of the future.

    The dreamer's actions can cause pain to loved ones

    General dream interpreters

    There are predictors that were not created by individual people, but are simply aimed at a certain group of dreamers. This is, for example, the Women's Dream Book, the interpreter of the seasons, and others.

    Women's dream book

    If whiny notes were heard, then the dreamer should think about whether she is committing actions that bring emotional pain to loved ones.

    Why do you dream of a voice in a dream that pronounces warnings? Be prepared for troubles and challenges. You will have to call on all your endurance and courage to cope with them. If the voice was familiar to you, then troubles can be extremely negative and have serious consequences.

    Erotic dream book

    This source examines dreams in which you heard the voice of a loved one. You should listen to the intonation that prevailed in the voice:

    The dream promises harmonious relationships

    • a pleasant and calm voice - everything will be fine with you and your loved one;
    • angry notes were heard - your partner harbored a grudge against you, it will soon burst out;
    • the words were heard through tears - troubles and misfortunes will soon befall you.

    Esoteric interpreter

    When the words sound clear and you remember them, you shouldn't ignore them. If it was an indistinct bubbling, then you will receive a warning in real life, the main thing is not to ignore it.

    The voice of the dead warns of impending troubles.

    Spring interpreter

    This dream book examines the dream from the perspective of exactly how the voice was heard in your dream:

    • someone tells you in a baritone voice - you will have a pleasant interlocutor;
    • hoarse voice - they will want to deceive and mislead you;
    • listening to insinuating speeches is a casual affair;
    • hearing a scream is a warning of danger.

    Summer dream book

    A cry in a dream calls for visiting the graves of relatives

    When you hear a loud scream in a dream, you should visit your deceased relatives in the cemetery. When the dreamer hears a nasal voice, he must mentally prepare for betrayal.

    And insinuating speech suggests that you will be dealing with a serious enemy who is acting on the sly.

    Autumn interpreter

    Someone says something to you, nasally - you will meet unpleasant guests.

    Symbolic dream book

    Hearing someone calling your name in a dream means major changes are coming.

    Screaming and swearing promise trouble, grief, misfortune.

    What will the Wanderer's interpreter say?

    Listening to flattering speeches or unintelligible voices in a dream means that you will be provoked, slandered, and deceived.

    Vocal cord troubles and other dreams

    In a dream, you want to say something, but it doesn’t work out - it’s a bad sign, it promises troubles and tears.

    If you tried to scream, but could not make a sound, you will soon find yourself in a situation that will be unpleasant for you. However, you will not be able to change it.

    You can consider such a dream at a physiological level. You couldn’t utter a word in your sleep - you are at the limit of your moral and physical capabilities. The body is exhausted and requires a break.

  • Often our visions are like a silent movie: we see bright pictures replacing each other, but we hear no sounds. It happens that we understand what heroes want to tell us in a dream, but we understand them without words, as if telepathically.

    And therefore, any dream book will tell you, a voice in night dreams is a very important sign that you must listen to. If you don’t remember whose speech sounds you heard in a dream were, then hearing voices in this case means meeting new people, building communications, as well as reconciliation with those with whom you were in a quarrel. You need to try to build a constructive dialogue with others - this will only benefit your business.

    • You heard someone else's pleasant voice.
    • The voice in your dream made an unpleasant impression on you.
    • Or there were several sound sources.
    • Perhaps these were the sounds of someone close to you speaking.
    • Particular attention should be paid to visions where the voice of the deceased is heard.
    • You heard your own voice.
    • Or you felt like you couldn’t say a word.

    Someone else's speech

    Miller's dream book interprets a voice heard in a dream depending on whether it was pleasant to the sleeping person or not. Hearing the sounds of human speech that did not cause you unpleasant feelings means that in the near future your relationships with others will develop smoothly. But hearing voices whose sound is unpleasant to your ear means that they will try to provoke you into a conflict, but you should not follow the lead of the provocateur.

    The modern dream book considers a voice calling you by name in a dream to be a warning: circumstances will not be on your side, but your friends will provide you with timely support. In a dream, someone calls you by name, and you enter into a dialogue with him - such a vision means that you are guaranteed the attention of the opposite sex. If your ear was pleasant to the intonation of the one calling you by name, most likely, very good news awaits you.

    Hearing not just one person, but several, but not being able to understand which of them is saying what, means that you should be very careful and check all the documents that you sign more than once. In order not to lose what you have, do not hesitate to appear like a bookworm; finding out all the nuances of the transaction is your inalienable right.

    Hearing a voice on the telephone in a dream calling you by name means that in reality you will be able to accomplish what you have long dreamed of. If you dreamed that a woman was calling you by name, you will be able to find such an unconventional way out of a difficult situation that you will surprise even yourself.

