Psychotronic weapons - effects and their consequences. Psychological weapons All information about psychotronic weapons

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Psychotronic weapons: Psychotronic terrorism - History of formation. Part 1

First psychotronic research

The first experiments with the transfer of thoughts began to be carried out at the very beginning of the birth of the USSR. In 1919-1923 such experiments were carried out by B. Kazhinsky, V. Bekhterev, V. Durov, E. Naumov, A. Chizhevsky. V. Bekhterev and V. Durov, for the first time in the world, using dogs in a large series of experiments, scientifically confirmed the existence of the phenomenon of cerebral force influence of human thoughts on dogs.

Bekhterev published his results in 1919 in the articles “On experiments on mental influence on the behavior of animals” and “Protocols of experiments on direct suggestion to an animal, carried out by doctors I. Karmamov and I. Perepel.” And he made a special report on his discovery at the Brain Institute conference in November 1919. In his works, Bekhterev pointed to the discovery and discovery by him of a brain mechanism of a special supersensible contact, which arises under certain conditions between a person and an animal and allows, in the “language” of the animal - with the help of movements and emotions - to control its behavior mentally.

In 1923, B. Kazhinsky published the book “Biological Radio Communication”. In 1924, the chairman of the scientific council of the Laboratory of Animal Psychology, V. Durov, published the book “Animal Training,” in which he talks about experiments on mental suggestion.

In 1925, Alexander Chizhevsky wrote an article about mental suggestion - “On the transmission of thoughts at a distance.” After the murder of V. Bekhterev in 1927, B. Kazhinsky reported his concerns about the possible use of devices of forceful mental suggestion for military and other unseemly purposes to two namesake writers S. M. Belyaev (1883 - 1953) and A. R. Belyaev (1884 - 1942). Both writers wrote a fantasy novel - the novel was published in 1928. M. Belyaev "Radio Brain", and in 1929 - the novel by A.R. Belyaev - "Lord of the World".

Bolshevik Gleb Bokiy began the creation of a special encryption department in the NKVD, engaged in the development and deciphering of codes, at the same time, within this secret structure of the special service, a parapsychological laboratory was created with a wide range of interests in the field of paranormal phenomena, zombies, mystical cults... At that time, some heads of NKVD departments gave lectures on the occult. The special department began studying various healers, shamans, hypnotists, mediums, etc. After the execution of Bokiy in 1937, the special department was disbanded.

Over time, ongoing psychotronic and paranormal research programs were closed, and the accumulated information either disappeared or was simply forgotten.

Two decades earlier than the Bolshevik experiments, psychotronic research was successfully carried out by the Russian chemist professor Mikhail Filippov. His experiments showed that "The blast wave is completely transmitted along the carrier electromagnetic wave. And thus, a charge of dynamite detonated in Moscow can transmit its effect to Constantinople."

Mikhail Filippov was killed by unknown assailants in his home in St. Petersburg on June 12 (October?) 1903. As if anticipating his death, Mikhail Filippov sends a letter to the St. Petersburg Vedomosti newspaper on June 11, where he reports on the progress of his work:

“The other day, I made a discovery, the practical development of which will actually abolish war. We are talking about a method I invented of electrical transmission at a distance of an explosion wave, and this transmission is possible at a distance of thousands of kilometers.”

After Filippov’s death, the police seized all the scientist’s papers, including the manuscript of the book “Revolution through Science or the End of Wars.” According to one version, his scientific materials burned in a fire during the revolution, according to another, Emperor Nicholas II personally studied the case, after which the laboratory was destroyed and all the papers were burned.

Electromagnetism research was in full swing not only in Russia.

English inventor Harry Grindel Matthews experimented with “electrically charged light rays,” as the press reported in the early 20th century. In 1924, Matthews discovered his “Death Rays,” which make it possible to kill living organisms at a distance, produce gunpowder explosions, stop cars, airplanes, etc. The military application of this new invention was depicted as follows: a number of searchlights are installed on the borders of the state, emitting these rays, and not a single airplane can approach the border, not a single shell can fly through this fence zone, not a single living creature can approach it.

Matthews carefully hid his developments. They were not discovered after his death in 1941.

The experiments of another great man, Guglielmo Marconi, Nobel Prize laureate, are interesting. In fascist Italy in June 1936, he conducted a unique experiment - on the motorway, north of Milan, Marconi demonstrated the operation of his device. Mussolini asked his wife Raquel to get on the freeway at exactly 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Marconi turned on his device and for half an hour the electronic devices of all cars on the road, including the car of Duce’s wife, failed. This story, among other witnesses, is mentioned in her biography by Raquel Mussolini herself. Marconi died a year later, in 1937, and for many years his fans will say that his death was only staged. By the way, the same thing will be said about Tesla.

In February 1929, the magazine “Radio Everyone” (No. 3, p. 93) noted: “According to information from English magazines, German. prof. Esau in Jena began the new year with the discovery of “death rays”: a device placed in a cigarette box emitted ultrashort (especially short) waves that could kill small animals and destroy bacilli cultures. At the same time, the device operated without an antenna using ordinary amplification tubes.”

Shortly before his death, the Great Inventor Nikola Tesla announced that he had invented “death rays” that could destroy 10,000 aircraft from a distance of 400 km. The inventor sent proposals around the world to construct a “super weapon”, intending to establish a balance of power between different countries and thus prevent the onset of World War II. The mailing list included the governments of the United States, Canada, England, France, the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. In 1940, in an interview with the New York Times, 84-year-old Nikola Tesla announced his readiness to reveal the secret of teleforce to the American government. It was based, he said, on a completely new physical principle, which no one had ever dreamed of, different from the principles embodied in his inventions in the field of long-distance transmission of electricity. According to Tesla, this new type of energy will operate through a beam with a diameter of one hundred millionth of a square centimeter and can be generated by special stations.

Another interesting case is known as the Tesla Car.

Most sources talking about the Tesla car refer to A.C. Greene's article in the Dallas Morning News.

"With the support of the Pierce-Arrow Co. and General Electric in 1931, Tesla removed the gasoline engine from the new Pierce-Arrow car and replaced it with a standard 80 hp (1800 rpm) AC electric motor. whatever the traditionally known external power supplies.

At a local radio store, he bought 12 vacuum tubes, some wires, a handful of assorted resistors, and assembled all this equipment into a box 60 cm long, 30 cm wide and 15 cm high with a pair of 7.5 cm long rods sticking out outside. Securing the box behind the driver's seat, he pulled out the rods and announced, "We now have power." After that, he drove the car for a week, driving it at speeds of up to 150 km/h.

Since the machine had an AC motor and no batteries, the question rightly arose, where did the energy come from? Tesla answered: “From the ether around us all.” People said that Tesla acted rashly and, one way or another, was in league with the sinister forces of the universe. Tesla was angry at this, he removed the mysterious box from the vehicle and returned to his laboratory in New York. His secret went with him!

Some researchers believe that Tesla could have used the Earth's magnetic field in his generator. It is quite possible that using a high-frequency high-voltage alternating current circuit, Tesla tuned it into resonance with the oscillations of the Earth's "pulse" (about 7.5 hertz). At the same time, obviously, the oscillation frequency in his circuit had to be as high as possible, while remaining a multiple of 7.5 hertz (more precisely, between 7.5 and 7.8 hertz)."

There are plenty of examples of important revolutionary discoveries. The names of the scientists are well-known, their statements are serious. Only, all such discoveries were not brought to life, but seemed to disappear into oblivion. Neither state intelligence services, nor criminal structures, nor masons could ignore such discoveries. Someone had to take possession of such technologies, and having taken possession of them, they had to prevent competitors from mastering them. And indeed, it is clearly visible how the emerging discoveries were slowed down and disappeared. Moreover, the power that could be capable of this - influence on states, on private firms, on manipulating public opinion, on deciding the destinies of people and peoples - was greater than even alliances of formidable states. And such power could be given by the possession of technologies that were being discovered at that time and which were systematically destroyed.

And yet, scientific thought prevails over opposing forces and psychotronic developments develop over time, although they are greatly delayed in time. At the end of the existence of the Soviet Union, the breakthrough in psi technologies was already extremely significant.

Psychotronic USSR

Under the general leadership of the VENT organization, headed by the brilliant Russian physicist A.E. Akimov, a program was implemented in the Soviet Union in accordance with the closed resolution of the CPSU Central Committee and the USSR Council of Ministers dated January 27, 1986, number 137-47 on the topic of developing principles, methods and means of remote contactless control behavior of biological objects, including humans. One of the co-executors was the then deputy head of NPO Energia V.K. Kanyuka, who was involved in the sections “Lava-5” and “Ruslo-1”.

In the USSR there were still projects “Shepherd” and “Friendship”, about which little is known. The “Shepherd” project was carried out by order of the Central Committee of the CPSU, its goal was to search for methods with which it would be possible to create charismatic leaders of the state, for example, party secretaries, whose orders would be impossible to disobey, whose words would penetrate the very souls of people. The essence of the project SS 0709 “Friendship” was that the targeted influence of a psychic (or group) would cause changes in the consciousness of a person (or group of people), with correction of behavior.

In 1987, a global program for the development of psi technologies was laid down on the desk of USSR Prime Minister Nikolai Ryzhkov. It was planned to use them in the national economy and in military remote control systems. The last section talked about the creation of “means for controlling the psychophysical state of a person and influencing the decision-making mechanism.” General of the Main Intelligence Directorate F.R. Khantseverov proposed creating a system of developers acting for the “purposes of ensuring social control and maintaining law and order.” Ryzhkov approved the idea. A scientific council was created headed by Academician Kotelnikov.

And yet, the work was carried out, and the successes were obvious.

In 1973, the most serious results in the study of psi-phenomena were obtained by Kiev scientists, as a result of which the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a special closed resolution on psi-research in the USSR on the creation of a research and production association “Response” under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR, headed by Professor Sergei Sitko . At the same time, part of the medical experiments was carried out by the Ministry of Health of the Ukrainian SSR under the leadership of Vladimir Melnik and at the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology under the leadership of Professor Vladimir Shargorodsky. Research on the influence of mental suggestion on the psychopathology of the central nervous system was led by Professor Vladimir Sinitsky.

In 1988, the Rostov Medical Institute, together with the companies Hippocrates and Biotekhnika, successfully completed tests of the newest psychotronic generator and submitted an application for the discovery of “The phenomenon of changes in the permeability of biological tissues under simultaneous exposure to magnetic and high-frequency magnetic fields.” The new weapon “is capable of suppressing the will of a person and imposing another for him." The radiation of these devices is built on the resonant frequency of the natural vibrations of the internal organs of a person, and the amount of radiation is so small that it is much lower than the "ethereal noise", so no one will be able to detect this weapon, and its use can lead to illness and death of all humanity and most biological objects on earth.

Since 1988, the production of spinor radiation generators began in Kyiv by the Institute of Materials Problems of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (V.I. Trefilov, V. Mayboroda, etc.).

