Take the continuous group clock knowledge test. Present tenses (Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous). Exercises. Present tense in English - exercises

The Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense.


Present continious time (Present Continuous) means:

1. action taking place at the present moment; He is watching TV now.

2. an action that is a continuous process; The Earth is moving

3. future action, if planned. They are spending next winter in Spain.

But: Some verbs are not used in the Continuous. These are verbs that mean sensualperception (to see, to hear ), mentalactivity(to know, to believe, to remember, to understand ); desires, feelings (to want, to wish, to like, to love, to dislike, to hate ).


Present continuous tense ( Present Continuous) is formed using a verb to be V Present Indefinite And -ing forms of the semantic verb.

Affirmative form

Negative form

Interrogative form

Is he (she, it) working?

are not working

Are we (you, they) working?

I am = I"m He is = He"s We are = We"re is not = isn"t are not = aren"t


Exercise 1. Put the correct form of the verbtobein sentences to usePresent, Past, FutureContinuous:

1. I ... taking five courses this semester. 2. Bill ... trying to improve his English. 3. Sue ... writing another book this year. 4. John and Mary ... talking on the phone. 5. I need an umbrella because it ... raining. 6. We ... walking down the street when it began to rain. 7. It was beautiful yesterday when we went out for a walk, it ... not raining, the sun ... shining. 8. I couldn't get you on the phone last night, who ... you talking to so long? 9. What ... you doing at 6 tomorrow? 10. We ... playing chess in half an hour. 11 . She ... listening to her favorite music at 8 o"clock tomorrow. 12. What ... you ... doing when I come?

Exercise 2. Give short answers to the questions inPresent, Past, FutureContinuous:

Sample: Are they writing the test in English now? -Yes, they are. – No, they are not.

1. Is the secretary typing our papers? 2. Are you helping your mother to cook the dinner? 3. Am I reading your thoughts? 4. Is he waiting for his girlfriend? 5. Were you wearing this dress at yesterday's party? 6. Was father reading newspapers at dinner again? 7. Was I talking in sleep? 8. Were they quarrelling when you came in? 9. Was the bus going the wrong way 10. Shall I be carrying my heavy bags myself? 11. Will they be discussing this question at the meeting? 12. Will you be seeing her tomorrow?

Exercise 3. Open the brackets and use the verbs inPresentContinuous:

1. I (meet) her at the station at ten. 2. He (give) a lecture at twelve. 3. I (have) lunch with my friend tomorrow. 4. The committee (Meet) next Tuesday. 5. How do you (get) to the party tomorrow? I (go) by car. Who (drive)? 6. We’ve got a new flat and (move) very soon. 7. Do you (do) anything tonight? Yes, I (go) to my English class. 8. I (go) to the dentist tomorrow. 9. He (have) his photograph taken tomorrow. 10. Air hostess: We (take off) in a minute. Please fasten your seat-belts.

Exercise 4. Give short and complete answers.

Sample: Is she playing computer games? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.

Yes, she is playing computer games now.

1. Are they having a rest? 2. Is your friend dressing? 3. Are they buying a book? 4. Are you waiting for your parents? 5. Is Mary working in the garden? 6. Are the children playing in the garden? 7. Is she writing a composition? 8. Is Pete swimming in the pool now?

Exercise 5: Put the following sentences in the negative form, ask a general question and other types of questions where possible.

Sample:Tom isreading a book. Tom is not reading a book.

Is Tom reading a book or a magazine? What is Tom reading?

1. Mary is writing a letter to her mother now. 2. They are playing chess in the living-room. 3. Ron is trying to open the window. 4. We are translating the text now. 5. My sister is cooking breakfast. 6. My father is watching a football match the whole evening. 7. Ann is playing the violin and we are listening to the beautiful music. 8. The younger boys are singing in the boys’ choir.

