Suitable countries according to zodiac signs. Tourism: choosing a country by zodiac sign

We're all thinking about summer travel in advance. We decide which countries to visit, order tickets, and then, suddenly, you won’t be able to get tickets for the day that is most suitable for the trip. However, few people think that astrology can help in choosing the date of the trip and the country.

Each sign has countries that suit them best. The basic premise behind this is that each country is influenced by a specific zodiac sign. The correlation of a country with its Zodiac Sign is actually connected not only with geographical location one or another region of the Earth, but also with certain nations, nationalities, and state entities at the national-territorial level. In all countries and peoples, the influence of one or another zodiac sign in conjunction with the influence of some planet is clearly visible. Every country in the world has its own zodiac sign. For example, the sign of Russia, like Canada, is Aquarius, and the sign of the United States is Gemini.

The twelve signs of the Zodiac are twelve types of attitudes to life, twelve zodiac characters various countries and peoples. If you don’t know when and where you should go to have a better rest, then see which country best matches your zodiac sign.

Aries For example, you should definitely visit Germany and Austria. These are the countries most suitable for this sign. It would be nice to travel around Burma. Aries needs movement and activity; the journey can be short but intense.

Taurus On the contrary, a leisurely and calm acquaintance with the merits of the city or country in which it is located is most suitable. In this sense, the ideal country for him is Switzerland with its leisurely lifestyle, stability and comfort, which is very important for Taurus. Besides Switzerland, the country of Taurus is Ukraine. Where else can you taste unforgettable dumplings and dumplings? Don't forget that Taurus is a big glutton. Therefore, he will also like Hungary and Greece, where the food is excellent. If you want to lie on the beach, choose Tahiti.

Twins They will feel great in America. They like variety, and that's exactly what America can provide in spades. Also visit Poland and Turkey - countries with developed shuttle trade. There you can combine business with pleasure and, while drinking a cocktail, negotiate business. It is useful for Gemini to gain fresh impressions, so the more he travels, the better.

Expensive Cancer, urgently take a ticket to India - the homeland of elephants. You will be amazed at how close and dear this unfamiliar country will seem to you! When you have the opportunity, take a look at Africa and watch the natives dance live. You need something exotic. While on holiday in Nepal, Zimbabwe or Coral Islands You will truly relax!

Leo a direct road to Spain, to the brave toreadors and to visiting the palaces royal dynasty. It would be very interesting for your inquisitive mind to visit the land of the rising sun - Japan. If memories torment you, go to Kyiv and wander around Khreshchatyk. On the way, stop by Vienna (Austria) to show off at the annual love parade. The island of Corsica (Italy) will also not leave you indifferent and will invigorate your hot blood. Leo likes to live his life and place bets in casinos, which means his city is Las Vegas.

Virgo a very hardworking sign, and he needs rest after backbreaking work. Virgos often need to get medical treatment. Therefore, go to resorts to take mud baths. This could be Karlovy Vary, Borjomi, Minvody, Kislovodsk, it would be nice for you to plunge into the Dead Sea.

Exquisite Libra It will be good in Venice and in “Foggy Albion” - England. If you are a man and are looking for love, then you will not find more beautiful girls than in Venezuela. Charming Libra, relax beautifully and tastefully in expensive hotels with good service. At the end of summer, visit Paris - the trendsetter of world fashion. There you will get a lot of impressions for the rest of your life!

Scorpion- a sign that is least suitable for leisure travel. They travel a lot, but don't like to just relax. Most of all, they enjoy short business trips. Scorpio likes vacations that are purposeful. If he goes to Morocco or Georgia, then eat oranges and drink wine. If you go to Tunisia, then swim in the Mediterranean Sea and ride camels through the dunes of the Sahara Desert. In Mexico he will need to drink tequila, and in Iceland - vodka. Visit active volcanoes, try your luck in hot geysers, descend into dark dungeons, rise above ordinary everyday life.

Sagittarius- a true sign of a traveler. There is no country that would not suit the impression-hungry Sagittarius. Traveling around the world is his greatest happiness. But he still has his favorite routes. You should go to Portugal and Australia. Discover Colombia, Romania and Mongolia. Fly on hot-air balloon, fly to the carnival in Brazil - the birthplace of coffee and football, the country “where there are a lot of wild monkeys.” Discover Rio de Janeiro - the blue dream of the great schemer, where everyone wears white pants. The more impressions, the better!

Capricorn I like countries with high mountain peaks - Tibet, European countries, where the Alps, Alaska, Denmark, Norway, Franz Josef Land, British Columbia pass with the city of Vancouver in Canada, China. Don't miss the opportunity to go skiing in winter and experience the thrilling feeling of the wind whistling in your ears from the speed as you rush down the mountain. The Baltic states are also suitable for you, especially Estonia, with its modest and sad beauty.

