Razin marries his son after the tragedy. Doctors explained the possible causes of death of the son of the producer of “Tender May” The son of the producer “Tender May” died

The producer of the group “Tender May” admitted what feelings he was experiencing after the death of his son, who died last Friday from a heart attack.

“My son Alexander Razin (01/20/2001-03/10/2017). My pain of loss is unbearable. I express my gratitude to all my loved ones for their condolences and support,” wrote Andrei Razin on Instagram.

A few hours after the death of his son, Razin posted the last photo with Sasha on his page.

“The last photo with my son. The kingdom of heaven Sashul,” the producer signed the photo.

“Sasha is no longer alive! We will write a little later information about the funeral: when, where and what time the farewell will take place! Tentatively, on Tuesday, March 14,” the inconsolable parents wrote a message for his friends on the guy’s page.

As it became known, the young man became ill while walking with his girlfriend. A random passer-by, Alexey Kashcheev, who turned out to be a doctor, tried to save Alexander’s life. Only a day later the man learned that the unfortunate boy was the son of a famous producer.

Doctors are looking into what exactly triggered a heart attack in a 16-year-old boy who had no previous health problems: the young man led an active lifestyle, engaged in wrestling and swimming.

People express their condolences to the relatives of Alexander Razin. And the young man’s friends cannot believe that he is no longer alive.

The creator of the group “Tender May”, showman, politician and businessman Andrei Razin announced the sudden death of his son Alexander.

The personal life of Andrei Razin is very complicated. It is known that Razin’s first son Ilya was born in 1985, but his father learned about his existence only in 2003.

But Alexander was born in a legal marriage in 2001 and judging by the photo, the relationship with him and his mother Faina remained family. In January, they celebrated his birthday, and Andrei commented on the festive photo: “My wife and I are the happiest parents. Our son Sasha is sixteen years old. January 20, 2017.”

But less than two months after this, a mournful entry appeared on the microblog of his current wife Natalya Grozovskaya: “Friends, we have grief... Andrei Razin’s son Sasha Razin has died. Please pray for the repose of his soul...”

Soon, Andrei himself confirmed his son’s death.

Last photo with my son. Kingdom of heaven Sashul,” Razin signed the photo.

Relatives do not particularly talk about the reasons for the guy’s death. They say that while walking with his girlfriend, he suddenly fell. She called an ambulance, and after several hours of fighting for his life, he died. The cause was given as a heart attack.

Of course, it’s always strange to learn that a young guy riding motorcycles with friends suddenly dies of a heart attack, but that’s probably what happens...

The evil eye and black magic caused the mystical death of Andrei Razin's son! The famous producer and founder of “Tender May” for the first time and only for the Channel Five program “ Gossip column"talks about the evil fate that haunts his family. Is it possible to get rid of an obsession, how to deal with damage and where to find the strength to live after a terrible loss?

- I am inclined to believe that this is the evil eye. Because ten academicians and doctors of science investigated the death of my son. For three months they studied all the tests, everything they took, and came to the conclusion that it was sudden cardiac arrest. Acute myocarditis, which occurs in one million cases.

The teenager died two years ago from cardiac arrest. The cause of death was a history of acute respiratory viral infection, which caused complications. But this is only the official version of the doctors. In fact, according to Razin, modern medicine cannot explain this situation. On January 20, 2019, the guy could have come of age.

Son of Andrei Razin. Still from the program “Gossip Chronicle”

Alexander Razin is buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery. There is no sign or usual monument at the grave - only a bright portrait of a 16-year-old boy glowing with a smile, a lot of toys and flowers. Andrei Razin created a homely atmosphere here, almost like in his son’s room: he brought a table, a chair and even a festive tree.

The producer blames himself for his son's death. He believes that Razin’s fame and wealth aroused the envy of a huge number of people. And some used black magic against his family.

— It’s an evil fate that I’ve been in the public eye a lot, for 35 years. Yes, everyone envy me.