Exercise 6. Open the brackets and put the verbs inPresentContinuous. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Mr Jones (to clean) his yard. 2. Nansy (to paint) her kitchen. 3. Timothy (to feed) his dog. 4.Our neighbors (to wash) their car. 5. I (to wash) my hair. 6. What she (to do) now? She (to study) geography. 7. The children (to brush) their boots. 8. What did he (to do) at the moment? – He (to fix) his bicycle. 9.They (to have) a big dinner together. 10. John and his friend (to work) in the library. 11. A young man (to stand) at the window. He (to smoke) a cigarette. 12. The dog (to lie) on the rug near the door. 13. Who (to lie) on the sofa? – The cat and her kittens (to sleep) there. 14. What do they (to talk) about? 15. Where is John? – He (to play) computer games.

Exercise 7. Ask questions about the underlined words:

1. Somebody is waiting for you in the hall now. 2. We are going to the Crimea in summer. 3. They are having their daughter's birthday party on Saturday. 4. We are going to sing cheerfully. 5. The weather is going to change for the worse. 6. I'm looking at the clock. 7. He's looking for her gloves. 8. She is looking after her grandmother. 9. We are talking about the new play. 10. We are talking to our neighbors.

Exercise 8.Open the brackets and use the verbs inPresentContinuous, explain the use.

1. Come to see me. I (to have a rest) and (to wait) for you now. 2. It’s nine o’clock now . We ( tolisten) to the latest news on TV. 3. Where is the grandfather? He (to work) in the garden now. 4. Look at the little girl. She (to play) with a nice kitten. 5. Are you (to watch) a TV now? No, I (to read) an interesting book. 6. Don't touch the dog. He (to eat) now and he can bite you. 7. Their parents (to walk) in the garden now. 8. Why do you (to wear) this coat today? It is very warm. 9. My father (not to work) this month, he is on holiday. 10. Listen! What language (to speak) the people? 11. We are at the party. - Hello, Mike. You (to enjoy) the party? 12. My sister wants to lose weight. She (not to eat) anything today.

Exercise 9. ExpandbracketsAnduseVerbsVPresent Continuous. ReadresultingstoryAndretellhis:

We are having a walk in the park now. It is very nice and interesting here. It (not to rain) any more, it (to clear) up and the sun (to shine). The jazz band (to play) in the park. A lot of people (to listen) to the music and they really (enjoy) it. But they (not to dance) yet. There is a coffee shop there. Several people (to sit) there, the others (to wait) in the queue. Some people (to have) sandwiches and (to drink) coffee, tea or fruit juices. Boys and girls over there (to laugh) and (to make) a lot of noise. They (to play) games and Tom (to take) pictures. They (to have) a good fun. So what (to go) on? We all (to have) a good time there.

Exercise 10. Translate into English using verbs inPresentContinuous:

(NOW) 1. I read newspapers. 2. He doesn't write the test. 3. We are not working in the office today. 4. Do you read or watch TV? 5. Does the child sleep in the nursery? 6. Do they play football at the stadium? 7. Katya plays the piano, she doesn’t sing. 8. Don't touch the cat, she's eating. 9. Don't make any noise, my little sister is sleeping. 10. Does mom cook dinner alone? 11. Does your grandmother drink tea on the veranda? 12. I don't sleep, I listen to music. 13. Students do exercises at the stadium. 14. We don’t swim in the river, the water is cold. 15. I walk in the park and feed the birds. 16. What are you doing now? – I’m helping dad paint the fence. 17. Are you going to school? - No, we are going to the sports club. 18. What are these boys carrying? - Soccer ball. 19. This is a photo of my friends, Tom is playing the guitar, and Jane is singing. 20. And here we are dancing on my birthday.

Exercise 11. Put the appropriate form of the verb in PresentContinuousorPresentIndefinite:

1. We (to go) to the seaside every summer. 2. Listen! Somebody (to knock) on the door. 3. How often do you (to wash) your dog? 4. She can't come to the phone. She (to wash) her hair. 5. Where (to be) Kate? She usually (to sit) in the front row. I (not to know) why she (to sit ) here now. 6. Please be quiet! The baby (to sleep). 7. What you (to laugh) at? 8.1 hardly ever (to work) on Mondays now. 9. The countryside (to be) wonderful especially when it (to snow). 10. Why you (to smoke) here? - And where people

usually (to smoke) in this building?

