Understand that the man does not respect you. A game of four hands: when a husband does not respect and value his wife. He's just an ordinary guy


First of all, you shouldn’t put all the housework on your fragile shoulders. Many people think that no one but them is able to cope with routine housework. Distribute responsibilities between you. After all, you are not a draft horse to carry everything on yourself. Let yours participate in the household process with you. This will allow you to save energy and save time.

Love yourself, then your man will love you too. Spend more time for yourself. Men are always attracted to well-groomed women, and besides, his self-esteem will certainly grow in direct proportion to your sexuality. Give yourself time every day, at least half an hour a day. You should look flawless from the tip of your hair to the tips of your nails.

Remember that all men are hunters by nature, so play with him. Let him conquer you again. To do this, pretend to be “hard to touch” and spend as much time as possible among other people, in which case the man will more and more want to be alone with you. Also, don’t forget about flirting, flirt with your man. Respond to compliments with gratitude. Men love confident women.

Mutual respect should be present in a relationship even before it becomes anything more serious than a first date. Respect is like cleanliness in the house - it must be maintained all the time.

You will need

  • Self-esteem


If he never respected you, then ask yourself, what did you both see in these? Perhaps he was looking for someone he could push around, and you were? Everything has changed for you, you want respect, but can your partner give it if he was looking for someone timid and dependent in you, not strong? He will suppress you and demand that you return to your previous pattern of behavior. All you can do in such a situation is to regain your self-respect - walk away from him.

If your husband respected you before marriage, but began to disdain you, look first of all to see if something has changed in you? If before the wedding you kept yourself in shape, dressed well, took care of yourself, now do you continue to take care of your appearance in the same way or have you given up on it?

Don't be petty. There is nothing more annoying than a person who is always whining about trifles. Discuss what is really important to you, and not everyday problems that are not worth a damn. Don't you like that it doesn't close the toothpaste tube? This is not a reason to start the morning with comments on this. Buy yourself another tube, it's much easier than finding another man.

Be a friend and advisor to your man. Let him make important decisions himself, but express your views on the problem.

Don't nag him. It is enough to express your opinion once, and not repeat it for hours. He will respect you more when he is convinced that you are right. But any right thought will fade if you repeat it over and over again. He is more likely to get angry with you and look for the reason for his failure in you, rather than in his stubbornness.

Maintain control over your emotions. Just because you are a woman does not mean that you are unable to control yourself.

Keep your promises, even if they concern when you will show up for your date. Are you seriously sure that you can respect a person who is constantly late? And what can we say about those who fail in more serious matters.

Maintain financial independence from him. Be a self-sufficient woman. If a man does not see you as an equal partner with his own value, his own life, his own interests, then, of course, he will offer you a different role in his life. For example, a decorative sticky fish. What kind of respect is there!

Don't tolerate disdain from him. If you allow yourself to be pushed around, then it’s okay with you. He may make mistakes, but you should not turn a blind eye to them.

Don't command him! Don't criticize him in front of your family, colleagues, friends, don't make fun of him. You can't win someone's respect by dragging their self-esteem into the dirt.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Respect yourself, first of all, treat your partner with respect, and your relationship will be built on respect.

Many women ask this rather difficult question. They are sure that their other half does not notice them and does not listen to their opinions. He just doesn’t respect me! From all these thoughts, life loses all its colors, everything becomes gray and unnecessary. And women begin to look for a way out of this labyrinth, throwing out all their indignation on people close to them. They are trying to restore justice, but it is getting worse and worse.


We need to stop throwing tantrums. No one can stand this for long, and it won’t add respect. After all, you live with this person, which means you need to accept him as he is, you don’t need to force him to think like you. A man should feel how much you love him, trust him, appreciate him. Trust is the most important value between and.

There is no need to interrogate him about where he goes. He will tell you himself when he considers it necessary. There is no need to speak in an impolite tone about his parents; it is better to admire his mother, who raised her son so amazingly.

Try to wear your favorite robe and slippers as little as possible. It is better to do light makeup, hairstyle, and choose a nice dress before your arrival. And also treat with understanding and respect everything that concerns his work. After all, he is a man, a breadwinner!

Try making a couple of his favorite dishes for dinner. You will see for yourself what loving look he will give you.

Watch football with him, you can even name several football players by last name. This will extremely surprise your chosen one, but will also raise you in his eyes. Also, don’t forget about boxing. Casually ask if he forgot about the championship tournament (although before that you yourself will have to surf the Internet).

