Tarot layout of the living and the dead. Online fortune-telling “Is a person alive. In what situations will layouts help to determine whether a person is alive or dead

Very often people come to fortunetellers when their relatives, relatives have disappeared. Especially when husbands, brothers disappear - who went on a spree, who went to work and there is no news from a person.

The first thing I recommend to such people is to calm down, move away from the problem and enter the "mental silence" of your mind. Do not go astray yourself and do not think out terrible things with your mind, so to speak, do not drag trouble out of the air. How to do it? It's very simple - wipe yourself after 2 hours with water and vinegar (for 10 liters, 1 teaspoon of vinegar essence and tie your head with a linen towel with vinegar water), smell mint oil, cloves, drink soothing.

Next, try to remember those little things that are characteristic of signs: dreams, conversation, your feelings for a person when he left your field of vision. It must be remembered that hope and calmness are a guarantee that bad thoughts will recede, insight will come and that answer that you constantly want to know - where is the person and what happened to him.

When you have calmed down, take simple playing cards, you can buy a new deck and take out the joker from there, shuffle the deck well and charge it with a conspiracy. A deck of 36 cards, ordinary.

Conspiracy: "I take you my deck, from 36 cards - kings, ladies and godfathers. Aces - time, tens - burden, nines - loss or burden, eights - time is not back to me. Sevens - negotiations, sixes - are dear to me And not in reproach Ah, come on, cards - lie down on the weight on 2-3 and 4. Pay off about (the name of the lost one), find out everything. Tell me everything, show me, appease my Spirit (the name of the fortuneteller)!"

Shuffle 5 more times, very slowly and thoroughly.

Then spread the cards into two piles, and find the one you think of from one pile: MCh - diamonds up to 30 years old, the rest - red and cross - are selected by denunciation. The King of Spades is not touched, he is a special suit and a special sign.

Take the cards in your hands and say this: "36 cards, four suits, my brothers and godfathers, tell me about (person's name) where he is: alive or dead, close or far, and when will he appear?"

Now, in the middle of the tablecloth (cards love the tablecloth), put the one you designate with the spot down.

These are divination by 2 cards in the "Quick Search" layout:

Under the fortuneteller two (arbitrarily remove from the deck), put up from the figure of the fortuneteller (she is facing you)

Close the heart of this person, on whom you are also guessing with 2 cards. This is a true guess. I inherited it from my grandmother, who clearly defined who, where and when to show up.

If more than 60% of red cards (hearts, diamonds) fell out, know that this person went of his own free will to this event. If more than a suit of hearts fell out of the red cards - he left (out of stupidity, love, drunkenness), the emotions of his mind,

If in the layout (viewing) of the red card the diamond layout prevails, - he left on a call, a phone call, news that came to him as news, or a conversation on horseback.

If in the layout of the general viewing - black cards predominate - these are dangerous adventures for this person.

If more cross suit falls out, this is related to money issues, cross troubles, gossip, debts, etc. A person got into history from those people who are not close, unfamiliar, distant, official or associated with him and his circle.

If a spade card falls out, this means a person has fallen into an unexpected (for him created by ill-wishers) trap. The spade card is immediately alarming - a person has fallen into a trap, into a bad story.

I will tell you the interpretation of the cards leading to failure:

The seven of clubs and the king of tambourines is a long unsuccessful road with temptation;

Seven of clubs and jack of clubs are difficulties, inconsistencies with a young man through a friend;

The seven of clubs and the king of clubs are a failure coming from family affairs;

The seven of clubs and the jack of hearts is a failure through the betrayal of a loved one.

Eight clubs with an eight tambourine - this man drove away from home far, outside the district.

Eight of clubs with a nine of spades is a date with an insidious person,

The eight of clubs with the ace of spades is the news of death;

The eight of clubs with the jack of hearts is a scandal, noise, a fight over a woman;

Nine of clubs with a ten of spades - you will get bad news and will cry a lot.

