Complete walkthrough of L.A. Noire. The Black Caesar Read the walkthrough of the game l a noire

Welcome to the morals department. This department deals with all cases related to drugs, prostitution, rape and other moral violations. Your new partner will be Roy Earl - the dandy in a pink suit with whom you worked earlier. The head of the department is unlikely to seem like a pleasant guy to you. Soon you will receive your first task: two dead blacks were found in the apartment, the cause of death was an overdose of morphine from army supplies. Together with your new partner, go to the apartment of the dead drug addicts.

Having arrived at the place, go up the stairs, go to the end of the corridor and go through the last door. There are two corpses on the floor, both died a couple of days ago. The first is Cornel Tyree, who plays the French horn (a wind instrument). The second is Tyrone Lamont, a small-time drug dealer. The morphine they overdosed on was stolen from army stores. Surprisingly, your new partner will tell you about all this.

If you want a walkthrough of L.A. Noire was successful, you need to find as many clues as possible:

First of all, look at your feet; on the carpet, near the chair with the corpse, there is a wallet. In it you will find a driver's license in the name of Tyrone Anthony Lamont, as well as a stub with numbers from an illegal lottery.
- There is a glass of popcorn next to the wallet, examine it carefully. There are traces of glue on the back side;

Examine the corpse of the second black man lying on the floor. In the breast pocket you will find a wallet containing a driver's license in the name of Cornel Eustace Tyree, as well as a very interesting note: "J.J. always listens to 275 FM." Surprisingly, this information will be very useful to you in the further passage of the game L.A. Noire;

On the nightstand you will find a piece of paper with strange scribbles. There will be cherries, a bell and the word "Win". I think slot machine fans don’t need to explain what these symbols are;

Go to the kitchen, on the table you will find a special order from the Black Caesar cafe - a glass with a dose of morphine attached to the bottom. Now it’s clear how the guys bought drugs.

Now that the collection of evidence is over, you can go to the next point in the L.A. game. Noire - Black Caesar cafe, which is located on the opposite side of the road, slightly to the right. As soon as you approach the seller, get ready for a good chase: like all African Americans, the guy is a good runner. But the chase will not end there; you will end up on a large roof, where there will be not only your suspect, but also another black man. After a good fight, both blacks will find themselves on the ground, and you and the suspect will return to the cafe.

While Fleetwood Morgan - that's the name of our dark-skinned sprinter - will stand under the supervision of your partner, it's worth thoroughly searching his cafe. Here you can find the following items:

There is a case with a pipe on the floor. In it, in addition to the instrument itself, you will find a mute - a pear-shaped blank, inside of which there are coupons for an illegal lottery. The case also contains a pass to the Blue Room, issued by one Jermaine Jones;

In a large cardboard box you will find cups for coffee and next to them - morphine for sale - a bonus for “special” clients.

Now is the time to interrogate the African American.

Interrogation of Fleetwood Mogran

Morphine overdose victims - False
The black man claims that he did not sell drugs. This is false, show a morphine popcorn cup or morphine for sale as proof. Now you recognize the name of the supplier - Armstrong Edwards, who is only six of Jermaine Jones.

Number slips recovered - Doubt
According to the detainee, the lottery is a way for blacks to pay white people. But this is not the whole truth, so doubt the words of the black man. A certain Merlon takes the money.

Now, when the detainee goes to the department, you can continue playing the game L.A. Noire, but this requires additional information. Head to the phone booth to find out where Jeremen Jones' establishment is located. This is where we recommend you go.

When you arrive at the agency, go up the stairs and find out Jeremen's office number (238), finding a room inside the building will not be difficult. While your partner is watching the owner of the establishment, search the room. You are only interested in 1 thing - the large radio at the end of the room. It has three controls: volume (set to maximum), Am-Fm switch (must select FM) and frequency (must be set in accordance with the note found in the drug addicts' apartment - 275 Fm). Do this and gain access to Jeremen Jones' stash. The boss's henchmen will not be too happy about this development and will attack you - be prepared for some good boxing.

When the thugs finally take their rightful place: lying on the floor, you can carefully examine the contents of the cache:

The sticker on the lid is "Rames Movers", perhaps this is the company that supplies goods to drug dealers;

A stack of 50 dollar bills;
- game ticket;
- syringe - tube with morphine.

Now it's time to interrogate the owner of the cache.

Interrogation of Jeremaine Jones

Army Surplus Morphine - Doubt
Jones says he doesn't know anything about morphine. Very doubtful, given the contents of the cache, it is best to express doubt. After this, you learn that the morphine is supplied by Lenny Finkelstein.

