The growing individual determines his own priorities. How to prioritize in life and find harmony. How to determine your priorities

Hello dear readers. An adult, towards the middle of his life's journey, begins to think about old age. Everyone wants to have time to enjoy a carefree and happy life at least at this age. Unfortunately, in reality the opposite is true. Old people look back, looking for the past years and their mistakes. To prevent this from happening to you, I want to talk about priorities in life. Your well-being depends on their correct placement.

What ? How they can be placed correctly and how they affect your life. Time is a valuable resource and you simply cannot waste it. I want you to live your life happily, so read the article to the end, maybe I can help you achieve this.

Happiness and success in life

Where do you start your day? What is more important to you, brushing your teeth or enjoying a delicious breakfast? What if you're late for work and you can only do one thing?

Of course you brush your teeth. Because society has imposed its opinion that not brushing your teeth is bad, you need to maintain hygiene and the like. So, those who do what they want, and not what they need, will go to work happy.

Setting priorities is really important. And by the way, you can beat this situation from the other side. What is more important to you, to enjoy breakfast or to avoid embarrassment when communicating with people?

Before moving on to the main topic of the article, I want to talk a little about success and happiness. Because this particular pair is an indicator of the correct prioritization.

What is happiness? This is the state of a person in which he experiences the greatest inner satisfaction with what is happening around him.

What is success? This means feeling completely satisfied with the result.

Everyone dreams of this couple, and everyone has their own idea of ​​it. But the truth in success is such a factor as public recognition. Since a person is a social being, it is important for him that others also have a positive attitude towards his successes.

What's happened a priority

Priority is a concept meaning primacy, importance. This is what takes up most of your time and attention. What you are willing to sacrifice for is less important, what you will do first.

A person’s life priorities are not constant and change throughout life. This is usually related to age. During the life cycle, values ​​change. A teenager is not interested in children, an adult is not interested in collecting pretty candy wrappers, and at 40 years old a person cares more about his career than at 20.

Life is a cup; it can and should be filled with contents. Your success and happiness will depend on what you fill it with. For example, it can be filled with small and meaningless things, and when the cup is full, there will be no room left for more important and meaningful things. And even in this case, your life will be full, but not with what you need. Therefore, when someone brags to you that he is living life to the fullest, do not be so quick to envy him.

The main question will be “what is important to you?” In order not to get stuck in the thick of life’s problems and other people’s opinions, you need to ask yourself this question periodically. Our goals in life depend on our priorities. That is, first we arrange things by importance, and then goals and desires.

Pyramid needs

No two people can have the same priorities and goals. This is because each person is a unique worldview, values, beliefs, knowledge, feelings. For example, if you remember the pyramid of needs, the American psychologist Maslow. At first glance it seems universal.

  1. Physiological needs come first
  2. Safety comes second
  3. Third, love and belonging to a group in society
  4. Respect and recognition
  5. Aesthetic needs

This pyramid is the basis corresponding to human nature. And everything is correct in it, but there may still be differences. For example, physiology, it will be enough for one person to sleep 7 hours, and for another 12. For one, a piece of bread will be enough to satisfy hunger, while another needs only culinary delights. Or what is with people for you may not be important for others. Some people need respect, while others need consistency. External factors can influence our goals.

Three whales

Human life can be divided into three areas. Personal life, work, and “myself.” Everyone chooses their own priority. There are no rules in this choice, everything is strictly individual. No one can make a mistake in this matter in relation to others, but you can do it in relation to yourself.

The most common dilemma is the choice between family and work. Since these areas practically divide our entire lives in half.

Very often the priorities in a woman’s life come under condemnation. Society refuses to accept the fact that her career may come first for her. This is an example of how a person accepts priorities from people close to him. Parents, partner, children, boss, friends. As a result, it turns out that time is wasted and a feeling of emptiness comes with old age.

For the same reason, society forgets about the third whale. In the routine of life, we forget about ourselves, our development, and make time for this. And it’s not bad when this area is in third place; it’s sad when it’s not in the hierarchy at all. The reason for this is inattention to oneself and rigid beliefs that loving oneself is selfishness.

