Did the psychics from the battle help solve the crime? A clairvoyant from the “Battle of Psychics” predicted: “The killer is a close friend of the victim. “In fact, such people don’t want to die...”

The topic of paranormal abilities usually raises an endless number of questions, to which definite answers are not always given. However, scientists, psychologists and even intelligence officers are trying to explain extrasensory perception. First of all, modern society is concerned about the question - who are psychics and is there a scientific explanation for their abilities?

Currently, extrasensory perception exists and is developing as a science. Much that until recently remained beyond the cognizable, now finds very specific materialistic justifications.

“A person is a complex receiving and transmitting system, an energy system; and, as you know, energy does not disappear, there is a law of conservation of energy - energy does not disappear, but is transformed into other energy. Here is the ability to capture the energy of a living person or traces of human energy, or energy phantoms of dead people and extrasensory perception is based,” explains Doctor of Medical Sciences, leading psychiatrist-criminalist Mikhail Vinogradov, who took part in the RIA Novosti online conference on the topic “Paranormal human abilities: the obvious-the incredible.”

Extrasensory abilities have been inherent in humans since ancient times: thanks to them, people sensed danger and sensed the enemy. With the development of technology, the need for extrasensory perception in humans began to decrease.

Many people want to know whether they have the prerequisites for the development of paranormal abilities. As Mikhail Vinogradov says, such abilities can be inherited more often through a generation, and sometimes after some kind of injury, for example, after being struck by lightning. There are special centers in Moscow that use tests to help determine the presence of extraordinary abilities.

Experts strictly advise against developing such abilities on your own, recommending that you contact special centers.

Extrasensory perception is divided into three parts: healing (to help patients with a variety of diseases), clairvoyance (the ability to know past events) and clairvoyance (the ability to foresee certain events).

Many psychics use their energy to help police and rescue workers during natural disasters and catastrophes. According to Vinogradov, psychics really help solve crimes or save people trapped under rubble after earthquakes and explosions.

People seeking to develop psychic abilities should know that psychics spend a lot of energy in their work. Sometimes, while helping to solve serious crimes, they literally become ill from what they saw. This is partly due to the fact that psychics take other people’s suffering and other people’s troubles very close to their hearts.

Now in almost every city there are numerous magicians, fortune tellers and soothsayers. However, Doctor of Medical Sciences Vinogradov warns that there are no more than three dozen psychics in the country who are really strong and capable of providing assistance.

Unfortunately, among magicians, sorcerers and certified specialists there are many so-called “werewolves” who should never be trusted. The only way to protect yourself from charlatans is to contact only those bioenergy therapists and traditional healers who “are licensed in special centers and receive state licenses, similar to the licenses of private practitioners.”

The material was prepared by the online editors of www.rian.ru based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

For a crime that he did not commit, a Nizhny Novgorod resident received 13 years as a stricter

“Olesya is no longer alive,” said the psychic Svetlana. “Her body is now in the forest.” There is a pond nearby...

Having lost all hope of finding her daughter, Natalia Nikolaevna called her son-in-law Dmitry to search. They decided to inspect the shore of the body of water closest to their home - the lake in the Sormovo Culture and Recreation Park.

After walking a few tens of meters, we noticed the naked corpse of a girl in the water. The face of the deceased was disfigured beyond recognition. From clothes - only socks and boots...

23-year-old Olesya left home on September 29, 2008 after a quarrel with her husband. She became jealous of her husband’s acquaintance, got ready and went to spend the night with her parents in the Sormovsky district.

The next day in the evening she called an acquaintance, 27-year-old Mikhail Smetanin, and offered to meet. The friend was at the slot machine hall in the center of Sormovo at that moment and did not refuse the meeting. Olesya did not come alone - another friend of hers was with her. The three of them went to the shopping center on the street. Chaadaev to play slot machines. There they were joined by several other girls they knew. They drank beer and played slot machines. When they had lost to smithereens, they went home.