A ten of clubs with a jack of clubs is a visit to a distant acquaintance or friend and help him in business.

A dozen of clubs and a king of clubs is a disease, a blow, a physical illness on the one you are guessing.

Ten of clubs and ace of clubs - this is a debt, a lot of money, securities.

Ten of clubs and eight of spades - swearing, betrayal, failure because of love, great suffering.

A dozen of clubs and an ace of spades are a surprise, and a fatal surprise.

Ten of clubs and seven of hearts - this is the discovery of a secret, a conspiracy.

A dozen of clubs and a queen of hearts are a surprise when receiving money.

Ten of clubs and jack of hearts - this is noise and showdown due to gossip.

Jack of clubs and nine of clubs - a person with a close friend, his very close friend.

Jack of clubs and queen of clubs - a big noisy holiday (in a restaurant, cafe).

Jack of clubs and king of clubs - this indicates that the person is with big people (police is possible);

The jack of clubs and the seven of spades is a card of mortal danger, grief. Perhaps the person is not alive.

Jack of clubs and ten of spades is a quarrel with a friend;

Jack of clubs and jack of spades - your person is in a noisy and unfamiliar company;

Jack of Spades with the Queen of Spades - perhaps your person is imprisoned by third parties;

Jack of clubs with an ace of spades - he went far on his own initiative (flight);

The lady of clubs and the seven of tambourines is a quarrel, cocky people, a fight.

Lady of clubs and lady of tambourine - your man is with a rich lady, he is passionate about her and does not rush home.

Queen of clubs with a ten of spades - a man on the water, connected on the road with water.

Queen of clubs with a jack of spades - a date with an evil woman.

The queen of clubs with the king of spades is not a beneficent business, where a person will lose his reputation.

King of clubs with a seven of clubs - a big setback awaits you precisely because of family problems.

The king of clubs with an eight tambourine is an unexpected flirtation with an unknown person.

King of clubs and ace of clubs - your man will return, wait for him in a happy outcome.

The king of clubs and the king of tambourines is a date with an unbalanced person (fool);

The king of clubs with the seven of spades is a cheerful company, drunk and reckless;

King of clubs with a nine of spades - a person at a party, fun, by invitation.

The king of clubs and nine of hearts is someone's betrayal.

The king of clubs with the king of hearts is an acquaintance with a friend, a good person.

An ace of clubs with a seven of tambourines is a good jackpot, a win.

An ace of clubs with a jack of tambourine is trouble from an ill-wisher.

An ace of clubs with an ace of tambourines is pure deception.

An ace of clubs with an eight of spades is bad news about a theft (loss of money)

Ace of clubs with nine of spades - mourning, wait for the news of death.

Ace of clubs with an ace of spades - imprisonment, prison, detention.

Ace of clubs with an ace of hearts - a surprise associated with an accident, or getting into the police.

Seven of spades and jack of tambourine - a meeting with a military man.

Seven of Spades and Queen of Tambourines - a quarrel over principles.

Seven of spades with the king of spades - the road for inheritance, hidden money.

Seven of spades with an ace of hearts - process, arrest.

Eight of spades and seven of tambourine - an insult hurt honor.

Eight of spades with the king of tambourines - an anonymous denunciation, betrayal.

The eight of spades with the queen of hearts is an extraordinary car-related occurrence.

Eight of spades with seven of hearts is alcohol, drug intoxication.

Nine of spades with eight of tambourine is a complete fiasco of a person.

Nine of spades and jack of tambourine - this is a showdown due to slander. fight.

The nine of spades and the ace of tambourines are sad news of failure, loss, death.

Ten of spades and jack of spades is a sick or crazy person.

Ten of spades and ace of tambourines - this is an evening letter, news.

Ten of spades and eight of hearts - this is a happy deliverance from death, a happy chance to stay alive;

The queen of spades with the jack of spades is the imminent return of a lost person.

The queen of spades with the ace of spades - they deceive you and cheat on you.

