Prokhorov Mikhail and Mila. Mikhail Prokhorov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. — That is, Putin has changed for the worse

(here is comprehensive material about his personal life, in abbreviation, from here:

Personal life of Mikhail Prokhorov

Presidential candidate Prokhorov promised to be extremely frank with voters, which means he will now have to answer uncomfortable questions. For example, what is happening in his personal life. “If love comes to me during my presidential work, then I will definitely get married,” Mikhail promises. “But there is another proposal: let me marry the whole country. The president is usually a family man, he needs to devote time to his family. And I will work 24 hours and devote time to the country."

Mikhail still has a tape recorder from his youth - a Sharp “Three Sixes”. One of the songs on the cassette made a strong impression on the girls. This is a rock ballad about unrequited love.

According to rumors, billionaire Prokhorov never invites one girl to dinner - several at once. “I don’t mind people thinking that I have 7 or 15 beautiful girls sitting at my table,” says Mikhail himself. “In my opinion, this is normal for a real man, especially a single man.”

According to Prokhorov, “any attachment is, in a sense, dependence, but if there are many such dependencies, then this is a form of independence.” The only addiction that Mikhail Prokhorov admits to is sports. Prokhorov’s training is daily and lasts for many hours, both at home and at work. He studies according to a special system known only to him - everything at once.

The morning of a presidential candidate, it turns out, is not much different from the morning of his electorate. There are no hazel grouse or pineapples on the table - only the usual scrambled eggs and tea. True, the cook prepares breakfast, and the waiter sets the table. There is a large staff of servants, and everyone must be on the job.

Irina Prokhorova today heads a foundation named after her brother, as well as a publishing house that publishes serious works on the history of literature. The sister is the person closest to Prokhorov. Mikhail and Irina's parents died early. The tragedy they experienced together brought them very close.

After the death of the parents, the younger brother became actually the eldest, the head of the family. It remains so today. Irina Prokhorova lives with her daughter in his residence, the mansion is divided into two parts, under one roof the houses are completely different in style and mood.

Project "MK" - party leaders are visiting us. Full text of a two-hour interview with the leader of Right Cause

Before the start of the Duma campaign, we continue the series of interviews with party leaders. This time “MK” was visited by the head of “Right Cause” Mikhail PROKHOROV. Mikhail Dmitrievich spent two hours in the editorial office.

Our guest told us what conversations he had with Medvedev and Putin about his party. He assured that he went into politics for at least five, or even fifteen years. He explained the scheme by which Russia should be transferred to the euro zone, and why offshore companies are good. And in the end he offered the MK correspondent a side chair in the State Duma.

“The world will shake for a long time, and us along with it”

- Nothing fateful. I was at work. The only thing I remember is that on May 17 I ran the “twenty” (a distance of 20 km - “MK”), I rarely do this, now - once a month. Consider this almost a feat at my creative age.

— The fact is that on May 14, on television, you said, when you were asked about the governorship, about politics: “I think that I am a relatively good businessman and I live in complete joy. Now I enjoy doing what I do. Why change anything? And after 4 days you announce that you will lead the party.

— The program was recorded a month and a half before the broadcast. And during this time one important event took place. It simply did not happen between May 14 and 18, it was a little earlier. In the end of April. I have annual sessions where we gather leading experts to analyze the international economy, then we analyze Russia and how this affects my businesses...

The conclusion about the international part showed that the world is controlled by weak politicians, they are only concerned with the pursuit of their ratings... Maybe not all of them are weak, but the majority are definitely weak. They do not make the decisions that are necessary for the world to move into a new stage.

2008 was not an economic crisis, but a systemic, global crisis. The old system was slowly destroyed due to the advent of the Internet, de facto, due to the emergence of a new person who lives more in the virtual world than in the real one. That is, a situation has arisen in which new decisions are required, clear and understandable: what to do with debts, how to further develop the world economy, and so on. But politicians did not make such decisions.

Hence the conclusion that we will live in turbulence, that is, the world and us along with it will shake for a long time. And if such shaking continues for a long time, then it eventually slides into a global recession. During a global recession, commodity prices are known to fall. This means that the development model that existed in Russia has exhausted itself, and we need to create some other model. But no one is offering it yet.

- Well, okay, not in four days, but in a month and a half you received your sight. Were there no such suspicions before?

— I generally make decisions quickly. I had two parallel worlds. The world of politics and the world of economics. I understood what political factors influence business, and I used it more or less effectively. But it’s not for me to judge, it’s for other people to judge...

Accordingly, I have always been involved in trying to predict the future from a business point of view. Here I came to the understanding that if now our budget is based on 115 or 118 dollars per barrel, and the budget is not for development, but ... I would call it “military-social”, then next year it will be at 125 dollars. And, within the framework of the fact that - I think so - before the December and March elections, as always, something will be distributed, the budget will be at the rate of 120, or 130-140 dollars per barrel. This means that taxes will be raised.

I'm in the business of creating value for companies, not just business. As the tax burden increases, the “value” will fall. Hence the conclusion for me, as a businessman: it is impossible to develop the business further, which means that everything needs to be sold.

Accordingly, a very interesting situation arises. I have a strong team, and as an active person, all that remains for me is to be a rich philanthropist... I already do quite a lot of charity work, but if this is my only profession, it does not suit me.

Therefore, after thinking for just one day, I suddenly decided: I have a vision of which model would be more effective. And the world has not yet come up with another mechanism other than a political party.

— And yet you still have the feeling that you were “divorced” from leading the party, as you put it about one media project.

- Nobody “cheated” me, I just understand that if we don’t change the trend... The date today is this: remember that it started 20 years ago (the main part of the interview was taken on August 19 - “MK”).

In some ways, our situation is much worse than it was 20 years ago. We have less country left, fewer people, and most importantly, we have lost hope. Dissatisfied grumbling is expressed in the departure of our citizens, and not in the continuation of the struggle. There is a formula: the cost of leaving is cheaper than the cost of fighting. And the situation in this sense is much more difficult than in 1991. Even though we didn’t have effective managers back then and we knew little about the market economy at all, from the point of view of human and energy potential the situation was much more favorable then. You have to be aware of this.

“I only want to live here”

- Do you really think anyone will believe that such a big businessman like you made the decision to lead the party without any consultation, let’s say, with people very close to the authorities... Or with some major officials!

— It is obvious that I have good friends both in the Kremlin and in the White House. But here the question is different. I first decided for myself that I was ready to get involved in politics.

No one forced me, no one bent me. I decided that I needed this, because either I would lose my profession as a businessman, or I would try to do something for the country, if you want... Because there is no truth in money. You can sell everything, go to the island and rock. And live a calm life...

But I have a different position - active. I only want to live here. I like it here, I love Russia. I can go away for a few days to rest. But in 5 days I want to go to work and go back home. I want everything to be normal here! Is this not clear?

— Who called you with an offer to go into politics, at least from where?

— Various friends called. I would give names, but they asked me not to do this. Both businessmen called and those who previously worked in the presidential administration. Everyone says that Voloshin - no, not Voloshin! I can say this for sure. Then there are the current people that I know well. I met them. Some said I was crazy. Straight up frankly. Some said, well, maybe that’s right. These are people too, they have different views on things.