Involvement of "Ottie" - False
Jones also knows nothing about the lottery. This is a lie, to refute it, select the evidence “Distributor Identified” in your notebook: it contains the testimony of the detained Morgan. Now you will learn that the lottery was organized by a certain Merlon Otto for Lenny Finkelstein.

Link to Ramez Removals - Doubt
The whole connection between Jones and Rames' movers is that he bought the receiver from them. Sounds very doubtful. Ramez is actually a very close friend of Lenny Finkelstein.

Now that Jones has gone to jail, it is necessary to find out the address of Rames' Movers. To do this, use a nearby phone. Walkthrough of the game L.A. Noire gives you the opportunity to choose where to go: either to a gaming den or to a movers office.

The gambling den will be in another nondescript building. The owner will not be too happy to see you, but will sit quietly while the main character searches the room. In the illuminated part of the room there is a slot machine. To use it, you need to remember the “Strange Doodles” found in the apartment of dead drug addicts. Let me remind you that they depicted cherries, bells and “Win”. The order of solving is as follows:

Approach the machine;
- Pull the handle until the symbol you want appears in one of the cells, most likely it will be cherries in the first cell. When this happens, click "Hold" under that cell;
- Pull the handle again until you “catch” the desired symbol in another cell and press “Hold” again under the cell;
- When all three cells have the correct symbols, the machine will open and you will have access to the safe.

Inside the machine you can find the following items:

Morphine tubes;
- lottery tickets;
- sticker "Rames' movers".

After examining the safe, be prepared to have a good run: Merlon Otti, the owner of the gaming den, will try to “make his legs.” Then the main character will return him to his place, after which he will examine his antique cane. Inside the cane is an IOU from Jose Ramez.

Interrogation of Merlon Ottey

Army surplus morphine - False
Mr Ottey claims he does not sell drugs. This is a lie, to prove it use the evidence "Exit to Finkenstein." After this, you can find out that Jose Ramez is supplying the drugs.

IOU note from Ramez - Truth
Jose owes Otti a lot. This is true. Rames imagined himself to be a big shot and borrowed money.

Now the walkthrough of the game L.A. Noire will take you to the last remaining location - the Rames Movers office. After arriving at the warehouses, you will be unpleasantly disappointed: Rames has just left in a truck, you need to catch up with him. This time the chase will be more difficult, as the guy will throw furniture at you from the luggage compartment of the truck. You need to get as close as possible, dodging chairs, tables, etc. Finally, the car will be installed, Jose will return to his warehouse under the supervision of patrol officers, and the main character will have to search the warehouse with furniture. Before you start wandering through the labyrinth of closets and mezzanines, you should relax and read the newspaper lying on the table. After that, on the next table, open the order log and look for duplicate suppliers. There will be only one like this - the Polar Bear Company, which sold large quantities of ice to Rames.

To detect drugs, you need to get to the control panel of the overhead crane. To do this, you will have to get to the opposite side of the room along the furniture corridor, then climb the stairs to the upper level. Aim the crane boom to remove the crate in front of the door of the cold storage room (the small building in the left corner of the warehouse). Lower the grip and simply lift the box, then move away from the console and move to the place where the box was removed. Now the passage to the refrigerator compartment is not blocked by anything, and you can get inside. Walkthrough of the game L.A. Noire will show you an amazing picture: boxes with thousands of ampoules of morphine, frozen in large blocks of ice. To get to the contents, you need to shoot the ice several times.

At this time, a Polar Bear company truck will arrive at the warehouse doors. Do you already know what he brought? And Jose knows too, so he runs away into the depths of his warehouse. In addition, out of nowhere, a gun will appear in his hands, so you need to be extremely careful not to get hit by bullets. However, the marker on the mini-map will always tell you the location of the enemy. A couple of good shots from cover, and the enemy will be lying on the ground, bleeding and writhing in pain.

Now it's time to start hunting for the "Polar Bear". Get in the car and go straight to their office. Don't expect a warm welcome: the "polar bear" also has "teeth". A shootout will begin in the hall, you will need to arrest Lenny Finkelstein, but for this you will have to kill a lot of enemies. Move along the corridors to the ice warehouse, and then to the second floor - here you will find Lenny. Unfortunately, between prison and death from your bullets, the scumbag will choose the latter. Well, it's his right. Near the wall you will find 2 huge boxes of morphine. This will lead to an excellent article in the newspaper and praise from superiors.

Case 2 - Reefer Madness

Walkthrough of this episode of the game L.A. Noire begins with a conversation with the boss in his office. A drug addict named Freddie Calhoun wants to escape the city, but he needs money. The guy offers to turn over a network of "weed" dealers in exchange for 50 bucks. The informant is now at Mike Lyman's Bar. Don't keep him waiting.