Serious developments have also begun at the Kiev International Research Center "Natural Resources" (A. Kasyanenko and others), generators have been created that control emotions, muscle tone, reactions, the state of the nervous system, etc.

The following organizations worked on the creation of psychotronic weapons in the last years of the USSR:

Center for Non-Traditional Technologies of the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology (ISTC "VENT"),

USSR Ministry of Defense,

Ministry of Atomenergoprom of the USSR,

Military-Industrial Commission of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers,


USSR Ministry of Defense Industry,

Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

The following types of psi-radiation equipment were created that simulate mental suggestion:

1.Laser equipment. The creator is Professor V.M. Inyushin.
2.Pulse infrasound technology. USSR Ministry of Defense.
3.Electronic radio wave equipment. Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
4.Microwave resonance equipment. Ministry of Health of the Ukrainian SSR.
5.Magnetic generators. Made jointly with the USA.
6.Ultrasonic locator generators. Made jointly with the USA.
7.VHF generators. Made in laboratories in Kyiv, in the systems of the USSR Ministry of Atomic Energy Industry.
8. Spinor and torsion generators. KGB of the USSR. (Sixth Directorate).
9. Special medical equipment with modified parameters. Made in laboratory 12 OTU KGB of the USSR.
10. Special microwave generators. Fifth and sixth directorates of the KGB of the USSR.
11. Installation of radio hypnosis "Radioson". Made in 1972 by the USSR Ministry of Defense, and tested in military unit 71592 near Novosibirsk. Registered on January 31, 1974 by the USSR State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries as “A method of inducing artificial sleep at a distance using radio waves.” Author I.S. Kachalin and others (USSR Academy of Sciences).

In Kyiv alone, the “Svod” foundation, the “Vidguk” center, the association “Buran”, “Saturn”, “Kvant”, “Radar”, “Mars” were involved in psychotronic developments. And generally bad things are said about the medical practice of the Vidguk units. People left there for ethical reasons back in the late 80s - they didn’t want to take sin on their souls, in their own words. Psychotronic generators were produced at NPO Saturn, at the Arsenal plant. [CV]

In large cities of the Union, psychotronic complexes were installed to control the state of the psyche of the population (the “Crab” and “Kite” systems)

And here..., against all this splendor of scientific and technical victories, against ruthless powerful organizations, a little-known corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, E.B. Aleksandrov, suddenly stands up. In May 1991, he sent a certificate to the Committee on Science and Technology under the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, in which he brazenly slandered the achievements of scientists in the study of torsion fields and branded the allegedly “vicious” work of the Ministry of Defense and the KGB in this direction. Would a simple pathetic member of a member risk independently speaking out with his visor open against the formidable state machine? What do you think would happen to an ordinary person who risked speaking out against such organizations? I think there wouldn’t even be a wet spot left of him (and Alexandrov, by the way, later even becomes an academician)!

Soon, at a meeting of the Committee on Science and Technology of the Supreme Council of the USSR, which took place on July 4, 1991, according to Aleksandrov’s slander, a resolution was adopted in which harsh attacks were made on the main coordinator of psychotronic research - ISTC VENT and its director Akimov. On December 8, 1991, the USSR ceases to exist. And in November 1998, a false commission was organized under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (organizer - Academician Ginzburg, leader - Academician Kruglyakov), which thickly throws mud in the press at all the teachings about torsion fields and any psychotronic developments.

“Zero Power” - the global psychotronic mafia did its job - with one blow it eliminated its growing competitor, the USSR, which was receiving superweapons for use, and took all these developments into its own hands, more on which below.

Psychotronic Germany

In Germany, promising scientific research was carried out in the following areas:

Anti-gravity aircraft
- self-sustaining engines that do not require conventional fuel
- psychotronics, parapsychology, the use of “subtle” energies to control individual and mass consciousness.

In 1945, Red Army soldiers took the ancient Altan castle. A huge number of papers with intricate texts were discovered here. This was the Ahnenerbe archive. Among the documents, drawings of flying disks and methods of manipulating people were found, but the most significant part of the archive was associated with mysticism. Now this special archive is stored in Moscow in the Northern Administrative District.

Disc-shaped aircraft

Gradually, from this archive, information emerges about the past achievements of German scientists and engineers - anti-gravity aircraft, Schauberger engines using the energy of a moving vortex fluid flow, Hans Koller converters that convert gravitational energy into electrical energy (these converters were used in tachyonators - electromagnetic gravity engines " Thule" and "Andromeda", produced in Germany in 1942-1945 at the Siemens and AEG plants).

German researchers practiced unconventional methods of obtaining knowledge - under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs, in a state of trance or contact with the Higher Unknowns, or, as they were called, “External Minds”. A special department was formed from specially selected Ahnenerbe members with parapsychological abilities. Ancient occult “keys” (formulas, spells, etc.) found with the help of “Ahnenerbe” were also used, which made it possible to establish contact with “Aliens”. The most experienced mediums and contactees (Maria Otte, Karl-Maria Willigut, etc.) were involved in “sessions with the gods.” For the purity of the results, the experiments were carried out independently in the Thule and Vril societies. Some occult “keys” worked, and almost identical technogenic information was received through independent “channels”. In particular, drawings and descriptions of “flying discs”, whose characteristics were significantly superior to the aircraft technology of that time. German designers Schriever, Habermohl, Mithe, and Bellonzo worked on the devices.

The history of development of anti-gravity aircraft in Germany dates back to 1919. But the prototype (VRIL disk) took off only in 1939. And almost until the very end of Nazi Germany, German developers created new flying disks - VRIL-Jager1, VRIL-jager7, Belonce Disc, Haunebu I, Haunebu II, Haunebu III.

According to American intelligence, by the end of the war the Germans had nine research enterprises where they developed and tested flying discs.

At the end of the 50s, among the captured films, a German documentary film report was discovered about the research project of the V-7 flying disk, about which nothing was known until that time. It is also known that the famous “special operations” specialist Otto Skorzeny in the middle of the war was tasked with creating a detachment of pilots of 250 people to control “flying saucers” and manned missiles.

The American military archives and the archives of the British Air Force contain many reports from military pilots who reported to their command that during their flights over German territory they had more than once encountered very strange flying machines similar to British military helmets. The first person to observe a UFO over Germany was Captain Sobinski, a Pole who served in the British Air Force. On March 25, 1942, he made a night flight in a bomber with the aim of reconnaissance of the large industrial center of Essen. After completing the mission, when the plane had already left the airspace over Germany and gained an altitude of 5000 meters, his plane began to be pursued by some silver disc-shaped device. The machine-gun fire did not cause any harm to the aircraft: it continued to calmly fly behind the bomber and did not return fire. This escort lasted at least ten minutes. Then the device soared upward with lightning speed and disappeared into the night sky.

Another case of UFO sighting, information about which is preserved in the archives, occurred in 1943. In his report, British Air Force Major R. T. Holmes wrote that on October 14, during the bombing of the German city of Schweinfurt, several “large shiny disks” were noticed. Moreover, they did not react in any way to the fire that air gunners fired at them from bombers.

Following the British, American pilots who fought in Europe also encountered mysterious objects. There are references to such cases in the archives of the US Air Force Intelligence Directorate, where UFOs appear under the name “FU fighters.” This is what the American pilots of the 415th night fighter-interceptor squadron, operating over German territory in the winter of 1944-45, nicknamed them.

The generals who took part in the Battle of Kursk, heroes of the Soviet Union, one pilot, another tanker, said that they saw something like that, some kind of disk hung during the Battle of Kursk, what it was, of course, they didn’t know, it was the Germans or ours, they didn’t know either, but such devices were not made in the Union at that time.

In 2000, an interview with Der Spiegel magazine of 85-year-old German resident Raoul Streicher caused a sensation. He argued that the title of “cosmonaut No. 1” belongs not to Gagarin, but to him, since he was in orbit back in 1945. A special investigation conducted by Spiegel using the secret archives of the Third Reich fully confirms Streicher’s words about space flight.

In 1938, not far from Wewelsburg, where the main headquarters of the SS was located, a specialized research institute for rocket technology was created. The research center was headed by Wernher von Braun. Within the walls of this research institute the V-3 missile system was developed. The A9/A10 cruise missile, which was part of the complex, could be used as an intercontinental missile (Hitler planned to destroy New York in the summer of 1945) or as a space missile.

The first test launches took place in 1943, but due to technical imperfections, 16 of the 18 rockets launched exploded at launch or in the air. The following year, about 40 rockets were launched, improved and improved by von Braun. At the same time, in accordance with the personal order of the Fuhrer, a recruitment of military cosmonauts was announced among German ace pilots. This detachment, fully formed in March 1944, included, according to various sources, from 100 to 500 people.

At Goering’s personal request, Raoul Streicher, an unsurpassed aerial combat ace, was included in the number of future cosmonauts.

After several rocket tests in 1944 ended successfully, the final selection of future space explorers was carried out. As a result, two pilots were selected: Martin von Dulen and Raoul Streicher.

The first launch of a rocket with von Dulen on board took place on February 18, 1945 and was unsuccessful: the rocket exploded in the third minute of flight. The second launch took place six days later and ended successfully: the rocket with Raoul Streicher on board was launched into low-Earth orbit and, after circling the Earth, splashed down off the coast of Japan. Thus, it was the flight that took place on February 24, 1945, according to Streicher, that marked the beginning of human space exploration.

Researchers believe that many of Germany's scientific achievements in the military-technical field were the result of the use of information received from an extraterrestrial civilization. There are good reasons for this.

In conditions when many outstanding scientists left Germany and scientific schools that had existed for many years practically ceased to function, the country simply could not develop scientific and technical innovations, which, nevertheless, Germany had.

Experts in military technology and economics point out, for example, that, having only 57 submarines at the end of the 30s, during the four years of the war Germany was able to build 1,163 ultra-modern submarines for those times at its shipyards and put them into operation. And this is despite an acute shortage of many strategically important materials for waging war, and the last two years have been under the terrible Allied bombings that swept away entire cities!

The Nazis managed to create the first jet fighter, which reached speeds of up to a thousand kilometers per hour, significantly superior in speed and armament to any aircraft of all countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. It’s a mystery - how in 1945, under continuous bombing, the Nazis managed to produce 2,000 new combat vehicles in a matter of months and managed to use them in battle?! [KFG]
In 1938, a book by the former chief of tsarist military intelligence, General Nikolai Stepanovich Batyushin, “Secret Military Intelligence and the Fight against It” was published in London. In his book, he reports on the activities of the secret weapons department of the German War Ministry. About two thousand people worked in this department. It occupied a separate large building, on the territory of which a special police force operated with special powers. Here is what Batyushin writes:
“...a controlled underwater mine was designed and tested in 1935 in the North Sea; a stratospheric rocket has been developed, controlled from the ground, theoretically capable of reaching a height of 15-20 thousand meters and releasing its charge at any point; Experiments are being conducted on demagnetizing magnetos with radio waves in order to lower airplanes; experiments are being conducted on “death rays” that ignite wooden buildings from a distance; experiments are being carried out on the development of surrogates for raw materials, etc.”


