Fitness training program for girls. Training program for girls and women in the gym: a set of exercises and a lesson plan. Proper nutrition during active training

Nowadays there are more and more representatives of the fair sex in the gym. Some people want to lose weight, others want to gain muscle mass. There are many exercises, but the effect can only be achieved if a training program for girls in the gym is clearly developed. Let's figure out what the basic training modules are and how to achieve results.

Squats with a barbell are one of the basic exercises for girls to strengthen not only their legs and buttocks, but also other muscle groups.

Why you should choose training for all muscle groups

Many trainers advise beginners to work out their muscles by following a split program. It consists of working exclusively one or two muscle groups. But, others dispute this technique, believing that it is intended for professionals. Explaining this by the fact that it is difficult for beginners to focus on any one muscle group. For women beginners, the best option would be training that will work all muscle groups in one session.

The video shows a training program for girls in the gym

For those girls who sometimes miss classes due to work, this option will also be much more convenient. This is due to the fact that by increasing the interval between work on one of the muscle groups, efficiency decreases. In addition, due to the characteristics of the body, girls do not have the opportunity to exercise at full capacity during the menstrual cycle. Accordingly, some muscle groups that will be trained during this period will be worked out poorly.

2. Lunges with dumbbells in hands

  • take dumbbells in your hands, straighten your back;
  • the position should be such that the thigh of the front leg forms a parallel to the floor, and the lower leg is perpendicular.

3. One-arm dumbbell row


  • kneel on the bench, the other leg remains on the floor;
  • Place your emphasis on the bench with one hand and take a dumbbell with the other;
  • straighten your back;
  • The dumbbell should be pulled to the chest and lowered down.

4. Pull-ups

You need to hang on the horizontal bar and try to reach the crossbar with your chin. To make pull-ups easier, there is a special simulator - a gravitron; it allows you to set a weight that will help pull your body up.

Important! The overhead pull-down is similar to this exercise. The effect and muscle development are the same.

5. Incline Bench Press

You need to sit comfortably on an inclined bench. Take the barbell in your hands. Raise and lower it at chest level.

6. Barbell row

Scheme of the exercise:

  • feet shoulder width apart;
  • the body is tilted forward;
  • back straight;
  • The barbell is held with both hands and pulled to the stomach, after which it is lowered down.

7. Close-grip chest row

On the simulator, you should grab the handle with a narrow grip. Your feet should be on the floor and your knees should rest on the bolsters. The back needs to be straightened. After taking the correct position, the handle must be pulled to the chest and the shoulder blades brought together.

8. Plie squats with dumbbells. Works the inner thigh muscles

  • your feet should be placed wider than your shoulders;
  • turn your socks 120 degrees;
  • the back should always remain straight;
  • you should take a dumbbell in your hands;
  • Hips lower to parallel with the floor.

9. Squats on one leg (scissors) with a barbell

  • put the bar on your shoulders, straighten your back;
  • lunge forward with one leg;
  • The back leg must be bent, but not touching the floor;
  • squat so that the thigh of the front leg is parallel to the floor and the shin is perpendicular.

Important! This exercise differs from lunges in that the feet remain in place until the required number of repetitions is completed.

10. Book on the press

You need to lie on your back and stretch your arms behind your head. At the same time, you should raise your arms and legs straight. You need to reach for your feet with your hands.

11. Deadlift

The correct exercise is the deadlift. Will help you achieve the desired result

  • take the barbell in your hands, place your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your back;
  • two techniques:
    • back parallel to the floor. The load in this position goes to the back muscles. First you need to bring your back to a vertical position and only then straighten your legs;
    • thighs parallel to the floor. The load goes on the muscles of the legs and buttocks. In this option, you should straighten your legs and only then move your body to a vertical position;
    • 0 0

      12. Squats with emphasis on the bench

      The technique is similar to “Single-leg scissor squats with a barbell” with the difference that the back leg is placed on a bench.

      13. Lower block row to the waist while sitting with a narrow grip

      Sit on a bench, rest your feet on the footrests, grab the handles with your hands, and straighten your back. Then you should pull the handles. Your arms should move parallel to the bench. In this case, the shoulder blades need to be brought together.

      14. Dumbbell Bench Press

      Performed similarly to the incline bench press. This time, only the bench should be straight and, accordingly, dumbbells in your hands.

      15. Dumbbell flyes

      Lie with your back on a bench, take dumbbells in your hands and lift them above your chest. Next, your arms should be spread in different directions.


      It always ends any training session. The muscles should be well stretched. It takes approximately 7-10 minutes.

      A training program for girls in the gym can successfully include all of the above exercises. In one workout, 5 exercises are usually performed. In addition to the standard one, circuit training can be chosen. Then all the approaches are simply not done at once, but the exercises are performed as if in a circle.

A properly designed training program can achieve impressive results. Even when studying at home, girls should adhere to a special lesson plan. For beginners, the entry-level program is suitable. Basic classes chosen by girls with fitness experience. For those who are ready for intense exercise, a difficult level has been developed.

Although the beauty of the human body is considered a purely subjective concept, many women make a lot of effort to achieve their own ideals. But no matter how much effort and time is spent on skincare procedures and exhausting diets, it will not be possible to change volumes and pump up muscles without physical activity.