The relationship of a country with a sign is connected not only with the Sun in the state’s horoscope, but with the geographical location of a particular region of the earth, with certain nations, nationalities, and state entities at the national-territorial level. In countries and peoples, you can notice the influence of one sign or another in conjunction with the influence of a planet. Therefore, you can find discrepancies in the ratio of countries and signs in different astrological texts. A country can be influenced by two or three signs, depending on the nature of the lands and ethnic groups included in it. At the same time, there is an archetypal correspondence national psychology a certain zodiac sign. The twelve signs of the Zodiac are twelve types of attitudes to life, twelve zodiac characters of different countries and peoples. For example, the sign of Russia, like Canada, is Aquarius, and the sign of the United States is Gemini.

Each of us has our own Zodiac sign, this is the sign where the Sun is located in our horoscope. Each has its own world, its own environment and even its own country. Of course, we need to determine in which country we could best realize our potential using the horoscope relocations , i.e. having built your natal horoscope to another place. We also need to determine in what place it is better for us to celebrate the upcoming birthday. individual horoscope, choosing the best place for us to meet solarium . But this can be done individually astrological consultation , but what to do if there is no opportunity to consult with an astrologer?

Then you can use a general approach; it will not answer your questions about what awaits you in a new place, but will give you the opportunity to find out the consonance of your Zodiac sign with a certain country. Each sign has countries that, theoretically, suit them best. Why theoretically? Because in practice, don’t forget, all horoscopes are individual and include many factors that provide individual settings, and they can run counter to the general typology. And yet, if you don’t know where to go to have a better rest, look at which country corresponds to your zodiac sign. You can return to your astrological homeland, for starters, at least mentally. Here is the ratio of countries, national characters and signs:

Aries on the globe

In ancient times, this zodiac sign patronized Sparta. The Spartans harmoniously combined all the traits typical of those born under the sign of Aries: determination, asceticism and belligerence. The successor of Sparta in the modern world was Germany, whose inhabitants, to a lesser extent, however, are characterized by the above qualities. This does not mean that all Aries must necessarily go for permanent residence in Germany. Aries will feel at ease in passionate Spain (Leo sign), dynamic America (Gemini sign), and in Russia (Aquarius sign). Aries will feel good. Aries also patronizes the regions of Southern Russia, Tatarstan, Kalmykia, Kazakhstan, Palestine, Africa, Spain, Crete, Turkey, South Africa, Mexico, Cuba, Uruguay.

Taurus on the globe

Taurus and its ruler, Venus, in astrology are associated with everything that blooms and bears fruit. Therefore, areas with rich nature are associated with it: Moldova, Bulgaria, a significant part of Ukraine. Typical Taurus people in these countries can feel quite confident. This is a very “earthly” sign, and the peoples inhabiting these countries value comfort and peace, the warmth of the hearth. Since ancient times, various types of deities have been revered here, providing protection to the home and family. Great importance is attached to love. At the same time, Taurus is an extremely calm and balanced sign. However, there are other places where they will be happy. These are, for example, the regions of the Virgo sign - rational to the smallest detail Switzerland and Japan, harsh and ascetic Tibet (Capricorn), and leisurely, calm Estonia and Finland (Pisces), Cyprus, Switzerland, partly Norway, Taiwan, Australia. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn feel good in these countries.

Gemini on the globe

In ancient times, Greece was under the sign of Gemini, having absorbed into its culture the most diverse traditions of the civilizations that preceded it. IN this moment The USA is a similar “cosmopolitan”. Gemini also patronizes Greece, Belgium, Armenia, Italy, Yugoslavia, Korea, UAE, Singapore, Madagascar. Cheerful, friendly, somewhat carefree, optimistic, Geminis always accept their difficulties tolerantly, and if a friend gets into trouble, they will immediately provide help. The path can also be described as modern life and the development of the countries and peoples in question. The desire for life support and one hundred percent functionality of everything that surrounds is the defining quality of Gemini. They also value their traditions and pay great attention to the rights and freedoms of people on their territory. Libra, Aquarius and Gemini themselves feel good in these countries. Fire signs Aries and Leo also do not feel any disharmony here.

Cancer on the globe

This is a sign of purity, preservation of traditions and humanism. Most a shining example The Cancer country is India, which lives a rather closed life, unlike the “twin” countries, but despite this, it also has a complex mixture of cultures. This is due to the fact that in the history of the country they did not replace each other, but overlapped one another. Cancer is also Uzbekistan, partly middle Asia, Holland, Scotland, Denmark, Canada, Paraguay, New Zealand. Cancers are individualists and often deliberately leave one or more “doors” closed in their nature. They are vulnerable, warm-hearted, kind. At the same time, if there is a danger of encroachment on their inner freedom, Cancers go on the attack. The peoples inhabiting the countries of Cancer have extremely rich internal spiritual potential. It was here that secret teachings and religions were and are being born, which then become the property of humanity. Gurus and teachers who strive to convey the truth to people find their place here. In material terms, in the countries of Cancer, both prosperity and the last degree of poverty can be manifested, but the attitude towards material property among these peoples is similar - this is not a priority area for them. Pisces, Cancers, and Scorpios need to go to the Cancer regions. “Earthly” Taurus will find useful connections and acquaintances here, Virgos will find true friends.

