Presentations on social studies, download for free for lessons. Presentation on social studies on the topic: "The concept of society" Presentation on the topic

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Social Studies Presentation- this is an excellent modern visual material that can help schoolchildren feel interest in the subject and be active in their work. A modern student should feel comfortable in the society in which he lives, so it is important to tell in an accessible and understandable way about all its problems, components, processes that occur there, professions that appear. Solving all these problems is not so easy, but it is possible if you choose the right teaching methods and provide each lesson with clarity. This is where young and experienced teachers will need ready-made presentations on social studies on all topics, which can be downloaded on our portal for everyone free of charge.

For a child, a computer has become an indispensable attribute of modern life, so the teacher, in order to increase the effectiveness of the lesson, must use this tool for his own purpose. Don't know how to do this? To get started, you just need to download the required multimedia presentation on social studies for free and use it to teach a lesson in a new way. And after that, evaluate the students’ reaction and their participation in discussing the topic and absorbing the material. The results are obvious: learning ability increases significantly, as motivation increases sharply.

Free presentations for social studies lessons yu, which are offered to download for free, are an ideal visual that can be used at any stage of the lesson:

  1. by offering them at the beginning of the lesson, the teacher stimulates children’s interest in learning a new topic;
  2. using electronic tests for consolidation, you can check your quick assimilation of the material covered;
  3. By showing bright slides in an open lesson, the teacher will demonstrate his ability to use ICT and his desire to work in an interesting way;
  4. By giving children individual lessons, you can choose for each one the work that he can do.

The conclusion is clear: this section was created so that everyone can download for free the necessary presentations for social studies lessons and make it easier for themselves to prepare for classes, making them as productive as possible for schoolchildren, no matter what grade they are studying in.

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Social studies - 9th grade

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Social studies - 10th grade

Presentations on social studies in the 10th grade are used by a modern teacher in the classroom to maintain interest in the subject and improve the quality of the educational process. It is difficult to do without ICT in any field, and in education it is simply impossible to refuse them. For high school students, a computer has become a familiar attribute that accompanies them in life. If a training session...

Social studies - 11th grade

A presentation in a social studies lesson in 11th grade is an innovation that should be used in the work of every modern teacher. The educational process is being computerized everywhere. It is no longer possible to work in the way that was once possible and convenient. Children should be given knowledge that will be useful to them in the future. This means that in 11th grade they study...

Presentation Life and work of Repin The presentation was created by the author in order to tell the viewer about the life and work of Ilya Repin, who is rightfully considered a brilliant artist of Russia, a talent who gave the world so much...Vincent van Gogh: biography and work - presentation The presentation reveals hidden secrets creativity and biography of the outstanding artist Vincent Wilhelm van Gogh, who represented Dutch post-impressionism. You can download the manual for free to accompany MHC lessons...Presentation Paul Gauguin: life and work The presentation tells the life story of the French artist Paul Gauguin. His work is studied in high school MHC lessons, for which you can download this interesting resource. Was born...

Social studies is one of the most difficult subjects taught in schools to understand. Therefore, it is very important that the teacher teaches lessons on this discipline competently and easily. Social studies presentations, a large number of which are available on our website, will help make each lesson clear and interesting. Instead of presenting information verbally, it is easier to use multimedia presentations, where it will be conveniently categorized and much better understood.

Presentations on social studies are made in PowerPoint; here you will find a large assortment of presentations on social studies that can be downloaded absolutely free. Thanks to the search across the entire huge range of works presented with us, you can easily find exactly the topic that suits you best. Before downloading the presentation you like, you can evaluate all its contents so as not to waste time on a topic that is not entirely suitable.

Among all these social studies presentations, you will find both colorful and visual, interesting topics for elementary school students, as well as more informative and useful ones for high school students.

Due to the fact that all information is presented in the form of blocks, well structured and understandable, it is perceived much more effectively, which can significantly increase class performance and interest the entire audience.

Presentations on the topic “Society as a complex system” present material about the systemic structure of society. the main spheres of society and their interrelationships, the contradictory impact of people on the natural environment, threats and challenges of the 21st century.



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Plan: Concept of society Country, society, state Society is a self-developing, self-regulating, self-sufficient system. Spheres of society.

“Society” - from the word “common” (joint, collective). Society – people, forms of their association, joint life and activity. Joint activity is the main condition for the existence of society. The Latin word S ocio means to unite. Society is a society united by joint activities. The concept of society.

