Why do women love rich men? What do rich men think about? Advice for those who want to marry a millionaire The fate of women of rich men

Smart, handsome, filthy rich... Such guys are hunted by thousands of women from all over the world. Unfortunately, not every representative of the fair sex has a chance of becoming a millionaire's girlfriend. It turns out that wealthy gentlemen prefer a strictly defined type of woman. What kind of girls do rich men like?

What kind of women do rich men like?


Each man is individual in his preferences. Some prefer short brunettes, others prefer long-legged blondes. But one thing is for sure: a millionaire's woman must be beautiful. With a good figure, well-groomed hair and nails, a dazzling smile. This should be the girl who will make everyone jealous of her partner.


Millionaires love to amaze their women with expensive gifts. But if they notice that the girl begins to be capricious (“Why did you buy me a necklace without earrings?”) or shows a tendency to spend a fortune on luxury goods, then they will never marry her. They prefer thrifty women who know how to count money, know its value and are focused on increasing it.


Women's intelligence is what the rich really care about - if they mean business, of course. Silly dolls who can only talk about cosmetics, tanning salons and shopping all day long are good for one night or for very specific purposes. As a life partner, a millionaire will choose a girl who is smart and has interesting hobbies.


Rich people tend to be more sensitive when it comes to female fidelity. Although they rarely retain it themselves (unfortunately), they expect complete loyalty from their partner. A wealthy man is often keenly interested in a girl, whether she is with him for love or for money, and tries to somehow verify this. If he realizes that he is lucky enough to meet a woman who truly loves him, regardless of the state of his account, he will not hesitate to ask for her hand in marriage.


Most people think that rich people are on vacation forever. Meanwhile, they spend a lot of time at work, often very stressful. Delegations, contracts, meetings, negotiations... Wealthy people expect patience and support from their partners, and not reproaches for the fact that they are still not at home.

Having excellent manners

A rich man wants to have a lifelong girlfriend who in society can be a real lady with impeccable manners. Which in a conversation with an important person will not make an annoying mistake, and at an elegant social ceremony will not be ridiculed by the wives of his friends. She should be able to speak on various intelligent topics, making the right impression on others.

In order to find out which women rich men prefer, you must first understand the psychology of such men. For men, the process itself is interesting, to win a girl. We all know that they are ready to move mountains for the sake of their beloved. A rich man is a well-endowed man:

  1. Highly paid job;
  2. Expensive car;
  3. Unlimited bank account;
  4. A nice apartment or a country house.


We are all accustomed to the popular saying: “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”! But in relationships with rich men, this proverb is inappropriate. They are, first of all, aesthetes and love everything beautiful.

As a rule, rich men do not want to part with their freedom for a very long time. They pay too much attention to their work. And reaching a more mature age, they begin to search for their spouse. In order to still win the favor of such a man, a girl needs to try hard.

What kind of women do rich men like?

Rules to help women

Many men approach the issue of marriage very carefully. Doubts about the loyalty and selflessness of women’s intentions give rise to thought. In order for a rich man not to have such doubts and to be sure that you are really the one with whom he wants to spend the rest of his life, a woman needs to know a few rules:

1. The most beautiful woman.

Rich men spend a lot of time on their appearance. They believe that appearance is the calling card of successful people. The appearance of his woman plays a very important role. She should look irresistible, even without makeup. And he could always brag about her to his friends and say that he has the best woman.

It is important to remember that a rich man is an owner and he does not intend to share with anyone else what belongs only to him!

The most beautiful woman

2. Intelligence.

Such men achieve success thanks to their intelligence. They are very literate and well-read, always tactful and well-mannered. Therefore, a woman should be able to hold a conversation on any topic. Her statements must be well presented and her judgments must be balanced.

Note! A group of psychologists from Peking University conducted an experiment and found that poor men are more loyal to the choice of their woman.

They do not have the same demands as, for example, rich men, and in general they are satisfied with their choice. Therefore, seriously consider the question: “Are you really ready to become the wife of a rich man?”

Are you ready to become the wife of a rich man?

3. There is no room for scandals.

Rich men do not like scandals and therefore look for women with an easy-going and balanced character. They are the leaders in the family. And if a woman starts to fight with them for this title, then such a relationship will quickly crack. A woman should be wise and understand his opinion. Men can look outside for what they are missing in their marriage. The wife who comes to terms with this will have a successful and happy marriage.

Remember, men should always be praised, his merits pointed out, and told that he is the best, smartest and kindest! They love it and believe me, harmony will always reign in your relationship.

No room for scandals

4. Procreation.

We all know very well that the main duty in life for women is giving birth to children. They dream of a “continuator” of the family. If a woman’s plans do not have room for a child, then such a relationship will not last long.

They themselves pay little attention to raising their children. It is enough for them to know that there are children, and their upbringing is usually done by wives or specially trained nannies. In any case, surrounded by their friends, they do not forget to boast about the successes and achievements of their children.

The idea of ​​procreation for rich men is another way for self-affirmation, as well as a profitable object for investing the funds that he has been earning for so long.

