Project activities in speech therapy work with preschoolers. Project activity in the correctional work of a speech therapist teacher. Speech therapy session in the presence of parents

Section I: Information part of the project

Section II: Content of the project

1. Project summary

2. The relevance of the topic and the problem that the project is aimed at solving

3. Project goals and objectives

4. Possible risks and ways to overcome them

5. Planning work to implement the project

6. Image of the final result, criteria for its evaluation

7. Project resource support

8. Project development prospects

Section III: Project Budget



Section I: Information part

Project passport

Project name:

"We speak beautifully"

Project type:

Long-term, practice-oriented

Name of institution

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 317", Perm

Institution address

Institution telephone, fax

OU email address

Full name of the head of the educational institution

Project Manager

Project duration

August 2012 – May 3013 (interim)

Section II: Content of the project

1. Project summary

A modern preschool educational institution is a kindergarten that has the opportunity to develop sustainably and draw up a program of correctional and developmental work in accordance with the needs of preschoolers and the requests of parents.

This project is aimed at providing correctional and developmental speech therapy assistance to children and their parents (legal representatives) interested in the development of the child. The project is designed for children from 3 to 5 years old attending preschool. It allows you to relieve tension and ensure the availability of speech therapy assistance during the sensitive period of development and speech formation of preschool children in the conditions of a speech therapy center at a preschool educational institution.

Project "We speak beautifully" is open in nature: having studied the requests of parents of children attending primary and secondary groups of kindergarten based on the results of a survey, it was decided to introduce and invite interested parents to attend speech therapy classes with their children, which will provide pedagogical assistance and increase the competence of parents. Thus, individualization of the speech therapy assistance provided is achieved at the specific request of parents and a specific child with speech underdevelopment, and an individual route is developed aimed at correcting speech pathology.

The project will be implemented through various forms of organizing the provision of services:

1. Collective based at the preschool educational institution (parent meetings, club)

2. Individual on the basis of a preschool educational institution in the correction room, by appointment).

This project is expected to be implemented in four stages:

Stage III – practical: 02/11/2013 – 05/30/2013

2. The relevance of the topic and the problem that the project is aimed at solving.

“The strategic goal of state policy in the field of education is to increase the availability of quality education that meets the modern needs of society and every citizen (Concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011-2015, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 7, 2011 N 163-r) . All this implies comprehensive satisfaction of the population’s needs for educational services, improving the quality of preschool education, and searching for effective forms of organizing the activities of preschool institutions.

The regulatory framework and regulations on the speech therapy center of a preschool educational institution make it possible to reconsider the priorities of providing speech therapy assistance and involving parents, which will contribute to more effective and high-quality work of a speech therapist with children under 5 years old in the conditions of a speech therapy center of a preschool educational institution.

To assess the capabilities of this work, MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 317” in Perm, various studies were carried out, summarizing the results of which the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Parents of younger preschoolers are interested in improving the quality of their children’s speech.

2. The preschool educational institution has sufficient resources in the form of human resources (teacher-speech therapist (1.5 rates)).

3. On average, more than 50% of families with children of primary and secondary preschool age need this assistance.

In this connection, there was a need for a conceptually new organization of the work of the speech therapy center of a preschool educational institution, which would be aimed at providing speech therapy correctional and developmental assistance to younger preschoolers and their parents.

This leads to the following contradictions.

1. In preschool educational institutions with general developmental groups, the task of correctional and developmental activities during the implementation of the program is additional. In the ECD schedule there is no time specifically allocated for the correctional and developmental activities of a speech therapist, so you have to very carefully draw up a schedule and work with children in such a way as not to interfere with the assimilation of the educational program and not to violate SanPin.

2. Children of senior preschool age are enrolled in the speech therapy center, although statistical data show the need to provide correctional assistance at an earlier period, when deficiencies have not become established in the child’s active speech.

3. There is an increasing need to provide early qualified assistance to an ever-increasing number of children in accordance with the social order of parents.

4. There is insufficient moral, psychological and professional preparedness of educators in providing correctional assistance to children with disabilities.

5. The main forms of organizing work with children with disabilities in speech development are individual and subgroup directly organized activities. GCD is short-term (15-20 minutes), short-term (1-2 times a week) and is designed for a 6 or 12 month period of study, if necessary, accompanying some children for 2-3 years.

6. The speech therapist teacher is forced to intervene in the learning process on the day the child attends his classes. The children themselves receive correctional assistance in portions, and not daily.

7. Parents’ demand for early childhood development services, and the lack of alternative models.

8. The family’s desire to receive guaranteed and qualified psychological and pedagogical support in the preschool educational institution that the child attends.

Resolution of identified contradictions We see the implementation of a new model for the provision of speech therapy KNOD in the presence of parents for children from 2.5 to 5 years old (with the ability to provide the consumer with a choice of time of service) on the basis of the speech therapy center of the preschool educational institution.

Analysis of the situation prompted us to develop this project.