- Well, for starters, you probably somehow decided for yourself that if I lead this party, then this will not cause irritation either in the Kremlin or in the White House, right? You should have received such a guarantee for yourself, right?

“If it had been impossible, if there had been a critical number of people against it, I probably simply would not have led the party... I made the decision myself.” I have sufficient connections to implement this decision.

— Who exactly contacted you, who was the first to offer you the opportunity to head Right Cause?

— A person who does not currently work either in the White House or in the presidential administration.

- What did he tell you?

“He just said, “Would you like to think about it?” I immediately replied that I didn’t want to do this - at the moment when he suggested...

— And when they made up their minds, did they call him and tell him about their decision?

- He was not the first. The first was my sister. I consulted with her. Because in a family there should not be discord, but complete mutual understanding, this was not easy for me, but, nevertheless, my sister understood me.

— And then you told the person who voiced the offer to you?

- Then it turned out differently. I wrote a letter via private mail to employees of our company, and it “leaked” to the press.

— This mysterious man, it turns out, found out from the press?

- Yes, he called me too. And a huge number of people began to call immediately.

“I haven’t been involved in business for a second”

— Why did you decide to lead the party? After all, the usual path of a businessman is to finance a party that is close in spirit...

- There was no such party that expresses my belief system!

— Mikhail Dmitrievich, you yourself say that our crisis is a consequence of the global crisis. Then you need the presidency of America, and not our parliament, which decides little.

— So far the parliament decides little. For some this is not a place for discussion, but for others it is an excellent platform to tell how it should be done. Global competition will only intensify, and each country must have its own program, taking into account global trends. We are not competitive now, which is obvious. Russia is one of the few countries in the Big Ten, perhaps even the only one, where labor productivity is growing slower than social spending and wages. This is a road to nowhere.

— Politics is also a profession. I honestly don’t remember - maybe you can remind me - a major businessman who became a major politician.

- Someone has to be first.

— In 2007, in an interview with Kommersant, you said: “Everyone should mind their own business. You cannot have one foot in business and the other in politics. There are no miracles. If you want to be a businessman, do business; if you want to be a politician, sell your business.” Has your credo changed?

— If we don’t change the trend, I will sell the business, but now I have transferred the business to management. It is run by my managers. There is no conflict of interest here. From the moment I headed the party, I have not been involved in business for a single second.

— It turns out that it was an empty declaration in 2007. They went into politics, but didn’t sell the business.

— It meant that if you put your business under management, you can get involved in politics.

“It’s one thing to sell it, and another thing to put it under management.” It still remains yours. You still express interests, how to say... in the raw materials business.

— I have not only raw materials. There is also a high-tech one. I have 17 assets. Wait, you haven't seen my program yet. Let's publish it - take a look...

— People join Right Cause without ever seeing your program... So far, you can only read the Manifesto on the website. Of course, these are basic ideas by which one can understand what “Right Cause” is going to the elections with, but this is not enough for voters.

- In my opinion, this is normal. They need an alternative. They hope that there will be an alternative view of things that are happening. And creating a program takes time. Moreover, first I want to discuss it with my activists before offering it publicly. Therefore the process is quite long.

— What do you say about the sensational publication the other day on the website of the Izvestia newspaper, where, for example, it is said that the Right Cause program will postulate the need to combine the posts of president and chairman of the government? Is what is written there true?

— I was at the newspaper editorial office, giving an interview, and we talked about completely different things. And as soon as I went outside, Izvestia journalists immediately posted such an article on the website. This is ninety percent false. These are just fabulous thoughts that don’t even make sense to comment on. Moreover, Izvestia didn’t even think to call me or the party’s press service and clarify whether it’s true that Right Cause is going to the elections with such crazy slogans? They took it and wrote it without indicating the source. I’m very interested, who is the customer of this nonsense? You know, Izvestia had the reputation of a serious newspaper, and not a yellow, tabloid publication. Apparently times are changing.

“An expert needs to be landed in a chain”

— At the PD congress, you said that it was wrong for only business and the intelligentsia to be in the party. And they said that a fair state should provide people with social guarantees and support. At one time, the SPS campaigned on two slogans - we will raise pensions, we will raise wages, and this did not help him get into the Duma. The right-wing electorate turned away from them, and the left-wing voter did not join them. Don't you think the same thing could happen to your party?

“The country lives in stereotypes: “left” or “right.” And all over the world, convergence has long since taken place. There is a competition of programs, not views. “Right”, “left” - we all continue to label things. It seems to me that any program should be effective. Lead to the goals set by the party. A set of beautiful slogans... well, yes, the rest of the party offers wonderful slogans, beautifully written, but no one talks about how to specifically solve this or that problem. Therefore, our task is very simple - we understand what problems exist in Russia, we will write a political position and clearly, in the economic program, we will tell what to do.

- “We continue to hang labels”... You have a label in the very name of your party: “Just Cause.”

“Right” means that we are right.

- But by analogy with the Union of Right Forces - “Union of Right Forces”, “right” is understood as “right-wing views.” And not “right” because they are right in this, that and that.

- You again! We are for competition...

— All parties say: we are for competition, we are for freedom.

— I am against increasing social spending at a faster pace than labor productivity grows. Because this is deceiving people. We can now increase our pension, but there will come a time when we will not have money in the budget. If the country does not start working, earning money and building industry, we will go bankrupt, because we cannot live on raw materials alone. I don't know if it's the "right" or the "left" - but we have to make money from what we produce. A clear, simple story.

— Who writes the “Right Cause” program and how?

— I write the terms of reference myself. I have such experience. And then a large number of experts work with them.

- Who are the most famous?

— Block on education, for example, writes Bunimovich. On economics - several people: Vladislav Inozemtsev, we take some questions from Aleksashenko. Glazyev correctly states some things regarding industrial policy. I myself am a good economist, and I don’t think that you should limit yourself to just one opinion.

— How will you bring together parts written by different experts?

“I will definitely show all the leading experts how their piece fit into the program, and I will seek advice.” There is also a problem with experts - usually very strong experts consider themselves the ultimate truth. And the expert also needs to be placed in a single chain.

How will you manage to agree on everything before the party congress in September?

- And we have almost everything ready.

“For them I am a “son””

— You said that your voters are men and women who make decisions every day, and these are young people who want to make decisions themselves. Vague characterization. This is how “ER” and “SR” can characterize their electorate.

- Let's take something specific. Give me a question, and I’ll tell you how I see its solution.

— I want to understand who your voters are, more clearly - age, social status...

—You have a traditional approach. We want to take a different approach. What is the problem now - never in the history of our country has a person stood at the center of the system. There were words, but de facto we always used up human resources. Thus, both Petrine and Stalinist modernization were paid for with human lives. You can build a factory in the Gulag, it will perform its function and produce some kind of product. But you can build a factory whose workers live in normal houses, and their labor productivity will be significantly higher. Not only functions determine everything, the environment determines everything.

