I dreamed about garlic heads, what does it mean in a dream? Why do you dream about garlic according to the dream book? Why do you dream about planting garlic?

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Garlic - To see that you eat and feel the taste and smell of garlic - then you will soon have a long-lasting, but very dubious pleasure.

See also: why do you dream about onions, why do you dream about vegetables, why do you dream about peppers.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why do you dream about Garlic, how to understand the dream:

If you dreamed of garlic in the garden, then your poverty will soon turn into wealth.

If a girl dreams of garlic, it means that she will have an arranged marriage.

Eating garlic means your motto: “Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky.”

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream about Garlic according to the dream book:

Garlic - Dreamed of growing garlic - this portends abundance and prosperity for you.

Picking garlic - you will find strong marital happiness.

If you peel garlic, this means you will receive money.

Buying garlic in a dream means you will be deceived in your best expectations.

Big dream book

Why do you dream about Garlic - dream analysis:

Garlic - Why dream of seeing you weeding a bed of garlic - then you will occupy a fairly prominent position in society.

If a young woman dreams of garlic, then she will marry not out of love, but out of convenience.

If you ate garlic in a dream, then you will have to abandon your previous ideals and take a more prudent life position.

Dream book for girls

Seeing Garlic in a dream:

Garlic - In general, garlic is a means of fighting vampires and colds. But this, of course, does not mean that dreaming of garlic promises a fight against all evil spirits. No. If you dreamed that you were eating garlic, this indicates that in real life you are afraid of doing something wrong, that is, you are afraid of making a mistake.

You know, firstly, that you learn from mistakes (and mostly not from other people’s, but from your own). So there is no need to be afraid to commit them. Just don’t think that we are calling on you to renounce other people’s experience and the knowledge accumulated by humanity and make these same mistakes with might and main. No, you just shouldn’t be so afraid of mistakes, but at the same time you need to try not to make them.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about Garlic, interpretation:

Garlic - Green garlic, strong garlic shoots in the garden - a good dream. Weeding the beds means changing your life for the better and taking a prominent position in society. Eating garlic means taking a very reasonable and practical position in life. Eating a lot of garlic means recovery (for the sick). Another meaning of such a dream: to enjoy forbidden pleasures. If you see that you smell garlic, then in reality you will feel awkward in some society.

Only for women: Garlic seen in a dream foretells that when choosing a husband, you will pay main attention to his wallet and position in society, and not to your feelings. The dream in which you eat garlic has the same meaning.

Everyday dream book

Why do you dream about garlic according to the dream book:

Garlic - If you dreamed of garlic growing in a garden bed, and you were weeding it, then such a dream is a prediction that you will very quickly rise from poverty to wealth, a prominent position in society.

Seeing garlic for a young woman means that she will choose her husband according to calculation, relegating love to the background. If you dreamed about green garlic, then soon all your problems will be settled; if you had debts, pay them back; if you were in a quarrel, make peace.

Seeing garlic cloves, heads, especially eating it - your blood will be hot with thrills, boredom will leave you. Also, such a dream means that in the near future you will abandon your previous ideals and take a prudent life position, and your life will gain meaning.

Also, garlic in a dream can mean that in the near future you should not worry about your health - it will improve and there will be no problems.

If you see that you smell garlic or see someone eating it, then know that the person you care about and, as you thought, cares about you, is actually not interested in you, he may even be scared if you will show constant persistence. Eating garlic in a dream yourself can also mean that you are internally ready for adultery.

Universal dream book

What does it mean to see Garlic in a dream?

Garlic - Brief interpretation: getting rid of harmful substances; protection; sexual energy.

Popular expression: do not be afraid of a lying dog, but be afraid of a silent one; spew fire.

Why do we believe that fragrant cloves of garlic can protect us from the demons of the night? Does garlic in your dream symbolize protection? What do you want to protect yourself from? Garlic is also a symbol of liberation from harmful substances. What do you need to get rid of? What is “toxic” for you - a substance or an emotion?

Believe it or not, garlic is said to be an aphrodisiac. Do you want to increase your sexual energy?

We always know when a person has eaten garlic. Every word he says hits our noses with a strong smell. Does the garlic symbolize that you want to attract the attention of others to what you are saying? Do you want your words to have more impact?

Since ancient times, humanity has been looking for clues to dreams. It is believed that every dream is endowed with some secret meaning. The same symbol is interpreted differently in different situations. Modern dream books can correctly interpret the vision of garlic. Before you start decoding, remember everything down to the smallest detail. It is on them that sometimes it depends on how complete and reliable the interpretation will be.