The novelty of the project is the development of a new system of interaction with families whose children attend primary and secondary groups of preschool educational institutions, the use of new forms of cooperation with the family, and the implementation of a special approach to the correction and development of the child’s speech.

3. Goals and objectives of the project.

Targetproject- creation and organization of correctional directly organized activities (hereinafter referred to as KNOD) on the basis of the speech therapy center of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 317", providing an individual approach to a child with speech pathology and subsequent equal starting opportunities when entering school and maximally satisfying the needs of parents.

Project objectives:

1. Develop an organizational basis for the creation and functioning of the KNOD of the MBDOU logo center, test the organizational, content and methodological conditions of individual KNOD in the presence of parents.

2. To study consumer demand for KNOD among families with children of preschool age 3-4 years old attending preschool educational institutions.

3. Design a model of a preschool educational institution’s logistics center, directions and types of activities, forms of service provision.

4. Ensure the functioning of innovative models of operation of the MBDOU logistics center (in the first and second half of the day).

5. Create software and methodological support for the services provided by the log center.

6. Assess the capabilities of the spatial environment of the logo center and the material and technical equipment of the correctional and developmental process and create conditions for organizing correctional directly organized activities with children 3-5 years old attending preschool educational institutions, and providing assistance in preparing for learning to read and write and entering school.

7. Improve the material and technical base of the MBDOU logistics center.

Project value:

  • Creation of conditions for the provision of timely correctional and developmental speech therapy assistance in the conditions of the speech therapy center of the MBDOU and changes in the material, technical and didactic equipment of the correctional and educational process of the MBDOU.
  • Providing assistance to parents of children with disabilities in a preschool speech therapy center.
  • The implementation of innovative activities under the project will allow us to summarize the many years of teaching experience of a speech therapist teacher, which in turn will contribute to changing the social and pedagogical image of the MBDOU in the region.

Preparatory (research) part of the project.

The success of building a mechanism for project implementation based on the formulated relevance requires defining the object and subject of the work.

Object of the project is a speech therapy center of a municipal budgetary preschool educational institution in conditions of improving the quality and development of additional forms of preschool education.

Subject of the project- a set of organizational and developmental activities aimed at increasing the speech capabilities of preschool children.

Research methods– analysis of the environmental space, questioning, monitoring the needs and capabilities of society, studying the conceptual approaches of the policy of the Department of Education of Perm in the field of preschool education.

A survey of parents of junior and middle groups showed that 100% of parents consider the problem of developing the child’s speech functions to be important. Of these they noted that:

  • speech disorders make it difficult to communicate with peers in kindergartens - 21%;
  • will cause future problems when studying at school - 35% of families;
  • will prevent full communication with people in the future - 44% of respondents.

To overcome difficulties: 72% - consider it advisable to consult and study with a specialist for physical education; 47% - see problems in the development of their child; at the same time, 40% do not attach importance to speech development deficiencies at this age.

4. Possible risks and ways to overcome them.

During our research, we calculated possible risks and provided ways to overcome them.

Factors representing opportunities (favorable factors) of the external environment:

  • Families and children will receive timely assistance from a specialist speech therapist teacher.
  • There is a potential opportunity (if necessary) for early intervention, counseling the child with specialized specialists (neurologist, psychiatrist, ENT specialist, etc.)
  • Internet resources make it possible to select methodological support for educational services.
  • Opportunities to study the experience of innovative activities of other preschool educational institutions of the city (district);
  • Project competitions held in the field of education by various foundations and organizations can provide financial and organizational support in the implementation of educational plans

Factors posing threats to the OS:

  • Low competence of parents in matters of development and upbringing of a child of early and preschool age leads to a shift in priorities in raising a child towards early learning rather than child development.
  • Unsatisfactory material and technical condition
  • The small area of ​​the speech therapy room does not allow for subgroup classes with children

Strengths OU:

  • The speech therapist teacher has extensive experience working with children of early preschool age
  • The kindergarten's operating hours allow you to organize the provision of services in the morning and evening.
  • The potential of the teaching staff is quite high, i.e. teachers working with children are capable of introducing innovations and working in project activities.
  • The incentive system for employees of preschool educational institutions makes it possible to pay remuneration for innovative activities, the development and implementation of speech therapy programs and the replenishment of the material base and development environment.
  • In the practice of preschool educational institutions, partial programs are used, and there are also various programs, which facilitates the development of speech therapy programs and their individualization for a particular child.
  • The website of the preschool educational institution is functioning, there is an e-mail, which will ensure the openness of the institution’s activities in providing speech therapy assistance to children 3-5 years old .
  • There is a psychological service at the garden

Weak sides OU:

  • Insufficient level of qualifications of some educators to perform certain types of work and introduce innovations.
  • High degree of workload of teachers and kindergarten administration with current work

Determining a possible project implementation strategy:

Leveraging Strengths to Take Advantage of New Opportunities:

  • Organize and conduct a parent meeting with the provision of data from an examination of children’s speech, identify problems and priority areas for overcoming them.
  • Introduce parents and teachers of the institution to the project and invite them to cooperate.
  • Conduct a survey of parents of junior and middle groups of MBDOU through a questionnaire in order to identify the demand for services within the project.

