Scratching and rubbing the ear. What do your gestures say?

What does a woman want? Perhaps even the woman herself does not know the answer to this question. But psychologists claim that they know - it’s enough just to monitor her gestures and behavior. How close these conclusions are to the truth is up to everyone to decide, but it would not be superfluous to read them accurately.

So, rule one - if a girl starts preening and adjusting her clothes or hairstyle in front of your eyes, she attracts your attention. It turns out that a woman subconsciously knows that movement will attract the attention of a male, so she will only stand like a statue if she is not interested in you.

Rule two: if Cinderella has lost her shoe, she is waiting for her prince. To be more precise, swinging a shoe on your toes is obvious flirting, according to experts in the field of psychology. By exposing her heel and smoothly swinging her leg, the girl seems to be hinting at a more intimate contact. Although, of course, no one can guarantee that the fair sex’s legs are simply not tired, and that she is swinging her shoes out of irritation.

The third rule is that if a girl points her feet towards you during a conversation, it means she has a positive attitude towards you. But here, again, you shouldn’t take everything literally - perhaps it’s just convenient for her.

Opening the neck and stroking it is also, as you probably already guessed, an intimate signal. The neck is a very fragile part of the body, and its demonstration is an indicator that the girl wants to trust you completely and completely.

The mouth and lips cannot possibly remain outside the list of rules of experienced psychologists. Does a girl lick her lips while looking into your eyes? Is her mouth half open and her tongue slowly reaching for the melting ice cream? She definitely wants you.

Open or half-naked shoulders are also an element of temptation. Remember Marilyn Monroe, who looked very seductively over the smooth curves of her bare shoulder.

Well, for a snack – a game with decorations. If a woman fiddles with earrings or fidgets with a pendant on a chain, she, oddly enough, is also flirting - the principle is the same as in the first rule - a moving object attracts the male’s attention.
Based on these rules, we can conclude that men should look closely at their interlocutors without taking their eyes off. And it’s better for girls to wear dresses from ears to toes and not make unnecessary movements, so that in no case does anyone suspect anything wrong.

If you begin to doubt that your chosen one is in love with you, turn to the advice of practical psychology.

The behavior of a man in love is significantly different from the manifestation of indifference.

His facial expressions and gestures betray feelings that are carefully hidden from the object of sympathy. When you learn to decipher male behavior, then you will understand whether he is in love with you or not. By taking into account gestures, you can find out the intentions of even a married person.

Sign language

The psychology of a man in love does not allow him to control all his gestures. If the object of adoration is nearby, the brain sends impulses that force it to make certain movements.

The gestures of a man in love are quite varied. However, some of them are found in almost every representative of the opposite sex if he is in love.

1. Loves or doesn’t love?

Pay special attention to the man's behavior when talking to you. If he is relaxed and his arms are open, then he is comfortable with you. Also, attempts to copy the position in which you are standing indicate increased interest.

But if your object of interest covers his mouth with his hand or touches his earlobe, don’t count on love. Such gestures are a sign of mistrust.

And when a friend crosses his legs or crosses his arms over his chest, this means that your conversations are boring him. This behavior cannot be a sign of falling in love.

2. Sexual desire.

The behavior of a person interested in intimate relationships comes down to “innocent” touches. He tries, as if by accident, to touch you - straightens your hair, helps you put on your outerwear, hugs your waist.

Also, the sexual interest of a man in love is shown by such a pose and gestures: he stands with his legs spread wide apart, touching his face or neck.

A married man in love, who has an intimate interest in another woman, is betrayed by the scrolling of his wedding ring. In this way, readiness to betray is demonstrated.

3. Sincerity of intentions.

A serious man will never lie to his chosen one. The gestures of a man in love will show whether he is sincere or not. If, when talking about himself, he opens his palms, then there is no need to doubt his intentions.

But when his hands are in his pockets or under the table, this is a warning sign. Most likely, you are being deceived. If during a conversation the interlocutor often touches his nose, then such behavior also warns of deception.

4. Possessiveness.

When a man is in love and considers you his property, his gestures in public will show this. This will be expressed in a clear demonstration to others that you belong only to him.

In this case, the behavior of a man in love consists of excessive attention to you in public places. He constantly hugs you, straightens your hair, helps you get dressed and put on your shoes. Most often, such actions are performed in the field of view of a potential opponent.

5. Impression.

When a young man tries to impress his beloved, this is also expressed in the following gestures: when you appear, he tries to straighten up, pull in his stomach, straighten his tie or other accessories. That is, to appear before you in the best light.

If you notice this behavior, you can be sure that someone is in love with you. However, when he frequently fiddles with his watch, this may mean he is looking for an excuse to leave.

Facial expressions

The facial expressions of a lover are also different from the usual facial expression. This occurs due to uncontrolled contraction of muscles that obey the “orders” of the brain. To find out your partner's true intentions, you should take a close look at his face.