Of course, they should tell us in childhood. But not every adult knows or thinks about this. Everything goes on an intuitive level.

For example, parents make studying a priority for a child. And nothing should be more important. But the mistake here is that studying is just a goal or a tool for achieving success. The child first needs to be helped to determine what is important to him and what he wants from life. And yes, this will change every year. For example, a child wants to become an astronaut, then he needs to be explained how important it is for this profession to have a wealth of school knowledge. Therefore, the setting of priorities is influenced by upbringing, the nature of needs and external factors.

I would also like to note that priorities consist of a set of values.

  • Spiritual and physical health
  • Career
  • Financial independence
  • Family, children, loved ones, friends
  • Hobbies, recreation, entertainment
  • Study self-development

This list is approximate, you can add something to it, or you can remove something.

From words to action

Values ​​help us choose the direction vector and . It took me a very long time to determine my true priorities and come to awareness.

How to find balance in all spheres and live in complete harmony? How to set priorities correctly? First, let's talk frankly. Not with me, but each with himself. I suggest you take a piece of paper and write down the answers to the following questions, which will help you identify a priority for yourself:

  1. Write down a list of things you like and don't like to do. What are you willing to devote more time to, to the detriment of other things?
  2. What is important to you in life? You can name three things and choose one of higher priority.
  3. Imagine yourself in 5, 10, 20 years. Please describe in detail. What do you eat, what do you do, do you have a family, a car, a job. Where do you live?
  4. What needs to be done to achieve this? Taking into account all factors. Financial capabilities, presence of family and children, education, place of residence.
  5. What are you missing in your life right now?
  6. What can you never give up in your life?
  7. What are you willing to sacrifice for your main goal?

After you have answered all the questions, pause. Drink coffee or get some fresh air. Then go back to the notes and analyze them.

Pay attention to repetition. What worries you will be immediately visible. For example, you dream of traveling. Your work, children, especially if they are small, fear may interfere with you. But you are not ready to give up everything for travel right now. When such contradictions arise, it is necessary to be tough, gain courage and cut everything down.

Don’t be afraid to admit that the most important thing in life for you is yourself. This does not mean abandoning everything and everyone. At such moments, the ability to plan and manage your time helps. For example, if you remove garbage from your life that you don’t need, social networks, gossip, swearing, then you will have more time for yourself, without harming others.

Correct prioritization is not about pleasing other people, it is about knowing and accepting yourself. To travel you don’t need to leave your family and work, you just need to plan a trip. Find someone to leave the child with and save money.

If you admit that raising children is more important to you than work, that's good. Looking for a job with a flexible schedule, if this requires learning a new profession, the main thing is to look for a way out of the situation. As they say, without the second there will be no first. Therefore, there is no need to give up the less important areas of life, because they are part of your thicket. And the whole point is in their proportions.

My experience

  • At first, I simply wrote down in a notebook everything that I did during the day with pleasure and that I wasted time on. These notes contained only my opinion, only what I felt. I never asked others what they thought about me and my actions. After observing myself for a week, I also had a decent list of things that were important to me and it was difficult for me to prioritize. In this case, meditation helped me.
  • With the help of practices, I was able to turn off all influencing factors and understand what really comes first for me. Only by clearing my thoughts and turning off the extraneous noise was I able to hear the call of my heart.
  • After the meditation, goals started popping into my head at breakneck speed. I didn’t have time to write them down, but I already had an action plan in my head. Moving away from this a little, I was overcome with fear. Fear that I simply won’t cope and life will be even harder for me, knowing what I want, but never achieving it. But I was able to defeat him. If you are also afraid of your goals, I recommend the course which will help you set yourself up to achieve them.

I also advise you to pay attention to one of the principles of martial arts. At first it may seem to us that in battle the main thing is to get the enemy at any cost. It doesn’t matter how, but get to it.

All people's lives consist of tasks and circumstances that test character and patience. Your life priorities are of great importance, examples of which are work, family, kindness, love or happiness. Each person has his own values ​​that help him move in the right direction.

