Hamedorea plant care. Hamedorea: miniature palm tree at home. Frequent pests of this plant are

They once gave me a tiny palm tree. I placed it in a slightly lit corner and started watering it. I water it for a month - it doesn’t grow, I water it for two months - it doesn’t grow... By the third I was already worried. Let's carry the pot around to different rooms, what if the lighting doesn't suit the plant?

Then I collected and changed the top of the soil, bought fertilizer... And only after all these “dances with a tambourine” I learned that this is a feature of Hamedorea, which is what they call in everyday life - slowly growing.

Due to its unpretentiousness - if you provide the palm tree with a humid climate, it will gratefully turn green in your home for years. Some people even keep it in the bathroom - provided there is a window there, because without light this green creature will feel bad.

This is a plant with character. Hamedorea grows very slowly - this even applies to seedlings. Having sowed seeds in the ground, you need to be prepared to wait for them to “peck” for about six months. True, after keeping the plant in the apartment for several years, you will suddenly notice with surprise that it has begun to outgrow not only the table, but even you...

The flower of this plant comes as a surprise to many, since if you buy a small chamedorea, it will bloom somewhere in the fifth year, and in different seasons. But it looks cute, in the form of a soft fluffy “twig”. Its beauty can be conveyed at least a little by this photo:

Basic care for chamedorrhea

  • Lighting. In this regard, the palm tree is akin to the orchid and other tropical beauties: it loves diffused light. The pot with the plant can be placed in partial shade. If you keep chamedorea under direct rays, they will burn the leaves and the palm tree will get sick. If your pet is already large and does not fit on the table, it is advisable to place it in the corner opposite the east or south window.

Important: from time to time the pot needs to be turned so that the palm tree stretching towards the light does not skew toward the window.

  • Room temperature. The higher the better. The minimum level for a palm tree is 16 degrees. If your apartment suddenly becomes very cold, try to protect the pot with the roots - place it in a large flowerpot, and place a piece of foam inside.
  • Watering. In summer, wait until the top of the soil dries by 1-2 cm, in winter - when it dries by 3-4 cm. Pour in water (warm and settled) little by little, making sure that the excess flows out of the hole at the bottom of the pot. Stagnation of water in the soil can easily kill your green beauty.
  • Air humidity. It’s the same as with temperature - the higher, the better. The palm tree needs to be sprayed all year round (the only exception is cold winter, but if the radiators are hot, take out the spray bottle every day). Take room water or heated water, always settled. It's even better to keep the palm tree near the aquarium. And ideally, buy a humidifier altogether.
  • Nutrition. You need to feed the plant while it is growing - from April to August, introducing fertilizing once every 2-4 weeks. Many stores sell special fertilizers for palm trees - they will suit the chamedorea's taste. A complex mineral composition is also suitable for you - the so-called universal for decorative deciduous plants.

Palm trees also benefit from a shower. This video will show you how to “bathe” them correctly so as not to flood the roots:

Soil selection and replanting

A young palm tree is replanted once a year, a middle-aged plant - once every 2 years, an “old lady” - once every 4 years. If you have grown a real giant whose crown almost touches the ceiling, it is better not to disturb it by replanting it (and you will not take it out of the pot). Simply collect the top “empty” soil and add fresh soil instead.

If the plant has just been brought from the store, it should be replanted immediately.

  • Method: only transshipment, without cleansing or even shaking off the roots.
  • Priming. You can look for special soil for palm trees (or ficus, dracaena, yucca) on sale. If you are a perfectionist, create the soil yourself. For example, you can mix 1 part each of humus, turf soil, peat and perlite.

You can see the transplantation of this plant with comments from an experienced gardener here:

Pruning: how and why

Firstly, you need to constantly remove non-decorative leaves from the tree - that is, sick or simply drying out from old age.

Secondly, the crown can be beautifully shaped.

Trimming is done like this:

  1. Wipe the scissors/knife with alcohol.
  2. Chip the leaf near the very base - there is no need to leave a “stump”.
  3. Treat the wound on the tree with a fungicide so that the “forces of evil” do not penetrate into it, that is, dangerous fungi and so on.