Ahnenerbe scientists have achieved success in psychotronics, parapsychology, and in the use of “subtle” energies to control individual and mass consciousness. Torsion or microlepton radiation, those same vortex flows, were known to the Germans at Ahnenerbe.

The Luminous Lodge Society, later called the Vril Society, which became part of the Ahnenerbe, based on the ideas of occult anthropology, studied the possibility of creating a new race of “supermen” - a special mutation of the Aryan race, emitting “giant radiations of energy.” Specially created Ahnenerbe reconnaissance groups collected information from various scientific schools around the world in the field of psychotronic technologies and human control, to create a fundamentally new type of weapon.

In the forties, Germany was the world's leading scientific center for the study of the reserve capabilities of the human psyche and physiology. The world's only Institute of Psychology was located in Germany, and it was in Berlin that the psychiatrist-hypnologist Johann Schultz worked, the author of the new European concept of mental self-regulation, which absorbed all the best that was in the East and in the world, and by 1932 Schultz's discovery was final formalized in a fundamentally new form - auto-training, aimed at opening and using the reserves of the human body. In his system, Schultz included the discovery of the French researcher Coue about the unusual effect of repeatedly spoken words; the discovery of the American researcher Jacobson about the specific psychophysiological effects obtained with the help of maximum psychomuscular relaxin, and the main achievement of the East - Indian, Tibetan and Chinese teachings about unusual physical and mental phenomena that can be obtained using specially altered states of consciousness. I. Schultz called his discovery “autogenic training” or “new system of autohypnosis.”

Simultaneously with Schultz’s discovery, occult and mystical research based on Nietzsche’s idea of ​​the superman had been carried out in Germany for a long time. And since Hitler himself was the greatest mystic of his time and an official member of several secret occult organizations, having come to power, in 1934 he immediately gave a secret order to create fifty research institutes in Germany to study the theory and practice of activation and use hidden human capabilities.

In the archives of Soviet cinema there is a feature film "The Nuremberg Trials". This film featured documentary footage in which one could see how Hitler, with the help of scientists, created a psychogenerator and “created” a zombie man. Documentary footage was provided that showed how you can control a person at a distance by transmitting into his head the order to mow the grass without a scythe in his hands. And it was clear that the man did not have a scythe in his hands, but he made all the movements as if he had it in his hands.

Extensive research has been carried out in the field of using torsion fields for military purposes. “The Ahnenerbe archival documents emphasize that the influence of technomagical devices was aimed primarily at “will crystals,” special formations somewhere in the pituitary gland.

In the 1980s, articles on the topic of psychotronic research by Professor Colonel Georgy Bogdanov appeared in the Soviet academic journal Cybernetics and Medicine. He wrote that in the human brain there are crystals of semiconductor structures built in by nature itself. Thanks to these solid-state electronics, it is possible to transmit encoded information to the brain, which causes an image, representation, visual associations, acoustic and behavioral reactions. [BG]


Interesting parallels - after the start of testing of German anti-gravity devices in 1934, within five years several types of disk-shaped aircraft were designed and were preparing to be launched into series. But in 1939, Germany unleashed the Second World War, and serial production of these devices was planned in 1944-46. were not implemented due to the defeat of Nazi Germany. In such a coincidence one can see a correlation, the interest of a third force in leaving a monopoly on the ownership of such developments for itself.

Germany could not be the only one to conduct such promising research. In general, discoveries in the world often occur in several countries independently, thanks to the parallel development of science and technology.

Limit the implementation of discoveries:

1. level of scientific and technological progress,
2. a state of public consciousness that can accept or reject these discoveries,
3. economic condition,
4. counteraction of opponents who can create conditions for their inhibition and destruction

In Germany, favorable conditions were created for a breakthrough in technology, a transition to a new level of science, but the scientific development of Germany was hindered by invisible competitors, those who already owned torsion technologies, successfully used them, and who, through the hands of our soldiers, stopped the technocratic progress of Nazi Germany.

One of the factors that the world mafia could successfully play on in countering Nazi Germany was the Fuhrer’s hypertrophied faith in the superhuman roots of the Germans. This gave rise to a strict division of citizens along national lines and the transformation of all opponents into sworn enemies. Having radically cut off the opportunity to take advantage of the broad support of the population of the conquered territories, Hitler signed his own death warrant.

And for such gigantic turns in history, a small psychotronic adjustment of consciousness is enough - simply the idea of ​​​​the dominance of the German race, in the consciousness of one person, is intensified to the required level, which will create the necessary actions, which will give the required result. Such actions to adjust consciousness are the basis of psychotronic control of a person.

Continued in part 2.

Original post and comments at

→ Fleas and a jar

Even at the dawn of civilization, dictators and governments of totalitarian states dreamed of translating the most ancient occult sciences and the hidden capabilities of the human psyche into weapons - with its help to make their own population obedient, enslave other states and become rulers of the world. With the creation of such weapons, the military received an ideal weapon of mass enslavement and destruction, and the intelligence services received an ideal zombie agent, capable of obtaining and transmitting secret and other information without classical means.

In the twentieth century, dreams of psychotropic weapons began to be realized in practice: → Psychotropic Golgotha.

Psychotronic weapon

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Academician V. Bekhterev became one of the founders of psychotronic weapons in Russia. In 1925, V. Bekhterev’s group conducted the first experiments on the collective experience of emotions at a distance. Mass suggestion was carried out through a radio network. A significant contribution to the creation of such weapons was made by F. Dzerzhinsky’s daughter M. Taltse and associate professor D. Lunts. They were engaged in the development of combined psychotronic technologies based on the interaction of special narcotic drugs and technical equipment. At the end of the 50s, modern domestic psychotronic weapons came out of the laboratory buildings of closed research institutes and began to enter service with the intelligence services and military. Today, psychotronic weapons and their use have already been recognized as a de facto war.

The phrase “psychotronic weapon” appeared in the media 20 years ago. As a rule, retired military men or unrecognized scientists talked about him. They reported about certain “generators” that, being hundreds of kilometers from the “object”, can supposedly create a “mess” in a person’s head, change his behavior, undermine his psyche and even lead to death. As a rule, there were also victims of the effects of psi weapons. They complained that certain voices were whispering orders to them. They listened politely, and at the end of the conversation they were advised to contact psychiatrists.

→ We can't wait to see your Fas!

Psychotronic weapons belong to the so-called “non-lethal” weapons - their invisible components can control people’s behavior, change the worldview of the population (any biological object), kill at a distance, imitate or create any chronic disease, make a person a criminal or insane, create aviation, railway or a car accident, create or provoke any climatic disasters, control the most complex device or mechanism, destroy a capital structure in a matter of seconds.

An abridged version of the book is offered, the information in which should be considered not as fiction or phantasmagoria, but as a real danger - this concerns the life and health of both an individual and the entire population.

Interview through the prism of Russian consciousness

Major General of the FSB Reserve speaks about the secrets of psychotronic weapons, ways and methods of influencing human consciousness, about their practical application in protecting top officials of the state and exposing opponents, dangers and means of protection against influencing a person (through the prism of Russian consciousness - ed.) Boris Ratnikov is a former employee of the Federal Security Service, one of the personal bodyguards of Russian President B.N. Yeltsin.

→ Psychotronic weapons. Major General Boris Ratnikov

— Boris Konstantinovich, when a military man of your rank decides to give an interview to the largest circulation newspaper in Russia, and even on such a sensitive topic, a logical question arises: why do you need this?

- First of all, I’m offended for the state! - says the general. - What we have been doing in Russia in the field of psi influences since the 1920s is now being successfully used even in Pakistan, not to mention other countries. And until the mid-1980s, the largest closed centers for the study of mental effects on humans were located in Kiev, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Minsk, Rostov-on-Don, Alma-Ata, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm and Yekaterinburg - 20 in total. and all under the patronage of the KGB. Thousands of the best scientists have worked on this problem. After the collapse of the USSR, all these centers closed, and the scientists dispersed - some throughout the country, some abroad.

Secondly, it is necessary to convey to the population and authorities the information that the threat of influencing mass consciousness is now greater than ever. This is due to breakthroughs in new technologies and the spread of the Internet. And besides, with the work of the Commission on Pseudoscience at the Russian Academy of Sciences. Academics continue to insist that psi influence is quackery. And the third reason: now all over the world interest in psychotronics has flared up again with renewed vigor. According to my data, within 10 years, psychotronic weapons will become more formidable than nuclear and atomic weapons. Because with its help you can take over the minds of millions, turning them into zombies.

— What is being developed abroad in the field of psi influences?

“In the USA, ideas for psi-influences are being developed based on eastern psychophysical systems,” says General Ratnikov, “hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming (NLP), computer psychotechnologies, bioresonance stimulation (changes in the state of a cell in the human body. - Ed.). In this case, the goal is to obtain the ability to control human behavior. ISRAEL placed the main emphasis on research aimed at achieving qualitatively new capabilities for a person through self-regulation, changes in consciousness, and the potential of the physical body - for athletes, “perfect” intelligence officers, sabotage groups.

In a number of countries, there is information about the use of covert remote influence from individuals to large groups. Moreover, we are not talking about experiments that have been carried out for a long time, but about the use of proven technologies to achieve practical, most often political and military, goals. And these technologies are becoming more sophisticated every day thanks to new opportunities in science and technology. Of course, there are still technical issues in the use of these weapons. But when they are overcome, the psi-weapon will surpass in its capabilities all the others combined.

— I asked the co-chairman of the Commission on Pseudoscience at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nobel laureate Vitaly Ginzburg, if he knew about the existence of psychotronic weapons? So he immediately disowned: I don’t know anything, this is complete nonsense. Who to believe? - I doubt it.

Psychotronic terror

- Please, here I will give you a quote from a secret document called “Help regarding potential threats. KGB of the USSR. Folder numbered so and so...": "The principle of remote influence on a person by a psychotronic generator is based on the resonance of the frequency characteristics of human organs - the heart, kidneys, liver, brain. Each human organ has its own frequency response. And if it is exposed to electromagnetic radiation at the same frequency, the organ enters into resonance, resulting in either acute heart failure, or kidney failure, or inappropriate behavior. As a rule, they hit the most weakened, painful organ. In some cases, death may occur."

Millions of rubles were spent on these studies through the Military-Industrial Commission under the USSR Cabinet of Ministers. The KGB also studied “certain issues of remote medical and biological influence on troops and the population by special radiation.” And today, according to my data, the most modern methods of influencing the state of consciousness and human behavior are used. Experimental samples of technical devices also existed in the USSR Ministry of Defense. However, with the collapse of the special services, not only the technical implementation of the developments disappeared without a trace, but also the employees themselves, having left the agencies, went to work in various commercial structures. And who knows in what direction these samples can be used, what killers and with what programs in their brains are now walking the streets of Russian cities.