When a person is in love, the corresponding gestures are reinforced by the following changes in facial expressions:

  1. The face becomes kind and friendly.
  2. Pupils dilate and eyebrows rise.
  3. The nostrils flare slightly.
  4. A blush appears on the cheeks.
  5. The head tilts slightly to the side.

Having noticed even a couple of such changes, one can judge the sympathy of a man.


The gestures and facial expressions of a man in love are not all that declassifies his feelings. You should analyze his behavior as well. And for a representative of the opposite sex in love, it is often unpredictable.

  • Firstly, the lover begins to perform actions unusual for himself.

If previously a young man could not stand the theater, then when he learns that you are going to a performance, he immediately buys a ticket and goes with you. Or, having found out that you are a basketball fan, he signs up for this sport, although he has been playing football all his life. When his behavior changes in this way, it is a clear sign of a man in love.

  • Secondly, he is looking for any excuse to see you.

Don't be surprised if you meet him in places where you often visit. In this case, the young man will pretend that your meeting is accidental, but will not miss the opportunity to start a conversation with you. Even if he lives on the other side of the city, you can easily run into him near your house.

  • Thirdly, a man in love will be shown by his interest in your desires.

If he is really in love with you, then get ready to receive surprises in the form of your favorite flowers, fruits, chocolate, etc. To evoke positive emotions in you, he will pamper you with pleasant little things.

If you are in the mood for a romantic relationship, accept gifts. But when a man is not your type, politely refuse, do not give him hope.

Gestures, facial expressions and behavior of a man in love can tell everything about his feelings for you. By noticing them in time, you will be able to shape your future relationships yourself.

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When a man is in love, this is a great time to build a strong foundation for a future happy and long-term relationship! Do not miss this opportunity, of course, if your reciprocal love is just as strong!

7 basic gestures of a liar- it will be interesting for everyone to read and perhaps get to know yourself and also in order to know when a person is hiding something from you. Although some of the options may mean something completely different, for example, that the person is complex and there is no intention to deceive, therefore, using these statements, you need to feel the person.

What gestures can give a person away if he is lying? These are gestures associated with touching hands to the face. An experiment was conducted with nurses who, in a role-playing game, were instructed to tell patients lies about their condition. Those nurses who had to lie were more likely to use hand-to-face gestures than those who told the truth to their patients. Now let's look at the various hand-to-face gestures and the conditions under which they occur.

1. Touching the Nose
In essence, touching the nose is a subtle, disguised version of the previous gesture.
It can be expressed in several light touches to the dimple under the nose, or it can be expressed in one quick, almost imperceptible touch.

One explanation for the nature of this gesture is that when bad thoughts enter the conscious mind, the subconscious mind tells the hand to cover the mouth, but at the very last moment, out of a desire to disguise this gesture, the hand is withdrawn from the mouth and a light touch is obtained on the nose.

2. Collar Pull
Scientists have found through research that lying causes an itchy sensation in the delicate muscle tissues of the face and neck, and scratching is required to soothe the sensation.
This seems to be an acceptable explanation for why some people pull back their collar when they are lying and suspect that their deception has been discovered. The cheater also appears to have beads of sweat on his neck when he senses that you suspect he's cheating.
This gesture is also used when a person is angry or upset, while he pulls his collar away from his neck; to cool it with fresh air.

3. Rubbing the Eyelid
This gesture is caused by the brain's desire to escape from the deception, suspicion, or lie it encounters, or the desire to avoid looking into the eyes of the person to whom it is telling a lie.

4. Scratching your neck
In this case, the person scratches the area under the earlobe with the index finger of his right hand.
This gesture speaks of doubt and uncertainty of a person who says: “I’m not sure that I agree with you.”
It is especially noticeable when it contradicts verbal language, for example, if a person says something like: “I understand exactly what you are experiencing.”

5. Fingers in the Mouth
A person puts his fingers in his mouth in a state of severe depression. This is a person’s unconscious attempt to return to that safe, cloudless time of infancy.

A small child sucks his finger, and as for an adult, in addition to his finger, he puts objects such as cigarettes, pipes, pens and the like into his mouth.

If gestures associated with covering the mouth with one's hand indicate deception, fingers in the mouth indicate an internal need for approval and support.

Therefore, when this gesture appears, it is necessary to support the person or reassure him with guarantees.

6. Scratching and Rubbing the Ear
This gesture is caused by the desire of the listener to isolate himself from the words by placing his hand near or on top of his ear.
This gesture is an adult improved modification of the gesture of a small child when he covers his ears so as not to listen to the reproaches of his parents.

Other options for touching the ear include rubbing the pinna, drilling into the ear (with a fingertip), tugging on the earlobe, or bending the ear in an attempt to cover the ear hole.

This last gesture suggests that the person has heard enough and perhaps wants to speak out.