Finding the person you need in a bar will not be difficult: your partner knows him very well. After promising to give him twenty dollars, you can get a lot of information: weed is brought from Tijuana for 50 pounds a week. The goods are stored at 1452 North Las Palmas, in a house owned by Juan Garcia Cruz. This is where you should head.

Either the owner is out of sorts today, or they managed to warn him, but before you even get within 10 meters of the house, you will come under heavy fire from the window. While your partner goes to call for help, kill the two shooters in the windows (shoot only when both opponents are reloading their weapons). When both scoundrels go to their forefathers, the time will come for a search.

First, search the guy's corpse in the large room. In the inner left pocket of the jacket you can find a silver dollar, which was long withdrawn from circulation. Along the walls there are many cases of tomato soup from Parnells. In addition, on one of the boxes there is a note with the word "Masangkay". What this means will be revealed a little later by the passage of the game L.A. Noire. Head to the bedroom, there you will find a newspaper with an advertisement for the XX Century Market store, the main product of which is the notorious Parnell's tomato soup.

This concludes the search for evidence. Head to the phone located in the center of the room. By contacting the operator, you can find out the address of the plant. A neighbor is waiting for you on the street, who will tell you that the murdered owner of the house spent too much time in the chicken coop behind the house. Head there, to the left, on the shelves, there are a lot of cans. You need the third shelf from the bottom, the center section. There are 4 cans on it, carefully examine the second one on the left - a hidden door will open.

Behind it, not surprisingly, are cans of soup. Take one of them and bring it to the opener. Instead of soup, inside the can you will find drugs (clue "Canned Soup"). Now the walkthrough of the game L.A. Noire will add a new task for you - visit the Parnells plant. In addition, there is a supply log on the table. Study it carefully and you will see that 50 pounds of goods were constantly shipped from Tijuana.

Now you have the opportunity to either visit the factory that produces the special soup, or the store where the soup was purchased. We would recommend starting from the factory. Come inside. You will be greeted by a pretty secretary who will take you to the director - Mr. Parnell.

After a short conversation, you will receive the entire list of plant employees. On the second page you will find an interesting entry - Jorge Garcia Cruz and his address. Judging by his last name, this plant worker is the brother of the drug dealer you killed. Now that all the information has been received, you need to interrogate the plant director.

Interrogation of Howard Parnell

At first, Howard will refuse to help you and will claim that he does not know about any violations. After you doubt the words of the director, he will change his anger to mercy and report that most of his workers are emigrants.

Parnell's Soup Company - Doubt
According to the plump director, the company is doing very well. But his face says otherwise, so it is advisable to doubt his words. And for good reason. In fact, the company has been experiencing significant financial difficulties lately.

Knowledge of Cruz Brothers - Doubt
Once again, Howard says that he knows nothing about the Cruz brothers and that he does not know each of the workers. You need to doubt his words, but you will not receive fundamentally new information.

Inside Man Jorge Garcia - The Truth
Jorge manages a whole team of workers and maintains the conveyor line. This is true. Howard Parnell will tell you that Jorge works the night shift and is not at the plant right now.

In addition, the owner of the company will kindly agree to give you a tour of the plant. After a brief demonstration of the equipment and conveyors, Howard will lead you to the shift manager - Sergio Rojas and the order book lying on the table. In it you need to find constant transactions in large volumes. Naturally, when you find the XX Century Market store on the list, you will understand where the plant’s “special” products are sent. Now it's time to have a heart-to-heart talk with the dispatcher. He is holding a silver dollar, the same one you found at the scene of the shootout.

Interrogation of Sergio Rojas.

Factory sealed soup cans - Doubt
Sergio has access to packaging, but he never interferes with this process. But the man’s face says something completely different, so it is most correct to express doubt. After this you will learn very important details. The goods arrive every two weeks, Jorge packages the weed in jars and sends it all over the country.

"XX Century Market" (20th Century Market) - Lie Mister
Rojas, of course, claims to know nothing about XX Century Market or Juan Garcia Cruz. This is a lie, the murdered drug dealer and the dispatcher are connected by Sergio/Juan's silver dollar. As it turns out, Juan and Jorge are cousins ​​who work for a not-so-adequate type. He gives all his workers silver dollars.

The main character will order the dispatcher to behave as before, and will ask the director to ensure that Rojas does not tell about the police visit. Now the walkthrough of the game L.A. Noire directs you to the XX Century Market.

To make sure you take everyone at once, your partner will call for reinforcements. Unfortunately, the sight of half a dozen pistols will not frighten the senior salesman, and he will run away. Catch up with him. He would be happy to tell the police everything he knows, but he is very afraid for his family in Mexico. After asking for the contents of your pockets, you will receive a silver dollar and a wallet containing a Mexican driver's license in the name of Airto Quintilio Sanchez, registered in Tijuana. Now you can offer him a deal - information about drug dealers in exchange for the lack of information about Airto from the immigration services.