Exercise 12. UsePresentContinuousinstead ofPresentIndefiniteto express irritation, dissatisfaction or anger. Usewords"always," "constantly" or "forever":

Sample: She leaves her dirty dishes on the table.- She is constantly leavingher dirty dishes on the table.

1. He takes my things without asking me. 2. They close all the windows at night. 3. She speaks in a loud voice. 4. They quarrel over trifles. 5. He leaves the door of his car open. 6. She eats her lunch in class. 7. He dog-ears the pages of his textbooks. 8. You come to the office 5 minutes late. 9. She uses the office phone for personal calls. 10. Wherever she goes, he follows her.

The Past Continuous (Progressive) Tense

Today we will practice the times of the Present group. I offer you exercises for Present tenses with answers. To review real tenses in English, you can read the following articles:

To practice each of the present tenses of the English language, you can use the following articles:

Also pay attention to the following materials:

The present tense in English is exercises.

Well, let's move on to exercises on the 4 real tenses of the English language.

Exercise 1. Open the brackets by using one of the present tenses.

  1. What time _____________ (the meeting/end)?
  2. Tomorrow I _____________ (fly) to Moscow to visit my aunt Sally.
  3. Right now he _______ (talk) on the phone.
  4. The Earth __________ (go) round the Sun.
  5. I _________ (look) for my camera for an hour.
  6. Could you close the window? I _____________ (freeze)
  7. The man __________ (paint) the walls all day long.
  8. The coffee ___________ (smell) good.
  9. At the moment we___________ (take) a walk around a beautiful village.
  10. We _____________ (not/finish) our history project yet.
  11. Kim _____________ (never/be) abroad.
  12. School always _______ (close) for Easter holidays.
  13. I'm exhausted. I _____________ (train) my stomach muscles all morning.
  14. What _____________ (usually/you/do) in your free time?
  15. Look! Your mum ____________ (water) tomatoes in the vegetable garden.

Exercise 2. Choose the right option.

1 The boy ___________his homework and now he _________-TV.

a) already has done, watches

b) already does, has watched

c) has already done, is watching

2. They___________ about Russian traditions since the beginning of the lesson.

a) have been talking

3. This is the best conference I ________.

b) have ever been to

c) have ever been to it

4. The postman usually __________ at 9 in the morning. It is half past 9 now but he ___________

a) comes, has not come yet

b) comes, has not been coming

c) is coming, has not come yet

5. They__________ the walls and they ___________nice.

a) have painting, are looking

b) have painted, look

c) have been painting, look

6. The economic situation in the world is already bad and it __________worse.

Exercise 3. Use Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present Perfect.

It (1) _________ (be) time since my last letter to you. I (2) ____________ (still/work) at ABS and the company (3) _____________ (do well). This is very fortunate as many of my friends (4) ___________ (lose) their jobs. Our savings (5) _____________ (take) a disastrous dive because of the economy. I (6) ____________ (know) the situation everywhere is difficult and I (7) __________ (be) happy I still have a job. My friend Michael and his wife Georgia (8) ______________ (now, live) in Virginia. Michael (9) ______________ (finish) studying massage therapy. He (10) __________ (run) a small clinic in partnership with another woman. He and Georgia (11) _____________ (look) for a full-time job, though, as they (12) _____________ (lose) money also. As I say, many people (13) __________ (have) a hard time now.

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences into Russian using one of the real English tenses.

  1. He has been watching TV since the morning.
  2. Tomorrow I have an English lesson at 8:00.
  3. The air in the city is becoming more and more polluted.
  4. I lost my wallet.
  5. Her hair is dirty. She painted the house all day.
  6. You are constantly losing something!
  7. You've been writing your essay for two hours now.
  8. I go to the pool three times a week.
  9. Dad has been fixing the car since the morning.
  10. He broke his leg.

Answers to the exercises.