Social life began with the appearance of man on Earth - about 2-3 million years ago. The society has existed for about 40 thousand years - since the emergence of the clan community. Remember: what is a clan community?

structure of society Small group Large group family Educational collective Labor collective Informal collective classes of a nation constantly changing

Society in the narrow sense of the word: A circle of people united by common goals, interests, origin, standard of living (joint-stock company, society of book lovers, noble assembly, peasant community, high society); Region (Russian society, Primorye residents); By nationality (Russian people, Armenian diaspora); About a specific specific society, country, state; Historical stage in the development of mankind (feudal society, capitalist society); Humanity as a whole.

Society in the broad sense of the word: A part of the material world isolated from nature, but closely connected with it, which includes ways of interaction between people and forms of their unification. Past, present and future of humanity.

Society is part of the material, i.e. real world. 2. Society is impossible without people who have diverse relationships with each other.

task: Are the following judgments about society true?

Assignment: Society is: 1) the material world as a whole, 2) a part of the material world, isolated from nature, but closely connected with it. 3) part of nature 4) part of the material world, isolated from nature and lost connections with it. Assignment: Are the following judgments about society true? A. In the broadest sense of the word, society is the material world surrounding a person. B. The concept of “society” in the broad sense of the word and the concept of “nature” are equivalent. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A country is a territory that has certain borders (Russia, USA). It is necessary to distinguish between 3 concepts: Country, society, state. Society is people who live together in one country (Russian society, American society). The state is the authorities that govern society: the president, parliament, courts, police, government (the state of the Russian Federation, the state of the United States of America). RUSSIAN Country Society State

Society is a dynamic, self-developing, self-regulating, self-sufficient system System (from Greek - a whole made up of parts) 1. All elements of the system (spheres of society) perform their functions. 2. All elements develop according to certain rules and laws. 3. All elements constantly interact with each other. 4. Changes occurring in one area often cause changes in another.

Spheres of society

A1. Society in the broad sense of the word refers to: 1) an association of people based on interests 2) residents of a particular country 3) a community of people existing at a certain historical stage 4) a set of forms of association of people A2. An example of the influence of natural factors on the development of society is 1) the construction of pyramids in Ancient Egypt 2) the collapse of the empire of Charlemagne 3) the emergence of the first centers of civilization in river valleys 4) the creation of the oldest monument of written law - the laws of Hammurabi A3. Social relations do not include 1) relations in the family 2) relations between an employee and an employer 3) relations between nature and society 4) connections between social groups and within them A4. The social sphere of society directly depends on the level of 1) economic development of the country 2) political development of the country 3) spirituality of society 4) development of interethnic relations

Homework: § 1.


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Typology of societies.

● traditional (ancient and medieval) ● industrial ● post-industrial (technological, informational)

Comparison features: traditional industrial post-industrial time of emergence 10 thousand years ago as a result of the agrarian revolution of the 19th century. industrial revolution (England) 70-80. XX century The main factor of production is land (the main wealth) capital knowledge The main product of production is food industrial products services The main features of production are manual labor (plow, plow) the use of technology automation of production, computerization of society

Nature of labor individual labor standard activity creativity in work Employment of the population basis - agriculture (75%) basis - industry (85%) basis - information (70% - services) Main type of export raw materials production products services Social structure estates, classes, social isolation. structures classes, mobility and openness of social. structures differentiation depending on the level of education and qualifications Life expectancy 40-50 years 70 years more than 70 years

Human impact on nature is local, uncontrollable global, uncontrollable global, controlled Interaction with other countries is insignificant, closed countries close openness of society Political life monarchy, power above the law, lack of political freedoms Parliamentarism, multi-parties -ness, proclamation of political freedoms civil society, political pluralism Spiritual life of poorly educated people, religious values ​​faith in science, mass culture, training of specialists special role of science and education


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Community development

Directions of social development Regression (movement back) - transition from higher to lower, degradation. Progress (movement forward) is a transition from lower to higher, from simple to complex, from imperfect to more perfect.

Types of social progress Progress of science and technology (NTP, NTR) Progress in the development of productive forces (industrial revolution) Political progress (transition from totalitarianism to democracy) Progress in the field of culture (recognition of man as the highest value) Changes in which area are more obvious, and in which one is less visual?

Contradiction of progress ● Development of science and technology → destruction of nature. ● Discoveries in nuclear physics → nuclear weapons. ● Computer use → new diseases (fatigue, eye diseases, mental disorders). ● Development of transport → air pollution, disease, stress.

Criteria for social progress: A criterion is an indicator by which something can be assessed ◘ the development of the human mind ◘ the development of science and technology ◘ the development of productive forces ◘ the growth of living standards, the degree of social protection ◘ the improvement of people’s morality ◘ the degree of individual freedom in society ─ What is the main one? The main criterion is humanistic.