Interrogation of Airto Sanchez

This episode of the game L.A. Noire starts out quite interesting. The main character and his partner came to watch a boxing match. Today, all attention is focused on the fight between the young, promising African-American and the fearless Englishman. The partner is so confident in the outcome of the fight that he bet $50 on the black man. It’s a pity to disappoint him, but contrary to predictions, the Englishman won the fight. Albert Hammond - that's the name of the winning boxer - locked himself in the locker room. His manager and coach are already rushing to see him. During a verbal altercation between the hero and the couple, it turns out that Albert was paid to lose. As you can see, the boxer decided to break the agreement. When the angry policemen break down the door, they will find no one: the boxer escaped through the window. But you have the opportunity to search the locker room and find evidence in it:

Newspaper on the red bench;
- in the cabinet with the inscription A. Hammond, second from the edge, a note "Harry 18/1, Mervyn 22/1, Ray 19/1 Tel. A-L-345." These are the bookmaker's odds and phone number.

Near the exit from the locker room you will encounter Mickey Cohen, his brother-in-law was Black Orchid, and Cohen himself is a big shot in the criminal world. Mickey also bet a lot of money on this fight and is eager to find the boxer. Near the exit of the sports complex you will find a telephone. Contact the archive to find out the address of the hotel where the telephone is located, the number of which was written down in Alfred's notebook.

Walkthrough of the game L.A. Noire will take you to the El Mar Hotel. The hotel owner claims that Alferd Hammond is not among his guests. Indeed, this is the place where people register under real names. But maybe the guests' magazine can still help you? The boxer has little imagination, so he signed up under the name Winston Churchill (fourth entry from the top on the second page). Room number - 207. Go up to the second floor, the apartment is located opposite the stairs. Unfortunately, there is no one in the room. But you can find the following clues that will help you complete the game L.A. Noire:

Movie ticket stub. Found on the chest of drawers, next to a package of heart-shaped candies;
- bookmaker payouts, calculated on a piece of paper, are located on the nightstand at the head of the bed, to the left;
- on the nightstand, to the right of the bed, near the lamp, you will find cigarette butts. -on the desk you will find a newspaper with a completed coupon in the name of Candy Edwards, indicating her home address (the most important evidence);
- a telegram from the mother to Elvera Hammond with the text: “I’ll be there soon. Your son is great. Albert” is on the floor near the trash can.

Motel "Alev", exactly this place was indicated in the coupon, will greet you quite friendly: the girl at the reception will quickly name the apartment number - 7. But there is one "but": you are not the first to look for a girl. An Italian named Carlo is already talking very rudely to a girl in her room. Well, I'll have to teach him a lesson in good manners. While both players are unconscious: the girl from Carlo’s blow, and Carlo, in turn, from your blows, the passage of the game L.A. Noire gives you the opportunity to search the apartment and the Italian:

In the left inner pocket of the jacket you will find a folding knife, in the right - a notepad with a list of names;
-on the dresser near the mirror you will find a bus ticket in the name of Candy Edwards. Destination: Akron, Ohio. And a postcard with the liner "Ascania", which is sailing from New York.

It looks like the girl has come to her senses, it’s time to talk to her.

Interview with Candy Edwards:

Whereabouts of Hammond - False
The girl claims that she no longer has anything in common with Hammond. This is a lie, the coupon from the magazine proves that Candy was in the boxer's room. Well, Mrs. Edwards loves money very much, and when she found out that Albert wanted to go against everyone and not get money for a corrupt fight, she decided that such a boxer was not a match for her.

List of odds recovered - False
Ms Edwards doesn't know anything about bookmakers. This is a lie, the evidence “Bookmaker Payments” confirms this. Candy seems very surprised by the amount of winnings from the bookmakers, but she has no receipts from the bets.

Plans to leave town - Doubt
The girl is about to return home. But these words may hide more, so the most logical thing to do is to express doubt. Unfortunately, Candy still claims that Albert had nothing to do with it.

Your partner, for once, says something reasonable: despite the fact that the whole city is hunting for Candy, something forces her to stay waiting in the room. We need to follow her. When she leaves the room, the main character will sit on a bench and pretend to read a newspaper. When Candy moves away, follow her, using cover to hide: the girl will turn around and stop several times. It will take quite a long time to follow the girl.

