Detailed Maggi diet menu for 4 weeks. Maggi egg diet: a way to lose weight very quickly. Menu of the original Maggi diet

For those who want to transform their figure, but at the same time do it without harm to their health, the BUC diet, the abbreviation of which stands for protein-carbohydrate alternation, is perfect. This is the name for nutrition, which is based on the alternating consumption of protein and carbohydrate foods, which helps to get rid of fat, but at the same time maintain muscle mass.

Basic principles

The weekly menu for the BUC diet is divided into cycles of 4 days: two protein, one carbohydrate and one mixed. Some people toughen up their diet by alternating 3 protein days and 1 mixed day. This should not be done, as it is not only ineffective, but also harmful to health.

  • During protein days, you need to eat 3-4 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. Carbohydrates should be no more than 0.5 g per 1 kg of weight;
  • During carbohydrate days, 5-6 g of carbohydrates and 1 g of protein per 1 kg of weight are allowed;
  • During mixed days, the amount of protein and carbohydrates should be equal.

Fats on any day should not exceed 0.5 g per 1 kg of weight. The calculation must be made based on the desired weight. For example, if you weigh 57 kg, and want to see the coveted figure of 50 kg on the scales, then the calculation should be made with the number 50.

Why does this work?

In order to understand the essence of the BEACH diet, you need to learn more about protein-carbohydrate alternation. So. By eating protein, you can get rid of fat reserves in the body and lose weight. But if you eat only protein foods, as happens, for example, on the Atkins diet, then at one point the body begins to look for other sources of energy. And muscles become such a source.

To prevent the loss of muscle tissue, carbohydrate days are provided, which replenish the body's carbohydrate reserves for a short period of time. Thus, it does not switch to muscle processing, but uses adipose tissue. If you increase the number of protein days, this can have the opposite effect of fat storage.

What products are used?

The advantage of the BUC diet menu is the ability to choose the products consumed both by type and price. For example, if seafood is not available to you, you can replace it with cheap pollock. At the same time, the effectiveness of the diet will not decrease.

Protein food

During protein days, only eating foods with a large amount of protein is allowed. List of such products for the BUTCH diet:

  • chicken breast;
  • turkey;
  • low-fat types of fish (pollock, hake, tuna, pink salmon,);
  • seafood (shrimp, squid);
  • low-fat cheese;
  • chicken egg white;
  • low-fat cottage cheese.

Interesting! Fish or meat can be baked, steamed, boiled or fried without oil in a dry frying pan.

Carbohydrate food

On these days, food with the maximum amount of carbohydrates is allowed. But we are talking only about healthy carbohydrates, and not chocolates or buns. Recipes for the BEACH diet may include:

  • cereals;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • legumes;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits.

Detailed menu

You can vary the dishes on the menu based on your own preferences. The main thing is that it corresponds to all calculations. Below is a detailed description of the BUC diet menu for one cycle.

Day 1 – protein:

  • Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs, a piece of low-fat cheese.
  • Snack – cottage cheese with cinnamon.
  • Lunch – baked turkey, vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack – tuna salad, cucumbers, chicken proteins.
  • Dinner - .

Day 2 – protein:

  • Breakfast - .
  • Snack – 2 egg whites, a piece of low-fat cheese.
  • Lunch – boiled beef, fresh vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack – low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Dinner – baked fish.

Day 3 – carbohydrate:

  • Breakfast – oatmeal with berries.
  • Snack – fruit.
  • Lunch – buckwheat with vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack – vegetable salad with lemon dressing.
  • Dinner – steamed cod, vegetables.

Day 4 – mixed:

  • Breakfast – oatmeal, 2 boiled eggs.
  • Snack – fruit.
  • Lunch – rice with steamed fish.
  • Afternoon snack – cottage cheese with cinnamon.
  • Dinner – steamed chicken breast.

Important! You shouldn't completely avoid vegetables on protein days. It is important to ensure that they fit into the carbohydrate norm.


Dishes on the BUTCH diet are delicious, despite their simple recipe. In addition, their preparation takes very little time.

Oatmeal with fruit


  • oat flakes ½ cup;
  • water or milk 1+¼ glass;
  • raspberries 1 tsp;
  • blueberries 1 tsp;
  • peach 1 pc.