Reproduction of this indoor palm tree

There are two ways, hard and easy. Propagation by seeds is a difficult but interesting process. But if you are in a hurry and a transplant is coming, it is better to simply divide the chamedorea bush in two.


  • They lose their viability very quickly. So as soon as you buy them (or collect them from the plant), plant them immediately.
  • But first, soak them in water for at least 5 days. It is also advisable to carry out the so-called scarification, in other words, use a hard object (say, a pebble) to tear off the hard shell that protects each seed. It is not necessary to “pluck” all the seeds - you need to file them on one side.
  • Seeds are planted 1 at a time in a disposable cup (make a hole in the bottom so that water does not stagnate inside), pressing but not sprinkling. The “cut” side should go deeper.
  • A bag is placed over the glasses. They are placed in a sunny place (but not in direct sunlight), ventilated every day, and watered frequently.
  • After six months (or even 9 months) shoots will appear. When they grow 1 large leaf, they can be transferred to “adult” pots.

Dividing the bush

It is advisable to replant Hamedorea in late spring. Then divide the bushes. The easiest way is with purchased chamedoreas - just in case, they plant almost dozens of them in one pot.

The roots are washed under the tap. The plants are carefully separated so as not to break the roots. After this, they are planted in disposable cups or small pots.

The next month is considered rooting time. Plants should be kept at least 30 degrees and sprayed frequently.

After a month, they can be transferred to “adult” pots. But be prepared for the fact that not all Hamedoreas will survive this month - yet it is impossible to plant these palm trees without harming a single root...

Diseases and pests

  • Among insects, mealybugs and spider mites are of interest to chamedorea. However, if the room is humid (or you do not forget to constantly spray the plant), these pests will not grow on it.
  • The tips of the leaves have turned brown. Perhaps you forgot to wipe the dust from the leaves for a long time. This should be done with a soft cloth. Do not use a hard sponge; it may damage the leaf plate.
  • The leaves curl, wither and dry out. The plant is hot. It needs to be moved to a cold place and sprayed more often.
  • The leaves rot starting from the bottom. Here it’s the other way around - the room is cold and the soil is too wet. Place the pot close to the radiator or window and do not water until the soil dries out.
  • The tree does not grow for a very long time. Maybe spring has come, the grant has depleted, and the chamedorea is running out of food. Or the plant freezes and suffers from overwatering. In the latter case, the recommendations are the same as for rotting leaves.

By the way, about health! Did you know that chamedorea perfectly purifies the air in the room? And not only her - I propose to get acquainted with the best seven home green “filters” that help us breathe healthy:

The genus Hamedorea belongs to the Palm family and has over a hundred species, the main distribution area of ​​which is Central and South America.

This crop is a tree-like plant with spreading feathery foliage, and its flowering has no decorative value. Not many species are grown in culture.

Types and varieties of Hamedorea

Or elegans has the appearance of a bush with several small trunks that reach 1.5 m in height, the foliage is long, narrow, matte. The flowers are yellow with a pleasant scent.

A bushy species, growing up to 5 m, and at times even higher. The foliage is solitary, has no stipules, and is located on long petioles. It begins to bloom 3 years after planting, the color of the petals is soft orange.

The variety is very similar to Hamedorea graceful, but has brighter and more fragrant flowers.

This species has a fairly strong tillering habit, due to which it has many shoots and foliage. Likes bright light, unlike its relatives.

This crop is more reminiscent of a coconut palm than a chamedorea. It has broad, leathery foliage with a gray tint. It can also be recognized by one trunk, when most other representatives of the genus, as a rule, have several. The height of the trunk is about 2 m. It loves shade and becomes more attractive as it ages.

In general, the appearance of this species is similar to other palm trees, but has a small height - up to 1 m. The flowers are light yellow in color and look like balls.

Hamedorrhea care at home

As an exotic plant, chamedorea requires knowledge of the peculiarities of caring for it. When buying a flower in a pot, make sure that it is clean from pests and that there are no cobwebs or plaque on the foliage.

This palm tree can be grown in almost any light - it will feel good both in strong light and in the shade, the main thing is that the light is diffused, since direct rays of the sun cause burns.