And here the stumbling block becomes a banal lack of time or financial problems that do not allow you to visit the gym, or even your own complexes associated with excess weight or individual characteristics of your figure. In such cases, training at home would be the ideal solution - the program for girls will allow you to achieve visible results without financial investment and with minimal time investment.

If you decide to start training on your own, tips on how to create a home workout program for girls will come in handy. Chaotic exercises conducted without a specific plan will not be able to solve either the issue of a fit figure or the problem of losing weight. You will have to think through all the little things, starting with the set of exercises and frequency of training, ending with the number of approaches and rest time. When drawing up a training program at home for girls, it is necessary to take into account sports training, training goals and the presence of excess weight.

So, women trying to lose weight will have to focus on cardio exercises. And for girls who have good physical fitness, to increase the load, use weights and more strength training, and the number of approaches when performing each exercise.

Program for Beginners

If you have no sports experience, you shouldn’t rush headlong into exhausting training. You won’t be able to achieve ideal proportions and a toned body with excessive loads.

Any muscles require rest - it is during this period that they not only relax, but also grow. And untrained muscle tissue under the influence of loads becomes hypertonic much faster, which requires longer rest.

Therefore, the home training program for girls who have not previously engaged in fitness provides for no more than three strength training sessions per week with one-day rest intervals between them. The total time of each workout will not exceed 40 minutes. During this period, you need to perform three sets, trying to repeat each exercise as many times as possible, but not exceeding 20. Between each round we take a break of 90 seconds.

Exercises of the 1st workout

Classic squats. We perform regular squats, moving our buttocks back so that our thighs are parallel to the floor.

Standing Lunges. We take a wide step forward and bend our leg at the knee. Meanwhile, we touch the floor with our knee to the second limb. We alternate legs when performing lunges.

Calf raises. Feet rest on the floor. Slowly we rise on our tiptoes and lower ourselves back.

Straight crunches. From a lying position, lift your upper body as you exhale. The distance between your chin and chest should be no less than a clenched fist.

Push ups. Standing on our knees, we rest on our palms, and with each exhalation we bend our elbows, trying to keep our back straight without lifting our buttocks up.

Exercises of the 2nd workout

Straight lunges.

Reverse push-ups. We rest our hands on the support and our heels on the mat. The whole body should be stretched out. Bending and moving your elbows to the side, lower your body to the floor. As you inhale, straighten your arms.

Swing back. Standing on your knees with your hands resting on the floor, as you exhale, move your straight leg sharply back and slightly up. We alternate swings with both legs.

Reverse crunches. Lying on the floor, place your feet on the floor, bending your knees. As you exhale, pull your knees into your chest.

Plie squats. We place our feet shoulder-width apart, with our feet spread apart. Lower your buttocks to the floor, bending your knees.

Exercises of the 3rd workout

Classic squats with calf raises.

Chair push-ups. We perform regular push-ups, resting our palms on any elevated support.

Reverse lunges. From a standing position, take a wide step back and lower your knee to the floor. When performing the exercise, alternate legs.

Complex twist. We lie down on the floor. For each exhalation, we simultaneously raise the torso and bent knees up.

Rolling from toes to heels.

A basic level of

When exercises for beginners are performed with ease, you can safely move on to the next level. How long it will take for this will depend on both the characteristics of the body and personal diligence.

In fact, by this time the classes had become regular, and the body had become accustomed to the volume of exercise. Therefore, you will have to add new exercises to the program and also use weights. You can use regular dumbbells, but if you don't have them, regular bottles filled with water will do.

At this stage, the number of workouts does not change, and the frequency of repetitions and approaches also remains the same. We begin performing new exercises with weights with 10 repetitions in each approach.

First complex

Squats with dumbbells. We hold dumbbells in our hands along the body. Performing classic squats, we raise the dumbbells forward.

Arm Curl. The exercises can be performed both sitting and standing. Holding dumbbells in your hands, turn your hands so that the dumbbells are directed forward. Alternately bending your elbows, pulling your hand to your shoulder.

Reverse push-ups.

Raising hands. We lie down on our backs. Raises straight arms with dumbbells up. As you exhale, we spread them apart, touching the floor. As you inhale, bring your limbs together in front of you.

Oblique crunches. We take a position lying on our back. We place our arms bent at the elbows behind our heads, and bend our legs at the knees, raising them so that our shins are parallel to the floor. We bring the elbow together with the knee of the opposite leg. We alternate sides of twisting.

Second complex

Push ups. We complicate the previous push-ups by focusing not on the knees, but on the toes. We try to keep our hands at shoulder level during push-ups. The narrower they are located, the greater the load will be.

Abduction of dumbbells behind the back. Raise both arms above your head, holding dumbbells in them. We alternately bend them at the elbows, placing the dumbbells behind our backs. This exercise is good for tightening your chest.

Lunges with dumbbells. In the starting position, we hold our arms with weights along the body. When performing a lunge with your feet, we move them apart.

Arm curl. You will need a support on which you can rest your knee and hand. This could be the edge of a sofa or bed. We lower the second hand with the dumbbell down. As you exhale, bend your elbow, pulling the weight toward your chest.

Hand touching socks. Lying on a gymnastic mat, we try to reach the toe of the opposite leg with our outstretched hand. We constantly alternate sides. We try to perform the exercise at an increased pace.