Learn to find compromises, give in, but you also don’t need to indulge in everything. After all, you know your worth, and you need to maintain your status. Then your significant other will begin to realize how lucky he is in life. What an amazing woman he got. And his main task in life is to keep this gift of fate close. And for this the woman needs to be happy.

Always remain a mystery to your man, never cease to surprise him. Remain the most desirable and beautiful for him. And then you will be the happiest couple.


If you need something from a person, speak directly, without prevarication. If you are asked a specific question, then you need to provide a specific answer, without unnecessary words. I hope you can make people respect you. But it’s better not to force them, but simply to change yourself, so that they themselves want to respect you. Rules for real men.

Helpful advice

Make it a rule to express your feelings gently and calmly. Accusing a man of not respecting you when you have never told him what exactly is affecting you is not reasonable. Be clear about your needs. If a man deliberately ignores you, then be firm and make it clear that you will not tolerate such behavior. Of course, there are incorrigible men on whom it is simply a pity to waste time, energy and nerves. It's better to stay away from them. How to make a man respect you -.

Tip 4: How to get your wife to treat her husband with respect

The wedding is over, everyone is happy. But suddenly it turns out that the woman does not respect her husband at all, and before the wedding she was simply pretending. This shouldn't happen! How to correct the situation?


You cannot allow yourself to be treated with disdain, otherwise you will remain henpecked for the rest of your life. Your wife will not appreciate you, no matter how hard you try.

We need to figure out why this happened. What are the reasons for this behavior of your beloved woman. Maybe the problem lies in her family. Perhaps such a relationship is the norm among her parents. If a daughter constantly watches how dad bends under mom, she takes such a relationship as a basis. And, of course, he will try to build his family in the same way. She just doesn't know any other way. During the courtship period, such moments are almost impossible to predict. If a girl wants to get married, she will pretend, try to do everything to get her beloved. And only after the wedding all the nuances will come out.

Since you didn’t figure out your wife before the wedding, you will have to raise her after the wedding. It will be necessary to explain that the main guarantee of family happiness is respect between spouses. We need to make her realize that a wedding is not the end, that her whole life is ahead, and now she needs to make every effort to make this life happy. Remember that if there is no respect between spouses, the marriage is doomed.

You shouldn't give your wife all your money. Many men do this in order to relieve themselves of responsibility in material matters of the family and in everyday aspects. But then you have to ask your wife for money for every little thing. Thus, primacy in the family can go to the woman, because she is in charge of the family finances. Even if you do not want to participate in the formation of the family budget, you should leave a certain amount with yourself so that you have money for small expenses.

Tip 5: How to make your husband hear you

Take your time talking

Do you constantly talk to your husband in fits and starts: in the car, on the way to the store, over breakfast before work? This time is too short for you to be heard and understood by your husband the way you expect.

If you are planning a serious conversation, wait for the right moment. In an environment conducive to conversation, tell your spouse about what worries you now in life or is straining you in your family relationships. Next, ask for advice or offer to find a solution to the problem together. It is important to end the conversation on a positive note: remember joyful moments, talk about plans for vacations and holidays.

Get your husband interested

Do you want your husband to treat your personal or joint affairs, problems, desires with greater understanding? Don't be straightforward in your expectations. For example, instead of a sharp “I want to hear your opinion now!” mention in a conversation the point of view of another man: “But my brother claims that...” And you will see, the spouse will suddenly have something to say about this problem. And then gently move the arrows to what interests you.

Have patience

Your husband had a hard day, and right away you want to tell him everything? You are waiting for participation, but he eats his dinner and is silent? Do not rush to attack your spouse with questions and problems - he, unlike you, needs time to catch his breath and switch to his home environment. Give him this opportunity, and after a while, unobtrusively return to the topic that interests you or ask a pressing question. Now you will surely be heard by your husband.

Avoid hints

Statements like “Tomorrow a long-awaited film is coming out...” or “Why do you never tell me when you’re on your way home from work?” better to avoid. They will most likely, as they say, go in one ear and out the other. Tell your husband directly that you really want to go to the cinema with him tomorrow to see a certain film, ask him to call you when he goes home so that you have time to prepare dinner. The more specifically you formulate your thoughts and desires, the less misunderstanding there will be. And so that your spouse does not perceive your calls and questions as control and jealousy, tell him that you just miss him and want to spend more time with him.


  • How to influence a man so that he strives well

Good afternoon, dear readers! I recently wrote about how to learn to respect a man. But it turned out that many girls face another problem: how to make your spouse respect you? Are you getting enough respect for yourself? Is this topic relevant to you? We will talk about which women men respect. And also about how to become such a wonderful woman.

Bitch or sweet girl?

