Food products in French with translation. The French and food. III. Speech exercise

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a selection of French words Containers for food / Contenants pour aliments thematic area. This includes the most commonly used words in French and Russian translations. For your convenience, we have placed the list of words Containers for food / Contenants pour aliments in a tabular form, and the table itself can be downloaded completely free of charge. Names of words in the topic “Containers for [...]

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a selection of French words Cooking / Cuisine thematic area. This includes the most commonly used words in French and Russian translations. For your convenience, we have placed the list of Cooking / Cuisine words in a tabular form, and the table itself can be downloaded completely free of charge. Names of words in the topic “Cooking” in French with translation casser – […]

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a selection of French words Fruits / Fruits thematic area. This includes the most commonly used words in French and Russian translations. For your convenience, we have placed the list of words Fruits in a tabular form, and the table itself can be downloaded completely free of charge. Names of words in the theme “Fruit” in French with translation la fourchette – fruit l’cuillère à soupe […]

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a selection of French words Food in a restaurant / Le restaurant thematic area. This includes the most commonly used words in French and Russian translations. For your convenience, we have placed the list of words Food in a restaurant / Le restaurant in a tabular form, and the table itself can be downloaded completely free of charge. The names of the words in the topic “Food in a restaurant” […]

L'alimentation est très importante pour chaque organisme. L'alimentation et la santé sont des moments qui jouent un rôle vraiment grand dans la vie des êtres vivants. Nous vivons pour être sains et pour avoir la possibilité de travailler, d'aimer, d'élever les enfants et de faire quelque choses utiles pour les autres. L'alimentation se révèle saine si on respecte l'équilibre alimentaire: il est à noter qu"on recommande de consommer ni trop peu, ni trop beaucoup. En plus, le plus important c"est de consommer tout ce qui est nécessaire pour l 'organisme: par example, de la viande, du poisson, des legumes, des fruits, des products du lait...

L'alimentation a l"influence considérable sur la dureté et la qualité de la vie humaine. Il faut accentuer l"attention sur ce qu"en combinaison avec les exercises de corps on peut prolonger la vie active d"une personne. En ce qui concerne aussi l"alimentation saine il est à éviter les produits nuisibles pour l"organisme humain comme: le tabac et l"alcool. En plus, on ne doit pas se limiter par une liste stricte de produits alimentaires: l'alimentation doit se composer de tous les produits se revélant utiles pour l'organisme. On peut construire quelques règles principales à suivre:

  • consommer au minimum cinq fruits et légumes par jour;
  • faire les exercises de corps chaque jour;
  • manger à temps et en quantité suffisante afin d"avoir de la force et de l"énergie;
  • se réposer un peu après la journé

Donc tout le monde doit suivre les points affichés ci-dessus: l’alimentation rationnelle est surtout indispensable pour les enfants, les personnes âgées et tous qui travaillent.

Chaque personne doit prendre le repas quatre fois par jour: le petit-dejeuner, le déjeuner, le dîner et le souper. Il est surtout utile de prendre le repas toujours en même temps parce que la santé est le trésor de chacun.


Nutrition is very important for the body of any person. Nutrition and health are aspects that play a truly significant role in the life of living beings. We live to be healthy and to be able to work, love, raise children and do something useful for other people. Nutrition is healthy if you maintain balance: it should be emphasized that it is recommended to eat neither too little nor too much. In addition, it is extremely important to eat what the body needs: for example, meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, dairy products...

Food has a significant impact on the length and quality of human life. It should be noted that in combination with physical exercise, a person’s active life can be extended. As for a healthy diet, you should avoid foods that are harmful to the human body, such as tobacco and alcohol. In addition, there is no need to limit yourself to a certain list of food products: it should consist of all products that are beneficial to the body. It is necessary to propose several rules that must be followed:

  • eat at least five fruits and vegetables a day;
  • do physical exercise every day;
  • eat on time and in sufficient quantities to have strength and energy;
  • rest a little after a working day.

In general, everyone should follow the above points: rational nutrition is especially necessary for children, older people and everyone who works.

Every person should eat four times a day: first breakfast, breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is especially useful to always eat at the same time, because health is a treasure for every person.