Catherine will lead the main character to the bookmaker's office. Unfortunately, when you go inside, the girl will be gone. She took the $3,600 winnings from a bet on Alfred's victory, made a phone call, wrote something down on a notepad, and walked out the back door. Walkthrough of the game L.A. Noire has already given you this problem. Go to the notepad near the telephone and, having sketched the entire sheet with a pencil, you can find out what was written on the sheet that was torn out.

Now you have new evidence - the bookmaker's notebook. The piece of paper read: Expert Pharmacy, 486 Ivar Avenue, Hollywood. I don’t think it’s worth telling where the passage of the game L.A. takes you. Noire?! As soon as you get into the patrol car, receive data from the dispatcher: he will give the addresses of three bookmakers: one you have already visited, the second is located in the Expert pharmacy, where you are heading, the third is the Mac Alcohol establishment. Arriving at the pharmacy, you are sad to learn that the girl has already left, taking with her more than $4,000. Near the telephone there is a business card of the taxi the girl called. Examine the business card and call the taxi service to find out the car number (179) in which the girl left. But don't rush to catch up: the bookmaker will tell you about Sugar Ray - the third bookmaker who is located in the Mac's Liquor establishment. This is where the passage of the game L.A. will lead you now. Noire.

This time you will be on time: the girl will be inside the office when you arrive. Now you need to follow the taxi to find out where the girl is going. Car surveillance of Candy will lead to the bus station. Now you need to follow the girl on foot, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. Your partner will have to pursue Hammond, whom Roy thought he saw. The girl will go to the toilet and after a few seconds screams will be heard from there.

Unfortunately, she cannot be saved: the bullet passed too close to her heart. Your partner is sincerely convinced that Albert did it. However, the main character has a different opinion on this matter. Near the corpse lies a .32 caliber revolver; only 1 shot was fired from it. Nearby lies a woman's handbag with a ticket to the Egyptian Theater. This is the only clue that can lead to the completion of this L.A. case. Noire.

When your car arrives at the theater, you will receive a message from the dispatcher: Candy's cause of death is a stab wound, not a gunshot. Thus, the gun belonged to the girl, and she managed to shoot the attacker. Looks like the killer is your Italian friend Carlo from the motel. Go inside the building and hear a conversation between Carlo and boxer Alfred Hammond. Unfortunately, the Italian will open fire on you, so you will have to kill him. A shootout in a dark cinema will be very difficult.

One lit match is enough, and an apartment, a house, an entire neighborhood can be destroyed forever.

It's scary in itself that such a tragedy can break out just because of an accidental grease fire on the kitchen stove or because of a knocked over candle... but even more frightening is the fact that there are people who start fires on purpose.

After the fire is extinguished, the fire marshal - if he has discovered any reason to suspect - reports the incident to the arson department, and detectives arrive at the scene of the fire to thoroughly investigate.

As Detective Cole Phelps in the Arson Squad, you'll see first-hand the blackened ruins, charred corpses, and despairing faces of the victims of this most heinous of crimes.

Department of morals

Working in the moral department can quickly turn an inveterate optimist into a bitter cynic.

Employees of the morality department are forced to witness the unsightly underbelly of Los Angeles every day, communicating with all sorts of scum, drug addicts, pimps, drug dealers, prostitutes, bootleggers, bookmakers, crime bosses, gangsters and bandits. By investigating these cases, you will learn how low a person can fall.

Cole Phelps is transferred to this position from the homicide department, and he discovers that murder is not the worst thing that happens in Los Angeles. Phelps and his partner Roy Earl will have to investigate illegal gambling activities, search for a missing boxer, and also see new victims of the drug epidemic sweeping the city.

Patrol service

A rookie LAPD officer must follow in the footsteps of his predecessors—literally. Foot patrol is not only a way to prove your professional worth, but also a time-tested method for developing the intuition and other skills needed to protect and serve. Before you can switch from a police uniform to a detective suit, you will have to impress your superiors.

Working alongside patrolman Ralph Dunn, you'll discover first-hand that patrolling the streets in 1947 Los Angeles is anything but a chore. Be prepared for unexpected situations.

The crimes you'll investigate while on patrol include armed robbery and murder with a firearm.

Transportation Department

Contrary to the name, employees of the transport department do not spend their working time sorting out parking tickets and issuing fines.

The Transportation Division deals with traffic accidents and accidents involving serious injury or death in which criminal intent is suspected.

When Cole Phelps is promoted to detective, he is assigned to the traffic department - and finds himself in a dark world where cars serve as tools of murder, deception and violent crime. Whether you're inspecting an abandoned car with a bloody interior, or taking on a Fallen Idol case—a seemingly obvious accident where witnesses somehow don't add up—strange clues and unconvincing answers from those being questioned may be the clue that leads you to where you're going. more terrible truth.