In summer, the growing temperature should be in the region of 22-26°C. In winter, the thermometer level should be lowered to 13-15°C. But remember that sudden changes in temperature are harmful to this crop, so it must be protected from drafts.

The date palm is also a member of the Palm family, is grown with care at home and also requires compliance with all maintenance rules. You will find recommendations for growing and caring for this indoor palm tree in this article.

Hamedorea watering

During active growth, the plant must be constantly watered. The hotter the room, the more often watering is needed. In this case, they focus on the drying of the top layer of soil - when it dries, water it, but it is impossible to allow severe drying or complete drying out.

Stagnation of water in the roots is also harmful, as it causes rotting, so it is better to forget to water once than to overwater. Water the flower with soft, settled, warm water at a temperature not lower than room temperature. In winter, watering should be done no more than once every 7 days.

Hamedorea loves high humidity. It needs to be sprayed a couple of times a day, and when possible, washed under a warm shower.

Soil for Hamedorea

This culture loves heavy soils with a slightly acidic reaction. The substrate for it can be made from deciduous and turf soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 1:3:1:1.

You can also buy special soil for palm trees and mix it with charcoal. A drainage made of broken brick or expanded clay should be placed at the bottom of the pot.

Hamedorrhea transplant

It is difficult to find accurate information about transplants. Different gardeners differ in their opinions from “replant when the need arises” to “do not replant.” This palm tree grows best in a cramped pot, so while it is young, it can be replanted annually.

When replanting becomes difficult, it will be enough to replace the top ball of soil, and replanting can be done when the roots completely fill the tub and climb through the drainage holes.

Fertilizer for chamedorea

During the growing season, namely from spring to October, chamedorea is fertilized. Once every 15 days, apply liquid fertilizer for palm trees in full concentration or for decorative deciduous plants at half the rate.

Hamedorea is often appreciated for the fact that it can bloom indoors, although in general its flowering is not highly decorative. It is worth noting that flowering usually begins 3 years after planting.

It happens that young or weak individuals stop growing after flowering due to exhaustion, but, as a rule, after the next feeding everything returns to normal.

Can Hamedorrhea be trimmed?

Since this palm has only one growing point, it cannot be trimmed, otherwise it will stop growing and die when the lower leaves fall off.

Hamedorea growing from seeds

Hamedorea can be propagated by seeds, suckers and, as is not surprising for a palm tree, by dividing the bush.

The problem with seed propagation is that it is a dioecious plant and pollination is a big problem. And it’s also not easy to achieve seedlings if seed material is available.

The seeds are deepened by 1 cm and germinated in a greenhouse at 26-27°C. It is very important that high temperature and humidity are always maintained, otherwise the material may not germinate. Usually shoots appear a month and a half after planting.

Reproduction of Hamedorea at home

Once a palm tree's root system has developed sufficiently, it will begin to produce offspring that can be separated from the parent once they have developed their own roots.

Dividing the bush is resorted to when transplanting large and strong individuals that have grown greatly. When grown indoors, chamedorea very rarely grows to a state suitable for division.

But in stores they often sell several specimens planted in one pot, rather than just one palm tree. If this happens, then when the plant acclimatizes, you can carefully divide it into several parts and plant it.

Hamedorrhea disease

If the rules of care for chamedorrhea are violated, a number of problems can arise.

  • Dry tips of leaves indicate too dry air.
  • Yellowing on leaves appears when placed in direct sunlight or when watered with hard water.
  • At root rotting the plant begins to wilt, wither and die. In this case, it is necessary to cut off the rotten roots and replant them in new soil, not forgetting drainage; it is also important to regulate watering.
  • Darkening and brown spots on foliage formed from excess moisture or too low temperatures; this can also occur due to watering with hard water.
  • At low temperature the foliage turns black and droops .
  • Lower leaves with aging ourselves begin to fade and fall off . There is nothing wrong with this and when they lose their decorative appearance, they can be trimmed.

Hamedorea pests

Shchitovka can be determined by brown growths on leaves . It is difficult to remove them, but simply spraying them with preparations will help little, so you need to soak a cloth in insecticide and peel off the shields by hand.

Mealybug leaves behind a white cotton-like coating. The pest can be collected manually, but this will only help at the initial stage, and in the future you will have to resort to chemicals.