Third complex

Plie squat with dumbbells. Performing a deep squat with legs spread apart, we lift the upper limbs with a load up through the sides.

Side lunges. In the starting position, the legs are positioned wider than shoulder width. Hands with dumbbells are located in front of the body below. Bend one leg at the knee, doing a squat to one side. At the same time, we raise our arms in front of the body. After returning to the starting position, we lunge in the other direction.

Hand raises. In a standing position, raise one arm with a dumbbell above your head. The second one is located along the body at this time. With each inhalation we change their location. The exercise must be done by tensing the muscles and at a fairly fast pace.

Exercise "bicycle". We lie down on the floor and bend our knees, lifting them off the floor. We alternately straighten and bend our legs, as if we were pedaling.

Swing your legs back. We get down on all fours. We first pull one leg to the chest, and then sharply straighten it, moving it back and up. When performing the exercise, alternate legs.

Professional level

You can start intensive training only after you have fully mastered the previous exercises, which you can perform in full. Typically, it is advisable to make the transition to complex training no earlier than after 4-5 months of regular training.

The program is being supplemented with new activities. In addition, the number of classes increases to 4 per week. It is recommended to repeat each action at least 20 times, in each of 3-4 approaches.

Lesson 1

Slow squats with weights. We perform a classic squat, but at a slow pace, lingering for a few seconds at the bottom point. When performing a squat, we raise the limbs with the load in front of us. Follow your squat technique.

Raising hands. Sitting on a chair, we lower our hands with the bottles down. With each exhalation, we move them apart, raising the weight to shoulder level.

Bulgarian lunges. We step back from the chair one step forward. We rest the toe of one foot on the seat of the chair. Bend your knee, lowering your buttocks towards the floor. At the same time, we spread our arms to the sides.

Push-up twist. Using straight arms and toes, we perform a classic push-up. Having risen to the top position, we raise our arm up to the side, twisting the body. On the next climb, we turn the body in the opposite direction.

Double lunges. Standing straight, take a step forward with your foot. Bend your knees so that one touches the floor. We return to the standing position and take a step back with the same leg. Bend your knees again until your working limb touches the floor. Having worked on one side, we move on to the second.

Lesson 2

Deadlift squat. After performing a classic squat, we bend forward, reaching the upper limbs with a load to the floor.

Reverse push-ups. The emphasis when doing push-ups at this level is from the mat.

Putting your hands behind your head. We take both dumbbells in closed hands and lift them above our heads. We lower them behind our backs.

Double twist.

Side lunges with swings. Take a step to the right and do a deep squat. We return to a standing position and move the same leg to the side. Keep your balance.

Twisting with bends. We hold our hands closed with dumbbells in front of our chest. As you exhale, make a turn in one direction behind your hands. Returning to the starting position, we bend towards the opposite leg. On the next exhalation, we turn in the other direction.

Lesson 3

Belt pull. We bend over, lowering our hands to the floor. With each exhalation, we pull the weight to the belt.

Back Squats. We turn our backs to the chair. We rest our palms on the seat. Lower your buttocks down, bending your elbows. At the bottom point we linger for a few seconds.

Oblique crunches.

Raising hands. We lie down on the bench with our backs. We hold our hands with dumbbells raised up. We move them apart, trying to lower them slightly below the level of the bench.

Bulgarian lunges with side raises.

Lesson 4

Slow squats. When performing a classic squat, we do not bend or straighten our legs completely. The pace should be so slow that one repetition takes about 30 seconds. The signal for the end of the repetitions will be a strong burning sensation in the muscles.

Alternating forward and reverse crunches.

Triple push-ups. For each of the three push-ups, we reduce the distance between the hands.

Belt pull from a position with emphasis on the knee and elbow.

Lunges and swings to the side. Take a wide step with your foot to the left. Bend your knee and lower your buttocks towards the floor. Returning to the standing position, we move the same leg to the left. We lunge and swing in the other direction.

Be sure to prepare your muscles for the upcoming loads, so start each session with a warm-up.

When finished, give your muscles a chance to stretch by doing several stretching exercises for the main group of muscle tissues that were maximally involved during the current workout.

At any level, it is necessary to supplement strength training with cardio exercises. This could be jumping, running, jumping rope or exercise equipment. Cardio exercises can be alternated with the main ones and performed on recovery days after strength training.

Let’s not forget that even the most well-designed sports program does not exclude requirements for nutrition and drinking regime.

The most key point is regularity. After taking a short break, you will have to start all over again.

All girls want to look good, have a good figure, a healthy body. And everyone knows that the path to perfecting your body lies through the gym. But many of those who decide to start training face the most common problem. Months spent in the gym do not produce any results. The main reason for this problem is the incorrect construction or even the absence of a training program for girls in the gym.

Fitness can be intimidating. Read our other article if you don’t know. Even small family gyms are usually full of intimidating machines and equipment that you don't even know how to use, and surly sexy people carrying around milk cartons full of rose water. Most of us who are new to this world get overwhelmed when we go to the gym. There's so much going on there that it's hard to know where to start!

You put your name on the elliptical trainers, it’s not scary. The friendly treadmill has never let you down, so you hop on and start racing. And when you stop, you silently watch other people do their amazing workouts.