Opinion of famous dream books: Miller, Vanga, the sorceress Medea and others

Famous world dream books offer their interpretation of the symbol seen in a dream:

  1. Miller: a dream in which the sleeper is weeding a bed of garlic suggests that he is a rather purposeful person.
  2. Vanga: if a sleeping person saw garlic in a dream, this characterizes him as a person who deeply believes in the Creator.
  3. Sorceress Medea: in a dream, garlic portends health problems.
  4. Gypsy dream book: dreaming of garlic prophesies prosperity. Any business started by the dreamer is doomed to success.
  5. Grishina’s noble dream book: watching garlic sprouts in a dream means unpleasant news.
  6. Hasse: seeing garlic lying on the dining table is a sign of a deliberately lost argument.
  7. Ivanov’s newest dream book assures that if a person sees garlic in a dream, it means that someone is trying to spoil him or has already done so.
  8. Dream book of health: to health problems.
  9. Melnikov: garlic growing in the garden - to prosperity and well-being.
  10. Universal dream book: garlic is an aphrodisiac, and if the sleeper saw it in a dream, then in reality he dreams of increasing his sexual energy.

The gypsy dream book prophesies to the dreamer prosperity and successful completion of the work begun

Who dreams: a man or a woman

For a complete interpretation of a dream, it matters who the dreamer is. If you dream about garlic:

  • woman: will be able to take a new social position. Perhaps a successful marriage will contribute to this. Or you will receive an offer for a prestigious job. Eating garlic in a dream means rejection of illusions and false life ideals;
  • for a girl: to walk between the beds with garlic - to marry for convenience;
  • for a man: young garlic in a dream - to a quarrel with your superiors. Possible dismissal from work.

What does garlic look like: a head, a clove, peeled, large, in a bag

  1. Heads of garlic seen in a dream promise sad news and a quarrel with relatives. The larger the heads looked, the stronger the disagreements would be in reality. Advice: try to behave correctly and avoid getting involved in disputes.
  2. Eating garlic cloves with pleasure means your reputation is at risk. Perhaps the work you are doing in reality is considered unworthy in your environment.
  3. Peeled garlic: strangers will reveal your secrets. To avoid embarrassment, you should tell strangers less about your personal life. It is no secret that black envy is carefully disguised by ostentatious good nature.
  4. Green garlic: all troubles will soon end.
  5. A bag of rotten garlic means troubles that the sleeper can solve quickly enough.

Pickled garlic in a dream: you will be temporarily distracted from solving life’s problems

The dreamer's actions in a dream: clean, plant, collect, cut, buy, sell, treat, throw

It is important to remember what the dreamer’s actions were like in the dream:

Other interpretations: garlic smell, seasoning, dried heads

The smell of garlic in a dream indicates danger. Probably, a person appeared in the dreamer’s environment who wishes him harm.

Dried garlic seasoning, seen in a dream, suggests that the sleeper will try to forget about his troubles and start life from scratch, but to no avail.

Dried heads of garlic are a great symbol. They promise a complete recovery to a sick person. If no one in the sleeping person’s family is sick, then the image prophesies a solution to problems.

Garlic in a dream is a symbol that often portends trouble. However, the sleeper must understand that dreams are just a game of the subconscious. The fate of a person depends on himself.

Garlic is a truly unique product, familiar to every resident of our country. Its pungent taste goes well with many dishes, making garlic popular in cooking. In addition, it is an effective antiseptic and helps strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of catching a cold or flu virus. In reality, garlic can be easily purchased because it is inexpensive.

But dreams involving this product are a real rarity, and one cannot do without the advice of the best dream books. Let's find out why garlic is dreamed of, what to do with it and other details.

Description of the dream

What did you do?

To better understand the meaning of the vision that appeared to you, try to remember what exactly you did with the garlic in your dream?

What did he look like?

You dreamed of garlic heads - a dream with two meanings: it portends either receiving unpleasant news or a conflict with your parents. Moreover, the larger the heads of garlic were in the dream, the more sad events await you in reality.

Garlic in a bag - a sign that in reality the sleeper will be able to solve all problems quickly and easily. It is especially good if the product in the bag was stale and rotten - in this case, the problems can be solved even without your participation.

Peeled garlic - a sign that your secrets may become known to the general public and embarrass you. To avoid this, try not to share secrets not only with random people, but even with acquaintances.

Green garlic is a favorable symbol that prophesies the end of the “black streak” in the dreamer’s life and getting rid of previous problems and troubles.

Why do you dream of eating garlic? People have long attributed magical properties to it - they ward off vampires, witches and even viral infections. At the same time, however, it happens that gentle young ladies are scared away, but this is already a side effect of the holy struggle against evil spirits. What does what you see in a dream mean? Let's look into the dream book.

Abandonment of ideals

Eating garlic with appetite in a dream is the same as making a deal with your conscience - in any case, dream books predict neglect of spiritual values ​​for the sake of mercantile interests.

