Breeding worms for industrial purposes. Benefits and breeding of Californian worms. What will you have to spend on?

Entrepreneurial activities for breeding worms are characterized by a high level of profitability and low capital costs. Among other things, you can even do this at home or in an apartment (by allocating just one room).

In addition to the fact that worms themselves are a product of sale, they can provide additional income as fertilizer and worm tea, which significantly accelerate the development of plants.

This idea will be especially interesting as an additional business for gardeners, poultry and fish farmers. This production will perfectly supplement agribusiness with useful humus, and poultry and fish farms will be supplied with healthy complementary foods at cost.

Advantages of a business idea with minimal investment

The economic justification for breeding worms at home is due to the clear advantages of a profitable business with minimal investment.

Benefits of breeding worms:

  1. Simplicity of the equipment used.
  2. High rate of reproduction of individuals.
  3. The presence of a high level of demand, as well as ample opportunities to open new sales points.
  4. Minor ongoing costs for care and feeding.
  5. Waste-free production.

In just one year, an entrepreneur can receive more than fifteen thousand individuals and up to one ton of fertilizers (with a nursery size of 2 m2). Having made simple calculations, you can see that the net profit from the sale of 15 thousand individuals will be about $700. In addition, the profitability of this business can be increased by selling the collected ton of worm tea and humus. In today's economic situation, the profitability of breeding worms for humus production reaches 145%, which is an excellent indicator for such low initial costs.

Which worms are best for breeding?

Any type of worm can be used for breeding worms as a business. The most popular and cost-effective are the types presented below.


Appears to be a key competitor of California red worms. "Staratel" is distinguished by its high ability to quickly process biomass into fertilizers. Characterized by high activity. One of the advantages of breeding this species is its high resistance to temperature changes; it can withstand from +9 to +30 degrees.


It is characterized by a high level of adaptation to the environment, which makes it an excellent tool for making a profit even in a city apartment. The only drawback of this type of worm is its low reproductive activity, which, however, can be compensated experimentally.

California (red) worm

To effectively and profitably breed California red worms at home, you need to maintain (at least) three families, each of which contains a thousand individuals. This species is characterized by a whimsical appetite for food (special food is required). Reacts sharply to temperature: the room should not be below +10. A distinctive advantage is high-quality humus.


This type of worm was specially bred by farmers as bait when fishing. Despite the low level of reproduction rate and life expectancy, dendrobena are quite large and fleshy. Also, worm cocoons are able to withstand temperatures down to -18 degrees, after which they are hatched at a positive temperature level. Excellent for soil improvement and, as a result, may be of interest to companies involved in agricultural activities.


The advantages of this type of worm lie in its distinctive characteristics for vermicultivation. Previously it served as the basis for breeding such species as the Prospector and the Red Californian worm. Based on the dung worm, a new population can be developed, characterized by greater gluttony, growth and reproduction speed, depending on the needs of customers.


Like the others, this type does not require any specialized knowledge and significant capital to build a profitable business process. It is characterized by a high reproduction rate and resistance to temperature changes.

Helpful advice! It is worth noting that the natural habitat of one type of worm can be destructive for other species. For example, if an earthworm and a dungworm live together, the earthworm dies. Since the waste products of a dung worm are toxic to others. Keeping all types separately will reinsure the business against losses.

Conditions for breeding worms

Worm care consists of the following:

  • loosening the soil;
  • maintaining the required temperature range;
  • timely feeding;
  • watering the soil.

Almost all types of worms do not require special conditions for feeding. The temperature level, as mentioned above, should not fall below +9 degrees and rise above +30. Worms love moisture, but don't overdo it. The soil moisture level should not exceed 85%.

After the population has grown, the “extra” individuals should be moved to another container. Otherwise, the worms will stop reproducing. Also, after increasing the level of compost in the soil with worms, it is necessary to loosen it. In the vast majority of cases, this is no more than twice a week. Correct and timely loosening of the soil makes it possible to provide insects with the necessary access to oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on their reproduction rate.

Ways to sell finished products

The worm farming business has a wide range of marketing opportunities. For example, after reaching a sufficient number of individuals, you can safely establish contacts with various pet stores, as well as fish farms. Moreover, the geography of sales of finished products is not limited solely to one’s own city of residence. Using the Internet, you can find websites of pet stores in other cities. Recently, an online store has been an effective way to promote products sold.

Another, no less important method is direct sales in urban markets. One package of worms (thirty individuals) will cost on average $1-1.5.

As for humus and worm tea, this is an indispensable fertilizer for many gardeners and summer residents. By setting the average market price, you can quickly develop a significant customer base of retail buyers. You can find out more in this video.

