Project on the topic: “Our Army is strong, it protects the world. Presentation “For children about the branches of the Russian Armed Forces Russian Armed Forces for children

We offer you an educational presentation for children in the preparatory group. The presentation “For children about the branches of the Russian military” is aimed at introducing the branches of the military of our homeland and developing moral and patriotic feelings among preschoolers.

Educational presentation “For children about the branches of the Russian military” for older preschoolers

Progress of the presentation

Slide 2, 3.

Our Army is strong and invincible because it protects our homeland on land, in the sea and in the sky. Types of armed forces of the Russian Federation: ground forces, navy and aerospace forces.

Slide 4.

Ground forces repel enemy attacks from the ground. These include: infantry, tank troops, artillery (rocket troops).

Slide 5.

Infantry is the most ancient and massive branch of the military; it is designed to conduct combat operations on foot. Today, infantry can use motorized vehicles and modern weapons: rifles, machine guns, anti-tank grenade launchers, armored vehicles with automatic guns.

Slide 6.

The basis of the tank forces are tank brigades and tank battalions of motorized rifle brigades. They are very mobile and powerful, their main task is active combat operations day and night, in a significant separation from other troops, defeating the enemy in oncoming battles and battles, and shooting over long distances.

Slide 7.

The missile forces are armed with modern missiles that fire very far and accurately. They are located on mobile platforms, so they can fly from any part of the country. Mobile platforms also house cannons or cannon systems to protect ground forces from air attack. Russian artillery stands reliably in defense of the Motherland.

Slide 8.

The Navy repels the enemy from the sea and protects the maritime borders of our state. It includes: submarine forces, naval aviation, marines and surface forces.

Slide 9.

While underwater, missile and torpedo submarines are able to strike the enemy unnoticed. Captains, sailors and divers serve on the submarine, and meals are prepared for them by cooks (cooks in the navy).

Slide 10.

These are huge platforms (aircraft carriers) in the ocean, on which several military aircraft can be located at once. Aircraft of naval forces are used to destroy the enemy's surface fleet, as well as to collect intelligence information. While on the water, they boldly stand guard over Russia.

Slide 11.

The Russian Navy has many large, modern ships at its disposal. Their mission is to destroy enemy forces on the high seas and on the shore. The Marines go ashore and fight on land. Victory over the enemy depends on their preparedness and strength.

Slide 12.

The task of the air force (aerospace forces) is to ensure the security and protection of the country's territorial interests in the air. In addition, they are designed to protect the administrative, industrial and economic centers of Russia. Their purpose is to protect other troops and ensure the success of operations. With their help, aerial reconnaissance, landing and destruction of enemy positions are carried out. They include: aviation, space forces, radio engineering and special forces.

Slide 13.

The purpose of military transport aviation is to deliver cargo and troops to the landing site. Moreover, food and medicines and military equipment can act as cargo. Provides air support to ground forces during any combat operations and destroys enemy aircraft in the air.

Slide 14.

Even in space there are Russian troops capable of ensuring the security of our country. Spaceships can prevent missile attacks and monitor important objects. Space defense forces are located throughout Russia at modern cosmodromes.

Slide 15.

Without them, it is impossible to collect enough information about the enemy. Radio technical troops conduct reconnaissance and monitor the movement of all aircraft in the skies over Russia. They use large radars to determine where the enemy is, how fast they are, and where they are going.

Slide 16.

Let's remember which troops defend our homeland on land? In the sea? In outer space?

What do the military use for reconnaissance? What weapons do infantrymen use? Why can we be proud of the Russian army?

Slide 17.

A lot of people work in the armed forces of the Russian Federation to ensure peace and order in our country.



After watching the presentation, you can invite the children to make.

Children often ask themselves the question: why serve in the army, And why the army is it necessary at all? The answers are very simple.

Our country is considered independent, therefore, its task is to protect the rights and freedoms of those who live in it. To do this, Russia must have a strong army that no one wants to mess with. Otherwise, other countries may conquer it. All healthy men must be ready to repel the enemy at any time. But readiness alone is not enough, otherwise why the army spend so much effort and money on training soldiers?

