Where does the river turtle live? Swamp turtle. Lifestyle and habitat of the marsh turtle. Turtle - description, characteristics and photographs

(Linnaeus, 1758)
(= Emys europaea - Eichwald, 1841; Emys lutaria taurica Mehnert, 1890; Emys orbicularis aralensis Nikolsky, 1915)

Appearance. Maximum length carapace 23 cm. Neck (throat), legs and tail are dark, with numerous yellow spots. Carapace dark olive or brown-brown above with yellow dots or dashes, dark brown or yellowish below. In males tail longer; Their plastron is slightly concave; in females it is flat or slightly convex.

Spreading. The extensive range of the species covers southern and central Europe, Western Asia and northwestern Africa. In the territory of the former USSR, the marsh turtle is found in the central and southern regions of the European part, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in the Aral Sea region east to the city of Kzyl-Orda on the Syr Darya River, the Irgiz and Turgai rivers in Kazakhstan. To the north it is distributed to Lithuania, northern Belarus, in Russia to the Smolensk region, the upper reaches of the Don, the Republic of Mari El, possibly Chuvashia, the middle Volga (Samara region), Bashkiria and the left bank of the Ural River to the Kustanai region in Kazakhstan. Occasional finds of turtles to the north (even if they lay eggs in natural conditions, for example, in the south of the Leningrad region) are most likely explained by their importation.

Taxonomy of the species. Currently there are 13 subspecies, combined into 5 groups. In the territory of the former USSR they live 5 subspecies from two groups.

1. Nominative subspecies with red or orange pupil in males, Emys orbicularis orbkicularis(Linnaeus, 1758) occupies most of its range in the north and east, including northern Crimea, Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Its synonym is Emys orbicularis aralensis Nikolsky, 1915, described from the shores of the Aral Sea.

2. East Mediterranean turtle with yellow pupil, Emys orbicularis hellenica(Valenciennes, 1832) inhabits mainly the western coast of the Balkan Peninsula from Albania to the south and the Peloponnese. Relict populations of this subspecies are represented in the south of Crimea and, probably, on the Aegean coast of Turkey. In most of the Balkans and Anatolia there is a zone of intergradation with the nominative subspecies.

3. Colchis tortoise, Emys orbicularis colchica Fritz, 1994 with a dark-colored shell and a smaller head lives in the southwestern Transcaucasus, on the Black Sea coast and in eastern Turkey.

4. chicken turtle, Emys orbicularis kurae Fritz, 1994 is distributed in the Caucasus in the Kura River basin from the mouth to the west to Gori, as well as along the Caspian coast to the north to Dagestan (Makhachkala); the transition zone to the nominative subspecies is located in the Ciscaucasia (region of the Terek, Kuma and Sal rivers).

5. Habitat Persian tortoise, Emys orbicularis orientalis Fritz, 1994 covers the Caspian regions of Iran and western Turkmenistan.

Habitat. The marsh turtle inhabits forest, forest-steppe and steppe areas, where it lives in swamps, floodplains, oxbow lakes, ponds, lakes, rivers, and canals. As a rule, it avoids rivers with strong currents, preferring flat reservoirs with sloping banks and vegetation. In the south of Crimea it is found in mountain rivers with fast currents and waterfalls. It does not rise above 1000 m in the mountains (in Sicily up to 1400 m, and in Morocco up to 1700 m). On land, turtles stay close to a body of water, but can sometimes move up to 500 m away from it. In Azerbaijan, in the Mil steppe, they were once found 7-8 km from the water.

Activity. Animals are active during the day and at dusk. Turtles swim quickly, dive well and can stay underwater for a long time. They often come ashore and can lie motionless for hours, basking in the sun's rays. When in danger, they immediately rush into the water and bury themselves at the bottom.

Reproduction. After hibernation of a turtle appear when the water temperature is 5-10°C and the air temperature is 6-14°C. They were recorded in March in Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, in March-April in Transcarpathia and Ciscaucasia, and in April-May in the Volga-Kama region. Pairing occurs both on land and in water, in the Ciscaucasia in late April - early May. In Dagestan, a female makes 1-3 clutches per season (in May, June and July), with 5-10 eggs in each. In the Stavropol Territory and Azerbaijan, 2 clutches were noted: at the end of May (9-12 eggs each) and in June (from 3 to 13 eggs). In the Krasnodar Territory, mass egg laying occurs from late June to early July; in a clutch there are from 5 to 19 eggs. The eggs, covered with a white calcareous shell, have an elongated shape, 28-39 mm long and 12-21 mm wide, weighing about 7-8 g.