Compensating for weaknesses with good capabilities:

  • KNOD in the presence of parents is provided in the evening from 15.00 to 19.00, as well as during the summer recreation period.
  • Conduct consultations for teachers on the implementation of a speech therapy program in preschool educational institutions
  • Use the institution's library and the Internet in the development and selection of methodological support for KNOD in the presence of parents.

Using Strengths to Mitigate Threats:

  • Study the experience of this work in the city of Perm and the region.
  • Organize a consultation center for parents on the basis of the institution for the purpose of their pedagogical education

Stage I – preparatory: September - October 2012.

Stage II – organizational and design: November 2012 – February 2013.

Stage III – practical: 02/11/2013 – 08/30/2013

Stage IV – analytical: September 2013.

5. Planning work to implement the project.

Step-by-step plan - project implementation schedule

The project is expected to be implemented in four stages:

Stage I – preparatory: October 2012

Stage II – organizational and design: November 2012 – February 2013

(Stages I and II are carried out in an accelerated mode due to the prepared methodological and practical base for 2007-2012).

Stage III – practical: 02/11/2013 – 08/30/2013

Stage IV – analytical: September 2012.

Project duration- 7 months.


Actions to implement tasks

Expected results

Implementation participants

Ipreparatory stage: September - October 2011

Study of the regulatory framework at the regional and federal levels

Ranking of the legislative framework for the implementation of activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Design of the folder “Regulatory and legal support for preschool children 3-5 years old with speech pathology in the speech center of a preschool educational institution”

Teacher speech therapist

Conducting marketing research on consumer demand for educational services

Get statistics on families

Information bank for children in need of speech therapy support

IIstage – organizational – design: November 2011

Regulatory support for the creation

  • Development of changes for the implementation of the project, Regulations on the preschool educational institution’s logo center;
  • Long-term plans.
  • Package “Regulatory and legal documents regulating the activities of the preschool educational institution’s logistics center”

Teacher speech therapist,

educational psychologist and teachers working with children 3-5 years old

Designing a model of a preschool educational institution's logo center

  • determination of directions, forms of activity of the preschool educational institution’s logo center

Logopunkt model of preschool educational institution

Software and methodological support

  • selection of methodological literature
  • coordination and approval of work plans

Package of documents for each direction:

Individual plans

Long-term plans

Methodological support

Diagnostic materials

Creating comfortable conditions for the provision of services

  • Equipment of material and technical base; purchase of materials and equipment in accordance with SanPiN requirements

Comfortable subject-development environment in all areas (readiness of the correction room to carry out activities)

IIIstage – practical: 02/22/2012 – 08/31/2012

Organization of an information campaign

  • Organizing a parent meeting
  • Organizing individual meetings with parents to familiarize themselves with additional services and formulate their order
  • Formation of a bank of customers for additional services
  • Individual order of the parent, access to the child’s individual route

Teacher speech therapist,

educational psychologist and teachers

Conducting speech therapy CNOD in the presence of parents

  • KNOD is carried out by prior registration in a special notebook;
  • Formation of a bank of teaching materials
  • Organization of “feedback” with parents through the questionnaire system and the preschool educational institution website
  • Quarterly meetings of project participants to analyze the quality of service provision and make adjustments
  • Approved lists of groups;
  • Approval of service schedule
  • Determining the quality of the educational service provided
  • Summing up intermediate results

IVstage – analytical: September 2012

Intermediate monitoring of the activities of the speech therapy community center in the presence of parents

  • Analysis of project results:
  • Questionnaire;
  • Survey on satisfaction with the quality of services provided;
  • Analysis of the sustainability of the contingent receiving services;
  • Studying the demand for services;
  • Analysis of demand for declared services
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of speech therapy KNOD in the presence of parents

Teacher speech therapist

6. Image of the final result, criteria for its evaluation.

Project result– a model for organizing correctional and developmental work with children 3-5 years old in the conditions of a speech therapy center at a preschool educational institution, through the successful functioning of a speech therapy clinic in the presence of parents.