1 does the meeting end, 2 am flying, 3 is talking, 4 goes, 5 have been looking, 6 am freezing, 7 has been painting, 8 smells, 9 are taking, 10 have not finished, 11 has never been, 12 closes , 13 have been training, 14 do you usually do, 15 is watering

1 c, 2 a, 3 b, 4 a, 5 b, 6 a

1 has been, 2 am still working, 3 is doing, 4 have lost, 5 have taken, 6 know, 7 am, 8 are living, 9 has finished, 10 is running, 11 are looking, 12 have lost, 13 are having

  1. He has been watching TV since the very morning.
  2. Tomorrow I have English class at 8:00.
  3. The air in the city is becoming more and more dirty.
  4. I have lost my wallet.
  5. Her hair is dirty. She has been painting the house the whole day.
  6. You are always losing something!
  7. You have been writing an essay for two hours.
  8. I go to the pool three times a week.
  9. My father has been repairing the car since morning.
  10. He has broken his leg.

I hope these exercises helped you systematize the use of Present tenses.

1. Put the verb into the Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous or Future Perfect Continuous form.

She... German since 1970. She... German for 50 years by the year of 2020. She... German for 2 hours when her student fell asleep.

Kate… for five hours before she reached the town. Kate... for a whole hour! Kate… for five hours by the time you get here.

2. Choose the appropriate word or phrase in brackets. Translate the sentences.

My friends had been living in Kabul for 2 years… (when the war breaks out/when the war broke out/when the war will break out). What has she been doing… (since 8 o’clock/for 8 o’clock/by 8 o’clock)? We shall have been working for 5 hours… (when you return/when you will return/when you returned) to our office by 6 p. m. It had been snowing for a day… (when I leave/when I left/when I will leave) home. I have been preparing for my exam… (since 2 days/for 2 days/by 2 days). How long had they been windsurfing… (when I see/when I saw/when I shall see) them? Sara will have been driving her bike for 6 months… (since Christmas/for Christmas/by Christmas). By the time... (our Mum wakes up/our Mum woke up/our Mum will wake up) we will have been flying over the ocean for a couple of hours.

3. Place the verb in brackets in the required tense of the Perfect Continuous group. Translate.

They… (to celebrate) their wedding since last Friday. I... (to play) the violin for a long time when my friends came. Wake up! You… (to sleep) for 12 hours already! We... (to sunbathe) on the beach for several hours by the time she reads our letter. The boy took the toys which little Mary… (to play) with. Tony… (to speak) on the phone since breakfast time. Mark... (to choose) a new telephone for an hour before he bought it. Liz... (to translate) the book for ages. He said he... (to wait) for us for half an hour. By tonight I… (to keep) to a diet for 2 weeks already.


Has been teaching (She has been teaching German since 1970.) Will have been teaching (She will have been teaching German for 50 years by 2020.) Had been teaching (She had been teaching German for two hours when her student fell asleep.) Had been riding a horse (Kate rode a horse for five hours before she got to the city.) Has been riding a horse (Kate has been riding a horse for an hour!) Will have been riding a horse (Kate will have been riding a horse for five hours by the time how do you get there.)

When the war broke out (My friends lived in Kabul for 2 years when the war broke out.) Since 8 o'clock (What has she been doing since 8 o'clock?) When you return (We will work for 5 hours when you return to our office by six in the evening.) When I left (It had been snowing all day when I left the house.) For 2 days (I have been preparing for the exam for two days.) When I saw (How long had they been windsurfing when I saw them?) By Christmas (Sarah will have been driving her bike for 6 months by Christmas.) Our Mum wakes up (By the time Mom wakes up, we will be flying over the ocean for a couple of hours.)

Have been celebrating (They have been celebrating their wedding since last Friday.) Had been playing (I was playing the violin for a long time when my friends came.) Have been sleeping (Wake up! You've been sleeping for 12 hours!) Shall/will have been sunbathing (We We'll have been sunbathing on the beach for several hours by the time she reads the letter.) Had been playing (The boy took the toys that little Mary was playing with.) Has been speaking (Tony has been talking on the phone since breakfast.) Had been choosing (Mark I was looking for a new phone for an hour before buying it.) Has been translating (Lisa has been translating the book for an eternity.) Had been waiting (He said that he was waiting for us for half an hour.) Shall/will have been keeping (By this evening I will be sitting on I've been on the diet for 2 weeks now.)

