Signs at the cemetery - what not to do on the territory of the deceased. Farewell at the veterinary clinic

Responsible owners always pay special attention to the burial of pets. The pet needs to be provided not only with a decent life, but after death it should also be taken care of. No decent person would think of throwing the corpse of a once beloved cat into a container.

Spontaneous cemeteries

Many owners simply bury their pets in a deserted place: in the forest, outside the city, etc. They usually do not leave any indication that there is a grave on a given piece of land. Sometimes entire spontaneous cemeteries appear. The owners erect monuments and tombstones for their pets, and bring their favorite toys and bowls to the grave. Burying animals in a place not intended for this purpose is prohibited by law. Pet owners should remember that:

  1. A spontaneous cemetery can be destroyed at any time. The land will be used for construction, for laying a road or for other needs. The presence of a monument is not a reason to refuse to liquidate the burial site.
  2. If the owner of the animal is caught in illegal burial, he will be fined. Pet owners often bury them in parks, not considering their act a crime. In fact, such actions are equivalent to an administrative violation.
  3. Illegal burial can pose a threat to people's lives and health. You can often see graves on personal plots. If the animal was unwell, the owners will also become infected with the disease. Infection will occur through soil and groundwater. But even if the pet was absolutely healthy and died of old age, it is impossible to bury it in the garden or vegetable garden. A decomposing corpse always poses a huge danger.

Cats, dogs and other pets should be buried separately from people. It is prohibited to bury them in regular cemeteries. This is contrary to religious and moral norms. There are very few cemeteries dedicated to animals.

Cremation is an ideal option

The owner should contact an animal crematorium, which is available in almost every major city.

You can contact your veterinary clinic. Hospitals transfer the corpses of deceased animals to special factories, where general cremation is carried out. If the owner wants an urn with ashes to remain in memory of his pet, he will have to pay for an individual funeral. This service is offered by some funeral service bureaus that specialize in burying animals. The owner is allowed to be present during the procedure and even film it.

After the funeral, the owner receives an urn, with which he has the right to do as he sees fit. The ashes can be scattered where the pet liked to walk. He should only be buried in a pet cemetery. It is not recommended to store the urn at home. Owners do not always know what exactly they will do with the ashes of their pet. That is why preference should be given to general cremation.

Not only people whose dogs and cats have died are interested in animal cemeteries. Currently, the pet business is one of the ways to work for yourself. Not every person is ready to conduct such a business. Many people think that making money from someone else’s grief is wrong. However, it is worth looking at the opening of the cemetery differently. A pet needs its body to be buried with dignity. And someone has to do this work. Paid funeral services for people do not cause indignation. Gravediggers dig graves, undertakers make coffins. This is honest work that must be paid.

In the United States and Western European countries, you can find private cemeteries for pets much more often in Russia. On the territory of the Russian Federation, this niche is practically free, which significantly reduces competition. The funeral business for animals is becoming increasingly relevant not only for residents of large cities, but also for residents of rural areas.

To open a private pet cemetery, you need to prepare a business plan.

The document must indicate what services the owner plans to provide. The criteria for selecting a land plot should also be indicated there. According to sanitary standards, the burial area should be located away from housing. A site that is of no value to local authorities is suitable for doing business. Such areas include areas where it is impossible to carry out construction work or grow crops.

Opening a ritual business for pets does not require a special license. However, you will have to conclude agreements with several organizations: with the animal disease control station, with the sanitary and epidemiological inspection and some environmental services.

A pet is not just a living toy for the entertainment of its owners. This is a full-fledged member of the family who must be treated with respect. A decent burial for your pet is as important as regular visits to the veterinarian.

How to visit a cemetery correctly? A question that worries many relatives of deceased people.

It turns out that in the old days there were beliefs that our great-grandmothers adhered to.

Traditionally, many superstitions are associated with cemeteries, which, by the way, are not groundless. Signs in a graveyard can warn of impending danger, so burials should be visited with the utmost caution. And the signs seen at the resting places must be treated carefully.
First of all, you need to remember - under no circumstances should you disturb the dead, this will lead to disaster. You shouldn’t come to them empty-handed either; bring sweets that you will leave at the grave.

In order not to “take” misfortune and misfortune from the cemetery into your home, psychics advise adhering to simple rules of behavior.

Alexander Zhukov, psychic: “The very first thing is that you need to go to the cemetery correctly, in order not to leave your luck, happiness there, and most importantly, to “catch on” to various diseases.
You must enter the cemetery with open hands., if you are carrying a bag, you should not hold it in your palm. It must be hung over the hand so that all fingers and hands are open.
This is done so that you don’t take anything with you, just the good that is in your life today.”

At the same time, we should not forget about what can and cannot be said at the resting places. You can share your experiences with deceased relatives, but not complain, but rather share. However words should not cause envy or excessive pity: in both cases, the dead can “take” you to their place.
Remember to allow yourself you can only be open with a relative you trusted during your lifetime and with whom they were close.