Their lifespan and incredible productivity, which is twice that of their relatives, are the main reasons for their breeding. But every business has its own subtleties. And, it would seem, such a simple task as breeding worms still requires some knowledge in the field of vermicultivation.


But red Californian worms are also capable of this, despite the fact that they were bred artificially. Due to their productivity, they are in demand in industrial production.

It is the red Californian worms that produce, which helps recovery both after radiation and after “heavy” grain crops.

Basic growing rules

California worms are not picky creatures, and there is no need to worry about how to breed them in the country. If you change their diet, do it gradually. And their fertility depends on comfortable conditions. To create them, you can add a little sand to the substrate, and sprinkle some shells under the straw, which will act as the roof of the worm hutch.

Selecting a location

Worms are unpretentious to the place of settlement. The only exception is the cold or unstable season - from November to April. During this period, the worm cage should either be well insulated or moved to a place where the temperature will be above 0 °C.

So, the family is settled in any convenient container. This can be a self-built wooden structure or a large flower one. In general, everything that will be well ventilated and does not take up much space.

Important! The worm cage cannot be placed in the sun in the summer, otherwise your charges will die from the drying out of the substrate.

Choosing a worm

The structure itself should have approximately the following parameters: width 1–1.5 m and height 40–50 cm. But they can be correlated depending on the number of your worms.
The California worm is a hardy animal and sometimes does not require artificial breeding conditions at all, so here's what you need to know about worm-crawler:

  1. This could be an ordinary hole in.
  2. The place of settlement must not have been treated with chemicals in the past.
  3. A safe place where pests are excluded (and this is,).
  4. Possibility of insulation during the cold season.
  5. A ventilation system of any kind so that the worms do not rot along with.

Home improvement

You can accommodate 20 units. If 5 of them die, this will mean that the substrate has a high level of acidity or alkalinity. To reduce it, it is necessary to add limestone.


The average individual weighs approximately 0.5 g. Per day, the worm processes an amount of food equal to its weight. With a minimum population of worms (50 individuals per square meter), 5 kg will be processed per year. Here are examples of than necessaryfeed California worms at home.

Profitable activity on worms on a small business scale in our country is at an early stage. This is due to the specifics of the direction and the limited range of the target audience. Worms and their metabolic products are not considered essential goods. The business can be profitable if a beginner puts together a proper worm farming business plan and learns the basics of how worm farming works.

For clarity, we suggest studying our example to understand how to prepare a business plan for breeding worms with calculations.


Worm breeding involves different scenarios:

  • You can sell the animals themselves as food, bait, or for breeding on other farms.
  • Sales of the waste product of worms (vermicompost). The fertilizer is recognized as the most environmentally friendly and is in demand among farms and private gardeners. You can offer the product to intermediaries or open your own retail outlets to make more profit.

For a novice entrepreneur with a small start-up capital and no experience in trading, the preferred option is to sell the product to partners working with a specific consumer.

Our project is aimed at a person living in a rural area and who has a free plot of land or premises for placing special containers with worms. The option of renting space is possible, but this involves higher costs than the option with a personal subsidiary plot or garden plot.

The small worm farm will operate year-round. It is necessary to ensure comfortable temperature and humidity in a special hangar. The option of wintering in a cellar will not be able to bring the necessary turnover due to limited space. The best option is to build a structure that will eliminate seasonal difficulties.

Main project parameters

Type of activity: livestock farming, breeding of worms for further sale and production of vermicompost.

OKVED: 01.49.7 “Raising other animals, including earthworms on farms.”

Location of the worm farm: a populated area in the countryside. The property has a plot of land on which special equipment will be located. It is necessary to build a hangar. An affordable and quick option for a room for breeding worms can be a polycarbonate greenhouse. Heating and lighting equipment will be required. Plumbing is also necessary to maintain the humidity of the environment in which the worms live.

Regulatory and legal form of activity: individual entrepreneur focused on agriculture.

Taxation: Unified Agricultural Tax.


Every day, irregular working hours. Products are shipped from 08:00 to 19:00 on weekdays.

Service list

  • Breeding of various types of worms for sale by live weight to trade organizations.
  • Sale of worms to private buyers in small quantities.
  • Sale of fertilizer obtained during the life of pets.
  • Growing special types of worms for pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies.
  • Sale of worms to farms engaged in crop production, poultry farming, and fish breeding.
  • Growing worms according to individual requests from terrariums, zoos, nurseries, where invertebrates are the main food for animals, birds, and reptiles.

