Development of a plan for the socio-economic development of the municipality. Programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities Planning, its types and importance in the management of a municipality

The content of planning technologies and procedures is specified depending on its strategic and tactical nature. In general, the municipal development strategy includes: global, long-term and local goals that determine the activities of the municipality in general and local governments in particular. The strategic (global) goal determines the future qualitative state of the system for the long term, which society strives to achieve. Tactical (local) goals determine the future state of individual subsystems and have a qualitative dimension, but the time to achieve them is limited to the current period, usually up to one year;

Technologies with the help of which strategic goals are achieved;

Resources that will be used to achieve strategic goals;

A management system that ensures the achievement of strategic goals, including the local Community as the main component of the management system.

Strategic planning is a systematic process by which local communities develop a picture of their future and determine steps to achieve it based on local resources. Strategic planning of socio-economic development underlies the targeted activities of municipal authorities. It is a means of combining efforts to achieve goals and solve problems, as well as increase the effectiveness of strategic decisions.

During strategic planning, in particular, the following tasks are solved:

Formation (adjustment) of the mission of the municipality;

Introducing planning into the economic activities of the municipality;

Ensuring competitiveness in the future based on the implementation of long-term programs;

Determination of realistic goals and objectives;

Formation of programs and action plans;

Maintaining consistency between the goals and capabilities of the territory;

Regulation of municipal development;

Determining priorities for economic and social development;

Adaptation of the municipality, municipal economy to the external environment;

The principles of strategic planning at the municipal level include:

Systematic principle. It is expressed in the creation of positive economic activity at the level of the municipality as a whole (in this case, separate plans can be developed for specific sectors of the economy or individual industries, but this topic is beyond the scope of the reference book);

The principle of social orientation. It is necessary that strategies meet the interests of a wide range of public within the municipality; strategies should be more bottom-up than top-down; strategies should be aimed at the approval and assistance of a wide range of actors in their implementation.

The subjects of the strategic planning process and the implementation of strategic development programs for municipalities are, first of all, local government bodies, the population and its groups, including representatives of business, state enterprises, public organizations, as well as territorial public self-government bodies, etc.

When strategically planning the socio-economic development of a municipality, the following characteristics should be taken into account: geographical and climatic conditions; Natural resources; financial and economic base, condition and results of activities of economic entities operating in a given territory; social organization of life of the population; political situation, the effectiveness of local authorities, etc. A strong economy is the basis of a stable, sustainable and viable community, whose members can lead a lifestyle that promotes the public good and the comprehensive development of each individual. Each municipality achieves this in its own way, based on the specific, sometimes unique, capabilities of the territory and the interests of the local community. Therefore, a strategic economic development plan is a tool for building a strong economy.

A strategic development plan is a kind of agreement of public consent, according to which municipal authorities, enterprises and public organizations assume certain obligations. The plan is a document that, in the form of tasks and indicators, reflects the main goals of the planned transformations for the development of the municipality, taking into account the introduction of new technologies and the rational use of resources. It is developed and implemented by all participants influencing the development of the region and city, taking into account the interests and participation of the population. The plan is addressed to the entire local community, sets guidelines for everyone, shows prospects for business, authorities, residents, and potential external investors. "When forming a strategic development plan, it is necessary to take into account the principle of adaptability. Strategic plans must be flexible and adaptable to the changing external environment.

A strategic development plan (program) is usually adopted for a period of 5 years or more.

Stages of strategic planning of socio-economic development of a municipality


Goal setting. An important stage of strategic planning is the determination of the mission and goals, directions and paths for the long-term development of the municipality. They provide guidance for subsequent planning stages.

Collection, processing of information and development of proposals for adjusting goals. An important component of this stage is the analysis of the external and internal environment. The development of a municipality is determined by both external and internal factors. Strategic decisions made on the basis of taking into account only internal or; external factors will be insufficiently systemic, which will ultimately lead to erroneous decisions.

Development of a development concept. This is the period of developing strategic guidelines and development criteria. Based on the objective data obtained, final conclusions are drawn about the goals of the municipality.

Development of a program (plan) for the socio-economic development of the municipality. As already noted, during the development of the Program, the interests of various subjects are coordinated.

Adoption of a strategic development program (plan). After developing a concept, plan, development program and coordination of all issues between the entities participating in the preparation and implementation of these documents, the representative body of local government approves them at its meeting.

Development of a plan for the socio-economic development of the municipality

Analysis of initial information:

Socio-demographic (population size, its social and professional structure, ethnic composition; employment structure of the population, unemployment rate, as well as data characterizing the quality of life of the population: income of the population, provision of social infrastructure, etc.);

On the state and scale of use of natural resource potential, as well as on the environmental situation that has developed within the municipality;

Technical and economic, which gives an idea of ​​both the technical condition of enterprises and organizations located within the municipality and their financial condition;

On the state of local finances, including information on interbudgetary financial flows.

Determining the development goals of the municipality:

1) determination of goals, their ranking;

2) highlighting strategic goals;

3) identifying possible ways to achieve them;

4) coordination of the goals of socio-economic development of a particular municipal entity with the goals of the subject of the Federation.

Sections of the socio-economic development plan (program):

Planning for the rational use of natural resource potential, protection and reproduction of the environment; planning the rational use of demographic potential; in municipalities with compact populations of small ethnic groups, it is advisable to establish a special program to ensure conservation; and development of small ethnic groups;

Planning the standard of living of the population of a municipality;

Planning for economic development, with the obligatory provision of a “separate line” for a system of measures to support small businesses (including peasant and farm enterprises) and develop competition in local markets for goods and services;

Planning for social development, including the development of a system of measures for the development of housing and communal services, public education, healthcare, etc.; financial planning, which should cover not only the budget process, but also the regulation of financial flows generated within the municipality; socio-economic planning of individual populated areas located within the municipality.

Current planning in a municipality is carried out for the next year, broken down by quarter and, as a rule, with a forecast for the next two years. This approach allows planning and implementation; program activities whose implementation period exceeds one year. Based on the forecast of the socio-economic development of the territory and the resulting budgetary projections, the administration is developing a comprehensive annual plan for the socio-economic development of the territory. It sets specific objectives and indicators for all areas of municipal activity: housing and communal services, transport, communications, public order, healthcare, social support for certain segments of the population, education, culture, sports, youth policy, etc.


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities

1 The concept of socio-economic development of a municipality

2 Concept and classification of programs for socio-economic development of municipalities

Chapter 2. Practical aspects of the development and implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities

1 Activities of local governments in the field of socio-economic development

2 The main problems of implementing programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities


List of sources and literature used


Relevance: the socio-economic development of municipalities plays a special role in the system of municipal government. That is why the relevance of comprehensive and sustainable socio-economic development of municipalities has recently increased significantly. This was facilitated by a number of circumstances, of which the most significant include:

entry into force on January 1, 2009 in full of the Federal Law of October 6, 2003. No. 131-FZ “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation,” which assigned local governments the authority to adopt and organize the implementation of plans and programs for the comprehensive socio-economic development of municipalities;

preparation by federal executive authorities of a conceptual framework for the regional policy of the Russian Federation as a component of the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation;

speech by V.V. Putin at an extended meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation on February 8, 2008 “On the development strategy of Russia until 2020,” which gave impetus to the transition at all levels of government to strategic planning and became the basis for the formation of a new ideology of strategic planning at all levels of government.

An important milestone in the transition to long-term planning of socio-economic development of municipalities was the publication of Decree of the President of Russia dated April 28, 2008 No. 607 “On assessing the effectiveness of local governments of urban districts and municipal areas”, according to which local communities of the specified categories of municipalities received a list of indicators that will help determine priorities for the socio-economic development of municipalities. At the same time, the Decree of the President of Russia defines mechanisms for control over local government bodies by residents of municipalities.

All this indicates that in the near future the development of municipalities should acquire a planned and directed character.

The purpose of the course work is a comprehensive study of the features of socio-economic development programs of municipalities.

The purpose of the work determined the formulation of the following tasks:

determine the components of socio-economic development of municipalities;

obtain a general understanding of the socio-economic development programs of the municipality;

identify the main problems in the implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities;

The object of the study is the program of socio-economic development of the municipality.

The subject of the research is consideration of the regulatory framework, domestic educational and monographic literature, as well as dissertation research on the chosen topic.

Theoretical and methodological basis: the legal basis for the study is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Federal Law of October 6, 2003. No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation.” The work uses logical research models, analogy methods, and evaluation methods.

Analysis of the studied sources and literature: the work examined theoretical studies in the field of this topic by such authors as Volgin N.A., Volkov Yu.G., Zotov V.B., Voronin A.G., Kuznetsova O.V., Martynov M.Yu. etc. Practical developments to solve the main problems of socio-economic development of the territory by the following authors were also analyzed: Idilova R.Kh., Lapin V.A., Mokry V.N., Popov V.V. etc.

The practical significance lies in generalizing the material and obtaining knowledge in order to improve the level of education and use in professional activities.

The course project consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources and literature used.


1 The concept of socio-economic development of municipalities.

The socio-economic development of a municipality is a complex concept. Activities to ensure the comprehensive socio-economic development of a municipality include many areas of life activity and various forms of interaction between many subjects of this development. Complexity - completeness, consistency and interconnectedness of analysis, planning and management. From an economic point of view, the integrated development of a territory is the interconnected proportional development of industrial infrastructure facilities in a given territory.

The concept of socio-economic development combines economic and social development. Thus, economic development is the structural restructuring of the economy in accordance with the needs and priorities of social development. The main indicators of economic development of a country's territory are considered to be: an increase in gross domestic product or gross national product per capita.

Social development is a set of economic, social, political, spiritual processes occurring in a society where society is considered as a complex self-organizing system; the leading role is played by adaptive processes aimed at solving problems that arise during the interaction of system elements.

Thus, the content of activities for the socio-economic development of a particular territory is largely determined by the real state of its economy and social sphere, achieved by the time decisions on development are made; tasks recognized by society and the state as relevant for the upcoming period of development; the volume of allocated resources, the state of business activity of the subjects of territorial development, as well as the quality of management decisions taken by the relevant public authorities to solve these problems. The urgent tasks of the upcoming period of territorial development arise from the need to take into account the peculiarities of the social and economic situation of the territories of modern Russia, the priorities of state policy, as well as from the need to form new national traditions of managing territorial development, based on the new state structure of Russia.