Cooking method:Wash and dry the fruit. Cut the peach into thin slices. Boil the oatmeal in water or milk until tender. Transfer a serving of porridge to a plate and garnish with berries and peaches.

Salad with tuna and cucumber


  • canned tuna 140-170 g;
  • fresh cucumber 1 pc.;
  • boiled egg 2 pcs.;
  • onions ½ pcs.;
  • olive oil 10 ml;
  • lemon juice 5 ml.

Cooking method:Prepare the food: wash the vegetables, drain the tuna, boil the eggs, cool and peel. Place canned tuna pieces in a salad bowl. Grate the cucumber and place in a colander, allowing the juice to drain. Cut the onion into small cubes, grate the eggs. Place all ingredients in a bowl with the tuna. Season with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and stir. Can be served either as a salad or as an ingredient for sandwiches.

Steamed cod


  • cod 300 g;
  • onions ½ pcs.;
  • vegetable oil 30 ml;
  • lemon juice 50 ml;
  • salt 5 g;
  • bay leaf 2 pcs.;
  • peppercorns 6 pcs.

Cooking method: Cut the fish and dry it with a paper towel, add salt and sprinkle with lemon juice. Boil water in a double boiler, add bay leaf and pepper to it. Place the fish, greased with oil, on the grill along with onion rings and a bay leaf. Cook for about 30 minutes. Serve with a slice of lemon.

Who is the technique suitable for?

BUTCH is an excellent nutrition system for those who want to achieve sustainable results in losing weight by burning fat, not muscle.

It will be a suitable diet for people involved in sports and those who want to improve their figure, tighten it and get rid of excess volume.

The BUTCH diet is contraindicated for people with liver, kidney and stomach diseases, as well as for pregnant women.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other nutrition system, alternation has its pros and cons. Let's look at them in more detail.

The BUC diet is good for the following:

  1. Weight loss comes from burning fat, not muscle.
  2. You can exercise while on this diet.
  3. Hearty menu, no hunger strikes.
  4. Simple products on the menu, accessible to everyone.

Among the disadvantages of this diet:

  1. BUCH is not a power supply system. The maximum duration of this diet is three months.
  2. Slow results.
  3. Presence of contraindications.


Based on reviews of the BUTCH diet, we can say that it is not. You will not be able to lose many kilograms in a week; this technique is designed for at least 1 month. But if you strictly follow all the rules, BEACH will give an excellent result.

In this case, you should pay attention not to kilograms, but to body volumes. After all, on this diet, adipose tissue is replaced by muscles, which are much heavier, but at the same time have less volume. That's why you shouldn't weigh yourself regularly and pay attention to the lost kilograms during protein-carbohydrate alternation. Measure your body volume and watch it decrease.

In their descriptions of the BEACH diet, people often note that with a slight weight loss of 2-3 kilograms, their clothing size decreases by a couple of sizes. It is also worth understanding that this diet is not suitable for people with a lot of extra pounds. BUTCH is suitable for body shaping and for losing 5-6 kg.

Interesting! BEACH often helps when weight, after long-term weight loss, stands still and does not want to fall, that is, with the so-called “plateau” effect.

To rid the body of hated kilograms, many resort to numerous diets, which are not always effective. Recently, one of the most popular diets has become a diet of protein-carbohydrate alternation. This method of eating involves varying the amount of proteins and carbohydrates eaten to achieve the desired result and maintain it over a long period of time.

Rules for the protein-carbohydrate alternation diet

The principle of the BEACH diet is to alternately consume carbohydrate and protein foods. This diet can be followed for no more than 3 months. You can go on this diet 2 times a year. It is especially popular among people who always need to keep themselves in excellent (tight) shape.

The classic BCH scheme consists of the following 4-day cycles:

  1. Days 1 and 2 - consumption of protein foods (calculated: 3-4 grams per 1 kg of weight), intake of carbohydrates at the level of half a g per 1 kg of weight.
  2. Day 3 is a carbohydrate day, the amount of carbohydrates consumed should reach 5-6 g per 1 kg of weight, protein is only 1 g per 1 kg of weight.
  3. Day 4 - low carbohydrate: protein is 2-3 g per 1 kg of weight, and carbohydrates are 2-3 g.