The army now uses a lot of sophisticated equipment and weapons. Sailors need to know and be able to do one thing, pilots - another, tank crews - a third. And Russia also has a Space Military Force that needs very smart and educated people. So even the most courageous person will not be able to defeat the enemy unless he undergoes special training.

You need to learn to defend your homeland. This is exactly what they do during military service. Therefore, every young man, when he turns 18, or after he graduates from college, must serve 1 year. Previously, they went into the army for 2 years, but then the service period was made shorter so that the soldiers did not miss home too much. In a year, a young man will be taught everything a real fighter needs to know, otherwise it’s not clear why did he serve in the army.

During marksmanship classes, military personnel are taught how to shoot a variety of weapons and are taught how to disassemble and clean them. During technology lessons, they tell you how military vehicles work, what capabilities they have, and what to do if something breaks. There is also tactical training. They show how best to position troops, how troops should move when attacking, and how when defending. Not only commanders, but also ordinary soldiers need to know this. After all, in battle, if an officer dies, one of the rank and file must take command.

Classes in the army are theoretical (the same as in school) and practical. They take place at shooting ranges and firing ranges. Trained military personnel participate in exercises to consolidate their knowledge and feel like real fighters. And of course, soldiers play a lot of sports and train in hand-to-hand combat, so they return home strong and strong. The way real men should be.

When the year of service ends, the soldier retires to the reserve. This means that he no longer needs to be in the army, but if a war suddenly breaks out, he will be ready to protect the country from enemies. And some soldiers who liked it here and understood why should you serve in the army, remain - and over time can become officers. The state enters into a contract with them and pays them a salary. The army becomes a real job for such people.

Army for children, of course, does not threaten, but, nevertheless, it would be good to know in advance all the details about the future service.

There is no need to be afraid that you will be sent straight from the military registration and enlistment office to the other end of the country. Now almost all soldiers serve close to home. And fighters also have two days off a week, so they can spend them meeting with parents and friends. Of course, in our large country there are military units located in deep forests, endless steppes or beyond the Arctic Circle. Someone must serve there too. But they send either contract soldiers or volunteers there.

What else you need to know children about military service? The soldiers' daily routine has changed. Now they get up not at 6 am, but at 7, and go to bed at 11 pm. And those who have to study and train a lot are also allowed to rest during the day, during a quiet time. Surely many have heard about how soldiers walk around the kitchen in uniform, sweep the territory of the unit and wash the floors in the barracks. So, now in the army all this is no longer there. To perform household work, the army hires special workers who receive a salary for this. And the soldiers are just learning military science, practicing shooting accuracy and playing sports.

R before military service - for children It’s worth knowing this - it lasted for 2 whole years, so there was enough time to be on duty in the kitchen and learn how to shoot. Now they only serve for 1 year, so there is no time to be distracted, you need to learn to defend your homeland.

And the worst thing they said children about soldiers, is that commanders in the army beat their subordinates. This actually happened in the old army, but now all officers are obliged to act humanely towards their soldiers. The way soldiers are treated is constantly monitored by lawyers, special parent committees and especially members of the military prosecutor's office. This is a serious government organization that is responsible for ensuring that all laws are observed in military units and that there is no hazing. And if the commander nevertheless decides to teach his subordinate a lesson, he will be very severely punished for this, he may even be sent to prison.

At all children about the army You should also know that changes are constantly taking place in it. This is done so that service is not a heavy duty and so that all conscripts can usefully spend a year in a military unit, fulfilling their duty. During this time, you can learn to defend your homeland and become a real man.

Rus' has always been famous for its mighty warrior-heroes, who from time immemorial have defended the borders of their state. At different times feat of a Russian soldier helped defeat the Tatar-Mongol hordes, German and Swedish knights, in general, all those who wanted to conquer our country. Legendary commanders led the heroes into battle, for example, Alexander Nevsky, under whose command the victory on Lake Peipus was won, or Dmitry Donskoy, who won the famous battle on the Kulikovo Field.