Model of activities of the speech therapy center of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 317”


Variability of stay

Speech therapy KNOD in the presence of parents

(during the academic year)

Summer health period

Duration of work

February – May 2013

June – August 2013

Daily regime

1st half of the day / 2nd half of the day

20 minute individual

20 minute individual

Weekly cycle

1-2 times a week

1-2 times a week

Special offers

consultations with a teacher-psychologist

Expected results of the project:


  • Reducing the number of children in need of speech therapy support by the senior preschool age (evaluation mechanism - quantitative analysis);
  • Availability of a proven model of a speech therapy center (evaluation criterion – availability of the package “Regulatory and legal documents regulating the activities of the preschool educational institution’s speech center for the provision of speech therapy in the presence of parents”)
  • Creation of a bank of teaching materials .
  • Enriched spatial and subject-developmental environment of the correction room and groups of preschool educational institutions.
  • Availability of a speech therapy program for psychological and pedagogical support for families of pupils (evaluation criterion is the presence of a description of the experience of the teaching team).
  • Satisfaction of parents and teachers with the quality of services provided (evaluation criterion – results of consumer surveys).
  • Expanding the information field about the activities of the preschool educational institution's logo center.
  • Planning the work of a consultation center for parents (trainings, seminars, consultations).


  • Implementation of FGT to improve the quality of education and provide equal opportunities for children with disabilities when entering school.
  • Involving parents in the preschool education system as equal partners in carrying out correctional and developmental work with children aged 2.5 to 5 years (evaluation criterion - monitoring indicator for examining the speech of preschoolers).
  • Coverage of different categories of consumers of educational services (children and parents).
  • High and regular attendance of the child in the group, reduction in morbidity
  • At least 80 parents (legal representatives) were trained and consulted
  • Increasing the proportion of children with normal speech development by older preschool age.
  • Active participation of parents in the educational process

We will evaluate the effectiveness of the project

  • To increase the number of additional services requested and provided: demand for services: provision of services to children aged 3-5 years.
  • In terms of increasing demand for visiting speech therapy clinics in the presence of parents: quality of service; positive feedback from parents; by the stable attractiveness of the institution for the parent contingent of the city microdistrict
  • Out of interest in the experience of establishing the heads of other preschool educational institutions and the desire to test it in their kindergartens.

7. Project resource support:

Personnel: At the moment, junior and middle groups are staffed with teachers and assistant teachers, the preschool educational institution has 1 speech therapist teacher (1.5 rates), 1 teacher psychologist, 2 music directors, 1 physical education instructor.

Informational: The correction room is equipped with a large amount of modern methodological literature, a computer with Internet access, a printer, and a functioning preschool educational institution website.

Temporary: The project is designed for 7 months, we believe that this time is enough to implement it and obtain primary results.

Material and technical: in the preschool educational institution correction room: speech therapist and psychologist; Fine art studio, there are visual and didactic aids on various lines of children's development, computer and multimedia equipment.

Project Management Structure

Project Manager:

  • provides general management.
  • monitors the implementation of the project implementation plan.
  • is developing a regulatory framework for the provision of speech therapy KNOD in the presence of parents.
  • analyzes parents' satisfaction with the quality of the service provided.
  • analyzes the results of the project.
  • organizes the work of specialists and teachers
  • prepares legal and methodological material for the project,
  • creates conditions for the implementation of the educational process,
  • creates an individual order for the parent.
  • organizes activities for children.
  • forms a bank of teaching materials.
  • analyzes the diagnostic results of children.
  • coordinates the relationship between project participants.
  • develops and adjusts the work schedule of specialists (taking into account the requests of parents).

8. Project development prospects

If the project is successfully implemented, it can be used as one of the variable models for providing additional services to preschool families. Providing services within the framework of the idea of ​​​​this project (individual order of parents, individual routes for mastering the program) allows us to implement a modern approach to the level of preschool education.

The results of the project implementation will be used for long-term planning of work by the teaching staff (for the next 5 years). The experience of implementing the project can be used by other institutions, since during its implementation normative and substantive aspects of providing additional services to children will be developed.

Competency model

Parents' competence in children's speech development:

  • I KNOW about the child's problem
  • I CAN use knowledge
  • I WANT to have knowledge
  • I CAN help myself

Project result:

  • The level of parental competence in matters of speech development has increased, contact has been established with family members, and educational and corrective influences on the child have been agreed upon.
  • A system of methodological and practice-oriented activities for parents on the speech development of preschool children aged 3-5 years has been developed and tested through the organization and conduct of individual speech therapy CNOD in the presence of parents.
  • A collection of methodological, practical and electronic manuals and card files has been created.
  • Uniform requirements for parents and children in matters of approach to education have been developed and adopted.

Opportunities for further development of the project:

  • Based on the experience gained in implementing the project “We speak beautifully”: to conduct speech therapy CNOD in the presence of parents at the speech center of a preschool educational institution for children from 2.5 to 7 years old.
  • Publication of work experience, dissemination of it in the city and region.
  • Speeches at seminars, conferences at various levels (Presentation of experience at the GMO of speech therapists, at a regional seminar at PGGPU).

The purpose of creating a speech therapy KNOD in the presence of parents at the speech center of a preschool educational institution for children from 2.5 to 5 years old is to increase the competence of parents raising children with disabilities and their correctional and developmental potential, as well as to attract the attention of specialists and teachers to the value of the family as the most important institution of family education.


1. Law of the Russian Federation dated.

2. The concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011-2015, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 7, 2011 N 163-r

3. Model regulations on a preschool educational institution, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2008 No. 666.