It is very important during the diet not to exceed the permissible daily caloric content of foods. Meals on all days of the cycle should be 5-6 times throughout the day. On protein days, you only need to count the amount of protein; carbohydrates and fats that can enter the body (for example, with cottage cheese) do not need to be counted. On carbohydrate days, only the carbohydrates consumed are counted.

Products for diet

The positive side of the BUTCH diet is the ability of a person to select foods for his diet, while he does not feel hungry.

The most carbohydrate foods

  • cereal porridge;
  • starchy vegetables (cabbage, peppers, zucchini, pumpkin, greens, onions);
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • crispbreads and whole grain breads;
  • fruits
  • fresh mushrooms;

List of protein products

  • white meat without fat (chicken breast, turkey);
  • seafood, fresh fish;
  • chicken eggs (preferably white);
  • dairy products (cheeses with fat content up to 30%, kefir, cottage cheese, feta cheese);
  • nuts;

On days of eating protein, you can add lettuce, greens, and cucumbers to your diet. Everyone knows how protein is beneficial for the body.
A certain amount of fat enters the body with animal products. This is the norm - fats are required by the cells of the body.

Low carb foods

On low-carb days, neutral carbohydrate and protein foods are recommended. Among the possible options for low-carbohydrate foods, preference is given to consuming:

  • dark poultry meat,
  • red meat,
  • soy meat,
  • homemade cottage cheese,
  • asparagus,
  • dried fruits,
  • berries (plums, peaches, apricots),
  • green peas,
  • Brussels sprouts.

Butch diet sample menu

There are many options for a BUTCH diet. The main thing is to understand the principle - depletion, break, filling, completion of the cycle, that is, alternating carbohydrate and protein days. All dishes are prepared by baking, boiling or stewing. The drinking regime should be 1.5 - 2 liters per day. It is advisable to prepare dishes from the list of protein and carbohydrate foods

Diet on carbohydrate days

Carbohydrates in the menu should be 5-6 grams per 1 kg of human weight. You need to eat carbohydrates that take a long time to digest. The best porridges to include in your diet are oatmeal and buckwheat.

  • For breakfast you need to eat porridge, maybe with dried fruits.
  • An afternoon snack on carbohydrate days should be a full meal, not a snack. It can consist of half a chicken breast with rice (preferably brown) and a slice of bread.
  • Lunch may consist of durum wheat pasta and vegetables. 2 hours before dinner you can eat low-calorie fruits.
  • For dinner you can eat boiled rice with vegetables and mushrooms.

Low carb day menu

On low-carb days, you alternate between protein and carbohydrate intake throughout the day.

  • Breakfast can consist of unrefined oatmeal porridge (oatmeal is not allowed) with raisins or cottage cheese casserole, a glass of unsweetened green tea.
  • An afternoon snack can be kefir with a piece of bread or fruit.
  • For lunch, you can cook boiled meat (beef or chicken) with green vegetables or rice with 2 slices of cheese.
  • Dinner: any lean fish, steamed or baked, vegetable salad and a slice of rye bread, a glass of kefir.

Protein day diet

Protein days in the BEACH diet mean consuming 3-4 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. To reduce appetite, it is recommended to drink 200 ml of warm water half an hour before meals.

  • For breakfast, you can eat a few boiled eggs or low-fat cottage cheese. 2-3 hours after breakfast, drink a glass of kefir.
  • For lunch, you can steam or bake fish or chicken breast.
    The use of spices (pepper, ginger, Provençal herbs) is allowed. For carbohydrates, you can have tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage for lunch.
  • A few hours before dinner, cook beef and beans. Dinner should be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. It can consist of boiled meat or low-fat cottage cheese. Before going to bed, you can drink low-fat kefir.

The meaning of the BUTCH diet

The meaning of BEACH nutrition is in alternation, in contrast. The greater the contrast between protein and carbohydrate days, the more effective the diet. During protein days, glycogen resources in the body are depleted, a sharp decrease in body weight begins - the body gets rid of unnecessary fluid in the tissues.

On day 3, carbohydrate loading begins, the weight may return or even become a little more. By the end of the cycle, the weight gradually returns to normal.

The cyclical nature of the menu does not allow the body to quickly get used to the new calorie content; this allows you to keep the desired weight normal for a long time. Alternating your diet increases your metabolism and, therefore, promotes weight loss. Fats cannot be completely eliminated.