Psychotronic terror is carried out in three forms:

- open,
- combined.

The majority of victims are not even aware of the terror being carried out against them, or the fact of exposure itself, since the emitters act in the invisible spectrum and beyond the threshold of audibility. And only exposure to ultrasound (frequency above 20 kHz) is felt as a slight vibration.

When psychotronic terror is carried out covertly, all conflicts that arise at work and at home, and deterioration in health are perceived as occurring on their own or by accident. Even if a person is warned about terror being carried out against him, the artificial origin of the problems is denied. Everyone thinks: “Who needs me?” But this is exactly the position everything is designed for.

When psychotronic terror is carried out openly, different tactics are used. Pressure on a person is carried out demonstratively and aggressively. The object being developed will be openly monitored on the street. When a person is in an apartment, his words, actions, and physiological effects will begin to be accompanied by grunting and a tinted hum in the heating pipes; at work, by clicks on various objects that are heard when moving from room to room.

With combined psychotronic terror, one of the family members will correctly understand what is happening and respond adequately to it. This will cause quarrels and disputes, as other family members will regard his behavior as a mental illness.
The peculiarity of psychotronic terror is that it is carried out consistently and comprehensively.

When developing an object, all its connections, route of movement and habits are studied. Psychotronic terror is carried out sequentially - at work, at the dacha, in a hotel, on the street, while traveling in transport, in shops and in other public places. But the main focus is on carrying out terror in the community. After all, a person always returns home.

Psychotronic terror is carried out in a comprehensive manner.

Its components are radiation terror, constructive network terror, criminal terror, electromagnetic terror, chemical terror, electrochemical terror, bacteriological terror, psychological terror, and financial terror. But they are all united by a single goal. It was in psychotronic terror that the phrase “putting a person on a computer” was born. What does it mean? This means that they influence the person being developed remotely using a special complex that includes a computer and a psi operator. The emitter acts around the clock and anywhere, destroying the entire body at the cellular level, penetrating into the psyche and modifying consciousness. Neither the walls of a house, nor the depth of the subway, nor being in a crowd can save a person - he is identified everywhere. And one more thing - they don’t take it “from the computer”.

The chosen victim becomes physiologically dependent on the actions of the psi operator. This means that a person will sneeze, cough, involuntarily pass gas, urinate, defecate (we will especially highlight uncontrollable diarrhea when exposed to certain infrasound frequencies), experience thirst and hunger, heat or cold, and have sex solely at the whim of the psi operator. It is he who decides what to do with the dinner eaten by the victim - whether to turn it into vomit, send it undigested into the toilet or use it to form fatty tissue, whether to deprive a person of sleep and how to wake him up at night - with a lack of air, an injection in the heart, or make him run in toilet.

A psi operator can not only distort the victim’s facial features, disfigure the figure, artificially age him, change the composition of the blood, burn the retina, deprive him of strength, purposefully destroy the functioning of any organ, but also infuriate the person, plunge him into apathy, or instill panic.

Torture by increasing blood pressure and temperature, burns to the genitals - all this will torture anyone. In this case, no one will touch the person. Won't even be around. There is one more feature - even the most cruel tortures do not leave any traces. This is how they kill slowly. Or you can do it quickly - just by stopping the heart. There will also be no traces of violent death.

Microtraumas, respiratory distress, spasms, hemorrhages, dehydration, tissue overheating, pathological changes in the functioning of internal organs are common consequences of the use of psychotronic weapons. If this is not enough, we will have to mention memory erasure, suppression of will, a sharp decrease in intelligence, artistic qualities, and athletic achievements.

As a result of criminal activity, the victim of psychotronic terror loses his job, housing, property, family, forcibly acquires incurable diseases leading to premature death, is often declared mentally ill, is deliberately driven to suicide, or dies in a specially created emergency situation.

Why is he so dangerous?

Firstly, this is happening here and now. Any person can be subjected to psychotronic terror almost instantly . To do this, it is enough to come into unwanted contact with the object being developed (victim), simply to be close to it or to get within the observation radius of persons with mobile special equipment. Consequences - uncontrollable diarrhea, vomiting. coughing, the urge to urinate, shock waves, fainting, etc. The victims will be random people - a passerby crossing the road, a child, a pregnant woman, a salesman behind the counter. They will be luckier - the impact will be temporary. It will be worse for those who end up on the development lists.

Secondly, diseases that arise as a result of long-term directed radiation are very dangerous: malignant neoplasms, damage to the cardiovascular system, diseases of the brain, eyes, genital organs, functional changes in the peripheral and central nervous system, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, damage to internal organs and leather, etc.

Thirdly, there is a concealment of information from the population about the presence of radiating weapons and their unauthorized use, about the conduct of psychotronic terror at the place of residence by certain semi-criminal groups in order to take possession of citizens’ apartments.

Fourthly, information about medical and biological methods of protection from directed radiation from the population is classified, and technical means of protection are not commercially available.

Fifthly, a regulatory framework has not been developed for conducting state examinations of the facts of exposure and bringing those responsible to justice.

Sixthly, there is no state rehabilitation for persons affected by directed radiation. On the contrary, psychiatric registration is carried out in order to suppress complaints and statements.

Currently, new social relations are being formed when people fall into biological slavery. For those who possess psychotronic weapons, we are all simply biological objects - without division into gender, age, nationality, citizenship, religion, beliefs and wealth. This has never happened before in the history of mankind. And this is just the beginning.

If the head of a secret service talks about high technology, a reward follows. Or at least a bonus. If a high-tech victim says the same thing, the mental health team follows.

In the “List of Information Prohibited for Publication”, published back in stagnant times, but still in effect today, paragraph 13 instructs “to withdraw from the press all information about technical means (generators, emitters) for influencing human behavioral functions (creation of biorobots).”

Macroway News editor Louis Slizen writes: “The human body is an electrochemical system, and devices that influence it have already been created. Naturally, in our high-tech country, the military could not help but become interested in such devices. Work in this area has been going on for more than 30 years and is surrounded by a veil of secrecy; laboratories of some universities and five military research centers are occupied with it. Considerable sums are being allocated for the development of “psi-weapons”; in particular, the US Air Force Electrochemical Laboratory plans to spend over $100 million on these weapons in the next five years.”

1986 The Japanese are releasing so-called “silent cassettes” onto the market, which were extremely popular. When playing on a tape recorder, no sound was heard: wishes such as “quit smoking”, “feel good”, etc. were recorded at infrasound frequencies using the neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) method. This principle allows you to make any suggestions...

1992 In the television program “Black Box” on the First Channel of Central Television, the contents of the brochure “Some Applications of Hypnosis” were announced. The author is Ivan Sergeevich Kachalin, a former military man, a famous hypnotist, writes about the “Radioson” installation he created (co-authored) based on a microwave generator: “I... made a discovery, an invention - a method of inducing artificial sleep at a distance using radio waves... City of Novosibirsk , military unit 71592. ... Practical assistance in facilitating and formalizing this opening was provided by Colonel General of Aviation Vladimir Nikitovich Abramov. The work was supervised by twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Air Marshal Evgeniy Yakovlevich Savitsky.”
Further, it was said about the successful tests of the Radioson installation in military units near Novosibirsk, and also that this device can not only put the “enemy” to sleep at a great distance, but also cause changes in the body - up to cell mutations (in other words, generate deformities). Preliminary calculations for a set of installations (the Radiohypnosis station) show that it is possible to irradiate a city with an area of ​​100 square kilometers from a distance of up to 55 kilometers from the transmitter. People exposed to this modulated microwave signal will, at best, fall asleep.

Sensational information appeared in the American press in 1997. The notes of Joseph Holsinger, an aide to Senator Leo Ryan, who was killed in 1978 by militants of the leader of the People's Temple sect Jim Jones in Guyana, have become known. Holsinger established that a secret program of one of the American research centers called “MK-Ultra” was worked out on members of this sect. Among other things, the effects on the psyche of low-frequency frequencies were tested. generators, provoking predetermined actions. In other words, the possibility of turning some members of this sect into biorobots was tested.

According to New Scientist magazine in October 2001, microwave emitters designed to remotely influence the psyche of individuals and groups of people have been created at the Los Alamos National Laboratory as part of the Sleeping Beauty project. This project (headed by Colonel of Military Intelligence Jack Vernon) involves the creation of electromagnetic weapons that affect the psyche of enemy soldiers, partisans and terrorists. But the created device, like other generator-emitters, has a significant drawback - a short effective range, no more than half a kilometer in ideal conditions. This is all due to the extremely low efficiency of modern energy sources, which are used to form the initial impulse. Many American research centers are currently working intensively on the creation of such sources.

It is generally accepted that the most promising source of energy may be the decay of a proton, which releases 100 times more energy than even a thermonuclear explosion. However, modern science has already come close to the practical use of intraproton energy. During the artificial decay of a proton, all the energy of the substance is converted into radiation energy in the form of a stream of photons and neutrinos, which have enormous power and penetrating ability. It would be more correct to say that under certain conditions this stream turns into a weapon on a global scale with the necessary range and accuracy. This will make it possible to create generators of any power and use them for psychotronic radiation.

The use of such generators will make it possible to neutralize both the enemy’s armed forces and its civilian population. Unlike sound or electromagnetic oscillations, photon-neutrino fluxes have enormous advantages: almost absolute permeability and unlimited range. It is impossible to hide from this radiation behind any walls. Modern protection systems in the form of metal, reinforced concrete or rock structures are completely unable to withstand the photon-neutrino flow, including its psychotronic component.

Today there are no legal grounds for bringing to justice those responsible for irradiating people and collecting damages from them.
Firstly, without conducting a radio technical examination, it is impossible to prove the fact of remote psychophysical influence.
Firstly, reading his verdict in court, the judge says: - Based on the article...
And what article in the Criminal or Civil Code can a judge refer to when considering a specific case regarding covert remote psychophysical influence on a person? And is there really such a thing?

The draft Federal Law “On Ensuring the Security of the Human Psychosphere” was considered by the State Duma in 1999 and 2000.
In 2001, the State Duma of the Russian Federation discussed the bill “On information and psychological security.” It provided for the identification of persons involved in unauthorized irradiation of people, the suppression of their activities, and the conduct of free state examinations. This bill was simply ridiculed.

True, a week later the State Duma made a special addition to Article 6 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Weapons”. In accordance with this law, on the territory of the Russian Federation, the circulation of weapons and other items whose destructive effect is based on the use of electromagnetic, light, thermal, infrasonic or ultrasonic radiation having output parameters exceeding the values ​​​​established by state standards of the Russian Federation is prohibited as civilian and service weapons . The ban also applies to weapons of this type produced abroad.