Ace of spades with the king of spades - a meeting with a deceitful and not a good person awaits.

Ace of spades with an eight tambourine - sad news awaits you, a blow.

Ace of spades with a jack of tambourines - do not wait for this person, he will not return to you.

The ace of spades and the ace of clubs is a card of a prison, a long term.

The ace of spades and the king of hearts are unhealthy, a hospital, a sick bed.

I gave you quick-view maps of the situation when you urgently need to find out what happened and where the person disappeared. This alignment is a helper for a search engine and for an ordinary person who is in sadness and in tears.

But, keep in mind - cards love calmness and reason. I wish you to make such layouts rarely, when you are already completely desperate!


Unfortunately, working with magic cards is not always limited to the analysis of personal relationships, careers, finances, trips, communication with others, the immediate future of a person. Sometimes people come to a tarot reader with much more complex questions - for example, wanting to know about the cause of the death of a loved one or with a request to find a lost person who does not get in touch. Today we will talk about the second situation and look at the Tarot layout "A person is alive or dead."

In what situations will layouts help determine whether a person is alive or dead?

Situations can be very different: a loved one left somewhere and does not get in touch for a long time, a relative disappeared, and attempts to find him were unsuccessful, contact with someone was lost for a long period of time, and you do not know whether the person you are interested in is alive or not a person. It is impossible to ignore very sad cases: when a body is found, but relatives fail to identify it. In all such situations, the Tarot layout "Alive or dead" is useful. Let's look at a few of its variations.

A simple "Alive or dead?"

The simplest fortune-telling with which you can answer the question about the death of a person is to pull out three arbitrary cards from the deck and analyze their total meaning. You can also draw just one card, but it is unlikely to give much information, and it is even better to use additional ones, for example, instead of three, take five.

Alive or dead person layout by Vera Sklyarova

This alignment, which helps to find out what happened to the person you are interested in, is also called "The Living and the Dead." Its author is the famous Russian tarologist Vera Sklyarova.

The layout is different from the traditional one. Take a Tarot deck and three candles of different colors - black, red and green. Place candles as shown in the picture. Now we need to determine the significator of the person about whose fate we ask the cards. You can assign it to one of the court cards depending on the person's gender, age, appearance, or zodiac sign. Having chosen the significator and remembering it, be sure to put it back into the deck.

The next step is to separate the Major and Minor Arcana. We will do the alignment with the younger ones, and with the older ones and the Ace of Swords we will first designate the positions, as in the figure. At the black candle we put the Arcana Death (the “Dead” area in the picture), under it we lay out the following Arcana in the appropriate order:

  1. Chariot
  2. Hanged
  3. Star
  4. Devil
  5. Tower
  6. Wheel of Fortune

Next, at the red candle, we put the Arcanum of the Sun - it will indicate that the person is alive. Under it, as in the figure, we place a map of the World. At the green candle we put the Hermit (the area of ​​Missing Person), and under it two more cards - the Ace of Swords and Judgment.

Now we carry out the alignment itself: we light the candles, take the remaining Minor Arcana (including the Significator, and put the remaining Major Arcana aside), think about the person, mix the deck and begin to lay out the cards one by one in piles, which we designated SA: i.e. first, the card is placed in the Chariot pile, then in the Hanged Man pile, and so on, first over the Death area, then over the Life area, then over the Missing Person area, and again from the beginning. The cards are laid out open. We finish the alignment as soon as we see our chosen Significator.

The meanings of the cards in the Tarot layout "Alive or Dead" according to Sklyarova are as follows:

  • If the significator was in the position of the Chariot, then the person is dead, the cause of death is related to the road (had an accident, was hit by a car)
  • If in the position of the Hanged Man, then either he committed suicide, or he was killed, hanged, poisoned
  • Card-blank on the Star - a man drowned.
  • On the Devil - death from drugs, or at the hands of a maniac, a person with mental disabilities
  • On the Tower - death as a result of a natural disaster or other force majeure, this also includes an accident such as accidental falling out of a window, etc.
  • Wheel of Fortune - he miraculously managed to avoid death, he will soon make himself felt
  • A card in the position of Moderation means the time of death - if the significator is in the “Dead” area, then we look at what kind of card lies in this place at the end of the layout
  • Position means the person is alive
  • Hermit - a person is missing: if the card is in the stack of the Ace of Swords, then most likely he has lost his memory due to concussion, injury, accident, if in the stack of Judgment - he is being held captive.