In the modern economy, the basis for competition is human capital. Due to the development of the Internet, the entire education system has changed. If earlier it was based on fundamental data, now the main part is creative and constant self-learning of life. Because knowledge now becomes outdated very quickly.

We have serious human potential, but it is not revealed within the country due to the wrong system. Therefore, 30% of our citizens are planning to leave. Look at all the polls - 30% of the able-bodied population. I want to create a system, a concept in which our citizens would be in demand and so that there would be a queue for work. But without changing the entire system - from the political, to the economic model, to the managerial - this cannot be done. As a businessman, I can only make very limited changes to the structure of my business. From the point of view of an environment that is not competitive, I cannot do anything. This is the reason I went into politics.

— You didn’t answer who your voter is. What social groups?

- Variety.

- Then you are United Russia.

- Why?

- They also have voters - everyone... Right Cause, when it was not yet yours, had a “nuclear electorate”, 1%. Medium business. But half a percent is now gone because he doesn’t understand what you’re doing. And half a percent have already left Russia. We can show you research on this topic from FOM and VTsIOM.

— Boris Titov believes that “Right Cause” should protect only the interests of business, but I tell him that the interests of business within business cannot be protected. Separately solving the problems of circus performers, police officers and businessmen is the wrong systemic approach. Protecting only business interests is contrary to my views. The problem of citizens is a common one. The model of governing the country is the old manual management, not governing the country with a federal structure. This is where all the problems are...

— Can you answer with sociology? The largest support group I have now—I was surprised by this myself—is women over the age of 58. Because I am a “son” for them, and they want their children and grandchildren to be like me.

- 40 years and younger.

- How, I wonder, can I explain this? Does everyone want to grow up like Mikhail Dmitrievich?

- For now, like this!

“They are afraid of us. We are not clear"

— You said that Russia should switch to the euro as soon as possible and enter Schengen. Without being a member of NATO and the EU. But all eurozone countries are members of the EU. And does Europe need the scheme you propose?

— When we say that we only want to go to the Schengen zone, Europe definitely doesn’t need that... Only we need that. Therefore, I believe that every time raising an issue that is beneficial to us and disadvantageous to Europe is a dead-end path.

What is happening in Europe now? There is high labor productivity, high social spending and a high debt burden - more than 7 trillion. Accordingly, Europe has a problem. There is another problem in the world. What currency is good now? Yes, none. We need new money. The old mechanism has worked out. It was laid down by the Bretton Woods system in 1944, then there was 1971 - the abolition of the dollar's peg to gold, then - 1976, the Jamaican system, free floating, which was also necessary to fight the Soviet Union... The monetary system broke away from real economy. It is now significantly less than the “cash overhang”. Sooner or later, it will have to land...

New means of accumulation are needed. For citizens around the world. Nobody knows what to accumulate. An attempt to make some kind of currency basket is a half-measure. We are talking about new world money.

As for Russia, we produce nothing but oil. In fact, the ruble is backed by oil. Oil, like any raw material, tends to change its price. Oil fell - the ruble collapsed... This is also not a means of accumulation and not a mechanism for guaranteeing the savings of our citizens. We have lost our production competence - we have not produced anything for 25 years. It can take a long and painful time to restore it. Or you can get it from the West.

— We have already tried—sorry to interrupt—to buy an Opel, and we were refused.

- This is a local, small story. Obtaining production competence does not mean buying an Opel, as in your example, it is inviting a Western investor to locate production in the country. And you can jump higher.

What can we give to Europe? Its vast territories, gigantic national wealth, completely undeveloped... Now the world needs a super project. This super project should be Russia. Because we can “land” a huge amount of money - for example, a trillion dollars or a trillion euros in infrastructure - in roads, in ports, new enterprises, and so on. But they are afraid of us. We are not clear. We must explain that we are part of the civilized world. That we all adequately understand and are ready for the process. To put it pompously, as patriots like to do, the return to great power status lies through the non-standard market. We give Europe the opportunity to “land” a huge amount of accumulated paper money, we remove all gas problems, etc., etc....

- And we become a raw material appendage of Europe...

- Nothing like this. We need new industrialization, not an innovation economy. I am not against an innovative economy, but innovation is a survival mechanism. And since we don’t produce anything, we don’t need to survive. Accordingly, when we have modern infrastructure - roads, ports, airports - this will attract everything else. Modern production, new jobs.

“It’s not clear why the West needs to create these productive jobs and increase competition.

— Because production competence is leaving Europe for China, and they are also starting to lose it... The question arises of where to place it. Either in a country that is ready to develop at 15% per year, so that there is GDP growth to ensure the safety of savings and to create a new currency - let’s call it “Euro-2” or whatever you like... Or it will leave. Because the European economy, in terms of production, is not competitive with China or other “Asian tigers”. If we put such a proposal on the table, it’s a topic for conversation…. For very difficult and powerful negotiations.

— Mikhail Dmitrievich, why do we need new industrial jobs if the current ones are occupied by guest workers?

— Citizens of the Russian Federation who are now receiving a meaningless higher education should go to work, and 65% of graduates will never get a job in our country.

- Will they want to? How to convince them of this?

— Jobs should be prestigious and normal. We will have to retrain specialists with fake higher education. Economists, lawyers.

“And they will say: “We don’t want to go to the factory.” Kick them there?

- This issue can be easily resolved - with money and prestige. This all happened in Soviet times. At Norilsk Nickel, a quarter of the working professions were staffed by people with higher education. The money is there because they paid. Without creating anything, you will say in advance: “They won’t want it.” So you first create the opportunity... Our social elevators are all closed now. Therefore, the dream is to become an official and take bribes, because in our country now holding an official position is the main profitable business.

“You want a pendulum again”

— You say: we need to break the system, but this also means “breaking Putin.” And you don’t criticize him...

- I proposed - and at the congress - to change the management system, including the political one. A country as large as Russia cannot be governed by only one government, the presidential one. Power must be properly divided so that it is effectively allocated to regions. It’s like a pendulum: then take everything you can, then now we’ve taken everything…. We need to stop somewhere in the middle. We are a federal state, but we are governed as a unitary state.

— What specifically would you change in the political structure of the country?

— 25% of the “single-mandate” members need to be returned to the Duma. This is an important story. A talented person should be able to qualify for the federal level on their own.

— Previously, there were 50% of single-mandate seats...

- You want a pendulum again! For starters, at least 25%.

The following story: both political parties and public associations must be registered with the Ministry of Justice by application. If they want, please.

The threshold for elections should be lowered to 5%.

And the most important thing is the management model. The problem must be closed where it arises. Not so now. There is some problem in the region. The mayor, formally, on paper, has functions, but there is no money for these functions. In principle, he cannot solve the problem. He runs to the governor. The governor also has a deficit budget, he runs to the Ministry of Finance. They send him there, there is no motivation to resolve issues. The reason is very simple.

Let me give you a simple example. I am the governor. I have a deficit budget. 90%. I’d rather have a week of shame at the Ministry of Finance, calmly stand on my knees, they’ll still give me my salary. If I take risks, take out loans, build some enterprises, make a profit from taxes, they will begin to reduce my transfer from the budget by exactly the amount that I earned. Is there an incentive? No! It’s also a lot of headaches to run after investors.