Over time, the appearance of the Russian hero transformed: weapons and Russian army uniform. Instead of spears and swords, the first guns and cannons appeared, and the warriors themselves stopped wearing steel armor, which still could not protect them from bullets, and began to dress in uniforms. But the fighting spirit and folk traditions have been preserved. Courageous army soldiers Peter the Great defeated the Swedes at the Battle of Poltava. The regiments of Count Suvorov, after long and fierce battles, recaptured the Ismail fortress from the Turks.

Napoleon's French army, which everyone considered invincible, could not conquer Russia either. It was very difficult for the Russian soldiers under the command of Kutuzov; the French even managed to take Moscow, but then they were forced to retreat.

Russian soldiers showed true heroic character during the most terrible war, the Great Patriotic War. Young boys and gray-haired old men who voluntarily went to the front or to join the partisans did not ask how to become a soldier, however, their courage and strength, dedication and heroism helped to achieve a great victory.

At first they did not allow the Nazis to approach Moscow, and then they drove them out of the territory of their country. In 1945, our army triumphantly entered Berlin, ridding the whole world of the fascist threat.

The uniform of the soldiers changes, but the heroism remains

Moreover, both Russian heroes and modern soldiers never attacked first or tried to conquer other people's territories. But if Russia was in danger, then the whole country rose to its defense, from teenagers to old people who did not spare their lives in the name of the Motherland. This was the case in the seventeenth century, when the people’s militia, assembled by Minin and Pozharsky, drove the Polish invaders out of Moscow. This was the case in the twentieth century, when everyone who could hold a weapon in their hands went to the front to fight the Nazis. The era, arsenal and uniform of Russian soldiers do not matter, what is important is their constant fighting spirit. We can only guess what it would look like Russian soldier in the photo, if the appropriate equipment had existed in those ancient times, but we are sure that the same thirst for victory that the modern Russian soldier is famous for would have shone in his eyes.

Russian army soldier not only strong and brave, he is also kind. At all times, our warriors were famous for the fact that they never abandoned their comrades in trouble, always helped the weak and offended and fought for justice. It is not for nothing that epics were written about the heroes of antiquity, and many books have been written and many films have been made about the exploits of soldiers during the Great Patriotic War. Russian soldiers on video and in fiction they always appear as noble defenders of the humiliated and insulted.

And today, every self-respecting young man should go to serve in the army for one year and become a real Russian hero who will never offend his Motherland. Fortunately, the equipment of a modern soldier, training and combat weapons, as well as the training system - everything is designed specifically for this.

War is the worst thing that can happen in the world

War is the worst thing that can happen in the world. And the more powerful the weapon, the more terrible the war. Tens of millions of people died during the Second World War. And now several countries have nuclear weapons. One single modern bomb is enough to destroy an entire city and all its inhabitants. Therefore, if a new world war breaks out, then most likely all the people on earth will die.

The President of Russia and other leaders are constantly trying to ensure that war never happens again. Any problem can be resolved peacefully. For this purpose, there are diplomats who negotiate with representatives of other countries. But we must remember that no diplomats will help if Russia becomes a weak country. Then sooner or later someone will certainly decide to conquer her. After all, our country is very rich. In Russia you can extract gas, oil, coal, gold, and even diamonds in Yakutia. Therefore, the country needs a strong army that can repel any, even the most sudden, attack.

The President of Russia, who is also the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, talks a lot about this. Recently, he ordered to strengthen the army and ensure that all troops are always in a state of combat readiness. This does not mean at all that our country is preparing for war. It’s just that if the whole world knows that it is impossible to defeat the Russian army, then no one will dare to attack us.

Russia's defense capability is constantly increasing. Designers create new planes, tanks, ships and missiles. Even space satellites are involved in protecting the country, which, if someone attacks Russia, will immediately detect it and warn the country’s leadership of the danger. The government spends a lot of money to ensure that the army has everything new, modern and reliable.

But no weapon can fight on its own, without the participation of soldiers. The main defenders of the country are its inhabitants. And if war, God forbid, of course, does start, then every Russian must be ready to fight for his country and protect his family.