When you finally decide to try some weight training exercises, you'll most likely start from a machine of some kind. You choose one, read the instructions and then try to copy the movements shown in it. As you perform a movement, you wonder, “Am I doing everything right? I swear this direction makes no sense. It’s good that no one is looking at me!”

After your fight with the barre, you think about going to the dumbbell rack, but the huge, muscular guys stand in the way, showing off in front of each other. And you wonder what dumbbells are doing in your hands?

Upon returning home, you begin to have internal doubts: “I trained and won’t spoil the result with nutrition. Well, maybe I should eat some pasta...?”

And so you struggle with your habits, not getting the desired quick progress, and you always wonder what the secret is?

If any of this sounds familiar to you, then you need to take a fresh look at fitness. Luckily, you've come to the right place. Gym training program for girls This article offers everything you need to confidently hit the gym, where you can start building happiness, strength, and the best version of yourself.

Many women worry that strength training will somehow make them look like the Hulk, so they spend hours doing cardio to maintain a feminine figure. But the truth is that women do not have the hormonal support for building muscle mass that men do. The hormone testosterone is responsible for a large increase in muscle mass. Testosterone levels in women are much lower than in men. So you can bench press without worrying about how much chest hair you'll grow.

There are women, usually professional bodybuilders, who look masculine. It takes many years of training and a specific lifestyle to obtain this type of muscle. Unless you have goals of becoming the next female bodybuilding star, you don't have to worry about big, defined muscle definition.

You are right about only one thing: strength training will increase your muscle mass. And this is good! The bigger your muscles, the more calories your body burns. The more calories you burn, the fitter you become. Increasing muscle mass also shapes your arms, removes inches from around your belly, and even adds curves to your butt! When women's magazines talk about "toning," they really mean strong muscles.

Achieve your goal rationally

Another problem for women is that they simply do not know what they should raise and why. We've heard and read about things like "splits," "leg day," and "programming," but we don't know the context of these ideas, or how to apply them to us.

All of these fancy words refer to one thing - a regular workout routine that you will use to achieve your fitness goal. To get the best results from lifting weights, it is important to lift with a purpose and in the right direction. You can’t move from machine to machine without first understanding which exercises and how many sets and repetitions will best help you achieve your goal.

If you are unsure how to achieve your goal most effectively, contact one of our esteemed coaches. It's like having a personal trainer, but you don't have to pay him. We have prepared everything for you - you just have to move on!

Features of the 12-week strength training program

This program aims to improve your strength, muscle size while maintaining physical health. Each four-week block builds on the strength and skills gained over the previous four weeks.

The general format for each workout is as follows:

Warming up

Every workout should include a warm-up that will activate your muscles, prepare your central nervous system for the workout, and increase blood flow to your muscles. It's also a great idea to do foam roller exercises before every workout. To train your legs, roll your quads, hamstrings, piriformis, and calves. For your upper body, roll your shoulders, chest, triceps, and biceps.

Activating movements for speed and agility

These movements require 20 repetitions. You don't have to complete all 20 reps in one set. Choose a set and rep pattern that will allow you to complete all 20 reps without feeling fatigued.

Basic movements for muscle strength

Each workout includes basic, compound movements. You will perform 5 sets of 5 repetitions of these compound movements. Be sure that you are ready to challenge yourself in the form of lifting the weight. Basic exercises should be more difficult than accessory movements. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

Assistive exercises

These exercises will help shape your muscles. Perform 8-12 repetitions. These movements do not require you to lift too much weight. On all assistance movements, rest as little as possible, but not so little that you have to lower the weight.

Creating conditions for cardiovascular health and fat burning

Your cardio workout comes in a few different forms. Each weight training day, you will perform 20 minutes of high-intensity interval training. Choose an interval pattern that is challenging, but not impossible. Typically, a pattern that works well to begin with is 30 seconds of work, then 1 minute of rest. You will do low-intensity cardio one day a week. On this day, you can hop on your favorite treadmill to burn excess fat.

Weeks 1-4

In the first couple of weeks we will use a relatively light load. We will evolve with greater pressures as we move forward, but for now, don't push yourself beyond where you feel safe. Once you feel comfortable, go through the movements and become aware of how they should feel, then you can start adding more weight. Take full advantage of our exercise database by clicking on each exercise below for detailed instructions!

Day 1

Foam rollers
Box jumping
Single leg squat with barbell

5 sets of 5 reps

Seated Barbell Hip Raise

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Leg bending at the knee on a machine while lying down

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Calf press

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Day 2

Medicine ball passes from the chest

20 reps (break into as many sets as needed)

Push ups

5 sets of 5 reps

Extension of arms on the block

3 sets of 8-12 reps

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Arm extension with dumbbells in a lying position

3 sets of 8-12 reps

High Intensity Interval Training

Day 3

30-45 minutes

Day 4

Swing kettlebells

20 reps (break into as many sets as needed)

Romanian deadlift

5 sets of 5 reps

Wide grip lat pulldown to chest

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Bent-over barbell row

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Dumbbell curls at an angle

3 sets of 8-12 reps

High Intensity Interval Training

Day 5

20 reps (break into as many sets as needed)

Dumbbell press

5 sets of 5 reps

Pull of the upper block to the face

3 sets of 8-12 reps


3 sets of 20 seconds

Hip lift

3 sets of 8-12 reps

High Intensity Interval Training

Weeks 5-8

Over the next four weeks we will modify the basic movements, progressing to a more advanced version. We will also add some new lifting accessories and replace others. Your goal is to increase weight on your core movements every week, even a little. If you need an observer to complete repetitions, invite one. This is a mandatory rule for you to progress.