There is such a sign: Whatever good you say on a grave will remain on it. A phrase like: “I feel so bad, I want to die...” can become fatal. The spirits of the cemetery may view this as a call to action.

In addition, we should not forget that not everyone can talk with the dead, or come to the cemetery.

Alexander Zhukov, psychic: “I’ll say right away - Pregnant women are not allowed in the cemetery! Not for a funeral, not for parent's day. Generally not possible. According to signs, the following events may occur:

The souls of the dead will take the soul of the unborn baby with them;
. An alien soul can inhabit an unborn child.

This sign has been preserved for a long time and was associated with high infant mortality and the danger of difficult childbirth in pregnant women. Now this sign is not so relevant, so treat it wisely.
If a pregnant woman needs to say goodbye to the deceased, or at the call of her heart to visit the graves of relatives, then she should wear something red, tie her hand with a red thread, or keep a piece of red cloth in her pocket.

And under no circumstances Children under 12 years old cannot be brought to the cemetery. This is very dangerous for the child’s health and his future. You can completely change the fate of a child! From a mystical point of view, the aura of children is very weak, and it is difficult for children to protect themselves from the penetration of negative energy.

It is forbidden coming to a funeral to say goodbye to one person, simultaneously visit the graves of other people buried nearby.

Violation of at least one of the rules may entail the attraction of a large amount of negative information, which, like a weight, will pull you to the ground.

Visiting a cemetery for remembrance

Undoubtedly, paying one’s last respects to the deceased and honoring his memory by attending the funeral is an indicator of the moral and ethical standards prescribed by society.

A cemetery is a special place. It “connects” the world of the living and the world of the dead. Therefore, it is necessary to treat him with respect and observe certain signs and rules of behavior so as not to anger the dead and not pay for your disrespect.

❧ You need to carefully prepare for visiting a cemetery, paying special attention to your clothes. Traditional colors are white and black. More than anything Black color is suitable for a cemetery, since it is considered a mourning color, a color symbolizing grief. If your wardrobe does not have items of suitable colors, you should choose clothes in muted tones.

❧ Legs must be covered. It is unacceptable to walk around the cemetery in open sandals or high-heeled shoes. The graveyard is a place where “dead” energy accumulates; the earth is especially heavily saturated with it. There is a saying: the dead attract the living. It can be regarded as a warning - cemetery soil, when it comes into contact with bare skin, has a negative effect on a person. First of all, the negative impact affects his health.

❧ At the cemetery before noon, after noon at church. It is better to visit deceased relatives before lunch, otherwise in the afternoon the spirits may play tricks on the visitors.

❧ You can’t swear in a cemetery - all the swearing will remain on you. It's really, really true. Everything bad that is said in the cemetery falls on the shoulders of the one who spoke out. There can't even be other options here. In a cemetery you need to be especially careful both in statements and in deeds. In general, when staying in a cemetery, you need to be very careful. Attentiveness and politeness are qualities that the deceased greatly value. This is the very case when the idea that life does not end after death has special meaning. Therefore, it is necessary to show respect to those who have already left, otherwise they may punish.

❧ If you bring a beautiful bouquet, that’s wonderful, but don’t neglect the recommendation to bring an even number of colors.
When throwing away withered flowers, you should replace them with new ones and explain to the deceased why this is being done.

❧ If when planting flowers, digging on a grave some strange things were discovered, foreign objects, we need to take them out of the cemetery and throw them away. Ideally, burn it, trying not to get caught in the smoke.
The things on the graves could have been left behind by sorcerers causing damage. By taking such an object, a person takes part of the damage upon himself.

❧ A week after Easter, it is customary to come to the cemetery to remember relatives and friends. Eating in a cemetery, or, as is very common among the Slavs, drinking strong (alcoholic) drinks is also prohibited.
Negative energy accumulates in the cemetery, this place is not conducive to fun, people come here with grief. Food absorbs all this, and after eating you can feel unhealthy.
The Christian Church also insists that funerals should not be held in the cemetery. The funeral feast at the cemetery dates back to pagan times, when funeral rites were performed on the mounds after burial. Christianity does not support pagan traditions. Although debates about this custom are still ongoing among church theorists.
It is better to give alms to the poor and visit a temple, order a memorial service for the deceased - this way of honoring the dead is more acceptable and spiritually useful.

❧ If you still adhere to the tradition of remembering the deceased with a glass of vodka at the grave, then remember only good things about them and drink without clinking glasses, so as not to transfer trouble from one house to another.

Signs at the cemetery

There are many signs about the cemetery. Even people who are deeply indifferent to superstitions try to adhere to them. That's just the way this place is. No one knows what the world of the dead may bring, so it is better to pay close attention to the signs.

❧Grave desecrators, cemetery thieves, face a sad fate, for they are haunted by evil fate.

❧ Stumble in a cemetery- not good. Even worse is to fall. Signs advise you to immediately leave the cemetery, wash yourself with holy water, cross yourself and read the Lord’s Prayer three times.
Believe me, it doesn’t matter to your soul where you remember it - in a cemetery or in a temple, or in a conversation with your family. The main thing is that you are sincere and that these memories have a light, kind shade.

