Latest activity on Kuletskaya Instagram. Model Lena Kuletskaya: biography, career, personal life. Elena Kuletskaya now

Supermodel Elena Kuletskaya was born on August 7, 1982 in Kharkov. Her father Alexander was a military man, so the Kuletsky family often had to change their place of residence. In 1998, the family of the future model moved to Moscow. But Kuletskaya herself early childhood dreamed of visiting Paris, to which she would later move in 2001.

early years

Considering that Kuletskaya spent her childhood constantly traveling, she very often had to change her place of study. Only after moving to Moscow did the girl finally manage to somehow stabilize her life. In 1999, she entered the law faculty of the Moscow Institute of Economics and Law. After entering the university, Elena Kuletskaya very often had to combine studying with part-time work. In the late 90s, she worked as a fashion model at promotional exhibitions, at one of which she was noticed by a scout from a foreign modeling agency. He invited the girl to a casting in Paris. As a result, in 2001, the future supermodel went to the capital of France. At the same time, the girl completed her studies at the Moscow Institute in absentia.

All photos 8

Model business

Having moved to the capital of France, Elena Alexandrovna begins the active development of her modeling career. However, her father categorically opposed this. He was skeptical about the fashion industry and his daughter's prospects in this direction. But Kuletskaya managed to convince her father. Moreover, soon Alexander Kuletsky himself became part of the modeling business, opening the Mademoiselle agency.

Initially, the girl was going to spend only three months in Paris summer holidays. But circumstances were such that the Russian model settled in France for a long time. Over the next few years, Elena collaborated with IMG Models, Louisa Models and other major modeling agencies. In addition, the model willingly starred in commercials for such popular global brands as Rolex, RAFF, Mary Kay and Etam. The popularity of the model reached Russia, where she participated in the filming commercial Orbit.

Television career

Elena Kuletskaya became even more popular thanks to her filming in the television show “Cinderella 2.0”. In this show, the model helped the participants make significant changes in their lives. Thanks to the efforts of the presenter ordinary girls transformed from Cinderellas into princesses whose appearance will allow them to conquer the stage and podium.

The following year, the model became a participant in the popular show “Dancing with the Stars.” Elena’s partner in the project was actor Evgeny Pazenko. And the girl, by participating in this show, managed to increase the already large army of her fans.

In 2014, Elena got a job on the Domashny channel. She became the host of the project " Perfect couple" This show featured couples who couldn't boast stylish wardrobe. As in Cinderella 2.0, this problem had to be solved by the famous supermodel and her team.

Personal life of Elena Kuletskaya

The girl's popularity in Russia is primarily due to her relationship with the national pop star Dima Bilan. The couple met in 2006. Their first meeting took place at the Paris airport. No one could have imagined then that their meeting would be the beginning Serious relationships, which will last about five years. Moreover, in 2008, Dima promised to marry Elena Kuletskaya if he won Eurovision. In the end, it was Dima who won, but their relationship was never legalized.

The relationship of this couple has always been accompanied by various rumors and speculation. One day, the yellow press hastened to accuse Kuletskaya of cheating with the famous Hollywood actor Mickey Rourke. Appeared in the media joint photos models and Hollywood stars. But in fact, these pictures were taken for one of the foreign glossy publications.

The five-year romance between Bilan and Kuletskaya ended in the summer of 2011. The couple unanimously stated that the relationship was too turbulent and they simply “burned out.” But the press believes that their romance was just a PR stunt. Subsequently, this version was confirmed by Bilan himself. And Russian producer and businessman Viktor Baturin even stated that he personally paid the escort agency 30 thousand euros for the candidacy of this supermodel as Dima Bilan’s girlfriend.

After breaking up with the star, Elena dated an unknown Frenchman, whose identity remained a mystery. Finally, in 2014, on her Internet page, she announced her marriage to video project operator Stanislav Romanovsky. The model's recording was accompanied by a photograph happy couple in a romantic setting. The wedding of Kuletskaya and Romanovsky took place in the girl’s favorite city – Paris. And already in 2016, information appeared in the press that the model was diligently hiding her rounded tummy. The timing of the birth of the first child is unknown, but presumably this event should occur in the spring of 2016.

Born on August 7, 1982 in Kharkov. Father - Alexander Kuletsky, military man, currently co-owner of the French modeling agency Mademoiselle. Mother - Alla Kuletskaya, medical worker.

Lena's childhood due to military service father spent traveling around the country. Over time, the Kuletsky family settled in Moscow. In 1998, the future TV presenter began combining her studies with part-time work at promotional exhibitions and performances at fashion shows.

