Herbivorous fish names 5 examples. Predatory fish. Names, descriptions and characteristics of predatory fish. Harvesting and obtaining mature producers

Albatross - order Tubenoses, family Albatross

Salvini's albatross (Thalasarche salvini). Habitat - Atlantic Ocean. Wingspan 2.6 m. Weight 4 kg

Under this name, 13 species of birds are known, considered one of the largest flying birds.

For example, the record for wingspan recorded in the Guinness Book of Records belongs to the wandering albatross: on September 18, 1965, a male with a wingspan of 3.63 meters was caught in the Tasman Sea. Albatrosses are inhabitants of the open sea, appearing on land only during the breeding season.

Birds have very ancient origin- their fossilized remains, discovered by paleontologists, date back to 30-35 million years. Europeans learned about these wanderers of the seas only in the 15th century, when sailors first rounded Cape Horn. The name “albatross” is a corruption of the Portuguese word “alcatraz” by English sailors, which the Portuguese used to designate all large seabirds. Albatrosses feed on fish and squid, which are caught in the surface layers of water.

White-backed albatross(Phoebastria albatrus)
White-backed albatross - the largest sea ​​bird Russia, its wingspan reaches 2.3 m. The back of the 6elospinal albatross does not seem completely white. The black-brown edges and ends of the wings, as well as the black end of the tail, interfere with perception. The head and neck of this albatross are also not white, but with a golden-red tint. The beak is interestingly colored - it is pinkish with a bluish tip. In ancient times, white-mantled albatrosses built their nests on small volcanic islands with steep banks. Nowadays, there is practically only one such island - Torishima. At the end of the 20th century, several hundred birds nested on it. Today it’s even less. The life of the species is under threat. The main dangers are rats and feral cats. They kill white-backed albatross chicks. In Russia white-backed albatrosses can be seen in the coastal waters of Primorye, Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Komandorsky and Kuril Islands. A pair of birds lays eggs every two years large egg; It is incubated by both parents for two months.

Dark-backed albatross }

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