As Detective Cole Phelps, you will build a career in the Los Angeles Police Department, working in different departments. Among the most difficult and unpleasant investigations, of course, there will be cases that land on your desk in the homicide department.

Los Angeles is rocked by a series of horrific crimes targeting young women. Who is the criminal? Lonely maniac? Or did he have crazy imitators? Only you have the power to restore justice and bring the killer - or killers - to justice.

“Death in Silk Stockings” is just one of many crimes that you will encounter while working in this department.

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Name: L.A. Noire
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Action, Adventure, Third-person, 3D
Developer: Team Bondi
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Platform: PC
Edition type: RePack
Interface language: Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian
Voice language: English
Tablet: Sewn in (PROPHET|RELOADED)

Description: America, late 1940s - the golden age of Hollywood. Cole Phelps, a Los Angeles Police Department detective, does not have quiet everyday life - in a rapidly developing metropolis, corruption and drug trafficking are flourishing, murders and robberies are committed every now and then. Phelps faithfully serves the law, tirelessly fighting crime that has taken root even among his colleagues. Arsons, racketeer raids, brutal murders, conspiracies - unraveling a tangle of atrocities, a meticulous policeman will gradually get closer to the most carefully guarded secrets of the criminal City of Angels... Having become the main character of a detective story, the player will conduct a real investigation. He will have to look for evidence, interrogate suspects, talk with witnesses, participate in shootouts, fights and chases. To get to the bottom of the truth in a city where everyone is hiding something, you will have to be very persistent and attentive to every detail. L.A. Noire was created using innovative MotionScan animation technology, which uses 32 high-resolution cameras to capture actors' faces in three dimensions and makes it possible to reproduce all the nuances of facial expressions in the game. Therefore, when communicating with virtual characters, the player will be able to observe the widest range of their emotions, which will undoubtedly greatly help him in his search for the truth. And the support for stereoscopic 3D implemented in the PC version will provide complete immersion into the virtual world of post-war Los Angeles.

System requirements:
✔ Operating system: Windows® XP / Windows® Vista / Windows® 7 / Windows® 8
✔ Processor: Core 2 Duo - 2.2 GHz / Core 2 Quad - 3.2 GHz
✔ RAM: 2 GB
✔ Video card: GeForce 8600GT or Radeon HD3000, (512 MB) / GeForce GTX580 or Radeon HD6850, (1024 MB)
✔ Sound card: DirectX® 10 compatible sound device
✔ Free hard disk space: 14 GB

Features of the repack:
» Based on a release from PROPHET
» Nothing cut | Not recoded
» Version: 1.3.2617
» All registry paths are saved.
» Installed a cracker from softclub (adapted it for the release of PROPHET ("RM_"), for which many thanks to him)
» Additions:
» » DLC Bundle:
The Broderick Detective Suit
The Sharpshooter Detective Suit
The Badge Pursuit Challenge & Button Man Suit
"The Naked City" Vice Case
"A Slip Of The Tongue" Traffic Case
"Nicholson Electroplating" Arson Case
"Reefer Madness" Vice Case
"The Consul's Car" Traffic Case
» The shortcut on the desktop contains Russian. Launch the game from it. (You can also from the game folder from the file "LANoire_Russian.bat"
» Social-Club not required
» Installation time 15 minutes (Depends on the computer)
» Repack by xatab
» Tested on Win 10 (64x), Win 7 (64x)

P|S To launch a game with DirectX® 11, you need to run “LANLauncher.exe” from the game folder, but first prohibit it from accessing the Internet through the “Firewall” or disconnect it from the Internet and change it to DirectX® 11 in the settings. But there is another way . Launch the game and exit. Then go to the "My Documents" folder Open the created folder "Rockstar Games" - "L.A. Noire" - "settings.ini". And in the line Renderer: DirectX 9 change to 11.

The main character is not allowed to say a word. The captain immediately orders to go to the scene. A girl was killed yesterday; the medical examiner believes the cause of death was an overdose of army morphine. Having arrived at the scene, the patrolman will send you to the second floor in apartment number 6. There will be a large number of police officers there, including your old partner, Rusty. The latter believes that an ordinary suicide occurred and the victim herself drowned in the bathtub as a result of loss of consciousness from a drug overdose. The forensic expert, who is next to the victim's body, thinks differently. According to him, the girl was already dead when she ended up in the bathroom. Examination of the model's body will give the following results:

Bruises on the head and neck;
- bruises on the right arm, shaped like bite marks;
- on the left hand there is an unusual ring with a black sapphire.

The medical examiner believes that there were two guys: one was holding, the other was injecting morphine. It is necessary to thoroughly search the apartment to find evidence that confirms or refutes this version.