    Losing the ability to speak because you have a lump in your throat is good news in reality. And if you lose your voice with delight, you will have a chance to commit a noble deed and thereby win everyone’s respect. If in a dream you dreamed of losing the opportunity to speak out of resentment, doubts about the honesty of your loved one are unfounded, you can completely trust him, because he is completely frank with you.

    Why do you dream about the voice of a dead person? If you heard a dead person calling your name, most likely he wanted to warn you about something important. Therefore, try to remember his words exactly and interpret them.

    A dream in which the voice of a deceased person turns out to be the voice of your deceased mother is favorable. If your deceased mother speaks calmly and kindly to you in your dreams, the situation will develop in your favor, and those around you will be favorable to you.

    The sound of the deceased father's speech warns that there may be difficulties in the professional sphere, but if you listen to his advice, you will be able to overcome all obstacles with honor. Hearing the voice of a dead person whom you once loved, and then realizing that he has disappeared, has fallen silent - you should “let go” of this person, life goes on, and new love and new joys of life await you ahead.

    voice as described - Hearing someone's voice in a dream is a sign that you do not lose hope. If the voice is loud - to profit, nasal - to slander, pleasant - to news, rooster-like - to gossip, hoarse - to losses, whispering - to an obvious enemy, loud - to troubles, calm - to reconciliation and agreement. A crying voice heard in a dream should warn you against offending a loved one. Hearing voices casting spells is a sign of your friends’ insincerity. Hearing your name spoken by unfamiliar voices in a dream means that your affairs will be at risk, but strangers will help you. Hearing the voice of a friend or relative means illness of one of them. The voice of your mother calling you in a dream suggests that you are on the wrong path. Lovers who hear the voice of their beloved should pay attention to this warning: perhaps they were not attentive enough to each other. Otherwise, they risk separation due to a disagreement. If a mother hears the voice of her child in a dream, this foretells that he may get into trouble or get sick. Hearing the voices of the dead means receiving a warning about your own illness or some other troubles. A cry for help, in which you recognize a familiar voice, means the illness of the one who called you. Hearing someone's warning voice means the approach of a series of failures, which you must be prepared to meet at any moment. If you recognize this voice, failures can give way to success. Hearing the voice of God in a dream means trying to cleanse yourself spiritually in reality, striving for self-improvement. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

    call by description - Hearing your name spoken in a dream by unfamiliar voices means that your affairs will be in a risky state, but strangers will help you. Hearing the voice of a friend or relative means illness of one of them. Lovers who hear the voice of their beloved should pay attention to this warning: perhaps they were not attentive enough to each other. Otherwise, they risk separation due to a disagreement. Hearing the voice of the deceased is a warning about your own illness or some kind of trouble. This voice is an echo returning from the future to your mind, which perceives the voice of its ancestor through that part of itself where the memory of him remains. In every person, some part of the mind remains unchanged, passed down in the family from generation to generation., Miller's Dream Book

    call as described - Hearing someone’s distant call in a dream foretells that in real life something out of the ordinary and at the same time unpleasant will happen to you. If the voice or voices calling you are unfamiliar to you, in reality you will find yourself faced with the fact that a business that cost a lot of risk and money has not justified itself. If the voice calling you belongs to someone close to you, it means that in reality this person faces a serious illness. Hearing in a dream that your mother is calling you means that you have chosen the wrong path in business and your companions will soon leave you alone with the trough you have broken. If your mother calls you from the other world, it means that you will soon receive good news about matters in which you are extremely interested. In general, hearing the voices of the dead in a dream is a warning to be more careful with your health, because you may be at risk of illness or injury as a result of an accident; it is especially advisable to listen to such a call during icy conditions. If the voice calling you in a dream is loud, shouting, in reality this portends trouble for you. A calm, insinuating call is an omen of reconciliation and agreement. For people in love, such a dream promises the joy of mutual communication and a happy marriage. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

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    Dream book of the 21st century

    Voice - Hearing pleasant and calm voices in a dream is a good sign, such a dream promises you reconciliation with enemies and harmony in the family, rude voices in a dream can promise trouble, angry voices or voices with a very high timbre can portend failure in business or disappointment in friends .

    Miller's Dream Book

    Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

    • Voice - Hearing pleasant, calm voices is an omen of reconciliation and agreement.
    • Rough voices with loud notes promise trouble.
    • Someone's crying voice makes you wonder if you are about to hurt your loved one.
    • The voice of God encourages the dreamer to make a noble effort towards spiritual growth.
    • If a mother hears the voice of her child in a dream, she should be prepared for sad events.
    • To dream of a voice warning you means that a series of failures are approaching, and you must gather your courage to face them.
    • If you recognize this voice, the test is serious.