7. Protecting the Mouth with the Hand
Protecting your mouth with your hand is one of the few gestures of an adult and has the same meaning as a child's gesture.
The hand covers the mouth and the thumb is pressed to the cheek, while the brain at the subconscious level sends signals to restrain the words spoken.

Sometimes it may only be a few fingers near the mouth or even a fist, but the meaning of the gesture remains the same.
The gesture of "protecting the mouth with one's hand" should be distinguished from evaluative gestures.

If this gesture is used by a person at the time of speech, this indicates that he is telling a lie.
However, if he covers his mouth while you're talking and he's listening, it means he thinks you're lying or doesn't agree with you.

+ 17 additional rules

1. The expression of emotions and reactions is slower than how a person usually behaves. It starts late, progresses more violently, and ends very abruptly

2. Some time passes between words and expression of emotions. For example, they tell you that your work was done brilliantly and only then, after realizing what they said, they smile. When a person tells the truth, the emotional reaction will take place simultaneously with the words.

3. What a person says is completely inconsistent with the expression on his face. For example, when someone says the phrase “I love you,” the person feels as if he or she has eaten a slice of lemon.

4. When expressing emotions, not the whole face is involved, but only a part. For example, a person smiles only with his mouth, without using the muscles of the cheeks, eyes and nose. In this case, the eyes really become the mirror of the soul, because learning to specifically control their expression is very difficult, for some it is impossible.

5. When a person tells you a lie, he appears to be trying to take up as little space as possible, pressing his hands to himself and his legs one next to the other.

6. The person will avoid meeting your eyes.

7. A person touches or scratches his nose or ears. In rare cases, touch the heart area on the chest with an open palm.

8. A person will “defend” instead of going “on the attack” in a conversation.

9. A lying person may try to turn their body or head away from you.

10. He may unknowingly put some objects between you, creating some kind of “protective barrier.”

11. A liar can use your words to make the answer sound very similar to the question. “Did you break the far window on the second floor?” “No, it wasn’t me who broke the far window on the second floor.”

12. You are not given a clear answer to the question; instead, they give you a “floating” answer that can be understood in different ways.

13. Your interlocutor may talk more than necessary, adding unnecessary details. He feels awkward when there is a pause in the conversation.

14. When a person lies, he may omit pronouns and speak in a monotone voice.

15. A person can speak softly, but at the same time it is grammatically incorrect. The sentences will be confusing.

16. If you believe that they are lying to you, try changing the subject of the conversation. If a person is really lying to you, he will willingly change the subject and appear more relaxed.

17. The person uses humor and sarcasm to get around the topic.

These signs make it pretty easy to tell if someone is lying to you. But, of course, we should not forget that there are exceptions.

In any psychology textbook you can find that if a person touches his nose every now and then, rubs his eyelid, rubs his earlobe or scratches his neck - all this indicates that he is trying to deceive you………. What if a man does this when talking to a woman? A man is also a man! Here! Here!

A man is a completely incomprehensible worldly creature. To please him, women often rack their brains. Questions constantly arise inside about how to take possession of the person you like. How to behave when meeting. How to start a conversation. And many more similar questions. Many scientists and psychologists have struggled with the question of how to capture a man’s attention at first sight. Eleven main signals have been developed in the world, symbolizing the concept of whether you like it or not. So let's get started.

Signal number one. " May be".
When talking to him, he begins to touch his tie, pinch the tip of his nose and earlobes, while constantly looking at you. He is definitely interested in you.

Signal number two. "I'm not trying to lie."
When talking, a man’s palms are turned out, which means everything he tells is the pure truth.

Signal number three. "The desire to be closer."
If your interlocutor carefully moves towards you, it means that his interest is increasing.

Signal number four. “It’s like he took it and hugged it.”
There is a conversation going on, and the interlocutor accidentally puts his hand on the back of your chair, then expect future hugs.

Signal number five. "Of course I like you."
Touches your palm, forearm, elbow. This means that you are very interesting and attractive to him.

Signal number six. "I want to please you."
When he sees a woman, a man begins to put his hair or clothes in order. Suddenly he combs his hair and shakes off the dust, which means he is showing off.

Signal number seven “I want you.”
The man puts his hands on his hips, trying to show how sexy he is. " I do not want anything". When talking to you, a man covers his mouth with his finger, which means he doesn’t like you and is trying to get away from you.

Signal number eight. “I want to get away quickly.”
When talking, the man not only closes his mouth, but also twitches his ears, as if he wants to run away from you.

Signal number nine. "I'm not interested in you."
He stays on, constantly bends down when talking, then there is nothing to catch with him.

Signal number ten. “I feel good alone.”
Be wary if a man hides his hands in his pockets, his arms and legs are crossed, there is clearly no conversation.

Signal number eleven. " I'm leaving".
He just arrived and immediately ran away. The man himself is strange. Think about whether you should communicate with such a person at all.

P.S. Q.E.D. You shouldn't take men's words...

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