Many modern young people, unfortunately, do not always consider it their duty to learn to defend their country. They think that the army will manage without them, and anyone should serve, but not them. Such people do not understand that only in the army does a young man become a real man who can stand up for himself, for his loved ones and for his Motherland. Moreover, now you need to serve not two years, as before, but only one. Moreover, they try not to send soldiers too far from home so that they can communicate with relatives. Well, those who did not serve in the army will not be able to help Russia in any way in the event of an attack.

And an attack could happen if everyone starts avoiding service and the army weakens. Moreover, without an army it is impossible to fight terrorists who blow up the houses of civilians, hijack planes and take hostages. The rulers of ancient Rome knew that any state needs strong warriors. They tried to follow the simple rule “if you want peace, prepare for war.” This means that if a country has a strong army and its soldiers are ready to resist any enemy, then the sky above this country will always remain peaceful.

Information presented from the website “Everything about the Army for Children”

List of books about war for older preschoolers (5-7 years old)

- Alekseev S. Natasha. Three friends from Volkhonka. Gennady Stalingradovich. Seven sweats. Holiday dinner. Tanya Savicheva. Fur coat. "Danke schoen." "Mutti!" Bronze rose into the sky. Three machine guns.

- Ball G. Green cone.

- Baruzdin S. A soldier was walking down the street. ( small sketches about the history of the Soviet army)

- Bogdanov N. Ivan Tigers. Soldier's porridge (in the book "About the Brave and Skillful"). ( About the life and exploits of boys and girls who found themselves at the front and behind enemy lines)

- Georgievskaya S. Galina's mother. ( A short story for kids tells about military valor)

- German Yu. That's how it was. (The story is written on behalf of the little hero Mishka, who describes the war and the blockade.)

- Dragunsky V. Watermelon Lane. ( Father tells Deniska about his hungry wartime childhood.)

- Zharikov A. Brave guys. Maxim is in the squad. Yunbat Ivanov.

- Ivanov A. How Andreika ran to the front.

-Kassil L. A story about the absent. At the chalkboard. Ordinary guys. Your protectors.

- Lavrenev B. Scout Vikhrov.

- Lobodin M. A piece of blockade bread.

- Minchkovsky A. Guard Ion. (in the book “About Others and About Oneself.”)

- Mityaev A. Nosov and Naze. (in the book “Letter from the Front.”)

- Nizhny L. Skillful fingers. ( About the guys who stood at the machines during the difficult years of the war)

- Orlov O. Young Lyalin. (in the book "Admiral's Globe".)

- Oseeva V. Andreyka. ( About seven-year-old Andreyka, helping his mother during the difficult war years)

- Panova V. Sergei Ivanovich and Tanya.

- Panteleev A. Chief Engineer.

- Paustovsky K. Steel ring. (A tale about a girl and a magic ring that a fighter gave her.)

- Platonov A. Nikita. (About how the father of five-year-old Nikita finally returned home from the war.)

- Turichin I. The heart of a soldier. Defenders. Strawberries. Boots. Marishka's gun.

- Fedorenko P. Compass by Pavlik Rybakov.

- Khoza N. We must save the children! The children are taken to the rear. (in the book "The Road of Life".)

- Shishov A. Forest girl. (About the fate of the little girl Tanya, the granddaughter of an old partisan, during the war.)

Educator. What is necessary for people to live and work peacefully, so that children can safely go to kindergarten and school? (Children's answers.) Of course there must be peace. Our peace and quiet is protected by the army. Listen to what L. Kassil writes in the story “Your Defenders”:

“...You slept well at night, and the border guards stood guard all night so that no one would sneak onto our land or get to us with evil intent. And those who guard our sky were on duty all night at their posts. And in the morning, when the birds were still sleeping, planes rose high into the sky. Experienced commanders began to teach young pilots how to fly. Our ships raised their flags at dawn and sailed across the seas and waves. Old captains began to teach young sailors about naval service. You are still sleeping in the morning, and the tankers are already starting the engines of their combat vehicles. And the infantry soldiers have already gone out into the field for training with a marching song...”