Conformity of actions and words with values ​​fills life with meaning, harmony and happiness. Any contradictions in this aspect provoke irritation and anxiety. Your own world, like the world as a whole, becomes dysfunctional and joyless.

Determining life priorities

Life values ​​are guidelines that a person can rely on and lean on in difficult moments and dark times. These are principles, ideals, beliefs, personality traits, as well as a sense of the truth of what a person follows. Loss of priorities becomes the cause of an existential crisis (loss of meaning) and despair. This development of events is a real test for people.

Values ​​can be compared to a compass. It is necessary to compare the steps that are taken in life against them. Problems with finances and relationships, difficulties with decision making indicate a discrepancy between internal models of the world and reality, that a person doubts his desires and significant things. Certain attitudes are companions to a full and productive life.

Three spheres of values

Priorities are individual and depend mainly on what a particular person was instilled in childhood in the family and school. Education of morality and other virtues is the key to a harmonious personality with the correct priorities of life values.

Their full list is huge. But there are three most significant parts of the values ​​of a healthy personality:

  1. Business, work, business.
  2. Personal life and relationships.
  3. Own development.

In addition, they share material and spiritual values.

Detailed list

Different priorities:

  • Home, money, comfort. Orderly life. Close relationship with the sphere of family and leisure, as well as work, business and business.
  • Family, children, mutual understanding. All long-term relationships in couples, relatives and friends. There is also love (care, respect, attention).
  • Love, relaxation, entertainment and excitement. Values ​​of joy and pleasure: travel, romance, games and so on.
  • Education and professional development. As a rule, doing any business is not complete without experience and education. This simultaneously concerns the spheres of “business” and “own development”.
  • The next example of life priorities is career, status, power. The value of social development, which implies obtaining new opportunities to do and influence and gaining a higher social status.
  • Business, projects. This refers to everything a person does in life: work, plans, ideas and projects.
  • Health, beauty, harmonious development. This is the value of the body: appearance, figure, muscles, ability to move. Refers to one's own development and personal life.
  • Personal growth, psychological and social skills. Everything related to personal development. In short, this can be called wisdom: maturity, attention to other people, thoughtful conclusions. Psychological skills include mastery of emotions, overcoming fears, clarity and purity of thinking. Social skills - behavior in society.
  • Spiritual growth, knowledge of life, realization of purpose. Spiritual aspirations are evidenced by a life intended not only for oneself, high motives and the desire to leave something good behind.

What else?

A person’s life priorities list and other values ​​include. Among them are the following:

  • Moral.
  • Tolerance.
  • Creative self-realization.
  • Hope.
  • Kindness.
  • Forgiveness.
  • Discipline.
  • Gratitude.
  • Altruism.
  • Patience.
  • Compassion for people and animals.
  • Faith in others.
  • Honesty.
  • Optimism.

The problem of values

This is a universal question; both young people, whose life experience is limited, and more mature and experienced individuals think about it. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone can lose themselves in the cycle of life. Guidelines in determining your own priorities should be: decency, kindness and the ability to listen to your conscience.

The existence of entire civilizations depends on the ability to distinguish between these two types. Historical sources show us the disappearance of many cultures due to the fact that people forgot who they really were and preferred imposed values ​​​​and fictitious ideals.

But, as you know, someone else’s experience does not teach you anything. False values ​​continue to destroy everything that needs to be protected: health, friendship, love. Most often, such priorities are imposed by loved ones and society as a whole. The realization of a mistake comes with bitter disappointment due to the acquisition of what only seemed worthwhile.

How to set life priorities

Today, psychologists from all over the world have developed a large number of techniques that can help diagnose individual life values. Many tests can be taken online for free. As a rule, this takes no more than 15 minutes. The format is classic: a list of questions with multiple answer options or a list of statements with which you need to agree or disagree. The result in the form of a list of core values ​​can be obtained almost instantly. It is important to remember that there are no right or wrong answers. Likewise, there can be no good or bad results.