Lion on the globe

The Lion Country is an eternal theater, a demonstration of its color, uniqueness and beauty. A lion - strong sign, bright nature, self-sufficiency, dignity, certainty. All this is about the character of the peoples inhabiting the regions of Leo. Great importance is attached to external attributes, which are elevated to the rank of art. First of all, this is architecture. Majesty and steadfastness, solidity and strength. Public events and spectacles in which the character of the crowd appears have also long been features that characterize these countries. Such countries include Spain. A country that partly corresponds to the Leo type is also France - the “world catwalk”, the country of creative people, and the only Western power that seriously resists the influx of American aesthetics. However, the influence of the neighboring sign, Virgo, is also noticeable in its culture. The Czech Republic, Italy, Iran, Hungary, Poland, and Brazil are also under the sign of Leo. It is pleasant for Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo to live in the Leo regions. Libra will find new friends here, and Gemini will learn a lot of interesting information.

Virgo on the globe

This sign is associated with caring for the family hearth, careful attitude towards material property, consistency, accuracy, certainty in everything, without “outbursts” and extremes. Virgos care about nature. They are inquisitive, and they value intelligence above all else. Calmness and functionality prevail in residential premises. Scrupulous, pedantic, and seeing the meaning of existence in serving one’s work, the sign of Virgo is traditionally associated with countries such as Japan and Switzerland. Under its influence are: Belarus, the Baltic states, Germany, the Czech Republic, Vietnam, Canary Islands. Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo will find it easy to stay here. Staying in the countries of Virgo will have a beneficial effect on the well-being of Cancers and Scorpios.

Libra on the globe

Poise, grace, style - these are the main external characteristics this sign. From modern countries This image is most clearly demonstrated by England - “a country of ladies and gentlemen”, combining two such extremes as monarchy and democracy. Libra is a balanced, sophisticated, artistic sign. The aesthetic component is of great importance. Completeness of form in everything. At the same time – excellent taste, absence of “flashy” elements or pretentiousness. Strictness and certainty. All these qualities fully manifest themselves in the culture, way of life and living conditions of the peoples inhabiting the countries of Libra. Under the patronage of Libra are: Great Britain, China, Burma, Austria, France, England, Syria, Saudi Arabia. Staying in countries and cities under the influence of this sign is favorable for Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. They feel good there and fire signs– Leo and Sagittarius. It is good for Virgos to go shopping to the domain of Libra.

Scorpio on the globe

Under this sign there are “biting” countries, mainly of the Islamic trend. It is in them that there are tendencies inherent in Scorpio: the desire to suppress instincts and transform them into spirituality, isolation on one’s ideals and principles. Separately, we can highlight Iran and Afghanistan. Scorpio is a sign of extremes and contradictions. But he is extremely strong spiritually and physically. Rich historical past and present. Strength and authority are combined with nobility and the need for self-sacrifice. Pride in one’s people, a sense of belonging to a unique ethnic group. At the same time, the real property situation is not put at the forefront. The main thing is inner wealth. Emotionality, mobility, depth are the character traits of the peoples inhabiting these lands. Under its influence are Azerbaijan, Turkey, Indochina, Iran, Afghanistan, Hungary, Cuba, Iceland, Cambodia, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia. Staying in countries and cities ruled by Scorpio is favorable for Cancers, Virgos, Capricorns, Scorpios and Pisces.

Sagittarius on the globe

Have you already noticed that Sagittarians are idealists? Such a typical idealist in literature is Don Quixote. And his homeland, Spain, is precisely under the sign of Sagittarius. You remember that the Spaniards were brave sailors and traveled, like any Sagittarius, over very long distances. The sign is very “human” - both in a positive and negative sense. Breadth of nature, desire for luxury. Conquests, expansion of borders. Philosophical depths and creative achievements. Among the “sagittarius” countries we can also name Australia, New Zealand, Hungary, Slovenia, France, Poland, Yugoslavia, Brazil, Georgia, Cyprus, Portugal, China, Argentina. These countries are attractive for Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius.