After graduating from school, Lena entered the law faculty of the Institute of Economics, Management and Law as part of the Russian State University for the Humanities (according to other sources, the law faculty of Moscow State University). When Kuletskaya was a sophomore, a foreigner approached her on the street, who turned out to be a scout for a modeling agency in Paris. He invited Elena to take part in the casting, after which she received an invitation to come to Paris for three months.

Elena Kuletskaya: “And then one day a foreign citizen approached me on the street and began to express great delight about me: “Come to the casting tomorrow, you have a very interesting appearance.” I don’t know why, but I believed him and took a risk. As it turned out, it was not in vain - I was invited to France for three months.”
Quote taken from the magazine “7 Days”, No. 15 (04/06/2006)

Despite her father’s disagreement, Kuletskaya went to France during the summer holidays. Having successfully passed local modeling selections, in 2001 she remained to live there. Due to changes in

Elena Kuletskaya is a Ukrainian supermodel, the face of the jewelry brand “Raff”, a participant in advertising shoots for the brands “Nina Ricci”, “Etam”, “Helena Rubinstein” and “Mary Kay”. Today the model is gaining popularity as a TV presenter. Elena Kuletskaya conducted fashion shows“Trendy”, “Beauty Embassy”, “Shopaholics”, “Perfect Couple”. After the model has been adjusted own life, got married and gave birth to a child, Elena Kuletskaya became the face of the new family TV show “Diary of a Happy Mother.”

The famous model Elena Kuletskaya was born in Kharkov in August 1982. Together with older sister Sasha grew up with strictness and almost military discipline. Which is not surprising, because the head of the family, Alexander Kuletsky, was a military man. Daily checks were normal practice homework. Behind bad marks Dad could have punished me. Liberties in clothing and appearance were not encouraged either.

Lena Kuletskaya in one of her interviews told how at the age of 15 she first “put bangs” with the help of sugar syrup and went to the disco in this form. In the evening, dad almost personally washed away this “disgrace” from his daughter’s head.

After graduating from school, Elena Kuletskaya entered Moscow State University, choosing the Faculty of Law. But due to her modeling career, she was forced to transfer to distance learning. Completing my studies was not easy. After all, constant travel and employment in modeling business They left neither energy nor time for science. But Lena promised her dad that she would certainly receive a “basic education.” And she kept her promise.

Later, the girl entered the famous Sorbonne, where she studied at the Faculty of Economics. Elena Kuletskaya speaks fluent English and French.


Once, Lena, walking around the capital, was suddenly approached by a stranger. As it turned out, it was a scout from one of the modeling agencies in Paris. The scout showered the young beauty with compliments and offered to audition. The girl agreed and did not regret her decision. Elena Kuletskaya matched the model agency's measurements and height (177 cm). Having successfully passed the selection process, Elena received a tempting offer to work for 3 months in France. Kuletskaya agreed.

I can’t say that my daughter liked the decision. strict father. The man said that his daughter can do whatever she wants, but first she must get higher education. Elena’s argument that after graduating from university the girl will be in her thirties, and at that age modeling career They don’t start, although he was upset, but he convinced his father. The father agreed to let his daughter go to a foreign country.

After 3 months, Elena Kuletskaya actually returned to Moscow, but it was not possible to continue her studies at the station. Parisian agents kept calling her. The girl did not want to refuse tempting offers, because fate cannot endlessly give such gifts. Having transferred to correspondence education, the girl returned to Paris.

So it began model biography Elena Kuletskaya. The 18-year-old girl has made a dizzying career. At the age of 24, the supermodel had already purchased an apartment in the center of Paris, from the window of which you can admire the Champs de Mars.

During her modeling career, the girl collaborated with several agencies at the same time. Elena Kuletskaya was chosen as the face of the famous British jewelry brand Raff, which specialized in gold and diamond jewelry. Lena also took part in advertising campaigns for such famous brands as Nina Ricci, Etam, Helena Rubinstein and Mary Kay. In addition, Elena Kuletskaya advertised Rolex watches.

A television

Started at age 26 television biography Elena Kuletskaya. Famous model offered to lead several projects on Russian television. In 2010, she was invited to join the jury of the popular reality show on the MTV Russia channel called “Cinderella 2.0.” And in 2011, together with the actor, Lena took part in the TV show “Dancing with the Stars.”

Elena Kuletskaya has several TV shows on Channel One. Since 2010, the supermodel participated in the 1st, and in 2012 in the 3rd season of the Cruel Intentions project. In 2012, she won the “Special Assignment” project and took part in the television show “Fort Boyard.”

Modeling experience was very useful for Elena Kuletskaya on television. Elena became a TV presenter of the fashion programs “Trendy” (channel “Friday”), “Embassy of Beauty” (channel “U”) and the TV show “Shopaholics”.