Today, the most effective and safe means of fighting rats and mice are Sonar ultrasonic repellers.
The deterrent effect is carried out by emitting ultrasonic frequency oscillations from the product, which are absolutely inaudible to humans, but are very sensitively perceived by rodents.
Ultrasound power is 90 dB, compared to a jet airplane's sound power of 130 dB. Thus, for rodents to be close to such a device is a real shock.
For humans and pets, the device operates absolutely silently and is safe, for which there is a corresponding certificate. The devices are produced by the Russian Radio Plant.

In 1999, the NATO Council adopted so-called non-lethal weapons (NLW). The list includes weapons that use infrasound generators and weapons that create an electromagnetic pulse of non-nuclear origin.
Russia also has such weapons. Only in Russia this weapon is called differently. For example, weapons and objects of the radiating type. This is exactly how it is designated in the Federal Law “On Weapons”. Some people call this weapon psychotronic. Some are psychophysical.
There is another definition in the media - secretive remote psychophysical influence.
But all this is one and the same phenomenon: a secret, unauthorized influence on a person with the help of weapons and radiating objects.
The use of such weapons is not covered by any international agreements.

Since 2001, “Yu Shu - Golden Formula for Slimness” capsules have been sold (and continue to be sold) completely legally: through pharmacies, “life shops”, shops. And in August 2005, the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation (FSKN) discovered strong psychotropic substances in this “herbal remedy for weight loss”: fenfluramine and phentermine (a cocaine substitute), as well as mesindole and methaqualone. All these drugs are prohibited for import, sale and use not only in Russia, but also in other countries.
In fact, consumers were methodically “put on a needle,” forcing them to buy the drug again and again. The capsules were advertised as exclusively herbal: “unlike other drugs, they do not contain psychotropic or other synthetic substances that could harm the psyche, liver, kidneys and the body as a whole.” And the name of the company “Yu Shu” is “traditions of imperial China”, which “speaks of the sophistication and sophistication of the entire line of drugs produced.”
On the Internet you can find information that the diversified company Yu Shu produces not only weight loss capsules, but also medicinal and even baby food.

Psychotronic terror

In the mid-60s, the American press was indignant, accusing the government of testing the latest psychotronic weapons on its own citizens. At the same time, full-scale tests were already being carried out on the territory of the USSR. A car with a “Psi-generator” in the back drove past people standing with cans in line for kvass. People suddenly threw cans and ran in panic in different directions.

Nikolai Anisimov was the first in the USSR to announce the use of psychotronic weapons against the population. In the summer of 1987, he went to the central square of Novosibirsk with a poster that the CPSU and the KGB were waging a secret bioenergy war against their people.

The first human rights organization in the USSR exposing the use of psychotronic weapons against the civilian population was created in the fall of 1987 in Novosibirsk.
She began her activity with the publication of the magazine “Golgotha”. This was the first magazine that began to publish materials about the irradiation of people in the USSR.

In the early 90s, a wave of chilling rumors swept through the media about the allegedly created and used psychotronic weapons - that is, ones that are capable of influencing the human brain, subordinating his will. People who believe they have been turned into biorobots are attacking law enforcement agencies and the media. But only a specialist can distinguish a true victim from an energetic schizophrenic.
In 1994, two independent public organizations dealing with the problems of psychotronic treatment of the population were officially registered in Moscow. Soon similar public organizations appeared in Moscow and Leningrad.

Psychotronic terror- this is the use of weapons and emitting objects for covert remote control of the behavior, physiology and health of people in their usual domestic and industrial environment.
In addition, psychotronic technologies are used for remote murder and inducement to suicide, organizing accidents, and deliberate damage to electrical and radio-electronic devices and equipment.

In case of psychoterrorism, combinations of different types of radiation can be used, but in any case, the remote influence is carried out by an invisible beam
invisible both to others and to the victim himself
selectively at the cell level
around the clock and continuously
regardless of the location of the object: at home, on the street, at work, in a store, on the subway, on an airplane...

Security forces around the world try not to comment on information about psychotronic weapons, declaring that they simply do not exist. But many people disagree with this.
In the world such weapons are called non-lethal weapons. This term was invented by American scientists. Here is a selective list of technologies that relate to this type of weapon: portable lasers and isotope emitters disguised as standard weapons that blind enemy soldiers. Infrasonic generators, which not only disorient the enemy, but also cause nausea and diarrhea, as well as noise generators that affect a hostile, excited crowd.

The term “psychotronic” was given to it by journalists, although this term is not entirely correct, since during irradiation and subsequent special treatment, not only the human psyche is affected, but the entire organism as a whole.
Let’s use a slightly scientific, but very detailed description of psychotronic weapons: “In the applied version, at the initial stage of covert processing of human material, electromagnetic, sound and torsion radiation are used to suppress the human will to resist, oppose, disobey, as well as to reduce the protective properties of the immune system. At the next stage, neurolinguistic programming NLP is specially selected for this human material - zombification with a special technique for correcting side factors.

“Hard” and “soft” psychoprogramming are known, and a “hard” zombie can often be identified by its “exterior” and behavior (detachment on the face that does not correspond to the emotions expressed in words, unusual color of the whites of the eyes, sluggish intonations of the voice, incorrect speech, lack of ability to concentrate, slow reactions and memory lapses, ridiculous stereotypical behavior...), while a “soft” zombie is essentially no different from other people.

Psychotronic matryoshka contains several completely different personalities. When switching from one to another, manners, gait, smile and even the expression of the eyes change. Zombification is characterized by the destruction of a person’s memory, which can be effectively done covertly, at a distance, using electromagnetic radiation. As a result, there is a disturbance in the perception of reality, a rise and fall in tone, a runny nose, possible cardiac arrhythmia and numbness of the hands. Such symptoms usually disappear after the person leaves the irradiation area. The generators in service are classified."

Psi generator

The human brain functions in a certain biorhythm. In mentally ill people this is disrupted - a schizophrenic has one biorhythm, an epileptic has another. Failure occurs for various reasons, but it can also be caused on purpose. For example, a wave of electromagnetic radiation with a frequency of 20 Hertz causes strong emotional arousal. A wave of 2 Hertz causes a feeling of absolute depression. Stronger and longer exposure can even cause auditory hallucinations.

Irradiation consists of a disturbing effect of modulated impulses on the human body - the brain, the walls of blood vessels, the central nervous system, and internal organs. For this purpose, modulated signals of a special frequency are used, which conventional radio frequency equipment is not able to detect. The effect depends on the frequency, power and exposure of the signals.

Kiev scientist Dr. Viktor Sedletsky, since 1965, participated in the first experiments in the development of “psi-weapons”. According to him, in 1982, the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Andropov ordered the creation of the Main Center for Psychotronics in Ukraine. The main laboratories were located in underground structures located 30 km from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Several types of psychotronic generators were developed there and a series of testing experiments were carried out there. From the messages of Viktor Sedletsky it is clear that powerful over-the-horizon radar systems were directly related to the problems of psychotronics. The phased array antennas included in them also worked for radiation, controlling the theta-delta rhythms of the brain. According to V. Sedletsky, control tasks were practiced at two over-the-horizon stations - Chernobyl and Krasnoyarsk, which were part of a single psychotronic system codenamed “Shar”.

The leading designer of the secret research institute in Rostov-on-Don, Boris Krutikov, participated in the creation of the powerful psi-generator “Gradient-4”. According to him, the work of such a generator comes down to the use of electromagnetic radiation to influence the human brain and the body as a whole. In this case, the body is considered as an electromechanical circuit. And since in our time there are already rays that disrupt the normal operation of the systems of airplanes, rockets, television stations and computers, then devices that interrupt electromagnetic impulses of the brain are also quite possible, which leads to disruptions in human behavior. Under certain conditions, he can become a biorobot.

In fact, “psi-weapons” operate according to the “generator - amplifier - human emitter” scheme. It was precisely such a weapon that was one of the first to be created by the famous inventor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Yakov Rudakov, an employee of one of the numbered institutes. “My generator,” he said at a briefing on the problem of psychotronics, “is capable, despite its small size, of producing a narrow beam that “shoots” at 150 meters. Under certain conditions, this beam can expand, covering a large hall. What is its impact? It is of different types and most of all resembles artificial hypnosis: it lulls, powerfully tones and encourages actions that are sometimes extremely dangerous for the performer. Yes, indeed, it can turn a person into a biorobot.”

In the United States, the problems of “psychic weapons” have been and are being given serious attention.
One of the first in the United States to study the possibilities of controlling the electrical activity of the human brain was the military Institute of Radiobiological Research in Bethesda (Maryland). This happened in 1965, but only 15 years later practical results were obtained in the form of highly technological microwave radiation generators capable of stimulating the brain to issue commands that regulate human behavior. One of the portable generators of this type is a pulse-wave myotron, capable of instantly paralyzing the irradiated person both through direct contact and at a short distance. Myotronic equipment is currently being refined to increase the range of action.

In 1993, the American company Psychotechnologies Corp. was created. Work is underway at the University of Minnesota (Howard Shevrin) and the Stanford Laboratory (Tark, Hutford, Harari, Vilenskaya).

Psychoecology of the “father” of Russian psychotronic weapons
The team of scientists, headed by Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences I.V. Smirnov, is a representative of the newest scientific direction - psychoecology. Psychoecology is a complex of scientific information about human behavior and condition in the information environment and practical methods for their correction, i.e. changes. New science - this phrase itself was first heard several years ago.

The main directions of psychoecology research using computer psychotechnologies are psychoprobing And psychocorrection.

Psychoprobing(psychosemantic diagnostics) allows you to determine the true attitude of the subject to certain areas of life and activity, and obtain answers to a variety of questions. In this way, it is possible to unmistakably identify whether a person is hiding something, whether he has inclinations that are dangerous to society or to his health. Today, psychoprobing is the most accurate tool for studying human mental activity.

The patient is asked dozens of questions (at an unconscious level) through very fast visual or acoustic presentation of various semantic (meaningful) symbols on the screen - words, phrases, images. They are registered by the subconscious.
Previously, the developers of the psychoprobing method discovered an unexpected phenomenon: In addition to the simple semantic meaning, words carry other information For example, a Russian regards a diminutive as a sign of trust, an American as a sign of familiarity. Words, especially familiar ones, have a personal meaning. Any information immediately falls into the associative network of existing psychosemantic connections. Disorders of these connections reveal the mental and physical state of a person - psychosomatic status. A verbal stimulus can provoke an affective reaction, revealing “pain points” in the subconscious - psychosemantic complexes.

The main thing is that with the help of psychoprobing it was possible to bypass the most important “censor” - human consciousness, psychological defenses that are activated whenever a person consciously answers the researcher’s questions.
When conducting psychoprobing, questions are asked by a computer. He “interrogates” a person’s subconscious in a language understandable only to the two of them. The technology is built in such a way that a person may not even be aware of the “interrogation” being carried out on him. Moreover, the human subconscious answers questions only honestly - it does not know how to lie.