Among several fundamental principles of economic policy, one can highlight the principle of priority, i.e. concentrating the efforts of the municipality on key areas of local development through financial, tax and legal mechanisms. A regional-priority approach to economic and social development, being one of the main objectives of municipal policy, must be based on an appropriate basis. The methodological basis for determining regional priorities is the scientifically based identification of regions and areas of the economy that require priority development and claim large-scale, effective and multifaceted support.

State forecasting is based on the Federal Law of July 20, 1995. No. 115-FZ “On state forecasting and programs for socio-economic development of the Russian Federation”. This law does not address the issue of developing a comprehensive forecast and concept of economic and social development for economic regions. Meanwhile, the literature notes that “development of economic regions is extremely necessary, and they should be prepared using a unified methodology.”

It seems to me that to solve this problem it is necessary to determine the socio-economic capabilities of the municipality. In strategic terms, the region must build its socio-economic policy mainly with its own forces and resources.

The essence of socio-economic potential lies in ensuring the development of productive forces, production relations and is comprehensively considered using a systematic approach as an integral part of the national economic complex. One cannot but agree with the opinion that “when characterizing the socio-economic potential of the region as a whole, and a specific municipality in particular, it is necessary to take into account: the complexity of environmental, economic and social development; common nature management and environmental protection tasks; territorial community of production; the relative stability of the population and the unity of the system of settlements; unity of the social infrastructure system." The socio-economic potential of a municipality consists of many components, which can also be called corresponding potentials and their number will depend on the degree of detail and the characteristics of local development. The functioning of socio-economic potential involves the interaction of all elements of local reproduction.

The guideline for socio-economic policy is a system of meters, or indicators: lower threshold values, crossing which leads to social tension, and subsequently to a threat to economic and public security, and upper ones, including minimum ones with a gradual transition to rational social standards for the level and quality of life of citizens. These social indicators include the amount of income (including the amount of wages, pensions, scholarships, benefits, the cost of living), the consumer price index, wage arrears, the unemployment rate, the ratio of incomes of the most and least affluent population, etc.

The threshold value that fixes the possibility of the emergence of social conflicts is, as world experience shows, dissatisfaction of 30% of the population with their standard of living (this includes approximately 10% of those who have an income below the subsistence level, and 20% of those whose income exceeds 40 - 50% minimum; together they form a group of social discontent).

Along with this, the UN proposed to evaluate the ranking of countries according to the cumulative human development index. It takes into account life expectancy at birth, adult literacy rate, average enrollment rate in educational institutions, and GDP per capita income.

The standard of living of the population is the most important generalizing social indicator, giving an idea of ​​the well-being of society as a whole, the main socio-demographic groups of the population, or individual citizens and their families, allowing one to assess the effectiveness of the state’s socio-economic policy. The standard of living characterizes the state and development of citizens' needs for material, spiritual and social benefits and the degree to which these needs are met.

Quality of life is a set of indicators that reflect not so much the level of consumption of goods and services, but rather the social results of the economic development of the state, such as fertility and mortality, average life expectancy, morbidity rate of the population, labor conditions and safety, ensuring human rights, the degree of social protection of the population , its differentiation by income level.

The quality of education is one of the main characteristics of education, showing the degree of acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities. One of the tasks of the social state is to ensure that all citizens of Russia receive a quality education and update their knowledge with a view to their effective application in scientific and practical activities.

The quality of social services for the population is the degree to which the constitutional rights of citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations are realized to satisfy their basic life needs. The ability to exercise these rights depends on:

Compliance of the actual level of social services established by legislative and other regulatory legal acts with state standards for the list of services provided, the volume of services, the regularity of their provision and compliance with the rules for the provision of services;

Compliance of the list and level of services provided with the requirements of normal life activities of those in need, meeting the achieved level of consumption in society.

As for the social sphere, its basis is a system of social relations between people and their associations, forming various social systems along with the infrastructure of public life necessary for their functioning. The social sphere is the object of interaction between the social state and its social policy, the main meaning of which is its optimization: making national ties and relations in society more harmonious, based on solidarity and cooperation, between different social communities and their constituent citizens, between them and power, etc. Such optimization of social relations involves the creation of the most favorable conditions for the life of representatives of all social communities, the entire population, which in turn involves the development of social infrastructure and improvement of the activities of its constituent institutions - scientific, educational, medical, cultural and educational, etc., providing social assistance and citizen services.

To effectively manage the social sphere of a municipality, it is necessary to scientifically substantiate the goals, indicators of the timing, pace and proportions of the development of social processes, i.e. carry out regional social planning.

The objects of regional social planning are each of the spheres of social life in the region, and the ongoing processes in various sectors of the social sphere.

The development of the social sphere is the most important direction of the state’s internal policy, ensuring the well-being and comprehensive development of citizens. The hallmarks of a social state are not so much the declared rights to work, rest, social security, housing, health care, education, etc., but their implementation, the real availability of social benefits to the absolute majority of the population. It is often noted in the literature that a general indicator of the development of the social sphere is an increase in the standard of living, an increase in the monetary income of the population while reducing the income gap between the rich and the poor, which contributes to the expansion of domestic demand and the production of products by domestic enterprises.

The current state of the social sphere cannot be called satisfactory. Market management has caused significant damage to it in all areas and sectors. Social support enterprises created during the Soviet period (sanatoriums, holiday homes, children's camps) with the transition to the market were considered non-core and burdensome to maintain. Social facilities transferred to the balance of municipal enterprises were not provided with funds for more than 10 years even for routine repairs and created problems primarily for regional and municipal authorities. Social development has narrowed to the framework of mitigating the negative consequences of reforms and supporting the poor, which does not allow the country’s labor, intellectual, and creative potential to be fully involved in the economy.

The social sphere, like no other, is based on a normative method of planning and financing, a system of social standards. Building a system of state social standards is the most important direction for improving the management of social processes and overcoming negative phenomena in the social sphere.

2 Concept and classification of programs for socio-economic development of municipalities

January 2009 ended the transition period associated with the entry into full force of the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation.” The most important result of this period is the creation in the Russian Federation of about 12 thousand new municipalities (in particular, on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 446 municipalities are registered, of which 34 are municipal districts, 2 urban districts, the rest are urban and rural settlements), the residents of which at the end of the transition stage they become full-fledged subjects of territorial development.

In accordance with the current legislative authority, local governments of all categories of municipalities are vested with the right to develop, adopt and organize the implementation of plans and programs for the socio-economic development of a municipality.

Socio-economic development program - content and activity plan outlining the main goals and objectives of solving problems dictated by the needs of the municipality, the nature of the activities, clarifying the terms of use and identifying the participants in the processes and their role functions for the production of works, services, production of products and receipt of income to the budget .

Scientists note that programs for the social development of municipalities set the task of scientifically substantiating the goals, indicators of timing, pace and proportions of development of municipal social processes. They define goals for each sector of the social sphere, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics within a given time frame. The objects of such programs are economic, legal, cultural, demographic, national-ethnic and other aspects of the development of the social sphere of the relevant municipality. When forming and implementing social development programs, the priority is the implementation of the following functions of social policy:

Increase in income of the population;

Countering the trend of worsening demographic situation and acute manifestations of depopulation in a number of regions;

Preventing mass poverty of the population, especially in underdeveloped and depressed regions, curbing the process of property stratification between the poorest and the richest;

Minimizing the negative consequences of mass unemployment, especially in industrial areas;

Targeted assistance to populations in crisis;

Taking additional measures in relation to the population in distress.

To implement the planned programs, it is necessary to additionally develop and implement economic, organizational and technical measures, classified according to sectoral and territorial characteristics. In addition, the literature also notes that in addition to the expansion and development of sectors of the social sphere, the goal of programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities includes increasing the efficiency of functioning of existing social systems. Because an effectively functioning social system provides solutions to issues of social protection of the population, increasing living standards, reducing differentiation in income of the population, and maintaining social standards.

Programs for the socio-economic development of the territory should be developed taking into account the scientific feasibility of the possibilities for their practical implementation. In order to fulfill these conditions, developed projects must be assessed before they become legally binding through a design analysis.

A number of analytical methods and methods have been developed to carry out project analyzes of socio-economic development programs. When determining the value of a program project, the possible situation in the socio-economic sphere is compared without the implementation of the proposed program and with its implementation at various stages. The task of project analysis is to determine the relationship between the costs incurred and the positive consequences of the project, i.e. the effectiveness of the program of socio-economic development of the municipality at various stages of its implementation.

Project analysis is based on predictive estimates of future events. In some cases, many external effects from the implementation of programs cannot be assessed quantitatively during project analysis; in this case, it is necessary to make an expert assessment of their qualitative state. In the alternative designs proposed for consideration, many of the benefits and costs cannot be determined with the necessary precision. Often it is not possible to unify programs or their sections. In these cases, it is necessary to use traditional analysis, and in the decision-making process the use of intuition and the manifestation of subjectivity cannot be ruled out.

The opinion is expressed that the main role in the development and implementation of municipal programs for the development of the social sphere is assigned to the state executive authorities of the region. The basis for decision-making is a comparison of indicators for the development of social infrastructure with normative ones or the determination of an actual indicator adopted to characterize a certain sector of the social sphere. The dependence of the social sphere on the production and consumption system requires adjustments to decisions made based on existing production and financial capabilities. Therefore, the program for the development of the social sphere of a municipality must combine macroeconomic management with the regulation of prices and incomes, the targeted use of budget funds and loans, and the introduction of antimonopoly regulation. When developing social plans designed for specific periods, it becomes possible to use social standards to determine the relationships between production and non-production spheres, structures of capital investments and employment, etc.

Depending on the territorial management system of socio-economic development:



Subfederal (interregional).

In this connection, the potential subjects of complex social and economic development of the territory in a democratic state structure are:

The local community (population) of the settlement as a whole, as well as individual social groups represented by public associations (youth associations, sports clubs, women's organizations, veterans' associations, chambers of commerce and industry, etc.);

Local government bodies of the settlement;

Local governments of neighboring municipalities interested in the development and implementation of intermunicipal cooperation programs;

Local government bodies of the municipal district, which includes the territory of this settlement;

State authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on whose territory this settlement is located (are especially interested in participating in the development of this settlement if there are state-owned objects of regional significance on its territory);

State authorities of the Russian Federation (if there are federal property objects on the territory of a given settlement);

Economic entities that have infrastructure facilities on the territory of a given settlement, as well as those interested in developing economic activities on the territory of a given settlement.