Females come ashore in the afternoon, but lay eggs at night. To select a suitable place, females can sometimes move up to 300-400 m away from the reservoir. There are known cases when eggs were laid on a plowed field. Before laying, the female first clears the area with her head and front paws, moistens it with water stored in the bladder, and then with her hind legs digs a hole about 10-17 cm deep. Its diameter at the top is 5-7 cm, and at the bottom it can be up to 13 cm. Digging a hole takes 1-2 hours. Eggs are laid in batches of 3-4 pieces with an interval of 3-5 minutes, after which the hole is carefully filled up.

Incubation period is 70-100 days. Hatching of turtles in the Krasnodar region occurs from early August to mid-October. Usually they do not emerge from the hole and remain underground until the following spring, subsisting on the nutrients of the yolk sac. Some move to a body of water where they spend the winter. The length of newly hatched turtles is 22-25 mm.

Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 5-8 years with a shell length of 9-12 cm. The sex ratio is approximately equal.

Nutrition. The composition of turtle food is very diverse, but mainly of animal origin. On the shore they feed on nods, woodlice, as well as locusts, beetles and other insects. Insects, crustaceans, mollusks, tadpoles and frogs are caught in the water, and less often fish, mainly fish or fry; They can even eat the corpses of waterfowl. In addition, they feed on algae, higher aquatic and semi-aquatic plants.

On masonry attack various animals. Their main destroyers are foxes and raccoon dogs, as well as otters and crows.

Wintering. Turtles leave for the winter in mid-October - early November. They overwinter by burying themselves in silt or lying at the bottom of a reservoir. In warm years they can also be active in the winter months.

Abundance and conservation status. The bog turtle is generally not a rare species, although its numbers appear to be declining; for example, in the Central Black Earth region of Russia this species has become very rare. Found in many nature reserves. The species is included in Appendix II of the Berne Convention, as well as in the IUCN list (low risk category), and is protected in many European countries. It is listed in the Red Books of Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania and Armenia. It is not listed in the Red Books of the former USSR, Russia and other republics.

Similar species. It differs from the Caspian turtle, with which it coexists in the Caucasus and Turkmenistan, in the coloring of the head, neck and legs (yellow spots instead of light stripes), the movable connection of the dorsal and ventral shields of the shell, the mobility of the rear part of the ventral shield and the absence of a noticeable notch on it.

At the Ecosystem Ecological Center you can purchase color identification table " Amphibians and reptiles of central Russia"and a computer guide to reptiles (reptiles) of Russia and the USSR, as well as other teaching materials on animals and plants of Russia(see below).

On our website you can also find information on anatomy, morphology and ecology of reptiles: general characteristics of reptiles, integument,

An inexperienced eye will not be able to determine how this reptile came to you: straight from an exotic location or from a swamp visible from the window of a house. You don’t have to reveal yourself to your family or friends and say that your pet is classified as exotic. In fact, caring for it will cost several times less than caring for its exotic counterpart, and besides, in appearance, river turtles differ little from sea turtles.

River turtles have a good appetite, so after eating they defecate into the water. In this regard, there is a need for daily water replacement. A cleaning system, if you have one, will not be enough because the turtle's feces will remain floating in the water. River turtles do not require filtered water - liquid at a temperature of 30-32 °C is quite suitable. It is also recommended to periodically clean the walls of the aquarium and pool, otherwise it will be difficult to get rid of the resulting deposits.

River or marsh turtles are completely unpretentious in food and care. This is explained by their consistently simple habitat. The turtle will survive in your home under any conditions if you pick it up and keep it. Having grown up on rivers and swamps, these turtles will not recognize any expensive food. Also, you do not need to arrange a home for them with lighting, a bathroom and toys. You have the right to choose the living conditions for your pet, but if you have a river turtle, know that you are lucky.

What do turtles eat in the wild?

Turtles seem harmless only at first glance. In nature, they manifest themselves as predators who easily cut up their prey. In addition to flesh, turtles, while in the water, can feed on algae and other marine plants. However, this is not enough for the healthy development of the turtle, so they find a source of protein every day. On land, these can be some insects - woodlice, millipedes, grasshoppers, caterpillars and locusts. A favorite delicacy is worms and insect larvae. Of the aquatic inhabitants, turtles feed on small fish, tadpoles, crustaceans, and newts.