Therefore, within the framework of the political system, if we say that our governors are appointed, it means that they are federal officials. Give the governor all federal powers in the territory where he is located. What's happening now? Almost a thousand different federal structures that do not report to the governor go around and collect money from businesses, from one service to another. Give these services to the governor. But the inter-budgetary system needs to be changed, money needs to be returned to cities and local governments.

“Putin said: “Okay!”

— Is there any known reaction from the White House—Russian, of course—to your proposals?

- I didn’t hear.

— Do you think that under the current Prime Minister the situation can be corrected with such bills?

- You know, even one strong person like Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin will not save the country...

- The question is whether he will agree with the innovations that you propose.

— I don’t know, it seems to me that any person, under the influence of circumstances that have matured in the system, is capable of changing. I know from myself that various events happened in my life in which I changed.

— Do you see Putin changing over the last ten years?

- I think yes.

- And what?

“His system, management model, was effective in the first term of his rule, that’s for sure, that’s objective. Then, at some point, the system ran out of resources, and it was necessary to switch to another model earlier, but we did not switch, and as a country we lost some pace of development.

— So Putin has changed for the worse?

- I wouldn't say that. For example, some measures during the crisis were very adequate.

- Some?

—And all measures in a crisis are not adequate. Because everyone is strong in hindsight, when they then begin to analyze, and when a crisis occurs, decisive measures are needed, and even if they are not very correct, it is good that they exist. I myself have been through several crises and I know that not all my decisions were correct, but I know that if I had not made good and bad decisions, I would ultimately not have gotten out of the crisis phase.

— Let Putin make some correct decisions during the crisis. But these are targeted changes, and we meant global ones. Are you watching them?

— Global changes can affect a successful person who manages the system when he has evidence that the system has stopped working. One of the formats is voting in elections. If the model we propose is supported by a certain number of citizens... If a politician receives 60% in the elections, he has more opportunities for changes, if he receives 10% - less, but this will mean that there are people who will support him and will hear. Now you tell me: 10% of the votes will not give you any opportunity to pass your bills. But a minority with a good program, with bright people who go to work in the Duma, is a most powerful resource.

— I actually wanted 15%.

— Before you decided to head Right Cause, did you have meetings or consultations with Medvedev and Putin?

— Did the meetings take place on your initiative or were you invited?

- I called…

— Did you call Putin and Medvedev?

— I called the reception desk asking for a meeting.

——And what did Putin say to you when you met?

- We talked to him about what my views were... He said: “Okay!”

- That's all?

- And Medvedev?

- Medvedev... He had a more emotional reaction. It seems to me because he believes that the “right” must be represented. We actually argued about the term “right”.

- What was the dispute?

— My opinion, I repeat, is that there has long been a convergence of the positions of “right” and “left” in the world. If you look, in countries with democracy some parties replace others, but their programs do not differ much. Somewhere there is a little more of a social aspect, somewhere a little more of a market aspect. But often they change their views. I specifically studied the American system: there is often a change in concepts there. Problems change, priorities change, often they change their program altogether...

— What was Medvedev’s argument?

— The reasoning was of the kind that yes, in the West, it’s probably true, but in Russia there is a traditional perception of what the “right” is, what is connected with the “right.” I tried to convince the president that if we follow traditions all the time, well, these obvious ones, then changes will not happen for us. We agreed on some things, but on others everyone remained unconvinced.

“I always worked as number one”

— You stated that you are ready to become prime minister. Who would you like to replace as prime minister - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin? Judging by what you have said here, you believe that you see the situation much better than the prime minister. And you see a much better perspective...

— I am not ready to work as a prime minister in any program, I am ready to work as a prime minister if the program is similar to my views. I was probably lucky in my life - I always worked as number one. I wrote the strategies myself and implemented them myself. If I don't agree...

- With the president's program, you mean?

- Well, of course! That is, the president who runs for election must have similar views. They may not coincide, this is normal, but at least there should be overlap in views, and, most importantly, in technologies. What is the problem with our ruling elite? The first 12 people are all smart, bright people, but simply none of them were the director of the plant, none of them were the governor... Nobody knows microeconomics. And the solution may be correct, but the technology of this solution is often not what is required.

—Where can we find a president who would meet these criteria?

“This should not only be a question for the president.” This is a question of the fact that we have a young country, our elite is just being formed. It cannot consist only of businessmen, or only of officials, or only of doctors...

- Whose views are closer to you - Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev or Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov?

— My views are closer to me.

— It’s a pity, you won’t be able to combine presidency and premiership...

- I mean that a political party must infect with an idea, and the task is to convey a new concept of how to develop the country, so that this idea captures the minds of not only, as I hope, 15% of the population...

“It’s a pity, I don’t have my wallet with me.”

— Two years ago you registered in the village of Eruda, Krasnoyarsk Territory, you are no longer a Muscovite...

— It’s a pity, I don’t have my wallet with me, I would like to show you my temporary registration in Moscow.

- Why do you need it, no policeman will stop you anyway?

- I always live by the law. I pay taxes. Everything I have is white! For more than fifteen years, I have been filling out all declarations, paying taxes, and drawing up contracts correctly.

— I’ll continue the question. As it became known in June, the Lesosibirsk Tax Inspectorate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory accused you of non-payment of more than two billion rubles in income tax. Since, as they wrote in the media, they were talking about transactions in South Wales, they even brought in specialists in local tax legislation from the Federal Antimonopoly Service to help. Is this tax evasion case actually going to court?

— Let's start with the fact that there is no jurisdiction in South Wales. And if you use your imagination a little, you can imagine the volume of my tax return. It is very difficult, my assets are located in different jurisdictions and there are different tax opinions on them. There are a number of positions that are in the gray zone; they are not prescribed in the legislation. We have no conflict with the tax service - we have different points of view. Just different. I believe that there is no need to pay tax on this, but they think that it is necessary. That's why I went to court, they didn't sue me, I went to court. Dispute their claims. I paid tax - more than 13 billion rubles. We disagree on 900 million rubles, not 2 billion, this is a mistake. That is, the percentage is tiny. In this case, the court decision has been made. The court recognized that I must pay part of the amount. I paid an additional 240 million to the treasury.

- So you hid this money?

— I have a public declaration, why should I hide it? I filed a lawsuit, the court decided that according to one of the articles I was wrong, but according to other articles I was right. The dispute is over.

— By the way, we tried to find out in the Krasnoyarsk Territory how your tax injections affected the local budget and its expenses. Nobody wanted to give us comments.

— The interbudgetary system in the country is the same. The money is concentrated not in specific villages, but with the governor. Therefore, you need to contact him with a question.

I propose returning the money to cities and local governments. Just in time for Eruda...

— 86. I was 86th.

“Russian offshores are still profitable”

— You mentioned gray tax zones. It is difficult to imagine a European businessman whose many companies are registered in different countries. But in Russia, the issue of the offshore system typical for our business has never been systematically raised. What is your opinion about offshores?