    The ABC of Dream Interpretation

    • The symbolism of the dream in which you hear a voice depends on exactly whose voice you hear in it. If you dreamed of some unknown voice or several, persistently trying to convey some information to you, we may be talking about your inner voice, that is, about your intuition, which is trying to reach you.
    • If you dream of the voice of the dead, elders, angels or children - be sure to remember what they told you - this is a wise truth that you can persistently discard from yourself in reality.
    • Hearing in a dream the voice of an invisible creature calling your name is an alarming sign, warning of all sorts of troubles or troubles.

    Intimate dream book

    • When you hear the voice of a loved one, you need to listen to his intonation. It can tell a lot not only about the present of your relationship, but also about its future.
    • If you dreamed of a calm and friendly voice, this is a good sign, especially if you are currently in a quarrel. A calm voice indicates his readiness to reach reconciliation and agreement.
    • When outright rudeness is heard in the voice of the chosen one, this means that he is harboring a grudge against you. And even if he seems calm now, in the future this will certainly take its toll on you.
    • A pitiful voice with crying intonations warns of future misfortunes, troubles, and possible separation.

    Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

    • Hearing someone's voice in a dream in reality may mean you will receive some news. Sometimes such a dream, in which you dream that you hear a voice, promises a quick profit or warns of a journey ahead of you, a long difficult road.
    • A pleasant gentle voice that you hear is a sign of receiving good news from someone.
    • If you yourself spoke loudly in your vision, it is a positive omen, some joyful events await you.

    Maly Velesov dream book

    • Hearing someone's voice in a dream is often a sign that you will soon receive some news.
    • If you dreamed of a gentle, pleasant voice, then the news or news will be good for you.
    • If you dream of a voice, the voice often predicts making a profit or warns of a long, difficult journey.
    • A quiet, barely audible voice that whispers something to you is a sign of impending sadness.
    • A loud voice is usually a prediction of soon receiving money or some kind of profit.
    • You dream that you hear a hoarse, hoarse voice; the dream predicts future losses or losses.
    • You dream of a high, shrill voice; it predicts future problems and troubles for you.

    Esoteric dream book

    • The voice is a voice, and it speaks quite clearly; you must remember and take into account everything that it tells you. Otherwise, in reality you may have a lot of problems.
    • Hearing the voice of a deceased person - it also warns you of some problems. But be extremely careful if he calls you.
    • In general, if someone’s voice calls you in a dream, calls you by name, but you cannot make out whose name it is, this is not a good sign.
    • If someone's familiar voice woke you up, it means that further sleep could lead to some serious consequences for you - in reality or in a dream.

    Persian dream book of Khubayshi Tiflisi

    • When a man hears someone's male voice, such a dream is considered very favorable. It promises you glory and prosperity in reality. Your future will be simply magnificent.
    • A woman dreams of a man's voice - this is a sign that she has forgotten some very important people in her life.
    • Hearing a weak, quiet voice that indistinctly tells you something is not a very good omen, predicting failure, failure in business and the final decline of your professional career.

    Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

    • Hearing someone's voice is considered a good prediction. Usually he says that soon your affairs will go smoothly, so you should not lose hope and give up, even if now something is really not going well or everything is completely bad.
    • It’s even better if you were able to make out and remember what the voice in your dream was telling you.
    • If you don’t know how to sing, but in a dream you saw that you were singing with a beautiful voice - a baritone, such a dream is a promise that very soon you will be able to occupy some high position, become a boss.

    Azar's Dream Book

    • According to spiritual sources, when you hear someone’s loud voice, it means that in reality, very soon, perhaps today, you will receive some important news for you.
    • You dream of your mother’s voice, she tells you something, complains or calls you by name - if your mother is still alive - this is a sad prediction of eternal separation from her. If she has already died, try to remember what exactly she told you: this may turn out to be very important for you.

    Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

    The meaning of a dream about Timbre

    • Of course, your dreams are not always related specifically to black magic. Such dreams have their own distinctive characteristics. So, if you dream of a quiet voice telling you some secret information, telling you, for example, how you can leave the body and make astral travel, this is a typical sign of such a dream.
    • In a dream, the voice of a black magician can describe your dream, comment on it, reveal certain secrets, teach, seduce with future power, tempt.
    • For an uninitiated person, such dreams can pose a certain danger. Therefore, if you have a dream, it is not recommended to follow the advice you hear.