Elena Tatarkina
The use of project activities in the work of a speech therapist in a preschool educational organization

Our modern children live in a world of computers and the Internet, cell phones. Children learn to acquire knowledge by isolating it from the information flow, and learn to communicate through trial and error. A child’s ability to maintain interest in learning about the world around him, the desire to learn and discover new things becomes the foundation in the development of the child’s personality and the key to successful learning at school.

Today is a special place in preschool education takes design. The essence design in education consists of such organization of the educational process, in which children acquire knowledge and skills, creative experience activities, emotional and value-based attitude to reality in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks.

I am to increase the effectiveness of speech therapy work in the educational process, along with speech correction, widely using research paper. Project activities is aimed at the formation and development of children's communication skills, preparation skills for school activities, proper time management, planning and self-control. Speech therapy training preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment is carried out through the interaction of an adult and a child. This cooperation helps children learn to independently search for ways and means of solving their own problems. A child with a speech disorder ceases to be an object of pedagogical influence and becomes an active participant in creative activities. activities, the purpose of which is to activate his own resources in the process of learning and development.

Specifics using the project method in preschool practice is what adults need "to direct" child, help detect a problem or even provoke its occurrence, arouse interest in it and "pull in" children in a joint project, but do not overdo it with care.

At the beginning of the school year, I plan what projects(short-term, medium-term, long-term) I will be able to realize what topics may interest children and what correctional tasks I can solve.

Considering age-related psychological characteristics preschoolers with speech underdevelopment, I unobtrusively guide, coordinate children's work:

I help choose the most relevant and feasible task for children for a certain period of time;

I suggest what materials you can use;

I plan training, games and other activities activities, which can be included in project;

I determine which adults (parents, teacher, music director, physical education instructor) can be involved in the implementation project;

I coordinate the entire creative process activities;

I help children find sources of information;

I support and encourage children to be active in working on the project.

Working in this direction, I, together with children with general speech underdevelopment, with the participation of parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions, created projects: “What is autumn?”, “Spring is red!”, “How our garden is growing!”, "We are writers".

Carrying out work on projects“What is autumn?”, “Spring is red!” children collected information about the time of year, supporting it with sketches and inscriptions, learned poems, selected certain signs, proverbs, and noted the behavior of animals, birds, and insects. The result work became the child’s album with his inscriptions, drawings, pictures and a performance in front of his peers. A story based on the pattern and order of storytelling modeled by the child becomes a communication experience. "for business" with other people, with the society surrounding the child. According to our observations, children’s self-modeled stories are very different, even if the children collected information about the same natural phenomenon.

The result project“How our garden is growing!” Self-grown onions, dill, tomato and cucumber seedlings became available. The children had a question “Where does greenery come from in the middle of winter?”. I sent the children to research work, and we decided to grow a vegetable garden on the windowsill in a group. Our parents helped us purchase everything we needed for a garden—soil, peat, drainage, and pots for seedlings. The children themselves laid out drainage, peat, planted seeds, watered and loosened the soil. The project helped children gain research skills activities, involved preschoolers in creative activities, and for me to realize many goals and objectives for work over the correct speech of children.

U preschoolers in the process of working on projects The vocabulary has expanded significantly, the grammatical structure of speech has been formed, and the level of coherent speech has increased. Preschoolers named words with diminutive suffixes, fixed the names of plants growing in the garden, expanded the vocabulary with verbs (pour, pour, water, top up, loosen, plant, etc., learned to plan their activity, solve problematic problems, draw conclusions. For example, where to put pots of soil, why, how often should they be watered, what materials should they use to make a model of a vegetable garden, etc. Children learned to defend their opinions, listen to peers, negotiate, address with questions of interest to adults.

The children defended their project at the regional Research Festival works of preschoolers"I recognize the world".

The result project"We are writers" became children's essays. Children were given the opportunity to realize their fantasies and combine them with their knowledge and skills acquired in the process of solving problem situations. On the anniversary of the founding of our city, the administration announced a children's essay competition "City of the future", in which our students took part. Two of them, Dasha and Veniamin, became winners and took third and second place, respectively.

Interaction with parents and teachers

Feature project activity in the preschool education system is that that baby (especially a child with general speech underdevelopment) still cannot independently find contradictions in the environment, formulate a problem, or determine a goal (plan). Therefore, in the correctional and developmental process of preschool education project activities is a collaboration in which children and teachers take part, as well as parents and other family members.

Parents serve as sources of information and provide real help and support to the child and teacher in the process. work on the project, become direct participants educational process, enrich their teaching experience, experience a sense of ownership and satisfaction from their successes and the successes of the child. When implementing projects“What is autumn?”, “Spring is red!” parents selected poems, riddles, pictures, together with their children they chose the material that they liked best, compiled a thematic album, and took notes from the child’s words. Were directly involved in the creation of the presentation for the defense project“How our garden is growing!”.