❧ As already mentioned, there is a superstition that in the cemetery You can’t talk about the successes and achievements of your life and so as not to leave everything here.

❧ Also It is not allowed to count money in the cemetery, otherwise you may never see them again. If a bill is taken out of a wallet, or it even falls to the ground, it must be left at the grave of a relative or namesake in order to pay off possible poverty and premature death.

❧ Basically, any item that falls onto the cemetery ground no longer belongs to its living owner. You shouldn't pick it up. If the item is really necessary, you need to leave a donation to the deceased and the owner of the cemetery - a bottle of vodka and sweets.

❧ From the cemetery under no circumstances you can't bring any things home(this does not apply to sweets that children collect, since they remember all the dead with them). This will harm the one who took the things and the people who used them.
Do not take anything from the cemetery or bring it into the house, no matter how valuable it may be. According to signs, you will take this from the dead, and they will punish you with troubles and illnesses.
This item can cause harm not only to the person who brought this item home from the cemetery, but also to any other person who picks it up.

Important! Handkerchiefs with tears are also thrown away during funerals when burying the grave; they are not taken out of the cemetery!

❧ Don’t take photos at the cemetery; You will remain surrounded by negative energy in the picture, and who knows how this will affect your destiny.
By taking photographs against the backdrop of many graves, you capture the invisible world of the spirits of the deceased and otherworldly entities, which will subsequently easily find their way to your home.

Sign of a broken tombstone

❧ A monument or cross fell down for no reason, it means that the soul of the deceased has not completed important matters for it, something is bothering it.

There are also forgotten, outdated signs that are believed only in the outback, in villages where modern morals have not yet reached. Thus, a sign about a broken tombstone a priori cannot promise anything pleasant and kind. If the monument deteriorated without human intervention, and did not suffer at the hands of vandals and looters, then in the near future there will be another dead person in the family of the deceased.

It doesn’t matter what kind of damage the burial place received: whether the cross simply broke, the gravestone or the pedestal itself cracked, or the ground subsided and a deep hole formed - every change threatens the relatives of the person lying here with another death. You can figure out who the old woman with the scythe will look at next time by determining which side the earth collapsed from:

  • from the southern side - a man will die;
  • the north side “fell” - a woman will die;
  • the eastern edge subsided - an elderly family member will die;
  • on the western side the earth has gone - death will take a small child.

❧ Suicides can only be remembered when a bird pecks at the grain scattered on their graves. A few grains of wheat are sprinkled on the grave of the suicide and they are watched from afar: if the bird does not peck those grains, then there is no need to remember the deceased, except on Saturdays of St. Demetrius and All Saints.

❧ If you know you will be visiting a cemetery, take water with you and When leaving, be sure to wash your hands and face, to remove negative energy.

❧ You should not drink water that flows from the water supply system located on the territory of the cemetery. It is used only for cleaning graves and monuments. You should stock up on drinking water at home before visiting the cemetery.

❧ Make sure when leaving that you do not forget anything at the cemetery, forgotten things are damaged.

❧ Always leave the cemetery the way you came. But when visiting the deceased, it is better to choose different roads, at least go around your own street and go to the house from the other side.

❧ Leaving the cemetery, You cannot turn back, even if you are called out or called. It is believed that deceased souls wander among the graves and do not realize that they no longer have a place in the world of the living. When a person turns around, the deceased soul may perceive this as an invitation to follow the living person. As a result, a visitor to the graveyard will bring a deceased person into his home, which can cause a lot of trouble to the inhabitants of the house.

❧ Also, signs say that after visiting the cemetery it is important to dry your feet thoroughly, so as not to damage your home with cemetery soil. This land can cause many health problems; it carries bad energy.

❧ After leaving the cemetery and coming home, it is important to properly warm your hands (even if they are not frozen)- hold in hot water over fire.
It is best to light a church candle with matches (only them) and warm your hands over it. Place the palms of your hands as close to the candle fire as you can bear. Move and “burn” the entire area of ​​​​your palms and fingers in this way.
After this, the candle cannot be blown out; carefully extinguish it with your fingers. This is done so that you don’t bring death into the house, don’t drag it on yourself, and don’t get sick.

❧ You cannot visit anyone after the funeral- you will bring death to the house of the person you visited. But it is advisable to stop somewhere in a public place before returning home. It is believed that the tradition of wakes in a dining room or cafe is a consequence of this sign.

Cat in the cemetery

It has long been known that the dead are able to transmit information through various animals: birds, cats, dogs. It is not for nothing that in the old days birds were considered the embodiment of souls that had lost their human bodies. But birds flying over a graveyard or a house where a dead person lies are not as dangerous as a cat, which, remember, was considered a mythical, sacred animal by the ancient Egyptians.

In the home where death occurred, pets were immediately removed and isolated - so that the spirit of the deceased would not move in with his pet.