In the bedroom, on the nightstand next to the bed there is a package of sleeping pills. If you decide to examine it more carefully, inside you will find a prescription from Dr. Stoneman with his address (evidence “Prescription for Benzendrine”). It seems that either the doc is incompetent or was deliberately undermining the girl's mental health. Benzadrine is also known as an amphetamine. In addition, you will find a homemade men's jacket hanging on the screen.

In the living room, carefully examine the photographs on the chest of drawers. The murdered girl was a beautiful and successful fashion model. On the back of the central photograph there is a note from Julia Randall, who invites you to visit her at Dassin. In addition, there is a grief-stricken lady in the room - Virginia Reynoldson, with whom it is also worth talking. In the conversation she mentioned a certain Mr. Henderson.

Interrogation of the housekeeper - Virginia Reynoldson

Victim's state of mind - False
The housekeeper claims that she did not notice anything unusual in the victim’s state of mind. It's a lie. It is worth using the found sleeping pills as evidence. In fact, the victim led a much richer lifestyle than ordinary fashion models. Who knows, maybe it was other means of earning money that caused insomnia and death?

Victim's personal life - False
Once again, Virginia lies, claiming she knows nothing about the men who stayed with the victim overnight. To confirm her lies, use the evidence of a homemade men's jacket. Finally, you learn that the jacket belongs to Mr. Henderson (evidence - Statement of the housekeeper) - a wealthy, trustworthy and middle-aged man. It appears that Mr. Henderson lives in San Francisco.

Virginia claims that working for Julia was very good and pleasant. But from her lips it sounds very doubtful. In fact, the murdered woman was a very irritable girl with huge, sometimes exorbitant, ambitions.

This concludes the interrogation of the housekeeper and the search of the apartment. It would seem that we can continue playing through the game L.A. Noire and go to the car, but on the ground floor, in the trash near a large plant, you will find tubes of used morphine. Now it's time to visit the Dassin clothing store. You need to talk to the owner of the boutique.

Victim's employment history - Truth
Julia moved to Los Angeles from New York and soon got a job in a boutique. This is true. The reason for the girl’s dismissal was her extreme beauty and temperament, because of which the men who came with their spouses to choose outfits simply lost their heads. During her work, Julia talked a lot with Heather Swanson, with whom you can talk right now.

Interrogation of Heather Swanson

Relationship with victim - Truth
Heather was introduced to Julia by her fiancé, Henry Arnett. This is true. Henry is also a clothing designer and was a very long time friend of Julia's.

Informed of "Mr. Henderson" - Truth
The victim's friend knows nothing about Mr. Henderson. This is true. In addition, the girl does not know anything about the sapphire ring that his girlfriend wore.

To complete the conversation, the main character will ask to invite Miss Swanson's fiancé to the police station in order to have a heart-to-heart talk with him. Now the walkthrough of the game L.A. Noire offers you only one place to visit - Dr. Stoneman's clinic. It's worth heading there. When you arrive at the place, go inside and look for a board with information about doctors. The Dr. Stoneman you need is seen in room 505 on the fifth floor. At the end of the corridor there is an elevator.

Interrogation of Doctor Stoneman

Relationship with victim - False
The doctor claims that he practically did not know Julia since she became his patient less than a year ago. It's a lie. The prescription for Benzedrine was written over a year ago. The girl used the pills to get an extra boost of energy during the day, and at the same time lose some weight.

Additional medications - Doubt
The girl claimed that Benzedrine helped control her weight. This is doubtful. Doc will tell you that the girl was not his only patient who resorted to this method of maintaining a model appearance.

There is a phone in the doc's office, contact the pathologist, who will invite you to the Hollywood hospital to report the results of the autopsy. Indeed, there were two killers, and death was caused by an overdose of morphine. But what’s more interesting is that nearby lies the corpse of a certain Jimmy Lebblanc, a professional burglar. He was brutally killed with a wooden beam. But what's unusual is that two unused tubes of morphine were found in his pocket. It is quite possible that he was one of Julia's killers. On the table lies a Horner Comet harmonica, which was also found in the dead man's pockets. Opposite is the police station, where Henry Arnett, Julia's old friend, is already waiting for you.

Interrogation of Henry Arnett

Relationship with victim - Doubt
Henry claims that he did not know the murdered woman very closely. This is very doubtful. In fact, he and Julia once had an intimate relationship.

Informed of "Mr Henderson" - False
Mr. Arnett claims to know nothing about Henderson. This is a lie: Henry actually heard that he was from New York. But the housekeeper said that he was from San Francisco, and this is precisely the evidence that must be presented as evidence. Julia saw Henderson solely as a source of money. It is quite possible that she was able to force him to propose to her.