The data is processed through mathematical analysis using a complex scheme that takes into account patient preference hierarchy, highlighting those behavioral reactions that, in accordance with a given algorithm, reliably differ from others in the subconscious and are subject to correction. Their importance to the individual can be accurately measured. Automatic processing speeds up examination and interpretation of data. The computer summarizes the reactions of the brain, answers from the subconscious, and the doctor more clearly understands what the person wants, what he is afraid of, what he is suffering from. A new task arises - to muffle negative motives, to support positive ones in every possible way. Recommendations are encoded onto audiovisual or acoustic media.
Psychoprobing today already finds wide practical application. Today, the Research Institute of Psychotechnologies offers for sale to the personnel services of enterprises and organizations a hardware and software complex based on the psychoprobing method. It allows you to identify people prone to drinking alcohol, drugs and antisocial behavior, as well as assessing the mental sphere of correctional officers, aviation personnel, etc.

Psychocorrection allows you to control the state and behavior of a person.

The following psychocorrection methods have been developed:
· acoustic or audiopsychocorrection - coded words, whole phrases are embedded in the audio sequence that a person listens to;
· video psychocorrection - coded images, plot pictures and words are embedded in the video sequence that he watches.
Audio coding

You can record words as noise. An experiment was carried out in the laboratory - a speaker was placed in the ventilation, through which one simple poem was broadcast: “The rats are starving in the basement, quickly bring them food...”. It sounded like normal fan noise. Within 3 days, laboratory workers were carrying packs of food from home to work. Experts explain that this type of zombification is not perceived as an imposed command. On the contrary, it seems to a person that such actions are prompted by his inner voice and these thoughts are perceived as his own. Therefore, a person cannot detect the effects of psychotronic weapons on himself.

These same methods make it possible to suppress riots or panic during military operations or man-made disasters. It is possible to dispel the intentions of those who are preparing terrorist acts in advance. By transmitting words “built-in” to music through speakers at airports and striking unconscious blows to the subconscious, drug couriers and terrorists with bombs can be detected by their “twitching” behavior at security checkpoints.

However, the facets of psychotechnologies are very diverse. Imagine that a big boss, who has decided to restore order in Russia, summons some famous official for a conversation, about whom everyone knows: he steals fantastically, but it is impossible to catch him in the hand. And so they sit at the table, gossiping about all sorts of trifles - the weather, politics or music in general. And in the office, music is playing on the radio or the air conditioner nearby is making a soft noise. But hidden in that noise are questions translated into another spectrum, which your interlocutor does not consciously hear, but his subconscious perfectly catches them. Outwardly, not a single muscle on the face trembles, but the body still trembles barely noticeably. Every tremor is perfectly recorded by the computer.
- Stole? - sounds an inaudible question. The official shudders. Yeah, he stole! The computer immediately asks a new question.
- What accounts are you hiding in? In Austria? Switzerland? In the Cayman Islands?
He flinches at the word "Austria". Gotcha. Now we need to sort out the names of the banks. Which one will he twitch again? The longer the conversation, the more the interrogated person, without realizing it, reveals information about himself. At the same time, in the place of a person suspected of corruption, there may be someone who is suspected, for example, of murder. The problem of miscarriage of justice is removed.

Conversation with the unconscious

The method is based on audio coding» the opening of Smirnov’s laboratory was laid, that for dialogue with the unconscious and with the psyche in general, ordinary words are quite suitable. The basis of computer psychotechnologies was the found method of special transformation, coding of speech while preserving its semantic content. This was how access to the area of ​​the unconscious person was organized, where previously only a repository of images and fuzzy associations was thought of.

All the results of the research work were implemented using computers as the most convenient platform for processing information, and were called computer psychotechnologies.

Here is what the scientist himself says about the results of his work: “Today, fundamentally new methods of diagnosing and correcting the psyche have been discovered. For the first time, humanity gained access to the instrumental measurement and control of mental functions, and therefore to strengthening, suppressing, developing or weakening its own spirit. Much of this control is not subject to the will of consciousness and, therefore, can be exercised without the consent of the individual. It is very dangerous. Remember: first they invented the atomic bomb, and only then the nuclear power plant.”

I. V. Smirnov in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda reports: “We are getting into the holy of holies of a person - his soul. And for the first time this was done not with the help of intuition, psychological charm, hypnosis, but with the help of a tool, a piece of hardware. We have come up with a scalpel for the soul! It’s scary, of course, so you have to be very careful.”

Recently, many journalists have visited Smirnov’s laboratory. Let's quote some.

“The patient is seated in front of a computer, graphics flash on the screen, and a pleasant noise comes through the headphones. The noise is not simple: it contains hidden questions to the very “soul”, about the main thing - family, work, money, sex, politics. alcohol, crime, etc. Sensors feed the patient's reactions to such silent questions into the computer. Moreover, the answers come from the subconscious, the author himself is not aware of his biases... This is the first half of the work - the diagnosis. The second is correction: negative asocial tendencies are extinguished, even removed, positive ones are strengthened. They let the person listen to her beloved Vivaldi, and in the music they put not questions, but... let's say, advice. The patient does not hear them, but assimilates them.”

“You like to call our patients the word “zombie” - please,” Smirnov grins. “We call them that ourselves as a joke.” Although we are engaged in ordinary psychoanalysis, albeit accelerated with the help of a computer. Don’t forget to clarify our goals in your slanderous note: to heal and teach.”

“In 15-20 minutes, the patient is asked several thousand coded, inaudible questions. Unconscious answers to them do not lie, says Smirnov. He calls it a "truth detector." And also - a mirror in which a person could see his soul for the first time.
“We see the immortal human soul tossing and turning on the monitor screen,” says the scientist. “And we can transplant part of a rotten soul.” We use the term psychocatharsis— cleansing using our methods.”
Having received data about the patient, Smirnov speaks “installations” into the microphone. The sound is passed through the computer and turns into that slightly rustling magical concentrate. It is set to pleasant music - and now the “psychotronic mass” is ready.”

Let us quote another statement by I.V. Smirnov: “The current state of science and technology makes it possible, completely unnoticed by a person’s consciousness, to enter into his memory any information without his knowledge, which is absorbed like food and becomes his own, i.e. determines his needs, desires, tastes, views, well-being, picture of the world.”

Today we can say with complete confidence that quite simple means of unconscious suggestion can be used through television, radio, computer communications, modem networks and even through the electrical network. Unauthorized influence on a person, on his subconscious, can be carried out through all modern audio and video sources of information and not only through them.

Scientific and technological progress in the field of communications and communication in recent years has also made rapid breakthroughs in technologies and methods of transmitting information over a distance. Thus, technologies for transmitting information over conventional power networks have already been developed and put into practice. Here is one of the advertisements:
“For the first time in Israel, the 013 Barak company offers a new version of a computer network, the creation of which, among other things, will make it possible to use the Internet based on the home electrical network, using existing electrical outlets, without cables. Such a system will also avoid exposure to radio waves.
The advantage of a new type of computer network over conventional types of networks is ease of connection, availability and low cost. Every home and office has electrical outlets, and this allows you to connect computers to each other without creating an additional cable network.”

Also, electrical networks can already be used to connect intercoms, which eliminates the need to use telephone lines. The intercom is plugged into an electrical outlet and works like a telephone. Advertisement: " Electrical connection ~220 volts. Intercom Commax WI-4C».

Technologies for transmitting information over electrical networks have created possibility of audio suggestion through any modern electrical devices: refrigerators, washing machines, irons, etc. To do this, it is enough to include in their design a miniature speaker capable of reproducing sound. If, however, a chip microcircuit with a set of speech settings that correct the psyche is installed in electrical devices, then their transmission through the electrical network will not be required. In this case, the devices will become autonomous psycho-correctors, capable of maintaining their functionality when operating on batteries or rechargeable batteries.

But special attention needs to be paid to new directions of scientific research of the last decade. They are based on a symbiosis of microelectronic technologies, biology and genetic engineering. The creation of implant chips implanted into the human body, capable of controlling the physiological and mental functions of the body, is the culmination of the development of world science. Today it has become possible to connect electronic implants to the human brain centers, which are responsible for almost all vital functions of the body.

Videopsychocorrection- a variant of psychocorrection using visual presentation of semantic suggestions. It was developed in parallel with the method of audiopsychocorrection (audio coding).

“Fisher’s 25th frame” is now known to everyone and they naively think that other methods do not exist. These experiments are over a hundred years old, they are called inverse masking and are applicable only to cinema. Psychophysiologists have been doing this for a very long time. When viewing, a person’s unconscious inevitably reacts to the information contained in the hidden picture, but awareness of it and even suspicion of its presence does not arise.

Kovalets Anatoly Vladimirovich

I will try to briefly, with a minimum of theory, outline the main methods of protection against the harmful effects of psychotronic torsion radiation of one of the types of psychoterrorism.

Protection against this radiation exposure is divided into passive, active and elimination. Passive protection will be discussed here.

First, what is torsion radiation? It is the radiation of electromagnetic waves with rotation attached to them. Ordinary electromagnetic waves propagate without rotation; they can smoothly bend around obstacles, penetrate a dielectric medium and be reflected from metal screens. When imparting rotation to electromagnetic waves, metal screens are a very weak barrier for them, with the exception of aluminum screens in some cases. When torsion signals pass through an aluminum plate before leaving the emitter, they can no longer be screened by the aluminum screen; they pass through it as if through a very weak barrier.

Torsion radiation can be compared to a rifled weapon. A bullet moving along the rifling of the barrel acquires rotation, thanks to which the flight range, accuracy and destructive power are much greater than a bullet fired from a smooth-bore weapon with all technical characteristics being equal.

Torsion waves, in addition to good penetration through many media, are currently the “ideal means” of influencing humans and any other biological object (animals, birds, plants). These weapons can paralyze from a distance physically or spiritually, and if necessary, take life, control people, animals, transmit information directly to the brain and receive it from it. Every living organism has a unique “torsion smell”, like fingerprints in fingerprinting. It is practically possible to identify any individual from a crowd.

It is believed that after the Second World War, the maximum number of missile weapons went to the United States, and the maximum number of psychotronic weapons went to the USSR. The trophy archive of the secret fascist occult organization Ahnenerbe, which was engaged in the development and implementation of psychotronic methods of struggle, is currently stored in one of the special storage facilities in the Moscow region. After the war in the USSR, the party and military elite undertook many options for using psychotronic weapons, realizing that if they were fully developed and adopted for service, they were much more practical and powerful than thermonuclear weapons. All living things can be eliminated, or at best turned into zombies, but material values ​​are safe and sound.

To implement inhumane, criminal plans against all humanity, it was necessary to test and build about 1.5 - 2 hundred long-range emitters and powerful energy sources to power them. Naturally, there were many opponents to these plans from party and military leaders who soberly understood what this could lead to.