These methods help provide an individualized picture of priorities. As practice shows, the results cause a variety of feelings and often this is confusion. It may seem to the test taker that an error has occurred and the result obtained does not correspond to real life values. In such cases, it is recommended that you take other tests again. This is useful not only for the choice of results, but also because in the process of answering questions a person can independently decide on the secondary and main things in life.

There is another method for determining priorities in life values ​​- self-analysis. All significant things are written on a piece of paper or in a text document: what a person values, values ​​and respects. In this case, it is not necessary (and even better, on the contrary) to use the observed criteria and terms. It is best to list everything in words that come to mind.

Then a short break and/or change of activity is required. Then you can carefully study the list and select the 10 most important things from it. Then the list is cut in half again. You can simplify your work by replaying all sorts of life situations in your head.

At the end there should be 5 most significant values. They need to be listed in order of importance (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). People often experience difficulties at this stage. Psychologists advise imagining a situation that would force you to decide what it would be harder to exist without. This is the main priority. The importance of other things is not discounted, but they are secondary.


The issue of forming life goals and priorities is mainly relevant for new parents and those whose upbringing for some reason is only in their own hands. Most people want to raise a son or daughter or to be happy and properly developed themselves. Parents' own understanding of the correctness of priorities is a key factor when choosing the value system that they want to instill in their children.

If a child’s life goes without trauma and severe shocks, the ideas developed in childhood (about love, family, material enrichment, education, self-development and career growth) will be fixed in the subconscious for life. As a rule, families of workaholics and careerists grow up to be working and ambitious individuals who actively strive for a certain status. When love and close people are a family priority, a child grows up who values ​​feelings and relationships.

Your priorities largely depend on your life experiences and what you deal with every day. It is pointless to convince the younger generation of the importance of family values ​​if, for example, the father is not at home because of work, and the mother pays all her attention to her friends. Parents must demonstrate what they believe is right and appropriate by example.


The formation of values ​​begins almost from the first days of a child’s life and ends around the age of 22. But throughout life, various situations can cause a rethinking of priorities. Most often we are talking about serious negative and positive emotional shocks and depressive states.

A change in life priorities can also occur due to the following events:

  • marriage;
  • old age (as life's journey ends);
  • your own serious illness or the illness of someone close to you;
  • loss/death of a loved one;
  • unrequited love or feelings for a person who does not live up to ideals;
  • life crises (youth, maturity, existential);
  • sudden changes in financial situation (both poverty and sudden acquisition of wealth);
  • birth of children;
  • tragic events on a global scale, the victims of which are a large number of people.

It happens that priorities change involuntarily. People intuitively choose the best path for their future lives. In cases of crisis, the reason for rethinking is prolonged mental suffering. For example, the problem of life values ​​becomes relevant for those who suffer from depression. Such people need a conscious approach and a clear desire for change.

Rethinking your life priorities (an example of which is your career or relationships with people) is a breath of fresh air, a clean slate. These are internal and external changes in a person and changes in life in general. They often give people harmony and happiness.

About youth

Modern youth are experiencing a substitution of life values. The reason is the abundance of temptations, as well as digital technologies. The latter have become an integral part of life and have replaced many real and worthy things: reading paper books, live communication, and so on. Equally noticeable is the impoverishment of feelings and emotions. In the current generation, dependent on gadgets, consumption prevails over creativity and creation. There is another significant problem. According to sociologists' forecasts, such a value as a full-fledged family will soon disappear.

Literature on the topic

Vital priorities are given a lot of attention in good literary works. With the help of these books, people can protect themselves from rash actions, discover new things and reconsider the significance of their own existence. Books about real, real values:

  1. "The Little Prince" (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry).
  2. “An alley cat named Bob. How a man and a cat found hope on the streets of London" (James Bowen).
  3. “The Second Life of Ove” (Fredrik Backman).
  4. “Welcome to the world, Baby!” (Fanny Flagg).
  5. "The Great Gatsby" (Francis Scott Fitzgerald).
  6. Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption (Stephen King).
  7. "When God Was a Rabbit" (Sarah Winman).
  8. "While I Live" (Jenny Downham).
  9. “Magical cleaning. The Japanese art of putting things in order at home and in life" (Marie Kondo).
  10. "The Kite Runner" (Khaled Hosseini).