By that time, Olesya and Mikhail were left alone - the large cheerful company had already left.

At 23:47 they left the shopping center and headed home on foot. Their path lay through Sormovo Park...

Facts and only facts

As forensic doctors determined, the girl’s death occurred between October 2 and October 4 from numerous. Suspicion of committing this fell on Mikhail, who, as investigators believe, was the last to see Olesya alive.

In a pawnshop on Comintern Street, detectives found her gold bracelet and chain with a pendant. It was established that Mikhail handed over the jewelry there on the night of October 1 using his passport.

While under arrest, he confessed to the murder, but, despite the fact that he later retracted his words, it was this confession that formed the basis of the accusation.

So, according to the investigation, on the way home, Mikhail invited Olesya to sleep with him. The girl allegedly agreed, but on the condition that she would tell Mikhail’s girlfriend, whom she knew, about this.

Mikhail became furious, first hit Olesya in the face, then beat the girl to death with his hands and feet. He took off her jewelry, dragged her body to Park Lake, threw it into the water, and covered it with branches.

Then he went to the pawnshop, handed over the bracelet, bought vodka, and drank it. He spent the remaining money in the slot machine hall. I went to the pawnshop again and handed over the chain with the pendant. I lost this money too.

After Smetanin retracted his confession, he told his version of the events of that night.

According to him, Olesya gave him the jewelry herself, he promised to buy it back to her in the near future. Allegedly, they lost the money they earned for the bracelet together. They also gave the chain and pendant to the pawn shop together. At about 3 o'clock in the morning Olesya got ready to go somewhere. He gave her money for a taxi, she got into the car and drove away...

The Sormovsky District Court sentenced Mikhail Smetanin to 13 years in prison to be served in a maximum security colony and ordered him to pay compensation to the relatives of the deceased: 500 thousand rubles for moral damage and 70 thousand for material damage.

The trial passed, but questions remain

The more carefully we looked at the materials of the criminal case, the more and more questions arose.

It will not be an exaggeration to say that for fans of the “Battle of Psychics” one of the most authoritative figures associated with the show is Mikhail Vinogradov. If disputes about the participants in the battles do not subside, both regarding the level of their abilities and regarding their moral and other characteristics, then when Vinogradov is mentioned, the disputes subside and everyone says in unison - oh, yes, this is a serious man.

Recently, Mikhail gave an interesting interview to the portal mors.sibnet.ru, in which the issues of fairness of tests in battle, fairness of prices for practicing psychics, as well as the Lombroso method, philosophical categories of good and evil, and much more were raised. We present the interview in full, accompanying the most interesting moments with our comments in italics.

- Mikhail Viktorovich, the general public knows you as an expert on the “Battle of Psychics” program on TNT. Another season is currently being filmed. Have you managed to form an opinion about the new participants?

Not yet. I didn’t communicate with anyone personally. For the first test, people with paranormal abilities were gathered in the theater hall. There were more than 1,500 thousand people. Who can you identify here? Let's see who will prove themselves in the future.

- More than one and a half thousand people? Are there really so many gifted people in Russia?

There are as many gifted people in Russia as there are in the whole world. In the interests of the intelligence services, we have 19 people working on real cases, in Japan - 21, in the USA - 20.

(The logic here is not entirely clear, because the population of the United States is twice as large as the population of Russia)

- The quantity is approximately the same... Strange.

Nothing strange. Nature itself reveals so much. Some come, some go. My Center for Legal and Psychological Assistance employs various specialists, but the core is still made up of psychics. Among them there are people known throughout the country, including as winners, finalists and participants in the “Battle of Psychics,” and young talented talents, whose names are only becoming famous. I recruit employees personally, taking into account not only the professional, but also the human qualities of each candidate.

- You started working on the topic of psychics in those years when it was not customary to talk about it.