Among the insecticides we can highlight Actellik, which copes well with all of the above pests. It is only worth noting that in case of massive damage, repeated treatment may be required after a week.

Look at the varieties of Hamedorea, they all seem to belong to the same species, but they are so different!

The Hamedorea palm belongs to the Arecaceae (palm) family and is native to the moisture-rich jungles of Guatemala and Mexico. Outdoors, these plants grow in groups and can reach four to five meters in height, thereby forming real thickets. Often other trees tower above these palms in forests, blocking them from direct sunlight.

Hamedorea is one of the most suitable palm trees for growing at home, since it grows relatively slowly upward and also tolerates a slight lack of light. Difficulties can only arise when maintaining a sufficiently high air humidity, which is so necessary for this plant, but with good care it will fully reward the residents and guests of the house with a beautiful view and bright flowering.

The most common type of this palm in indoor floriculture is Chamaedorea elegans or indoor palm. This is a low-growing spreading bush with feathery leaves of a pointed oval shape. From the ground, one plant grows immediately into many thin trunks, bare, similar to reeds or bamboo, surrounded by rings - traces of cuttings of old leaves. Each of them can become up to three centimeters thick with age. Hamedorea elegans blooms with bright and small fragrant flowers - from pale yellow to fiery red. Some specimens can bloom barely reaching 30 cm in height, making this palm an ideal decoration for any room.


Hamedorea gracefula can be grown from seeds, but when buying a bag at a flower shop, you need to pay attention to the production date - the seeds of this palm tree quickly lose their viability. You will also need to be patient, because the seeds of Hamedorea graceica take quite a long time to germinate; under normal conditions it can take up to six months. To speed up the process, the seeds can be kept in a nutrient solution for five days before planting, and then the upper hard shell can be carefully sawed off. Then the soil mixture for palm trees is poured into small containers and a seed is placed in each of them, slightly pressing the sawed side into the soil. Then the containers are covered with film to maintain high humidity and left until the first shoots appear.

During the germination period, it is important not to overcool the seed containers - the ideal temperature is 25 °C. Periodically, you need to open the film and ventilate it a little so that mold does not appear on the soil due to high humidity. If properly cared for, sprouts will appear within four to five months, and once they reach a size of three to four centimeters, small palm trees can be transplanted into pots for adult plants.


Caring for Hamedorea elegans (otherwise known as Hamedorea elegans) at home will not cause difficulties even for novice gardeners. In the summer, it requires abundant and regular watering: it will be enough to do this three times a week if there is good drainage at the bottom of the pot. It is also recommended in the summer to apply mineral fertilizers once a month, preferably in the form of granules, so that they are washed out more slowly during watering.

Fresh indoor air is also important for palm trees. With insufficient ventilation and low humidity, insects may appear on the leaves, in particular spider mites.

The plant prefers places that are not too lit, so it can be placed in the back of the room, and this will also protect the delicate leaves from direct sunlight. The ideal temperature for a palm tree is about 20 °C in summer, and about 15 °C in winter, during the dormant period. With proper care, Hamedorea elegans will quickly develop at home, bloom regularly and delight the eyes of all household members.

Benefits and harms

Hamedorea elegans is useful because, like many other palm trees, it cleans and humidifies the air in the room well. The palm tree is not poisonous to pets, but not all of them like the taste of its leaves, so such proximity will not harm anyone.

Varieties and types

Hamedorea Bridble

This is one of the modern varieties, characterized by increased decorativeness and unpretentiousness. Outwardly, it is similar to Hamedorea graceful, its difference is that the flowers are brighter and more fragrant. The height of the Hamedorea Bridble plant usually does not exceed one and a half meters; only very mature palm trees in large floor tubs can grow higher.

Caring for Hamedorea Bridble at home is no different from caring for its graceful “sister”; the plant easily forgives small mistakes. Therefore, this palm tree will be a good gift for any novice gardener.

It is recommended to replant Hamedorea Bridble not too often: no more than once a year for a young plant, and no more than once every three years for plants older than four years. It is recommended to do the replanting by transferring the earthen clod - with this method, it is carefully pulled out of the old pot and, without destroying it, moved into a larger container, adding more soil. The soil level in the new pot is left the same.