Some children do not like to eat fruits and vegetables or eat them selectively. It can be difficult to get them to eat at least a piece of healthy fruit. In the meantime, the child’s body needs vitamins and beneficial microelements. The topic “Fruits and vegetables” will be interesting not only from the point of view of learning the French language, but perhaps during the conversation the children will “wake up” their appetite and desire to try something from juicy fruits or fresh vegetables, which they had always refused before.

So, before starting the lesson, stock up on something tasty in case your child’s appetite awakens. Throughout the lesson, try not to translate words and phrases on the topic into your native language. Use mostly gestures, intonation, pictures and other supporting materials.

New vocabulary


Word in RussianFrench equivalentTranscription







raspberries peaches les pêches





les fruits

le melon d'eau

le fruy

le melo(n)* do

Le Zabriko

le zora(n)w

le reze(n)

le pamplemousse

le melo(n)

le citro(n)

le framboise


Task No. 1

Name the fruits in French, showing them in the picture. Do it yourself first, then invite your child to repeat after you. Use designs C'est un/une, Ce sont.

Task No. 2

If your child already knows colors, ask him what color the fruit is in the picture using question phrases like this: Le melon, de Quelle couleur est- il? Le melon est vert.

Vegetables (Les legumes)

Word in RussianFrench equivalentTranscription





one and a half kilograms

les legumes

les pommes de terre

un kilo/un kilogramme

Le Legum

le champigno(n)

le zariko

le courget

le paume de terre

Le Zogneau(n)


le concombre

la betrave

le zapinar

an demi kilo

an kilo e demi

Task No. 3

Looking at the picture with vegetables, do the same as in tasks No. 1 and No. 2.

Task No. 4

Now play the vegetable shop game. To do this, take toy fruits and vegetables or mold them from plasticine. Divide the roles of seller and buyer between you and your child and begin to conduct a dialogue, using new words and the following phrases: Combien coû te...? (what is the price) Donnez- moi, s' il vous plaî t un kilo de...(give me a kilogram, please...), Avez- vous de...? (you have…?) etc.

Avant les Français étaient de grands consommateurs de pain et de vin et aujourd"hui on en consomme de moins en moins, la consommation de ces deux produits est en baisse constante, en revanche les Français tiennent beaucoup à leurs traditions gastronomiques même si elles ont tendance à varier.

The French used to consume more bread and wine, but today these two products are consumed less and less, but the French remain very attached to their culinary traditions, even if they tend to change.

Les repas de tous les jours
Les habitudes alimentaires des Français ont beaucoup évalué surtout dans les grandes villes, à cause de la vie moderne. Les produits surgelés sont de plus en plus populaires, on passe moins de temps passé à préparer de bons petits plats et les habitudes alimentaires ont tendance à ressembler à celles de leurs voisins européens.
Everyday meals
In the big cities, modern life has changed the culinary habits of the French, eating frozen foods is becoming more and more popular, spending less and less time preparing delicious simple dishes and the culinary habits of the French are getting closer and closer to those of their European neighbors.

"Le p"tit déj"
La frugalité du petit déjeuner français surprend souvent les étrangers. Il comprend généralement une boisson chaude, le plus souvent un café noir ou au lait et plus rarement un thé. La moitié des Français prennent des tartines de pain beurré et de la confiture. Les enfants boivent du chocolat et mangent parfois des céréales. 6% des Français ne déjeunent pas le matin.
Pour induire les enfants à avoir une alementation plus équilibrée, surtout le matin, on fait des campagnes d"informations chaque an dans les écoles primaires et les collèges, c"est "la semaine du goût". Cette semaine-là, on propose aux enfants des aliments qu"ils ne sont pas habitués à consommer.
French breakfast often surprises foreigners with its moderation. Traditionally it consists of a warm drink, most often black coffee or milk and less often tea. Half of the French eat sandwiches with butter and jam for breakfast. Children drink chocolate and sometimes eat cereals. 6% of French people do not have breakfast in the morning
To encourage children to eat more balanced meals, especially in the morning, awareness campaigns are organized in primary schools and colleges every year. For example, "taste week". During this week, children are offered foods that they are not used to eating.