Day 1

Box jumping

20 reps (break into as many sets as needed)

Front Squats

5 sets of 5 reps

Barbell hip raise from a sitting position on one leg

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Leg straightening

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Seated leg extension

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Seated calf raises

3 sets of 8-12 reps

High Intensity Interval Training

Day 2

Medicine ball passes from the chest

20 reps

Dumbbell bench press

5 sets of 5 reps

Dumbbell raises at an angle

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Triceps dips

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Bent over arms straightening with dumbbells

3 sets of 8-12 reps

High Intensity Interval Training

Day 3

Low intensity cardio workout

30-45 minutes

Day 4

Swing kettlebells

20 reps (break into as many sets as needed)

Sumo deadlift

5 sets of 5 reps

Reverse grip lat pulldown to chest

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Chest-supported row

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Curling arms with a barbell on a Scott bench

3 sets of 8-12 reps

High Intensity Interval Training

Day 5

Medicine ball throws from behind the head

20 reps (break into as many sets as needed)

Army press

5 sets of 5 reps

Reverse bent over dumbbell raises

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Cross extension of arms to the sides on a block

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Rolling the barbell

3 sets of 8-12 reps

"Dead Bug"

3 sets of 8-12 reps

High Intensity Interval Training

Weeks 9-12

Again, we vary the main and accessory exercises. Again, your main goal is to increase weight on the main movements each week. If you have enough strength, you can increase the weight in auxiliary exercises. In these last four weeks, the most important thing is intensity, so train hard!

Day 1

Box jumping

20 reps (break into as many sets as needed)

Back Squats

5 sets of 5 reps

X-steps with expander

3 sets of 8-12 steps in each direction

Leg straightening

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Seated single leg extension

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Standing calf raises

3 sets of 8-12 reps

High Intensity Interval Training

Day 2

Medicine ball passes from the chest

20 reps
(split into required number of sets)

Bench press

5 sets of 5 reps

Reduction of hands in a standing crossover

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Push-ups on a bench

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Extension of arms from behind the head with a dumbbell

3 sets of 8-12 reps

High Intensity Interval Training

Day 3

Low intensity cardio workout

30-45 minutes

Day 4

Swing kettlebells

20 reps (break into as many sets as needed)


5 sets of 5 reps


3 sets of 8-12 reps

Lower block thrust

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Alternating dumbbell raises

3 sets of 8-12 reps per arm

High Intensity Interval Training

Day 5

Medicine ball throws from behind the head

20 reps (break into as many sets as needed)

Shwung Zhimovoy

5 sets of 5 reps

Wide grip lat pulldown

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Rolling the barbell

3 sets of 8-12 reps

Hip lift

3 sets of 8-12 reps

High Intensity Interval Training

Important points for building your own training plan

If you're the type of girl who prefers to do everything on her own, you may want to build your own program. If this is the case, then here is everything you need for any strength training.

Basic exercises

Compound lifts are exercises that target more than one muscle group when performed. If you want to add a strength-building aspect to your program, make sure to include one or two compound lifts in each workout.

Along with helping build muscle, these movements are important for increasing athleticism, strength, mobility and cardiovascular health. And because you use more than one muscle group to perform these lifts, you need more energy (calories) to perform them.

Squats, for example, contribute more to your workout than leg presses because you have to use more muscles, and therefore more energy, to perform them.

Assistive exercises

Auxiliary or isolated exercises are used as an addition to the basic ones. Depending on the volume of your core exercises, you can add 2-4 accessory exercises per day.

Bodybuilding programs are often based on isolation exercises. Isolation exercises are single-joint movements. They are used to increase the shape and size of a body part, if you want to improve your aesthetics - isolation exercises are ideal.

For example, if you would like to isolate your biceps, then do biceps curls. To isolate your calves, it's best to perform exercises like calf raises that specifically target your calves.

Selecting Sets and Reps

Bodybuilding typically uses 3-4 sets and 8-12 reps. This is usually the correct number of repetitions for muscle growth (hypertrophy). If you're a beginner, make sure your first rep looks the same as your last. If you can't complete 8 reps, use lighter weight. If you are unfamiliar with most movements, choosing lighter weights until you get the basics and feel comfortable will help avoid injury.

Form is good for your muscles, but strength is also important. To work on strength, perform heavy compound movements for 4-6 repetitions. Typically, compound movements are performed with fewer repetitions than isolation movements, which are performed with lighter weights for more repetitions.


The less time you rest between sets, the more challenging and intense your workout will be. Short rest periods (30-45 seconds) tire your muscles and cardiovascular system. Long rest periods (1-2 minutes) allow more time to recover before the next set.


Progression is the secret ingredient to a successful training program. This is the reason why your body changes over time. You can't perform the exact same movements using exactly the same weight week after week and get new results. You have to constantly push yourself. If you have developed a base, then increase the weight, the number of repetitions and reduce the rest periods.