In other words, socio-economic development programs in Russia are developed at the federal, regional and local levels. They set goals for developing health systems, education, employment and decent working conditions. “All three levels are in continuous interaction, interdependent and form an inextricable unity. Therefore, social policy, which already at the stage of formation represents a tripartite process of developing mutually agreed upon principles for solving social problems, is usually called a triune social policy.” The implementation of such a policy through the development and implementation of social development programs also occurs at all three levels, representing an integral system.

Depending on the object of municipal socio-economic planning:

Territorial, when the object of planning is a specific territory (both for the subject of the Russian Federation as a whole, and in a specific region, city, village);

Functional, when the object of planning is a specific sphere of public life, specific social processes in the sphere of culture, education, healthcare, consumer services;

Complex, incorporating planning objects of territorial and functional cross-sections.

Depending on the prospects for the implementation of socio-economic development programs:

Short-term ones are developed for a development period of up to 1 year;

Medium-term ones are developed for a development period of 1 to 3 years;

Long-term ones are developed for a development period of 3-5 years.

This classification according to deadlines can have a beneficial effect on the effectiveness of program implementation by identifying specific and priority goals and objectives for a certain period of development.


1 Activities of local governments in the field of socio-economic development

According to Article 132 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the competence of local authorities includes resolving issues of local importance, for example, economic issues (management of municipal property, etc.), politics (municipal elections), the area of ​​social relations (public works), education, culture.

The subjects of local self-government in accordance with the Federal Law “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” include three categories:

local issues

certain powers of state bodies that may be vested in local governments

powers delegated by other local government bodies (for example, higher level) on a contractual basis.

In resolving these issues and exercising their powers, bodies and officials of municipalities have as their main task the comprehensive socio-economic development of the municipality, satisfying legitimate interests and ensuring the rights of the population (including those temporarily located in the given territory).

Issues of local importance are issues of direct support for the life of a municipality, if they are not within the competence of the Federation or its subjects by law. Federal Law No. 131-FZ refers to issues of local importance:

In the economic and financial sphere;

In the field of social relations and culture;

In the field of public order protection;

In the field of legal activity.

The main goal of the activities of local government bodies is to resolve issues of meeting the everyday, social, educational, medical and other vital needs of the population of municipalities. For this purpose, “financial and material resources are transferred to the disposal of municipalities, through which local public authorities organize the provision of relevant services and goods to the population on the territory of municipalities.”

Federal Law No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation” introduces significant changes to the powers of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities in the field of social development. Thus, the powers of local government bodies include:

Organization of emergency medical care (except for air ambulance), primary health care in outpatient clinics and hospitals, medical care for women during pregnancy, during and after childbirth;

Organization of the provision of publicly available and free primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education in basic general education programs, with the exception of the powers to financially support the educational process, which are attributed to the powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; organization of additional and publicly available free preschool education on the territory of the municipal district, as well as organization of recreation for children during the holidays;

Organization of funeral services and maintenance of burial places;

Creation of conditions for organizing mass recreation and leisure.

In this regard, I believe that control over the use of powers delegated to municipalities should be carried out either by state bodies of a constituent entity of the Federation, or by a specially created local government body. Thus, it is possible to propose the creation of a control and audit body, possibly on a voluntary basis. Their responsibilities will include the following:

bringing information to the population of the municipality about existing and newly adopted programs;

monitoring the implementation of items of the socio-economic development program by the municipality;

reporting to the public on the progress of work and the results obtained (or not obtained).

It seems to me that it is necessary to determine the socio-economic capabilities of the municipality. In strategic terms, a municipality should build its socio-economic policy mainly with its own resources and resources.

Let us note that the exercise by local governments of their powers also depends on how effectively they use the resources at their disposal. To do this, local governments must ensure the comprehensive development of the main sectors of the municipal economy, the private sector of production and consumption, as well as the social sphere of municipalities.

The program-target approach is the most optimal for developing programs and involves developing appropriate goals for socio-economic development in the production and social spheres, identifying construction or reconstruction projects, and determining implementation deadlines.

The following phases can be distinguished in the development of programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities.

1. Pre-investment phase, which includes:

Research of investment and market opportunities;

preparation of a preliminary feasibility study;

development of a feasibility study;

expert opinion.

Investment phase, including:

organizational work;

design and survey work;

approval and examination;

delivery of the program for its further implementation.

Implementation phase consisting of:

monitoring, control, operational management;

identifying program deficiencies;

corrections and corrections of shortcomings in the program.

Separately, I would like to touch upon the process of adopting the program for the socio-economic development of municipalities of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Conventionally, based on the established practice of adopting programs, as well as taking into account the existing regulatory framework, the following stages are distinguished:

creation of a working group to study the main problems and opportunities of a particular municipality. At this stage, the program developers and the scientific supervisor of the project are determined;

preparation of a draft program for the socio-economic development of the municipality. The program for the socio-economic development of the municipality must be developed in accordance with the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The components of the program should be: an introductory brief description of the municipality, a table of contents, a passport containing the goals, objectives, timing of the program, a list of subprograms, volumes and sources of funding, etc., as well as a specific plan for the production of works, services, production of products and receipt of income to the local budget to meet the urgent needs of residents of the municipality in certain areas of socio-economic development);

coordination of the draft program with interested ministries and departments. The draft program must be agreed upon with eighteen members of the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) with conclusions without comments. If there are comments from ministries and departments, they must be taken into account in the project and (or) removed;

consideration of the draft program at the Economic Council under the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);

2 The main problems of implementing programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities

social economic municipal program

To fulfill priority tasks and directions of socio-economic development of municipalities, it is necessary to formulate and implement relevant municipal plans and programs. Expenditures from local budgets and all economic activities of local authorities should be carried out on their basis.

At the same time, at present, local governments do not have enough financial resources to formulate and implement municipal plans and programs for socio-economic development, make capital investments and budget investments in the development of the economy of the respective territories. In the conditions of municipal reform, the insufficiency of revenue sources of local budgets does not allow local governments to ensure the full and high-quality execution of their powers.

First of all, this is due to the fact that the amount of financial resources required to fulfill the expenditure obligations of municipalities was determined at a level below their real needs. One of the main reasons for the deterioration of the financial situation of municipalities was the assignment to municipalities of additional issues of local importance without transferring corresponding revenue sources to local budgets.

One cannot but agree that “the socio-economic development of municipalities is ensured by local governments not only at the expense of financial resources, but also material resources.” Municipal property is necessary for local governments to generate non-tax revenues of local budgets, create a favorable environment for attracting investment in the municipal sector of the economy, support medium and small businesses, as well as develop market mechanisms for the use of land and property.

In order to meet the needs of the population of municipalities for public services and create favorable conditions for their life, local governments interact with various commercial organizations and coordinate their activities in the areas of trade, communications, public catering and consumer services, land use, urban planning, environmental protection, etc. .P. Intersectoral interaction is the mutual influence of the state, business and civil society organizations in the process of their joint activities. Its essence is manifested in the coordination of their fundamental “corporate” interests, as well as in the ability of these heterogeneous socio-economic forces to creatively cooperate in order to achieve the goals of the entire society. The economic and social components of society complement each other, ensuring uninterrupted exchange of information and material resources within the municipality.

Having studied the theoretical aspects of the topic under study, some problems that arise in the process of developing and implementing municipal socio-economic development programs have been identified.

Thus, at present there are a number of shortcomings in the economic mechanism of federal relations. For example, uncoordinated forms of financial support for regions. The fundamental principle of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is being violated - equality of rights in relations with the center. As a result, federal budget expenditures are inflated and incentives for development in subsidized regions disappear.

In addition, the socio-economic development program must be dictated by the needs of the municipality and represent a specific plan for the production of works, services, production and revenue generation to the budget to meet the urgent needs of residents of the municipality, and not just a document containing a formal set of numbers, execution which cannot be controlled.

One of the main problems of national economic forecasting is the development of a general concept of socio-economic development, which, along with qualitative content, has sufficient quantitative certainty, i.e. not only the rationale for the hierarchical system of attitudes, but also the amount of material resources that ensure their achievement. The creation of a system of indicators that adequately reflects the most important problems of social development in the long term is hampered by the exclusive focus when measuring changes in the standard of living on flows reflecting the amount of goods consumed, and the lack of satisfactory approaches to studying the movement of stocks of the entire set of available socially significant goods. Currently problematic are the issues of determining the effectiveness of the activities of institutions providing public services, their relationship and interdependence. To solve them, first of all, it is necessary to establish criteria for the effectiveness of public services, efficiency indicators and methods for their calculation.

In this regard, we can support the opinion of Idilova R.Kh., who proposed a three-level methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the socio-economic development program:

Local level of assessment. For the economic justification of a particular project, methods for calculating commercial efficiency are traditionally used, characterizing economic potential, financial stability, costs and results of production activities.

Level of the local community (local socio-economic system). The methodological basis of work at this level is made up of program-targeted methods. The program is presented as a set of activities for the development of the local community, taking into account all existing infrastructures and the procedure for implementing these activities.

The regional level of assessment is carried out on the basis of compliance of the expected results of the program with the priorities of the socio-economic development of the region.

It should also be noted that many targeted programs (both federal and regional) are designed for co-financing from local budgets. The imbalance of local budgets has led to a deterioration in the socio-economic situation of municipalities, as well as a decrease in the level and quality of municipal services provided to the population. Budget balance depends not so much on the level of economic development of the region, but on the desire or reluctance of regional authorities to adopt and implement balanced budgets. A striking example with a significant imbalance of the regional budget with relatively high budget revenues is the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). This imbalance of the republican budget is explained by the high share of social expenditures. Thus, since 1993, education has been one of the main priorities of the social policy of Yakutia. It is possible that under other economic conditions such social expenditures would be completely justified, but given the current level of budget revenues in Yakutia, the volumes of social expenditures are clearly exaggerated. Moreover, according to experts, in past years there were much more pressing problems in Yakutia, there were more important objects for financing, including infrastructure.

To solve this problem, it can be recommended (as was the case in the Siberian Federal District) to develop and send to each village council methodological recommendations for the formation of annual, medium-term and long-term programs for the socio-economic development of each municipality.