Capricorn on the globe

Germany is considered one of the most conservative countries under Capricorn, its western part excluding Bavaria and the territory of the former GDR. Both Koreas and Mongolia also belong to Capricorn countries. From countries Arab world Saudi Arabia, Scandinavia, Germany, Tibet, Nepal, Mexico, Ireland, Israel are under this sign. This sign is characterized by a desire for clarity and clarity of positions, to achieve goals determined in advance, and practicality. Career growth that occurs consistently, according to a clearly verified scheme, but always according to individual laws. Classical forms prevail in architectural features; in culture and art, a lot of space is given to root traditions. In countries and cities under the influence of Capricorn, it is good to live, work and relax for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Aquarius on the globe

The “Aquarius” countries include Japan, Finland, Lebanon, as well as the north of the European part of Russia approximately to Tula, Canada, Sweden, Argentina, Peru, and Chile. In the character of Aquarius and the ethnic groups inhabiting their countries, internal wealth, depth, and the need for knowledge are combined with recklessness, ease, and even, to some extent, irresponsibility. Aquarians are individualists and hunters of everything new and unknown. They value community and collectivism, but feel bad when alone. At the same time, they value freedom and are very freedom-loving. This sign consists of such paradoxically combined forms of character. It is good for Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries to share the territory with Aquarius.

Pisces on the globe

Egypt, where people live in a very special rhythm, Iceland and Portugal are considered typically “fishy” countries. Among the areas within countries under the auspices of Pisces are Normandy in France and Calambria in Sicily. Countries of the Pisces sign: Portugal, Indonesia and the countries of Oceania, Iceland, Romania, Finland, Nepal, Philippines, Ceylon, Palestine, Venezuela, Hawaii, Colombia. Secrecy, craving for knowledge of the unknown, occult sciences and practices. Rituals and associated thousand-year traditions, as well as amazing intuition developed under the influence of mystical forces. By visiting here regularly, you can develop abilities that were previously dormant in you, as well as open secret doors to new areas of life, the world... One of the defining qualities of these peoples is talent in a wide variety of art forms. Creative people will feel comfortable and happy here. Signs that are suitable for a long stay in the territory of Pisces: Pisces, Scorpios, Cancers, Taurus, Capricorns.

Newspaper “Anomalous News” No. 20, 2012


Zodiac sign geographical feature determined by terrain, climate and natural resources, the nationality and religion of the majority of the inhabitants, their main trade and characteristics of local traditions and language, the image on the coat of arms and flag, the founding date of the city or state, if known.

From time to time, ideas about a country or city change, history adds new features, and the old features of these places are forgotten or cease to be so. Therefore, astrogeographical correspondences accepted in ancient centuries now seem dubious and incomprehensible.

Any city or country is characterized by several signs of the Zodiac, the most pronounced in a given area. Signs can appear simultaneously or replace each other over time. In addition, any locality can be divided into twelve sectors, each of which corresponds to its own zodiac sign.

Countries and cities of Aries

The terrain of Aries is desert or steppe. Residents are engaged in sheep breeding, metal processing, weapons manufacturing, or often fight. The character is bold, the speech is sharp and abrupt. The coat of arms and flag contain symbols of military valor and the color red. Aries cities were built by pioneers, the buildings are chaotic or the streets are very straight, the houses are built in a clear long line.

COUNTRIES: Germany, Denmark, Azerbaijan, Palestine, Ancient Rome, almost the entire Caucasus.

CITIES: Berlin, Marseille, New York, Krasnoyarsk, Rostov-on-Don.

Countries and cities of Taurus

“The terrain of Taurus is very fertile. Residents are eager to save and love to live close to the land and nature. Low-rise buildings, residents prefer cottages

COUNTRIES: Ukraine, Belarus, Eastern Switzerland, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Moldova.

CITIES: Moscow, Samara, Belgorod, Zurich, Istanbul, Dublin.

Countries and cities of Gemini

The Gemini area is highly located, there are many roads. Residents are very mobile and travel on compact types of transport: bicycles, motorcycles, small cars. A city is often divided in two by a river or formed from the merger of two or more settlements. These places are famous educational institutions, writers and scientists.

COUNTRIES: Ancient Greece, USA, Belgium, Romania, Yugoslavia.

CITIES: Cordoba, Melbourne, San Francisco, London, Ufa, Novosibirsk.

Countries and cities of Cancer

The area is fertile and rich in water. Residents are conservative, honor ancient traditions, and are often busy agriculture. The buildings are low-rise, there are many temples and ancient buildings, ancient ruins and graves. Excavations are often carried out in these places and treasures are searched for.

COUNTRIES: India, Nepal, Africa, Holland, Scotland, New Zealand.

CITIES: Amsterdam, Genoa, Milan, Istanbul, Volgograd, Kyiv, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Kursk.

Countries and cities of Leo

The area is rich precious metals or stones. Residents are proud of themselves, love fun, glitz and luxury. These are capitals, centers of culture, places of residence of rulers, no matter what other signs are assigned to these cities. They have magnificent palaces and parks, monuments of impressive size, many places of entertainment and recreation, including elite ones, for very rich people.

COUNTRIES: France, Italy, Czech Republic, Ancient Persia.

CITIES: Damascus, Chicago, Philadelphia, Ravenna, Rome, Paris, Hollywood, Bombay, Moscow, Odessa.