At the end of May 2014, Elena Kuletskaya became the TV presenter of the new project “Ideal Couple” on the Domashny TV channel. The new show focuses on harmonious families and couples whose only problem is their wardrobe. The supermodel is hired to help young people with a fashion problem.

Also in 2014, the actress began hosting another show - the wedding television program “My Wedding is Better!” on the channel "STS Love". Project participants organize a wedding celebration, guided by expert advice. The girls then attend their rivals' ceremonies and rate them on a number of criteria: the bride's dress, menu, atmosphere and entertainment.

The wedding program gained popularity and became in demand among television viewers, and therefore was extended for a second season.

Personal life

In her homeland, the supermodel gained wide popularity after information about her affair with her was leaked to the media. The couple met at the airport in 2006. Elena was waiting for a flight to Germany, where the supermodel had planned filming. Young people met each other in a store. The girl reached for the disk, which turned out to be the last one. Dmitry wanted to make the same purchase. As a result, he conceded beautiful girl disk, writing your phone number on it.

But the romance broke out later, when the singer’s producer held a casting, choosing a girl for the role of Princess Anna for the video for the song “It Was Love.” Seeing a familiar face in the photo, Dima immediately chose Lena.

Their romance lasted for 5 years, but never ended in marriage. Young people were too passionate about their careers and did not want to sacrifice anything for the sake of relationships. In 2008, Dima Bilan even promised to marry Elena if he won the international musical competition"Eurovision". Russia won, but the wedding never took place. And subsequently the young people separated.

In 2011, Dima Bilan began to claim that his affair with Elena Kuletskaya was a PR stunt. The model continued to say that the relationship was real.

After the final breakup, Elena Kuletskaya’s personal life became new round: the model met an American handsome man of Italian descent named Francesco. For some time the couple lived together in a rented apartment. But this romance also ended in nothing, and for the same reason: for each of the partners, their career came first.

The media wrote a lot about the alleged romance between Elena Kuletskaya and Hollywood star. But these, as Lena claims, are just rumors. Mickey courted Nastya Makarenko.

In 2013, an event happened in the life of Elena Kuletskaya that the TV presenter had been waiting for a long time. The beauty, while working on television, met a new lover. The supermodel's future husband turned out to be director of photography Stanislav Romanovsky. The engagement took place in the same year, which the TV presenter spoke about in her own blog in “ Instagram", and the couple got married in 2014 in Provence, in a chateau overlooking endless lavender fields.

In 2016, it became known that Elena and Stas were expecting a new addition to the family. On May 15, 2016, the TV presenter gave birth to a daughter at the Lapino Clinical Hospital. The girl was named Nika. Elena also shared this joy with fans on Instagram.

Elena Kuletskaya now

On September 21, 2017, Elena Kuletskaya opened a new TV show on the Domashny channel - “Diary of a Happy Mom.” Lipa Teterich also became Elena’s co-hosts.


  • 2010 – “Cinderella 2.0”
  • 2010 – “Cruel Intentions”
  • 2009 – “Trendy”
  • 2010 – “Beauty Embassy”
  • 2010 – “Shopaholics”
  • 2011 – “Dancing with the Stars.”
  • 2012 – “Special Assignment”
  • 2012 – “Fort Boyard”
  • 2014 – “The Perfect Couple”
  • 2014 – “My wedding is better!”
  • 2014 – “City Slickers”
  • 2017 – “Diary of a Happy Mom”

Elena Kuletskaya with her husband Stanislav Romanovsky. Photo:

Another young representative of show business has purchased property for herself. Ex-girlfriend Dima Bilana, TV presenter and model, bought an apartment, which she is now renovating. Lena told fans about this on Instagram.

The blonde posted a photo where she stands with her husband, director of photography Stanislav Romanovsky, in front of concrete walls of your home. “Future native walls, even if they are still concrete. And even though they have a very specific price tag, the feeling when you enter YOUR squares is priceless. We are building a family nest. Together we are strength. Friends, are there any smart designers among you... Now the most creative and interesting things begin, and we need a competent professional who will direct our ideas into the project. No gold or frills. Only loft open space, maximum wood, concrete, iron! Hmmm... But the apartment already matches without the design” (the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved, - note by WomanHit), Kuletskaya captioned the photo.