Forms of social change - process of renewal in accordance with modern requirements Modernization - transformation of any aspect of social life that does not affect the foundations of the existing social system Reform - radical changes in all or most aspects of social life Revolution - gradual changes in society that do not lead to a qualitatively new social system Evolution Innovation innovation, introduced innovation

Consolidation 1. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered: (1) The world's first steamship was built in England by mechanic Symington in the 80s. XVIII century (2) However, the authorities banned its use, saying that the waves from the steamer were destroying the banks. (3) The steamboat was invented for the second time by Fulton in America in 1807. (4) In 1825, the first railway was launched. (5) Stagecoach owners, who feared competition from the railroads, campaigned against them. Determine which provisions of the text reflect the tendency A) towards social progress B) towards social regression

Consolidation 2. Establish a correspondence between the forms of social progress and their characteristic features: CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF THE FORMS OF SOCIAL PROGRESS A) destruction of the foundations of the existing 1) reform of the social system 2) revolution B) active political action of the masses C) purposeful transformation of any aspect of social life D) the presence of a goal to transfer the leadership of society into the hands of a new class D) preservation of the fundamental foundations of the existing system

● average human life expectancy ● infant mortality ● health status ● level and quality of education ● level of cultural development ● sense of satisfaction with life ● degree of respect for human rights ● attitude towards nature Indicators of progressive development of society:


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Human and society

1. Natural and social in man. (Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution.) 2. Worldview, its types and forms 3. Types of knowledge 4. The concept of truth, its criteria 5. Thinking and activity 6. Needs and interests 7. Freedom and necessity in human activity 8. Systemic structure of society: elements and subsystems 9. Basic institutions of society 10. The concept of social progress 11. Multivariate social development (types of societies) 20. Threats of the 21st century (global problems)

Human nature Biological principle and instincts biological program of development atomy, physiology € to higher mammals Social principle activity communication thinking speech Mental principle in the inner world of man character emotional sphere Man is a subject of socio-historical activity and culture, a biosocial being possessing consciousness, articulate speech, moral qualities and the ability to make tools

One is born as an individual, one becomes an individual, one defends individuality. The concept of “man” is used to characterize the universal qualities and abilities inherent in all people; the concept emphasizes the presence of such a community as the human race Individual is a single representative of the human race, a specific person Individuality is unique originality, distinctive features (internal and external) from other people 1. Personality is a stable system of socially significant traits that characterize an individual as a member of one or another another company. 2. Personality – as a subject of relationships and conscious activity

The difference between humans and animals Animals Humans Make tools and use them as a means of producing material goods Carry out conscious, purposeful creative activity Possess a highly developed brain, thinking and speech Use only natural tools Behavior is subordinate to instincts Do not have a highly developed brain and cannot speak

Worldview, its types and forms Worldview is a person’s system of views on the world (nature, society, man) as a whole; man's relationship to the world three main forms Mythology is a form of social consciousness, the worldview of ancient society, which combines both fantastic and realistic perception of the surrounding reality. Religion is a form of worldview based on the belief in the presence of fantastic, supernatural forces that influence human life and the world around us. Philosophy is a special, scientific-theoretical type of worldview, based on knowledge (and not on faith)

Types (types) of worldview ordinary religious scientific 1. Based on life experience. 2. Views are formed spontaneously. 3. Makes little use of scientific experience 1. Based on religious teachings. 2. Insufficient attention to scientific achievements. 3. Closely related to the spiritual needs of man 1. Based on the achievements of science. 2. Includes a scientific picture of the world

Criterion (measure) of truth PRACTICE Human activity aimed at transforming the world around him Material production Accumulated experience Scientific experiment Scientific theory and logical proof Not all ideas can be tested in practice

Needs and interests Motive stimulant Activity What motivates human activity, for the sake of which it is performed Needs Beliefs Emotions Ideals Interests experienced and perceived need by a person for what is necessary to maintain his body and develop his personality “It is important to matter” 1) Conditions, providing satisfaction of needs; 2) these are values ​​characteristic of a certain group of people.

I classification of needs Relationship

II classification of needs Pyramid of human needs (according to A. Maslow) Primary, congenital Secondary, acquired

Activity as a way of existence of people 1. “Activity is a form of mental activity of the subject, consisting in the motivational achievement of a consciously set goal of cognition or transformation of an object.” 2. Activity is a specific form of a person’s relationship to the world around him and himself with the goal of changing and transforming S O D S O S S

Activity as a way of existence of people Subject is the one who carries out the activity (can be a person, a group of people, an organization, a government body.) Object is what the activity is aimed at (can be natural materials, various objects, spheres or areas of people’s lives.)

