Olympic Games ranking by medals. The richest countries in Olympic gold. The Russian team returns from Pyeongchang

At the 2018 Olympics in Pyeongchang, the gold medal of the hockey players brought the Russian team to 13th overall team place. Medal standings of the Olympics 02/25/2018.

The triumphant victory of Russian hockey players in the Olympic final over Germany allowed our team, which competes at the 2018 Olympics in Pyeongchang under the status of “Olympic athletes from Russia,” to move from 15th to 13th place in the team standings. The Russian team has 17 medals - 2 gold, 6 silver and 9 bronze awards.

The day before, Russian skiers Alexander Bolshunov and Andrey Larkov brought silver and bronze medals to the national team at the 50 km marathon distance, the rosregistr portal reports. In total, our skiers brought 8 medals. Earlier, figure skater Alina Zagitova won the first gold medal for Russia.

The leader in the number of gold medals and first place in the overall team standings was taken by the German team - it has 31 awards (14 gold, 10 silver, 7 bronze medals). In second place is the Norwegian team with 38 medals (13 gold, 14 silver, 11 bronze medals). And the Canadian team closed the top three - it has 29 awards (11 gold, 8 silver and 10 bronze medals).

The medal standings for the 2018 Olympics will be formed starting from the first competition day of the Games - February 10. The 2018 Olympics will end on February 25. At the last Olympics 2014 in Sochi, the Russian team won the unofficial team competition, winning 11 gold, 9 silver and 9 bronze.

The final medal standings for the 2018 Olympics will be formed by the last day of the Games - February 25.

Competition schedule for today Olympics 2018: Pyeongchang all sports - Moscow time.

Medal standings Olympics 2018 - 02/25/2018 Pyeongchang - Where does Russia stand? How much gold does Russia have?

The 2018 Olympics in South Korea will end on February 25, 2018, when the official closing ceremony of the Games will take place.

Russian hockey players won Olympic gold at the Pyeongchang Games, beating the German team in overtime of the final match.

The meeting took place on Sunday in Gangneung. It ended with a score of 4:3 (1:0, 0:1, 2:2, 1:0). Regular time ended in a draw - 3:3, the winner was revealed only during the extra period.

Vyacheslav Voynov (20th minute), Nikita Gusev (54 and 60) and Kirill Kaprizov (70) scored for the Russians. The Germans scored goals from Felix Schütz (30), Dominik Kagun (54) and Jonas Müller (57).

Thus, silver went to the German team, and bronze to the Canadians, who defeated the Czechs in the match for third place (6:4).

This is the first victory of the Russian team at the Olympic Games: in 1992, the united team won gold, and the USSR team has seven victories at the Olympics. The best result of the German national team (FRG) at the Games was bronze medals.

For Russian athletes, this gold was the second at the Games in Pyeongchang.

Best players of the tournament
Forward Nikita Gusev became the top scorer of the 2018 Olympics. In six matches, he scored 12 points (four goals and eight assists), second place was taken by Finnish striker Eli Tolvanen with nine points (3+6).

In the list of the best snipers of the tournament, Russians Ilya Kovalchuk and Kaprizov shared the first place with American Ryan Donato (five goals each); Gusev also became the best passer of the tournament.

The Russian and German hockey teams did not identify a winner during regulation time in the final match of the Olympic Games tournament in Pyeongchang.

The meeting takes place on Sunday in Gangneung, after three periods the score is equal - 3:3. In the third 20-minute period, the teams scored two goals each: Nikita Gusev scored for the Russians (53rd and 60th minutes), Dominik Kagun (53) and Jonas Muller (57) scored for the Germans.

“Today, the IOC Executive Committee decided that until the completion of the Games in Pyeongchang, the status of the Olympic Athletes from Russia team remains neutral, the temporary suspension of the Russian Olympic Committee remains, and our team will participate in the closing ceremony under the Olympic flag.

The reason for this decision was two violations of anti-doping rules committed by our athletes during the Games.

Along with this, a special IOC group led by Nicole Howertz, which determined the rules for the participation of athletes of the OCP team in the 2018 Games and assessed their compliance in Pyeongchang, stated in its report that all conditions on the part of the delegation and OCP athletes were fully met, and doping cases cannot be attributed to systemic violations.

Based on this, the IOC Executive Committee voted to lift the temporary disqualification from the Russian Olympic Committee automatically after verification of all doping samples taken during the Olympic Games is completed and, of course, in the absence of positive samples. The verification procedure takes up to 72 hours according to the regulations.

We hope and very much expect that within the next few days the ROC's membership in the IOC will be fully restored.

The status of our country and the interests of our athletes are our absolute priority. In light of the current situation, we believe that the restoration of the rights of the ROC and all Russian athletes will be the main result of the Olympic Games ending today,” the ROC press service said in a statement.

Two doping cases among Russian athletes at the Pyeongchang Olympics were a key factor in the decision not to restore membership of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC), said the head of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Thomas Bach.

“There were two doping cases in the OAR delegation, and this played a vital role, a key factor in the decision not to lift the suspension (from OCD). But in these cases there was no indication of a systematic approach or that the OAR delegation tried to hide it,” Bach said.

“In curling, the Russians immediately returned the medal so that we could present it to the Norwegians at the Olympics. This happened on Medalnaya Square yesterday, it was done in no small part thanks to the Russian side, thanks to the fact that they behaved this way in this situation,” he added.