In fact, Stalin called psychics to serve in the Kremlin. This was in the 30s of the last century. And six months later, Hitler created the same special unit. I still see this (by the way, working!) laboratory from the window of my office.

- How many psychics actually work with you?

The needs of the FSB, police, Investigative Committee, and prosecutor's office are now served by 4 experienced psychics and two successful trainees. We hire some, and part with others. The main reason for leaving is money. The center has clear tariffs for all services, and they cannot be inflated.

- That is, the figures of 50-70 thousand rubles per consultation are wild?

Certainly! At the request of law enforcement agencies, we generally work for free. If applicants do not require a personal reception, no money is taken. In general, prices vary from 4 to 10 thousand rubles, half of which goes to pay for the services of a psychic, and half for rent, housing and communal services, and so on. The highest prices for searching for a person. And if psychics do not agree with such a salary and try to profit from someone else’s grief, we say goodbye to them.

(Yes! 70 thousand is savagery, but 10 thousand is a completely different matter, no profit from someone else’s misfortune)

- By the way, about disappearances. In May, Tomsk discussed the terrible story of the murder of Anna Apatchenko. Both volunteers and famous psychics searched for her for a month. In particular, Dmitry Volkhov and Anika came. But in the end, the remains were discovered only when the water subsided. So much for paranormal abilities...

For each such disappearance, we provide a detailed certificate addressed to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin. They also knew about this matter. But we can always help only when either relatives or police officers contact us. Anika and Dmitry are good psychics and sincerely wanted to help. But they are not search engines. And you can’t blame them for bad results. It’s like going to an ophthalmologist with a bad heart and then complaining that the doctor didn’t help. When choosing a psychic, be sure to take into account his specifics.

(Good psychics, but didn’t know that they are not search engines? The most interesting thing is that almost all psychics reject search specialization. The question is why? And the answer is very simple: because the search results are too easy to check - either you found it or you didn’t. It is much calmer to remove damage and correct the biofield; you can always convince the client that the work was done efficiently)

“In fact, such people don’t want to die...”

- Let's move from psychics to psychotics. This summer, aggressive people have become more active in Siberia. There are many cases of mental breakdowns - for example, naked men and women are running around Novosibirsk, people are cutting their wrists right in minibuses. They say this is due to the heat. But when the heat subsided, this “madhouse” did not stop.

Without clothes, people with unstable psyches run around due to overexcitation, which occurs as a result of unstable weather: sometimes hot, sometimes cool. The level of hormones rises, and we are drawn to various sexual experiments. The tendency to be naked is called exhibitionism. There are beaches, vacation spots and even hotels in the world for such people. Their behavior is fueled by the reaction and interest of the public, because the main task of such people is to attract attention. By the way, opening veins in public transport is also nothing more than demonstrative behavior and blackmail. In fact, such people do not want to die.

- Do you support the idea of ​​chemical castration in relation to pedophiles?

I have a reserved attitude towards chemical castration, but I advocate at least some effective results in the fight against pedophiles. But all this must be done under the strict control of the police.

(Which ones, Mikhail told in another interview, where it turned out that he is a supporter of the death penalty for pedophiles)

- Does the Lombroso method have a future? Is his knowledge being put into practice now?

Why the future? His methods are actively used in the present. We see everything that he wrote in his works constantly. The only thing that Lambroso could not take into account was the modern social orientation, when social factors are imposed on pure biology. For example, a person with external signs of a Neanderthal may first become a bouncer in a club, then a boxer, and later a deputy. But his main feature is a certain aggressiveness, when you want to attack and fight, it won’t go away.

(Thank God, Lombroso’s methods are not and cannot be used by the police. What Mikhail is talking about here is known only to him. Although, perhaps, he just doesn’t like Valueva)

Evil always triumphs over good

- In the last seasons of the “Battle of Psychics”, only “black magicians” showed phenomenal results in literally all areas of work: Natalya Banteeva, Elena Yasevich, Elena Golunova. It turns out that evil triumphs over good?