Structure of activity M→D=C+S+d=P Motive What is presented in the mind and expected as a result D are objects of labor, tools, technologies Actions are the result, the product of activity

Criteria for classification Types of activity Human relationship to the surrounding world - Practical - Spiritual Historical process Progressive - Regressive Creative - Destructive Social norms Legal - Illegal Moral - Immoral Social forms of unifying people Collective Mass Individual Ways of existence Monotonous, monotonous, template Innovative, inventive, creative Spheres social life Economic, political, social, spiritual Stages of formation and development of a person’s personality Play - learning - work - communication

WAYS OF COGNITION Sensory cognition (using the five basic senses) Sensation Perception Representation Concept Judgment Inference Sensualism (empiricists) Rationalism (rationalists) Rational cognition (using thinking, reason) Cognitive activity Cognition – this is the reflection and reproduction of reality in the thinking of the subject, the result of which is knowledge about the world; the process of searching for truth. Knowledge is the result of cognition, a true reflection of reality in human thinking; scientific information. thinking - a set of mental processes underlying cognition

SOCIETY 1. The concept of “society” in the narrow and broad (philosophical) sense 2. The systemic structure of society: elements and subsystems 3. The main institutions of society 4. The concept of social progress 5. Multivariate social development (types of societies) 6. Threats of the 21st century (global problems)

The concept of “society” in the narrow sense Society in the narrow sense a group of people united by common interests a specific country a certain historical type of society Society of book lovers Pedagogical society Dog breeders society European society Russian society English society Industrial society Traditional society Archaic society

Separated from nature, but closely interconnected with it, part of the material world, including methods of interaction and forms of unification of people Society in the broad sense

Includes relationships associated with the production and consumption of material goods Relationships developing in the process of creating, preserving and mastering spiritual goods Includes relationships between various social communities and groups Includes relationships in the field of political activity, governs and manages Macrostructure of society = society as a system E P S D The spheres are closely related to each other

Basic institutions of society A social institution is a specific social entity created to meet the most important needs of human society. A social institution is a stable form of organizing joint activities, regulated by norms, traditions and aimed at meeting the needs of society: physiological, existential, social, prestigious, spiritual needs.

Types of social institutions Types of institutions Specific social institution (examples) What needs does it satisfy? Economic Production Market Property Banks Creation of material wealth Extraction of means of subsistence Political State Civil society Institute of power Need for security Maintaining social order Family institution Family Marriage education Procreation 2. Socialization Cultural Science Education Religion Transfer of experience Spiritual needs

The concept of social progress In the 18th century, the French philosopher-educator Jean Antoine Condorcet introduced the concept of “progress” It has a spatial and temporal characteristic - regression in the development of a particular country, civilization Humanity as a whole did not regress, but its movement could be delayed and stopped, which is called stagnation

The contradictory nature of progress and its criteria The process of social development is contradictory: can both progressive and regressive phenomena be found in it? Criteria for progress 1(.) Measure of freedom, i.e. the degree of individual freedom guaranteed by society. 2(.) Universal criterion - that which contributes to the rise of humanism is progressive, i.e. recognition of HUMAN being the highest value

Multivariate social development (types of societies) Alvin Toffler (born 1928) American sociologist and futurologist TOFFLER WAVES

Traditional (agrarian) society Industrial society Post-industrial (information) society Close connection with nature Agricultural is the dominant factor in the economy Stability of customs and traditions Low degree of urbanization Corporate, hierarchical social structure Close connection between a person and the primary collective Consumer attitude towards nature → environmental problems Industry – dominant in the economy. Mass production Formation of mass (international in nature) culture Predominance of the urban population over the rural Destruction of class privileges High social mobility 1. Widespread use of information technology 2. Information turns into a factor of production 3. The service sector becomes predominant in the economy 4. Decentralization of production occurs → flexible small-scale production 5. High social mobility 6. Rule of law

Global problems of our time “globus” – lat. The globe is a planetary problem that has universal significance and affects the vital interests of huge masses of people. The problem of limited resources - a decrease in supplies of raw materials and food The problem of poverty (North - South) - a sharp difference in economic development between rich countries and poor ones. The problem of maintaining peace is the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The demographic problem is a sharp increase in the world's population. Environmental problem – preserving the environment and maintaining natural balance?