The right training program for girls can transform the female body beyond recognition, while incorrect training in the gym can lead to injuries, overtraining, loss of motivation, zero results.

The majority of girls set themselves the goal of losing weight in the gym, however, after working out for quite a long time, they do not get results; the extra pounds are still there. This, in turn, imposes certain difficulties in understanding the basics correct training. Therefore, before moving on to practical exercises in the gym, let's take a closer look at the features of women's training.

Training for girls differs from men's training programs, due to the characteristics of the female body. This is primarily due to low testosterone levels and menstruation.

Decreased testosterone levels

Low level testosterone in the female body, does not allow girls to perform approaches as intensely and “hardly” as men, which means that muscle failure in an approach when performing an exercise will occur much earlier, therefore, the work done in the gym will not be as effective, and of course, All this will have a negative impact on muscle growth. However, a significant accumulation of muscles in the hips and buttocks area allows girls, with proper training, to develop elastic and beautiful buttocks.

Features of women's training

Due to the fact that it is more beneficial for nature, it is much more beneficial to endow a girl with muscles in the lower part (hips and buttocks) than in the upper part (chest, neck, back, arms, shoulders), for normal bearing of a child. This distribution by nature is effective for bearing a fetus, because the muscles themselves are very energy-consuming, that is, they require a lot of kcal to maintain them, which is why the female body has much less muscle than the male.


During menstruation, stress on the legs and abs decreases, or stops altogether (depending on how you feel). In the first two weeks, after menstruation, the girl feels a surge of strength, during this period, load the buttocks with various leg exercises in the gym, work at 100%, after 2 weeks, during ovulation, reduce the intensity of training, reduce approaches to exercises and work weights, and then the cycle repeats again.

Thus, with such training microcycles, you “catch up with two birds with one stone” - you take care of your health and prevent yourself from falling into overtraining, from constant hard training.

And finally, the third important factor that a girl should pay attention to is a healthy and nutritious diet.

Menstruation while doing fitness

Balanced diet

For 3-4 weeks after menstruation, the female body will try especially hard to accumulate nutrients, store fat as a reserve, so that the child is born healthy. Therefore, during this period reduce caloric intake, limit yourself to carbohydrates and fats.

Carbohydrates, in the form of glycogen, are stored in muscles much faster in girls than in men. Therefore, excess carbohydrates will be converted into fat faster in the female body. However, the rate of conversion of fat into energy will be faster than in men. Hence the conclusion that the more muscle there is, the more “fuel tanks” for carbohydrates there will be in the body, which means that the likelihood of storing excess weight will be much less.

Reusable, fractional meals balanced in composition (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) are the key to good health, and of course, obtaining the desired result during training in the gym. At the beginning of the day you consume mainly carbohydrates (complex), at the end of the day proteins, the ratio is approximately this (50-60% carbohydrates, 30-40% squirrels, 10-20% fats). Eliminate fried, over-salted, fatty foods, as well as foods with preservatives and fast foods from your diet. Read more about the diet in the corresponding section on nutrition.

A healthy, balanced diet is not something that is only temporarily present in your menu, it is a diet that should be with you throughout your entire athletic and healthy lifestyle.

Remember that only in combination, healthy eating, proper recovery, and proper training will lead you to success in the gym.

Proper nutrition when training in the gym

Well, now that you have become familiar with the theoretical foundations women's training, let's move on directly to the training itself.

Training program for girls

There are only two main approaches to training in the gym. Some girls gain mass (weight), not particularly paying attention to the relief and dryness of the muscles, in this case they are pursued by one goal - to gain as much muscle mass as possible, in order to then “chip it off”, dry it out, as a rule, this is achieved with the help of high-calorie nutrition, while other girls simultaneously lose weight and gain volumes of lean muscle mass. Your task at this stage is to determine what type you are, but as practice shows, the first time a girl gains weight is among professional athletes who perform on the fitness bikini or women's bodybuilding stages.

If you have one big enough excess fat mass, then at the initial stage you should not work with exercise machines and barbells at all, because the gym grows muscles and does not burn fat.

That is, first you need to adjust your diet until you lose quite a lot of excess fat mass (read how to lose weight properly with the help of nutrition), you can also connect various aerobic exercise(jump rope, running, jumping jacks, treadmill, exercise bike, etc.)

Scary, big and pumped up girls in magazines can discourage many people from going to the gym. Therefore, all women, remember that you will not be able to pump up large muscles without the use of hormonal drugs; at most, you can tone your muscles, slightly give them shape and relief.

We present to you a training plan (training program) for girls in the gym, which involves alternating hard and light weeks of training.