— There is such a strong opinion that the offshore system is very unpatriotic. I have the following story about this. The world is going through different cycles. The boom of offshore cartels occurred in the middle of the last century. This created certain incentives for the development of capital and so on. Now, let's take our country. Do we want our capital to be cheaper? And we want to have a financial center? But they are afraid of us. How can we do this to show that we are a normal country? I strongly support the decision of the Government Commission on Strategic Investments, which allows leading companies to list in other countries.

This is how we show that we are a normal civilized world. This does not cancel the secondary listing to an even greater extent on the territory of the Russian Federation. Secondly, we are showing that we can play by international rules. Because in areas of this jurisdiction, independent directors must constitute a majority. In this sense, we show that we are the same. The third story is that we attract money from the market at the rates at which foreign companies operate. The assets still remain in Russia. If you take Eruda, where I am registered, our ore processing volume is greater than even in Norilsk Nickel. We process 16 million tons, and Norilsk - 14 million...

— So the offshore economy is beneficial for Russia at our stage of development?

— At our stage of development, it’s profitable. But as soon as we receive money and investments, I will be the first opponent of offshore companies.

— How do you feel about internal offshores?

— They also need to be done correctly, we have free economic zones, these are nothing more than internal offshores.

I can give you an example of what I would propose to do with the Caucasus. I would suggest exempting the territory from taxes altogether. But not like it used to be in Ingushetia. But, let’s say, there is a subsidiary of the company - a plant was opened in the Caucasus. And it is from this enterprise that there is no tax...

In this way, we will solve the currently critical issue of employment in the Caucasus. And the authorities will be interested in protecting this business, which specifically brings money to the republic. It is imperative to give not only money, but also a fishing rod. So that they can start fishing themselves. Because taxes, in principle, are not paid very well. Everyone knows this very well. A motivational solution is needed.

And in the Caucasus, in a sense, it is necessary to separate geopolitical problems from criminal ones. And we are trying to attribute criminal problems to geopolitics. Geopolitics - 1% influence, lawlessness and absence of law - about 99%. Crime is the most common. A Caucasian man does not go to court if he is offended. He takes a weapon or a knife and goes to investigate. That's the story.

— By the way, do you really have two cooks who are Caucasians?

— Do you also draw your knowledge about the Caucasus from them?

“I have enough experts who understand this.”

“The Party is a military organization”

— In your blog, you spoke very carefully about interethnic problems. And, as far as we know, there has been some deterioration in your relations with Boris Nadezhdin regarding his more radical views on this issue...

— The party is, in general, a military organization. Tough. It has come from old traditions that everyone chatters on any topic whatever comes into his head. And he tries to comment... Accordingly, I asked Nadezhdin and other comrades: “Calm down! We will now prepare a position together, discuss it, and then comment on whatever you want within the framework of this position.” Everyone says: “Yes, of course!”, but as soon as any reason... I'm gradually struggling with this.

— At the same time, you welcomed Yevgeny Roizman’s joining the “Right Cause” in every possible way. He took a big part in the Sagra story, and in his blog he was indignant at the news wording of Echo of Moscow: “Residents of Yekaterinburg attacked the residents of Sagra.” It would be more correct to say: the Azerbaijanis, incited by the gypsies, attacked. How would you formulate this news? Who attacked whom?

— Crimes, as I already wrote, are committed not by nations, but simply by bandits. And in a sense, we need to deal with the criminal aspect, and not the national one.

— Still, which formulation do you like better: “Residents of Yekaterinburg attacked the residents of Sagra” or “Azerbaijanis incited by gypsies”...?

“I don’t like either one.” My position is substantive: if there is a crime, a state governed by the rule of law should punish for the crime and not look at what nationality it is.

— Should the nationality of the criminals be stated in the media?

- No, I shouldn’t. Because a criminal is a criminal.

— If the recipe is known, why can’t the current government solve the problem of interethnic relations?

— The question is not for me, but for the current government...

- What is your opinion?

— My opinion is that, unfortunately, we have a weak state.

“Medvedev is trying to change the system”

— Still, why do you criticize the system, and not criticize Putin personally?

— If I say “weak state,” then I also criticize Putin. He participated in the creation of the model that we came to, but he was not the only one... I generally don’t like to criticize. You are always waiting for criticism, but business - it does not criticize its competitors, it defeats them.

— Is Putin your competitor?

— If the updated program of United Russia is strikingly different from mine, in this sense there will be a competitor.

— What do you think about President Medvedev?

— President Medvedev.

- Is that all you can say?!

“He’s trying to change the system, in my opinion.” On some issues I agree, just like with Putin, on some issues I disagree with Medvedev, like any normal person. For example, I believe that his call for an innovative economy is very correct. But this is simply where a mistake is made. The Skolkovo model has been tested, it must be immediately extended to other regions. Why should a scientist who worked for 20 years in the Novosibirsk academic town leave for Skolkovo, why can’t he get the same thing in Novosibirsk? We are again making a showcase, instead of working on the foundation...

Innovations from above, like slogans, are very correct. We haven’t talked about innovation at all before, and it’s great that we are discussing it now. But we have no competition! There is pressure from monopolies, which are absolutely not going to compete with anyone in this sense, they don’t need to do this... They are in a situation where they are accelerating costs, because when there is a large innovation program, then we all understand perfectly well that the more investment, the more cut.

“I’m running around to friends, asking: “Help!”

“A couple of months ago we sent our spy to the Moscow branch of the party. She looked at how people were being received...

— The scout came in, didn’t she?

— A journalist has no right to take up arms, you know. The point is that a lot of people came, they want to join, but this is not yet possible - they take coordinates from them, they fill out papers, but do not become party members. The management is waiting for approval of the program, new charter, and symbols. Why is everything so difficult?

— We are changing most of the heads of regional branches, you see it. If there are insane leaders sitting there, you can imagine who they hire. And immediately after the congress we will finally form all regional organizations. Where we have already changed leaders - and I accept them into the party personally, where we have formulated clear terms of reference, admission is already opening there. But we will not take people simply because they wanted to join. They must receive an assignment and undergo a probationary period. In the party there is work. This is not a party.

The party in the regions must be self-financing. They are simply obliged to pay all current expenses.

—Have you yet calculated the amount of necessary funding for the party?

- Of course, I did. Complies with the law. 2.7 billion, taking into account regional organizations, can be spent on the election campaign, so we will meet exactly 2.7 billion.

I am a law-abiding person. There are very strict restrictions. As an individual, I can transfer money to the party, but the absolute majority of my companies, as well as the majority of all large companies in Russia, cannot participate in political activities, because there are restrictions - no more than 30% of foreign capital. If I have an offshore company, the company cannot participate because it has foreign status. That’s why I run around to my acquaintances, my friends, asking “help!” This is how I found only 4 companies...

— Have you already encountered unreasonable requests on the party line - to give money for this, for that?

“Serious people came and said: “We are ready to join your party, give me money, I will go in my name and collect 20% of the votes in such and such an area.” I answered: thank you, goodbye. This probably happened in 30 regions... The amount of money they offered to give me for a place on the list was quite large.

— But it’s probably difficult to buy you.