The appearance of a cat in a cemetery is interpreted as follows:

  • if a cat is lying on a grave or walking nearby, try to leave this place - most likely, there is a strong anomalous zone that destroys a person’s aura;
  • if the cat is black, then perhaps the witch went out for a walk, or it is the rushing soul of a sinner;
  • white cat - the soul of a righteous man who has not completed his journey on earth, warns of impending danger or illness;
  • if the cat just slipped past you in the cemetery - rest assured - it’s just someone’s spirit who came to look at a new friend, that is, at the one who is being buried.

In any case, treat the cat with respect - do not hit or drive it away, it is better to distract it from yourself (if it has followed you) with some kind of gift.

❧ A good sign for a person who has passed on to the next world and his relatives is finding an old, earlier burial with intact bones in a grave being prepared. An ancient belief says that the deceased will find consolation in the afterlife and will not bother his relatives by appearing to them in dreams and hallucinations.

Numerous signs and superstitions for the people present at the cemetery are full of secrets that the souls of the dead want to convey to them. Perhaps you saw, while at the burial ceremony of someone close, how the astral body leaves the bodily shell that has become unnecessary. This happens at the moment when the first handful of earth touches the lid of the coffin. According to the sign, the soul takes off either laughing, or crying, grieving.
based on materials from,,


Cemeteries should be located south of the church; on the north side, only suicides and stillborn babies are buried.

The graves are dug in the direction from east to west, and the coffin with the body is laid with its feet facing east - according to legend, in order to make it easier to rise on Judgment Day.

Even if you don’t believe in omens, you shouldn’t violate the ethics of visiting places of grief... All rituals associated with the deceased appeared for a reason and it’s not in vain that people cherish their traditions.

Final resting places have always attracted attention; it is not surprising that there are so many signs in the cemetery. What can the secret signs that otherworldly forces send to us in a mournful place warn us about? Let's understand the issue.

Cemetery - there are a lot of superstitions associated with this place. Therefore, when going to the churchyard, you must follow all the rules of behavior. First of all, you can’t come empty-handed; bring sweets, bread and other treats that you leave at the grave.

Alcohol at a funeral

It is prohibited to come to the resting place of thousands of people while intoxicated. It is also unacceptable to drink alcohol at a funeral.

Moreover, alcohol loosens the tongue, and in a cemetery it is better to watch your words so as not to offend the deceased. You can drink to the repose of your soul at the wake

What can we talk about?

There is such a sign:

Whatever good you say on the grave will remain on it.

You can share your experiences (not complain, but share) and joys with deceased relatives, but you should not arouse envy or excessive pity in them with your words. Because in both cases they can take the speaker to themselves. A phrase like: “My life is so bad, it’s better to die” can become fatal. Spirits can regard this as a call to action and “come to the aid” of the sufferer who is so eager to get to the other world.

We must remember that you can only allow yourself to be open with a relative whom you trusted during your lifetime and with whom you were close. If you talk loudly and brag about your victories at someone else’s grave, then all the good things will go to the relatives of its occupant.

Is it possible to take things from a grave?

Of course not. Remember this rule yourself and explain it to your children: a home is a place where they live, the territory of the living. And everything that is located on the territory of the cemetery belongs to this place. Taking anything from there is a very bad omen.

Bringing cemetery soil into your home is the same as recognizing your home as part of a cemetery. For spirits, the house will be “marked” as their sphere of influence. It will take the help of a very powerful magician to clear the house of the grave seal.

To pick something up from a grave means to take that thing away from a dead person. And the deceased are very jealous of what belongs to them.

Is it possible to count money in a cemetery?

There is another very well-known sign: if you count the money on the grave, you will part with him forever. You should never count money in the burial grounds of people. If money falls out, don't touch it. Even if a large amount has fallen out, let it lie there, especially if the dropped money has fallen on the grave (see above).

If you raise money from cemetery land, then because of your carelessness and greed, you can create many problems (in particular, diseases) and spend much more money on solving them than you could spare.

If it happened that you had to get your wallet from the cemetery, it is recommended to leave some money at the grave. Better - at the tombstone of your relative or at least namesake.

Is it possible to take pictures at a cemetery?

Most superstitions say that you should not take photographs in a cemetery, since it is a place where negative energy accumulates. It is known that there is a mystical connection between a person and his image in the photo. On the photograph taken there will be an imprint of the entire negative that is located in this place.

First of all, in the photo you will capture yourself in the kingdom of the dead. And, accordingly, you will either attract the dead to yourself, or you yourself will soon go to their world.

It is especially reckless to take a photo near the coffin of a deceased person, as well as on graves that are less than forty days old. It has long been known that a period of 40 days is not accidental, that it is precisely forty days that the negative energy that was released during the death of a person is preserved. The soul of the deceased spends the same number of days among the living without finding peace. The consequences of such a photo can be disastrous - even leading to the appearance of serious illnesses.

This is interesting. Some believe that memories of this belief have been preserved from ancient times in the word “term”. “The deadline has passed” means forty days have passed.

In addition, you can disturb the souls of people buried in the graves that are included in the frame. The disturbed soul returns to its home or to the home of the one who took the photograph. In this case, it is quite possible to encounter a “drummer” - a poltergeist.