Thus, having considered the theoretical foundations for the development and implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The socio-economic development of a municipality should include many areas of life activity and various forms of interaction between many subjects of this development as an interconnected proportional development of industrial infrastructure facilities in a given territory.

The socio-economic development program must contain an activity plan outlining the main goals and objectives of solving problems dictated by the needs of the municipality, the nature of the activities, clarifying the timing of use and identifying the participants in the processes and their role functions for the production of work, services, production and receipt of income to the budget. To solve this problem, it is necessary to determine the socio-economic capabilities of the municipality. In strategic terms, the region must build its socio-economic policy mainly with its own forces and resources.

Depending on the territorial system of management of socio-economic development, municipal, regional, subfederal (interregional) programs can be distinguished; depending on the object of municipal socio-economic planning - territorial, functional, complex; depending on the prospects for the implementation of socio-economic development programs - short-term up to 1 year, medium-term from 1 to 3 years, long-term 3-5 years.

The right of a municipality to develop social and economic development programs is legally enshrined.

The main problems of implementing social and economic development programs of a municipality include:

the absence in most municipalities of a local government body monitoring the use of delegated powers;

the vagueness of the system of state social standards to improve the management of social processes;

lack of criteria for the effectiveness of public services, performance indicators and methods for their calculation.

To increase the effectiveness of the implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of the territory, it is necessary to strengthen financial support at the federal (republican) level (development and protection of grant projects, entry into federal and republican programs), as well as to seek opportunities for additional financing for the municipalities themselves (leasing municipal facilities property, including land, sale of unprofitable objects, which eliminates the cost of their maintenance; creation of municipal unitary enterprises; development of social partnership with small, medium and large businesses). For a more organized work of local authorities, it is possible to propose the creation of a control and audit body, whose responsibilities will include: participation in the preparation of a draft program for the socio-economic development of the municipality; bringing information to the population of the municipality about existing and newly adopted programs; monitoring the implementation of points of the program for the socio-economic development of the settlement; reporting to the public on the progress of work and the results obtained (or not obtained).

Possible composition of this control body: approximately 5 people leading experts in their field (for example, 1 school director, 1 chief physician, 1 representative from the association of entrepreneurs, 1 housing and communal services specialist, etc.).

It is also important to develop methodological aids for the development of socio-economic development programs, clear criteria for assessing its effectiveness on the part of government bodies.


Having considered the problems of implementing programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities, the following conclusions can be drawn.

In the formation and implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of the territory, the participation of federal, regional and municipal authorities is expected, since the comprehensive socio-economic development of a municipality should include many areas of life activity and various forms of interaction between many subjects of this development, as an interconnected proportional development of industry infrastructure facilities in of this territory.

The socio-economic development program reflects the main goals, objectives, measures to solve problems dictated by the needs of the municipality, specifying the timing and participants in the processes for the production of work, services, production, etc.

The main stages of adopting a program for the socio-economic development of a municipality include:

organizing a working group to study the main problems and opportunities of a particular municipality;

preparation of a draft program for the socio-economic development of the municipality;

approval of the draft program by interested ministries and departments;

submitting a draft program for consideration;

implementation of the program of socio-economic development of the municipality.

Programs can be divided depending on the territorial system of management of socio-economic development into municipal, regional, subfederal (interregional); depending on the object of municipal socio-economic planning - territorial, functional, complex; depending on the prospects for the implementation of socio-economic development programs - short-term up to 1 year, medium-term from 1 to 3 years, long-term - 3-5 years.

When analyzing the practical application of theoretical provisions on municipal socio-economic development, some problems in the implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities were identified. So, the main problems, in my opinion, include:

insufficiency of local government bodies of financial resources for the formation and implementation of plans and programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities, capital investments and budgetary investments in the development of the economy of the relevant territories;

the absence in most municipalities of a supervisory body over the use of powers delegated to municipalities;

lack of a system of clear state standards to improve the management of social processes;

lack of criteria for the effectiveness of public services, efficiency indicators and methods for their calculation.

To increase the effectiveness of the implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of the territory, it is necessary to strengthen financial support at the state level (such as the development and protection of grant projects, inclusion in federal and republican programs), as well as to seek opportunities for additional funding for the municipalities themselves (leasing objects of municipal property, including lands; sale of unprofitable objects, which eliminates the cost of their maintenance; creation of municipal unitary enterprises; development of social partnership with organizations of small, medium and large businesses).

For more organized work of local authorities, it is necessary to create a local supervisory body, which should include subjectively disinterested persons. Thus, it is possible to propose the creation of a control and audit body, consisting, for example, of 5 people - leading specialists in their field (one each from a school, hospital, association of entrepreneurs, housing and communal services, cultural institutions), whose responsibilities would include, for example:

participation in the preparation of the draft program for the socio-economic development of the municipality;

bringing information to the population of the municipality about existing and newly adopted programs;

monitoring the implementation of points of the program for the socio-economic development of the settlement;

reporting to the public on the progress of work and the results obtained (or not obtained).

In addition, the socio-economic development program should be dictated by the needs of the municipality and represent a specific plan for the production of works, services, production and revenue generation to the budget to meet the urgent needs of residents of the municipality. However, often in practice it is clear that the program is socially -economic development is simply a document containing a formal set of numbers, the execution of which cannot be controlled. Most often, this is due to the fact that the project analysis of the socio-economic development program of a particular municipality was not sufficiently carried out.

Thus, the government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation should work on information interaction with municipalities. In this regard, it is important to develop methodological aids for the development of socio-economic development programs and clear criteria for assessing its effectiveness.

An effectively functioning social system must provide solutions to issues of social protection of the population, increase living standards, reduce differentiation in income of the population, and maintain social standards.

The realization of the interests and needs of the population is directly related to the appropriate organization of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services on the territory of municipalities. Small business takes an active part in all these processes, and the employment of citizens of municipalities, the quality and standard of their life largely depends on its successful development. In this regard, the interaction and cooperation of local governments with the business community, as well as the support and development of small businesses, is of particular importance for the socio-economic development of municipalities.


1. Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1992. (taking into account the amendments introduced by the Laws of the Russian Federation “On Amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation” dated December 30, 2008 No. 6-FKZ and dated December 30, 2008 No. 7-FKZ) // Collection of Legislations of the Russian Federation. 2009. - No. 4. - Art. 445.

2. Constitution of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) // Collection of legislation of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). - 1992. - Article 90.

On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation / Federal Law of October 6, 2003. No. 131-FZ as amended on November 4, 2007. No. 253-FZ // Russian newspaper. 2005. - No. 297.

On state forecasting and programs for socio-economic development of the Russian Federation / Federal Law of July 20, 1995 No. 115-FZ. Ed. July 9, 1999 // Russian newspaper. 1995. - No. 143.

On assessing the effectiveness of the activities of local governments of urban districts and municipal areas / Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 28, 2008. No. 607 // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2008. - Article 2003.

On establishing boundaries and granting the status of urban and rural settlements to municipalities of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) / Law of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) of November 30, 2004. 173-Z No. 353-III // Yakutia. 2004. - No. 245.

Main indicators of socio-economic development of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) January - May 2010. Express information No. 99-e // Territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Yakutsk, 2011.

Main economic indicators of municipalities for 2008. Operational data // Territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Yakutsk, 2008.

Aganbegyan, A.G. Socio-economic development of Russia/ A.G. Aganbegyan. - M.: Delo, 2004. - 272 p.

10. Current problems of socio-economic development of Russia: Collection of scientific papers (issue VIII) / Ed. N.N. Pilipenko. - M.: Dashkov and Co., 2011. - 442 p.

11. Babun, R.V. Organization of local self-government: Textbook / R.V. Babun. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - 192 p.

12. Volgin, N.A. Social state: textbook / N.A. Volgin, N.N. Gritsenko, F.I. Sharkov. - M.: Dashkov and Co., 2004. - 416 p.

Volkov, Yu.G. Sociology. - Ed. 3rd/ Yu.G. Volkov. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2007. - 572 p.

Denisova, I.P. Social policy: Textbook / I.P. Denisova. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2007. - 347 p.

Zotov, V.B. Municipal management: Textbook for universities / V.B. Zotov, Z.M. Makasheva. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2004. - 279 p.

Kuznetsova, O.V. Economic development of regions: theoretical and practical aspects of state regulation / O.V. Kuznetsova. - M.: LKI Publishing House, 2007. - 304 p.

Martynov, M.Yu. Local self-government in the political system of Russia: Monograph / M.Yu. Martynov. - Surgut: Surgu Publishing House, 2008. - 198 p.

Nesterov, P.M. Regional economics: Textbook for universities / P.M. Nesterov, A.P. Nesterov. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2010. - 447 p.

Oreshin, V.P. State regulation of the national economy: Textbook / V.P. Oreshin. - M.: INFRA-M, 2002. - 124 p.

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Municipal management system: Textbook for universities / Ed. V.B. Zotova. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 512 p.

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Khalikov, M.I. System of state and municipal management / M.I. Khalikov. - M.: Flinta: MPSI, 2008. - 448 p.

Chirkin, V.E. State and municipal management: Textbook for universities / V.E. Chirkin. - M.: Yurist, 2004. - 320 p.

Economics of the municipal sector: Textbook for universities / ed. A.V. Pikulkina. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2007. - 464 p.

Economics of municipalities: Textbook / Under the general editorship of prof. V.G. Ignatova. - M.: ICC “MarT”; Rostov-on-Don, 2005. - 544 p.

Idilova, R.Kh. Modernization of the region's communal infrastructure as a factor in its socio-economic development / R.Kh. Idilova // Local government in the Russian Federation. - 2008. - No. 4. - p.55-62.

Social and economic development plans should be developed in accordance with the development strategy according to the scheme determined by the infrastructure of the municipality at the moment and taking into account its prospects.

The structure of the plan must be scientifically based and correspond to the actual state of affairs. To do this, it is important to organize analytical work in the following areas:

– study the number of residents;

– study the annual population dynamics;

– identify the social structure of residents;

– identify the age of residents;

– establish the number of able-bodied citizens, broken down by professional affiliation;

– determine the degree of employment of citizens, including individual entrepreneurs, and the number of unemployed;

– study and record the degree of commuter migration of citizens;

– analyze the level of income of citizens working in the public sector and the real sector of the economy;

– compare the needs of residents with the available opportunities in the field of healthcare, education, preschool education, physical education, culture, household and transport services for citizens, the condition of road surfaces, the capacity of heating plants and heating networks, water pipelines and water supply systems, gas and electricity supply, etc.