The founder of Tender May is sure that his wife’s terrible illness is also a consequence of the evil eye. Razin's second wife Natalya Lebedeva was diagnosed with blood cancer.

— It was proven in my case that the evil eye can cause cancer. Stopping cells that later turn into cancer. This is what happened to my wife. This was proven scientifically at the institute. They caused damage, and practically she developed leukemia. We saved her.

Still from the program “Gossip Chronicle”

It turned out to be beyond Razin’s control to save his son. This photo was the last with Sasha. Cars were a great hobby for the teenager. Judging by the photo, Alexander grew up a modest guy. Or he could become the heir to the huge fortune of his famous father.

Andrei Razin is one of the richest music producers in the country. At the age of 25, he became the first official Soviet millionaire, and then a billionaire. Razin has his own business, serious amounts in his accounts, and the group “Tender May” is still performing. All rights to the songs belong to the producer.

Son Alexander was not the only contender for his father's empire. The producer has a second heir, which he, however, only found out about in 2003.

— Ilya was raised by Irina for 16 years, and then came to me. I went to court, we did a genetic examination in Stavropol so that there would be 100% proof that this is my son.

Ilya is an international-class master of hairdressing and has his own salon. Lives in St. Petersburg in an apartment bought by his father. According to Andrei Razin, he doesn’t even think about a rich inheritance.

“He said: “Dad, this is very good, because everything that you have acquired, it all belongs to the people, it belongs to the people.” The entire property complex that is in my declaration is worth one billion 800 million! Ilya says: “Dad, no need, leave everything to the fans. That’s why I created a society and transferred all the rights to this society.”

Andrei Razin has experienced many troubles and now knows how to avoid new troubles and protect his family.

“There are a lot of sick people, a lot of evil eye, a lot of damage, so we try to do everything well. We try to do only good things, we go to church, we are all devout, we all pray.

The producer believes that now his son, who has become a guardian angel, is also protecting him from ill-wishers. On his birthday, the producer brought a figurine in the shape of an angel to Sasha’s grave.

Earlier, Channel Five told how alcohol changed the first one beyond recognition.

Andrei Razin had two sons. Moreover, the producer of the group “Tender May” learned about the eldest, 32-year-old Ilya, only in 2003. Currently, the young man lives in St. Petersburg, works as a stylist, and has his own studio in Sochi. Despite the years of separation, Ilya is close to his father and maintained a relationship with his half-brother Alexander.


Meanwhile, for several years, Ilya Razin has been dating model Elizaveta. Their relationship is more than serious - Ilya introduced his beloved to his father, and he approved of his choice. And last year, Ilya proposed to Elizabeth. The singer, Andrei Razin’s lover Natalya Grozovskaya told reporters about this.

“Ilya is getting married in August. Andrei hopes that Ilyusha will have many grandchildren, and they will help him recover from such a strong shock and grief,” Starhit quotes the artist. Let us remind you that Andrei Razin’s 16-year-old son Alexander died of a heart attack. The guy felt bad while walking with his girlfriend. She called an ambulance, and doctors tried to save Alexander for two hours.

The cardiologist, as the site previously wrote, named lack of sleep and improper daily routine as the possible cause of the young man’s death. According to her, many teenagers sleep only five hours a day, which changes their heart rate. In addition, some young people are ruining their health by drinking energy drinks, the harmful effects of which have been recognized by doctors around the world. However, according to another version, Sasha was diagnosed with a heart defect, which had not been diagnosed earlier and was asymptomatic.

Alexander Razin was buried at the Troekurovskoye cemetery on March 14. On March 19, the producer left a sad note on his Instagram account. “Nine days have passed since our son Alexander Razin left this sinful but beautiful world. We, mother Maritanna and I, father, are madly grieving for the irreparable loss, but are immensely grateful to all our relatives and friends who supported us in these tragic days. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. May God protect you,” Razin addressed the concerned public.

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