A turtle caught from a pond for keeping at home is unlikely to agree to other food, and for the owner of the reptile, the main question remains of obtaining food for the turtle. If you can dig up a few worms in the summer, it will be completely impossible in the winter. It is important to know what a river turtle eats so that the pet continues to develop.

What do river turtles eat at home?

A person who has some experience in caring for turtles will certainly say that their nutrition at home directly depends on their species. While sea turtles happily eat vegetables, berries and fruits, river turtles only accept meat and rarely plants. You should always have the following products in stock for your pet:

  1. River fish. Buy small, inexpensive fish that your pet can handle on his own. Adults can be given fish with small bones. It should be fresh or defrosted, but in no case boiled or fried.
  2. Meat (mainly beef, veal, turkey). The meat must be raw, without bones. Turtles living in rivers and swamps are accustomed to a hunting lifestyle. These are carnivores that are able to independently deal with a large piece of meat. You can offer your turtles beef liver once a week.
  3. Sea cocktail (squid, shrimp). Sea life is very nutritious for the turtle as it provides an essential source of calcium. It is rare to find fresh shrimp and squid, so in order for them to be suitable for the turtle as food, they only need to be thawed.
  4. Dandelions, cabbage and lettuce leaves. Plants cannot be the tortoise's main food source, so it is recommended that they be given to the tortoise for variety.

Despite the fact that turtles are called river turtles, they prefer to spend most of their time not in water, but on land. It’s easy to notice from the turtle’s behavior when it’s full and wants to leave the water. For this case, it is necessary to provide a ledge above the pool, the so-called “bank” or a separate basin, where the turtle can not only crawl, but also eat. It is important that your pet leaves the water independently to get a snack, so it is necessary to provide a non-slip ledge.

If the turtle refuses to eat

The river turtle, like humans, has a character that affects its food intake. If you notice that your pet is still healthy and playful, then it is necessary to diversify the diet, at least for a short time, so that the turtle receives new useful substances with other food.

When sick, turtles become lethargic, appear tired, and ignore any offer of food. In this case, the question arises about the pet’s health status. People who do not have special education are not recommended to self-medicate; a herpetologist - a specialist in the study of amphibians - will be happy to examine the turtle and prescribe recommendations for care and nutrition.

A turtle's refusal to eat may be a consequence of a weakened general condition. If you notice that the shell and claws have become soft, this is the first alarm signal indicating a lack of calcium. Of course, the pet will not lose its shell, but it will easily injure it. A turtle caught in the nearest river or swamp, of course, has never eaten cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, beans before and is unlikely to want to try foods unfamiliar to it. But she will taste calcium-rich sardines, shrimp and greens with great pleasure. As a supplement, it is recommended to give vitamins in jars that contain all the other essential vitamins and minerals in addition to calcium.

Where to find a river turtle?

The river turtle is not classified as exotic, so it is not always possible to buy it at a pet store. Even if it ended up there by luck, its value cannot be high, since a river turtle, without exaggeration, can be taken from the street. They do not accept fast and clean waters, so they prefer to live in stagnant rivers and swamps. Most often they can be found in the lower reaches of the Don, Volga, Dnieper, and Ural. River turtles love to bask in the sun, so they willingly look for a rock on which to climb out after a short stay in the water. Finding a turtle is not always easy as they hide under rocks and old tree branches. Their color, close to the color of the area in which they live, allows them to remain invisible to humans.

A common representative of the reptile class is marsh turtle. The body length of this creature is from 12 to 35 cm, weight is about one and a half kilograms or a little less.

As seen in photo,swamp turtles it is not difficult to distinguish from relatives by the structure of the rounded, low shell, connected on the sides to the lower part of the body by elastic ligaments; as well as by the absence of a beak on the reptile’s muzzle and the following external signs:

  • the color of the shell can be black, brown or olive;
  • skin covered with yellow spots has a green tint;
  • the pupil of orange or yellow eyes is usually dark;
  • their legs have membranes and long claws;
  • the tail, which acts as a rudder when moving through water, is quite long.

Representatives of the genus of marsh turtles are distributed throughout Europe; they can be found in the Middle East, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, the Caucasus, as well as in the northwestern regions of Africa.