Countries and cities of Virgo

The area is fertile and rich in minerals. Residents are very businesslike, but not vain. There are many agricultural and industrial enterprises, medical institutions, and a developed service sector. Places famous for professionals high level, doctors, folk craftsmen. The development is characterized by division into many microdistricts.

COUNTRIES: Brazil, Crete, Croatia, Greece, Switzerland, Turkey, Japan, Germany.

CITIES: Riga, Strasbourg, Berlin, Boston, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Nizhny Novgorod.

Countries and cities of Libra

The area is beautiful not only because of nature, but also because of people. Residents love art and aesthetics in everyday life, their manners and speech are reserved. The cities have many well-groomed gardens and parks, beautiful buildings, graceful bridges, openwork fences, and sculptures.

COUNTRIES: China, Japan, Argentina, Burma, Austria, Hawaii, Egypt, England.

CITIES: Frankfurt am Main, Copenhagen, Speyer, Vienna, Antwerp, Johannesburg, St. Petersburg.

Countries and cities of Scorpio

The area is low, where there are many swamps, dirty water, underground rivers or rich underground reserves of oil, coal, ore. There is a threat to life from the elements or radiation, poisonous snakes or crime. Places associated with war, death and mysticism. Many burial places, places of sorrow and danger anomalous zones. There are many banks, financial and security agencies in the cities. Places are famous for magicians, rich people and powerful authorities.

COUNTRIES: Algeria, Morocco, Germany, Syria, Vietnam, Azerbaijan, Libya, Sicily.

CITIES: St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Munich, Washington, Perm, Saratov, Cherepovets.

Countries and cities of Sagittarius

The area is spacious, often away from major crowded areas. It could also be a port city. There are many visitors: immigrants, tourists, pilgrims, nomads, preachers. Many temples or universities.

COUNTRIES: Australia, Madagascar, Portugal, Arabia, Spain, France.

CITIES: Baghdad, Cologne, Acapulco, Lugansk, Voronezh.

Countries and cities of Capricorn

The area is mountainous, with many rocks, stones, caves and dungeons, mines, and ancient ruins. The climate is often cool, and the people are harsh and reserved. The city has fortresses, underground passages, many towers and high fences. The houses are made of stone, without architectural frills, with thick walls and small windows.

COUNTRIES: Korea, Afghanistan, Albania, Iceland, Bosnia, Mexico, Bulgaria, Tibet, Estonia.

CITIES: Oxford, Warsaw, Boston, Brussels, Montreal, Kazan, Moscow, Dresden, Chelyabinsk.

Countries and cities of Aquarius

The area is spacious, with plenty of water. The architecture is unique. Strange, funny or very high buildings. The industry is associated with the manufacture of electronics, cars, and aircraft. Places are famous for inventors, revolutionaries, predictors, and people with unusual abilities.

COUNTRIES: Russia, Brazil, Sweden, Ethiopia, Finland, Chile, Canada, Lithuania.

CITIES: Hamburg, Los Angeles, Pisa, Salzburg, Stockholm, Buenos Aires, Bremen, Vologda.

Countries and cities of Pisces

An area with many lakes, swamps, and rivers. Island state, city on the seashore or big river, a city where there are many shrines, temples, monasteries, prisons. It is shrouded in secrets and mysticism, there are many anomalous zones and hidden treasures. A place that is famous for saints, benefactors, and clairvoyants. Shipbuilding, fishing, and chemical industries are developed here. These are also closed cities and ghost towns where no one lives.

COUNTRIES: Malta, Portugal, Ceylon, Indonesia, Israel, Singapore.

CITIES: Dublin, Casablanca, Lisbon, Preston, Seville, Bukhara, Samarkand, Astrakhan, Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg.

Horoscope by country for PISCES

In the national character of ethnic groups under control zodiac Pisces, there is some secrecy. The craving for mysticism, the special role of rituals, as well as the amazing intuitive sensory abilities of the people of these countries create an aura of mystery around them. They are musical, artistic, and appreciate beauty. At the same time, the national character includes temper, unbridled passions and the high importance of material wealth. The Pisces people value relaxation and fun more than everyday work. Well, in terms of romantic adventures, and without being particularly picky about partners, they simply have no equal.

In the modern world, Romania, Finland, Nepal, the Philippines, Ceylon, Palestine, Venezuela, Hawaii, Colombia, and Oceania resonate with the energy of the zodiac Pisces.

In the territories under the protection of Pisces, Pisces, Cancers, Scorpios, Taurus and Capricorns feel good. Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius are better off choosing other countries and cities for their holidays. Libra can have a good holiday here, but work will not work out. Leos face all sorts of dangers. Aries can be bored, but for Aquarius it's a good place for earnings.