Le dejeuner
70% des Français, habitant particulièrement des villes moyennes, prennent leur déjeuner chez eux, car on arrête le travail à 12 h et on le reprend à 14 h. À Paris, il n"est pas souvent possible de rentrer chez soi, alors on mange "sur le pouce". La restauration rapide française ou étrangère attire de nombreux clients, surtout les jeunes.
Si vous êtes salarié vous pouvez bénéficier de "ticket restaurants". Les entreprises en paient une partie et le reste est à la charge de l'employé. Ces chèques-repas sont acceptés dans de nombreux restaurants.
70% of the French eat lunch at home, especially those who live in medium-sized cities, where the lunch break is from 12:00 to 14:00. In Paris, very often it is not possible to dine at home, so they eat on the go. French or foreign fast food or foreign restaurants attract numerous customers, mostly young.
If you are a full-time employee, you can get food stamps. Enterprises pay part and the balance at the expense of the employee. These food stamps are accepted at numerous restaurants.

Le dîner
C "est le repas qui réunit toute la famille, il est pris entre 19 heures et 20 heures et peut se composer de plusieurs plats et de fromage accompagné d"un peu de vin.
Dinner brings together the whole family, dinner is eaten between 19:00 and 20:00 and can consist of several courses and cheese and wine.

Food is something without which our life is impossible. Food plays an important role in a child's life. Food not only provides him with the substances necessary for life. Food is also a source of all kinds of sensations and impressions. Smells, colors, tastes... Hard, soft, liquid... Children learn about the world while eating. Let's learn to talk about this in French too

  • To use the materials correctly, please read
  • To properly prepare your child for lessons, read
  • Don't skip topics, do them sequentially. But it is possible and advisable to return to the topics covered periodically.
  • To start each lesson off right, use language transition rituals. You can read about them in Introductory Lessons
  • If you are just starting to learn this language yourself, then it will be useful for you to read


Tasks can be done in any order or combined with each other.


Tell your child phrases from the templates, combining different words. Speak whole phrases, not individual words (“C’est une pomme”, not just “pomme”). Be sure to accompany your words with positive emotions and actions. Show real and toy food, photographs or pictures of food and how people eat. Use toys to show similar situations, how they prepare food, eat, treat each other, put away dishes and wash dishes. Accompany each action with the appropriate phrase:

  • - Veux-tu manger une pomme? (Do you want to eat an apple?)
  • - Oui. Je veux manger une pomme. Donne-moi une pomme, s’il te plaît (Yes. I want to eat an apple. Give me an apple, please)
  • — Prend cette pomme (Take this apple)
  • — Merci (Thank you)

Don't translate anything. Repeat each phrase several times. It is not necessary to use all the phrases and words in one lesson. One such task should last no more than 3-7 minutes, then finish the lesson or move on to any other task. Use toys, make scenes and mini-dialogues with them to show your child the principle of this task.


Go with your child to the kitchen! Cook together! Set the table together! Wash the dishes together! And comment on all your actions in French.


1. Cooking together

  • — Faisons une tartine (let's make a sandwich)
  • - Nous prenons un pain. Nous coupons une piece de pain. Nous mettons cette pièce de pain sur la plaque jaune. Nous prenons un beurre. Nous coupons une piece de beurre. Nous mettons cette pièce de beurre sur cette pièce de pain. Nous prenons un fromage. Nous coupons une piece de fromage. Nous mettons cette pièce de fromage sur cette pièce de pain. C'est tout! Nous avons une tartine. Veux-tu manger cette tartine? Prend-le. (We take bread. We cut off a piece of bread. We put this piece of bread on a yellow plate. We take butter. We cut off a piece of butter. We put this piece of butter on this piece of bread. We take cheese. We cut off a piece of cheese. We put this piece cheese on this piece of bread. That's it. We have a sandwich. Do you want to eat this sandwich? Take it!)
  • — Cuisinons les crêpes (let's prepare pancakes)
  • - Nous prenons une poêle et le mettons ici. Prenons aussi les œufs, le lait, la farine, le sel et le sucre. Nous mélangeons le tout... (take a frying pan and put it here. We also take eggs, milk, flour, salt and sugar. Mix everything...)

