Presentation on the world around us about Vesuvius. Report on Vesuvius volcano. The most beautiful volcanoes

Geography 6th grade

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"Volcano - fiery mountain" - Major eruptions volcanoes. Why do they study volcanoes? Gentle slopes. Types of volcanoes. Volcano. Forms of volcanic eruptions. Zones of active volcanic activity. The name comes from the name of the ancient Roman god. Volcanoes are fire-breathing mountains. Eruption. The structure of the volcano. Volcanoes. The main volcanoes of Russia. Practical work.

Vesuvius Rising 1300 meters above sea level, rises one of the most dangerous volcanoes, which has already managed to destroy one of the cities of the Roman Empire, known to everyone as Pompeii. An active volcano in southern Italy, located on the shores of the Gulf of Naples in the province of Naples.

Mount of Fire Etna is the highest active volcano in Europe. Aristotle and other famous Greeks exalted Etna in their creations, the Cyclopes settled on the top of the mountain thanks to Virgil, and Athena hid Enceladus under the mountain in the battle of the gods with the giants. Myth and reality came together in one of the most active volcanoes Europe

Volcanoes are geological formations on the surface earth's crust or the crust of another planet, where magma comes to the surface, forming lava, volcanic gases, rocks (volcanic bombs) and pyroclastic flows. The word "Vulcan" comes from the name of the ancient Roman god of fire, Vulcan. The science that studies volcanoes is volcanology, geomorphology. Volcanoes are classified by shape (shield, stratovolcanoes, cinder cones, domes), activity (active, dormant, extinct), location (terrestrial, underwater, subglacial), etc.

What did the ancient Romans think about volcanoes? If then, in 79, someone had said that peaceful Vesuvius was a volcano that was about to bring down an unprecedented catastrophe on them, the inhabitants of Pompeii would have ridiculed him. Of course they knew that volcanoes existed; for example, north of Sicily there is the island of Vulcano with a fire-breathing mountain. But there was something else: deep in the belly of the mountain, the Roman god of fire and blacksmithing, Vulcan, set up his blacksmith, there he forged arrows for Diana, thunderbolts for Jupiter, armor for Hercules, a shield for Achilles... The smoke and fire that sometimes burst out of this mountain testified only that Vulcan was fanning his forge with bellows, and the ominous rumble, roar and trembling of the earth was caused by nothing more than the blows of his hammer on the anvil. So all this had nothing to do with the green and quiet Vesuvius. In the foreground is the Circus of Pompeii, in the background is Vesuvius.

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“Eruptions” - The previous slide showed the eruption of Mount Etna in 2001. Types of volcanoes. The lake has herbaceous vegetation in the form of hummocks. Volcanic bombs - ejections of stone blocks into the air. Geysers and hot springs. The volcanoes belong to the so-called Bulganak group of mud volcanoes. Signs of a volcanic mountain.

“Volcanoes and volcanic eruptions” - Volcanoes. Eruption. Mountains of tectonic origin. Seismograph. Lava. Volcanic bombs. Distribution of volcanoes on Earth. Suppliers of ornamental stones. A catastrophic natural phenomenon. Primrose. Types of volcanoes. Volcanic gases. Volcanic eruptions. Eruption of Krakatoa volcano. Mineral suppliers.

“The process of a volcanic eruption” - Magma. Earth's crust. Eruption. Lava plug. Notification methods. Volcanic gases. Volcanologists. How volcanoes are formed. Volcanoes. Core. Ancient Romans. Tsunami. Helgafiel. God of fire Vulcan. Time. Mantle. Vesuvius. Volcanic particles. Ball. Eruption. Volcanic bombs. Big port.

"How a Volcano Erupts" - Volcanic ash enriches the soil. MAUNA LOA, Hawaiian Islands, Pacific Ocean. Kilauea. The benefits of volcanoes. There are about 1,300 active volcanoes on Earth. Hawaiian Islands. Volcanoes form in seismically active zones of the earth's crust. Etna. When volcanoes erupt, molten magma is released to the surface.

“Volcanoes and their eruptions” - What a volcano is made of: Burnt bodies left cavities in the ash. The dangers that volcanoes pose are very diverse. Magma that has erupted and has lost some of its volatile components is called lava. Agricultural crops and livestock perished in Iceland, and a terrible famine began. Why are volcanoes dangerous? Volcanic eruptions in Washington State and Pompeii.