Too little fat intake can lead to pathological changes in the structure of the skin, hair and nails.

The effectiveness of protein-carbohydrate alternation

The BOOCH diet is quite productive. Body weight may fluctuate during the diet. The productivity of a given nutrition system can be better assessed not by body weight, but by its volume. As a result of strictly following the diet, you can actually lose from 5 to 15 kg in 2-3 months. Weight loss with BUCH will be much slower than with “starvation” diets.

Limiting carbohydrates on protein days makes it possible to remove excess fluid, and if you add strength training to the diet, the process of burning fat will be much more effective. A democratic diet does not suppress the physical activity of the body and does not lead to a deterioration in the psychological state.

BUCH also has contraindications.

This diet is not allowed for people with various problems of the digestive organs along with serious kidney diseases. The main thing to achieve effective long-term results is to follow the principles of a healthy diet!

    Finding effective diets for weight loss is a favorite pastime of all housewives. However, the approach in the spirit of “what should I eat to lose weight” does not always justify itself. Moreover, many advertised diets are dangerous to health.

    Often things reach the point of absurdity when home-grown “nutritionists” take the principle of sports nutrition with “vigorous” modifications and pass it off as a complete and extremely effective weight loss system. This is exactly the fate that befell the BUTCH diet, which was not originally intended for the general public.

    What is BUCH?

    Before describing the principles of nutrition, the dangers and benefits of this method, we will answer the question, what is BEAM?

    The abbreviation BUC stands for protein-carbohydrate alternation. This is not even a diet, but a way of eating based on the basic principles of rational calorie consumption and calculating BZH using periodization. If you add the word “diet” to this, you get a substitution of concepts. When people talk about the BUT diet, they mean an extremely small part of the principle of periodization of nutrition, which is not effective enough compared to the general principles. In addition, the main task of alternation is not in losing weight, but in drying.

    So, protein-carbohydrate alternation is as follows:

  1. A calorie deficit is created by completely eliminating carbohydrates on certain days.
  2. By cutting out carbohydrates, the body depletes glycogen reserves.
  3. In the next 2-5 days, the body, which has not had time to rebuild itself, uses adipose tissue as the main fuel.
  4. To avoid catabolism and muscle tissue breakdown, it is recommended to consume increased amounts of protein on carbohydrate-free days.
  5. On the 3-6th day, a “carbohydrate load” occurs, which deceives the body, not putting it into “economy mode”.

Important: To deplete glycogen stores, you will have to exercise at high intensity, otherwise periodization will lead to nothing. Without critical loads, the body will reduce glycogen consumption and begin to break down muscle tissue, which will not lead to the weight loss you wanted!

In words everything is simple. In fact, even experienced athletes consider protein-carbohydrate alternation one of the most stringent nutritional plans. It requires the use of scales, eating according to the clock and incredible willpower.

Note: Unlike classical diets, problems begin with individual nutritional adjustments, since under periodization conditions this can take longer than the diet itself.

Before using BEAM you need to learn:

  1. Calculate the number of kilocalories consumed on training and non-training days.
  2. Calculate the calorie content of food.
  3. Skillfully determine the glycemic index and carbohydrate load.
  4. Understand what “green carbohydrates” and “fiber” are.
  5. Adjust nutrition in accordance with the current state of the body.
  6. Determine the period of digestion of various types of proteins.

If you are in periodization mode for a long time, you will have to stock up on T3 hormones and digestive enzymes to avoid the development of a pre-diabetic state. Additionally, you need to have a budget to support your body on no-carb days.

As can be seen from the basic tenets of nutrition, protein-carbohydrate alternation is not intended for people who do not exercise. In other words, for housewives with low physical activity, periodization will be ineffective - rather, on the contrary, it will lead to even greater weight gain.

Main advantages

We hope readers have already understood that BUTCH is not just another diet for weight loss. Now let's figure out why this principle of nutrition has gone beyond bodybuilding and has become popular not only among athletes, but also among ordinary citizens.

Protein-carbohydrate alternation is really effective when done correctly. There are many reasons for its popularity:

  1. No feeling unwell during drying.
  2. High rate of weight loss during periods of no carbohydrates.
  3. Minimization of catabolic processes.
  4. There are no metabolic disorders. After a diet, if exited correctly, there is no rebound effect.
  5. Maximum preservation of muscle mass while losing body fat.