Starting funds

Even a small vermifarm requires certain investments at the initial stage. Funds are needed to purchase the first batch of animals, special containers, feed, and equipment for the premises.

There is no need for serious equipment, as is the case with poultry farming, pig farming, or a dairy farm. Worms can reproduce and grow even in open ground. The conditions of our climate and pests do not allow us to conduct such a business all year round. As well as soil inhabitants, it will be difficult to collect and monitor their numbers. Requires a fenced area or boxes with sides up to 35 cm high. The expected investments are shown in the table:

The investment amount may be lower if you buy ordinary boxes rather than vermicomposters. Wooden containers are easy to assemble from scrap materials. The cost of the container will be significantly lower than that of a composter. Savings can reach 150 thousand rubles or more. There is no need to skimp on space and food. The activity of worms and the further profitability of the farm depend on these indicators.

There is no need for personnel

The specifics of the worm farm’s activities are so simple that there is no need to “inflate” the staff. The business owner can handle all the stages alone. Helpers will be needed when expansion opportunities arise.

The farmer must monitor the indoor climate, add another portion of feed several times a week and water the compost with clean water without any impurities.

Salary costs and employee fund contributions are excluded. The entrepreneur only needs to pay his own fees and comply with the deadlines for paying taxes to the state budget. The income of an entrepreneur is considered to be the profit received from turnover. What contributions the individual entrepreneur makes are reflected in the table:

Items of individual entrepreneur expenses in funds Amount, rub.
Pension fund for yourself 19 357
MHIF for yourself 3 797
Total 23 154

Income taxes will be reflected in the material part of the business plan.

Deadlines for starting the project

The peak activity of consumers for worms or fertilizer occurs in the spring season. By this time, the businessman must set up a worm farm to obtain the first “harvest.” In winter, invertebrates reduce activity and hibernate. But with proper organization of living conditions, pets will remain active. Experienced vermifarmers recommend starting a business in the fall, gradually gaining clients. The first result will be obtained by spring.

If sales channels are found before the worm farm starts operating at full capacity, it is possible to sell small batches of orders from the fall. There should be no delays in meeting calendar deadlines.

Benefits of the project for the owner

To assess the profitability of a business idea, it is necessary to understand how much revenue the farmer will receive after selling worms and vermicompost. Profitability is determined by the number of contracts that an individual entrepreneur can conclude before receiving the first “harvest”.

Worms require time to reproduce, grow, and process waste into biofertilizer.

The products will be sold wholesale to large customers and retail to private customers. In the table we indicate the cost of goods and the sales plan for the year:

It is possible that there will be more sales or the cost of the product will increase. But to calculate profitability and payback periods, let’s take the annual income of a worm farm in the amount of 510 thousand rubles.

Now let’s calculate possible expenses and display the amount of net profit for the year. In the table we will enter the cost indicators for utility costs, food, advertising, updating the types of worms, and consumables.

If we divide the income by 12 months, then the average monthly revenue is 30 thousand rubles. The amount of investment in the project will be 414 thousand rubles. In 14-16 months, worm farming will reach self-sufficiency and begin to generate net income. The profitability of a worm farm can be 300% if properly organized.


A business in the field of breeding worms can bring some income to the owner. For a solid capital, a large number of wards and corresponding areas are required. Worm farming can be an additional activity for an existing farmer who grows vegetables in greenhouses and has free space. Business is also relevant for people who have income but want to increase it. Then it makes sense to write your own business plan for breeding worms and look for sales channels.

Recently, many exotic business ideas have appeared in Russia. One of them is worm farming.

Ordinary earthworms are very useful because they affect the organic state of the soil in which they are located, increasing its fertility.

And as Chinese wisdom says: “It is not the one who grows the crop who is rich, but the one who preserves the soil.” Western scientists are constantly working on breeding different varieties of worms, which are characterized by increased efficiency and speed of reproduction.

Why breed worms?

The worm breeding business or so-called “werm farms” are a very popular type of income that can be organized at home at minimal cost.

“Creeping friends” in the process of their life activity provide several valuable products: humus (fertilizer), worm teas, which increase the development of plants several times. In addition, worms are also a product.

Organic fertilizer (humus) is very popular among summer residents and owners of large farms. Humus increases soil fertility and supplies it with all the necessary nutrients required for growing plants. You can use humus yourself or sell it to neighbors or friends. It is better to start this business with small volumes in order to track the level of demand for the product.