So way, it can be concluded upon implementation projects parents become not just real helpers, but full-fledged participants project activities.

Close cooperation with a teacher, music director, and fine art specialist helps to most rationally solve the assigned tasks during the implementation process. projects.

Project activities qualitatively influences the increase in professional and personal potential, level of qualifications and professionalism of pedagogical workers in preschool educational institutions, realization of individual capabilities, creative potential of all participants educational process.

I implemented a pedagogical project« Usage oral folk art in speech therapy working with preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech", in which she systematized work on speech development using folklore material. By introducing children to oral folk art, corrective speech therapy problems are solved, since folklore provides excellent speech samples, imitation of which allows the child to successfully master his native language.

Non-traditional forms work over a Russian folk tale makes learning the material exciting and unusual for a child. Children begin to become interested in strange words that they had not previously noticed. They guess what they mean, learn to reason, and have a conversation. Children who are more likely to remain silent, accept other people’s opinions, and are actively involved in activity. They take part in the dramatization of fairy tales, organized quizzes, inventing riddles.

The project helped me increase my personal potential, gave me the opportunity to participate in the regional Fair of Social and Pedagogical Innovations in 2010, 2014, the International Fair of Social and Pedagogical Innovations in 2009, in the All-Russian Scientific Conference “Problems and Development Strategies” preschool education"in 2013

So way, can be done conclusions:

project activities solves not only the problems of speech development, the formation of communicative competence, but teaches children plan their activity, independently find a way out of problematic situations;

In the process of implementation projects parents adopt a collaborative attitude and become active participants educational process.

Marina Morozova

presentation on the topic:

Teacher-speech therapist Morozova M. V. MBDOU d/s No. 16 Kropotkin

Our modern children live in a world of computers and the Internet, cell phones. Children learn to acquire knowledge by isolating it from the information flow, and learn to communicate through trial and error. A child’s ability to maintain interest in learning about the world around him, the desire to learn and discover new things becomes the foundation in the development of the child’s personality and the key to successful learning at school.

Today, a special place in preschool education occupies design. The essence design in education consists of such an organization of the educational process in which children acquire knowledge and skills, creative experience activities, emotional and value-based attitude to reality in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks.

I am to increase the effectiveness of speech therapy work in the educational process, along with speech correction, I widely use research work. Project activities is aimed at the formation and development of children's communication skills, preparation skills for school activities, proper time management, planning and self-control. Speech therapy training for preschool children with general speech underdevelopment is carried out through the interaction of an adult and a child. This cooperation helps children learn to independently search for ways and means of solving their own problems. A child with a speech disorder ceases to be an object of pedagogical influence and becomes an active participant in creative activities. activities, the purpose of which is to activate his own resources in the process of learning and development.

As practice shows, in recent years the number of children with speech difficulties has been growing steadily. Standardized correction methods working with children with speech disorders do not always give the expected result. In this regard, the search for effective forms and methods, the need to include search in the content of a preschooler’s education, becomes relevant. activities, requiring the use of knowledge and skills in a new situation for them, to solve new problems. Analyzing various forms of correctional work with children with speech impairments, we were looking for ones that would speed up the process of production, automation of impaired sounds, and, in general, the development of all components of speech, cognitive processes, communication skills, and came to the conclusion about modernizing joint children's projects for the practice of a speech therapist teacher.


Title page: at the top – the name of the institution; middle - name project in capital letters, Full name of the author; below – city, year.

2 page: Motto or aphorism project

3 page: - view project(by composition, by duration, by type); - participants;

4 page: structure project:

1. Problem (clear, concise sentence of what the problem is).

The problem statement is usually "flows out" out of relevance.

2. Relevance (If project for a period of more than 6 months)

3. Purpose: Formation….

4. Objectives (three : educational, developmental, educational)

From page 5:

Description of implementation stages project

1.) Preparatory (we are preparing something, collecting something)

Collecting information about, questioning, selecting audio or video materials, etc. 2.) Main (carrying itself) Educational areas (indicate which ones are involved, GCD (indicate what excursions, outdoor games, etc.) on implementation project). Working with parents: joint activity(for example, making creative works, joint trips, etc.).

3.) Final:

1-2 final events (holiday, matinee, entertainment, etc.);

Product project;

Expected results.

Diagnostic tests (at the beginning and at the end, if long-term project) .

Bibliography (If long-term project) .


Portfolio project: GCD notes, scripts, any material.

Photo apps: photos of materials project.

Target design method:

Creating conditions that reveal the creative and intellectual potential of preschool children, focused on dialogical interaction between children, parents and teachers.

Projects are classified:

1. By composition of participants

2. By target setting

3. By topic

4. According to the deadlines for implementation.

Types projects by target setting

Research - creative (children experiment, and then the results are presented in the form of newspapers, dramatization, children's design).