Miller's dream book predicts: prudence will prevail over romantic ideals. In the near future, a person who dreamed that he was eating garlic will give up his principles.

This interpretation is developed by other predictors, who tell the dreamer that in real life he is on the verge of an important decision. And, most likely, he will be guided by cold calculations rather than ideological considerations.

Dreams and deceit of women

Nobody knows how much women are able to control their passions and, moreover, what they really dream about. Why does a young lady dream of eating garlic? She seeks to marry not for love. To occupy a high position in society is her goal, and she will achieve it.

If a flowering lady eats garlic in a dream, it means that she will find a rich patron. And a mature woman who dreamed of tasting hot garlic seasoning will have to show wisdom - as written in the Bitch’s dream book. The culinary interpreter promises long, albeit not aesthetic, pleasures.

Eating beets and garlic in a dream means that soon the girl will hear very piquant gossip about herself. Well, seeing others at this meal is also a prediction of intrigue, but they will not affect the dreamer in any way.

To your health

The Ukrainian dream book is least likely to interpret what is dreamed with mystical images. If you dreamed of sharp, smelly heads, then this predicts trouble, and eating garlic in a dream means good health.

By the way, experts point out that not all such dreams are prophetic. Perhaps a person has a deficiency of vitamins or other ailments for which treatment with this folk remedy will be very useful. The body sometimes gives such clues in understandable images. In this case, it is really necessary to treat vitamin deficiency, and then your overall health will improve.


Some dream books interpret the dream in a different way. For example, this is how the Esoteric explains why you dream of eating garlic. In itself, it personifies danger, adventure, risk. If you dreamed of eating with pleasure, it means that in reality you will be able to successfully get out of an extreme situation: pay off creditors, get even with competitors, return what was lent.

Chinese seers predict that anyone who eats garlic in a dream will witness a catastrophe, a destructive element. Miller's dream book gives an inspiring interpretation of what dreams of beets and garlic mean - it concerns luck. A person will really experience luck even where there was no hope for it.

1. Garlic- (Dream Interpretation Medium miss Xacce)
Seeing is a dispute, bad news. Collect or buy - do not deal with ill-wishers; eat - health
2. Garlic- (Modern dream book)
If you dream that you are walking through garlic beds, then in reality you will experience an ascent from poverty to wealth. For a young woman, such a dream predicts that she will marry for convenience, without attaching any importance to love. Eating garlic means that in life you will be guided by cold calculation, and the ideological side will not attract your attention at all.
3. Garlic- (Miller's Dream Book)
To dream that you are weeding a bed of garlic foretells an elevation from extreme poverty to a prominent position in society. For a young woman, this dream foretells that she will marry not for love, but for convenience. If you dream that you are eating garlic, then the dream foretells that, having taken a prudent life position, you will abandon your previous ideals.
4. Garlic- (Esoteric dream book)
Green - all matters will be settled; debts will be repaid, both to you and yours. The head, the cloves, there are thrills, danger, an extreme situation that will make your blood hot.
5. Garlic- (Culinary dream book)
Eating garlic and feeling its taste and smell is a lasting pleasure, although not particularly aesthetic.
6. Garlic- (Intimate dream book)
In a dream, smelling garlic or seeing someone eating it means you like some person, and you believe that he has reciprocal feelings for you. Alas, in fact, this person is indifferent to you and is not at all inclined to communicate. You shouldn’t force things - the object of your dreams simply won’t understand this; Moreover, he may be afraid of you. If in a dream you ate garlic yourself, it means that thoughts about possible betrayal of your partner are increasingly visiting you, and this happens because married life seems too bland and ordinary to you. Try to change something yourself, bring something new into your bedroom, and then, perhaps, everything else will not seem boring to you.
7. Garlic- (Dream book of Yuri Andreevich Longo)
Garlic, as you know, is one of the most tried and true remedies against evil spirits, and if you dreamed of it, then pretty soon you will have to engage in single combat with it. This should not be taken literally - you will not fight vampires, drive out evil spirits and talk with devils, but you must take care of your own soul and expel evil thoughts from it. “What does evil spirits have to do with it?” - you ask. The answer to this question is simple: everything bad in a person comes from the devil, and he is an evil spirit. Eating garlic in a dream means you are afraid that your vicious self will prevail over the virtuous half of your soul and you will wallow in sin, thereby destroying your soul. To combat this, you want to find serious helpers. But who, if not yourself, can understand your spiritual life better than others? There are no words, you need help, but do not rely on strangers for everything - you must do the main thing. If in a dream you use garlic to protect yourself from evil spirits, then you will have to find a spiritual mentor so that he will not only insist you on the true path, but also explain how to actually find this path.

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