Moreover, the cemetery is used not only as a burial place for the dead. This is one of the most important places for black rituals. Here they call the devil, ask demons for help, and here witches cause damage. This place is saturated with very powerful negative information that will remain in the picture.

In this case, it doesn’t matter whether the photo is a regular one or an electronic one. The second option is even worse, because digital photos are so easily copied. It is especially undesirable to post such images on the Internet.

Storing “dead” images is fraught with deterioration of the atmosphere in the house, illness of household members and the emergence of problems in relationships, money matters and other aspects of life. Children especially suffer from such sources of negativity - they are more susceptible to magical attacks than adults.

If there are already similar photos in the house, and there is no desire to part with them, even despite bad omens, it is better to store them face down, so that the image is not visible. You can pack the source of the negative in a thick envelope.

Signs at funerals and cemeteries

A funeral is a very serious event. During this ritual, you accompany a person on his last journey. At a funeral it is considered a bad omen:

  • stand not in black clothes, but in white or multi-colored ones;
  • talk loudly, show disrespect for the deceased;
  • take any things from the coffin (even if the deceased promised to give this thing during his lifetime);
  • tell stories that are not related to the topic of the event;
  • speak ill of the deceased;
  • wear open shoes (bare toes, heels).

To get rid of the negative energy of a place, you should take a bottle of clean water with you and wash your face, hands and feet on the way out. It is recommended to use holy water. You can leave the cemetery only along the path you came there.

Sign - if you fell in a cemetery

This is actually a very bad omen. This means that the fallen person is drawn to the grave earth, and perhaps death is destined for him. Anyone who falls at a funeral needs to urgently leave the cemetery. After this, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer three times over the fallen person, give him a wash with holy water and cross himself with a burning church candle.

If a monument fell in a cemetery

Usually people in this case say that it is the restless soul of the deceased who is making itself felt. If something else is holding a person in this world, and he cannot leave, then he will try to figure out what is the reason for his delay.

If the deceased has an unfinished mission or needs to protect family or friends from something, the spirit will try in every possible way to contact them. A fallen monument is a clear sign that the soul wants to be heard. You should seek help from a medium and find out what your relative needs.

Is a cat at a funeral a bad omen?

In ancient Egypt, cats were considered intermediaries between the living and the dead. According to legends, these animals could speak on behalf of the deceased and even temporarily provide a refuge for his soul.

If there is a deceased person in the house, then pets should not be in this room at all. This is especially true for cats. As soon as an accident occurs, animals must be removed from the house. Or better yet, send him to live with relatives for a while.

If a cat rushes back into the house, then it is to a new dead person. It is especially dangerous if the animal goes to sleep under the coffin with the deceased. This suggests that soon another grief will happen in the family.

If the animal joined the procession already at the cemetery, then it is better to drive it away, but show respect to it. There is no need to kick or push it - someone’s spirit can come in the form of an animal. Throw him a gift in the direction that you wouldn’t mind - pay him off.

If a cat jumps on the deceased or the coffin lid, this foretells the death of the person closest to the deceased. In some countries, they believe that this behavior of a cat indicates a terrible afterlife in the form of a vampire or ghoul for the deceased.

Much depends on the color of the cat encountered in the churchyard. Of course, signs pay special attention to black individuals. It is believed that in their guise there may be a witch or a necromancer magician. Also, black cats, according to ancient legends, are receptacles for the souls of sinners whose souls have not rested in peace. The white cat is the embodiment of a righteous man who has not completed some work in the world of the living. But meeting him does not bode well; it is a sign of illness or serious danger.

Read also the article: a black cat in the house is a sign

A separate issue is animals that were seen in the cemetery not during a funeral, but at any other time. If the cat circles around a certain place or has chosen a certain area of ​​the cemetery to rest, remember the grave or other place that attracted the cat’s attention. It is undesirable for a person to stay in such a zone for a long time. However, cats also rarely spend more time there than they need to maintain their energy balance.

Signs about the cemetery are not just scary stories. If a person has no respect for the dead and the place where they found their last refuge, then this can end very badly. Therefore, follow the simple rules of staying in this place and try to visit there as little as possible.

Signs at the cemetery - how not to bring trouble on yourself? - all the secrets on the site

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Since ancient times, people have had a special relationship with cemeteries. The graves were worshiped and used in magical rituals and religious activities. The mystical fear that burials evoked was associated not only with a person’s attitude towards death, but also with those inexplicable phenomena that folk memory has carefully preserved to this day.

And after death there is no peace...

In 1823, merchant Timofey Sidorovich Kvasnikov died in Tomsk. The relatives of a respected man in the city chose what they thought was a rather good place for burial - a hillock in the center of the city cemetery, surrounded by rare birch trees. Soon a snowy winter set in, and for several months the relatives did not visit the merchant’s grave. When, immediately after Easter, in May of the following year, they arrived at the cemetery, then, to their horror, they did not find Kvasnikov’s burial place. In place of the burial mound there was a green, flat lawn. After a long search, the merchant’s grave was finally discovered. A sunken hill with a lopsided cross, on which the name of the deceased and the dates of his birth and death were indicated, was located two hundred meters from the hillock to the south. After lengthy discussions with the caretaker of the cemetery, the relatives found out that no one had even thought about reburying the deceased. But how the grave could have moved to another place remains a mystery.