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Terrorism is a threat to society?!

What is terrorism? Terrorism is military action or a type of war (as “low-intensity conflicts”). Terrorists are common criminals, and their actions should be treated as criminal offenses.

A number of provisions that are most often found in scientific works devoted to the problem of terrorism. Terrorism is a form of organized violence. Terrorism is the use of force for political purposes, a specific form of political violence. Terrorism combines a high level of political motivation with a low level of mass participation.

A terrorist act, in addition to causing direct damage to the victim, is designed to have a certain effect: to sow fear. 1) who commits the terrorist attack (terrorists); 2) direct victims of the action; 3) who they want to intimidate and force to behave in a certain way. Terrorism is a method of struggle.

TERRORISM - actions involving the use of violence or the threat of violence, usually accompanied by the presentation of specific demands. Violence is directed primarily against civilian objects and individuals. The motives are political or otherwise. The perpetrators are usually small in number, isolated from the population, are members of organized groups and, unlike other criminals, take responsibility for the actions they commit. Actions are carried out in such a way as to attract maximum public attention and influence the authorities or certain groups of the population (sometimes very wide), going beyond causing direct physical damage.

The essence of terrorism is violence for the purpose of intimidation. The subject of terrorist violence is individuals or non-governmental organizations. The object of violence is the government represented by individual government officials or society represented by individual citizens. The purpose of violence is to achieve the development of events desired by terrorists - revolution, destabilization of society, outbreak of war with a foreign state, gaining independence of a certain territory, a fall in the prestige of the authorities, political concessions on the part of the authorities, etc.

Forms of terrorism classification by subjects of terrorist activity classification by focus on achieving certain results

Intrastate (political) terrorism The activities of specially organized terrorist groups of lone terrorists achieving various political goals within one state.

Terror can be called violence deliberately directed towards the state Direct violence, which is expressed in the direct use of force (war, armed uprising, political repression, terror) Indirect (hidden) violence, which does not involve the direct use of force, but means only the threat of its use

Political terrorism The use of terror for political purposes. That is, with political terror, the main object of influence is not the people themselves, but the political situation, which, through terror against civilians, they try to change in the direction desired by the terrorists.

International terrorism undermines state and political foundations, causes enormous material damage, destroys cultural monuments, undermines international relations

international terrorism manifests itself in indiscriminate violence against people indiscriminately aimed at what? to create among the masses the idea that the end justifies the means: the more terrible the crime, the better from the point of view of terrorists

Types of international terrorism Transnational - various actions of non-state terrorist organizations in other states. However, they are carried out independently and are not aimed at changing international relations International criminal terrorism - manifests itself in the actions of international organized crime, the participants of which may be far from any political goals, and their actions may be directed against competing criminal organizations in another country

In accordance with the orientation Social Nationalist Religious

METHODS OF TERRORIST ACTIVITY Taking into account the method of achieving the goals and objectives set by terrorists and the nature of the objects, four groups of organizational methods of physical impact, material impact, psychological impact can be distinguished

Organizational method Those methods that are used to create terrorist structures and prepare acts of direct violence

Methods of physical influence These influences on people are associated with direct physical damage to the life, health and freedom of people. Among them are the unlawful deprivation of people’s lives

Methods of material influence Impacts on inanimate objects are varied and are associated mainly with the destruction or damage of objects of this group

Methods of psychological influence Actions that are directly physical in nature, but mainly designed to achieve a psychological result. These include attacks on certain individuals, damage to their property, pogroms in their homes, etc. Actions that are also predominantly demonstratively threatening in nature, but not associated with the direct infliction of any physical harm on the person or his loved ones. These are, first of all, threats

Statistics of terrorist attacks in Russia According to unofficial data: 2005 - 251 (in the entire territory of the Russian Federation) 2006 - 112 (in the entire territory of the Russian Federation) 2007 - 48 (in the entire territory of the Russian Federation) 2008 - ... 2009 - 350 (per year in three republics ) 2010 (January – March) - 90 (for three months in three republics)

World statistics for 2000-2006. From 2000 to 2006, the total number of terrorist attacks committed was 14,934. The average number of terrorist attacks per country was 133.3.

So how to fight? “to work on prevention, and this is the task of law enforcement and security agencies.” Prime Minister of Russia V. Putin. “...tightening of the law and a number of special changes in criminal legislation.” Prosecutor General of the country Yuri Chaika

“It turns out that the state, with its own hands, is cultivating the preconditions for the growth of terrorist activity in the North Caucasus. And then the state also spends huge amounts of money on maintaining the military-police machine in the south of the country. In order to defeat terrorists, we need to begin establishing basic order in the authorities of the North Caucasus republics.” , - Speaker of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Sergei Mironov.