Chamaedorea Seifrizii

A bushy palm with long, numerous shoots and bright, spreading leaves. Compared to other relatives, it prefers brighter rooms, without direct sunlight.

Chamaedorea Metallica

A plant with dense, wide, leathery leaves with an unusual silvery tint. It has one trunk, which becomes thick and woody with age, often reaching a height of two or more meters. This species easily tolerates shade and can grow even in rooms with small windows.

Chamaedorea Ernesti-Augustii

Another single-trunk palm with large leaves in the form of two pointed ovals, vaguely reminiscent of wide green hearts.

Chamaedorea Elatior

A multi-stemmed palm, every year it forms stems from the roots, reaching a height of three to five meters. The leaves are distinguished by slightly wider single leaflets without stipules, which are located along the entire trunk of the tree.

Chamaedorea Concolor or Adscendens

A bushy palm with many reed-like trunks, it has medium-sized feathery leaves. In a wide container, this indoor flower can eventually form beautiful dense thickets, reminiscent of a small jungle.

Chamaedorea Stolonifera

A type of palm tree with several shoots from one root and large fan-like leaves. This palm tree actively forms aerial roots, so it is convenient to propagate by shoots.

Chamaedorea Cataractarum or "cat palm"

A very decorative palm tree, distinguished by numerous stems with dark green thin leaves. This variety tolerates insufficient watering and drying out of the earthen clod worse than others, but with abundant watering and fertile soil, on the contrary, it grows very quickly.

Even such a type of palm tree that is resistant to diseases and pests can be “killed” by improper growing conditions. Contents1 Benefits of the tree2 Care2.1 Lighting2.2 Temperature2.3...

Many people today use tropical flowers to decorate their homes. They add color to the interior, purify the air in the room, and delight the eye with bright greenery. One such plant is the Hamedorea bamboo palm. By placing it in a beautiful pot near the window, you can significantly enliven the interior and give it a unique accent.

Hamedorea is ideal for indoor keeping due to its fragility and compactness. The plant is a representative of thin-stemmed, bush-shaped palm trees.

Several graceful trunks with feathery leaves, creating a lacy cloud, grow from the ground at once. The palm tree blooms with paniculate inflorescences collected from inconspicuous yellowish flowers, which can appear at any time of the year.

Some gardeners recommend interrupting flowering by cutting off the blossoming panicle so as not to weaken the chamedorrhea. Others are of the opinion that the inflorescence can be left. With good care and timely feeding, it will not harm the plant.

This palm originated from the tropical forests of Central and South America. Even in wild conditions, it does not grow large; the maximum height of the plant in nature is 2 m. When kept indoors, chamedorea grows quite slowly. 2-3 new stems appear per year, so the palm tree remains compact for a very long time. An adult specimen will have a height of 90 to 150 cm.

Types for home cultivation

  1. Hamedorea graceful. It grows to form young shoots from the rhizome. Each stem contains up to 7 leaves, growing on long petioles and having a pinnate structure. The palm tree blooms for the first time at 3-4 years of its life. The inflorescences are in the form of panicles consisting of small cream flowers.
  2. Chamedorea tall. The species has excellent decorative qualities. This variety readily blooms at home. The inflorescences can be paniculate or spike-shaped, consisting of small orange flowers. The bush grows due to the formation of basal shoots.
  3. Hamedorea Ernest-Augustus. This variety has a vegetative propagation method. New plants appear due to the formation of aerial roots at nodes on the stem. A characteristic feature of this chamedorea is the structure of the leaves. They are wider and not divided into segments.
  4. Hamedorea Bridble. Caring for this modern variety at home is not difficult. The palm tree has high decorative qualities. The species has an external resemblance to Hamedorea gracefu, the differences are noticeable only during flowering. The panicles of the inflorescences are brighter in color and have a pleasant aroma. At home it usually grows up to 1.5 meters.
  5. Hamedorea unicolor. The stems of the plant are similar to reeds in the form of the same long internodes. The species is considered the most hardy and does not require special care.

Each of these varieties can be cultivated in an apartment. Despite its unpretentiousness, chamedorea still requires compliance with certain parameters in its maintenance.