They inhabit forests, forest-steppes and mountainous areas, trying to settle near bodies of water; they live not only in swamps, as the name suggests, but in rivers, streams, canals and ponds.

Character and lifestyle of the marsh turtle

These animals, belonging to the freshwater family, are active during the day and sleep at the bottom of reservoirs at night. They feel great in an aquatic environment, where they can stay for about two days.

But they also feel great on land, so the marsh turtle can be found on large lawns, where these cold-blooded animals love to bask in the sun, thus feeding their body with energy.

The bog turtle feels great both in water and on land

They try to find other suitable places for sunbathing, often using driftwood and stones protruding from the water. Reptiles strive closer to the sun even on cloudy, cool days, despite the cloudy sky, trying to catch the sun's rays breaking through the clouds.

But when the slightest danger arises, the reptiles immediately flop into the water and hide in its depths among the underwater vegetation. The enemies of these creatures can be predatory animals and.

Also, they often do not have to expect anything good from humans, and in some eastern countries it is customary to eat them, which causes significant damage to the numbers of the swamp turtle genus.

The sense of smell and vision of such reptiles is well developed. Moving on the ground quite quickly, they swim beautifully and quickly, and strong limbs help them in their movements in the water.

The paws of swamp turtles are equipped with large claws, which gives them the ability to easily burrow into a layer of leaves or muddy soil. In the wild, these reptiles hibernate in cold weather. This usually occurs in early November and continues until the end of April.

Considered quite rare, marsh turtles ended up in Krasnaya. And although the total number of such animals is quite stable, they have completely disappeared from some habitat areas where they were previously found.

Types of marsh turtles

A prominent representative of this genus is considered European marsh turtle. She is the owner of a smooth carapace, which has a round or oval shape.

Its color can be greenish-yellow or black with a pattern, dotted with various combinations of rays and lines, as well as white or yellow spots. When wet, the shell changes color as it dries, from shiny in the sun to gradually becoming matte.

The turtle's head is pointed and large, and its skin and paws are dark, dotted with spots. The reptiles weigh about one and a half kilograms and reach approximately 35 cm in size. Moreover, the largest individuals live in Russia.

European marsh turtles are divided into 13 subspecies with different habitats. Individuals differ in appearance, size, color and some other parameters.

Pictured is a European marsh turtle

In Russia, where five subspecies of such reptiles are common, black turtles are mainly found, and individuals with a greenish-yellow shell live under the hot sun of Sicily.

The genus of reptiles described includes another species - the American marsh turtle, which has a carapace 25-27 cm long. The main background of the shell is dark olive, and small light spots are clearly visible on it.

Representatives of the fauna of this species have significant similarities with European marsh turtles in appearance and behavior. For a long time, these two types of animals were considered by scientists to be the same type, but a deeper study of genetics and the structure of the internal skeleton led to the identification of significant differences in these reptiles, which gave reason to now consider them separate species of marsh turtles.

Care and maintenance of a marsh turtle at home

These reptiles are often kept as pets in their own homes. You can easily buy them or catch them yourself in their habitats, for which the warm summer months are very suitable.

Domestic swamp turtles are usually smaller in size than those found in the wild. Their unpretentiousness allows anyone, even the most inexperienced owners, to keep them and even have offspring from their pets.

Swamp turtle at home unable to fully live without sunlight. That is why it is quite possible to let adult healthy individuals go for a walk in the courtyard of their own dacha in warm summer weather, especially if there is a small artificial pond there.

In the photo there is a baby marsh turtle

Such reptiles can be kept in pairs, but care behind swamp turtle requires the presence of an aquarium with a volume of at least one hundred liters, as well as a heating place illuminated by an ultraviolet lamp, which heats the environment to 30 °C and provides the animals with a twelve-hour daylight hours.

Living at home, swamp turtles do not hibernate, and animal owners should know this and not worry about this. To the disadvantages keeping a swamp turtle refers to her immense aggressiveness. Reptiles are pugnacious to such an extent that they are capable of injuring each other and even biting off their tails.

They are no friendlier to other pets, not tolerating rivals in the house, especially when it comes to fighting for food. They are capable of being cunning and can, if not carefully, be dangerous to small children. However, turtles are quite smart and reward those who feed them with gratitude.