Due to the fact that on the territory of many municipalities there are enterprises of various forms of ownership, it is necessary to know their economic and technical condition, the availability of jobs and their replacement, existing problems in staffing, the ability to participate in the formation of funds for the development of socio-cultural facilities , construction and repair of roads, heating networks, water pipelines, etc.

The most important component of all preliminary work is the analysis of the state of financial resources.

Here it is important to give an analysis of the budget execution over the past year, to note the positive aspects of the budget formation, its execution and the results achieved. It is advisable to attach special importance to the role of pooled financial resources and their use for the purposes of socio-cultural development. For example, how many schools and kindergartens were built in the city (district) using the combined funds of the local budget, regional budget and enterprises located in the corresponding territory.

It is also important to record analytical data over three years about the source of income and the prospects for the next three years.

It is advisable to reflect the trend of investment activity over the past three years in monetary terms.

If there are natural resources on the territory, their condition and the result of their use should be indicated.

To carry out analytical work, it is advisable to form planning and financial bodies, which must skillfully organize the work. This body can be headed by a deputy head of administration with an economic or financial education. This must be a good connoisseur of his territory, possessing theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The numerical composition, as a rule, is determined by the head of the administration and approved, together with the staffing table, by the representative body of local government. The planning body is the organizing link. With it, it is possible and necessary to create scientific councils at the level of districts and cities from among specialists on a voluntary basis. The council may consist of sections according to types of analytical work.

In cities, districts, intra-city formations, villages where there are educational and scientific institutions, specialist scientists and teachers can be involved in this work. This will make it possible to prepare good analytical material that can be used in practical activities and in the development of science, in bringing it closer to reality. It should be noted that today in many respects the humanities lag behind the needs of the time, partly due to the fault of local authorities, partly due to their lack of initiative. To carry out useful developments in the field of management, it is necessary to properly study the objective reality, the state of actual life, and combine it with scientific research and proposals. Science should not be an end in itself – science for science’s sake. Its effectiveness lies in the fact that research results, conclusions and proposals find application in practical life. Today it is important to instill in young specialists, scientists, and employees of scientific institutions the ability to use primary materials from practice. You need to compare the past with the present day and create your own designs, which is extremely rare to find in scientific literature. And practitioners have nothing to use in their work. The scientific council can form sections on:

1) industrial enterprises;

2) trade and public catering;

3) consumer services;

4) housing and communal services;

5) road construction and landscaping;

6) education (preschool, school);

7) medical institutions;

8) financial resources;

9) natural resources;

10) population and labor resources, employment and unemployment;

11) physical culture;

12) cultural and leisure institutions;

13) youth affairs, etc.

The number of sections depends on the infrastructure of the city and region. The composition of sections should not be large and equal. Some sections can be combined if the volume of research is insignificant. Supervision of sections can be carried out by employees of planning, financial administration bodies or heads and deputies of sectoral and functional bodies of special competence. For example, representatives from schools, departments of education, health care, physical culture of cities and regions, etc. That is, specialists who know their area of ​​​​activity are included in the sections.

Based on the results of the study, the sections draw up a report in the form of an analytical note, table, and possibly a diagram.

The table could be as follows:

Results of the development of the municipal district

If you fill out the proposed table with specific data obtained during the study of the state of affairs, you will be able to clearly imagine the current situation in the region, city, or village.

Of course, not all types of indicators are indicated here. Their number depends on the infrastructure of the municipality.

Based on the table, it is advisable to draw up an analytical report containing the current situation:

– positive experience;

- flaws;

- conclusions;

– specific proposals for the next planning period.

This form of pre-planning work for the next period makes it possible to clearly formulate goals and objectives in the new plan, and to track development trends in areas. Here, the production and service sectors, profitable and unprofitable areas, the dynamics of employment and unemployment, the level of wages and other indicators that influence the state of human life should be comprehensively assessed.

In drawing up a plan for socio-economic development, it is desirable to have the participation of those specialists who conducted pre-planning research, since they are more familiar with the results obtained and also have deeper scientific and theoretical knowledge in the field of planning. They can assist municipal officials in preparing a draft socio-economic development plan, taking into account the actual situation.

The structure of the plan for the socio-economic development of a district (city) may be as follows. First, the characteristics of the municipality are outlined:

– area of ​​occupied territory (ha);

– number of residents, including able-bodied and disabled;

– number of working residents;

– number of unemployed;

– the number of residential buildings of various forms of ownership;

– total area of ​​housing stock (municipal, cooperative, private);

– total area of ​​non-residential premises;

– number of medical institutions (clinics for children and adults, dentistry, hospitals);

– social service institutions (orphanage, social residential building);

– educational institutions (schools, preschool institutions, universities, secondary specialized educational institutions);

– cinemas;

- sport complexes;

– trade enterprises;

– catering establishments;

– industrial enterprises (state, municipal, private), etc.

This list is nothing more than a socio-economic passport of a municipality, which characterizes its state and allows one to monitor the dynamics of infrastructure, population size, its growth due to the birth rate and migration, employment of various age categories of residents, the ratio of employed citizens in the municipal, state and the private manufacturing and service sectors.

Data can be presented in the form of tables with the following content:

Comprehensive schools

Consumer service enterprises

Trade enterprises

Similar tables can be compiled for healthcare, cultural, physical education and sports institutions, social, educational and leisure work with residents, and industrial enterprises of all forms of ownership.

A separate section should highlight the social categories of residents of the municipality. These include:

– pensioners, including working people;

– disabled people;

– participants of the Second World War;

– WWII veterans;

– single pensioners;

- large families;

– children registered with the juvenile affairs commission;

– dysfunctional parents, etc.

This approach allows us to identify trends in the development of the territory, focus on problematic issues, and take the necessary measures to eliminate existing shortcomings. In problem areas, comprehensive programs can be developed, in which it is important to provide for specific actions, financing, responsible executors, and a form of control by municipal authorities.

For example, it is more expedient to formulate a task in a plan for the construction of schools, kindergartens, sports and recreation centers according to the following scheme: name of the object, address of its location, date of commissioning, cost in rubles, responsibility for construction. This approach ensures rational use of funds and increases the responsibility of specific individuals for solving the problem. In the event that the plan, for example, provides for the construction of schools without indicating their number, without an address, without an object-by-object breakdown, and also without attaching a sum of money to each object, we can assume that this is a vague form of the plan, in which theft of funds may occur. funds or their use for other purposes.

At present, municipal budgets are still insignificant, so enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership, as well as government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, can take part in financing the construction of facilities. In this regard, during the construction of residential buildings, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, roads, water pipelines, water pipelines and other objects, it is possible to determine the shares of financial investments in each object from the municipality, from the region (territory), from the republic, from the Russian Federation, from enterprises.

In this case, you can use the following table.

Capital investments for the construction of a city hospital, orphanage, school

The responsible manager is appointed from the administration of the municipality. He must organize a competition among organizations that can take part in construction, conclude a construction contract with the winner of the competition and monitor the progress of construction with the help of a control body and apparatus available under his command. As a rule, such functions are performed either by the head of the administration or his deputy for construction issues. During construction, it is important to distribute financial resources evenly, for example quarterly, so that the construction of facilities proceeds according to plan. To do this, the contract agreement, design estimates, and construction schedule must indicate the timing of the introduction of the zero cycle and their financing, the remaining parts of the building and their financing.

The contractor should be focused on stage-by-stage, uniform execution of work. This allows us to ensure timely construction of the facility and appropriate quality. If you postpone the construction timeline to the last year or quarter of the year, then, as a rule, the so-called “emergency emergency” can lead to a negative result.

Here you need to adhere to the following condition: if you complete the work efficiently, you will receive full funding. When holding a competition, this condition must be indicated so that contractors know what to expect. This approach disciplines the contractor and puts the customer in an advantageous position, and also eliminates unjust enrichment of the contractor. In practice, when concluding construction contracts, one should study the economic condition of the contractor, whether he has the capacity to perform the work, and labor resources. It is not advisable to make advance payments for uncompleted work. Payment must be made only upon completion of the scope of work stipulated by the contract and schedule, after the delivery and acceptance of the object or part of the object and the signing of the construction work acceptance certificate. This approach is caused by the fact that many so-called construction companies, which do not have enough capacity and funds, enter into a large number of contracts with customers, receive advance payment, but are not able to complete the volume of work.

Some of them get out of the situation due to compensation, while others simply disappear along with the funds received from customers or investors. Such cases took place in Moscow, the Moscow region and other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. For the most part, this concerns housing construction.

If a construction company does not have the capacity and funds to carry out construction, it cannot be perceived as a proper participant during the competition.

It is advisable to introduce an addition to the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding legal entities involved in capital construction, which would prohibit such activities without the availability of sufficient special capacities and funds for the construction of facilities. It would be possible to conduct inspections of such organizations and identify their viability. And those who do not have the capacity and funds to carry out construction and installation work should be deprived of their licenses. In addition, licenses for construction and installation work should not be issued to newly formed legal entities that do not meet certain criteria for the availability of facilities, labor resources (specialists), and the necessary capital.

It is important for municipal bodies and their officials to study the availability of such criteria and then make a decision on concluding construction contracts. In general, it would be useful to discuss such agreements at meetings of representative and executive administrative bodies. This will put a barrier to corruption, bribery, and kickbacks for transactions concluded with insolvent contractors. Control and accounting bodies and independent experts need to be involved in this work to conduct an examination of draft construction contracts.

Draft agreements can and should be discussed in the standing committees of the representative body on construction, on the plan, budget, taxes and, if necessary, submitted to the session of the representative body. This approach will allow, at the initial stage of implementation of the socio-economic development plan, to ensure rational spending of budget funds, as well as the timely construction of the necessary facilities for the territory.

The participation of intermediaries in construction should also not be allowed, as this leads to an increase in the cost of objects due to the profit of intermediaries.