To ensure that exotic plants do not lose their decorative properties, it is necessary to create for them an environment that is as close as possible to natural growing conditions. Before buying a palm tree, you should definitely find out how to care for chamedorea at home and what it needs for normal growth. It is important to pay attention to the following parameters:

Spraying the leaves is also a preventative measure against the appearance of spider mites. This pest starts when the air is too dry. Periodically, for the same purpose, the plant can be given a shower.

Basic care

But these rules apply to the warm season, when chamedorea actively grows green mass. In winter, watering is reduced. At low temperatures, excess moisture in the soil will easily lead to root rot and various fungal diseases. There should also be no excessive dryness of the soil.

Fertilizing for adult palm specimens is applied twice a month from spring to autumn. It is recommended to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers. Each of them is used according to the instructions.

Young plants that have undergone transplantation are not fertilized for six months. They have enough nutrients that are in the soil. You should not fertilize in winter either. With a lack of light, stimulating growth with fertilizers will lead to the appearance of weak shoots. This will negatively affect the appearance of the plant.

Palm tree propagation

If you want to get a new specimen of chamedorea, propagation at home can occur in several ways. There are three of them in total:

  • seminal;
  • dividing the bush;
  • basal offspring.

A palm tree can reproduce by seeds, but this is the longest way. Germination will take several months, sometimes seedlings appear only after six months. You need to use the freshest possible seed material, since germination decreases over time. To increase the chances of germination, the seeds are soaked for 5 days in a zircon solution before planting.

After this, the hard shell is removed from the seed and planted in fertile soil. Planting must be done to a depth of 1 cm in a small greenhouse, where it is easier to maintain the required humidity and temperature. The container is kept warm and ventilated daily. When seedlings appear, you should wait until the first leaf grows to 2-4 cm. After this, the seedling is transplanted into palm soil and begins to be grown as an adult plant.

The simplest and most common way is Hamedorea propagation by dividing the bush. The procedure is usually combined with plant transplantation. The most favorable time for this is the end of spring. The roots of the palm tree must be freed from the soil, carefully divided into 2-3 parts, after which each section should be planted in a new pot and grown separately.

The palm tree can be propagated by root shoots after the mother plant has become an adult. The shoots are separated when they form independent roots. In this case, a small palm tree will easily take root in an individual pot. You will know that the rooting process went well by the appearance of new leaves.

Transplanting a plant

Young specimens of Hamedorea are replanted every spring. In the future, this should be done when the roots completely occupy the volume of the pot. This point can be seen by the slowdown in palm growth. As a rule, an adult plant needs to be replanted once every 3-4 years. Hamedorrhea is urgently replanted only in case of illness, for example, when the roots rot.

When replanting, do not deepen the plant too much, trying to plant it at the same level at which it grew before. There is no need to destroy the earthen ball so as not to accidentally injure the roots.

You can buy a ready-made specialized substrate. A drainage layer of expanded clay or broken brick must be laid at the bottom. The new pot should be 4-5 cm larger in diameter than the old one. Adult, strongly grown specimens are not replanted, but simply replace the top layer of soil in the pot.

Problems and diseases

Sometimes you may encounter problems when growing a bamboo palm. Some owners are perplexed as to why chamedorea leaves dry out. This can happen for several reasons at once. Over time, the leaves naturally age and dry out. It may also be that chamedorea reacted to the transplant in a similar way - there is a period of adaptation. The third reason is insufficient watering.

In the case when only the tips of the foliage turn yellow, too little moisture in the soil may also be to blame. A similar nuisance occurs due to excessive dry air and insufficient room temperature. Yellow leaf tips may indicate root rot due to overwatering. It is necessary to analyze the conditions of detention in order to identify the true cause of the problem and eliminate it.

Fungal diseases most often affect chamedorea if it is not properly cared for, or if it is weakened by pest attacks. Experienced gardeners recommend in this case to treat with a fungicide three times with an interval of 10 days. The drug is diluted according to the instructions and used to treat palm trees.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!

Tropical plants in the interior of a home are common. They are able to transform any room, which you wouldn’t even say is boring. One of the popular plants in the homes of compatriots is Hamedorea. It’s worth learning more about what types there are and how to care for Hamedorea.