Continuation of the family line

5. Bird in a cage.

Wives of rich men should forget about career growth. Wealthy men can provide for their beloved themselves and therefore do not see the point in her working. The wife must raise the children and sometimes do something around the house.

She should also always be next to him at social events. A good mood and impeccable appearance are what should accompany a wife at such events. Not all women can withstand life in a “golden cage.”

Bird in a cage

But if you still want to be close to a strong, independent, self-confident and independent man:

  1. Don't fight for leadership;
  2. Don't start a scandal without reason;
  3. Don't challenge his opinion.

Never forget that every woman is beautiful in her own way. If you devote more time to yourself for your beloved, then rich men themselves will pay attention to you! There are three golden rules:

  1. Love yourself regardless of external factors;
  2. Pamper yourself as often as possible;
  3. Develop as a person.


To attract the attention of a rich person, you must initially know his psychology well. As a rule, wealthy men are no longer young, they are at least 35 years old. They drive expensive cars and dress beautifully and stylishly. Contrary to popular belief, not all rich men are attracted to 18-20 year old girls with model appearance. They may well be interested in someone their own age if she is wise and looks good.

First of all, only rich men over 50 years old pay attention to a woman’s appearance and age. "Daddies" are attracted to the beautiful bodies of young girls, because next to them they feel young and temperamental. If a wealthy man is young enough and is not yet worried about his age and potency, then he thinks and thinks completely differently. Here are the most typical thoughts that arise in the minds of rich men:

1. "Why should I get married"Rich men are afraid to give up their freedom, being confident that their family will interfere with their work and career. At the same time, they know very well that if he invites any girl he likes on a date, she will immediately agree. It is clear that in this situation Not everyone wants to commit themselves to just one woman for the rest of their lives, so in order to win the affection of a rich bachelor, a girl has to work hard.

2. "I need to find a girl who will love me not for money"Rich men hope that they will be able to find a beautiful girl who will love him not for money, but for his personal qualities. And if he feels that the girl is selfish and she is more interested in his money than in himself, then there is a chance of serious She will not have a relationship with him.

3. "Time is gold"Rich people do not like uncertainty in relationships and long courtships. They will not waste time if a girl tries to make him jealous by flirting with other men or wants to keep him in reserve. Successful men should always be praised, admired for their hard work and intelligence, say that he is the best... They love this and therefore do not spare words that are pleasant to their ears during communication.

4. "Only idle people live poorly"Most rich men at the beginning of their careers lived very poorly and worked almost around the clock, realizing that you won’t earn money by lying on the couch. Therefore, every millionaire is afraid that one fine day he might lose everything. This fear makes them continue to work hard. work even when they have already achieved everything they dreamed of.

5. "Everyone must earn their own money"The rich do not like those who do not work anywhere and try to live off them. Wealthy men want to marry a girl who will be financially independent of him, that is, she is rich or successful. This means that a business lady and the daughter of a millionaire have more chances to capture the attention of a rich man.

6. "My woman should always look luxurious". In relationships with rich men, the saying “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” is inappropriate. They are, first of all, aesthetes and love everything beautiful. When a house, a car and everything that is necessary for a luxurious life have already been purchased, the man comes to the understanding that for complete happiness he lacks the one and only one from whom he will make a princess.

The chosen one of a rich man should always look impeccable so that he can take her with him to social events and introduce her to friends. If the girl copes well with this role, then the millionaire proposes to her. If he is in no hurry to get married, then there is a high chance that the girl will forever remain for him only a mistress who will keep him in pleasant company.

Many girls dream of marrying a wealthy man. And while some hope for chance, others take action and read tips on how to make rich men fall in love with you. Here are some of them:

- Take care of yourself. Well-groomed women, of course, have a better chance of winning over a rich groom. Eat healthy food, follow a daily routine, visit fitness clubs and beauty salons. a man will understand that you will be in shape in 10 years.

- Be interested in his business. Study his field of activity so that you can carry on a conversation. And learn to listen. His interest will be stronger if you are very good at something, especially in an area in which he understands nothing.

- Don't be narcissistic. Sometimes turn off the “queen mode”, show concern for your boyfriend, thank him for everything he does.

- Have your own interests. The mistake of many girls who managed to fall in love with a rich man and become his mistress is that they constantly demand from him that he devote more time to her and spend all his free time with her. Men quickly lose interest in such women. You should have your own world, where you have your friends, your favorite job or hobby.

- Be yourself. Don't give up your dreams for a rich man. If your job offers you to go on a business trip, agree. If he really wants to be with you, he will look forward to you and call you every day.

- Choose a place. There is practically no chance of meeting a rich man in a club, cafe or on the street. Show up where rich people hang out. This could be a restaurant, a premium fitness club, a charity event or business training.

We are used to rich athletes, actors and businessmen going out arm in arm with girls of model appearance. Now Chinese scientists have conducted a study and found that awareness of wealth actually makes a man more picky in assessing female beauty. With the results of the work you can familiarize in the journal Frontiers in Psychology.