The photo shows a marsh turtle in a home aquarium

Swamp turtle nutrition

The lifespan of such reptiles remains largely a mystery to scientists, and so far there is no consensus on this matter. But, like all representatives of the turtle genus, they are long-livers. Experts usually give a figure of 30-50 years, but some biologists believe that marsh turtles, in some cases, can live up to 100 years.

Emys orbicularis

Description. A medium-sized turtle up to 23 cm long. The carapace is smooth, oval, slightly convex and connected to the plastron by a movable ligament. The axillary and inguinal shields are absent. The back of the plastron is rounded and has no noticeable notch. The carapace is colored dark olive or brown-brown on top, with yellow dots or dashes, and dark brown or yellowish on the bottom. The turtle's throat, legs and tail are dark, with numerous yellow spots.

Males differ from females by having a longer tail and a slightly concave plastron; in females the plastron is flat or slightly convex. In young animals, the carapace is rounded, with a median carina in the posterior part; eyes with red or orange pupils. Within the range, signs of external morphology vary greatly.

Spreading. The marsh turtle is common in the South. and Center. Europe, Western Asia, North-West. Africa, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, the Aral Sea region and in southwestern Turkmenistan (Terentyev and Chernov, 1949).

In Russia, this species is found in the central and southern regions of the European part and in the Caucasus. Small isolated populations of turtles are known in Moscow and the Leningrad region.

Within the species, 13 subspecies are distinguished, 5 of which inhabit the territory of the former USSR. In the European part of Russia there is a nominative subspecies that occupies most of the species' range. In Dagestan and in the river basin. The Kura (from the mouth west to Gori) is inhabited by the Iberian tortoise, E. o. iberica Eichwald, 1831 (= E. o. Kurae Fritz, 1994).

Lifestyle. Inhabits forest, steppe and forest-steppe areas. Inhabits swamps, ponds, lakes, floodplains, oxbow lakes, and canals, preferring flat reservoirs. As a rule, the turtle stays near bodies of water, although it may move a short distance away from them. She swims and dives beautifully and can stay under water for a long time. The number in Transcarpathia is 5-8 individuals per 1 km of route, in Turkmenistan from 3.2 individuals (river of the western Kopetdag) to 11.1 individuals per 1 km along the banks of flat reservoirs. The maximum number was noted in the Astrakhan region - 58 individuals on a segment of 150 m, in the Stavropol Territory 75 - 125 individuals / ha. In Kalmykia, on the left bank of the Volga, in Cherepashye and other lakes, there were 60 - 75 individuals per 1 km of shoreline. In Dagestan, in the delta of the Terek River and in the Agrakhan Bay, there are 20 - 30 individuals per 100 m of coastal strip. Active during the day and at dusk. During the day it basks in the sun for many hours, and at night it sleeps at the bottom of the reservoir. In case of danger and during wintering, it burrows into the mud. Wintering from late October - early November to April - May. In the spring it emerges from wintering at an air temperature of 6 - 14 o C and a water temperature of 5-10 o C. In warm years it can be active in winter. Mating occurs in late April-early May. The female makes 1-3 clutches per season, depending on the area, from 3-13 white eggs with a calcareous shell measuring 28-39 mm x 12-21 mm. The female lays eggs in a hole 10 - 17 cm deep. The incubation period lasts 60 - 110 days. Newborns with a carapace length of 20-25 mm hatch from eggs in the Krasnodar region from early August to early October. Most of the young do not surface until the following spring.

The turtle eats a variety of foods, mainly of animal origin. On land, the main diet consists of insects (most often orthoptera and beetles), nodule and woodlice. Insects, crustaceans, mollusks, tadpoles, frogs and, less commonly, fish, mainly fish or fry, are caught in the water. The turtle's diet also includes algae, higher semi-aquatic and aquatic plants.

Turtle nests are destroyed by foxes, raccoon dogs, otters and crows. In the Central Black Earth region of Russia, this species has become rare. The reasons for the decline in numbers are associated with the destruction of clutches and the destruction of habitats suitable for laying eggs.

The marsh turtle is listed in the Red Books of Belarus, Lithuania and Latvia, is protected in many European countries, and is included in the International Red List (IUCN).