Horoscope by country for AQUARIUS

In the national character of the ethnos, under the patronage of the zodiac Aquarius, deep inner knowledge is combined with outright recklessness. The peoples of the Aquarius countries have developed individualism, there is an interest in everything new and often a disdainful attitude towards the traditions and values ​​of past years. As a rule, these are people who value company, friendship and value their freedom. The ideas of equality and brotherhood permeate many of the philosophical concepts of these peoples.

The architecture contains new technology construction. In the regions of Aquarius there may be enterprises in advanced branches of science and technology.

In the modern world, Russia, Peru, Chile respond to the vibrations of Aquarius, and Japan is gradually accepting the energy of this zodiac sign.

In the territories under the sign of Aquarius, Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries feel comfortable. All sorts of unpleasant surprises await Taurus here. Leos should avoid the Aquarius domain, and Virgos here need to pay special attention to their health. Cancers and Pisces should not spend a long time on vacation in the countries and cities of Aquarius. Capricorns may be able to make good money in these regions.

Horoscope by country for CAPRICORN

The national character of the ethnic group, which is under the influence of the zodiac Capricorn, contains a desire for clarity, consistency, obtaining specific results, as well as a high significance of career achievements. In architecture, as a rule, there is a classical style. Homes are often custom built. High walls protect the internal spaces of the territory from prying eyes. The interior decoration contains dark brown and dark green shades. In general, the architectural style gives the impression of rigor and simplicity.

In the modern world, Ireland, Israel, and Tibet resonate with the vibrations of the zodiac Capricorn. Great Britain also continues to be under the influence of Capricorn, although its vibrations have already changed in many ways since the times of the great empire.

The Englishman is polite, calm, more or less friendly, invariably modest and respectful to his neighbor. The British are also characterized by scrupulousness, reverence for property, enterprise, efficiency and, most importantly, independence. When a person talks a lot, it is regarded as bad manners or even rudeness. Punctuality and accuracy in observing all rules and traditions is another distinctive feature of the British. You can rely on the honest word of the British.

Horoscope by country for SAGITTARIUS

The character of the ethnic group under the protection of the zodiac Sagittarius has an initial belligerence, a generous nature and a desire for luxury. At the same time, these peoples gave the world not only great conquerors and commanders, but also philosophers who made huge contribution in the development of world culture. Until the middle of the last century, the characteristics of Sagittarius were most clearly manifested in Italy, Portugal, Brazil, and Poland. On the post-war world map, Sagittarius includes Cyprus, Portugal, China, Argentina and Australia.

Residents of Australia are friendly, easy to learn, they are distinguished by their rejection of authority, and their love of sharp words. The backbone of the population consisted of emigrants from England and Ireland.

On the one hand, the country retains the influence of English culture, sometimes manifested in restraint, stiffness, and puritanism; on the other hand, many observers note the similarity of Australia with California, which is manifested in love of life, freedom of morals, habits most spend time on outdoors. Australians are friendly to foreigners. The influence of ecologists and pacifists is great.

Horoscope by country for SCORPIO

Countries ruled by the zodiac Scorpio tend to have an ancient history of ups and downs. U typical representative These ethnic groups have an internal feeling of belonging to the wealth of the entire nation, regardless of their own real property status. The people of these countries have a pronounced collectivism not only in making all decisions concerning the life of the ethnic group, but also in holding holidays and rituals at any level. As a rule, these people are emotional, active and deep. An important feature of the national character is the factor of collective aggressiveness. Each person alone is more emotional than aggressive, but when people unite together, they resemble a disturbed beehive.

In the architecture of these ethnic groups there is a desire for strong, solid structures with thick walls, brickwork, and powerful locks. There is often a courtyard, large and enclosed, invisible from the street. As a rule, there are no external decorations, but inside there may be all the signs of prosperity and wealth. The territories of these countries are rich in mineral resources, often oil, or serve as an arena for attracting monetary resources from around the world. The peoples of these countries cannot be called warlike in the familiar Martian meaning of the word; they would rather prefer to buy peace than to fight. However, in the event of a serious threat to the wealth of the nation, they become invincible, using all means to fight, including self-sacrifice.

Horoscope by country for LIBRA

In the national character of the ethnic group, which is under the influence of the zodiac Libra, there is a desire for beauty and completeness of forms. Moreover, the form matters more than its internal content. Great importance given to a person’s social position and the level of his relationships with people around him. In urban architecture, as a rule, Libra includes elite areas, harmoniously planned, with comfortable conditions residence. The architecture contains elements of decorative finishing, many ornamental bushes and lawns. The style of housing is usually open and light. A person who finds himself in the Libra area is impressed by comfort and harmony, conducive to relaxation.

In the modern world, countries such as Austria and France are ruled by Libra. The typical Libra was considered to be old England, which in post-war world falls more and more under the influence of Capricorn, as well as Saudi Arabia, Syria, Burma.

The Austrians are hospitable people, despite their apparent arrogance. The explanation is that the population of Austria, and in particular major cities, come from bourgeois families. They make contact easily and are always ready to help in difficulties. Distinctive features are politeness and punctuality.