Test 1. (Simple Tenses)

1. I often… to the cinema with my friends. (go)
2. When... you... Bill last time? (see)

3. John and Kelly…yesterday. (get married). Did you know?
4. I…you with your English tomorrow. (help)
5. Allie... eat meat. She is a vegetarian. (not eat)
6. He...always in a hurry. (be)
7. They … each other when they were studying at university. (meet)
8. I promise I… to you again. (not lie)
9. Jack normally …breakfast at 7.30 (have)
10. They…their last holiday in Spain.

Test 2. (Simple Tenses)

1. I don't like horror films.
2. Yesterday my friends went to the cinema, the film was very interesting.
3. Every morning Tom runs in the park near his house.
4. I think the weather will be good tomorrow.
5. Maggie looks like an actress. She is very beautiful.
6. Will you come to our wedding?
7. Max graduated from university two years ago. Now he works as a lawyer.
8. It’s very hot here. Should I open the window?
9. She wants to become a doctor.

Test 1. (Continuous Tenses)

1. Mary...now. (read)
2. Turn off the TV! The baby...!(sleep)
3. It... all day long yesterday. (rain)
4. At this time tomorrow we … on the beach and … cocktails. (lie, drink)
5. ...you ... your keys? They are on the table in the kitchen. (look for)
6. What...you...next Friday? (do)
7. Hey! You... on my foot! (stand)
8. What... you... at this time yesterday? (do)

Test 2. (Continuous Tenses)

1. Tom is not working now.
2. Yesterday from 5 to 6 pm the children swam in the pool.
3. Mom, it smells amazing! What are you cooking?
4. Tomorrow afternoon I will work on a presentation.
5. Yesterday he played football all day.
6. Will you come tomorrow? I'll be waiting for you from 3 to 5.
7. I'm looking for a new job.
8. What are you doing this weekend?

Test 1. (Perfect Tenses)

1. I … already … doing housework. (finish)
2. By the time she got home her children … already … their homework. (do)
3. We…working yet. (start)
4. ... you ... this film? (see)
5. Next year I… here for 20 years. (work)
6. When I saw her last time she … already … her hairstyle. (change)

Test 2. (Perfect Tenses)

1. We bought a new car.
2. I will finish this report on Friday afternoon.
3. Mike has never seen a camel.
4. When they arrived at the station, the train had already left.
5. They have just met old friends.
6. Have you ever tried mussels?

Test 1. (Perfect Continuous Tenses)

1. How long... you... here? (work)
2. They... for 20 years. (be married)
3. Next year Chris… in Berlin for 10 years. (live)
4. Mark … for his flight for 2 hours when they announced its delay. (wait)

Test 2. (Perfect Continuous Tenses)

1. Did you like the cake? We baked it since the morning.
2. They have lived in Moscow since 1995.
3. Our team worked hard and we were able to finish the project on time.
4. In December it will be two years since I lived in another country.

Work, swim, come, play, lie, tell, get, take, cut, drink, make, hit, sleep, try, look, walk, serve, eat, die, sit, cry, ski, travel, smile, begin, prepare, stop, listen, shave.

Answers: working, swimming, coming, playing, lying, telling, getting, taking, cutting, drinking, making, hitting, sleeping, trying, looking, walking, serving, eating, dying, sitting, crying, skiing, traveling, smiling, beginning, preparing, stopping, listening, shaving.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be (am, is, are).

  1. Frank and Martin … watching a TV show now.
  2. Kelly…washing her dress in the bathroom.
  3. Our teacher … writing something on the blackboard.
  4. It...getting dark.
  5. The birds…singing sweetly in the garden.
  6. I …preparing for my report at the moment.
  7. The children … decorating the hall for the party.
  8. The wind... blowing now.
  9. People…speaking quietly in the conference-hall.
  10. You…waiting for the call.