More on the topic § 2. Planning the socio-economic development of a municipality:

  2. § 1. Planning of economic and social development of a municipality. Promoting the development of sectors of the national economy
  3. 7.2. Analysis, forecasting and planning of socio-economic development of the municipality
  4. 7.1. Conditions and factors of socio-economic development of the municipality
  5. 7.5. Attracting investment in the socio-economic development of the municipality
  7. 2.1. Municipal education as a socio-economic system
  8. 13.5. Planning for the development of the territory of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, urban and rural settlements, and other municipalities
  9. § 3. Budget planning as an element of municipal management 3.1. Budget management is one of the ways to manage a municipality
  10. Forecasting and planning of socio-economic development
  11. Forecasting and planning of socio-economic development

- Codes of the Russian Federation - Legal encyclopedias - Copyright - Agrarian law - Advocacy - Administrative law - Administrative law (abstracts) -

A comprehensive program for the socio-economic development of a municipality is a document that includes:

    strategic plan (for urban districts and municipal districts),
    long-term, medium-term and annual plans for the socio-economic development of the municipality,
    plan of main steps to implement planned decisions and
    algorithm for updating plans.

This is a forecast and planning document, firstly, formulating and linking the implementation of the strategic priorities of the municipality in terms of timing, financial, labor, material and other resources, and secondly, forming a planned basis for the interaction of members of the local community, ensuring both the implementation of strategic priorities and the current balanced functioning of the economic and social sectors of a municipal district, urban district, urban and rural settlement.

A comprehensive program of socio-economic development must be comprehensive and contain components:

    strategic priorities, strategic and other goals and objectives, the implementation of which ensures the sustainable development of the municipality;
    main steps and activities to implement strategic priorities and current life support tasks of the municipality;
    measures to accumulate and use the municipality’s own and attracted resources in order to implement planned goals and objectives;
    activities that ensure the implementation and updating of long-term, medium-term and annual sections of the program.

Thus, from the point of view of organizing the functioning of any municipal entity as a dedicated administrative-territorial unit, a comprehensive program of socio-economic development can implement the following functions:

be the main document defining for authorities, business

    communities and population strategic goals, the achievement of which secures the competitiveness of the municipality in developing market conditions, and, therefore, decent living conditions for people and favorable conditions for business development for a long period of time;
    to be the main document that defines for all subjects of municipal planning and management (authorities, the business community and the population) agreed upon priorities, stages, ways to achieve strategic goals and resources that municipalities need to attract for this from all of them;
    be the main document defining the forms and methods of activity of representative and executive administrative bodies of the municipality, the business community and the population, ensuring not only the implementation of strategic, long-term and medium-term goals and objectives, coordinated in time and resources, but also the implementation of the current activities of the municipal economy ensuring sustainable, balanced development of the municipality;
    be the main document ensuring the development of the municipality on the principles of balancing the interests of the population, business and government;
    to be the basic document for the formation of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of local governments, business entities and the population in the framework of the implementation of planned tasks.

Main goals and objectives

Basic purpose planning the socio-economic development of municipalities is the formation of a set of forecast, planning and post-planning documents that ensure coordinated activities of all subjects of territorial administration aimed at satisfying (implementing) public (collective) interests and needs of the local community, as well as creating favorable conditions for life and economic (economic) activities of all entities located on the territory of the municipality.

Main tasks planning the socio-economic development of municipalities are:

    the formation of clear ideas for the entire local community about the values, strategic goals, resources, tasks and opportunities for the socio-economic development of specific municipalities within the framework of national priorities;
    coordination of strategic goals and objectives of the socio-economic development of municipalities with state and regional strategic goals and objectives;

maintaining an optimal combination of the level of implementation of the strategic goals and objectives of the municipality in the context of the need to ensure the current life of the local community;

    interrelation and synchronization of stages and measures for the implementation of long-term, medium-term and current tasks of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities and their constituent settlements;
    formation of an optimal combination of state regulation methods and market regulators for the development of the economy and social sphere in the territory of the municipality;
    coordination of industry strategies and development strategies of economic entities with the development strategy of municipalities;
    coordinating the interests of various entities located on the territory of the municipality, creating the most favorable conditions for their livelihoods and dynamic development during the planning period;
    coordination of the activities of economic entities of various forms of ownership and their unification on the basis of common motivations in order to most fully satisfy public interests and the needs of the local community;
    establishing partnerships between local governments and the population, state authorities, local governments and private capital;
    involving the local community in the process of planning and managing the municipality, financing socio-economic programs and territory development plans;
    effective use of the potential of the municipality;
    creation and development of economic infrastructure of municipal importance;
    creation and development of market infrastructure;
    formation and development of a favorable investment climate, creation of conditions for attracting investments;
    coordination of civil and industrial land use plans with plans for the development of the social sector and housing and communal infrastructure of municipalities.

Local governments, depending on the specifics of the municipality, may set other tasks for developers.

The planning and management system for the development of municipalities must be consistent not only with the microeconomic planning system, which includes economic and social entities, but also with the macroeconomic programming system, which contains strategic goals and development priorities common to the region and the entire country.

This gives a special place to the formation of planning and forecast documents for the socio-economic development of subjects and groups of subjects of the Russian Federation (for example, federal districts). They must, on the one hand, ensure synchronization of the implementation of regional strategic goals and objectives with the strategic priorities of the federal level, and on the other hand, formulate the main guidelines for the formation of priority directions for the development of municipalities, together with local communities, create institutional, economic and financial prerequisites for their implementation.

All work on the formation of a comprehensive program for the socio-economic development of the municipality involves the implementation three sequentially implemented stages:

    organizational and preparatory
    forecasting and analytical
    actually, the planning stage.

Methodology for forming a program for the socio-economic development of a municipality

3.1. Organizational and preparatory stage

The basis for starting to develop a program and plans for the socio-economic development of a municipality should only be a decision of its representative government body.

The representative body determines in the budget of the municipality the size and sources of financing of pre-plan and planned work.

The program for the socio-economic development of the municipality must be approved in accordance with current legislation, and the concept must be approved and recommended for discussion by the representative body of the municipality before being submitted for discussion to the business community and civil community of the municipality.

In addition to the decision to develop the program itself, the representative body of the municipality must formulate tasks, set the timing of planning periods, the timing of the implementation of individual stages and work on the program as a whole, and also determine the size and sources of financing for the work.

Based on the decision made by the representative body of the municipality, the head of the municipality adopts a resolution to begin work on a comprehensive program of socio-economic development.

The resolution adopted by the head of the municipality must define

    composition of the team of developers of a comprehensive program for the socio-economic development of the territory;
    the division of the municipal entity responsible for the formation of the consolidated final document and its presentation to the head of the municipal entity;
    deadlines for submitting the program and its individual parts (strategy, plans) for consideration by the representative authority;
    budget items and extra-budgetary sources from which planned work will be financed;
    size and procedure for financing the work.

To take into account the interests and capabilities of various population groups, coordinate the actions of the authorities and the local community, the development team, in addition to employees of the administration of the municipality, should include representatives of the scientific sphere, the local business community, the social sphere, residents of the municipality, etc. External experts may also be involved in the work. It is advisable to form temporary creative teams (TCTs) from the members of the working group and experts to develop specific sections and subsections of the comprehensive program.

3.2. Forecasting and analytical stage

The forecasting and analytical stage of the formation of a comprehensive program for the socio-economic development of a municipality involves the following sequence of work:

    formation and analysis of the information base of municipalities;
    development of a concept for sustainable development of municipalities.
    determination of strategic priorities or priority directions for the development of the economy and social sphere.

3.2.1. Formation and analysis of the information base

This section is unique for each municipality. The success of its implementation largely depends on the existing systems for monitoring socio-economic processes. An information base that adequately describes the starting conditions for the development of a municipal formation in systems of indicators that are understandable for the population and sufficient for developers for developers is the basis for the correct choice of strategic priorities for the sustainable development of a municipal district, urban district, or settlement that are achievable during the planning period.

Sources current state of socio-economic development of municipalities:

data from territorial bodies of state statistics, Federal

    tax services and other departments that have the necessary information, as well as data provided on a contractual basis by enterprises in the real sector of the economy;
    information on the magnitude of resource and natural potentials available to the sectoral divisions of municipal administrations, as well as relevant specialized organizations responsible for the implementation of issues of local importance on the territory of municipalities;
    For rural settlements, a reliable source of information is, if properly maintained, household accounting books.

The information array obtained from all sources must be consolidated into a single document - municipality passport. When creating a municipality passport, it is necessary to take into account that it is not only information basis for the formation of a comprehensive program its socio-economic development, but also the basis for subsequent implementation monitoring of this program. In the future, the passport should be periodically updated and be convenient to use, both for local authorities and for higher-level authorities.

To implement these conditions passport must meet the following basic requirements:

    the passport must be based on current information flows of state statistical, tax, industry and other reporting;
    the main indicators included in the passport of municipalities must be comparable with each other, have the same collection frequency and the same calculation and aggregation algorithms;
    the passport must take into account the specifics of the municipality;
    the passport must contain the optimal number of indicators that provide a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the economic and social sectors of the municipality and the implementation of the stages of its socio-economic development plan.

Comprehensive information analysis of any administrative-territorial unit, as a rule, is carried out using two the most effective methodological approaches:

Historical (historical-geographical) approach allows program developers to understand the historical logic, the internal pattern of the origin, formation and development of a municipality in a given geographical location, to identify the driving forces and sources that determine spatial, structural, demographic shifts, qualitative changes in the historical mission of a municipality in different periods of time. The study of these aspects of the development of a municipal formation allows us to extrapolate with some certainty certain processes in the life cycle of a municipal formation for future periods.

Historical and geographical analysis must begin with a general description of the municipal area and its administrative center. Indicate the year of formation, geographical location, size of the occupied territory, distance to the administrative center of the subject of the Federation, number and density of the living population, list of urban and rural settlements included, natural and climatic conditions, explored reserves of natural resources.

When conducting structural-functional analysis socio-economic development of the municipality is studied:

    dynamics of development of the leading sectors of the municipal economy over the past 3 - 5 years (city-forming economic entities, groups of economic entities united by common production and technological chains, and clusters emerging around them are identified; “bottlenecks” and “growth points” of the municipal economy are determined);
    the level of development of small and medium-sized businesses, the reasons holding them back;
    provision of the real sector of the economy, social sphere, market infrastructure with specialists of senior and middle management, as well as personnel of the main working professions;
    investment activity in the municipality, its investment potential, investments in housing, infrastructure, fixed capital of enterprises are assessed;
    scientific and innovative activity and its potential;
    the state of the financial and budgetary sphere, the tax potential of the municipality, the financial situation of city-forming and city-serving enterprises;
    the state of social and engineering infrastructure in the municipality, its compliance with regional norms or social standards;
    standard of living and social protection of the population of the municipality;
    state of the consumer market;
    the level of unemployment and the effectiveness of measures aimed at reducing it;
    state of ecology;
    state of public safety.