Horoscope by country for VIRGO

The character of the ethnic group under the protection of the zodiac Virgo contains such qualities as accuracy, consistency, concern for environment, high intellectual level and constant curiosity. In the Virgo regions, all urban elements are successfully combined with each other, giving even the most insignificant service the opportunity to work. Special attention is given to a developed network consumer services, as well as medical institutions of various profiles, from preventive, sports and recreational institutions to medical treatment. The architectural traditions of the Virgo region feature functional simplicity, there are no unnecessary decorations, but there are all the details that make life easier. At the same time, housing is often full of technical improvements that make life easier. In the Virgo region, not only every detail of the interior is amazingly thought out, but also special meaning is given to landscaping work.

Traditionally, Japan was included in the Virgo regions. Although in the post-war years this country increasingly fell under the influence of the zodiac Aquarius. However, the influence of Virgo is still very strong in traditions and rituals. On the modern map of the world, under the influence of Virgo there are such countries as Germany (pre-war “Aries” Germany is gradually moving into a new vibrational quality - Virgo), the Czech Republic, Vietnam (just like Germany, it is coming out of the influence of the zodiac Aries), the Canary Islands.

Horoscope by country for LEO

In the national character of countries under the influence zodiac Leo, there is royal grandeur and inner pride in belonging to one’s people, as well as a love for colorful actions and theatrical performances. Leo's communities abound with cultural enterprises and sports facilities. The houses have a majestic style that conveys prestige and national pride, although often only from the outer, front side, facing the main highway. The architecture of interior spaces and backyards is not that interesting to Leo.

When choosing a place to live for Leo, it is important that the house has its own special, individual architecture and is not obscured by surrounding buildings. Leos especially like houses with lush front entrances. The interior of the apartment should emphasize the individuality of the owner, but in no case compete with him in its beauty and high cost.

Countries under the patronage of Leo on the modern world map are: Hungary, Poland, Brazil. Spain is also partly under the influence of Leo, which today is increasingly attuned to the vibrations of the zodiac Aries (the day of the proclamation of the republic falls on April 1, 1939).

It is pleasant for Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo to live in the Leo regions. Scorpios, Aquarius and Taurus are better off staying away from these places. Virgos may lose their perspective in life, and Pisces may experience exacerbations of chronic diseases from overwork. For Cancers and Capricorns this is a profitable place, however, for the latter it is associated with a certain risk. Libra will find new friends here, and Gemini will learn a lot of interesting information.

Horoscope by country for CANCER

The peculiarity of the national character of Cancers is a certain closeness from the influence of the surrounding world and individualism. Nations and peoples under the influence of this zodiac sign have a developed system of spiritual beliefs, a philosophy focused on the priority of spirituality over matter. The national character of Cancers includes reverence for teachers, gurus, mentors, masters, clergy and, in general, authorities of the highest social and spiritual power. In cities, the preferred architecture is low-rise buildings, without wide highways. Cancers like small old alleys with public gardens, parks, and ponds. There should be a network of children's institutions and it is desirable to have some monuments that will remind of the connection with the ancestors.

In architecture, Cancers prefer isolated rooms, comfortable and convenient. Appliances, a nice bathroom, and the ability to grow flowers or access to the yard. The design of the apartment contains calm light tones of green, opal or chestnut shades. Pieces of furniture should be expensive, impressive, calm in shape and very comfortable.

Under the control of Cancer are Holland, India, Denmark, Canada, Paraguay, New Zealand.

India is a country of rich, centuries-old culture. Matter in this country seems to have frozen, giving priority to the spiritual sphere. Numerous Hindu esoteric teachings, dating back thousands of years, find millions of adherents in many countries of the world.

In the Cancer region, Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios do well. Taurus will acquire useful connections there, as well. Virgos will find true friends. Libra, Capricorn and Aries may have problems and disappointments. Geminis can earn extra money, and Leos, because of their stiffness, can make enemies for themselves. For Sagittarius, this is an area of ​​extreme manifestations, and for Aquarius there is a danger of ailments of a nervous nature.

Horoscope by country for GEMINI

The national character of the ethnic group, which is under the control of the zodiac Gemini, clearly demonstrates the ability to communicate and the desire for outwardly active, often ostentatious social activity. The Gemini people are not without some cunning, they have trading savvy and do not consider it shameful to “cheat” a neighbor if such an opportunity arises. In Gemini countries, intelligence, mobility and the ability to work with hands are valued. As a rule, these countries are rich in transport communications and have good, open street layouts. IN populated areas There may be transport service enterprises, car shops, bookstores, fairs, and a developed network of markets. The architecture has a light, open form. IN central regions buildings will have increased number of storeys and earthquake resistance. Houses are designed in such a way that it is possible to alter and adapt to the needs of residents. The decoration uses bright and colorful elements.