Option No. 1

Workout 1

  • Bicycle (exercise bike) – 5-10 minutes
  • – 2x max
  • (wide stance of legs) – 4x8
  • – 4x10
  • , sitting – 4x15
  • – 4x12
  • - 4x12
  • – 4 x max
  • Muscle stretching

Workout 2

  • Orbirek (elliptical trainer) – 5-10 minutes
  • General warm-up
  • Wide grip push-ups – 2 x max
  • medium grip 3x8-10
  • on a horizontal bench – 4x12
  • Dips on uneven bars in gravitron – 3x12
  • – 3x12
  • for the press with a plate from a barbell - 3 x max
  • Muscle stretching

Workout 3

  • Bicycle – 5-10 minutes
  • General warm-up and warm-up of the knee joints: 5-10 minutes
  • – 2 x max
  • (deadlift on straight legs) – 4x10
  • Smith Machine Reverse Lunges – 4x10
  • – 4x12
  • – 4x10
  • (exercise of your choice) – 4x15
  • – 3 x max
  • Muscle stretching

Option No. 2

Monday – legs

  • – 5 sets of 15-20 repetitions
  • – 4 sets of 20-25 repetitions
  • – 3 sets of 15 reps
  • (deadlift on straight legs)

Wednesday – back, shoulders and triceps

  • – 5 sets of 15 reps
  • – 5 sets of 15 reps
  • – 3 sets of 20 reps
  • – 5 sets of 20 reps
  • lying down – 5 sets of 15 reps
  • – 5 sets of maximum reps
  • Treadmill or bike – 20-30 minutes

Friday – legs and chest

  • — 5 sets of 15-20 repetitions
  • – 5 sets of 15 reps
  • – 5 sets of 15 reps
  • – 5 sets of maximum reps
  • Treadmill or bike – 20-30 minutes

Easy and hard training week for girls

The training program plays perhaps the most important role in building a beautiful body. Therefore, it is best to compose it yourself in accordance with the goals that brought you to the gym. This is not at all difficult to do if you know the basic principles and rules of training. Let's consider what a training program in the gym should be for girls who want to achieve perfect shape.

The main tools for creating an ideal figure for girls and women are strength training and cardio exercises. Strength exercises allow you to sculpt your body like a sculptor, increasing muscle volume in the right places, and cardio exercises get rid of excess fat deposits. But these tools only work in conjunction with proper nutrition.

A properly selected gym training program for girls, coupled with a balanced diet, can work wonders on any female figure. With their help you can:

  • lose weight;
  • get rid of cellulite;
  • acquire beautiful posture;
  • give elasticity and beautiful shape to the muscles;
  • increase muscle volume in the buttocks, giving your figure exciting curves.

In addition, working out in the gym will give you self-confidence, provide an influx of energy and expand your social circle.

However, the possibilities of sports are not limitless; training programs will not help:

  • change the proportions of the skeleton;
  • increase the volume of the mammary glands;
  • get rid of fat deposits in problem areas - when losing weight, fat leaves evenly throughout the body.

When going to the gym for the first time, you need to be aware of what you want to achieve with your training program. Goals need to be set achievable, based on individual physique characteristics. So, for example, it is naive for big-boned girls to set a goal to achieve model parameters, but fashioning themselves into a “warrior princess” with a harmonious figure and beautiful, sculpted muscles is quite possible. Girls with an “apple” or “rectangle” body type are unlikely to achieve hourglass proportions, but by pumping up their gluteal muscles, they can visually make their waist thinner and their shape more seductive.

Principles for creating women's training programs

A training program for women should be tailored to the goals that can be achieved within the limits set by their body type. Basic principles for creating women's training programs:

  • To lose weight, in addition to strength training, you should include more cardio exercises in the program - running, exercise on a stepper, elliptical.
  • To strengthen muscles and give them a beautiful shape without a significant increase in muscle volume, it is necessary to select the weight of the weights so that the exercise can be performed 20-25 times in one approach. The last repetitions should be difficult. This is the so-called multi-repetition training.
  • To increase muscle volume, you should select such a weight of weights that in one approach, making maximum effort, you cannot perform more than 12-15 repetitions. This type of training is called low-repetition training.
  • All muscle groups of the body must be worked out. You cannot pump only “problem areas”; this will lead to an imbalance of the load on the spine, which can lead to injury.
  • In the first 2-3 months of training, it is recommended to work out all muscle groups for each workout, the so-called. fullbody. Having mastered the technique of performing all the exercises and getting involved in the training process, you can move on to a split training program, when different muscle groups are trained on different days.

Types of strength exercises

There are 2 types of strength training exercises:

  • basic working simultaneously on several muscle groups, they involve several large joints at once;
  • insulating, working one muscle and flexing one joint.

The training program is based on basic exercises, which are the main ones, and isolating exercises play the role of auxiliary ones; they allow you to “modify” the muscles previously loaded with the “base”.

Basic exercises can be roughly divided into categories according to the most loaded muscle groups:

  • leg and gluteal – Romanian deadlift, lunges, squats, leg press on the machine;
  • chest - push-ups, incline bench press;
  • muscle groups of the back - vertical and horizontal block rows, deadlifts, pull-ups, bent-over barbell rows;
  • triceps - dips, close-grip presses;
  • press - twisting;
  • deltoid - barbell row to the chin, dumbbell press.

Isolation exercises:

  • hips – sitting leg extensions, flattening/bringing, lying leg curls;
  • chest - butterfly exercises, dumbbell flyes on a bench;
  • triceps - French press, dumbbell extension from behind the head in a tilted position;
  • deltoid - lifting dumbbells in front of you and raising them to the sides;
  • biceps - dumbbell curls.

First, a basic exercise is performed for each muscle group, followed by an isolating exercise. But in some cases it makes sense to do the isolation first, and then the base.

For example, when pumping the buttocks in a low-repetition mode (aimed at muscle growth), it is recommended to first fatigue the quadriceps with high-repetition isolation, so that when performing the basic exercise, the quadriceps are less involved in the work, and the main load falls on the gluteal muscles. This is especially true for girls with responsive muscles, who, by pumping up their buttocks, risk building up their football player’s quads.