If the principles of alternation were not so difficult to implement, this approach to nutrition could be called ideal.

Does this diet have any disadvantages?

Periodization in nutrition was originally developed for bodybuilders in preparation for performances.

All of its disadvantages follow from this, because of which it has not found widespread use even among athletes:

  1. High level of difficulty. Even if you follow all the principles, you will have to adjust your diet. This will require several cutting cycles to determine the optimal ratio of days/calories/protein/carbohydrates.
  2. Inability to use on an ongoing basis. The principle of alternation is to shock the body and deceive it. However, after 30 days of such exhaustion, a chronic lack of glycogen, which is usually not restored in full during the loading days, will lead to a slowdown in metabolism and, accordingly, to leveling out the results.
  3. The principle of the pendulum. In fact, periodization means that a person loses weight for two days and gains one day. If you give in on a busy day or make a mistake in periodization, instead of a minus you will see a solid plus on the scales.

Despite its effectiveness, this is a potentially unhealthy diet.

While following the BUCH, the following problems are possible:

  • decreased productive function of the thyroid gland;
  • dangerous increase in load on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • constipation;
  • sudden mood changes;
  • development of gastritis, pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases;
  • general weakening of the body at the end of the cycle;
  • decrease in speed and strength indicators;
  • increased likelihood of developing diabetes;
  • development of kidney failure and other kidney problems;
  • change in the ratio of digestive enzymes.

And this is not a complete list of unpleasant and harmful changes in the body during long or incorrect alternation.

Protein-carbohydrate alternation is contraindicated:

  • with vitamin deficiency;
  • predisposition to gastritis and duodenal ulcer;
  • lack of digestive enzymes;
  • lactation;
  • renal failure;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • weak heart;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • predisposition to diabetes;
  • during menstruation.

You cannot practice such nutrition during the period of growth and development of the body (that is, up to 23 years).

Despite all these side effects, the diet continues to be promoted quite aggressively by various “dietology experts.”

How to eat properly?

How to correctly create a protein-carbohydrate alternation?

To do this you need to do several things:

  1. Calculate the number of kilocalories consumed separately for training and non-training days. Already at this stage many people have problems. The main one is that only by knowing the kilocalorie consumption on training days can you correctly calculate the load. Standard numbers (1200-1500 kcal) will not work.
  2. Calculate your own net weight (without body fat).
  3. Next, based on net weight, calculate the required amount of proteins.
  4. On protein days there are no carbohydrates at all; the only exception can be made for carbohydrates contained along with fiber in green vegetables (up to 50 g of carbohydrates).
  5. On fasting days, you should not greatly exceed your caloric intake. It is enough to restore the glycogen reserve that was depleted during the first day of training. Those. calorie content should not exceed 110% of that spent on the first training day.
  6. Some of the caloric deficit on no-carb days can be offset by using small amounts of omega 6 fats.

Proteins are calculated as follows:

  • 3 hectares of complex proteins (whey + casein + missing amino acids) per kilogram of net weight on a training day;
  • 2 hectares of complex protein on a non-training day;
  • 1 g of protein per kilogram of body per day of carbohydrates.

Let's consider an approximate calculation of calorie content, which you need to focus on when preparing your diet.

Eligible Products

Let's find out what you can eat while following the protein-carbohydrate alternation.


Protein sources are complex. 60% casein protein should provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Another 30% comes from complete “egg/meat” protein, which supplies the body with all the necessary amino acids. The remainder is milk/whey protein.

What is allowed:

  • skim cheese;
  • whey, milk, kefir.
  • lean steamed meat, fish, or boiled chicken breast.

What is prohibited:

  • fried meat;
  • fat meat;
  • egg yolk;
  • full fat milk;


Sources of carbohydrates – exclusively. On loading days, small amounts of fructose are allowed.

What you can eat:

  • green vegetables (onion, cucumber, etc.);
  • porridges with a low glycemic index - oatmeal, buckwheat, rice;
  • whole grain bread with bran (in extremely low quantities);
  • fiber-rich foods.

What not to do:

  • soda;
  • products containing sugar;
  • corn porridge;
  • starchy foods (potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke);
  • carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (baked goods, pastries, bread);
  • muesli - due to the presence of cereals with a high glycemic index.