Role-playing games (with elements of creative games, when children take on the role of fairy tale characters and solve the problems in their own way).

Information-practice-oriented (children collect information and implement it, focusing on social interests - group design, stained glass, etc.)

Creative – (registration of results in the form of a children’s party, children’s design, For example: "Space Week").

Mixed types projects:

Interdisciplinary in subject-content area;

Creative mono-projects– are carried out within the framework of a narrow problem, one section of training.

By implementation time

Short term

(projects, lasting from 1 day to a week);

Medium term

(projects from 1 week to 1 month);


(projects, lasting from 1 month or more).

Publications on the topic:

Games in the work of a speech therapist teacher The FGS Standards talk about the educational process, which is based on games that are appropriate for the child’s age. The game is the leading activity.

Game techniques in the work of a speech therapist teacher Preschool children with speech impairments have a poor vocabulary, and in such children there is a discrepancy between the volume of active and passive.

ICT in the work of a speech therapist teacher Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution - kindergarten No. 11, Melenki Report on the topic: “ICT in the work of a teacher.

Consultation with a speech therapist for parents “Cooperation in working with children between a speech therapist and parents” The problem of relationships and cooperation between a speech therapist and parents is little covered in the literature. Only in some methodological developments.


primary goal designmethod- development of free creativethe child’s personality, which is determined by developmental goals and objectivesresearchchildren's activities.Methodprojects can be successfully applied and Vspeech therapy work.



In modern conditions, when the rate of information obsolescence is very high, the reorientation of the educational process from methods that facilitate the assimilation of a larger volume of information to methods aimed at developing the ability to think, analyze, independently find and generalize information, and draw conclusions is becoming increasingly important.

Today, design occupies a special place in preschool education.

Project method is a pedagogical technology, the core of which is the joint activity of children with adults, during which the child learns about the world around him and embodies new knowledge into real products.

Its most important advantage is the independent “acquisition” of knowledge by children.

“Everything I learn, I know why I need it, and how I can apply this knowledge” - this is the main thesis of the modern understanding of the project method. It is also one of the methods of developmental teaching.

Project classification(slide)

During project activitiesChildren's knowledge about the world around them expands.

In addition, children’s general abilities develop – cognitive, communicative and regulatory.

During project activities, students acquire the necessary social skills.

It is worth thinking about whether it is possible for a speech therapist teacher to use the project method in his work with children with special educational needs? Is it worth starting such complex work with those who have problems in speech development?

Children in our category, perhaps even more than others, need to use the project method, since it allows them to increase interest, motivation, and cognitive activity, which, as a rule, are reduced in children with speech disorders. Having understood the subject in detail, it is easier for such children to accept new information and master a new skill.

What is special about speech therapy projects?First of all, of course, the project should have a correctional focus, that is, by participating in it, children should exercise their speech abilities, train language skills and abilities. Also, the project should be aimed at the formation and development of children's communication skills and preparation skills for educational activities.

I present project “Speech therapy paths”. The project is aimed at creating conditions for the speech development of preschool children.

Speech therapy paths are various directions in correctional work with a child with speech disorders:

  • Formation of articulatory motor skills;
  • Development of general and fine motor skills;
  • Development of correct speech breathing;
  • Mastering correct sound pronunciation;
  • Development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech;
  • Development of coherent speech.
  • Etc.

As part of this project, it was organized and carried out

subproject “Obedient Breeze”


  • Formation in children of the concept of a healthy lifestyle and proper breathing; training in the technique of diaphragmatic relaxation breathing;
  • Acquisition by children of the skills of differentiating nasal and oral breathing; the effectiveness of using speech breathing;
  • Formation of strength, smoothness and direction of the exhaled air stream;
  • Attracting the attention of parents to joint work on the development of correct speech breathing in children.

Work with children.

The solution to these problems was carried out in various routine moments, during speech therapy classes.

Breathing exercises were included in physical education and recreational gymnastics; during classes, during physical education. It is better to conduct exercises in a playful way so that children perform them with interest and pleasure.

Speech breathing (diaphragmatic) is the basis of sounding speech, the source of the formation of sounds and voices.

When starting to develop speech breathing in a child, it is necessary first of all to form a strong, smooth oral exhalation. At the same time, it is necessary to teach the child to control the exhalation time and use air sparingly. Additionally, the child develops the ability to direct the air stream in the desired direction.

Children played games to develop physiological breathing:

"Flower shop"

(We are in a flower shop. The air is filled with different aromas. The smell of some flower predominates. Look for the smell, name this flower) Slowly, calmly, took a deep breath. How noiselessly the air flows in through the dilated nostrils! The chest is expanded (not raised). Shoulders “hang”. Inhale. Delay (we are looking, we found the smell). Exhalation.

"Skiers Competition"

Skier figures (cut out of thin cardboard) stand on the edge of the table. Children are called in pairs. Each child sits opposite the skier. The teacher warns that a skier can only be propelled with one exhalation; it is impossible to blow several times in a row. At the signal “Let’s go,” children blow on the figures. The rest of the children watch whose skier will go further (slide across the table).