Types of Hamedorea

Hamedorea (Neanta) is a flowering plant that is widely used as an indoor plant. The bamboo palm is found in the wild throughout South and Central America and can reach a height of 5 meters. At home, it does not grow above two meters, which is why gardeners love it. In addition, Hamedorea has an elegant, attractive appearance and has a number of useful properties, which makes it a favorite of many people.

It cleans the air of various chemical impurities that can often fill a room. It is noteworthy that the plant neutralizes harmful substances with the help of leaves and root system. The reed palm, also called Hamedorea, has a thin-stemmed structure. The leaves have an arched shape and, depending on the species, can be dissected into several elements and pinnate. Hamedorea blooms even at home - in the photo you can see what flowers there are. When flowering ends, black berries are formed.

There are more than a hundred varieties of bamboo palm in the wild, but only a few of them grow at home. Descriptions of the most popular ones and their photos are given below, but in the collections of amateurs you can also find rare types:

  • bridble;
  • geonomous;
  • cereal-leaved;
  • moon-shaped;
  • Marcius;
  • stoloniferous;
  • broadleaf.

Hamedorea gracilis

Chamaedorea elegans is a species that can often be found in photographs in magazines and in interiors. Hamedorea elegans differs in that it does not have a central trunk, but consists of a rosette of leaves. The stems of the plant are thin and topped with feathery leaves. The bamboo palm of the genus elegans begins to bloom at an early age with beautiful yellow flowers collected in panicles with a delicate aroma. When artificially pollinated, they are able to bear fruit.

Neanta is beautiful

Few people know that Neanta beautiful is another name that goes by Hamedorea elegans. It grows short, which makes it very suitable for breeding at home. Neanta is so unpretentious that it feels great even on a north window. Initially, the trunks of the plant are green, but over time they become brown.

Hamedorrhea Ernest-Augustus

Chamaedorea Ernesti-Augusti is a rare species that is an indoor plant with a trunk with a small number of leaves growing at the top. The leaves have a shape similar to the shape of a heart - whole, and bifurcate at the ends. There are 8-10 of them per flower, and their sizes can reach 60 cm in length and 25 in width. The Hamedorea Ernest-August palm tree blooms with bright red inflorescences. A distinctive feature is the aerial roots, which help the plant reproduce without much effort.

Hamedorea unicolor

The hardiest species that does not require special care is Chamaedorea pinnatifrons. It blooms yellow and is similar in appearance to Hamedorea graceful, but has some differences:

  • leaves are thinner and longer;
  • internodes are elongated.

How to care for Hamedorrhea at home

Although the plant is exotic, caring for Hamedorea does not require special knowledge and skills. All you have to do is follow certain rules. The decorative flower is of decent size. Some plants can reach 2 meters, such as Chamaedorea elatior. The place for their placement must be chosen carefully so that later the flower does not become a hindrance for either the owners or the guests.

The best option for a plant would be the corner of the room, and it is preferable to choose a place next to the window. It is worth knowing that Hamedorea is not demanding of itself. Although caring for a plant is simple, it involves following several rules that are worth dwelling on in more detail. If you create an optimal environment close to natural conditions, the flower will delight the owner for a long time.

Lighting and air temperature

Standard room temperature is acceptable for growing Hamedorea; the only thing that should not be allowed is a sharp change in temperature conditions. If this happens gradually, then nothing bad will happen. In summer, a temperature of 20-25°C is optimal for the flower. If possible, it is recommended to take the plant out into the open air. A garden or even a balcony is perfect for this. On the street you should avoid drafts, which Hamedorea does not like. In winter, it is recommended to lower the temperature to 18°C.

Lighting a palm tree is another important aspect of growing it. All species cultivated at home do not like direct sunlight. They must be avoided, otherwise Hamedorea may get burns. They like both illuminated and shaded corners, but moderate lighting is still optimal for them. It should be remembered that the appearance of Hamedorea directly depends on how high-quality and properly equipped the lighting is.