Under the influence of Gemini are countries such as the USA, Belgium, modern Italy (coming out of the influence of Sagittarius), Greece, Yugoslavia, Korea, UAE, Singapore, Madagascar.

Horoscope by country for TAURUS

Peoples belonging to the sign of Taurus value beauty, prosperity, and earthly joys. But these are not the only indicators of national character. Such peoples are often distinguished by a special free attitude to love, even to the cults of gods and goddesses extolling romantic relationships. How can one not recall Swedish love and the gypsy romance of Moldova. But national character is no less clearly manifested in times when the country is engulfed in the fires of war. Ethnic groups belonging to this zodiac sign are so fierce in the struggle that they are ready to do anything, even self-destruction.

Taurus traditionally includes Ukraine, Sweden, and partly Norway. Moldova, Bulgaria, and Taiwan can also be included here. In ancient times, the Normans and Vikings prayed to the thunder god with Taurus symbols and wore helmets shaped like the head of Taurus. Among the famous figures of these countries there are many Taurus - the king of Sweden Carl Gustav, the hetmans of Ukraine Skoropadsky and Petliura. The landscape of Taurus is fertile lands, replete with gardens and flowers.

The people inhabiting the territory of Sweden are endowed with bright Taurus qualities. Thoroughness and the desire for lasting well-being are the main characteristic Swedes Norway also finds itself in the zone of Taurus influence, although it experiences it to a lesser extent.

In the Taurus region, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn feel good. Leos and Aquarius may lose their colorful personality here. Scorpios may have material or love problems. For Aries and Libra, this is an area of ​​large material income. Sagittarius needs to take care of their health here, and Gemini needs to be wary of secret enemies.

Horoscope by country for Aries

The national character traits of Aries are especially clearly manifested during crisis periods in the development of an ethnic group. Suffice it to recall the collapse of the well-oiled machine of the German Wehrmacht in World War II. Or the appearance of the rebellious spirit of the Vietnamese people during the American occupation. The active, inexhaustible energy of Mars, the main planet of Aries, is especially strong during those periods of time when the state is conducting military operations.

However, no less important features National character is high efficiency, fiery, cheerful disposition, childish spontaneity, sometimes even naivety and a penchant for romantic adventures.

Germany has long been attributed to the sign of Aries, to the greatest extent East Prussia and Vietnam. It is interesting that almost all prominent figures in Germany were born under the sign of Aries. However, in the post-war years, Germany and Vietnam increasingly absorbed the vibrations of the zodiac Virgo, leaving the influence of Aries.


There are just as many non-standard, explosive contradictions in the world as there are people born under the sign of Pisces: the calmness of Pisces can turn into a violent outburst in one second, but then immediately plunge back into detached melancholy.

The first country that a non-professional astrologer will suggest for Pisces is Egypt. Yes, this country itself is under the sign of Pisces and, perhaps, could become a place of comfortable living, but... Only if you have an acquaintance Aquarius, who, quite by accident, a long time ago, and exclusively for personal use, invented a Time Machine so that visit great-grandchildren in the future.

A familiar and friendly Pisces, Aquarius, suddenly becoming generous, can lend his Car for a short time so that he or she can fly into the past - a couple of thousand years ago: to times that could really interest her. Who knows, maybe she or he wouldn’t want to come back. But in the present, a real Pisces of European upbringing would hardly voluntarily agree to choose Egypt for himself.

If we proceed from the fact that Pisces are attracted to everything mystical and unknown, then it would be more correct to choose another country that matches the sign - Nepal. In mysterious Nepal, having joined the enchanting rhythm of its troubled life, devoting themselves to unraveling the knowledge and dreams of past civilizations, Pisces, prone to philosophy and contemplation, can really find spiritual, unhurried intellectual comfort for themselves.

But not every Pisces is both a philosopher and an esotericist at heart. Voluntarily part with goods modern civilization Not everyone will agree. Well, there is an option for this case too - civilized Iceland. Country of the center of the Earth. A country of open spaces, waterfalls, volcanoes and myths. A country inhabited not only modern people, but also by ancient people invisible to ordinary people - elves, possessing hidden knowledge, sealed in ancient tomes. Elves reveal themselves and their knowledge only. And someone born under the sign of Pisces may well become that one - the chosen one. The heightened, cosmic intuition characteristic of Pisces can push them towards the invisible. After all, living in a calm and daily expectation of a miracle is one of the characteristic activities for Pisces.

Pisces feel organically and truly psychologically comfortable on the coasts, where once there were noisy ports connecting countries and continents. In cities and countries with a romantic ancient history: the history of pirates and sutlers, knights and crusades. In Europe, of course, these are primarily cities and small settlements on the coast in French Normandy, in Sicilian Calabria - especially in Messina, on the island city of Rab in Croatia, as well as in sultry, bright and temperamental Portugal, Venezuela, Hawaii and Colombia.

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