- Yes. And this is a big advantage. The people in our party are self-sufficient.

“We will offer you one side chair”

— What is still happening in the ruling tandem? You know?

— I believe that you should always turn to primary sources.

— That is, to a tandem... Will you run for president?

— Every strong party must nominate its own candidate. The success of a party is determined by elections. Therefore, after December, I will discuss this decision with my fellow party members. It’s one thing when you score 15%, and another thing when you score 7% – this is a completely different situation.

— And if “Right Cause” receives one mandate, a side chair, will you be a State Duma deputy or will you give way to the next one on the list?

- I don’t think in the subjunctive mood, I believe that we will get into the Duma...

— But still, will you give up your mandate if you have a mini-faction?

— We will offer you one side chair.

- So I won’t follow your lists.

- Why?

- Did you offer it to me?

- Wait, we just met for the first time.

“Then you need to hurry up.”

- Such a bright image - a side chair! It would be uncomfortable for me to sit on a side chair. And for you (politics department correspondent Natalya Galimova, whose height is 1 m 63 cm, and Prokhorova’s height is 2 m 4 cm - “MK”), it’s just normal.

“The highest incomes are obtained in conditions of uncertainty”

— Still, Putin or Medvedev? We ask everyone this question about 2012.

— Who goes with what program — this is a fundamental thing, because we are now standing at the Rubicon. The whole world stands on the Rubicon.

— Do you think that the program of one and the other can change radically before the elections?

- At first it may not change, but then it will change.

— Putin or Medvedev will steal your program. There will be a leak...

- I do not mind. Please.

— There is an opinion that uncertainty in tandem negatively affects the situation within the country. Because of this, business is fleeing, capital is being exported, there is tension among the elites - no one understands how the work will be structured further, what the development program will be, as you say. Do you agree with this assessment?

— I will answer as, one might say, a businessman. The highest returns are achieved in conditions of uncertainty. Where it is stable, the usual income is 10-12%. And if you go into areas where there is a high risk, you can catch bigger fish there...

I remember well when we were running around during the loans-for-shares auction and really wanted to have a 50% partner to share the risks of purchasing Norilsk Nickel. We didn't find anyone. They told us - you are crazy... There is a debt of 2 billion dollars, a pre-strike history, they haven’t paid wages for six months... Are you crazy or something... We say: there are resources there... We didn’t have any money. We got into loans quite seriously.

— What then is connected with the flight of capital from Russia?

— The country is not competitive. It is not profitable to invest in it.

— You are not highlighting the problem that in Russia a business can be taken away from anyone...

- It is obvious. What can I say about this? Everyone is talking about it. Until you resolve the issues of the entire system, no one will lag behind the business.

“He’ll knock us all out one by one.”

— We don’t quite understand, are you in politics forever, or what? Will you not return to business regardless of the election results?

— These elections will not affect my desire to engage or not to engage in politics. If there is support from my fellow party members... But we need to hear criticism. If after a certain amount of time, after five or some years, I understand that this is not for me, then I need to evaluate myself sensibly. I'm used to working on my competitive advantages. I think I have potential. But we need to check this in practice.

- That is, five years in politics - that’s for sure.

— Yes, this is a serious, long-term project. I'm considering it now for 15 years. That's how I do basic business concepts.

— Why exactly 15 years?

— These are two crisis cycles, usually on average. A business must survive two crisis cycles.

— And in 15 years Russia will be from Lisbon to Vladivostok, in the euro zone...

“I will do my best if citizens support me.”

— And then Norilsk will be cleaner...

— Norilsk will be the capital!

— When you worked at Norilsk Nickel, Norilsk was one of the 10 dirtiest cities in the world. Life expectancy was 10 years below the Russian average. And all that stuff. How did you leave Norilsk Nickel, has the situation improved there?

- I don't know. We used to order a huge amount of work on the topic of how to change the environmental situation in Norilsk. Neither the Academy of Sciences nor foreign consultants have provided a single effective model.

You can install very expensive mechanisms to capture elemental sulfur, about 2 million tons. In order to remove this sulfur from there, it is necessary to build northern sulfur carriers for 3.5 billion - these are unusual ships, they must be special. This is an absurd and non-economic story...

If this plant could be made “from scratch,” it would have to be done differently. But it was already built in the Soviet Union. As practice shows, 300 square kilometers there have already been polluted due to this activity. As soon as the Norilsk field ends, economically speaking, there will be nothing there. People won't live. It is impossible to rebuild the Norilsk infrastructure.

— And when will the deposit end?

- There are at least another 50 years...

I'll tell you two illustrative stories. I gathered people: “Guys, we will do ecology.” Of course we will... We bought equipment and changed the system. And it turned out that a certain category of employees, called “pests,” cease to be “pests” under this environmental standard. As soon as this was announced to them, we immediately found two files in the equipment, and it broke. They did it again, and again they found two files.

Then I gather people and say: “Guys, listen, what is this?” And they told me: “Son, you don’t understand, we are pests.” How long can you breathe near this stove? In five minutes we’ll take you away, and I can stand for half a day.” And I understand that I am dealing with samurai, for whom this is the meaning of life. And I have several people like that.

But what am I doing? I say: “Guys, it’s my fault, I didn’t understand, no one will dare touch the “pests” anymore, we will never exclude you from the harmful list, no matter what environmental innovations we do here.” They answer: “This is a conversation.”

Ecological production was introduced. The harmful profession was eliminated along with those retiring. And when a young person gets involved, he is no longer a “pest”, because the standards... Here you go, microeconomics.

Another story - we made a filter at a copper plant and raised a pipe. What began... mosquitoes returned to the city. The townspeople were indignant: what are... mosquitoes... the midge has returned. We haven't seen her there for forty years. Give us back our emissions. Because it is impossible to live.

So which side should you take?

A very complex and complex question. Definitely not suitable. We have to flexibly make the model that I proposed. People should live and work in a healthy part, and continue to pollute the three hundred square kilometers that have already been polluted for 50 years. We had several comprehensive development models...

— Is it true that you met with workers at Norilsk Nickel, and they were indignant that their wages had not really increased for five years? You allegedly said that their labor productivity is not increasing. They countered that during this time your wealth increased fourfold...

— There were such explanations. For the first two years, I talked at length about labor productivity. When they heard me, the salary began to rise. We have changed the management model.

I explained: “Guys, are you shareholders of Norilsk Nickel?” Yes. “You received these shares through privatization. How much do they cost now? Yes, also four times more expensive. You just need to be able to explain. There is a salary, and then there are shares. Do you want wages to rise and shares to rise? Yes... So we sat there - how, why... And when I defended my shift with them, all the questions immediately went away. I spent the day working on the mountain. For personal example.

Then they tried to beat me...

- Who?

— There was a pre-strike story, I alone went to deal with them. They say: “Aren’t you afraid?” I say: “Are you all going to attack together? Let's go one at a time." One states: “No, I read... He’s been kickboxing for 20 years, he’ll knock us all out one by one.” I suggested: “Then let’s do it in twos, just as honestly.”

— Did you get into a fight?

- No, they decided not to be checked.