Legal basis for countering terrorism The legal basis for countering terrorism is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law and other federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory legal acts of other federal government bodies adopted in accordance with them.

Basic principles of countering terrorism 1) ensuring and protecting fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen; 2) legality; 3) priority of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of persons exposed to terrorist danger; 4) the inevitability of punishment for carrying out terrorist activities; 5) systematic and comprehensive use of political, informational and propaganda, socio-economic, legal, special and other measures to counter terrorism; 6) cooperation of the state with public and religious associations, international and other organizations, citizens in countering terrorism; 7) priority of measures to prevent terrorism;

8) unity of command in the management of the forces and means involved during counter-terrorism operations; 9) a combination of overt and covert methods of countering terrorism; 10) confidentiality of information about special means, technical techniques, tactics for implementing measures to combat terrorism, as well as about the composition of their participants; 11) the inadmissibility of political concessions to terrorists; 12) minimization and (or) elimination of the consequences of manifestations of terrorism; 13) proportionality of counter-terrorism measures to the degree of terrorist danger.

List of used Internet resources and literature http://www. terrorunet. ru/history/details/newsdetail. html? n _ no =19 http:// www . capital - rus . ru / articles / article /175472 http:// vimpel - v . com / terrorism / terror _ soc - pol _ yavl / tendency _ terror . shtml

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TOLSTOY LEV NIKOLAEVICH (1828-1910, - one of the most famous Russian writers and thinkers, one of the greatest writers in the world. “MAN IS UNTHOUGHT OUTSIDE SOCIETY”

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For a long time, people, living in groups, thought about the features and patterns of life together, and sought to ensure its organization and stability. The number of terms that denote forms of joint activity of people increases over time. I. WHAT IS SOCIETY?

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MANY OF THEM ARE FAMOUS A group of farmers living next to each other and connected in some cases by running a common farm was called a community (world, herd). The living together of people in one place while collectively solving communal issues is called a hostel. SOCIETY

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WHAT DO THESE THREE WORDS HAVE IN COMMON? All three words have the same root and are based on the concept of “general.” HOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORD “GENERAL”? Uniting people into a certain group. The association, of course, should be based on a common interest for all members of the group. WHAT SHOULD THE ASSOCIATION BE BASED ON?

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Spectators in a cinema are united by an interest in watching a movie. FOR EXAMPLE Employees of a work collective unite to jointly perform work activities. Adherents of certain political views form a political party.

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Students go to school, and then some of them go to the sports section, and others to the drama club.

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As you can see, there is a common interest in all the examples given. However, at the end of watching the movie, the audience will disperse and will not meet again. The construction team will disband after completion of the work. Students will graduate from school and choose their own path in life. So what is society? Is it a simple association of people or is it a complex set of human relationships and forms of joint activity? Our distant ancestors tried to answer these questions.

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The increasing complexity of the social structure and the emergence of the state made it necessary to generalize ideas about the structure of society as an object of management. Knowledge about society began to form in time immemorial, when a person just began to realize that he was a member of a group.

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PLATO (428 or 427 BC - 348 or 347 BC) - ancient Greek philosopher, student of Socrates, teacher of Aristotle. ARISTOTLE (384 BC - 322 BC) - ancient Greek philosopher. Disciple of Plato. Teacher of Alexander the Great. compared society to a living organism, which can also get sick and recover, influencing each person and experiencing its impact.

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Indeed, society is a complex system of organizing people's lives, which has its own social laws. Under the influence of society, a person improves, becoming an individual. It is in society, communicating with their own kind, that people develop speech and acquire the skills of a certain way of behavior. Man is a social being. He cannot live in isolation without interacting with other people.

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Let's remember the hero of the famous novel by the English writer Daniel Defoe "Robinson Crusoe". He lived on a desert island for many years, but used the skills he acquired through communicating with other people. But what was his main desire? His main desire was to quickly sail away from the island and meet people again.

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History knows examples of children being “raised” by animals. When they then found themselves in human society, they could not adapt and were significantly behind their peers in development.

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Society is a product of human interaction. A person cannot exist outside of society, just as there is no society without people. Society appeared when man separated from the animal world. Since then, man as a biological species has ceased to change. On the contrary, human society began to undergo significant changes. CONCLUSION:

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THE FOLLOWING POINT OF VIEW IS DOMINANT IN MODERN SCIENCE Society stands outside nature and cannot develop according to its laws.