“Whose ship is better? »

Each child is given a clean bottle. The teacher says: “Children, look how my bubble buzzes if I blow into it (beep). It sounded like a steamship. How will Misha's steamer hum? “The teacher calls all the children in turn, and then invites everyone to honk together. It should be remembered: for the bubble to buzz, the lower lip must lightly touch the edge of its neck. The air stream must be strong. Each child can only blow for a few seconds to avoid dizziness.

Games were played with children to develop speech breathing:


The children are standing. Feet are shoulder-width apart, arms are lowered and fingers are clasped together. Quickly raise your hands - inhale, lean forward, slowly lowering the “heavy ax”, say - wow! - on a long exhale.


Spring has come. But winter doesn't want to go away. She gets angry, sends blizzards and blizzards. The blizzard howls: ooh-ooh. The wind whistles: s-s-s-s. The wind bends the trees: sh-sh-sh-sh. But then the blizzard began to subside. (Repeat the same, only quieter). And she fell silent.


The teacher loudly pronounces the sound while exhaling: a-a-a-a. And the child quietly responds: a-a-a-a. You can play using vowel sounds, as well as combinations: ay, ua, io. etc. and individual words: “Ay, Olya! Hey Petya! "


Several children stand with their heads down, holding hands. Then, slowly raising their heads and hands, they say: “Inflate, bubble, swell big, stay like that, but don’t burst. "At the teacher's signal: "The bubble has burst! "Children slowly lower their heads and hands, pronouncing ssss for a long time. or shhhhh, imitating the air escaping. Make sure that when pronouncing a sound, children do not puff out their cheeks (the bubble releases air and does not inflate.).


The children are sitting. The arms are lowered along the body. Quickly raise your arms up through your sides - inhale, slowly lower your arms - exhale. Say “ka-a-ar!”


Buy large colorful candles and play with them. You light candles and ask the child to blow on a blue candle, then on a yellow one, etc. You need to blow slowly, the inhalation should not be noisy, and you cannot puff out your cheeks. First, you can bring the candle closer to the child, then gradually remove it.

Game exercises were also carried out to develop smooth oral exhalation using special aids.

We invented and produced manuals for breathing exercises.

Working with family

Consultations were held for parents, leaflets were prepared for parents, and they worked together with their children to invent and produce manuals.

Practical result of the project

  • Design of the exhibition “Obedient Breeze”
  • Practical application of project products.

Project activities in the work of a speech therapist teacher

In my work as a speech therapist, I actively use project activities to form lexical and grammatical means of language and develop coherent speech in children with special needs, since it is a relevant and unique means of ensuring cooperation, co-creation of children and teachers, a way of implementing a person-oriented approach to training and education of children with speech pathology.

I would like to introduce you to the project activities of a speech therapist teacher to familiarize children with OHP with the topic “Professions”.

The project “Different dads are important, different moms are needed” was carried out for 2 years, pupils of the MBDOU “Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 3” of group No. 9 at the age of 5-7 years participated in it.

Objective of the project:

To introduce children to the world of professions, taking into account their cognitive and speech development.

Project objectives:

§ To introduce children to the diverse world of professions and the social activities of each profession.

§ To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about the tools used by representatives of various professions and the actions performed with the help of these tools.

§ Develop understanding of speech and prepare for mastering dialogic and phrasal speech.

§ Teach the skills of composing simple and complex sentences, methods of word formation, inflection.

§ Teach children to compose stories based on pictures, series of pictures, stories, descriptions, retellings.

§ Develop logical thinking.

§ To develop in children respect for any profession.


§ Approbation of work forms for introducing children to professions at different stages of education and upbringing.

§ Analysis and systematization of work experience.

During our project, I introduced children to various professions depending on the period and objectives of training, selected lexical material, methodological techniques, types of work, and designed didactic games taking into account the age of the children and speech impairment. A special place in the project was given to individual work with children with complex speech defects.

During the project, children were given ideas about people's work, the results of work and its social significance were shown. Ideas about the work of workers in 48 professions expanded. Knowledge was given that a variety of equipment is used to make people’s work easier.

In the process of implementing the project, I used the following forms of working with children (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Forms of work

Children with speech underdevelopment are characterized by a lag in the formation of the motor sphere. This category of children shows insufficient development of fine motor skills of the fingers and general motor skills, so during the project I used finger games (“Housewife”, “Salad”, “Cook”, “Teapot”, “Postman”, “Toys”, etc.). d.); games for coordinating speech with movement (“Airplane”, “Motor Ship”, “Painters”, “Helpers”, etc.).

After the project, a pedagogical collection of finger games and games for coordinating speech with movement, poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings was compiled for the work of a speech therapist teacher to introduce children to the topic “Professions” (Fig. 2)." alt="Wave:" align="left" width="186" height="146">!}

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