2. Set the table

  • - Aid-moi à mettre la table s’il te plaît! Prend ces tasks verts. Mett-le sur la table s’il te plaît. (Help me set the table, please! Take these green cups. Place them on the table, please)
    - Merci! Tu m'as aidé à mettre la table! (Thank you! You helped me set the table)

3. Wash the dishes (you wash real dirty dishes yourself, the child can wash clean dishes in a basin with clean water nearby, or toy dishes in a basin nearby - this is useful not only for the development of vocabulary in French, but also for the development of fine motor skills

  • — Faisons ensemble la vaisselle (Let's wash the dishes together)
  • - Je vais prendre une tasse. Cette tasse est sale. Tu as bu le lait de cette tasse. Je les lave. Maintenant, il est propre. Et nous voyons - cette tass est bleu. (I take a cup. This cup is dirty. You drank milk from this cup. I wash it. Now it is clean. And we see - this cup is blue)
  • - Je prends un plaque... (I take the plate)
  • - Je prends une cuillère.. (I take a spoon)
  • - Qu'ai-je pris? Qu'est-ce que c'est? C'est vrai! C'est un couteau. Je vais laver un couteau. Je lave le couteau. Maintenant, le couteau est propre. (What did I take? What is this? That's right! This is a knife. I will wash the knife. I wash the knife. Now the knife is clean.

This way you can do your homework and study. When a child passes new words “through his hands,” that is, he picks up objects and names them. He remembers words better thanks to his associative memory.


Have tea parties and feasts with toys. Select appropriate dialogues?

  • - Buvons du thé. Veux-tu boir du thé noir ou vert? (Let's have some tea. Do you want to drink black or green tea?)
  • - Je veux boire du thé noir. (I want to drink black tea)
  • - Je te donne une tasse de thé noir. Veux-tu du thé avec du sucre ou sans sucre? (I give you a cup of black tea. Do you want tea with sugar or without sugar?)
  • - Je veux boire du thé avec du sucre. (I want to drink tea with sugar)
  • - Ok. J'ai mis du sucre dans ta tasse. (Okay. I put sugar in your cup)

Play the same principle in a cafe or restaurant


Look at different pictures and photographs depicting dishes, food, and how people eat. Paintings by great artists with still lifes and depictions of a meal are very suitable. At the same time, you can start introducing your child to painting. Name all the objects you see. Describe their color and size. List people and say what they do.

Your family photos can also be used.


Read any poem to your child, show pictures of food and perform the necessary movements according to the text. You can sing each verse to any melody. Repeat the poem several times at a time. Connect toys to the game. Let them do the movements too. You will find the poems below.


Draw, sculpt and make colorful crafts as much as possible. Draw food, furniture, your kitchen, how you have breakfast and lunch. Make fruits, vegetables, dishes, treat toys with what you made. Name colors and sizes.

The funnier and more unusual your drawings are, the better. Surprise your child. Only bright and positive impressions make a child remember something and make him want to repeat after you.


Watch the video, sing along (at least only those words that you know) and perform the movements.

New vocabulary

  • You should know these new words before starting lessons with your child.
  • You can learn words not all words at once, but in groups of 3-5 words, and gradually add them over several days
  • The third column shows the transcription in Russian letters. Attention! Not all French sounds can be expressed in Russian letters! This is especially true for nasal sounds (when the syllable ends in n), the burry French r, as well as some vowels. To avoid mistakes, be sure to read
  • For new vocabulary, use only those products that are familiar to your child. You can add something else that your child likes.
  • If your child already knows how to count. Begin actively in this topic (if you have not done so before) to use numbers in French (1 - un, 2 - deux, 3 - trois, 4 - quatre, 5 - cinq, 6 - six, 7 - sept, 8 - huit, 9 - neuf, 10 - dix). If your child does not yet know how to count, you can still use numbers up to 5 when necessary.