Answers: 1. are; 2. is; 3. is; 4. is; 5. are; 6 am; 7. are; 8. is; 9. are; 10. are.

Exercise 3. Make up sentences in the Present Continuous Tense.

  1. I/play/tennis/with/my/friend/now.
  2. We/walk/on/the/beach/now.
  3. They/have/a/great/time/at/the/camp/at/the/ moment.
  4. Angela/paint/a/beautiful/picture/now.
  5. Tina/ and/Pam/stay/in/a/five-star/hotel.
  6. It/rain/outdoors/at/the/ moment.
  7. Bobby/prepare/for/the/test/in/his/room.
  8. The/ dog/bark/at/some/strangers.
  9. The/water/in/the/kettle/boil.
  10. Somebody/knock/at/the/door.
  11. The/children/still/sleep.
  12. You/watch/the/sunset/now.
  13. The/girls/choose/the/ costumes/for/the/party.
  14. We/wait/for/the/bus/at/the/ bus-stop.
  15. A/little/girl/cry.

Answers: 1. I’m playing tennis with my friend now. 2. We are walking on the beach now. 3. They are having a great time at the camp at the moment. 4. Angela is painting a beautiful picture now. 5.Tina and Pam are staying in a five-star hotel. 6. It is raining outdoors at the moment. 7. Bobby is preparing for the test in his room. 8. The dog is barking at some strangers. 9. The water in the kettle is boiling. 10. Somebody is knocking at the door. 11. The children are still sleeping. 12. You are watching the sunset now. 13. The girls are choosing the costumes for the party. 14. We are waiting for the bus at the bus-stop. 15. A little girl is crying.

Exercise 4. Make the sentences negative.

  1. Molly is translating an article.
  2. Jack and Sam are gathering pears in the garden.
  3. It is getting warm.
  4. We are climbing a mountain.
  5. You are playing basketball now.
  6. The children are washing hands in the bathroom.
  7. My grandfather is reading a newspaper now.
  8. My family is having supper now.
  9. Angela is ironing her dress now.
  10. I'm looking for my kitten now.

Answers: 1. Molly isn’t translating an article. 2.Jack and Sam aren’t gathering pears in the garden. 3.It isn't getting warm. 4. We aren't climbing a mountain. 5. You aren’t playing basketball now. 6. The children aren't washing hands in the bathroom. 7. My grandfather isn’t reading a newspaper now. 8. My family isn’t having supper now. 9. Angela isn’t ironing her dress now. 10. I’m not looking for my kitten now.

Exercise 5. Make up sentences based on the model.

Example: Tim isn't reading now. (to sleep) +
Tim isn't reading now. He is sleeping.
Colin and Den are playing now. (to work) — Colin and Den are playing now. They aren't working.

  1. Pupils aren't writing a dictation now. (to translate the text) +
  2. Margaret is washing the dishes, (to sweep the floor) —
  3. The days are getting shorter, (to get longer) —
  4. My Granny isn’t reading a magazine, (to watch TV) +
  5. My friend and me are sunbathing, (to swim) —
  6. The kitten isn't sleeping, (to play) +
  7. Greg and his boss aren’t having lunch, (to read a report) +
  8. Cliff and Julia are preparing for the test, (to dance at the disco) —
  9. My father isn’t his washing car. (to dig in the garden) +
  10. I'm not learning a poem now. (to write an essay) +
  11. You are skating now. (to play snowballs) —
  12. I'm drinking tea now. (to drink coffee) —
  13. My father and me aren’t listening to music now. (to listen to news) +

Answers: 1. Pupils aren’t writing a dictation now. They are translating the text. 2. Margaret is washing the dishes. She isn't sweeping the floor. 3. The days are getting shorter. They aren't getting longer. 4.My Granny isn’t reading a magazine. She is watching TV. 5. My friend and me are sunbathing. We aren't swimming. 6. The kitten isn’t sleeping. It is playing. 7. Greg and his boss aren’t having lunch. They are reading a report. 8. Cliff and Julia are preparing for the test. They aren't dancing at the disco. 9. My father isn’t washing his car. He is digging in the garden. 10. I’m not learning a poem now. I'm writing an essay. 11.You are skating now. You aren't playing snowballs now. 12. I’m drinking tea now. I’m not drinking coffee now. 13. My father and me aren’t listening to music now. We aren't listening to news now.