As for fats, if desired, salads can be seasoned with olive oil. Fish oil is allowed. These are all sources of Omega 3. Anything else is not recommended.

Calculation example

A 92 kg man with a body fat percentage of 18%, actively involved in sports 3 times a week. The average kilocalorie consumption on training days is 3000-3500. On non-training days 2000-2500. Net weight – 75 kg.

Based on this, on a carbohydrate-free day its calorie content will be calculated as:

  • 75*3 – 225 g protein – 924 kcal.
  • 30-50 g of green carbohydrates (less if possible) – 123 kcal.

The total calorie intake is 1140 kcal on a carbohydrate-free day. The total kilocalorie deficit is about 2000 kcal per training day. Standard cycle BUCH – 4/1.

On the day of loading, his meals should be:

  • 75 g protein – 308 kcal.
  • 5-10 g omega 6 fats – 92 kcal.
  • Total calorie content is 3500-3850 kcal.
  • This means that the remainder falls on carbohydrates - up to 700 g of carbohydrates. Mostly complex.

The total weekly kilocalorie deficit is about 4000-5000 kcal. When converted to adipose tissue, this amounts to 444 hectares of fat per week. 0.44 kg of 17 kg body fat is about 2.5% of body fat weekly, or 10% of body fat loss per month. Those. at the end of the month, the man will have lost 89-90 kg, having reduced the body fat to 17.2%.

Attention: After seeing the calculations, many will consider the result low. However, keep in mind that the example used was an athlete with a small amount of body fat (about 18%).

For people with a higher fat ratio, weight loss will be more significant. So, for example, for a person weighing 92 kg, with a fat ratio of about 35%, weight loss per month will be about 6-7 kg. This once again confirms the fact that the diet is intended for pure cutting (reducing fat while preserving muscle), and not for pure weight loss, in which all tissues are burned.

Menu for a low-carb day

Editor's note: This section is presented for informational purposes only. The principles of menu design are indicated in the previous section.

The menu for a no-carbohydrate day is generally similar to a no-carbohydrate diet. The number of meals is divided by 5. The total calorie content is up to 1400.

Detailed daily food menu:

Menu for carbohydrate day

You can download and print both menus using .

Gentle variation (used/used)

There is a gentle version of the diet. Its effectiveness remains controversial in both the short and long term. However, it is obvious that it causes significantly less harm to the body and can become a replacement for classic calorie counting, which will provide up to 1-2 kg of weight loss monthly. An approximate butch diet plan with a menu for every day in a gentle version can be found in the table below.

Protein and carbohydrate days are similar to the previous points. For the bookkeeping day, the calculation is as follows:

The selection of products is not necessarily rigid. It is enough to select analogues with a similar amount of BJU per 100 g of weight.

Entry and exit from the diet

If, despite everything, you still decide to try protein-carbohydrate alternation, we hasten to disappoint you: nothing will work out on the first try. The fact is that your body does not yet know how to adapt to using adipose tissue as a backup nutrition. Most likely, already on the 2nd day of giving up carbohydrates, your health will worsen and your metabolism will slow down.

Advice: You should first try several cycles of a carbohydrate-free diet. But even so, the protein-carbohydrate rotation is aimed at the long-term pendulum. This means you need to enter the diet correctly and exit it correctly.

How to do it correctly:

  1. A week before the start of BCH, you need to calculate your daily consumption and kilocalorie consumption.
  2. For 7 days, you need to reduce your calorie intake by 10%, thus creating a small deficit.
  3. On the day before starting the diet, it is recommended to do a small deload.

And only after that start alternating. This input will allow the body to react more softly to changes in nutrition, which is especially important for people who do not exercise or are going dry for the first time.

It looks something like this:

  1. Kcalorie consumption - 3000, consumption - 2500.
  2. On the second day, consumption is 2700, consumption is 2500.
  3. On the third day, consumption is 2430, consumption is 2500 (the first signs of a shortage).
  4. On the fourth day, consumption is 2200, consumption is 2400 (we reduce the level of training loads).
  5. Consumption - 2000, consumption - 2300.
  6. 6th consumption - 1800, consumption - 2300.
  7. 7th consumption - 2500, consumption - 2500.