Our country Russia occupies a very large territory, having land, air and sea borders. Therefore, our army has different types of troops that guard these borders. Border guards, tank crews, missilemen, and infantrymen guard the land borders. Border guards walk around the territory entrusted to them several times a day and, if necessary, engage in battle with border violators. Tankers serve in tanks that can overcome small rivers and steep climbs. There are many different missiles in the service of our army. But the most formidable are those hidden on land, deep underground, in concrete mines. Rocket soldiers are on combat watch near them. Rockets are launched from the ground and can fly a thousand kilometers in a matter of minutes to hit the target. There are also vehicles with rocket launchers, they are also called anti-aircraft guns. Such vehicles can independently move to the desired location and from there launch missiles at air and ground targets. Infantry soldiers do physical training and exercise every day. To be always ready to repel the enemy, every soldier needs to become strong, courageous, and resilient. The ground forces include signalmen and sappers. Sappers can clear minefields, bridges, and roads.

Airborne troops are assigned to a special group. They are called Airborne Forces for short. Those who serve in these troops are physically strong and athletic; they undergo special training, master the rules of close combat, know fighting techniques, and study different types of fighting. Paratroopers must be resilient, dexterous, and strong.

Who guards our air borders? (Children answer.) Of course, pilots on military planes and helicopters. Military aircraft are small aircraft that are flown by one or two pilots. Such machines are called fighters, reconnaissance aircraft, bombers. Airplanes conduct reconnaissance over enemy territory, attack an aircraft that has violated state borders, or destroy enemy ground and sea forces from the air. Those who serve in the air force must have excellent health, courage, determination, and the ability to instantly assess the situation and make decisions.

Who protects our maritime borders? (Children's answers.) That's right, ships and submarines. Together they make up the navy. Military personnel who serve in the navy are called sailors. Patrol ships ensure that ships of foreign countries do not cross the maritime borders of our state. Military vessels include an aircraft carrier, which has a very wide deck. On the deck there are military helicopters and airplanes awaiting the order to take off.

Russia also has a submarine fleet - nuclear submarines. They hit enemy ships with special large projectiles - torpedoes. Most of the time the submarine is underwater. The submarine's task is to quietly approach an enemy warship and destroy it.

Military service is both dangerous and difficult. Military personnel often risk life and limb to protect peace and tranquility on Earth. They love their Motherland, their people, have great knowledge, health, strength, and readiness to carry out any order.

When you are attacked, defend yourself, and if the enemy attacked our country, then all of Russia, every man must take up arms and stand up for the defense of the Motherland, their children, wives and mothers. Our army exists in order to repel enemies at any time and win in the name of freedom and independence of our country.

Russia is a peaceful state, we do not want war and are not going to attack anyone. But let’s not let ourselves be offended; that’s what our Armed Forces are for. During war, all military personnel take part in hostilities, and in peacetime they learn martial arts, weapons and new military equipment.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces is our President.

Our army consists of several branches of the military. The ground forces are the largest branch of the military, which includes infantry and artillery, tanks and other more complex military equipment. Infantry conducts combat operations on land, moving on foot. Tankers operate complex My Motherland - Russia armored vehicles, supporting the infantry. Air defense troops, using special highly sensitive instruments, ensure that not a single enemy aircraft invades our airspace. And border guards guard the Russian State Border, and if enemy troops violate it, they immediately enter into battle and take the first blow, not allowing the enemy to go deeper into the country.

The air force is designed to repel enemy attacks from the air. Russian pilots fly modern aircraft, and strategic bombers patrol Russia's borders and attack enemy territory at any time if attacked.

Our Navy is ready to defend itself from the sea. Warships and submarines, marines and sailors are on combat watch to protect the maritime borders of the Motherland. At all times, Russia has been and is proud of its heroic sailors. Our army has special airborne troops. Paratroopers know how to jump with a parachute and perform combat missions anywhere in the world.

The strategic missile forces are armed with ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. They must ensure the nuclear defense of our state and, in the event of a nuclear missile attack, attack enemy territory.

Separate types of troops are commanded by marshals and generals.