Air humidity in the room

In addition to lighting and air temperature, it is worth monitoring such indicators as air humidity, since it should not fall below 50%. For some species it may be higher. To maintain the correct indicator, Hamedorea can be surrounded by containers of water, which will create optimal humidity conditions. To maintain the indicator, it is recommended to spray the plant. For the process, you need to choose the right water, because if it contains a large amount of lime components, it can harm the plant - the leaves will become stained.

How to water Hamedorea

Proper care of chlamedorrhea involves selecting water for irrigation. Warm and settled water is ideal. Although the plant is moisture-loving, you cannot overdo it in this matter. In summer, Hamedorea should be watered regularly, but the amount of water should be moderate.

It is easy to check the need for moisture: if the top layer of soil is dry, then you need to water the plant. In winter, the water supply should be reduced, and the soil in the pot should dry out by at least 3 cm. Excess moisture does not have the best effect on the plant and can cause rotting of the roots. After watering the plant, after 10-15 minutes you should pour out the excess water from the pan.

Transplanting Hamedorea at home

Young individuals are replanted every spring, after which the frequency is reduced. The signal for it is the filling of the container in which the flower grows with the root system. Transplantation of Hamedorea, which has reached its apogee, occurs once every 4 years, and perhaps even less frequently. It is only allowed to replace the top layer of soil and fertilize with fertilizers. The palm plant should be replanted immediately after purchase. There are several rules for replanting a plant without consequences:

  • take a larger pot;
  • be sure to arrange drainage;
  • use the transshipment method;
  • the ground level should correspond to the previous one.

Soil for Hamedorea

Heavy and dense soil is used for planting and replanting the plant. This composition is necessary because the flower has a developed root system. Soil for Hamedorea can be purchased at a specialty store or prepared independently. In the first case, you need to choose any ready-made substrate for palm trees, and in the second, prepare the mixture yourself. Peat, humus, turf soil and perlite are taken in equal quantities. Before the planting procedure, it is recommended to bake the soil in the oven. This will rid it of pests.

How does Hamedorea reproduce?

There are 3 ways in which Hamedorea can be propagated at home:

  • seeds. At the preparatory stage, the seeds are soaked for 5 days. After this time, you need to remove the dense shell and plant the prepared material in the ground to a depth of about 1 cm, cover the seeds with plastic film or glass. Shoots appear after six months.
  • basal shoots. For propagation, the shoot is carefully separated from the donor. Drainage is poured into the bottom of the container, and then part of the soil. The roots of the plant must be straightened, the rest of the soil must be added and compacted well. Water the chamedorea and cover the pot with film to create a greenhouse effect. Rooting occurs in a month and a half.
  • dividing an adult bush. This quick propagation method is used when replanting a plant. Having divided the bush into parts, new shoots are planted in separately prepared containers.

Hamedorrhea diseases

The plant has a strong immunity to various diseases and pests, but is not completely protected from them. Palm diseases arise from improper plant care. Over-watering the soil causes pink rot or leaf spotting. This disease is controlled by regulating watering and treating with a fungicide. In dry air, Hamedorea is affected by scale insects, spider mites or mealybugs. Treatment and care consists of increasing air humidity and treating the flower with soap solution or insecticides.

Why do Hamedorea leaves turn yellow?

Yellowing of plant leaves is common when they are grown indoors. If it is noticed that Hamedorrhea turns yellow, then there may be several reasons for this ailment:

  • low ambient temperature;
  • dry air;
  • low air humidity.

Why does Hamedorea dry out?

In nature, the plant grows in the shade of tall plants and is not exposed to direct sun. In addition, tropical forests have high humidity, which also properly affects the entire appearance of the plant. In home care, it is not entirely easy to create such ideal conditions, so sometimes it is noticeable that the leaves of Hamedorea dry out. For this reason, it is worth checking that the leaves of the plants are not exposed to direct sunlight.

In addition, care also involves regulating the temperature in the room (in summer it should not exceed +25°C, and in winter it should drop below +12°C). In living nature, the air humidity at which the plant lives is high. It fluctuates around 70%, but at home such an indicator will be harmful both to human health and furnishings. Humidity should be constantly measured, and if it is insufficient, the leaves of Hamedorea should be sprayed so that they do not dry out.

Video: Hamedorea flower - home care

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