Workout plan

Any complete workout should include the following steps:

  1. 10-minute warm-up, including joint exercises and cardio;
  2. The strength part, which includes at least 1 exercise in 3-5 approaches for each muscle group;
  3. 20-minute cardio;
  4. 10 minute stretching.

Muscle groups should be worked in the following sequence:

  1. back;
  2. lower back;
  3. breast;
  4. deltoid muscles;
  5. triceps;
  6. biceps;
  7. legs and buttocks;
  8. abdominal muscles.

This sequence is scientifically based and it is not recommended to change it. The sequence of pumping muscles should be carried out taking into account their size and position on the body. If you work on the legs first, they will draw a large amount of blood onto themselves, and the muscles of the upper body will not have enough of it, since it will linger in the capillaries of the legs, and its upward movement will be hampered by the force of gravity.

The fullbody strength training program includes 1 exercise of 3-5 approaches for each muscle group. The number of repetitions depends on whether you are aiming for muscle growth (low-repetition mode) or want to form elastic muscles without a significant increase in volume (high-repetition mode). Pauses between approaches are 30-45 seconds, between exercises – 1-2 minutes.

You must be able to perform at least 3 types of exercises for each of these muscle groups and change them so that you do not get used to the load. As the workouts become easier, you need to increase the weight of the weights so that the last repetition is difficult.

Training mode

It takes at least 48 hours for muscle fibers to recover, so strength training should be done no more than every other day. The optimal regimen would be 3 strength training sessions per week. The training program for weight loss also includes 40 minutes of cardio on days free from strength training.

Important points

Even a properly selected training program will not live up to expectations if you:

  • you will not eat properly;
  • do not master the correct technique for performing exercises.

Correct execution of the exercises is extremely important; without it, it is not only impossible to achieve positive changes in your figure, but you can also harm yourself by getting injured. To master it, it is not enough to read the description of the technique and watch videos.

To establish the correct technique, you need the help of an instructor. You can create a training program yourself, but you cannot set the technique for yourself. Therefore, when you come to the gym, start by asking the instructor to teach you the technique of strength exercises.

For the first few sessions, train under the guidance of an instructor with light weights and move on to full-strength training gradually over 2-3 weeks. Then you can work out on your own according to your training program, but after a few months, contact the instructor again so that he can check your technique, since it may deteriorate over time.

Equally important to obtain the expected effect from a relief training program for girls is proper nutrition. Without a sufficient amount of protein in the body (at least 1.5 g/kg body weight), as well as the correct ratio of fats and complex carbohydrates in the diet, muscle growth will be problematic.

If you want to lose weight, you need to create a daily calorie deficit by reducing the amount of carbohydrates in your diet, eliminating sugar and “junk” foods (chips, mayonnaise, packaged juices, etc.). Sports help you lose weight only if you burn more calories than you get from food.

Training programs for women should also take into account such an important feature of the female body as the menstrual cycle. Approximately 7-10 days before the onset of menstruation, women experience a decline in physical performance, so at this time it is advisable to reduce working weights and reduce the load on the abs and lower body. And during your period, it is better to completely abandon strength training, replacing it with light cardio.

Let's look at how a weekly training program is compiled for girls who want to lose weight and build sculpted muscles.

Creating a fullbody program

For women and girls who come to the gym with the goal of losing weight, the fullbody program is suitable, in which the whole body is worked out in one session.


  1. Top draft blocks per head – 4 x 20.
  2. Incline dumbbell flyes – 4 x 20.
  3. Seated dumbbell press – 4 x 20.
  4. Seated French press – 4 x 20.
  5. Bench leg press – 4 x 15.
  6. Crunches on the bench – 3 x 25 for the upper part of the abs and 3 x 25 for the lower part.
  7. Cardio – 20 minutes.
  8. Stretching – 10 minutes.


  1. Cardio – 40 minutes.
  2. Stretching – 10 minutes.


  1. Warm-up: joint exercises + cardio – only 10 minutes.
  2. Pull-ups in anti-graviton – 4 x 10.
  3. T-pull on the simulator – 4 x 20.
  4. Hammer press – 4 x 20.
  5. Breeding with dumbbells for deltas – 4 x 20.
  6. Extensions with an upper block in a crossover – 4 x 20.
  7. Bends with a lower block in a crossover – 4 x 25.
  8. Hyperextensions – 3 x 10.
  9. Hanging leg raises – 3 x 10.
  10. Cardio – 20 minutes.
  11. Stretching – 10 minutes.


  1. Warm-up – joint gymnastics
  2. Cardio – 40 minutes.
  3. Stretching – 10 minutes.


  1. Warm-up: joint exercises + cardio – only 10 minutes.
  2. Bent-over barbell row – 4 x 20.
  3. The thrust of the horizontal block is 4 x 20.
  4. Information on the “butterfly” simulator – 4 x 20.
  5. Seated dumbbell press – 4 x 20.
  6. Dips - 3 sets.
  7. Hammer dumbbell raise – 4 x 25.
  8. Barbell squats – 4 x 15.
  9. Subscribe to us on Yandex Zen so as not to miss new publications!

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