There is a version that the Soviet admirals proposed to develop a weapon that, at a distance of several tens to hundreds of kilometers, would hit enemy surface manpower, and with improvements, aircraft and submarines. Experiments and developments took place in one of the training detachments of the USSR Navy in Pinsk. The results were amazing: you can penetrate into modern battleships located at a considerable distance through the antennas of radio stations, radars, radio beacons, ventilation ducts, pipes and cables. Inside the premises, you can turn on and off radio equipment, automation, electronics and disable them, paralyze the enemy’s manpower (spinal hernia, unbearable headaches, immobilization of limbs, panic fear, sleep and other symptoms, even fatal, depending on the operator’s imagination and capabilities of technology).

Currently, American companies are showing great interest in the construction of enterprises for the production of technical and high-tech products in Pinsk. When analyzing the technical potential of the population of Pinsk, it turned out that it is much lower than regional cities, but is well suited for the development of light industry (sewing, weaving, woodworking, furniture production, etc.). Capitalists, who know how to count everything in advance down to the last dollar, predicting all the risks, take such an unconsidered step, this is a big question. Maybe in this city of strategic importance, under the guise of high-tech equipment, products, components, it would be easier and more convenient to place psychotronic weapons until time X?

A proven Middle Eastern war scenario.

Let's remember Afghanistan. Several years before the withdrawal of our troops from this country, the United States illegally and fraudulently supplied large quantities of portable high-tech Stinger anti-aircraft missile systems for the apposition. How many of our guys’ turntables burned from them, we must always remember so that something similar does not happen to us in the future.

After a brief introduction to what psychotronic torsion radiation is, let’s move on to the main methods of protection against its unauthorized influence:

  1. This radiation is shielded by the palm or fingertip, the main thing is that the palms are dry. To enhance the shielding properties of your palms, you need to rub them hand in hand (for even greater enhancement, you can rub the inner sides of your palms on wool, lavsan, wax, or just on clothes) and without contact, at a distance of 4-10 cm from the surface of the body, move over the place where it hurts . The best effect is achieved when you make circular movements over the sore spot clockwise (in some cases it is better when counterclockwise) for 2 to 3 minutes. As a last resort, you can move it over the sore spot with wet hands, but for at least 5 minutes. By doing this, you screen and reset the radiation, having an adverse effect on those from whom this radiation comes.
  2. Next, let's move on to purely technical methods of protection. In most cases, torsion radiation penetrates through television antenna cables. To prevent this radiation, after watching TV, you need to remove the cable plug from the TV socket and block the cable plug for a short circuit; to do this, you need to purchase a television input socket and solder the two contacts together. After watching TV, you need to put the short-circuited TV input socket on the antenna plug. The signal from the torsion radiator hits the television antenna, passes along the central wire of the cable, enters a short-circuited socket along the solder, passes to the outer braid of the cable, then to the antenna and goes back where it came from. When you have a shared antenna or cable television, a short-circuited socket for blocking will not work. It is necessary to install a resistance between the contacts of the socket using the selection method so that other residents can watch TV programs unhindered. It must be remembered: when the antenna is connected to the TV, or disconnected from it, but not blocked, then people in these rooms may be exposed to torsion radiation.

  1. When directly irradiating premises with torsion radiation, to reduce its harmful effects, install a decimeter antenna in the room at a height of about 1-2 meters, directed, for example, north-south, and a second antenna on the second wall directed east-west. Decimeter antennas must be short-circuited; a jumper made of tinned copper wire must be installed at the connection points of the central wire of the cable and the braid. The planes of the antennas should intersect at approximately an angle of 90 degrees - this is the case when the direction of irradiation is unknown. When the direction of irradiation is known, point the antenna, one or many, at a given source. Torsion signals, hitting a short-circuited antenna, will be reflected and go away, partially hitting the operator and others from his team, no matter where they are.

  1. In case of strong irradiation, use only when the irradiation source has been approximately identified. Install a circular saw blade with curved teeth approximately in the direction of irradiation. When viewed from the feed side, the teeth should be curved counterclockwise. The disk should be placed at a distance of at least 3 meters from your room towards the radiation source. The protection cone behind the disk is approximately 60 degrees; in front of the disk, the radiation is not extinguished, and in most cases is slightly increased.

  1. With strong radiation, but where the radiation comes from is difficult to determine. We take a decimeter short-circuited antenna, holding it horizontally with our hand, the antenna should be approximately parallel to the ground, and we begin to sharply lower it, then raise it, and at the same time, make smooth, whole body, circular movements in any direction in a circle for about three minutes. You can simultaneously make horizontal movements with the antenna, starting from the top, smoothly lowering your body to the bottom, and vice versa, rising smoothly upward, etc., while simultaneously rotating in a circle.
  2. When torsion radiation is strong from several directions, some strange crackling occurs in the rooms, electrical appliances fail, cell phones may turn on spontaneously, you feel unwell with the above methods of anti-torsion control, read at least three times a day Psalm 90 “Alive in the help of the Most High” dwell in the blood of the Heavenly God...” Mark yourself with a cross and say the prayer to the Honest Cross “May God rise again...” and be sure to wear a cross on your body. In 1941, near Moscow, in order to combat the SS psychic attacks, which greatly annoyed and instilled panic in our defending military units, in that God-fighting time, divisions of believers were created. Each fighter had a pectoral cross with him and each of them had the above prayers sewn into his tunic. Before an attack or battle, a prayer service was served, and they went into the attack “with God.” After which the psychic attacks lost their power. SS units were taught psychotronic methods of fighting by instructors from the fascist occult organization Ahnenerbe.

The above methods of protection are safe for others, but not for those who engage in psychotronic games.

When analyzing psychotronic torsion radiation, I discovered the effect of this radiation. Torsion radiation has a reverse course, the boomerang effect is the complete self-destruction of the entire organized system when the stable state of torsion radiation is lost. Only those who do not take part and experimental subjects remain alive. Torsion radiation during the transition from a lower level to a higher one or vice versa, also if there is a failure at a certain time in the system, it has a self-destruction effect - all living things involved in this experiment die, regardless of distance, except for experimental subjects. The more different traps you set for re-radiation, the more likely an unstable state of torsion radiation will occur, which will lead to a system failure; mutations will appear in the system, which, like a deadly virus, will lead to the self-destruction of those who were engaged in psychotronic terrorism in a given cell. No matter who is doing this, “ours” or “others”, they are all criminals, sooner or later they must suffer a well-deserved punishment.

Let's take and analyze the secret fascist organization Ahnenerbe, it did this too, but also self-destructed. The effect of self-destruction (self-destruction) can only be avoided if those who engage in inhumane experiments realize their immorality, sincerely repent of what they have done, and will also be opponents of these experiments.

They are trying to convince us that those who engage in psychotronic torsion terrorism are absolutely protected from all sorts of diseases, cataclysms and punishments, but this is not the case, they are much more defenseless than their experimental subjects. You have to fight for life.


“Modern technologies for influencing mass consciousness sometimes have a more destructive effect than the use of traditional weapons.”
A.G. Lukoshenko

The topic of psychotronic weapons has been rising increasingly since the middle of the last century. At first, psi-weapons were mentioned as science fiction, described in the book of the Strugatsky brothers “Inhabited Island” in 1969, then eyewitness stories began to emerge more and more often, which, however, few people believed, just like, at first, in the science fiction of H.G. Wells . Is it possible to believe in something that cannot be “touched” and “measured”? However, soon some of the information about psi-weapons was declassified, which began to raise many questions about what and how these secret developments to control people’s behavior, both individually and in masses, influence. On the pages of the RNTO website and in the book by F.D. Shkrudnev “Levashov’s Bright Broom in Khatybov’s Bathing Case”, considerable attention is paid to this topic. However, for the first time and in more detail the essence of the psychotronic effect on the Human Brain was touched upon by N.V. Levashov. And the physics of processes can be thoroughly understood from the works of A.M. Khatybov, who was directly related to developments related to psychotronic weapons. I touched on this topic earlier in part, in the hope of clarifying for the general public the processes of psi-influence through the reaction of the psi-field of living systems to various methods of its destabilization, destruction and, consequently, control of a crowd or an individual through remotely imposed behavioral commands

Psi Generators

PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS HAVE BEEN EXISTING FOR A LONG TIME! The possibilities of its creation and application are based on the study of the human psyche and behavioral reactions in a state of predominance of animal instincts. Since ancient times, psionic weapons of mental influence have been used by priests to control the crowd. Now, to suppress the psi-protection created by the Brain, technical devices are used that destroy the natural protection of the human psi-field through induced electromagnetic radiation on a living organism. Such radiation is created by special generators that are connected to a television antenna, radio wiring, and now, to a wireless Internet system - Wi-Fi, and with the help of electromagnetic pulses the natural signal is removed, and a new ion code is formed, which supplies a person with false information outside his consciousness . The processes of formation of information signals and their perception by the brain are described in more detail in the book by N. Levashov “Essence and Mind”, volume 1, chapter 5 “The Nature of Memory”.

In addition, in special zones (energy nodes of the planet) there were previously generators with programs to suppress the will and consciousness of people, turning them into obedient biorobots. Key figures such as priests, priests or magicians were brought in to deliver the desired message.

Since N.V. Levashov perfectly understood the physics (the nature of the processes) of this psi-influence and applied his Knowledge to destroy psi-generators; he created a powerful device for neutralizing destructive radiation and restoring psi-protection of people - the PSI-FIELD GENERATOR, which was used in the Technology Programs " SVETL" for a wide range of purposes. How these technologies protect against psionic weapons will be discussed below.

Prerequisites for the creation of psychotronic weapons.

The prerequisites for the creation of psychotronic weapons are indecently simple. As it turned out, the human psyche is a soft, pliable, practically unprotected system, due to the development of events that began 18 thousand years ago3. The first experiments to influence it were crowned with stunning success. More than a hundred years ago, in the era of steam locomotives and gramophones, mental control and correction through the “electronics” program became available. Now just imagine what can be done to a person with the help of modern technologies and satellites launched into near-Earth space!

What is a psi weapon?

Psychotronic weapons are a means of influencing the human body, as a result of which the following can occur:

1) complete or partial destruction of the psyche and brain;
2) disruption of the vital processes of the entire organism or individual organs, leading to illness and death.
3) providing control action (creation of zombies and biorobots).

By what means exactly are the above effects achieved? It must be said that the range of methods and technical devices here is very wide and varied. Some of them remain a closely guarded secret for now, but information about some, so to speak, “classical” developments slips in every now and then in the revelations of elderly scientists, retired military officers and intelligence agents. So, let's start with the most famous brainwashing machine called a psi generator or psi emitter.

The human body is, by and large, an electrochemical system, not counting the fact that a living cell has both its own and introduced electrical potential. This potential can be both positive and negative with parameters corresponding to the existence of a living cell under the conditions of a specific life support system. The human brain is a complex complex that controls all the cells of the human body.