— And they kept their jobs after that?

- Of course, we saved it. We explained ourselves.

“I’ve never measured my libido.”

— Have you had to put your kickboxing skills into practice?

— At discos a couple of times when our girls were accosted.

- Where is this?

- Yes, you will immediately send spies there.

- Well, tell me, is this in Russia?

— Once in Russia, once abroad.

— And do you often go to discos?

- Once a month. I go to Soho.

- Do you dance?

- No, I’m looking at the dancers there. I like the energy.

- Maybe at least slow dancing?

— Slow people haven’t danced at discos for a long time.

— Did you defeat those who pestered your girls?

- Well, yes, you see, I’m sitting here...

“Did they even manage to strike back at you?”

- Did not have time.

- How can you go to these... entertainment places without security?

— My security performs such an economic role. I don't have a mobile phone. Pass something, bring bags... meet a girl...

- Why don’t you have a mobile phone?

- This is slavery. I'm meeting with you now, I'm not calling anywhere. If I find out about something in 20 minutes, will the world change? No. I'm not a dealer who has to buy and sell. I have a big system.

— Systemically organized process.

- Certainly.

— How much time do you spend on the Internet?

- Not at all.

— Don’t you even read the comments on your blog?

— I ask you to print them out for me... Now I temporarily took the iPad with me. Apparently, I’m so annoyed with him because the battery holds two instead of eight hours, that my mechanical watch stops on my wrist. I have some trouble with technology...

— Do you know how to use the Internet or not?

- No. This does not affect the results of my work. I have technical staff who, when setting a task, with the correct technical specifications, are much more qualified, without interrupting my strategic thinking, will do this. If you need to print this or that story, I just say it, and it will be printed.

— When was the last time you used public transport?

— The metro is relatively new... About six months ago. There was a traffic jam. I'm never late. So I had to. I realized that it was a pipe.

— Did they ask you for autographs?

- They don't notice me. People probably don’t believe it... The same thing doesn’t happen... I rode a trolleybus recently. At night we decided to ride a trolleybus with a small group.

— Did you rent a trolleybus?

— Not only rented. They also asked and called the FSO to install a flashing light. So that it would be normal. Kidding.

By the way, there was a funny story. Khloponin and I sat and discussed - let's go, like we used to go when we first bought cars, to the market. Let's take some meat - I used to cook well. Let's make barbecue... Let's quickly go to the places we went to when we were cooperators. And the wives in the company began to say: don’t forget that the train has a flashing light, and that a hundred meters from the place where you will grill the shish kebab (you won’t do that), the kitchen has already turned around in advance, so that at least you don’t remain hungry. They mocked us for so long that we buried this idea.

- You, and this is beyond doubt, are one of the most sporting politicians...

- Let's make an Olympics among politicians. There's a chance I'll win.

— You even said that the cut of your official suit—your Brioni or something—is very convenient for doing stretches. And you have mastered this acrobatic trick: a somersault from the “like a lizard walks” position. Can you show us?

- No. Because this is my personal life. I'm not going to highlight this.

— You once noted in an interview that you like business much more than politics, because politicians are forced to live by double, triple, quadruple standards...

— I will be the first politician who lives in the same standard. It may be naive, but I'll try. I think I didn’t do anything illegal, and I will continue to live as I see fit, so it’s not me who needs to change, but politics.

— Who gave you three golden eggs, 450 grams each?

— One person for a birthday.

— Is this some kind of symbolism? Like in the movie "Eggs of Destiny"?

- No, he gave me a toast about “don’t put your eggs in one basket.” He decided to poke fun at my passion for diversification.

— In your youth at the skit party at the institute, you were the Snow Maiden, and Mr. Khloponin was Father Frost. Why did you choose the female role?

“Apparently because I was a better Snow Maiden than Khloponin.” I was wearing swimming trunks and a short skirt. I had to wear sneakers because I'm size 48. Such a fashionable Snow Maiden in a sporty version.

— You have some very delicate relationships with Ksenia Sobchak. She once remarked: everyone knows that Prokhorov has low libido. “A huge number of women who have experienced it speak openly about it.” What would you answer Ksenia to this attack?

— I have never measured libido. Neither yours nor someone else's. I would answer her this way: due to the fact that Ksenia Sobchak is an expert in measuring libido, and I, in principle, am used to trusting experts, let her continue to measure!

— Where are your jetskis stored after they were removed from Istra due to the “divorce” with Potanin?

— I'm skating in a new place.

— They won’t kick you out of there anymore?

- No. There is mine, dear!

Interviewed by Ekaterina Deeva, Natalya Galimova, Mikhail Zubov, Vadim Poegli, Ksenia Sleptsova

Mikhail Prokhorov is one of the most successful Russian businessmen. He began his professional career during the years of Perestroika. In the harsh 90s of the last century, the man became richer year after year. By the beginning of the new century, he was one of the richest Russians.

In the new millennium, Prokhorov is involved in politics. He is running for the post of President, taking third place in the elections. Mikhail positioned himself immediately after D. A. Medvedev and G. Zyuganov.

Our hero has never been married. He carefully protects his personal life from strangers, which causes numerous gossip and idle speculation.

Height, weight, age. How old is Mikhail Prokhorov

The businessman became famous at the beginning of the new millennium. He nominated himself several times for the post of President of the Russian Federation. A large number of Russians have become interested in Mikhail Prokhorov. One of the TV channels aired a program dedicated to the businessman. In it you could find out how the man lived, what his height, weight, age were. Many people know quite well how old Mikhail Prokhorov is. In 2018, the man quietly and modestly celebrated his 53rd birthday, although many Russians believe that he is much younger.

Our hero is tall. He was always taller than his peers, who teased him as “Giraffe.” The businessman is 203 cm tall and weighs 95 kg. A man never consumes fatty foods or alcohol. He leads a healthy lifestyle. Often a man tries to go to the gym and play sports.

Mikhail Prokhorov, whose photos in his youth and now are quite numerous, knows several languages ​​well. The businessman is on the list of the richest people in the world.

Biography and personal life of Mikhail Prokhorov

The biography and personal life of Mikhail Prokhorov began in the mid-60s of the last century not far from the Kremlin walls. Father, Dmitry Ionovich Prokhorov, headed the international sports committee. Mother, Tatyana Mikhailovna Kumaritova, worked at one of the capital’s institutes, where she taught chemistry. The boy was not alone in the family. He has an older sister, Irina, who was born several years earlier than Mishenka.

From childhood, the kid was distinguished by prudence and sound judgment. He seemed older than his years. The future businessman's friends were somewhat older than him.

At the age of 7, our hero went to school. He studied English in depth. Throughout the entire period of study, Prokhorov received exceptionally excellent grades, which led to him receiving a gold medal after school.

After receiving the certificate, Mikhail becomes a student at the capital's financial institute. But a year later he began to serve in the armed forces of the Soviet Union. The guy served in the missile forces for two years.

After being demobilized, Mikhail returned to university. In the late 80s he received an excellent diploma. At the same time, the future businessman becomes a member of the Communist Party.