A group of psychologists from Peking University conducted two experiments involving students (73 boys and 48 girls) in stable heterosexual relationships. Volunteers were given the feeling that they had a large or small amount of money. To do this, they were asked to imagine themselves rich or poor and write a story about their financial situation.

A few days later, the students were asked to participate in the actual experiment, but the students did not know the real purpose of the study. They were told a legend to get the most reliable results.

Students were given photographs of people of the opposite sex and asked to rate their appearance. If a person found the image of a boy or girl attractive, then they were allowed to chat for three minutes.

If the experimental student sat close to a stranger and generally seemed happy after the experiment, then this was considered as a willingness to enter into a relationship with an attractive stranger.

In the study, researchers found that men and women who felt financially better off were more willing to express their desire to start new relationships. At the same time, men generally behaved more actively: they sat closer to their partners than women.

In addition, students were asked how satisfied they were with the physical attractiveness of their significant other.

It turned out that if a man felt richer, he was less satisfied with the appearance of his chosen one, and vice versa. Interestingly, no such dependence was observed in women.

These results coincide with the results of similar studies, which also showed that, as women become rich, unlike men, they do not increase their demands on the appearance of their lovers. This phenomenon can be explained by Trivers' theory of parental investment.

According to this theory, men and women rate the attractiveness of the opposite sex differently due to the fact that they devote different amounts of time to their offspring.

Women spend more time with children due to bearing, lactating, and caring for them during the first years of life. Therefore, for the female sex, reproductive success lies in finding a man who has sufficient resources to comfortably raise offspring. But for men, reproductive success is determined by the number of fertile partners, scientists say. Men judge a woman's fertility based on her appearance. In addition, men have developed a greater desire for short-term relationships than women.

At the same time, according to the theory of strategic pluralism, a person is able to change his approach to romantic relationships depending on external conditions.

So, if a woman gains financial independence, then she can begin to pay more attention not to her partner’s resources, but to his external attractiveness, in order to pass on “good genes” to his offspring.

In this case, a woman is more willing to enter into a short-term relationship.

Men also evaluate their partner differently when they do not have great resources. Poor men take their significant other more seriously and are less likely to engage in casual relationships. They make fewer demands on women and are generally more satisfied with their partners.

Becoming the wife of an oligarch or millionaire, living luxuriously and not denying yourself anything is the dream of many Muscovites and provincial girls. Which women do rich men prefer, and which ones do they avoid? To better understand this issue, it is enough to draw up a psychological portrait of the oligarch, understand his lifestyle and worldview. How to become a millionaire's wife and what qualities are important to have?

Psychology of a rich man

If you don't know how to meet a millionaire For a serious relationship, it is first of all important to understand his psychology. The true value for a man is not money at all. Welfare makes it possible to feel power, raise worthy heirs, assert oneself, be valuable, loved, and needed. If a man lacks something in the family, he will certainly look for it on the side. Wealthy men who have a high status in society, despite the increased attention women pay to them, feel lonely.

They are forced to spend a lot of time on self-realization, solving business issues or building a career. Millionaires begin to look for a spouse only in adulthood (after 35-40 years). It is during this period that they think about what kind of girl will become a suitable wife with whom he will feel happy and confident. Many girls are desperately fighting for their heart, so they have studied their habits and sense the “hunters” a mile away.

Girl's appearance

How to meet a rich man and charm him at first sight? A rich man values ​​his image, so he chooses young and beautiful girls as his companions, who serve as another way for him to assert himself in society. A wife does not have to be able to cook or do housework, since there are servants for this. However, the wife must be wise enough, appreciate and respect her man, and be able to create the necessary psychological microclimate in the house.

Confident men, spoiled by female attention, believe that they are worthy of the first beauties, which is why they strive to choose girls of model appearance and perfectly groomed. A beautiful girl accompanying a wealthy man is a complement to his presentable image, a way to assert himself in the eyes of friends, colleagues, and business partners.

Attitude towards children

Wealthy men have much more opportunities to give birth and raise heirs. This is why a future wife should want to have children. You need to be prepared for the fact that it will be the woman who will have to raise the children, since the husband will be busy all the time.

The wife of a rich man should not strive to build a career and spend too much time on self-realization. She should have free time to devote to her beloved husband, children, take care of herself, and attend social events.

Character and temperament

The character must be stress-resistant, balanced, calm. A quiet and wise woman will never fight for leadership in the family, throw hysterics, or demonstrate her intellectual superiority.

The desire for self-development

To prevent relationships from developing into everyday relationships, a woman must engage in self-development, do what brings her pleasure and allows her to realize her talents and abilities, only in this case will she feel happy. It is precisely such self-sufficient, self-confident, versatile women who can support a dialogue with deep inner content that wealthy men dream of.

If you don't know how to meet an oligarch, then feel free to contact us for help. elite matchmaker, which organizes acquaintance with rich men for romantic meetings or strong marriages.

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