Tarot spread "Memento Mori" from a photo by VeraLV

Another alignment is “A person is alive or dead”, you can do it from a photograph. First, the Significator is also selected from the deck, symbolizing the one we want to know about, after which the deck is shuffled and arbitrary cards are laid out from it as in the figure.

If the Significator appeared on the side of Memento Mori, then the person is no longer alive, if on the side of Life, then he is alive. If the blank card did not appear in the layout, you must first analyze positions 1 and 14. 1 answers the question “Is the person alive or not?”, 14 - gives confirmation. If the cards speak of death, then we consider combinations of cards on the side of Memento Mori to determine the reason for leaving life. If the deck reports that a person is alive, we look at the Life side in order to understand what circumstances he is in at the moment, and why he does not make himself felt.

Signs of death and the meaning of cards in the layouts "Alive-dead"

Sometimes it is very difficult to determine the meaning of a card, because the same Arcana can indicate both immediate death and simply the difficult circumstances of a person’s life. If you are doing a Dead or Alive tarot spread, do not forget to take into account the specifics of your deck. A lot of details can be found out if we take into account not only the traditional meaning of the cards, but also the specific symbolism of your working deck, if it does not belong to the classic ones.

If we are talking about the classics, then most often the following cards will be signs of death:

  • 9 of Swords

You can also look out for the following SAs when they appear next to a Death card:

  • - death by negligence
  • or the Tower is suicide
  • Reversed - death in childbirth
  • - heroic death
  • - natural death from old age
  • Reversed Priest - religious killing
  • - murder motivated by jealousy

Is the person alive? on tarot

And then a photograph falls on your table and the question follows: “Is this person alive?” The words of one of the greats come to mind "That by and large only two events matter in life - women get pregnant and people die." And how can we disagree here, because we often forget that a person can leave forever, and when the point of no return comes, we begin to realize what we have left unfinished and left unfinished. The enlightenment that comes when it is no longer possible to change something can cause heartache for many years, or even for the rest of your life. Death is a part of our life and therefore from time to time everyone comes into contact with this issue. But we, tarot readers, are interested in how to determine this phenomenon of nature from the cards, sometimes the baby in the photo can turn out to be dead, and the old man - alive. I personally do not have a highly developed intuition, I do not feel cold or warm, I rely only on cards and my ability to read them correctly. Someone can better recognize life, but for some reason I always see the signs of death better, and I will proceed from this in the future. Three maps and their analysis are enough to answer this question. I want to give an interesting example from my practice. The question was asked: "Is the man B. alive?" In response to which I got the following cards:

At first glance, nothing indicates that B. is dead, the cards are full of vitality. But she counted the fifth and it turned out to be Death, such a fact, of course, cannot be ignored, and I say that B. is dead, although it is hard to believe. It turns out that in this case, the cards not only indicated that V. was dead, but also the exact circumstances under which he died. V. (Knight of wands) with a certain lady (Empress) arranged a small celebration (10 coins) in the garage, as a result of which both died from asphyxiation with exhaust gases (10 coins - you don’t even need to have great imagination to see in the coins on the map bubbles of gas that spreads around the room). In addition to the generally recognized signs, the Emperor, the Hierophant and the Chariot in an inverted position indicate death or burial to me. Here are some examples:

This combination of cards indicated a widow woman.

This alignment pointed to a businessman who is engaged in ritual and funeral services.
Indeed, even if you just look closely at the picture, associations arise with the person who lies in the coffin.