Burglary suspect Leblanc - Doubt
Again, Arnett says he knows nothing about LeBlanc. This is highly doubtful. It seems that the person being interrogated knew about him, but, nevertheless, he will not tell you anything. Finally, Henry will give you his business card and tell you that he was in the Marine Corps.

The main character, naturally, will not believe this and decide to follow Arnett. In the meantime, the rest of the cops will try to find out as much as possible about the murdered criminal and about Henry himself. Mr. Arnett, in his shiny car, will take you to the pawnshop, where he pawned something valuable. Now you need to follow the suspect on foot. If you don't want to fail your L.A. Noire, try not to get close to Henry and stay out of his sight. The suspect will go to a travel agency and buy one ticket to Mexico City for tomorrow evening ("Train Ticket" clue). But your partner is also no slouch: Henry pawned a Fabergé cigarette case worth at least $10,000 at the pawnshop. Inside the cigarette case is the inscription "Dear Beverly with love. Forever yours, J."

On the opposite side of the street there is a telephone booth, a call from it can greatly help in completing this case of the game L.A. Noire. First, Detectives Bekowski and Galloway have unearthed something about the case and want you back at the station. Secondly, Jimmy LeBlanc was last arrested by Patrolman Fred Wallis, who is currently on patrol. We recommend visiting a patrolman.

Your arrival will be most welcome. The patrolman is currently chasing two suspects. It would be nice to help him. As it turns out, the suspects are well armed, so you will inevitably have to get involved in a shootout. It turns out Jimmy LeBlanc had a partner. Judging by his size and enormous physical strength, Willie - that’s his partner’s name - was a wrestler or boxer. Walkthrough of the game L.A. Noire leaves you with only one avenue of investigation, and it requires you to return to the police station. As detectives will tell you, Henry Arnett has been struggling to make ends meet lately. Most likely, his business is just a cover for predatory activities.

The main character will decide to cling to this evidence and ask the duty officer for a list of stolen valuables. What do you think will be on this list? That's right, number two is a gold Faberge cigarette case, number three is a ring with a black sapphire, a little further is a silver pill box, and the second entry from the bottom is a pearl ring. Now that you have the addresses of the real owners of the items, it is worth investigating the location of the robbery. First on the list is Mrs. Beverly Evestrom. Well, I'll have to check on her. Mrs. Evestrom turns out to be a sweet 60-year-old grandmother living in a luxurious mansion.

Interrogation of Mrs. Evestrom

List of stolen items - False
Among the stolen items, according to the lady, was a cigarette case worth $25,000. This is a lie, a Faberge cigarette case costs 10 thousand dollars (see notebook entry). It turns out that Mrs. Evestrom overstated the amount of the cigarette case in order to obtain higher insurance.

Burglary Incident report - Truth
The robbery took place about a year ago, at night. This is true. Mrs. Evestrom had an appointment with Dr. Stoneman.

But the surprises don’t end there; at that moment, Heather Swanson, Mrs. Evestrom’s daughter, will enter the room. After a little verbal denunciation of the culprits, the three of you go to Henry Arnett's apartment. At the entrance you will be greeted by a doorman who will kindly tell you the apartment number. As soon as you approach the door, you will hear a noise. It appears Arnett is dead and his killer is trying to escape through the window. Don't let him escape. Unfortunately, the guy is not stupid and will knock out the main character with a board. Cole Phelps will come to his senses already in the apartment, fortunately, Henry is alive, and now you can force a confession out of him. But this requires evidence that needs to be found in the apartment. There is a suitcase next to Henry. Open it. Inside you will find a train ticket to Mexico City and a Vacheron Constantin watch (extremely expensive). Now you can interrogate Henry, who has regained consciousness.

Professional burglary ring - Lie
The main character accuses Henry of stealing jewelry. He, naturally, denies everything and lies. The best evidence of lies is the evidence of the “Faberge Cigarette Case,” which Henry pawned at the pawnshop. It turns out that the idea of ​​the robberies belonged entirely to Julia. But the loot was never enough for her.

Motive for Randall murder - Lie
Mr. Arnett believes that Will and LeBlanc killed Julia because she wanted to form a new gang, and Henry no longer wanted to participate in it. It's a lie. The train ticket is the best proof that Henry urgently wanted to escape. After such evidence, he has no choice but to admit that he paid Willie and Jimmy his last money to fake suicide.

Identity of "Mr Henderson" - False
Henry lies again, claiming to know nothing about Handorson. This is a lie, select "Robbery List" from the evidence list. The first person to be robbed was Dr. Stoneman. He was head over heels in love with Julia and specially organized parties so that Henry and his accomplices could rob the guests. Now there is no doubt that Henderson and Stoneman are the same person. It's time to visit him at the clinic.

What else to read