Exercise 6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

  1. Alice and Ron… (to sit) in a cafe now.
  2. It... (not to snow) outdoors now.
  3. We …(to wait) for our teacher in the classroom.
  4. I … (to watch) the children playing in the yard.
  5. The girls … (to argue) about what present to buy for Lewis.
  6. Andrew... (not to have) a rest at the moment.
  7. Look! All the people… (to come) into the hall.
  8. Unfortunately our experiment… (not to go) according to the plan.
  9. Pam... (to stand) too close to the road.
  10. The students… (not to have) a lecture now.
  11. Her health… (to improve) day after day.
  12. The rainforests… (to disappear) from our planet nowadays.
  13. The baby-sitter... (not to look) after the child because the child... (to sleep) now.
  14. Look! The guide… (topoint) at some ancient building.
  15. I… (not to discuss) this question now.

Answers: 1.are sitting; 2. isn’t snowing; 3. are waiting; 4.am watching; 5. are arguing; 6. isn’t having; 7. are coming; 8. isn’t going; 9. is standing;
10. aren’t having; 11. is improving; 12. are disappearing; 13. isn’t looking, is sleeping; 14. is pointing; 15. I am not discussing.

Exercise 7. Make the sentences interrogative.

  1. We are gathering apples in the garden.
  2. Mary is listening to music now.
  3. I’m sweeping the floor in the kitchen.
  4. The cat is running after the mouse.
  5. The boys are making a plane.
  6. The wind is getting stronger.
  7. You're building a nice house.
  8. I'm taking a bath now.
  9. A woman is feeding the chickens.
  10. They are trying to catch a taxi.

Answers: 1. Are we gathering apples in the garden? 2. Is Mary listening to music now? 3. Are you sweeping the floor in the kitchen? 4. Is the cat running after the mouse? 5. Are the boys making a plane? 6. Is the wind getting stronger? 7. Are you building a nice house? 8. Are you taking a bath now? 9. Is a woman feeding the chickens? 10. Are they trying to catch a taxi?

Exercise 8. Give short answers to the questions.

  1. Is he peeling the potatoes? - Yes,….
  2. Are they walking in the park? - No, … .
  3. Are you watching TV? - Yes,….
  4. Is Martin washing the car? - No, … .
  5. Are Jane and Molly cleaning their rooms? - Yes,….
  6. Is the washing-machine working? - No, … .
  7. Are you reading a magazine? - No,….
  8. Is Victor writing a report? - Yes,….
  9. Is Ann typing a document? - No, … .
  10. Is the sun shining? - Yes,….

Answers: 1. Yes, he is. 2. No, they aren’t. 3. Yes, I am. 4. No, he isn’t. 5. Yes, they are. 6. No, it isn’t. 7. No, I'm not. 8. Yes, he is. 9. No, she isn’t. 10. Yes, it is.

Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Give short answers to the questions.

  1. … Anna … (to type) the documents? - No,…. She... (to speak) to her boss.
  2. … it … (to get cold)? - Yes,…. And the wind... (to get) stronger.
  3. ... you ... (to look) through the papers? - No, I... I… (to write) a report for the conference now.
  4. … Bill and Mike … (to mend) the fence? - Yes,….
  5. … your parents and you … (to rest) in the country house? - No, … . We… (to spend) our weekend at the seaside.
  6. … Edgar … (to play) a computer game? - Yes,….
  7. ... the phone ... (to ring)? - No,…. Somebody... (to ring) the door bell.
  8. ... your grandparents ... (to rest)? - No,…. My grandparents... (to work) in the kitchen garden.
  9. … the kitten … (to sleep)? - No, … . The kitten… (to hide) somewhere.
  10. ... you ... (to slice) cheese? - No, I…. I... (to mix) the vegetable salad.