For some reason, our society likes to go to extremes. At first they try to be a good girl, but they are met with disrespect. They get disappointed, run to the store to buy books about bitches, completely change their strategy... But still no results. They get disappointed again, get carried away by lectures about Vedic wives, again go to extremes... But they just can’t figure out how to get a man to treat them with respect.

And I want to say this: respect does not depend on whether you are trying to be strong or weak. It just depends how you feel about yourself.

Therefore, first of all, you need to think about developing self-love. First of all, you need to accept and learn to value yourself. This is a must!

If you respect yourself, you will not allow a man to mistreat you. You will not allow him to be late regularly, neglect your interests, forget his promises... And you will not want to play the role of a “girl for the evening.” No matter how wonderful the gentleman may be!

Not allowing yourself to be treated badly does not mean that you have to be tough and strong. Not at all!

Let's give a simple example: a man is late. In principle, this is not the worst thing. Some people are extremely unpunctual and cannot arrive on time. If your boyfriend is otherwise ideal, you can forgive him for such weakness and come to meetings half an hour later than scheduled. However, in most cases it is not worth simply forgiving lateness. In most cases (unless there are emergency circumstances), the man can arrive on time, if he tries really hard. The problem is that many people don't feel the need to try...

So, let's imagine that your man is late. The first time - okay, anything can happen. But the second time he also didn’t come on time... Traffic jams, he was delayed at work, the gas ran out... What will you do?

You can create a scandal by shouting that you will not allow him to behave this way. You can humiliate him in a bitchy way with something. But these are not signs of your self-respect. Quite the contrary.

If you know your worth, you can do two things: simply decide that this man is not right for you and calmly stop communicating with him. No showdown. Or try to give him another chance. In this case, it is better to gently hint to him that you are so impatient, it is so difficult for you to wait for him, you are so tired after work... The main thing is intonation. Not attacks, not complaints, but soft complaints. You ask for protection and help, and do not set your own conditions! And if it doesn’t work, we calmly stop communicating. No hysterics.

This is what I call self-respect. We do not tolerate unworthy behavior of a suitor. But we don’t make trouble, we don’t try to take revenge, or insult... Why? We simply weed out unsuitable men or gently teach them how to behave around you.

What will the man’s attitude towards you be after the situation described? Respect is all about the little things. Your date will quickly learn that if he wants to be close to you, he must be on time. I must remember to call you. Accompany you home. Warn you in advance about changes in plans. Take your opinion into account. At the same time, if you started swearing, the attitude towards you would not be the best. Therefore, wise girls still do not get into trouble.

Respect yourself - what does it mean?

  • Forget the belief that you are unworthy of the best man and the best treatment for yourself;
  • Respect other people yourself. Don’t be late, take their interests into account, and don’t neglect others. Treat service personnel with respect - cleaners, cashiers, telephone operators...
  • Don't let your personal boundaries be crossed. Stop familiarity with people you don’t know, don’t answer personal questions if you don’t want to.
  • Don't make excuses. If you made a mistake, apologize. And if necessary, correct the mistake, make amends. But don't make excuses.
  • You must know what you want. And listen to your desires, your values, and not just go with the flow.
  • , about your well-being.
  • Don't cling to people who don't want to communicate with you. At least if they are not close relatives.

Woman is a personality

Men value women as individuals. This is undeniable. And personality is not a synonym for the word “bitch.” This is a person who has his own ideals and constantly works on himself. Who never stops learning. Endlessly improving.

It should be noted that you can improve in different ways. You can learn to be softer and more patient. You can learn to be stronger and more purposeful. The main thing is not to grow your pride. Men don't like it when women actively demonstrate their intelligence and show their superiority. And a wise woman does not try to “outdo” a man. For what?

Why does a man stop respecting a girl? The reasons may vary. Sometimes this happens after sex, if the woman gave up very quickly. Sometimes - if a lady stops observing her principles... Or the gentleman’s “rose-colored glasses” simply fall off.

The main thing you need to understand is: start loving yourself. Respect comes from here. Realize that you are worth a lot. That you are not ready to be content with a condescending attitude towards yourself. That you are very valuable. Then men will start looking at you differently. Watch a good video on this topic:

Probably every girl dreams of a happy relationship, when a man loves and literally carries her in her arms. In the modern world, men increasingly do not live up to the dreams of the fair sex, they offend, betray and cause pain. Many girls would like to know how to make a guy appreciate you in order to feel happy.

For some reason, a tradition has developed that when a girl agrees to a relationship and admits her feelings, the guys understand that the goal has been achieved and they can relax. This is why psychologists say that you should always maintain intrigue and keep a man on his toes.