Olive oil)

Ice cream


Fruits (apple, pear, banana, peach, cherry)

Vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage)

Berries (strawberries, blueberries)














Wash the dishes


Set the table



To mix


To help


more less


from (somewhere)

from (consists of something)


le petit déjeuner


l'huile (huile d'olive)

le fruit (pomme, poire, banane, pêche, cerise)

les légumes (pommes de terre, les carottes, les oignons, le chou)

les baies (fraises, myrtelles)


le réfrigérateur


solide - doux - liquide

chaud - chaud - froid

delicieux (delicieuse)

doux - amer - sale


faire la vaisselle

prendre - mettre





[petya dezhene]

[uil (uil topping up)]




[frui (pom, poir, banana, pesh, cerise]

[legum (pomdöter, karot, onyon, shu]

[bey (frez, miirtil)]




[solid - doo - liquidid]

[sho - sho - frua]

[delisyo (delisyoz)]

[du - ame - sale]

[sal - propr]

[fair la fasel]


[maitre in la table]

[prandr - mettre]




[plus - muan]

[delisyo / bon]

Quick Grammar Help

For parents who are starting to learn a language or do not speak it well enough:

  • You need to master the following grammar rules:

1. In French, the word “please” is translated by the whole expression “if you (you) like (anything)”:

  • to you: s’il te plaît
  • to you: s’il vous plaît

2. Fused article (the preposition de merges with the definite articles when they come after it):

  • de + le = du
  • de + les = des

3. When used after the verb aider (to help), the preposition à is placed before the semantic verb:

  • Aidez-moi à mettre la table (Help me set the table)
  • J’aide ma mère à cuisiner (I help my mother cook)

4. Irregular verbs from this topic:

boire (to drink)

  • je bois
  • tu bois
  • il/elle boit
  • nous buvons
  • vous buvez
  • ils/elles boivent
  • past tense form: avoir bu

vouloir (to want)

  • je veux
  • tu veux
  • il/elle veut
  • nous voulons
  • vous voulez
  • ils/elles veulent
  • past tense form: avoir voulu

plaire (like)

  • je plais
  • tu plais
  • il/elle plaît
  • nous plaisons
  • vous plaisez
  • ils/elles plaisent
  • past tense form: avoir plu

Phrases templates

  • You must master these phrase patterns and try to combine, following their example, all the words from the list of new vocabulary
I eat

Are you hungry?

I want to eat

I do not want to eat.

Do you want more?

I do not want any more

I like to eat fruits

Do you want an apple or a banana?

I want an apple

What do you like more: apple or banana?

I prefer banana

This Apple

Fruits are apples, bananas, pears...

Apple is a fruit

Mom's making a meal

Mom is preparing soup

Mom sets the table

Mother is washing the dishes

I help my mom wash the dishes

I help my mom cook

Help me set the table

It is delicious!

It's not tasty.

This soup is delicious

Tea with/without sugar

Let's set the table

Let's cook lunch

I'm cutting fruit

I'm boiling eggs

I fry meat

I eat with a fork

I eat from a plate

I drink from a cup

Je mange

Je ne veux pas manger

Veux-tu plus encore?

Je ne veux pas plus encore

J'aime manger les fruits

Veux-tu une pomme ou une banane?

Je veux une pomme

Qu'aimes-tu le plus une pomme ou une banane?

J'aime plus d'une banane

C'est une pomme

Les fruits sont les pommes, les bananes. les poires

La pomme est un fruit

Mama cuisine le repas

Mama cuisine une soup

Mama mettre la table

Maman fait la vaisselle

J'aide ma mère à faire la vaisselle

J'aide ma mère à cuisiner

Aide-moi à mettre la table

Il est delicieux! / C'est bon!