Answers: 1. Is Anna typing the documents? - No, she isn’t. She is speaking to her boss. 2.Is it getting cold? - Yes, it is. And the wind is getting stronger. 3. Are you looking through the papers? - No, Gt not. I’m writing a report for the conference now. 4. Are Bill and Mike mending the fence? - Yes, they are. 5. Are your parents and you resting in the country house? - No, we aren’t. We are spending our weekend at the seaside. 6.Is Edgar playing a computer game? - Yes, he is. 7. Is the phone ringing? - No, it isn’t. Somebody is ringing the door bell. 8. Are your grandparents resting? - No, they aren’t. My grandparents are working in the kitchen garden. 9. Is the kitten sleeping? - No, it isn’t. The kitten is hiding somewhere. 10. Are you slicing cheese? - No, I’m not. I’m mixing the vegetable salad.

Exercise 10. Make up sentences by arranging the words in the correct order.

  1. gathering/forest/We/the/mushrooms/are/in.
  2. horses/are/The/not/now/boys/riding/the.
  3. breakfast/sister/now/your/having/Is?
  4. whitewashing/garden/the/They/in/trees/are/the.
  5. me/waiting/Are/for/you?
  6. having/not/now/is/lunch/Roger.
  7. to/teacher/speaking/Our/them/is/now.
  8. carpet/the/Vicky/Is/the/vacuuming/living-room/in?
  9. is/coffee/Helen/for/making/not/me.
  10. friend/going/and/My/are/the/me/cinema/to.
  11. The/new/concert/learning/children/a/for/song/are/the.
  12. is/now/brother/for/His/looking/not/work.
  13. you/hall/the/hanging/in/the/Are/garlands?
  14. the/in/dusting/is/now/sister/furniture/bedroom/the/My.
  15. party/Everybody/the/enjoying/is.

Answers: 1. We are gathering mushrooms in the forest. 2. The boys are not riding the horses now. 3. Is your sister having breakfast now? 4. They are whitewashing the trees in the garden. 5. Are you waiting for me? 6. Roger is not having lunch now. 7. Our teacher is speaking to them now. 8. Is Vicky vacuuming the carpet in the living-room? 9. Helen is not making coffee for me. 10. My friend and me are going to the cinema. 11. The children are learning a new song for the concert. 12. His brother is not looking for work now. 13. Are you hanging the garlands in the hall? 14.My sister is dusting the furniture in the bedroom now. 15. Everybody is enjoying the party.

Exercise 11. Translate into English.

  1. They are now decorating the room.
  2. Is he waiting for me?
  3. We're not cooking dinner right now. We are cleaning the kitchen.
  4. Anna doesn't swim now. She plays volleyball with her friends.
  5. Are you listening to me? - Yes, I listen to you carefully.
  6. Now I'm relaxing in the garden.
  7. My brother is looking for some information for his project.
  8. They are not painting the roof of the house now. They are repairing the gate.
  9. JANE is taking a shower now? - No, she's preparing breakfast.
  10. Do you wash your hands? - Yes.
  11. Are your friends getting ready for a concert? - Yes, they are discussing costumes now.
  12. It is raining outside.

Answers: 1.They are decorating the room now. 2. Is he waiting for me? 3. We aren’t cooking supper now. We are cleaning the kitchen. 4. Anna isn’t swimming now. She is playing volleyball with her friends. 5. Are you listening to me? - Yes, I am listening to you attentively. 6. I’m having rest in the garden now. 7. My brother is looking for some information for his project. 8. They aren’t painting the roof of the house now. They are repairing the gates. 9.Is Jane having a shower now? - No, she isn’t. She is cooking breakfast. 10. Are you washing your hands? - Yes, I am. 11. Are your friends preparing for the concert? - Yes, they are discussing the costumes. 12. It is raining outdoors now.



  1. Pavlichenko O.M. English language. Grammar workshop. Level II. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - X.: Ranok, 2012. - 304 p.

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