Prokhorov's career has been developing rapidly since the early 90s. At first, yesterday's student managed the International Bank for Economic Cooperation. Then he chaired the joint-stock commercial bank International Finance Company. After that, he managed ONEXIM Bank. Our hero was the general director of Norilsk Nickel.

At the beginning of the new millennium, Prokhorov became involved in politics. He nominated himself for the post of President twice, but managed to get a small number of votes.

The man organized a Relief Fund, the funds of which go to the development of Russian culture and sports. The Mikhail Prokhorov Charitable Foundation issues cash grants every year.

The personal life of the billionaire is little known. According to official data, he has never been married and has no children.

In the last year, our hero has almost disappeared from television screens. Many Russians are asking the question: “Where is Mikhail Prokhorov now?” Let's answer: he works and develops his business.

Family and children of Mikhail Prokhorov

The family and children of Mikhail Prokhorov is a rather interesting topic. It is known that our hero has an only sister, Irina, who works with the billionaire Foundation.

Mikhail Prokhorov does not have a beloved wife. He says that all the women with whom fate brought him were selfish. They didn't like him, but his money. It was not possible to find a loved one who liked him. The businessman has no children either.

Mikhail's father came from Barnaul. He played sports. He headed the international sports committee. He died in the harsh 90s. He was buried in one of the capital's cemeteries.

Prokhorov's mother was a chemistry teacher at the institute. She developed creativity in children. It was in honor of his mother that the businessman organized the Fund for Assistance to Theater and Film Artists.

Daughter of Mikhail Prokhorov

In 2010, information appeared on one of the portals that Mikhail Prokhorov and his daughter Natalya visited an orphanage in the capital. Numerous residents of the Russian Federation were surprised that the businessman is a father and has a daughter.

The article reported that the girl lives abroad and only occasionally comes to Moscow. But it soon became clear that the news was sent from a fake website.

The businessman himself assures that he does not have his own children. The son and daughter of Mikhail Prokhorov were never born. This is due to the man’s heavy workload.

Mikhail Prokhorov's wife

The billionaire is one of the most famous bachelors. Numerous representatives of the fair sex dreamed of getting him into their networks. But to date, Mikhail Prokhorov’s wife has not appeared.

A businessman once said in an interview that he always dreamed of having a good family that his parents could boast of. All the women with whom fate confronted him needed his money, and not he himself, which led to parting with his next passion.

According to rumors, his favorites were: the incomparable Monica Bellucci, the Norwegian princess, and a simple Krasnoyarsk girl. But whether this is true or not is unknown. The billionaire himself tries to protect his personal life and not share its details with anyone.

Mikhail Prokhorov - businessman, oligarch and eligible bachelor will soon become a husband. This news shocked many Russian girls. Who became Mikhail's chosen one? And when can we expect the wedding?

Mikhail Prokhorov

It turned out that a certain Maria became the bride. The girl’s friend shared with us some secrets of their personal life. The couple met in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the small village of Eruda.

Mikhail went there on business to visit his friend Alexander Khloponin. There, a businessman must pay taxes on his next transaction. By the way, Prokhorov’s gold mining company is located not far from the village.

During his stay in Yeruda, Mikhail met Maria. Their acquaintance took place in the gym. Both the businessman and his lover, as it turns out, love sports.

Masha captivated Prokhorov with her beauty and intelligence. The girl graduated from a university and received a higher education, and she is also fluent in two foreign languages. Soon the couple began dating.

And after some time, Maria moved to Moscow to live with Mikhail. Then the most interesting thing began - the oligarch proposed to the girl. Nobody expected such a step from Prokhorov. Everyone was amazed.

As the bride’s friend said, Masha arrived in Yeruda recently. She worked in a bakery and went to the fitness center in her free time. The girl always took care of herself, was modest and very sweet.

They even say that it was not for nothing that she appeared in the village. Maybe Maria knew that Prokhorov would appear there. If so, then she made an excellent hunter.

*Note by Phacochoerus'a Funtik:

“Manic-depressive psychosis, which is usually designated by this abbreviation, has nothing to do with it. Sometimes people just have bad luck with initials. And they also have witty parents.”

Combat skills

With a height of 2 meters 4 centimeters, he hangs over any opponents, which does not add solidity to them. A slight autistic look, inactivity of the facial muscles and the habit of making strange hand gestures during speech have already given the oligarch the reputation of a shy and modest person (especially the female part of the electorate is attracted to this). Thanks to his meager facial expressions, there is absolutely no risk of revealing his true feelings and thoughts, even if he really wanted to. Possesses a photographic memory - capable of delivering hour-long speeches without a piece of paper.

Ace in the hole

A couple of tens of billions of dollars. Mikhail Dmitrievich doesn’t even need to spend it: millions of people will be happy to provide him with a friendly and completely free service at any moment.

Famous biography facts

During his student years, he earned money by unloading cars with cement. In many interviews he hinted that this is how he made up his starting capital. Nobody believes this.

He was arrested in Courchevel for pimping, pimping and involvement in elite prostitution. This is how French law enforcement agencies reacted to a group of a couple of dozen beauties whom kind Uncle Misha took out skiing. Then the French apologized for a long time, and Prokhorov’s partner at Norilsk Nickel, Potanin, was very dissatisfied with such a scandal.

At 46 years old, childless, not married and never been married. All his life he lives in the same house with his sister and her daughter.

The most terrible and deceitful rumor about a candidate

That in fact he did not sleep with the Courchevel young ladies. And generally not with any young ladies. And with young men too. Enemies and envious people claim that, in fact, Mikhail Dmitrievich was always concerned about this whole sex revolution.

What does he want?

Unite Russia and Europe into a single economic, legal and cultural space, cross the ruble with the euro. Reduce and reduce the rights of officials, while freeing the paws of business. Give complete freedom to the media, introduce full contract service for the army, sell off most state monopolies, and use the freed up money for funds for pensioners. Novodvorskaya herself would subscribe to such wonderful theses!

What does he really want?

This is the main intrigue of the current elections. Half of the voters are sure that Prokhorov is a Kremlin puppet, which Putin himself invented and painted in different colors so that it pretends to fight with him as if it were alive. The other half also thinks so and feels sorry for Putin for being so gullible. For example, they wouldn’t let such an obedient and kind puppet come within striking distance of a mop.

What he doesn't like to talk about

This is unknown, since the candidate is ready to answer in such detail and detail any, even the wildest of the accusations brought against him, that he never manages to fit into the time allotted for the answer, and the end of the exciting story remains behind the scenes. But it is noticed that he always hesitates and begins to nervously twirl his fingers when asked to name something he loves: a woman, a book, food, weather or a type of bacteria.

Over to the candidate!

“If I had found a girl who could support me and pay all my household expenses, then I would definitely give up business and go quietly and peacefully to live in the kitchen! By the way, I’m a very good cook.”

“If you have poor eyesight, then come closer and you will see a real giant!” **

“Why do I need a wife... Let me marry Russia!”

“As a child, I dreamed of eating my fill.”

“We all want to live in a cool and trendy country.”

“The first thing I will do when I become president is to pardon Khodorkovsky.”

What else to read