We exit the diet in reverse order. At the same time, it is important that the exit from the diet begins after a day of loading with carbohydrates (and not unloading).

What to combine with?

Note: This section is intended exclusively for professionals.

Protein-carbohydrate alternation practically does not reduce training performance. However, if your goal is to reduce body fat as much as possible in the pre-competition period and you are not using testosterone metabolites (i.e. androgenic steroids), then certain supplements will enhance the effectiveness of your training.

These include:

  1. L-carnitine. On an ongoing basis, in order to increase performance during training - 2-3 capsules 30 minutes before classes. (Read more about that here).
  2. BCAA 2-1-1. To reduce catabolic processes in muscles. Exclusively after training, since otherwise the amino acids will not go into the muscles, but as energy. (details about that here).
  3. (and its analogues) in the minimum permissible dosage. Use is allowed only if the carbohydrate load coincides with the training day. The drug will allow you to continue to burn fat tissue, despite the presence of glycogen in the blood.
  4. Clenbuterol and its analogues - in half the dose on protein days that coincide with training. Clen is a powerful thermogenic that stimulates lipolysis in the blood.

And one more important point: no matter how much you want to dry out, it won’t work without changing your training plan. Be sure to add cardio exercises in the fat burning pulse zone.

Dangerous advertising variations

Unfortunately, the BEACH diet has many simplified schemes. The purpose of all these miracle techniques and simplifications is to popularize the diet. To do this, sellers of the “miracle nutrition” use the performance data from the classic rotation and do not mention possible side effects. At the same time, a huge list of products is offered as a menu; the principles of the diet are often violated.

This leads to the following consequences:

  1. Reducing the effectiveness of the diet. Yes, it becomes safe, but the pendulum can show on the scales is not at all a minus.
  2. Let's consider the most dangerous options for BUCH power supply.

    Malysheva's diet

    There is no point in going into detail about this diet.

    Let's just list the reasons why its effectiveness is questionable:

    1. Strict link to the number of calories (without initial data, consumption, consumption, weight, body fat).
    2. The presence of a fixed 2/1/1 scheme (2 no-carb, 1 half-and-half, 1 carbohydrate load). Without individual adjustments, the chance of meeting exactly this nutritional balance is approximately 7-10% of all those who tried it.
    3. Not a word about the use of glycogen and the need for physical activity.
    4. There is no entry or exit from the diet.

    Even if we remove all questions regarding the danger, followers of BUCH Malysheva will face an inevitable rollback effect when, upon exiting the diet, the weight returns in excess.

    Powell Diet

    The Powell diet is the other side of the coin. It is relatively effective, although dangerous. The main disadvantage of the Powell diet is that it is not a protein-carbohydrate alternation. This is an alternation of low-carb and high-carb days at a fixed caloric intake.

    This means that if you follow all the principles described in the diet, its effectiveness will be approximately equal. Again, a fixed calorie content does not take into account the real needs of the body, so figures of 1200-1500 kcal, although they create a deficit, are often excessive for people leading a more or less active lifestyle.

    And most importantly: the duration of the Powell cycle is 3 months, while even the most stringent versions of a low-carb diet have a periodization (6 weeks of diet, week of a smooth exit).


    In general, protein-carbohydrate alternation is an extremely effective way to lose extra pounds, you just need to remember the fundamental principles:

    1. This is not a diet, but a principle of nutrition.
    2. It is suitable exclusively for people involved in speed-strength sports while maintaining training intensity.
    3. The maximum period of use is 4 weeks.
    4. Alternation cannot be used more than 2 times every 3 months.
    5. It is important to provide vitamins and minerals.
    6. Individual adjustments are needed, starting with calorie calculations and ending with alternation periods.

    You shouldn’t get too hung up on weight indicators, because unlike other “miracle diets,” BEACH burns exclusively fat, while others eat the body along with muscles, ligaments, skin and teeth.

    Even athletes use BCH in the final stages of preparation for competitions, when only 3-5 kg ​​remains before the competition weight and it is very important to preserve all muscle mass.

Pros and cons of the BUTCH diet

The BUTCH diet was developed specifically for athletes, but later it began to be used for weight loss due to its ease and effectiveness.

Alternating proteins and carbohydrates on certain days allows you to reduce the layer of subcutaneous fat without losing muscle mass (and with the right selection of training, increase its volume).