Il n'est pas delicieux

Cette soupe est delicieuse

Thé avec du sucre / sans sucre

Mettons la table

Cuisinons le dîner

Je cuisine les œufs

Je grill la viande

Je mange avec une fourchette

Je mange d'une plaque

Je bois d'une tasse

[je mange]

[vetu manzhe]

[zhe ve mange]

[je ne ve pa mange]

[vetu plusankor]

[zhe nevyopa plyuzankor]

[jem mange le fruy]

[ve-chu yun pom wu yung banana]

[zhe ve yun pom]

[kamtu sculpting yun pom wu yung banana]

[jam plus dune banana]

[sae yoon bum]

[le frui son lepom, lebanan, lepoir]

[blooper e an frui]

[mom kuisin lyorepa]

[mama queen yung soup]

[mother maitre la table]

[maman fe lavesel]

[zhad mamer afer lavasel]

[zhad mamer akuisiner]

[edmois amître la table]

[ile delisyo / sae bon]

[il nepa delisyo]

[set soup e delisieuse]

[te aves du sucr/san sucr]

[maton latablle]

[cuisinon ledine]

[zhe kup frui]

[zhe kuisin lezof]

[same grill La Vieland]

[zhe manj avek yun buffet]

[je mange dun plak]

[je bois dune tas]

Possible supporting items for this topic

  • Any real or toy food and utensils
  • Pictures of food and dishes, pictures of how people or fairy-tale animals eat, as well as similar photographs of your family.
  • Various toys with which you can have tea parties and lunches
  • Colored pencils, paints, plasticine, colored paper
  • Fun music to sing rhymes to


You can show these cards to your child while learning the corresponding words. Cards can be displayed electronically or printed and cut.

ADVICE! Cards should only be used to consolidate knowledge of new words. Don't start learning words from flashcards. You should start learning words in context with other already known words.

  • Qu'est-ce que c'est? - What is this?
  • Qu'est-ce que je te montre? - What am I showing you?
  • Est-ce une pomme ou une citron? — Is it an apple or a lemon?

Poems on this topic


J'ai mange un œuf,
Deux langues de bœuf,
Trois rôts de mouton,
Quatre gros jambons,
Cinq rognons de veau,
Six couples d'oiseaux,
Sept immenses tartes,
Huit files de carpe,
Neuf kilos de pain...
Et j'ai encore faim!


I ate an egg

Two beef tongues

Three roasted lambs

Four large pieces of ham

Five veal kidneys

Six pairs of birds

Seven huge pies

Eight carp fillets,

Nine pounds of bread...

And I'm still hungry!


Mimi Mouton est malade.
Elle a bu de la lemonade,
Et mangé trop de chocolat…
Elle n'écoute pas sa tante Solange:
Mimi Mouton, fais attention!
Tout ça, tout ça,
Tout ça est très mauvais.
Mange des oranges et bois du lait!


Mimi Mouton is sick.

She drank lemonade

And I ate too much chocolate...

She didn't listen to her Aunt Solange:

Mimi Mouton, be careful!

All this, all this

This is all very bad.

Eat oranges and drink milk!

Qui a price le chocolat?
- Ce n'est pas moi, c'est le chat!
Qui a grignoté les biscuits?
- C'est Lili la petite souris!
Qui a barboté les bonbons?
- C'est le hérisson glouton!
Qui a chipé les caramels?
- C'est mon ami l'hirondelle!
Qui avalé la guimauve?
- C'est le lapin qui se sauve!
Qui a mangé le dessert?
- C'est un drôle de dromadaire!
Qui aura mal à l’estomac?
- Heu!... Ce sera peut-être moi!

Who took the chocolate?

- It's not me, it's the cat!

Who ate the cookies?

- This is Lilly the mouse!

Who tried the sweets?

- This is a greedy hedgehog!

Who stole the caramel?

- My friend swallowed it!

Who swallowed the marshmallow?

- It's a rabbit that hid!

Who ate dessert?

- This is a funny camel!

Who has a stomach ache?

- Uh... Perhaps I have!

Je suis petit, petit
Mais j'ai grand appétit:
Pour avoir un grand gars,
Donnez-moi du nougat!

I'm small, small

But I have a big appetite:

Like a big guy

Give me some candy!

Ah, Mesdames, voilà du bon fromage!

Celui qui l'a fait, il est de son village,
Ah, Mesdames, voilà du bon fromage!
Voilà du bon fromage au lait:
Il est du pays de celui qui l'a fait.

Ah, ladies, this is good cheese!

Ah, ladies, this is good cheese!

This is a good milk cheese:

This is the country of the one who made it.

The one who made it is his village,

Ah, ladies, this is good cheese!

This is a good milk cheese:

Go to next Topic 8. My home

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