Ananyeva et al., 1998; Ataev, 1985; Bannikov, 1951; Bannikov et al., 1977; Guskov et al., 1983; Kireev, 1983; Lukina, 1971; Nikolsky, 1905, 1915; Severtsov, 1855 (cited from: Severtsov, 1950); Terentyev and Chernov, 1936; 1949; Tertyshnikov, 2002; Tertyshnikov, Vysotin, 1987; Shammakov, 1981; Shcherbak, 1966; Shcherbak, Shcherban, 1980; Bozhansky, Orlova, 1998; Boulenger, 1889; Eichwald, 1831; Fritz, 1992, 1994, 1998, 2003 (detailed bibliography here); Guldenstadt, 1783; Kuzmin, 2002; Mazanaeva, Orlova, 2002; Schneider, 1783.

The European marsh turtle (Emys orbiсularis) belongs to the freshwater turtles of the genus Swamp turtles. Recently, a reptile of this species is increasingly being kept as an original and not too whimsical pet.

Appearance and description

The European marsh turtle has an oval, low and slightly convex carapace with a smooth surface and a movable connection with the lower shell. Juveniles of this species are characterized by a rounded carapace with a weak median keel on the posterior rounded part.

There are long and fairly sharp claws on the limbs, and small membranes between the fingers. The tail part is very long. An adult turtle has a tail up to a quarter of a meter long. It is the tail part that plays an important role when swimming, and serves, along with the hind limbs, as a kind of additional steering. The average length of an adult can vary between 12-38 cm with a body weight of one and a half kilograms.

The coloring of the shell of an adult turtle is usually dark olive, brownish brown or dark brown, almost black with small spots, streaks or dots of yellow. The plastron is dark brown or yellowish in color with blurry dark spots. The area of ​​the head, neck, legs and tail is also in dark colors, with a large number of yellow spots. The eyes have a very characteristic yellow, orange or reddish iris. The specific feature is the smooth edges of the jaws and the complete absence of a “beak”.

Range and habitats

European marsh turtles have become quite widespread throughout the southern, as well as central and eastern parts of Europe, and are found in the Caucasus and most Asian countries. A significant population of this species has been recorded in almost all countries that until recently belonged to the territory of the Soviet Union.

This is interesting! As numerous studies show, in the pre-glacial period this species was more widespread on European territory, and in some areas even today relict residual populations can be found.

Lifestyle and behavioral characteristics

Swamp turtles prefer to settle in forest, steppe and forest-steppe zones, but are also quite often found in fresh natural bodies of water, represented by swamps, ponds, lakes, slowly flowing rivers and large water canals.

Optimal for life are flat natural reservoirs with gently sloping banks and very well-warmed shallow areas with a sufficient amount of vegetation. Some individuals are found even in mountain ranges.

This is interesting! It was experimentally proven that a marsh turtle in an aquatic environment at a temperature of 18°C ​​is capable of surviving without air for almost two days.

During the period of mass reproduction, adult, mature turtles are able to leave the reservoir and move away from it at a distance of 300-500 m. The reptile can swim and dive excellently, and can also spend a long time under water, emerging to the surface every quarter of an hour. Swamp turtles belong to the category of semi-aquatic animals that are active during the daytime and bask in the sun's rays for a long time. The turtle can feed throughout the day, and at night goes to sleep at the bottom of a natural reservoir.


In natural conditions, several varieties of swamp turtles are common, which differ in behavioral characteristics, diet, etc. The European marsh turtle is the most common species, but the life “resource” of such a reptile can vary significantly depending on habitat conditions and territorial features.

All individuals inhabiting central Europe are capable of living up to fifty years, and turtles that live in Ukraine, as well as Belarus and our country, extremely rarely “step over” the milestone of forty years. In captivity, a marsh turtle, as a rule, lives no more than a quarter of a century.

At home, marsh turtles require proper care at all stages of growth and development. It is very important to choose the right aquarium, as well as provide the reptile with high-quality care and a complete, maximally balanced diet. To decorate the underwater space, driftwood and artificial vegetation are most often used, which allows you to create good underwater shelters that your pet needs for proper rest and night sleep.

Aquarium selection and characteristics

For a pair of adult European turtles, it is advisable to purchase an aquarium, the volume of which should exceed three hundred liters. The third part of such a structure is always allocated to land, on which the indoor reptile can periodically warm up or rest. A pair of turtles will feel quite comfortable in an aquarium with dimensions of 150x60x50 cm.