Revenge of the Dead

Many people know that shortly before the start of the Great Patriotic War, Soviet scientists opened the tomb of Tamerlane. They still say that the fascist invasion of the USSR was the cruel revenge of the spirit of the great conqueror for the desecration of his remains.
For a long time, many peoples considered it a great sin to desecrate graves, because those guilty of this crime would certainly be overtaken by the wrath of the disturbed dead person. Thus, in the Middle Ages in Western Europe, a person who encroached on a grave was declared a warlock and burned at the stake. Such people were often subjected to death in Rus' in the 11th-12th centuries. After the execution, the body of the criminal was thrown into the field, where he was eaten by predatory animals. If the desecrator of the grave could not be found, all residents of the nearest villages moved to another place, since it was believed that this village was now cursed and terrible troubles were about to befall it. This belief, unfortunately, has been confirmed more than once.
In 1926, ten kilometers north of the city of Usolye-Sibirskoye, Irkutsk province, the village of Malaya Talaya was located. During a lean year, local peasants, suffering from hunger, decided to excavate the grave of the former village headman, who had died several years earlier, who, according to rumors, ordered his late wife’s precious jewelry to be buried with him. The grave was opened, but instead of untold riches they found several silver rings and a small gold bracelet. At the gathering, the residents decided to send envoys to the city to exchange the found jewelry for bread. However, the walkers did not return by the appointed time. After some time, it turned out that when the messengers were returning home with bread, they were attacked by bandits, robbed and killed, and their bodies were thrown into a ditch not far from the road.
Soon, one of the village residents dreamed of the deceased headman, who shook his finger at her. And in the evening of the next day one of the village houses burst into flames. Despite the calm weather, everything around caught fire in a matter of minutes. People ran out of houses engulfed in flames in panic. By the next morning, the village of Malaya Talaya did not exist.
Archaeologists studying ancient burials expose themselves to considerable danger. In the mid-nineties of the last century, Igor M. from Novosibirsk had the opportunity to take part in an expedition to Altai, excavating Scythian burial mounds. His group included a young graduate student who treated the expedition as a kind of pleasure ride. Archaeologists, who knew from experience how necessary it is to treat burials with respect, more than once reprimanded the guy for allowing himself to treat artifacts very frivolously. So, for example, he could juggle found human bones or dress up skeletons in jester outfits, entertaining fellow students who worked with him side by side. One day, the graduate student stumbled and fell into a deep excavation and injured his spine. The injury turned out to be so serious that the young man remained permanently disabled.

Grave magic

For centuries, burial places have attracted priests and shamans, sorcerers and healers. According to ancient Russian beliefs, soil taken from the grave of an unbaptized baby serves as the main component in the preparation of the so-called witch's potion. This potion allegedly gave the sorcerer the ability to fly or turn into animals. It is believed that clods of earth taken from the grave of a sorcerer and placed under the pillow allow one to see prophetic dreams. Among the northern Slavs, who even in pagan times preferred not to burn, but to bury their dead fellow tribesmen, at the grave of a sorcerer or healer they performed a rite of initiation into sorcerers, making bloody sacrifices first to the pagan gods, and after the baptism of Rus' - to the Prince of Darkness.
In the old days, in order to destroy someone's family happiness, sorcerers and witches scattered grave soil along the route of the wedding train. This led to the fact that one of the newlyweds soon died. If this did not happen, then the first three children in a young family died at birth or did not live to reach the age of one.
According to legend, grass plucked from a grave can cure many diseases, has a love spell and scares away evil spirits. It was customary among the Western Slavs to bury the seeds of various plants in the grave soil immediately after burial. If the seeds sprouted, it was believed that the family of the deceased would have a long and happy continuation, and by the number of sprouts that sprouted, it was determined how many males would continue the dynasty of the deceased.
In Central Russia, until the middle of the 19th century, the ritual of receiving an irredeemable ruble was in circulation. In the dead of night on a full moon, a black cat was killed on a fresh grave, reading a certain curse. Soon, someone appeared behind the man, throwing a ruble onto the grave mound. After that, you should grab a ruble and, without looking back, run from the cemetery all the way to your house. The irredeemable ruble always returned to its owner...

Disturbed cemetery.
Materials from the newspaper "Secret Power"

Paranormal researchers call cemeteries “cities of the dead,” inextricably linked with the lives of people in our material world. We are talking about the mysterious phenomena inherent in graveyards, in particular, the appearance of ghosts not only in existing cemeteries, but also on the site of once existing ones.