All the healthy young men of the country who are over 18 years old must serve in the Russian army. They take an oath of allegiance to the Motherland, swear to defend it from the enemy, to honestly carry out their duty and the orders of their commanders. Protecting our Motherland is a great honor for every man in our country. And in order to get into the branch of the military that you like best, you need to do well in school, because every year military equipment and small arms become more and more complex, and a poorly educated person cannot understand it.

Integrated educational activities in the preparatory group "Our Army is strong (military equipment)"

Sotnikova Svetlana Anatolevna,


MADOU d/s No. 158 of the city of Tyumen

Software tasks:

"Social and personal development"

Deepen children's knowledge about the Russian army.

Form an idea of ​​the types of troops.

Foster respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

"Communicative Development"

To teach children to draw their own conclusions and form judgments .

Activate children's vocabulary with new words: airborne troops, artillerymen, navy, air force.

"Cognitive Development"

Improve quantitative and ordinal counting skills within 10.

Continue to develop the ability to plan the construction process. Construct a structure in accordance with its purpose.

Strengthen the ability to construct a boat out of paper by bending a sheet of paper in half, aligning the sides and corners.

"Physical development"

Strengthen the ability to participate in various outdoor games.

Develop coordination of movements, ability to navigate in space.

Equipment: soft modules; illustrations of military equipment for “exhibition” and games; presentation; signs "clouds", "earth", "water"; 2 swimming pools with water; for experience package and iron objects; sheets of paper for each child; colour pencils; musical accompaniment; sound of the sea.

Movement coordination game “Soldier”.

Stand on one leg

If you are a persistent soldier.

And then stand on the right,

If you are a good soldier.

And then stand on the left,

If you are a brave soldier.

Educator: Our land feeds us with delicious bread, gives us spring water, delights our eyes with wondrous open spaces, forests and fields. So that all people can live happily, they must defend their land, their homeland.

Educator: Guys, Sasha has prepared a poem for you, let’s listen.

The golden sun is shining over the country

This is the Russian region, this is the native land.

It’s good for the guys to live in their native land,

We love our Motherland with all our hearts.

Educator: Guys, how do you understand the word Motherland?

Children's answers.

Educator: Yes, the Motherland is our home, kindergarten, city, our forests, fields and lakes, happy childhood and peaceful sky.

Who do you think is protecting our Motherland?

Children's answers: soldiers, military.

Educator: The soldiers defended our Motherland during the war, but now there is no war, what are the soldiers doing now?

Children's answers: they serve in the army, study, train, study technology in order to be ready at any moment to defend the Motherland.

Educator: Guys, what country do we live in?

Children's answers: we live in Russia.

There are many other countries around Russia, but what separates our country from other countries?

Children's answers: the border separates.

Educator: We have already talked about how and where the boundaries are. So where do they go?

Children's answers: by land, water and air.

Educator: Do you want to know what military equipment soldiers use to protect borders?

Children's answers:

Educator: Where can we see military equipment?

Children's answers: In pictures, in books, in museums, at an exhibition.

Educator: I suggest you go to an exhibition of military equipment, but what will we go there with?

Children's answers: On a ship, by car, etc.

Educator: Raise your hands who will go by car, and Sasha will count the number of children. Raise your hands who wants to go on the ship - Masha will count the number of people.

Educator: Ira, which number is greater than 8 or 7?

Children's answers: Greater than the number 8.

Educator: So what will we go on?

Educator: Guys, what are we going to build a car from?

Children's answers: from the constructor, from modules.

Educator: Great! We will build a car from modules.

Children build a car and get into it.

During the “trip” with the children we repeat proverbs about the army.

The Russian army is not alone - the whole country is with it.

Study and work lead a soldier to glory.

There is no defense - the crows will peck.

I took the oath - I won’t step away from it.

Discipline is the soul of the army.

Take care of your native land like your beloved mother.

Finger gymnastics “Fighters are great” (choose a leader).

These fingers are all fighters,

Children show palms with straightened fingers.

Well done guys.

They clench and unclench their fingers.

Two - large and strong small ones.

And a soldier experienced in battles.

The fingers are clenched into a fist, only the thumbs are raised.

Two brave guardsmen,

Show index fingers.

Two smart young men.