For the convenience of further work, it is advisable to summarize all information and analytical materials into three main blocks:

First. The modern appearance of the municipality, the passport of the municipality. As mentioned above, this is an information model of the municipality as of the start date of planning, containing:

    main indicators of economic development of the municipality as a whole;
    main indicators of the development of individual settlements, clusters and sectors of the municipal economy;
    main indicators of the state of the labor market, financial market and consumer market;
    main indicators of development of the social sphere of the municipality;
    comparative (relative to other municipalities) characteristics of the disadvantages and advantages of the municipality.

Second. The internal environment of a municipality is an information and analytical block containing:

    analytical materials concerning internal contradictions and the conditions that give rise to them in the economic and social sectors of the municipality, as well as an assessment of the possible positive or negative impact of the identified contradictions during the planning period;
    analytical materials concerning internal potential and existing resources (financial, labor, natural, cultural, recreational, etc.) that can be involved in the development of a municipality.
    For municipal districts that include rural and urban settlements, it is necessary to additionally provide information and analytical materials regarding internal contradictions and potential opportunities of the district, due to their multi-level structure.

Third. The external environment of the municipality is an information and analytical block containing:

    analytical materials concerning external political, economic and social trends that may have positive or negative impacts on the development of the municipality;
    analytical materials concerning external potential and existing resources (financial, labor, natural, cultural, recreational, etc.) that can be involved in the development of a municipality.

Using quantitative and qualitative analysis of the external and internal environment in which the subjects of territorial planning operate, internal and external resources that can be attracted for the economic development of the municipality are clarified and assessed, and the competitiveness of the municipality in the financial, labor and consumer markets is assessed.

Algorithm for structural-functional analysis socio-economic situation of the municipality:

Assessment of the potential, external and internal factors of development of the territory, problems and limitations of the development of society and territorial economies

    Features of the economic-geographical location and natural resources
    Population, labor market and standard of living
    Economy, entrepreneurship and business climate
    Finance and Investments
    Social sphere
    Ecological situation

results- the presence of strategic analysis as a system of integrated indicators that describe the current state of the economy and social sphere of the municipality, its place in the market of material resources, finance, consumer market and share in the regional and federal division of labor, i.e., describing the potential of the municipality.

In a number of cases, within the framework of structural-functional analysis, integral assessment of the initial state development of social and economic sectors of the municipality. In general, the integral assessment is reduced to:

    to grouping indicators according to selected characteristics;
    expert assessment of their influence (specific weight) on the integral assessment of the state of the object of study;
    selection of functions that reduce several indicators to one integral indicator;
    · calculation of the integral indicator

For rural settlements, the main source of structural and functional analysis of the socio-economic situation of rural settlements is household accounting books. In this regard, a structural and functional analysis of the current state of socio-economic development at the settlement level should be preceded by work on streamlining household accounting and updating data from household books. Exactly household accounting data should be the basis for municipal planning, and the positive or negative dynamics of the main indicators taken into account in household accounting are indicators, respectively, of the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the main goals and objectives of the “settlement” programs.

3.2.2. Concept of socio-economic development

At the stage of developing the concept for the development of a municipal formation, first of all,

a coordinated system of ideas and views of the authorities, business and population must be formed on the strategic goals and priority directions of socio-economic development of the urban district, municipal district, settlements included in it, as well as the stages of implementation of the intended goals and objectives.

Algorithm for forming the concept of socio-economic development of a municipality:

Defining the strategic vision, mission, development goals of the municipality and the policy of long-term interaction between government, business and the population

1. Bringing to the population the results of the current state of the economy and social sphere of the Moscow Region

2. Studying the opinions of the main population groups about the ways and long-term goals of development of the Ministry of Defense

3. Analysis of sustainable competitive advantages of Moscow Region in the context of long-term development trends of regional, federal and world markets

4. Analysis of development paths for similar administrative-territorial entities

5. Formation of alternative options (scenarios) for sustainable development of municipal organizations in the context of maintaining competitiveness in the markets of finance, goods and services

6. Selection of a concept for the development of the Moscow Region based on a consensus of interests of the population, business structures and authorities, its approval in the representative authorities of the Moscow Region and coordination with the executive power of the region

7. Formation of a package of main priority, medium-term and long-term goals and objectives within the framework of the chosen concept

results– formulation of strategic goals and main priorities for the development of the municipality on the basis of a formalized consensus of the interests of the population, business, local governments and taking into account the development priorities of the region

The main objective of the concept- clear formulation of the mission of the municipality, strategy and ideology of its development for a long period of time.

The specific period that the development concept of an urban district and municipal area should cover may be different, but it must be at least 10 years (i.e., at least two medium-term planning periods for their socio-economic development) and no more than the horizon of the subject’s strategy Russian Federation.

Analysis of the theory and practice of territorial planning allows us to highlight five generalized groups of strategic goals, the implementation of which makes it possible to ensure the sustainable development of municipalities both at the level of a municipal district, urban district, and at the level of urban and rural settlements:

The first group of strategic goals concerns improving the well-being or quality of life of the population.

The second group of strategic goals is aimed at growing the economic potential of municipalities as a determining condition for ensuring their competitiveness in the markets for goods and services.

The third group of strategic goals is aimed at developing human capital.

The fourth group of strategic goals concerns ensuring the safety of the local community.

The fifth group of strategic goals is aimed at improving (restoring) the habitat.

When determining goals municipalities must be guided by the following criteria:

    goals must correspond to the area of ​​competence of the planning subject; there must be a clear connection between the goal and the main activity of the planning subject;
    achievement of the goal can be verified, including and above all, with the help of quantitative indicators;
    the implementation of the goal must be ensured by objective resources;
    the goals of the socio-economic development of the municipality must be coordinated and synchronized with the system of development goals for the region and the country.

Strategic Goals socio-economic development of municipalities, formulated in the concept, must take into account the long-term development goals of city-forming enterprises and regional and federal infrastructure facilities located on their territory.

A properly formulated system of goals should reflect a set of current needs of the local community and assume a high degree of freedom for the local community in choosing possible ways and means to achieve them.

3.2.3. Strategic plan for socio-economic development

Strategic plan for socio-economic development of a municipal formation is, in its essence and content, a mechanism for implementing the strategic goals formulated in the concept of its development. In this regard, this section of the comprehensive socio-economic development program is recommended for municipalities at the level of urban districts, municipal districts and large urban settlements.

The starting point for developing a strategic plan is the system of agreed strategic goals and development priorities formed in the concept

municipality, and as well as tools and mechanisms for their implementation.

Distinctive feature The strategic plan in comparison with the long-term plan is its focus only on the most important thing is to ensure the implementation of strategic priorities socio-economic development of the municipality.

The conditions listed above mainly determine strategic plan structure municipality. Typically, it consists of three sections.

1. The first section includes the final part of the concept of development of a municipal formation, i.e. a system of agreed priorities for its development, constituting the strategic choice of the municipal formation, and containing a package of local priority, medium-term and long-term goals and objectives, as well as (if necessary) updated analysis of the current state of the internal and external environment of the municipality.

2. The second section contains a basic scenario for the implementation of the strategic priorities of the municipality, providing the greatest likelihood of achieving strategic goals and objectives. The base scenario is selected on the basis of a technical and economic comparison of probable options (scenarios) for the socio-economic development of the municipalities of the scenario. The main requirements for generating scenarios are:

    the absence of antagonistic contradictions with the strategic interests of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
    minimizing the use of budget resources (since the budget, first of all, is the guarantor of the current financing of objects of local importance) and maximizing other resources, both internal and external, during all time periods of implementing the strategic priorities of the municipality;
    availability of options for sustainable material support for the implementation of scenarios;
    the validity of the trajectories of events under certain conditions of financing strategic goals;
    consistency with the strategic interests of subjects of municipal planning and management.

The following can be distinguished scenario types:

    Inertial - a scenario focused on the development of a municipality under the influence of trends that developed at the beginning of the planning period within the framework of a previously formed event trajectory. The scenario assumes sluggish processes of reforming market relations, conservation of existing contradictions, and a passive attitude towards the future of the municipality on the part of the subjects of territorial planning and management.
    Innovative - a scenario focused on the development trajectory of a municipal formation, fundamentally different from the pre-planned period. The scenario assumes the formation of new relations between the civil community, business and government, new options for municipal management, a new impetus for the development of market relations, new forms and methods of lobbying local producers in foreign markets, etc.
    Transitional - a scenario that assumes the presence at certain stages of both inertial and innovative trajectories of development of the municipality.

3. The third section of the strategic plan must contain a mechanism for implementing the basic scenario of strategic priorities for the development of the municipality, including:

    stages of scenario implementation;
    a list of regulations that need to be developed and adopted to provide legal support for the chosen trajectory of events;
    principles, forms, methods and tools of managerial influence on the process of the selected scenario for the implementation of strategic priorities for the development of the municipality;
    the size and composition of resources necessary to implement the selected scenario of strategic priorities for the development of the municipality;
    proposals for financing the implementation of strategic priorities of the municipality from budgets of all levels;
    basic principles for monitoring the implementation of strategic priorities of the municipality as part of monitoring the implementation of a comprehensive plan for its socio-economic development.

3.3. Socio-economic development plans

Structure of the planned component of the comprehensive program socio-economic development in the form of the following interrelated documents:

    for an urban district, municipal district - this is a current (annual) plan, a medium-term plan (5 years) and a long-term plan (10 years);
    for urban and rural settlements - this is a current (annual) plan and a medium-term plan (5 years).

3.3.1. Long-term plan for socio-economic development

Long term plan at the level of a city district, municipal district, as mentioned above, must be drawn up for a period of at least 10 years. That is, the term, as stated above, must be for a period of at least 10 years. That is, its validity period, on the one hand, should not exceed the planning horizons for the socio-economic development of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and on the other hand, be no less than the validity periods of its own two medium-term plans. The algorithm for forming a long-term plan for the socio-economic development of a municipality is shown in Figure 2.7.

    the long-term plan should not be overly voluminous, since it is just a section of a comprehensive program;
    the construction of sections of the long-term plan should ensure the possibility of updating their indicators as local, medium-term goals, objectives and programs are implemented or the external environment changes.
    The first stage of implementing a long-term plan is the implementation of the annual plan, the second is the medium-term plan. Therefore, the “steps” of long-term plan indicators should be equal to five years, i.e., the period of medium-term planning, and the medium-term, accordingly, one year.