"Kaers" from the other world

In the 30s, the security officers used the professional term “kaers” - short for the word “counter-revolutionaries”. This was the name given to those who were convicted under the notorious 58th article of the Criminal Code, i.e. accused of counter-revolutionary activities and propaganda. Thousands of representatives of the creative intelligentsia and many political figures were accused under this article. And in one unique case, the investigation into the 58th was carried out in relation to... ghosts.

In pre-war Moscow, large factories were often located next to residential areas. One of them was aircraft engine plant No. 24 in the Stalinsky district, located near the current Semenovskaya metro station. At the end of the 30s, when the plant began to expand, the neighboring cemetery was given to it. They did not do any reburials, but simply leveled the graves and built a huge testing workshop on the new territory. The roar from working aircraft engines that reverberated throughout the area was sometimes so strong that during screenings at the Rodina cinema it drowned out the voices of the actors who silently moved their lips on the screen. A mysterious story with ghosts - “caers” - happened at this plant.

In the spring of 1941, a tool technician and old party member, Ivan Sergeevich Khrapov, was summoned to the secretary of the plant’s party committee. In the office behind the double doors, next to him sat a military man with blue Chekist buttonholes. The confidential conversation that took place surprised Khrapov a lot. According to the Enka-Vedeshnik, there are some pests operating in the testing workshop, trying to disrupt the implementation of an important defense mission. As soon as new powerful engines began to be driven on test benches, mysterious personalities appeared in the workshop, disguised as ghosts. They intimidate motorists to such an extent that they refuse to be on duty if new motors are to be tested. The additional security posted around the workshop yielded nothing: ghosts somehow incomprehensibly manage to enter the workshop. So, the security officer continued. Since Comrade Khrapov once served in the “Chrekayka” in the Ust-Khopersky district on the Don, he is given a responsible task. Under the guise of an intern, he will be transferred to the testing workshop. He must establish whether unknown personalities really appear there, posing as ghosts, or whether all this was simply invented by the mechanics themselves, who may be members of a closely knit counter-revolutionary group. In conclusion, the security officer expressed confidence that Ivan Sergeevich would not be afraid of ghosts, no matter who they were. Khrapov himself had no doubt about this. A Don Cossack who went through the crucible of the Civil War, he did not fear God or the devil and believed only in the coming triumph of communism. Therefore, Ivan Sergeevich fearlessly walked around the entire workshop, pretending that he was getting acquainted with the new work. Either the ghosts found out about the KGB emissary, or the motorists themselves took a closer look at the newcomer, but no emergencies occurred until after the May Day holidays, a batch of new engines arrived for testing.

During the first shift, the shop manager urgently called Khrapov to one of the stands. The mechanic on duty, as pale as a sheet, said that as soon as he turned on the engine, a ghost suddenly appeared from somewhere and began to strangle him. This continued until he turned off the engine. Khrapov immediately searched the entire workshop, but did not find anyone outside. And the ghost didn’t appear again that day, although the engines were running at all the stands. Subsequently, these emergency situations were repeated at least once every two weeks and only at stands with new engines. When Khrapov ran there, there were no more people from the other world. In the end, he agreed with the workshop manager, who knew about his assignment, so that for several shifts in a row the ill-fated motors would be tested only on one stand, and began to stand watch near him around the clock. On the third night, Ivan Sergeevich finally saw the ghostly “kaer” himself. Khrapov was sitting immersed in his thoughts when the terrible roar of a nearby engine suddenly stopped. Khrapov turned to the mechanic who was at the dashboard and couldn’t believe his eyes:
Between him and the panel, a translucent figure of a man with flowing hair was clearly visible, which the mechanic was trying to push away from him. Ivan Sergeevich jumped up to rush to the rescue, but the next moment the ghost melted into thin air. The next morning, Khrapov told the security officer who was urgently called to the plant about what he had seen. He was clearly puzzled, although he said that he did not doubt the words of a proven party member-atheist. Relevant specialists will be involved in the investigation, who will be able to expose “pests masquerading as ghosts,” the NKVD officer assured. However, the war that began soon prevented this: plant No. 24 was evacuated to Kuibyshev, where no ghosts appeared there anymore.

The history of Moscow emergency situations with ghosts was told to me by Ivan Sergeevich Khrapov himself, now deceased. St. Petersburg journalist Viktor Stepakov spoke about the second, somewhat similar case:
in one of the closed educational institutions of the NKVD, people from the other world took over... the security officers!

Halfway from Leningrad to Peterhof stands the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, founded in 1732, in whose cemetery noble persons and monks were buried for almost two centuries. After the revolution, the monastery was closed, and in the 30s, a training school for paramilitary guard shooters moved into its spacious buildings. The new owners began by destroying “the legacy of the times of autocracy and obscurantism.” Moreover, the head of the school, Comrade Feldman, showed particular zeal, who, setting an example, personally destroyed the rich tombstones in the monastery cemetery. And a week later, strange things began to happen in the former monastery. At night, in the echoing corridors, someone’s shuffling steps were often heard, inarticulate muttering and plaintive moans were heard. The orderlies noticed vague shadows in the service rooms, similar to human ones, and felt a distinct smell of decay. The cadets talked among themselves about how the ghosts of former masters had taken up arms against the soldiers of the revolution.