    Symbolic dream book

    The meaning of the dream about Hoarseness

    • Unintelligible, encouraging, nasal, hoarse, swearing, flattering or shouting voices - to gossip, slander, trouble, deception.
    • A call by name is a sign of major life changes, a warning of danger.
    • Screams - to troubles, strong feelings (sometimes far-fetched).
    • The dream of a voice commenting meaningfully, conveying some reasonable, consistent information is a projection of demonic consciousness. Submitting to him or coming into contact with him can lead to tragic consequences over time.
    • There is another voice (manifests in the intermediate stages of sleep) “creating a dream” - in accordance with its dictation, an easily suggestible body translates the meaning of what was said into dynamic images. This voice is inner speech, the mental reflection of the sleeper himself. And another sound broadcast refers to the voice of the rational structure of a person’s destiny - for a man it manifests itself, more often, in a woman’s voice; for a woman - in a man’s voice or a father’s voice.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    • To correctly understand a dream in which you heard voices, try to remember what they were like and what they seemed like to you. A quiet, inaudible voice muttering something inaudibly predicts deception in matters involving documents. Or this dream is a symbol of gossip that should not be paid attention to.
    • If you dreamed of a voice clearly, then, firstly, it can tell you some important information, indications of the future, and secondly, predict the receipt of news.
    • The tone of the voice is also of great importance: if it sounds rude, threatening, then this is for bad, a gentle, calm voice is for good.
    • When you dream of voices encouraging you to take some action. Do not give in, otherwise shame and dishonor may await you.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

    • Voice - The voice you hear in your dreams has different meanings. Let's look at the most basic ones. When you hear an inaudible flattering voice inciting you to take some action, do not give in to it under any circumstances. The dream is often provocative; it foretells failure, slander, gossip, or deception in some matter.
    • You dream of a distinct voice clearly telling you something - listen and take note. This is a warning about the danger that threatens you or a prediction of drastic changes.
    • Particular attention should be paid to a dream in which you hear the voices of someone close to you, for example, your mother or father, grandmother, grandfather. It’s good if you were able to make out what they were saying, because they often warn about the onset of a critical period in your life, or report some kind of misfortune of their own.

    Intelligent dream book

    • You hear your mother's voice, interpreted depending on whether she is alive or has already died. If your mother is still alive and you dream of her voice, unfortunately, this is often a sad omen of separation from her forever. Not necessarily in connection with her death, but simply because you will never see her again. Especially if you live in different cities or countries. Be sure to call her after you wake up.
    • If you dream about the voice of your deceased mother, this is a warning about some upcoming important events in your life. It’s very good if you were able to make out and remember what she told you, what you dreamed about in a dream - this can turn out to be extremely important.

    Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

    • In the spring, why do you dream of hearing a pleasant baritone - to a sweet interlocutor. Singing in a baritone yourself means weeping and sorrow. Hoarse voice – If you hear a hoarse voice in a dream, you will be misled. Authoritative voice - Hearing an authoritative voice means the publication of a new law. Insinuating voice - Hearing an insinuating voice means casual intimacy in bed. Exclamation - Hearing an exclamation in a dream is a warning. Quiet voice - Hearing a quiet voice means uncertainty about the correctness of the decision.
    • In the summer, why dream of hearing a loud exclamation in a dream means that you need to go to the grave of your loved ones. Nasal voice - Hearing a nasal voice in a dream means denunciation of you, betrayal. Mother's voice - Hearing a long-dead mother talking to you is a warning; expect trouble. Hoarse voice - Hearing a hoarse voice in a dream means understatement. I dreamed of a pleasant voice - Profit; hoarse - loss. Hear the voice - Don't lose hope. Singing with your voice is a reward; why do you dream about the voice of a stranger, a stranger - profit; hoarse and bad - loss. Insinuating voice - Hearing an insinuating voice in a dream means a cunning enemy, confident that he will deceive you around his finger. Exclamation - Hearing some kind of loud exclamation or exclamation in a dream is a surprise. Baritone - If you hear someone singing an aria in a beautiful baritone, get ready for the fact that in your business you will only be a singer. Hearing a pleasant voice in a dream means peace in family relationships - this is the meaning of what this dream means. Hearing your long-dead mother talking to you is a warning; expect trouble. Quiet voice - Hearing a quiet voice means receiving a warning at work.
    • In the fall, why did you dream of hearing a very unpleasant nasal voice in a dream - it means unpleasant guests. Mother’s voice – Hearing your mother’s voice in a dream is a warning from above: beware of evil people. Hoarse voice - Hearing a hoarse voice in a dream means a cold. Insinuating voice - Hearing an insinuating voice in a dream means that unkind people will flatter you. Voice - Hearing the voice of a child in a dream is a warning from above: take care of your children. Quiet voice - Hearing a quiet voice in a dream means a scandal.
    • In winter, why do you dream of hearing a voice - a warning, in the next interpreter you can find out why this dream is happening. Hearing your mother’s voice in a dream is a warning from above: beware of evil people.

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