Synchronization of the implementation of strategic priorities for the development of the municipality with the implementation of long-term municipal target programs, investment business projects according to the tasks, stages and resources necessary for the implementation of each stage:

1. Updating of analytical data obtained at the first stage of planning; formation of a model of the modern appearance of the territory

2. Formalization of conceptual and current goals and objectives for the planned period into a system of indicators - indicators of socio-economic development, reflecting the future appearance of the territory

3. Determination of stages and options for achieving planned indicators, set goals and objectives, as well as systems of indicators for assessing the results of their implementation

4. Calculation of the resource provision necessary to implement the stages and options of the municipality within the planned time frame

5. Assessing the capabilities of one’s own economy in providing resources for strategic goals and other plans and programs of the municipality and determining the size, forms and methods of attracting external resources

*previous stage - 2015

To achieve the set goals, investment programs have been developed, a long-term strategy for urban development has been formed, a forecast of socio-economic development up to 2021 and for the future up to 2035 has been developed, long-term programs for the integrated socio-economic development of the region have been developed, and a summary report on the achieved values ​​of performance indicators of the authorities is prepared annually. local government, 19 existing municipal programs are being implemented.

Main directions of development of the agro-industrial complex.

Indicator name

Volume of agricultural products produced

Grain production

Wage level in agriculture per 1 worker, per month

The goal of long-term development of the agro-industrial complex is the development and implementation of incentives for the efficient production of agricultural products, as the material basis for ensuring economic growth in the agro-industrial complex (AIC), improving the quality of life of the rural population and achieving the competitiveness of agricultural products.

Main priority areas
long-term socio-economic development
municipal formation Kurkinsky district

Main directions


Key projects (events) to achieve the specified

target parameters

Volumes and sources of financing

1. Priority for the formation of a sustainable food base for the agro-industrial complex

1.1. expansion of production areas

1.2.providing the population with quality food products; sustainable development of the region, ensuring employment and improving the standard of living of the population; increasing the material standard of living, improving working conditions and employment of the population;

improving housing and social living conditions of the population in rural settlements;

1.3.increasing crop production based on increasing the yield of the main types of agricultural crops;

1.4. increasing the levels of consumption of main types of agricultural products and: food, their availability and environmental safety for the population (dairy products);

1.1 2.0 million rubles, at the expense of the investor

SHP "Progress" for growing turkey;

1.2. 4.78 billion rub., at the expense of the investor

LLC "APK AGROEKO" for the construction of an agro-industrial enterprise for raising pigs LLC "Tula Meat Company"

1.3. 400.0 thousand rubles; at the expense of the investor SHP "Hleborob"; 300.0 thousand rubles at the expense of the investor Kurkinskaya MTS LLC

1.4. 700.0 thousand rubles Yasnaya Zorenka LLC

2. Development of education in the municipality of Kurkinsky district

2.1.Increasing the accessibility of preschool education (increasing the share of children aged 3-7 years who are given the opportunity to receive preschool education services to the number of children aged 3-7 years, adjusted for the number of children aged 5-7 years studying at school), up to 100%;

2.2.Increasing the average monthly salary of teaching staff in municipal preschool educational organizations to the average salary in general education in the region;

2.3.Increasing the proportion of persons who passed the unified state exam from the number of graduates who participated in the unified state exam to 96.9%;

2.4. Increasing the share of students in municipal general education organizations who are given the opportunity to study in accordance with basic modern requirements in the total number of students to 100%;

2.5.Increasing the average monthly salary of teaching staff of municipal educational organizations of general education to the average salary in the regional economy;

2.6.Increasing the share of students in general education programs participating in olympiads and competitions at various levels in the total number of students in general education programs to 50%;

advanced training for at least 33% of teaching staff in the Kurkinsky district municipality annually;

2.7. Increasing the number of Russian language teachers who have undergone advanced training on the problems of introducing a new generation of Federal State Educational Standards and supporting Russian culture and the Russian language as the national heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation from 5 to 16 people;

2.7. Increasing the proportion of children aged 5-18 years enrolled in additional education programs from 54% to 75%;

2.8.increasing the share of municipal educational institutions of additional education for children, the material and technical base of which has been updated, from 39% to 55%;

2.9.Increasing the qualifications of teaching staff on the topic of spiritual and moral education in the amount of 15 people;

coverage of 1,200 people with mass events in the field of spiritual and moral education of children and youth;

3.0. Ensuring timely implementation of the Program activities and informing the public about the progress of its implementation;

3.1.Creating conditions for students to exercise their right to receive psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance, as well as to participate in events to support talented youth;

3.2. Ensuring the functioning of municipal educational organizations in accordance with regulatory requirements;

3.3. Providing conditions for conducting final certification of general education students;

3.4. Increasing the share of general education organizations in which a barrier-free environment has been created, allowing 3.5. Ensuring inclusive education for children with disabilities, in the total number of general education organizations to 15.4%

Total amount of financing: 1315444.24 thousand rubles,

federal budget funds - 5315.54 thousand rubles,

budget funds of the Tula region - 1015566.7 thousand rubles,

municipal budget funds - 294562.0 thousand rubles,

3. Management of municipal property and land resources of the municipal formation Kurkinsky district

3.1. Optimization of the composition of municipal property of the Kurkinsky district municipality in accordance with the powers of local government bodies, ensuring its safety and proper use in accordance with its intended purpose.

3.2. Ensuring the completeness of the state cadastral registration of real estate municipal property up to 100% of the current composition of objects subject to state cadastral registration.

3.3. Ensuring the completeness of state registration of the right of municipal ownership of municipal property.

3.4. Effective provision of municipal services in the field of municipal property management, excluding the existence of justified complaints and claims from persons who have the right to apply for the provision of municipal services.

3.5.Increasing the efficiency of management and disposal of land plots in municipal ownership and land plots for which state ownership is not demarcated.

3.6.Increasing the revenues of the consolidated budget of the Kurkinsky district municipality through payments for the use of land.

3.7. Ensuring the needs of citizens with many children for land plots for individual housing construction.

Entering into the state real estate cadastre information about the exact boundaries of land plots and the location of buildings and structures.

3.2. Total amount of financing - 18156.1 thousand rubles, including:

budget funds of the municipal formation Kurkinsky district - 18156.1 thousand rubles

Sources of financing for 2022-2035 will be determined during the implementation of the Concept

4. Development of small and medium-sized businesses in the municipality of Kurkinsky district

4.1. Ensuring an increase in the share of the volume of shipped products, works, services of own production by small and medium-sized businesses in the total volume of shipped products, works, services of own production by all enterprises and organizations of the district;

4.2. Increasing the number of small and medium-sized businesses that received financial support

4.2 Total funding -

963.1 thousand rubles,

of which: budget funds of the municipal formation Kurkinsky district 160.0 thousand rubles

Sources of financing for 2022-2035 will be determined during the implementation of the Concept

5.Improving the demographic situation and supporting families raising children in the municipality of Kurkinsky district

5.1. Providing organized recreation and recreation for at least 95% of children aged 7 to 17 years of the total number of children in this age category;

providing organized recreation and health improvement to at least 82% of children in difficult life situations of the total number of children in this category;

5.2.Full satisfaction of the need for health improvement on the basis of municipal educational organizations of orphans and children left without parental care, out of the total number of children in this category;

5.3.Increase in the share of children participating in municipal specialized recreation and recreation programs, out of the total number of children who received health improvement in the summer, by 0.3%;

5.4. Increasing the share of municipal educational organizations of the Kurkinsky district municipality, in which the conditions for organizing medical care for students and pupils meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, from 58% to 75%;

the share of municipal educational organizations of the Kurkinsky district municipality, in which the conditions for organizing meals for students and pupils meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, from 60% to 70%;

5.5.Strengthening the material and technical base of municipal educational organizations.

5.2.Total amount of financing - 5954.0 thousand rubles,

budget funds of the Tula region - 5003.37 thousand rubles; municipal budget funds - 950.6 thousand rubles

Sources of financing for 2022-2035 will be determined during the implementation of the Concept

6.Energy efficiency of the municipal formation Kurkinsky district

6.1. In the public sector - minimum costs for fuel and energy resources.

6.2. Accounting for fuel and energy resources, their savings, rationing and limiting, optimization of the fuel and energy balance allows us to reduce specific indicators of energy consumption, the crisis of non-payments, and reduce budget costs for the purchase of fuel and energy resources.

6.2. The total amount of funding for the program is 9907.5 thousand rubles. :

At the expense of the local budget of the Kurkinsky district municipality - 800.0 thousand rubles.

Investor funds 9107.5 thousand rubles

Sources of financing for 2022-2035 will be determined during the implementation of the Concept

7.Modernization and development of public roads in the municipality of Kurkinsky district

7.1. Reduction of the overall accident rate on local roads to 1 person. in year.

7.2. Reduction in the number of complaints to local government bodies of the Kurkinsky district municipality about the unsatisfactory condition of local roads by 50%.

7.3. Establishment and achievement of an indicator for assessing the effectiveness of the Kurkinsky district municipal formation in reducing the share of local roads that do not meet regulatory requirements by 5%.

7.3.Total funds for 2014-2021 -57538.925 thousand rubles, including

municipal budget funds - 38,770.119 thousand rubles.

budget funds of the Tula region - 18768.806 thousand rubles.

Sources of financing for 2022-2035 will be determined during the implementation of the Concept

8. Providing quality housing and housing and communal services to the population of the Kurkinsky district municipality

8.1.Modernization and overhaul of municipal infrastructure, including by attracting long-term private investment;

8.2. Reducing wear and tear on municipal infrastructure;

8.3.Increasing the efficiency of management of utility infrastructure facilities;

8.4. Providing the population with drinking water that meets the safety and harmlessness requirements established by sanitary and epidemiological rules;

8.5.Improving the environmental situation in the area;

8.5.Introduction of resource-saving technologies;

8.5. Major repairs of multi-apartment residential buildings and resettlement of citizens from emergency housing stock on the territory of the municipality

8.1. The total amount of financing is 111,030.54 thousand rubles, including

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