How to teach a lesson to a guy who doesn't appreciate you?

First, you need to decide for yourself how a man should express his attitude. For example, some people put various gifts and material values ​​into this concept, while others believe that gratitude is manifested in verbal expression.

Many girls, according to psychologists, thinking that a guy doesn’t appreciate or respect them, screw themselves up by inventing non-existent reasons. Many representatives of the stronger sex are confident that girls perform various housework duties because they like it, and not in order to please them. Because of such misunderstandings, there is often a feeling that the loved one does not appreciate or love.

How to figure out whether a man loves you or not? Are his feelings real, or is he just talking about love, while his actions prove the opposite? Here are some signs that a man does not love or respect a woman.

If a man does not love or respect you, then, of course, it is better to determine this right away. Often a man can talk about love, respect and sympathy, but his actions indicate something else. You can focus on the following signs that a man does not love:


You intuitively feel that something is wrong. Even if everything seems perfect and all your friends are jealous of you. But you understand that they only see the external side of your relationship. After all, if a man really loved you, then there would be no room for doubt. When paired with him, you feel insecure, uncomfortable (at the same time, he may say that he loves you).

If you are loved, then there is always a feeling of confidence in this! And if doubts creep in, and even more than once, something is probably really wrong. We recently talked about, we advise you to read this material and check if these signs exist in your relationship.


Manipulation in relationships occurs, but is only acceptable as rare and unconscious behavior. If your man purposefully reads books on how to manipulate people and uses similar techniques in communicating with you, then this is a serious reason to think about it.

Especially if you feel psychological pressure from your partner, ignoring your attitude to the situation, his determination to insist on his opinion at all costs, even through manipulation. We advise you to read our material, it will help you find the right strategy of behavior. Manipulation means there is no love in the relationship.


Your partner is not afraid to offend you, is the initiator of quarrels and conflicts (often out of nowhere), and quarrels are repeated regularly. A man who is truly in love with a woman is unlikely to strive to spoil his relationship with her. He can justify such behavior by saying that “it’s your fault,” that he has difficulties at work (at the same time, he doesn’t yell at his boss and can fully control himself), that he has an emotional nature, and so on.

But whatever the reasons, the fact is that conflicts in your relationship begin precisely on his initiative (or he inflames even the smallest quarrel), and it is you who suffer from this. A loving man is unlikely to offend his chosen one, remember this (we advise you to read the material and check your relationship).

Communication style

If a man is rude to you, raises his voice, constantly criticizes you, this, of course, can be attributed to character traits. Like, he loves me very much, but his character is not sweet. But think about it, character is character, but it’s you who will have to live in such an atmosphere! And you will also have to listen to screams directed at you every day! And does it really matter whether it’s a character trait or not? After all, such behavior can destroy even the best, as it seemed at the beginning, relationships.

Do you like what he tells you about love, but is it normal for him to yell at you or be rude? In addition, the lack of respect for you (and communication with shouting, swearing, criticism and reproaches cannot be called anything else) tends to increase over time (and not decrease, as most women often hope). Therefore, you should pay attention to this manner of communication at the very beginning of the relationship (we recommend reading).

Reproaches and criticism

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that reproaches are not a manifestation of love. But it can be difficult to figure this out, especially if a man loves you in words, from time to time his behavior is ideal, he can even give you bouquets of flowers and boxes of chocolates, but at the same time you regularly listen to reproaches and criticism addressed to you. Moreover, criticism can be for any reason. You did it wrong, you said it wrong, you work wrong, your salary is low, you communicate with his relatives wrong, you clean the house wrong, and so on and so forth.

Criticism can overtake even the most ideal housewife or career woman, whose successes at work everyone admires, but her partner is always dissatisfied and will always find a reason to reproach her for something. It is hardly possible to say that this man loves you, because a loving person, as a rule, sees only the good in a partner, and simply does not notice the shortcomings (we recently talked about which will help you figure out whether this partner is right for you or not).

You don't feel loved and alone

A man rarely compliments you and constantly looks for flaws in your behavior. When your friends talk about their relationships, you find yourself envying their happiness. If your partner does not give you the feeling that for him you are the best, the most loved and desired, then the obvious question is - does he really love you?

Excessive emotionality

If you see that a man is unable to control his emotions and can break into a scream at any moment, it is unlikely that you will be able to build a long-term and harmonious relationship with him.

These signs can be considered either individually or in combination with each other. If you notice this in a man’s behavior not once or twice, but constantly, this is a serious reason to think about the prospects of your relationship with him. And here it is you who must make the decision, because you will have to live in such a relationship.

Text: women's portal

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