Each living BRAIN CELL is an electro-magnetic-gravitational GENERATOR, and the brain as a whole autonomously maintains albedo4 of the entire human body, creating optimal living conditions for each living cell of the body. These conditions ensure the functioning of the whole organism as a single system. And if so, it is natural for the wave that at one time the idea arose of influencing it with the help of electromagnetic waves and fields. By changing the field strength, wavelength and frequency, it is possible to seriously influence a person’s condition and psyche. So, for example, an electromagnetic wave with a frequency of 20 Hz causes strong emotional arousal, but a wave with a frequency of 2 Hz has the opposite effect, in other words, it causes a feeling of complete apathy and depression. Along with electromagnetic radiation, other types of radiation can be used in psi generators, for example, torsion, ultrasonic, microwave, etc.

Psi-generators of a technogenic nature began to be created even before the start of World War II in the Soviet Union, Germany and the United States, experiments were conducted on psi-influence on the general population. Apparently, the Germans have advanced further than others in this matter. The scientists of the Third Reich were not burdened by fear for what they had done, pity and morality; they had an almost unlimited amount of experimental human material, the preservation of whose life and health they could not worry about at all. But this is only one, visible, side of reality. The truth lies in the fact that a certain genotype was given a command (idea) through the Alps-2 Control Complex for the accelerated continuation of the experiment according to the programs of the interventionist Control System - “energy biogenesis of the Living Flesh Cell”, the elimination of spent genotypes, the development of a genotype for a contact state with the Ebrov Brain, the combination of the Ebrov Brain with the improved “shirt” of people - the creation of true Aryans, and in fact - a more perfect “chosen” genotype 4xx. If we add to this the most powerful and non-random scientific, industrial and financial potential, it becomes clear why Germany was far ahead of its enemies and competitors.

Controlling people using psi-influence technologies is a controversial topic and requires detailed consideration, so it would not be out of place to cite the history of secret developments that were used NOT FOR THE GOOD.

Beginning in mid-1941, all research on psi-weapons was concentrated within the walls of the Institute for the Physics of Consciousness, an incredibly secret institution operating within the Ahnenerbe system. It was there that the Thor project was born, named after one of the ancient Germanic gods, but in fact it was a torsion field generator. There is extremely little data on this project, but from it one can judge that the successes of the Nazis already allowed them to move from purely scientific research to the use of psi-emitters in practice.

According to Yuri Malin, scientific consultant of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Hitler’s well-known headquarters “Werewolf” (Werewolf), located 8 kilometers north of Vinnitsa, was not such at all. In fact, it was a top-secret facility, in a deep underground bunker of which the systems of a powerful torsion generator were located. This same generator was supposed to keep almost all of Eastern Europe under control (see the article “The Werewolf - Hitler’s secret weapon”).

By the beginning of 1944, a dozen and a half psi generators and a network of relay masts were deployed throughout Germany. Day and night they conveyed the same mental order: fighting spirit, devotion to the Fuhrer, the will to win. From that moment on, the decadent mood among the Germans sharply declined; they again listened with lust to the speeches of Dr. Goebbels and prepared to die for great Germany. However, psionic treatment could not make up for the losses. Allied troops in the anti-Hitler coalition were advancing. When the enemy approached, the Nazis blew up their psi emitters and repeaters. As a consequence of this, the morale of the troops and the population began to fall, the defense was falling apart, but the Nazis simply had no other choice. They could not allow the new secret weapon to fall into the hands of the enemy.

However, the Nazis did not have time to fully implement their plans, as they were defeated by Allied troops. After the end of hostilities, all developments of the Ahnenerbe Institute migrated to the victorious countries. The lion's share of them ended up in the USA. For example, during the special operation “Paperclip”, about 600 fascist scientists specializing in the creation of psi-weapons were transported overseas. All of them were immediately connected to the CIA project MK-Ultra.

From 1950 to 1973, in the USA, along with MK-Ultra, a number of other large projects were launched: Artichoke, Blue Bird, MK-Search. In 1977, all major projects for the creation and improvement of psychotronic weapons were concentrated in the new Center for Advanced Physical Research. In parallel, work in this direction continues in other 140 smaller laboratories. The frantic desire to rule the world among American hawks is truly off the charts. Unfortunately, it must be admitted that they are confidently moving along this path.

Here is the information made public by the Bulgarian scientist, Doctor of Philosophy Theodor Dichev:

“On August 18, 1991, the American cruiser Belknap moored near Varna. The equipment sheathed on board did not resemble conventional weapons. Shortly before this, it was tested in the Persian Gulf. With the appearance of a mysterious ship in its waters, strange things began to happen in the ranks of the Iraqi army. Saddam Hussein's guards, hardened by years of brutal war with Iraq, began to be seized by animal fear. At first they surrendered in tens, then in thousands. This was the first psychotronic war in the history of mankind. It was won by the United States under President George W. Bush, who, while still the chief of the CIA, personally supervised the department involved in psi-development.

On August 19, 1991, the zombie generator aboard the Belknap was uncovered again. The setting was for a special mode of operation: instead of horror, euphoria was programmed. An invisible beam aimed at Moscow. In the Russian capital, it was corrected by special equipment installed on the sixth floor of the American Embassy. It had already been tested before, but during these tests the devices that absorbed huge amounts of energy caught fire. Russian firefighters were not allowed to approach the fire.

In August 1991, everything worked perfectly. The beam was focused towards the White House, and at the same time, suggestibility-enhancing vodka was delivered there. A crowd began to gather. (Alcohol opens individual psi-protection, which makes it easier to influence a person’s actions, especially when surrounded by a crowd. - E.B.) Gradually, she was overcome with excitement. They began to build barricades from garbage against tanks. No one noticed the operetta-like nature of everything that was happening, as if someone’s invisible hand was reaching into the subconscious and extracting from there a half-forgotten cliché: Krasnaya Presnya, 1905, “Down with autocracy!”, “Long live the revolution!” In the brains of people who gathered at the same Krasnaya Presnya already in 1991, persistent images acquired a new lexical connotation: “Down with partyocracy!”, “Long live democracy!” Then Yeltsin gave a speech. To do this, for some reason he went down from the radio-controlled balcony and climbed onto the tank. Just a revolution and Lenin on an armored car! The people welcome the leader! Thousands of people who had become biorobots swarmed around the area adjacent to the White House. Soon it will be called Freedom Square.”

Only three things can be added to what the Bulgarian scientists said: First. Over the many years of confrontation with Iraq, the Yankees used more than just one Belknap. In 2002, an entire secret squadron of similar ships arrived in the Persian Gulf. She worked in cooperation with several squadrons of special heavy aircraft that carried repeaters on board. In other words, the planes had equipment similar to what was used at the American Embassy in Moscow. (Note: One of the relay planes was shot down by Iraqi air defense. According to some information, Russian specialists managed to study its wreckage even before Iraq’s surrender.) For local purposes in Iraq, mobile psi emitters installed on Humvee SUVs and other armored vehicles were used. By the way, it was these installations, and not ammunition with depleted uranium, that caused the destruction of the central nervous system and leukemia in several dozen NATO soldiers.

Second. The use of psi-weapons by the Americans during the Moscow events of 1991 was pointed out not only by the then Minister of Defense of the RSFSR, Army General Konstantin Kobets.

Third. Shortly before the above events, namely in December 1989, the same Belknap, together with the Soviet missile cruiser Slava, guarded the famous meeting of the then General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Mikhail Gorbachev and US President George W. Bush on the island of Malta. How do you like this coincidence? The sad results of these negotiations are well known to everyone. Gorbachev surrendered the entire community of socialist states and opened the way for the Americans to Eastern Europe. This is where the question arises: did the Belknap psi emitter help Mikhail Sergeevich in this historic decision?

View from the Belknap of the cruiser Slava. Malta, December 1989

The Belknap's next visit to the Black Sea took place in June-July 1993. Also an incredibly memorable year. For those who have forgotten, let me remind you that it was in 1993 that tanks again rolled around Moscow, and machine gun fire rumbled on the streets again. True, in fairness, it is worth saying that the Belknap left the Black Sea even before the bloody massacre began in the Russian capital... But did he come there for something? Personally, I believe that the American’s visit was connected with the testing and adjustment of new psi emitters, which were already installed directly in Moscow. In those years, this was quite possible. During the reign of Mr. Yeltsin, the Yankees ruled the country and could install their equipment without any problems, even in the Lenin Mausoleum on Red Square.

The use of psi-weapons during the events of bloody October 1993 was felt by many people. From their stories we can conclude that several emitters were working in Moscow at once, having a diametrically opposite effect. Some of them drove a silent, completely apathetic crowd to the scene of events, whose unenviable fate was to splatter as many square meters of asphalt with their blood. Others, on the contrary, inflamed the armed fighters, did not allow them to understand the situation, to doubt the correctness of the sacred struggle for a new Russia, for the great President Boris Yeltsin. Zombies were killed indiscriminately and without fear of consequences. Here are the verbatim testimonies of some witnesses to those events:

Yuri Malin, scientific consultant of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation: “People suddenly forgot about purchased plane and train tickets. They flocked to the center of Moscow, completely unaware of what was happening there and what was pulling them there like a magnet. Shooting began, and people began to fall with wounds in the stomach and other parts of the body, but the rest of the onlookers continued to chew ice cream, stare at the wounded, the dead, and the White House being shot.”

Tatyana Syrchenko, editor of the newspaper "Anomaly", found herself in the zone of action of the braking field. She only had to walk about 30 meters from the metro station to her place of work. It took the woman more than half an hour to overcome these 30 meters. “When I got out of the subway, I felt like I had been hit on the head with a dust bag (there’s an expression). I stood and didn’t understand where to go. In order to get her brain working, she began repeating the multiplication table. I still remembered three or three times, but three or four times I already counted with my fingers.”

Albina Morozova is a resident of one of the apartment buildings located in close proximity to the White House and affected by the exciting field. Shortly before the 1993 revolution, the girl had an accident, and therefore watched the progress of events sitting in a wheelchair from the window of her apartment on the eighth floor. “I got the feeling that I needed to bomb. Whom? For what? I didn't know. You need to bomb and that's it! I filled three bottles of water, rolled to the window and threw them down. It’s mind-blowing, but at that moment it seemed to me that I was doing something very important. There were people below, and I bombed them with wild aggression. Then I was terribly ashamed of my behavior, but that day I was kind of out of my mind.”

There were indeed many strange things observed in the actions of the participants in the 1993 conflict. It is a well-known fact that units that were, so to speak, on the same side of the barricades often entered into battle with each other. And what about the merciless shooting of an unarmed crowd, which was carried out by the Vityaz special forces under the building of the Ostankino television center?! Many people remember the “fire” of the Ostankino Tower. N. Levashov wrote in sufficient detail about this and many other things related to the “technologies” that he used to destroy these generators, including those located on the Ostankino Tower.

To be continued ….

Elena Bittner

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