What are your plans for this weekend? Where is the interesting movement these days, for children and not only? Our plan is to find a cow. Real, spotted, loudly chewing juicy grass and shooting delicious flatbreads 🙈😆 In her little life, Nika has already seen many animals, but we have never seen a cow yet 🤷🏼‍♀️ Cow! The most common and taken-for-granted animal of my childhood! We'll look for the cutest boater hat @skazkalovers ☀️

I want to stay here forever!!! This is already a standard phrase for Nika when we leave some place she likes. For the first time, she intended to stay in gymnastics forever. Oh, how many screams there were in the car after physical classes and trampolines 🙈 So bitter that my heart was breaking. This is trembling with an anguish “I want to stay at gymnastics forever,” then the reminder helped that there was nowhere to eat in the hall, but at home we are waiting for delicious and dad 🙈🤪 The next day, Mini Miss was about to stay in the classroom forever-there she sculpted and drew, the last one left the development and sobbed bitterly again 🙈 Then there were many more “forevers” - guests - a frequent place of planned permanent residence (neighbors, hello), unknown ladies with dogs, whom Nika breaks in to visit, holiday homes, swimming pools, a zoo .. Fortunately, now these are no longer bitter tears, but sighs and pouting lips. And of course, after the park, my daughter also wanted to stay in the Fairy Tale forever, where would we be without it.. I wonder how my daughter lives at home 😏🏕👨‍👧‍👧

Achtung, two stripes! or “Where did you lose your pants?!” I'm correcting myself. I found the pants. Well, now I’ve lost my shirt 🤷🏼‍♀️ and still remain in my underwear 🙈😆 Because I’m wearing a lingerie bodysuit from the Chantelle x VICTORIA/TOMAS capsule collection 😆👌🏻@estelle_adony But in my opinion, it’s so functional that you can wear it both under clothes and as a top. What would you wear this with if you received it as a gift? But you will get it 😜 I want to give away the same bodysuit, as well as a certificate worth 5000 rubles to the Estelle Adoni salons! ✨🔥🎉🎁 (so you don’t have to cut through your underwear alone) The bodysuit is seamless and universal, onesize size, so it doesn’t matter what build you are - it will adapt to the features of any figure 👌🏻 Conditions: ✅ follow me and @estelle_adony ✅ leave a comment under photo And that's it! The result of the competition will be in stories on Sunday evening! 🌟

Life with two small children is... You wake up in the morning, full of energy, energy, grandiose plans for the day. In the thoughts of “well, today I’m definitely going to move mountains,” you make a to-do list. During the day - well, maybe not exactly, and perhaps not mountains, but I’ll definitely climb a couple of hills, I still have a lot of time! About 4 o'clock, when the promising daylight children's sleep covered with a copper basin - uh, so what did I even want to accomplish today? ... In the evening - well, the last push, now I’ll get everyone to bed, and I’ll definitely do everything! At night, surrounded on all sides by children, reading them a fairy tale - are you doing? no, well, today is no big deal, but tomorrow!! Tomorrow I’ll definitely redo everything! I just have to remember to make a list!.. In this way, for example, items wander through my lists 👌🏻selection of photos for a wedding album - (on the list for 5 years) 👌🏻sorting documents - I’m going to sort them all after moving (1.5 years) 👌🏻post about colic - six months... 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣 Now every day the text about complementary feeding and smooth replacement of the amount of breastfeeding per day migrates to tomorrow.. Yes, you also probably have your own list “for tomorrow” 🤪 And today.. already Hello magazine was published with our shooting ✨ @hello__ru @tsvetkovainessaphoto

I follow, one might say, on Anya’s heels. She gave birth to a daughter, six months later, so did I (from the same doctor, by the way 🤓) After a short pause, she gave birth to a second one, and I followed suit, 5 days apart, the gap was reduced. And finally, we met.. No, not in the maternity hospital yet, but on the set 😄 And who “made” whom this time will be on air soon 👌🏻📺🎥🖥 @annakhilkevich

Dacha style in all its trends 🤗 If the conditional watchman Vovan knew that his rubber flip-flops with socks, trousers up to his navel, a waist bag and, attention, panaaaama (well, in general, absolutely everything that “pro-Western fashionistas” criticized our “Soviet” for) collective farm") will be mega hits of 2019... 🙈🤪 I would walk from the hip, waving a string bag with the now fashionable glass eco containers 👌🏻 (although.. that’s exactly what I did..) But in me, in the local SelPo fashion fifu admitted 😆 Having examined the outfit from head to toe, the saleswoman at the dacha grocery store said “this is expensive” five times to the ice cream chosen by her daughter. But then, right there, without blinking an eye, she sold me shriveled apples and rotten carrots at full price 🤦🏼‍♀️ If you don’t want it, don’t take it 🤷🏼‍♀️🙈🤣 I didn’t want to take it, but we were going to alpacas, and there were other vegetables in the nearest radius it wasn’t 🙄 So we left the store - with “expensive” ice cream and rotten carrots. But in a fashion Panama hat.

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