Worm farming is also a useful activity for fishing. Most fishermen do not waste their time digging up the garden in search of bait, but simply go to the market and buy themselves worms. The life cycle of worms is quite long, and there is always a demand for bait, especially in spring and summer. You can sell about 2-5 packages of worms per day. Considering the cost of one is 40-50 rubles, it is not difficult to calculate the gross profit.

Worms sell well in pet stores, where customers use them as live food for birds and aquarium fish. Store employees will be willing to make a deal to purchase “fresh” worms.

Some worm farm businessmen sell worms to fish farm owners. Growing fish requires the availability of live food, so there is a constant demand for worms.

One of the waste products of worms is “worm tea” (this is a fertilizer that more than doubles crop yields). “Worm tea” is actively used by farmers who grow early strawberries. Natural fertilizer, consisting of waste products of worms, is collected in special containers and used at home to feed indoor plants or in greenhouses.

It is quite possible to open a home farm for breeding any animals for sale on your own. – a promising direction, since crayfish farming is not widespread in Russia, but the demand for products is high.

You will find a business plan for opening a profitable apiary.

Safe and useful fertilizer can be obtained not only from organic residues. California worms are producers of vermicompost, and growing them is not difficult at home. This is a profitable business, since its cultivation requires only organic waste, and it reproduces quite quickly.

Biological features of the red Californian worm (RCW)

Due to their unpretentiousness and rapid reproduction, Californian worms have become widely used in the production of vermicompost. They are characterized by the following features:

  • the habitat is an organic substrate,
  • life expectancy is 16 years, an individual is capable of laying up to 20 cocoons per season,
  • gluttonous: he eats more food than his weight in a day,
  • lives in a container where he is bred without leaving it,
  • The temperature differences in which the “underground inhabitant” can exist range from +4 to +40C.

Any earthworms, passing the soil through the intestines, enrich it with useful components. Californian worms produce vermicompost in a short period of time, which is why they differ from ordinary earthworms (they are very similar in appearance).

A substrate enriched with them has a number of positive qualities:

  • contains a large number of beneficial soil microorganisms,
  • the amount of humic acids increases significantly,
  • there are biostimulants that have a positive effect on crop growth,
  • the amount of useful nutrients increases several times.

In connection with the peculiarities of growing KKCH as producers of vermicompost, the term “ vermiculture" - culture of growing worms. On an industrial scale or at home, they can be profitable.

It is enough to populate the compost with 1,500 to 3,000 individuals so that in a year they will process the substrate into biogmus, which will “ennoble” 3-4 acres of land. When favorable conditions are created for the worm population, during the warm season they produce up to 2 tons of high-quality humus.

For information: Growing “Californian” is a profitable business: the costs are low and you don’t need huge areas. Without particularly complex skills, you can earn a good income. Worms are needed not only as producers of vermicompost. They are used for fishing, as food for birds and fish.

Necessary substrate and its preparation

Breeding Californian worms at home requires a prepared area (place) where they will live. These can be boxes or containers, compost pits or heaps. The boxes used are cardboard (lined with polyethylene inside), wood, and plastic. Plastic containers are easy to use.

Any waste of organic origin serves as food:

  • fruit, vegetable, potato peelings,
  • old tea leaves or coffee grounds,
  • bread crusts or moldy bread,
  • plant waste, plant tops,
  • food leftovers,
  • grass and leaf litter.

For information: You can grow worms either outdoors or indoors. Breeding in an open area is seasonal, since KKCH is not able to withstand cold climates. In indoor culture, vermiculture can be grown all year round.

Containers for breeding Californian worms

Using containers

Sequence of work when using containers:

  1. Pour dry sand onto the bottom as drainage. Place a container with holes on top.
  2. Pour fertile soil into the second container with a thin layer of 1 cm, and place the food substrate on top with a layer of 3-5 cm.
  3. Add crushed eggshells to deoxidize the soil, add a 1cm layer of soil and moisten the substrate. We water regularly using a watering can.
  4. We distribute the worms over the surface, covering them with a small piece of polyethylene or burlap.

The volume of the container may vary, but the height should be 30-40cm. The worms initially feed and process the substrate in the lower container. We take it out and put a new one on top, with fresh substrate, into which the earthen individuals gradually crawl. By gradually changing containers, we obtain vermicompost rich in nutrients.

You need to remove vermicompost from the container three times (every week), while the worms crawl into a container with fresh substrate. Then the bottom layer of vermicompost is poured out, but some individuals still remain in it (up to 5%).

They feed on substances that enter the soil with water flowing from the upper tiers during irrigation. They can be used with nutritional formula. And even if worms get into a flower pot, the indoor culture is not in danger.