Volcano Vesuvius

I'm takinǵ Viy- currentvolcano on SouthItaly , approximately 15 km fromNaples . Located on the shoreGulf of Naples in the provinceNaples , regionCampaign . Included inApennine mountain system , has a height of 1281 m.Vesuvius is one of Italy's three active volcanoes - volcanoEtna is on the islandSicily , AStromboli - onAeolian Islands . Vesuvius is the only active volcano on the continentalEurope , is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes. There are reports of more than 80 significant eruptions, the most famous of which occurred on August 24 '79 when they were destroyedancient roman citiesPompeii , Herculaneum AndStabiae . It was described by ancient Roman authors (includingPliny the Younger ) And for a long time was considered a legendary event. The last historical eruption of Vesuvius occurred in1944 .

Volcanic activity

Cities in the Bay of Naples that ceased to exist after the eruption of Vesuvius in 79Strongeruptions Vesuvius tends to be punctuated by periods of weak activity. A typical eruption of Vesuvius involved throwing out large volume ash and gases that formed a column spreading at the top, similar in shape to an Italian pine pine . During eruptions, vegetation on the slopes and settlements at the foot of the volcano often fell victim to the elements. The first eruption occurred in 6940 ± 100 BC. e. Strong (5 points according toeruption scale ) the eruption of 79 formedcaldera 15 km in diameter and destroyed several cities - Pompeii was covered with volcanic ash, up to 8 m thick in places, Stabia was filled with lava, and Herculaneum was filled with mud flows due to the rain that accompanied the eruption. There were also major eruptions in 1631, 1794, 1822, 1872 and 1906. The last historical eruption of Mount Vesuvius occurred in 1944 .

One of lava flows destroyed citiesSan Sebastiano AndWeight . 57 people died during the eruption. The height of the lava fountain from the central crater reached 800 m, anderuptive column rose above the volcano to a height of up to 9000 m. After this eruption, a weakfumarolic activity.

Volcano Vesuvius Vesuvius (Italian: Vesuvio) -
active volcano in the south
Italy near Naples. AND
although its height is more than
two times less than the height
Etna is only 1277 meters, and
crater diameter is
approximately 750 meters,
he is considered the most
famous volcano.

Glory came to Vesuvius for many hundreds
years ago - in 79 AD. Then under
ash, lava and stones were
Pompeii and Herculaneum are buried. Then
Vesuvius was a picturesque mountain,
towering over Naples
bay. Early in the morning of August 24, 1979
a cloud rose over the mountain
unusual shape - it looked like
pine, Italian pine. Huge
the trunk of the pine tree rose up and
diverged at the top of its branched
crown, which seemed to be supported
rising air currents. After,
as if this stream began to dry up, the trunk
the tree began to dissolve, at times
becoming white, then acquiring color
mud. It depended on whether you threw it away
volcano ash or earth. So described in
letter to the Roman historian Tacitus
eruption of Vesuvius Roman writer
Pliny the Younger, who was visiting at that time
time in Miseno - his uncle's estate on
shore of the Gulf of Naples.

Karl Bryullov
"The last day of Pompeii"
Then a heavy ashfall hid
sunshine, darkness has fallen. Outside
you couldn't go out without covering your head
pillow, because along with the ashes on
Heavy stones fell on his head.
Many residents realized in time what
they may be in danger of starting
eruption, and tried to quickly
go to a safe place. Did not have time
leave Herculaneum and Pompeii only
those who did not believe in the catastrophe.
Full eruption of Vesuvius
destroyed Pompeii. The city has disappeared
under a layer of ash that reached
three meters thick. When in
excavations began in the middle of the 18th century
Pompeii, in an alley named
archaeologists Street of Skeletons, were
the remains of many victims were found
of people. Killed many residents
attachment to loved ones or
valuable things. Owners
the famous House of Faun instead of
to save your life, lost
a lot of time for packing

And now sulfur vapors are constantly
rise above the huge
the main crater, and the soil in
places close to the top, so
so hot that you can bake in it
eggs. In the crater and on fresh
lava flows in places
water vapor and gases escape from
temperatures up to 400°C! First (and
the most famous)
recorded eruption
Vesuvius in 79 AD caused
collapse of the old crater.
A new one has formed
cup-shaped crater
called a caldera, inside
which a new one has risen,
smaller cone.

More than 80 are known
eruptions of this
volcano, the last of
which happened in
1944. Because the
volcano cannot be counted
safe, close
located from Vesuvius
laboratory, which
monitors activity
this beautiful
natural monument.

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