Life priorities, examples of which are: self-development, friendship, health and status - a compass for the correct life path of each person. All people choose what is closest to their heart and worldview. The main thing is that a person should live harmoniously and coexist with other people, nature and the world as a whole.

It is vitally important for every person to be able to correctly place emphasis both in work and in personal life. Priority goals and objectives are those things without which life becomes dull, gray and meaningless. Unfortunately, in the flow of everyday affairs, it is sometimes extremely difficult to place such accents. We simply run past our own desires, aspirations, goals, not noticing or not wanting to notice how our own subconscious is screaming at the top of our ears: “Pay attention! Don't pass by! Just wait!” And we are in a hurry, in a hurry to do what we promised someone, to do what was imposed on us from the outside. Correct prioritization will help correct this situation.

Take time for yourself

There is one very simple and interesting exercise to get out of the routine and see life from a new angle. Every day for a week, whether you are at work or at home, take one minute for yourself. Set a timer and think about what you can do in this minute that will change your internal and external state for the better? What action could bring a little warmth and comfort into your life? Perhaps you drink a glass of water, or maybe open a window or go outside. These are little things that we usually don’t pay attention to: fresh air, drink more fluids - it seems that all these instructions are for impressionable girls, and not for adults. Nevertheless, it is health is one of the most important priorities in the life of every person.

Next week, try to increase this time, set the time to 5-10 minutes a day and pay attention to yourself. You will notice that you will try to spend this time on things for which you previously did not have enough time, which seemed unimportant, but now significantly improve your mental and physical well-being.

Wash the car, read a bedtime story to your child, enjoy the bath, read your favorite book. If you add up these actions, you will see that they revolve around several main directions in your life. Family, health, education, self-improvement, financial well-being, love, new experiences, friends - these are “pieces of the pie” called “life”.

In the flow of everyday affairs, worries and responsibilities at work and at home, we often forget about these priorities, being content with the pitiful crumbs of satisfaction from fulfilling parental or socially imposed orders. What's the end result? And in the end, “it’s excruciatingly painful for a life lived aimlessly.” In order to avoid this, it is enough to start living proactively. Avoid aimless existence. If you are already “floating with the flow of life,” then swim with a specific purpose, for example, like the Japanese samurai who chose the path of service.

Easy prioritization and harmony in the soul are determined by mental purity or the absence of mental garbage. What is mental garbage? These are: negative emotions, psychological complexes, emotional trauma, limiting beliefs, negative attitudes, addictions and other rubbish. Freedom from this junk brings energy, determination and clarity of thinking, which is critical both for setting priorities and in modern life in general. .

Priorities: 5 ways to better prioritize your life

This may seem strange, but for each person, priorities are something unique to them. This happens due to the different values ​​in each of us. For some, the well-being of their family is important, for others they put their whole soul into friendship, and for others, work comes first. But we can all balance our lives so that values, priorities and responsibilities are in harmony (by the way, it allows you to see how harmoniously you move through life). And you need to start with the balance of today, in which to correctly place the emphasis using prioritization methods.

The ancient Indian poet Kapidasa said that one of our days contains all the charm of the world. And indeed it is. If you want to make your life more balanced, create harmony in your day using these simple tools.

  • 1. The easiest way

Make a list of things to do for the day and think about which one is the most important? Which task from this list, if completed, will give the greatest feeling of satisfaction? Next to this task, put the letter A. You may have more than one such task on your list, so rank them in order of importance, denoting them with numbers, for example: A1, A2, etc. Throughout the day, follow the resulting sequence of tasks (without fanaticism, of course). Summarize in the evening. Try to use this method of prioritizing whenever you are feeling tired and frustrated.

  • 2. Role-based approach to prioritization

Make a to-do list for the day. On another sheet of paper, write down all your significant, priority social roles for you personally, for example: “I am a friend,” “I am a mother,” “I am a daughter,” etc. After that, divide your tasks into the resulting segments and rank them within each of them in order of importance. Throughout the day, perform the most important tasks from each segment sequentially, gradually descending to lower and lower levels of importance.