Important: After the sand at the bottom becomes wet, change it to dry. Boxes or containers must not contain metal staples or nails. Their presence has a bad effect on the fertility of the “Californian”.

In boxes, the substrate is prepared in almost the same way: a layer of sand and food waste with eggshells, top layer of soil. When grown in separate containers, it is more difficult to separate the vermicompost processed from the substrate. Usually the worms are kept “on dry rations” for several days, and then food is placed nearby, to which they crawl. The boxes are convenient for keeping “pets” in the winter, and in the spring they can be released onto the site to improve the soil in natural conditions.

Important: California worms can overwinter in areas with warm winters. At temperatures below +4C they fall into anabiosis (inhibited state), and in severe frosts they die. When kept in a compost pit, they should be covered with a 40-50 cm layer of compost on top. When it gets cold, add more snow on top of the pile.

Rules for keeping “Californians”

We start breeding Californian worms by purchasing them. You can buy them at worm farms. Healthy individuals are red in color and actively move. If you buy weak worms, you may not get either vermicompost or growth of individuals.

The price of one individual is approximately 1-3 rubles. For 1 kb.m. 1-3 families of soil are needed. If worms are needed for reproduction, then the “brood stock” is up to 1,500 healthy CFCs or more. The main points of technology on how to breed Californian worms at home:

  1. settling worms in a new habitat,
  2. formation of nutritious vermicompost by earthen individuals,
  3. reproduction process,
  4. collection of humus and multiplied worms for sale.

For active reproduction and for individuals to reproduce well, a temperature regime of +15 to +25C is needed. The soil should be neutral and the air humidity should be 75-80%.

The frequency of feeding is directly related to the number of individuals, the quality of the substrate and the season. On average, fresh components are added to the substrate once every 2 weeks. You cannot add a lot of food at one time, as this may cause fermentation or a change in the acidity of the soil mixture. In an acidic environment, worms die.

Food must be added as the previous portion is processed. Periodically, you need to add an earthen mixture, crushed eggshells (reduces acidity) and sand to the substrate, which improves the digestion processes of KKCH.

For information: When introducing a new diet into the diet of “Californians,” you need to be careful. With a rapid transition to a new food, mature individuals die, and young ones gradually get used to the new diet. It should be introduced gradually (about 10%), mixing with the food that is familiar to them.

How to breed Californian worms in the country

For them, a compost pit lined with polyethylene is created on the site, where the “underground inhabitants” are placed. Before frost, they need to be constantly fed, removing the top layer and adding a new one. Some part can be released into the soil to fertilize your site.

If there is no rain, moisten the holes by watering from a watering can. During the summer they reproduce well, but when the temperature drops they will hibernate. This is not scary, in the spring they become more active and will need increased nutrition. Therefore, you should take care of fresh substrate in the fall.

When growing “underground inhabitants”, do not forget about the following nuances:

  1. Cover the box with California worms with a lid, hay or burlap.
  2. The soil needs to be moistened and loosened twice a week: air and moisture must freely penetrate into the soil.
  3. If the temperature drops to -5C, then we additionally insulate the box with straw (layer up to 100cm).
  4. If the worms become lethargic, then replace the substrate with fresh one.

“Californians” do not like humidity fluctuations or decreases. There will be no problems when growing using plant residues: they contain a lot of moisture. With a different diet, regularly moisten the substrate; excess moisture will drain into the lower layer of sand. If the substrate is squeezed in a fist, moisture drains from it: this is the substrate that our “underground inhabitants” need.

For information: Excess water, passing through a layer of vermicompost, is enriched with nutrients. This is a valuable product with macro- and microelements, humic acids, which is called vermicha. It is useful to use for watering flowers and seedlings.

Features of the sale of “live products”

Wholesale sales are more profitable than retail sales because the price per worm is low. Therefore, it is advisable to establish relationships with large suppliers. They usually sell both worms and vermicompost. Pet stores and farms, fish farms, and fishing supply stores may be interested in these products.

Since the costs of organizing the production itself are relatively small (purchase of worms and containers), and there is no need to buy food, it is always “at hand,” the first profit will not be long in coming. At first, you can sell “Californians” to neighbors and friends, and then, if the start is successful, look for larger markets.

The amount from sales is net profit, because production itself is not expensive. Therefore, try to create a business from scratch. Having studied the necessary literature, received practical advice from the Internet or from knowledgeable people and having the right conditions, this will not be difficult. The main thing is to have time and desire to work.

Growing “Californian” is a profitable business: the costs are low and you don’t need huge areas.

Video of breeding Californian worms at home:

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