The main advantages of the BEACH diet are:

  • a balanced diet provides health benefits;
  • the body does not lack carbohydrates and proteins;
  • there is no obsessive feeling of hunger, as with many other diets;
  • The diet is simple - during it you do not need to eat exotic foods or prepare complex recipes;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • energy is produced from glycogen located in the muscles and liver, which gives strength to exercise;
  • a large percentage of body fat (not water) is lost already at the beginning of the diet;
  • Thanks to alternate consumption, proteins and carbohydrates are well absorbed, allowing the intestines to be cleansed.

The disadvantages of the diet include the slow loss of extra pounds, as well as restriction in the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

This method of losing weight is contraindicated for people with diseases of the pancreas, liver, kidneys, and those who are obese.

Rules for protein-carbohydrate alternation

The most common version of the BEACH diet is alternating protein and carbohydrate days, consisting of three cycles:

  • Protein or low carb- lasts 2 or 3 days, during which you can consume 3-4 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight, and carbohydrates - no more than one and a half grams per kilogram. During the first cycle of the diet, you should also consume unsaturated fats (there are many of them in seeds and nuts).
  • High carb- lasts 1 day, during which you are allowed to eat from 5 to 6 grams of carbohydrates and up to one and a half grams of proteins per kilogram of weight. The consumption of fats should be limited, as they interfere with the absorption of carbohydrates. Thanks to the intake of a large number of carbohydrates into the body, muscle mass is not lost, but, on the contrary, increases due to the intake of glycogens.
  • Mixed– for one day per kilogram of weight you should consume 2-3 grams of proteins and 2-2.5 grams of carbohydrates. On the third day the cycle ends and the diet can be started again.

Don't be surprised by weight fluctuations while dieting. This occurs due to the fact that at the beginning of the cycle a lot of water is released from the internal organs, and at the end, on the contrary, it is retained in the body. By the beginning of the next cycle, the weight will become stable.

Detailed menu of the BUC diet for 4 days

You can create a BUTCH diet menu yourself, based on the examples below.

Approximate menu protein days

Breakfast: 180 g cottage cheese (low-fat), a cup of coffee (unsweetened).

Lunch: 2 hard-boiled eggs.

Dinner: 190 g of boiled chicken breast, 210 g of cucumber, tomato and parsley salad, seasoned with a teaspoon of olive oil.

Afternoon snack: 190 g baked sea fish.

Dinner: 180 g cottage cheese.

Approximate low carb day menu

Breakfast: 130 g of oatmeal in water with a teaspoon of honey and raisins.

Lunch: one small banana.

Dinner: 240 g baked potatoes, 160 g sauerkraut, seasoned with a teaspoon of flaxseed oil.

Afternoon snack: 2 large apples.

Dinner: boiled rye flour pasta with tomato paste (180 g), a cup of dried fruit compote.

Mixed day menu

Breakfast: 130 g oatmeal with milk, hard-boiled egg.

Lunch: medium sized apple.

Dinner: 180 g boiled chicken fillet, 180 g baked potatoes, 210 g cucumber, cabbage and tomato salad, seasoned with a teaspoon of corn oil.

Afternoon snack: 180 g of cottage cheese with kefir and dill.

Dinner: 190 g of baked sea fish, 210 g of sauerkraut.

Remember to drink up to two liters of water between meals every day. Avoid sugar and replace salt with spices. A couple of hours before bedtime, you are allowed to snack on a vegetable or fruit.

Workouts during the BUTCH diet

To lose weight faster, a carbohydrate alternation diet involves sports training 3 times a week (best on low-carb and mixed days, during which the body produces more energy). On the first protein day it is better to do aerobic training, and on the second - strength training.

Approximate sports schedule for 4 days cycle:

  • day 1:– 10 minutes – cardio, 40 – strength training, 30 – cardio training; during such training, muscle tissue is renewed and fats are burned;
  • day 2: 5 minutes – cardio training, 50 – strength training (4 sets), 20 minutes – cardio; This workout burns fat and strengthens muscles;
  • day 3: since you will have a lot of strength, you can perform more difficult exercises (about an hour);
  • day 4: You can work on muscle relief - 4 sets of strength exercises for 8 repetitions.

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