Evil always triumphs over good. However, if you add up the energy of good and evil, good will outweigh. Each of us is a transmitting device and carries a certain energy. If this energy is directed at another person, it can cause harm. By the way, Elena Golunova is not a search engine.

(It turns out that the sweet, innocent healer Volodya Muranov is also evil?)

- But it showed results! Having contacted the dead, I found a treasure hidden in the lake.

Don't forget that she found him under the cameras, as part of a popular TV show...

(We’ve arrived. The battle tests are staged, one of the broadcast experts openly states this)

- Fine! Agree. Here you can adjust the result. But there are real cases in which fraud is impossible. Why, for example, was it not possible to entrust psychics with the search for the An-2 plane that disappeared a year ago?

I can’t say about the TV show, but our psychics worked on this case. They indicated clear coordinates of the location of the crashed plane, sent them to the investigative authorities, were supposed to go to the place, but then hunters found the plane (by the way, in the place where we indicated), and the trip was cancelled.

(Has it ever happened that the specified coordinates could be verified before anyone found the object?)

- We were looking for the plane for a year! Why couldn’t it have been possible to organize psychics earlier?

We can only work on requests from the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Investigative Committee. It happens that they do not contact us immediately or use our data for their own purposes. For example, one day the mother of a missing girl came to the Center. She said that her daughter left in a car and disappeared. Psychics looked at the situation, briefly outlined it in an official letter, which, in order to avoid lynching, they asked to hand over to the police. The head of the department shook his head, saying: “Oh, these psychics, they’re always coming up with something,” and sent the unfortunate woman home. After which he called the operatives and ordered to examine all the objects named by psychics. The girl's body was found. The case was solved, but the result seemed to come not from us, but from the police.

(It is clear that there could be at least a thousand such cases. Much more interesting would be just one in which the police would admit that the case was solved by psychics)

- It turns out that the police and psychics cannot work together. The authorities don't trust you?

Why? We have a lot of gratitude from police officers from all over the world (USA, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Estonia, etc.). There are letters signed by Alexander Bastrykin and his deputies. The work is ongoing. Recently, an investigator from Primorye flew to us once again for clarification on the investigation of a high-profile criminal case.

(These letters of gratitude look something like this: “Thank you for your research in the field of unconventional methods of solving crimes”)

- Aren’t psychics afraid of reprisals from the criminal world for telling the truth?

All letters with expert opinions are signed by me personally, without indicating who specifically investigated the case. And if the work is carried out directly (as with an investigator from Primorye), we ask him not to disclose information about his assistants.

(And I myself walk without security and am not afraid of anyone, because I know non-contact hand-to-hand combat techniques. Or I simply have not solved a single case and have not made enemies)

“But if you constantly investigate crimes and see someone’s suffering, you can go crazy.” Do you help your employees as a psychotherapist?

Certainly! (smiles). Psychics have a special schedule. They usually work every other day and try to disconnect from the situation as much as possible. And everyone leads in their own direction. For example, the winner of the 8th “Battle of Psychics” Vladimir Muranov is a good healer, but when he once tried to take part in the search for a person, he could not recover for a week. And vice versa. Irik Sadykov (by the way, also a participant in the “Battle ...”) supervised the search for the young guy for two days. He made contact from home by phone and virtually followed the trail of the lost one. The guy was found 20 kilometers from the place of disappearance.

(This seems to be true - Irik searched, but other people found it. And Muranov is not a search engine either, why not give search engines such work? Apparently, search engines simply did not come to the battle. Like other psychics, by the way, but more obvious all this turns out to be in the search field)

- Mikhail Viktorovich, tell me honestly. Have you contacted psychics?

Never. I know everything myself (smiles).

- In “Battle...” you mercilessly criticize psychics, in life you part with them without pity. Aren't you afraid of revenge? Suddenly they will cause damage.