To study this topic in more detail from the Rescuers Tarot School (Topic 17. “Is a person alive”), 23 tasks were selected on the Rescuers website (website) in which it was proposed to determine whether a person is alive or dead from a photograph with the answer “dead”. Next, I reviewed all the answers of the tarologists, regardless of the interpretation of the alignment, and carried out a little statistics on which and how many cards generally fall out in response to the question asked. This resulted in the following:

Arcana Tarot

The diagram tells us that the Major Arcana will indicate death most of all, of the younger ones almost equally Coins and Swords, and least of all Wands. If you look at the cards in each group separately, you can see:

Major Arcana





Analyzing the diagrams, we have to state that the long-known truths have once again been confirmed. The positions of the leaders are occupied by Death, the Hierophant, the Hermit, curly cards of the minor arcana, and digital values ​​\u200b\u200bcloser to ten. Of course, there are also 2 swords, which is not surprising, since it has long been considered a card of karma - circumstances that are formed against the will of a person. But there were some surprises, I could not imagine that the Ace of Cups would appear so often in the answers to this question, although, that's right - human death naturally causes a lot of emotions in others, which this card says. But why in the first place in the suit of coins was the eight - the card of work? To this question, let everyone look for their own - for themselves the right answer.

In the practice of divination, people often come to the fortuneteller who want to know if their relative, friend, or acquaintance is alive. Is everything okay with him, and if not, where is he, is he alive or dead? Unfortunately, we all live in the material world, in which a variety of tragic events can happen to people.

In order to answer such questions, today there are several dozen types of card layouts. Many of them are a symbol of boundless hack-work and complete mediocrity, and only a few are trustworthy, due to their thoughtfulness, the logic of constructing the scheme, the correctness and coherence of the questions that are asked in the process of work, and, of course, most importantly, the correct layouts will reward the master with a high percentage of predictability and marketability.

Today we will talk about a good and high-quality layout (the scheme below, as far as I know, was proposed by Ekaterina Anisimova), which has been used by me for a long time to answer the question posed. Below is a photo of the layout.

Scheme of the layout "Alive or dead"

What items are on the schedule? And what questions are asked by the fortuneteller in the process of work?

  • Card number 1 answers the question: what is the state of the physical body? If this place fell out negative cards(Moon, Tower, Devil, Hanged Man, etc., or if you use the Lenormand deck - Coffin, Scythe, Rats, Cross, Moon, etc.), then most likely the subject is dead. So we must continue the alignment and go to card number 2.
  • Card number 2 answers the question: What is the energy state of the subject, where is his soul? If the subject is dead, the card almost always confirms it.
  • Card number 3 answers the question: What caused the death or mortal situation? Getting into an accident, falling from a height, death in water, etc.
  • Card number 4 answers the question: What is the rationale for service death? By interpreting this card, you will understand whether it was suicide or murder, an accident, natural death.
  • Card number 5 is optional. It complements all 4 cards with its meaning, according to which the fortuneteller receives additional important information.
(5 votes, Total: 5,00 out of 5)

Despite its apparent simplicity, divination is ultimately a ritual that predicts fate. Online version of any divination
of course, this is a less serious procedure than, say, real divination on Tarot cards, but if you want to get the most
the exact result, we suggest that you follow a number of simple rules before starting the fortune-telling process:

1. Before starting fortune-telling, be sure to focus on your question, think about what exactly you want to know.

2. During fortune-telling, it is important to be in a calm environment, so that no one bothers you.

3. For greater concentration, count to 10 and take 2-3 deep exhalations and inhalations.

4. It is very useful to think in advance the time after which you want fortune-telling to come true.

5. Do not repeat the same fortune-telling more than twice - the cards will lie. Try another divination and change a little
or ask a question!

6. Even a negative answer to fortune-telling is perceived as positive. Remember that what is not done is for the best!

7. And remember: You and only you decide what your future will be! You received a forecast, and how to act depends
only from you.

Good luck guessing!

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