Naturally, you need to start with the segment that is the most priority for you. As you complete tasks, pay attention to your internal state. You need to track how well you have set your priorities. Perhaps, while performing some action, you will notice that at this moment your “soul hurts” for something else, or maybe, on the contrary, the day will go by like clockwork. Pay attention to such subtleties, draw conclusions and, when making a list of tasks for the next day, shift priorities in favor of those that turned out to be the most important to you. Setting priorities is a purely individual matter.

It happens that in the morning or during the day it is no longer possible to make a to-do list and rank it in order of importance. As life experience shows, the days when this happens cannot be called particularly successful. To return everything to a normal, controllable direction, use a tool such as the Eisenhower Square.

To do this, draw a square on any sheet of paper, which you divide into four equal parts with two vertical segments. Label the top two horizontal sections “Important” and “Unimportant,” and label the top two vertical sections “Urgent” and “Not Urgent.” Thus, you have four cells. If we mentally combine the vertical with the horizontal (as in chess), we get four categories of tasks: “Important and urgent”, “Important but not urgent”, “Unimportant but urgent”, “Unimportant and not urgent”. Every time you take on something, mark it in the appropriate box. The “Important and Urgent” category is, as a rule, “hot” projects, tasks that should have been “completed yesterday.”

“Important but not urgent” are proactive tasks that are important for future well-being. “Not important, but urgent” – all sorts of tasks that those around us are trying to “hang” on us. “Unimportant and not urgent” – empty time spent, hanging out on social networks, smoking breaks, etc. Obviously, it would be good to completely exclude the last two categories from your life, and after clearing away the rubble in the first category, pay maximum attention to the second segment.

This prioritization allows you to quickly put things in order during the day and not fall victim to a morning that didn’t go well.

  • 4. GTD system (“Getting Things Done” or “How to put things in order”)

In principle, the GTD system is a wide range of actions aimed at optimizing all tasks associated with the life of an individual person. But David Allen presented his own principle of prioritization in a very interesting way. Everything is very simple. First you need to “unload” all the affairs and tasks from your head and write them down on paper. Once this process is complete, you can begin ranking. We divide all cases into four categories.

In order to correctly divide into segments, ask questions: “Can I do this task in one step? How long will it take? Maybe this is no longer necessary? Can I delegate this matter to someone else? etc. As a result, you will receive a clearly ranked list of tasks, half of which you can solve in the next fifteen minutes.

  • 5. Prioritize based on goals

Describe your ideal day. Indicate every detail: what kind of family do you have, what kind of relationships do you have, how much do you earn, where do you live, what do you think about, where do you go, how do you live? Dream thoroughly, let it be a small school essay on the topic “When will my life become good?” After that, imagine yourself on this day, think, what advice would you give yourself? What aspects of life would you like to pay attention to so that your life becomes the same as it is there in the future? Based on this image of the future, make a list of things to do that would bring you closer to its materialization. Organize it and begin to gradually implement it.

All of these prioritization methods do not require a ton of time. They require attention and respect, which is the most difficult task for many.

However, all the effort will pay off if you one day decide to live consciously and proactively, devoting time to the highest priority tasks and finding your own method of prioritizing.

The life of each person includes some tasks, as well as circumstances that test character. What are priorities in life? The main priorities of human life include the following: love, work, happiness, kindness, family and others. Everyone has their own values, they point a person in the right direction in life and help him move along it.

When action is a continuation of thoughts and words, then life takes on the necessary meaning, it contains the happiness and harmony necessary for everyone. If there are contradictions in this important aspect, then irritation and anxiety appear. In this case, the human world can become joyless, gray and dysfunctional.

Classification of priorities

Values ​​in life can be compared to guidelines. At the right time, a person can rely on them and use them to check the correctness of the chosen direction. These are personal qualities, human beliefs, ideals and a sense of the correctness of what an individual does in life. When priorities in life are vague, there may be a loss of meaning in existence and, as a result, a state of despair.