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Charles Robert Darwin (1809 -1882) was an English naturalist and traveler who was one of the first to come to the conclusion and substantiate the idea that all types of living organisms evolve over time and descend from common ancestors. This point of view was not always dominant. In the 19th century, when Charles Darwin’s theory appeared, a movement of social Darwinism arose in science, proclaiming the need to transfer the laws of natural development to society, in particular natural selection and the struggle for survival.

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Social Darwinists believed that the principle of “survival of the fittest” should be transferred not only to the relationships between individuals and their groups, but also to the development of individual nations. This point of view is refuted by modern science.

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Nevertheless, social science terms are used in relation to some animal species. SOCIAL OR SOCIAL ANIMALS ANTS BEES collective way of life, division of labor, specialization of activities of individual groups of individuals

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Each person in society is purely individual, has will and consciousness and can make independent decisions. UNDOUBTEDLY SOCIAL ANIMALS OF HUMAN SOCIETY HAVE SIMILAR FEATURES BUT ALSO DIFFER FROM EACH OTHER They do not evolve individually, but within the entire population. Therefore, anthills and bee colonies are often called biological superorganisms, in which the role of each individual is genetically programmed.

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THE CONCEPT OF “SOCIETY” IN THE NARROW SENSE is a certain group of people who have united to jointly perform some activity: BOOK LOVERS SOCIETY PEDAGOGICAL SOCIETY FISHING SOCIETY ETC. as a stage in the historical development of mankind: PRIMITIVE SOCIETY FEUDAL SOCIETY SLAVE SOCIETY ETC. as a social organization of a country that has a certain structure: RUSSIAN SOCIETY GERMAN SOCIETY ENGLISH SOCIETY ETC. HUMANITY AS A WHOLE

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II. SIGNS OF SOCIETY Edward Shils (1911 - 1995) - American sociologist 1) is not part of a large system; 2) marriages are concluded between representatives of this association; 3) is replenished from the children of representatives of this association; 4) has its own territory; 5) has its own name and even its own history; 6) has its own management system; 7) exists longer than the average life expectancy of an individual; 8) he is united by a common system of values ​​(its own customs, traditions, etc.), which find expression in a certain culture

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At the same time, such of the above characteristics as: marriages between representatives of the association, the addition of children to representatives of the association, existence longer than the average life expectancy of an individual, are unlikely to be suitable for characterizing student groups, work collectives, political parties, interest clubs, etc. . The criteria indicated by Shils can be considered universal, since they are suitable for completely diverse associations of people that existed in the past and exist now.

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Thus, Shils created a system of characteristics characteristic of relatively large associations of people. First of all, Shils's criteria can be applied to such social phenomena as a country, state, nation.

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Natural conditions throughout the country are very diverse. Nevertheless, territorial unity is supported by the state power of the Russian Federation. Citizens of Russia have equal rights and are subject to the same laws. In some cases, citizens of Russia unite to accomplish one common task, for example, electing federal authorities - the President and the State Duma. A similar characteristic can be applied to other countries (England, France, USA, etc.). Russia is a state in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. Population - 146,804,372 people. The territory of Russia, defined by its Constitution, is 17,125,191 km²

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STATE Unlike a country, a state is a political organization that manages the population of a certain territory. The state has its own system of power (parliament, government), the State has a certain type of relationship with the population (democracy or anti-democratic regime), the State has the specific distribution of power over the territory (unitary or federal state).

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NATION A nation is a group of people formed on the basis of common territory, economic ties, language, culture, consciousness of their internal unity and differences from similar entities. Nations can exist within the same territory and state. But there are frequent cases of small people living compactly on the territory of a multinational state. In this case, even if this people has not created its own statehood, it retains its national traditions, culture, rituals, etc.

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Types of social relations: - production relations that develop in the process of production and distribution of material goods; - political relations that arise in the process of managing society and the struggle for power; - marriage and family relations - personal relationships associated with the birth and upbringing of children; - interethnic relations between representatives of different nations; - social relations between different social groups (for example, rich and poor). III. PUBLIC RELATIONS Social relations are a system of connections through which society acquires integrity and stability.

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INDUSTRIAL POLITICAL MARRIAGE AND FAMILY INTERNATIONAL Sometimes discontent results in accusations against representatives of other nations. social relations cannot exist in isolation. Each person strives to find a more paid and prestigious job in order to provide for his family, and at the same time rise higher on the social ladder - this is how production relations are connected with social and marital relations. If a person fails to improve his material and social situation, he often blames the government or seeks to participate in the exercise of power, giving preference to one or another political force in elections to government bodies. This is how industrial, social, political and national relations can intersect.