The most optimal place to keep a marsh turtle would be a small and well-fenced artificial pond in the local area. Such a garden pond should be in direct sunlight most of the day, which will ensure uniform and stable heating of the water. In an outdoor pond, small places must be equipped, as well as a platform for freshwater animals to sunbathe. The shoreline is typically used by turtles to lay eggs, so it should be sandy.

In the southern regions of our country, depending on weather conditions, you can place turtles in a garden pond starting in early spring and leaving them there until late autumn, which will allow the animal’s body to naturally prepare for the wintering period. A turtle must overwinter at a temperature of 4°C, so experts recommend arranging a “wintering” for the turtle inside a regular household refrigerator.

Care and hygiene

One of the most basic requirements when keeping a European marsh turtle at home is the purity of the aquarium water. Such an amphibian pet is not known for its cleanliness, so all waste products and waste from feed quickly become the main problem of water cleanliness.

Pathogenic and pathogenic putrefactive microflora multiply very quickly, therefore, in the absence of quality care, they can cause the development of eye diseases or pathological changes in the skin. It is very important to install a powerful and highly efficient filter that has the highest possible volume and smooth flow.

Important! To facilitate the systematic cleaning of aquarium water and the entire structure, it is desirable to minimize the number of decorations on the bottom and reduce the volume of underwater soil.

What to feed a marsh turtle

Under natural conditions, marsh turtles belong to the category of omnivorous amphibians, but the basis of their diet most often is various small invertebrate animals, represented by mollusks, worms and various crustaceans.

Very often, turtle prey is underwater or terrestrial insects, as well as their larvae.. The larvae of insects such as dragonflies, diving beetles, mosquitoes, wood lice and beetles are eaten in large quantities. There are also cases of swamp turtles eating young snakes or waterfowl chicks, as well as any carrion.

At home, despite its omnivorous and unpretentious nature, the issue of feeding a marsh turtle must be approached very carefully. The basic diet must include:

  • meat of lean fish, including haddock, cod, perch and pollock;
  • liver components, including chicken or beef liver and heart;
  • crustaceans and arthropods, including daphnia crustaceans, worms and beetles;
  • all kinds of marine life;
  • small mammals and amphibians.

A prerequisite for good nutrition is supplementing the diet with dry and plant foods, which can be represented by vegetables and fruits, herbs, aquatic vegetation, as well as special complementary foods for aquatic turtles.

This is interesting! Young growing specimens and pregnant females are given food once a day, while the diet of adult individuals involves giving food only three times a week.

Health, disease and prevention

Freshwater species of turtles rarely get sick under proper conditions and have good innate immunity.

However, the owner of such a pet may face the following problems:

If the aquarium is not properly set up, injuries and various damage to the animal’s skin cannot be ruled out.

This is interesting! Most often, inexperienced or novice owners of a marsh turtle make various significant errors in care, which cause deformation of the shell. As a rule, this phenomenon is the result of an acute lack of vitamin complexes and calcium at the stage of adulthood or active growth of the turtle.

Reproduction of the European marsh turtle

Males, unlike females, have a longer and thicker tail, as well as a slightly concave plastron. Eggs are laid in holes on the sandy shore, in close proximity to the reservoir.

The laid elliptical eggs are buried by the female. Newborn turtles are almost black in color and have a very slightly pronounced yellow pattern. The young animals are fed throughout the winter period through a fairly large yolk sac located on the abdomen.

All turtles are characterized by temperature determination of the sex of all offspring, therefore, at an incubation temperature of 30 ° C or more, only females hatch from eggs, and at low temperatures, only males.

Intermediate temperatures cause the birth of cubs of both sexes.


The average duration of the main active period directly depends on many factors, the main one of which is climatic conditions. In our country, marsh turtles emerge from hibernation around April or the first ten days of May, after the air temperature reaches 6-14°C and the water temperature is 5-10°C. The wintering period begins in the last ten days of October or early November. Hibernation occurs in conditions of the muddy bottom of the reservoir. When kept at home, the reptile remains fully active in winter.

Buy a marsh turtle, price

European swamp turtles, thanks to their original appearance, fairly wide distribution and relative unpretentiousness in keeping at home, in recent years have increasingly become a decoration for the aquariums of lovers of such exotic pets. Among other things, amphibian connoisseurs are captivated by the very affordable cost of such a pet. The average price of one young individual, regardless of gender, is approximately one and a half thousand rubles.

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