Showing middle fingers.

Two nameless heroes

But they are very zealous at work.

Show ring fingers.

Two little fingers - short ones - Very nice boys!

Showing little fingers.

One two three four five -

The fingers on the right and left hands are bent alternately.

They clench and unclench their fingers.

The fingers stood together in a row.

Show your palms, spread your fingers to the sides and bring them together.

Ten strong soldiers.

They clap their hands.

Exhibition of military equipment (examination of illustrations).

Educator: So we have arrived at the exhibition of military equipment, look around, what do you see?

Children's answers: I see a tank, a submarine.

Educator: Why was it called underwater?

What's to the right of the submarine?

What is located to the left of the tank?

What is between the tank and the gun?

What's next to the gun?

What is located near the ship?

Which plane is it?

Where is the submarine located?

Look guys, all the equipment here is mixed up - air, water and ground. I have exactly these pictures on cards. Please help me sort them out. And signs will help us with this.

I show the signs “cloud”, “earth”, “water”.

Educator: What types of technology do you think belong to these signs?

Children's answers: The "cloud" sign refers to aerial technology.

Educator: Why is military equipment called airborne? ground? one?

Children's answers.

Educator: Independently select and arrange the types of military equipment on the carpet so that they correspond to the signs.

Educator: Start completing the task.

Educator: Name the military air equipment? Name the waterborne military equipment? Name ground military equipment?

Do you think you completed this task? Amazing! I agree with you.

Educator: Seryozha, Dima, please help me collect the pictures.

Guys, I suggest you play the game “Depict military equipment.” To the music of the march, you walk in all directions, and when the music ends, you depict the equipment shown in the picture.

Game "Depict military equipment."

Educator: Great! Everyone tried.

Masha’s grandfather is a military man, she has prepared a presentation for you. We invite you to take a look.

View the presentation.

Educator: What did you watch the presentation about? What military equipment did you like and why?

Expected responses from children.

Educator: You all saw the ship, tell me, what material is it made of?

Children's answers: The ship is made of iron.

Educator: Is the iron light or heavy?

Children's answers: iron is heavy.

Educator: If the ship is made of iron, then it is also heavy, and why doesn’t it sink?

Expected responses from children.

Educator: Remember the experiment with a balloon and water and air. Why didn't the ball sink?

Children's answers: Because there was air in the balloon.

Educator: So what if the ball is filled with air, but why didn’t it drown?

Children's answers: Because the air is light and the ball is also light, that's why it didn't drown.

Educator: To find out why the ship does not sink, we will conduct an experiment with iron, air and water. Let's go to the pool.

Research activity (children approach the pool of water).

Educator: Take iron objects and lower them into the water. What happened to them?

Children: iron objects sank.

Educator: So what are objects made of iron?

Children: iron objects are heavy.

Educator: Katya, take a small plastic bag filled with air and put it in water, what happened to it?

Children's answers: The bag floated.

Educator: Sveta, carefully place the iron plate on the bag. What happened to the iron?

Children: Iron floats on a bag.

Educator: Why does it float?

Children: Air prevents iron from sinking, because air is light.

Educator: So the ship has many empty rooms filled with air, so it does not sink.

Educator: Tell me, what holiday is approaching us?

Educator: How can you say it differently?

Children: Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Educator: On this day, military parades are held in many cities of our country, and in the evening fireworks sparkle in honor of the defenders of our country - the soldiers.

Educator: I suggest you organize a military parade of ships. To do this you need to make ships out of paper.

Explanation of the sequence of making a ship (boat) from paper .

The guys who made the ship, you can launch it into the water for the parade.

Playing in the water with boats. Musical accompaniment sounds in the background.

Resources used

Irina Sedykh "Song about the Motherland".

Kovalko V.I. The ABC of physical education for preschoolers: middle, high, preparatory groups. - M.: VAKO, 2011. - 176 p. - (Preschoolers: we teach, develop, educate).

http://speech therapist-class.rf/index.php/razvitie-obshey-motoriki.html Karelskaya E.G. "Development of fine motor skills of the hands" (finger games). Proverbs and sayings about a soldier

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

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