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The primary social institution is the institution of the family, associated with the reproduction of man as a biological species and his upbringing and socialization as a member of society. In humans, unlike animals, there is a stable intergenerational connection. Parents do not forget their children when they become adults, and children take care of their elderly parents. Relationships of love and mutual assistance allow people to survive in situations in which animals are unable to survive. An important social institution is the political institution, which includes relations in the sphere of social management. This includes legal norms, customs, traditions, etc., i.e. those rules of behavior that regulate the internal life of society and relations between different social groups. In addition, the components of a political institution are political organizations that aim to participate in the exercise of power and management of society. The main organization that implements the management of society is the state. It has a monopoly on the management of public life and in some cases does not allow interference in this area by other political forces, such as political parties. In the modern world, with the dominance of democratic values, political diversity (pluralism) is allowed; political parties can act, openly expressing the interests of their members, and participate in the exercise of power in all ways not prohibited by law.

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An economic institution is associated with the production of material goods and means of subsistence. Production arose when man created the first tools. At the initial stage of human development, labor tools were primitive, but with their help, people began to more successfully solve the problem of means of subsistence. The use of a digging stick made it possible to more efficiently search for edible roots, and primitive clubs helped in hunting animals. As humanity develops, the tools of labor improve, and at the same time the volume of material goods produced increases. With the advent of machines and high technologies, production became massive, capable of satisfying diverse material needs. The spiritual institution of society is associated with the satisfaction of human spiritual needs, the emergence and transfer of knowledge to new generations. The spiritual institution includes culture, which in a broad sense means the totality of all the achievements of mankind in the material and spiritual spheres. In addition, religion and education are components of a spiritual institution. Science and religion are two positions from which the problem of the origin and existence of everything on earth is understood. With the help of education, the knowledge accumulated by humanity during its existence is transferred.

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Society Society is a complex dynamic system that can exist, constantly changing, but at the same time retain its main features and qualitative certainty. Social relations (social relations) are various interactions, regulated by social norms, between two or more people, each of whom has a social position and performs a social role. Class; National; Group; Family.

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Signs of society E. Shilzu is an American philosopher. The association is not part of any larger system (society); Marriages are concluded between representatives of this association; It is replenished mainly by the children of members of this society; Its own territory; Its own name and its own history; Its own management system; The association exists longer than average the life expectancy of an individual; General system of values ​​(customs, traditions, laws, rules, mores), which are called culture.

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Functions of society As a way of existence of people, society must function, that is, perform a certain set of functions: Production of material goods and services; Reproduction and socialization of man; Spiritual production and regulation of people’s activity; Distribution of labor products (activities); Regulation and management of activities and behavior. Human socialization is the process of learning cultural norms and mastering social roles. It proceeds under the vigilant supervision of society and surrounding people.

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Nature Broad meaning: the entire world around us in all the diversity of its forms (covers the entire material, energy and information world of the Universe). Narrow meaning: the biosphere of our planet, i.e. the thin shell of the Earth where life penetrates. Natural or man-made is the totality of the natural conditions of human existence; Artificial, or man-made, or second nature (i.e. culture) - everything created by human hands and for humans. Natural environment + social environment = material world.

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What nature is for humans: Temple. Death of a person, because due to refusal to use natural resources, a person does not survive; Workshop. The death of man, because due to the consumer attitude towards natural resources, nature, the human habitat, is dying; Nature for man should be both a temple and a workshop. This requires careful use of natural resources. Basic ideological attitudes: - Anthropocentrism (the main thing is man); - Nature-centrism (the main thing is nature); - Sociocentrism (the main thing is society).

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Social institutions Each individual sphere is a complex, dynamic formation consisting of many parts and elements - for example, public (social) institutions. A social institution is: - the unification of people to satisfy one or another specific and important need; - a clear delineation of the functions and powers of each of the subjects of interaction, the consistency of their actions; - following patterns, standards of behavior based on certain norms and values; - the presence of legal the foundations of these modes of activity and social control over them.

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Social Sciences History is a field of humanities that deals with the study of man (his activities, condition, worldview, social connections and organizations, etc.) in the past; Sociology is the science of society, the systems that make it up, the patterns of its functioning and development, social institutions, relationships and communities; Political science, or political science, is the science of politics, that is, of a special sphere of human life associated with power relations; Jurisprudence is a complex science that studies the essential properties of state and law; Economics is called an economic theory and is the study of how people and society choose to use scarce resources that have multiple uses.

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