If, for example, there are problems with the position of the financial plan, or it is sometimes not too easy for a person to make a decision on some issue, this means that the world within him does not correspond to the surrounding reality.

Important! Priorities, which can also be called attitudes, are good companions for living a full, vibrant and productive life.

Priorities are a purely individual matter and different for each person, man and woman. They may depend on upbringing in the family, what was said and instilled in the child from childhood (how he was raised and taught at school). The foundation of a harmonious personality is laid from an early age through the instillation of moral qualities and other undeniable virtues.

The list of priorities can be very long. However, out of the entire existing variety of values, three main ones are distinguished:

  • Everything related to professional activity: business, career, work, job search, resume writing and everything related to the chosen path of work;
  • Everything that relates to matters of a personal nature: personal relationships and personal life;
  • Everything that can be considered personal development: spiritual growth, knowledge of oneself and life.

Factors influencing priorities in a person’s life

In order to set priorities in life, it is necessary to take into account the influence of some factors that may seem insignificant and simple, but this is only at first glance. In fact, they influence a person’s position in life and specific views:

  • Time can be put in first place among all such factors. Many people in their youth do not often think about maintaining their health or family life. They give greater preference to career or fun. At a more mature age, they begin to place values ​​in an order completely opposite to the first.
  • The next factor is the events that happened in everyone’s life. Here, an important role is played by what they were like: bad or good, sad or joyful. These events determine how a person looks at this or that situation in life, having in his arsenal the experience of similar things in the past.
  • The most important and even key factor is considered to be the experienced difficulties in life in any one or several areas at once. There may be two options for how events will develop. If some failures occur in work or in its search, a person may strive even more for a better result or, fearing past losses, completely lose all hope and put this priority in place last.

How to determine your priorities

In order to be able to correctly prioritize in life, you need to decide on your desires, to do this, analyze your own thoughts, spending some time on this. For example, you need to ask yourself questions like:

  • What do I really want?
  • My goals, what are they?
  • In order to achieve them, what am I willing to do?
  • What can you give up in the near future?

Questions of this kind seem very ordinary at first consideration, but with due attention to them they will be able to help reveal the full importance and possibility of achieving what you want, most importantly, they will push you in determining priorities.

Important! By answering these questions, a person, without knowing it, can already at least partially understand how to set priorities in his life.

Life priorities are also a sign of gender. A man is rightfully the protector of his family and home; he is a support and leader for loved ones. Self-realization for him is not an empty phrase, it is very important. It is in this status that a man feels good and confident.

Financial independence is an important male priority. The most common goals for men are:

  • Providing finances;
  • Career, work activity;
  • Health;
  • Complete rest.

The aspirations of women are fundamentally different from the values ​​of men. The fair half tends to pay much more attention to family concerns, relationships with their significant other, and children. Comfort in the house is important to them, so that everyone living in it feels good and comfortable. They take care of the health of each family member and observe traditions.

With some exceptions, women most often place work at a lower place in their list of values. Priority value areas for women:

  • Home and family;
  • Health status;
  • Development and spirituality;
  • Quality rest.

Abraham Maslow's Categories of Needs

An American psychologist named Abraham Maslow put forward his own theory, which is that human needs can be classified in a hierarchy. This theory is very popular in the marketing field, since this pyramid provides good opportunities for motivating the buyer to purchase a much larger product range. The psychologist identified five types of needs:

  • Firstly, primitive - everything related to physiology (food, drink, etc.);
  • Secondly, safety. This includes taking care of a cozy home, good living conditions;
  • Thirdly, communication with people, life in society, also love and affection;
  • Fourthly, everything related to work and career;
  • Fifthly, spirituality, as well as self-development.

How to set life priorities correctly

First of all, you need to take control of the situation in life. This requires a detailed analysis of it and all everyday events. You can use paper and pen to write down everything you have done for the last week. This way you can determine what you devote the most time to. This makes it easier to understand what is more important in life and what is not.

Making a list of things that need to be done also helps very well in this science of life. Plus, it’s a good idea to write things down in order of importance. If you influence the brain in this way, then very soon the ability to correctly prioritize will appear.


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