We tried. But there is such a thing as a boomerang. Everything that you send from yourself then comes back to you. I have good defense. And these are not amulets or amulets, but a common rule. If you help other people and do it sincerely, you are protected. As soon as you try to profit, you cross a certain line and immediately become defenseless.

(Let us remind you, if anyone has forgotten, the prices of the Vinogradov center are from 4 to 10 thousand per visit)

Sometimes it is impossible to solve a crime using ordinary means. Behinddisgusting disappearances of children, murders under unobvious circumstances... Investigators just shrug their shoulders and sometimes resort to the help of people with supernatural abilities. How psychics can help solve crimes , Pravda.Ru investigated.

Mikhail Vinogradov: psychics in the service of the special services

Dozens of crimes that occur in the country require not only serious operational work, but also something more that does not fit into ordinary ideas. Investigators who have reached a dead end often resort to the help of psychics, because sometimes there is no other way out. In 2010, a young girl disappeared under strange circumstances in the Ryazan region. Her fiance, who couldn't find a place for himself, reported her missing to the police. The young man assured that his beloved left home for the store, leaving documents and a mobile phone, after which no one saw her. After interviewing friends and acquaintances, the operatives came to the conclusion that the inconsolable Romeo was not telling something. However, it was impossible to bring any charges: the guy had a very specific alibi, and outwardly he looked like a sufferer.

“It was decided to turn to psychics for help,” said the Investigative Committee for the Ryazan Region. “Since we did not know where exactly the girl was and whether she was even alive, this approach seemed correct. In addition, there were grounds to suspect her fiance was the missing girl.” .

The psychics contacted by the investigators stated unequivocally: the girl is dead, her body is mutilated and is in the forest, it was buried. Investigators established that the car of the alleged killer (the missing woman's fiancé), which was rented, is equipped with the GLONASS satellite system. Having requested the navigator data, the investigation established that the car had actually been in a forest a few days ago and that was at the moment when the car was given to the suspect. When going to the site and examining the area, the body of the missing person was discovered.

As it turned out, the criminal, in order to hide his tracks and remove the corpse from the murder scene, dismembered the body of the murdered woman. The case was solved in record time, and the girl’s fiancé confessed. True, the criminal investigation officers who managed to solve the crime do not give all the laurels only to psychics and otherworldly forces.

“Maybe this helped, but in fact the crime was solved by us as a result of coordinated work and many operational actions,” a criminal investigation officer who took part in the investigation shared with a Pravda.Ru correspondent.

Let's not argue. In this case, the forces of earth and heaven may have worked together, and the result of this interaction is obvious.

However, not only operational officers or investigators resort to the help of psychics, but also relatives of the victims, who are sure that the investigation was mistaken, their loved ones were killed, and no one wants to investigate another “wood grouse”. A similar incident occurred in the city of Marks, Saratov region, last summer. Two-year-old Timofey Schmidt disappeared while walking. Moreover, adults claim that the boy was nearby all the time and at some point literally disappeared. Dozens of people were sent to search for the baby.

“The child disappeared on Sunday evening, and on the same day law enforcement officers and military school cadets were sent to search for him,” Pravda.Ru said. Senior Assistant to the Head of the Investigative Committee for the Saratov Region Anna Marusova. “The boy’s body was discovered only at ten in the morning the next day, since the search became much more difficult in the dark. The child was found at the bottom of a small pond. Based on this fact, a criminal case was opened under the article “Murder of a minor.”

But after some time, the proceedings in the case were discontinued with the wording “for lack of corpus delicti.” The baby's parents were shocked by this decision of the investigators: they assured that the child had been killed. As Timofey’s relatives say, they found bruises on the boy’s body, a hematoma on his head and burns in the ear area. Not wanting to accept the fact that the child simply drowned due to the neglect of adults, the parents turned to psychics who take part in the sensational television show. Psychics came to the conclusion that the child was really killed. In their opinion, this could have been done by teenagers from a summer health camp, which is located near the place where Timofey was found.

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