After some time, everyone noticed how the head of the school had changed beyond recognition. He stopped conducting weekly political briefings, became haggard, aged, became irritable and fearful. At night, Feldman locked himself in his office, where, according to rumors, he drank vodka. Sometimes muffled voices could be heard from behind the door, but no one knew who he was talking to. And in March 1940, a pistol shot rang out in the office: Feldman put a bullet in his forehead. There was some nonsense in the note he left. He wrote that he was leaving this life because he could no longer endure the persecution of two white elders, whose appearance was ominous and ethereal. The commission sent to investigate the emergency, of course, did not believe in any ghosts, but came to the conclusion that the security officer had drunk himself to death. True, the official document stated that he “committed suicide due to the loss of his moral character as a Bolshevik.”

Soon after this, the Vokhrov school was moved to another location. But after the war, a secondary police school was located in the monastery, and a parade ground for drill training was built on the site of the cemetery. And the ghosts again made themselves felt: at night, ghostly figures wandered in the corridors, moans and curses were heard.

However, the strangest incident happened in the early 90s, when girls began to be admitted to the school. Like the male cadets, they were also in a barracks situation. And then one night a wild screeching sound was heard in the women's building, which woke up the whole school. The duty officer who came running quickly found out the cause of the squeal. It turned out that someone had secretly entered the barracks and climbed into the bed of one of the cadets.
The head of the school was immediately notified about the emergency, who immediately arrived on the scene. A frightened, crying girl was brought into his office. Do you remember that scoundrel cadet who climbed into your bed? Can you identify it? - the general asked sternly,
- Not a cadet at all... Some old man tried to climb up. Pale, smelly and cold as an icicle, - the future law enforcement officer roared like a beluga...

What is behind the revenge of the dead?

From time immemorial in Rus' there was a tradition of not only separating the dead from the living, that is, burying them away from housing, but also respecting the places of eternal peace. Our ancestors knew from their own experience that the destruction of a churchyard could bring disaster to the living. And the terrible consequences of the desecration of cemeteries were spoken of as the revenge of the dead. That is, even in ancient times, people became convinced that our material world and that light, or subtle world, are connected with each other. However, seeing the manifestations of this connection in the form of the revenge of the dead, they did not have the slightest idea about its nature. But if there is a connection between the two worlds confirmed by facts, then there must be a mechanism for its implementation. The latest scientific research shows this and also reveals the essence of such interaction. Moreover, the point here is not at all about the anger or revenge of the dead, since they have no emotions at all.

Many scientists, including psychologists, biologists and physicists, believe that a person as a person consists of a physical body and soul, or, as they now say, an energy-informational essence. In the light of this idea, a person’s life ends from the moment of the collapse of this single “body-soul” complex, which is usually called death.

Indeed, our biological body ceases to move independently, metabolic processes stop in it and, most importantly, vital energy ceases to be produced, without which consciousness does not function. However, the soul does not disappear without a trace. She only loses the opportunity to manifest herself in this physical body.

Research using ultra-sensitive instruments has now established that after a person’s death, the soul does not leave the body immediately, but gradually over a certain period of time. This, in particular, was confirmed by experiments using the Kirlian effect, carried out by St. Petersburg physicist K. Korotkov. And British researchers, who placed special receivers on the graves, recorded energy bursts on the ninth and fortieth day after the death of a person.

Scientists believe that during the first burst, the energy-informational essence leaves the physical body, and during the second, it flies away from it into the subtle world. But even after this, it retains an information connection with the flesh remaining in the grave, that is, the human skeleton. Thanks to the presence of such a connection, loved ones who come to the graves of the deceased can come into contact with their souls in order to receive support in critical life situations.

At the same time, it is the connection of the soul with the ashes of its former biological carrier remaining in the earth that leads to a kind of materialization of the energetic essence in the form of a ghost. Most often this happens when the eternal peace of the remains is disturbed. And the catalysts, or subjects sending a challenge to the subtle world, are the souls of those who died untimely as a result of an accident or violent death. People call them “publicans” because they cannot pass to the afterlife and are forced to remain on earth next to the living, to whom they often appear as ghosts. The ashes of such people are in almost every cemetery.
The fact that publicans are characterized by increased activity is confirmed by a unique case witnessed by Doctor of Technical Sciences Gennady Sergeev. The body of an old woman who had died of natural causes had been in the morgue for several days. His energy aura was so weak that it showed a barely noticeable trace on the display screen. When a young man who had just died in a car accident was brought into the same room, the instruments connected to the deceased recorded a violent surge of energy. It looked as if the soul of the untimely victim, having lost its physical body and trying to “adapt” to the new environment, sought to establish contact with the “old-timer” and for this purpose tried to “stir up” him.

In general, science is only just beginning to unravel the mysteries of the “city of the dead.” For if humanity managed to look into the depths of the afterlife, then we would cease to be people in the usual sense of the word.


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