At the Pyeongchang Games, two Russian athletes - curler Alexander Krushelnitsky and bobsledder Nadezhda Sergeeva - passed positive doping tests. Krushelnitsky and Anastasia Bryzgalova, who won Olympic bronze in the mixed pairs tournament, were stripped of their awards.

On December 5, the IOC Executive Committee suspended the membership of the ROC, but allowed “pure” Russian athletes to compete at the 2018 Olympics under the Olympic flag, subject to certain conditions and in the status of “Olympic athletes from Russia” (OAR).

IOC members at the organization's session in Pyeongchang unanimously voted to lift the disqualification of the Russian Olympic Committee as soon as possible, but not before the closing ceremony of the 2018 Games.

Thus, the IOC Executive Committee did not allow Russian athletes to march under the Russian flag at the closing of the Olympic Games.

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The intense 2018 Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea are over. The medal table has been finalized today. The leaders and outsiders of the medal standings have already been determined.

For Russia, these Winter Games turned out to be difficult. They were accompanied by scandals and disqualifications. What can we say if the IOC even banned Russian symbols - the flag - at the 2018 Olympics.

It was difficult, but Russian athletes proved in practice that even the second team of our team is worthy of respect and should be taken seriously - two gold medals were added to the treasury of the Russian team. Thanks to these awards, our country did not remain “in the back” and took 13th position in the medal table. In the future, undoubtedly, the experience gained by our young athletes will be useful to them, and they will show what real triumph is.

Olympics 2018: medal table

Olympics 2018: News

Olympics 2018: where does Russia stand?

The 2018 Olympics in Pyeongchang are over, the table is formed, and the winner is known. Although the Russian reserve youth team did not manage to show the best result at the Winter Games, the athletes performed more than worthy - 2 gold medals allowed our team to take thirteenth place in the medal standings. Let us remind you that due to the doping scandal, the most powerful athletes in Russia were not able to participate in the Olympics, so the younger generation of participants went to represent Russia. Lack of experience and young age did not prevent our guys from performing well - they added 2 gold, 6 silver and 9 bronze medals to Russia's casket. In total, Russia collected 17 medals in the medal standings.

4 gold medals were awarded on the last day of the Olympics in Pyeongchakh

On February 25, Russia won gold in hockey for the first time at the Olympics. Our athletes beat Germany with a score of 4 versus 3. This match will definitely go down in history. The fate of Russian hockey at the 2018 Olympics was decided in the last minutes of the match, when Russian athletes equalized the score and then took the lead, ending the match.

Athletes Anastasia Sedova (11th place), Alisa Zhambalova (15th result) and Natalya Nepryaeva (came 22nd) participated in the cross-country skiing from Russia.

Russian athletes Aleksey Zaitsev, Maxim Andrianov, Vasily Kondtratenko and Ruslan Samitov competed in bobsleigh. The team took 15th place in the table of this sport.

The Russian team returns from Pyeongchang

On February 26, Russian athletes will arrive home after grueling competitions in Pyeongchang. The athletes will be solemnly welcomed this evening at Sheremetyevo. Despite the fact that for Russia the 2018 Olympics was the worst in history, no one can dispute that our athletes gave their best. Let us repeat that the country was represented by the reserve team.

In the medal table, Russia took 13th place at the end of the Olympics. Figure skater Alina Zagitova especially distinguished herself at the Olympics, winning gold for her country. The second gold medal was won by Russian hockey players, who kept the intrigue in the match with the Germans to the last.

Norway and Germany lead the 2018 Olympics medal table

First place at the last Olympic Games was given to a team of athletes from Norway. They brought 14 gold medals to their country, and also added 14 silver and 11 bronze awards to their treasury. It is worth paying tribute to the Norwegians, because they set a record for the number of gold medals.

The Germans lost slightly to their closest rival in the battle for leadership, so in the medal table they were given second place in 2018 - 14 gold, 10 silver and 7 bronze awards.

Russian hockey players sang their country's anthem after winning the Olympics

After an undeniable victory in the final of the hockey tournament at the Olympics, Russian hockey players sang the Russian anthem. The fans from the stands supported me in this.

The Russians competed under a neutral flag due to the ban imposed by the IOC.

Russian national team at the 2018 Olympics, medals: what place does Russia have in terms of medals in 2018 - read about this in the material.

What place did Russia take in medals at the 2018 Olympics?

In Pyeongchang, South Korea, the XXIII Winter Olympic Games came to an end, during which a record 102 sets of medals were awarded in 15 disciplines.

Athletes from 30 countries won awards, and athletes from the Russian Olympic team, as our team was called at these Games, took 13th place in the overall medal standings.

Last December, the IOC suspended the Russian Federation from participation in the Olympics, but allowed a number of our athletes to compete in competitions under a neutral flag. During the closing ceremony, as was the case at the opening of the 2018 Olympics, our athletes were not allowed to walk under the national tricolor.

How many medals does Russia have at the 2018 Olympics?

At the end of the 2018 Olympics, Russian athletes won 17 awards - two gold, six silver and nine bronze medals.

Olympic medal standings 2018: table

Our athletes have won 17 awards. Two of them, the highest denomination - gold, were brought to the country by figure skater Alina Zagitova, who was called the very discovery of the season, because the girl managed to surpass even the famous Evgenia Medvedeva in the technique of performing numbers. Also, unexpectedly for themselves, the hockey players won gold - the team has not won first place at the Olympics since the times of the USSR, and therefore the current victory was perceived by society almost as a real feat.

We have six silver awards.

Silver was won by: skiers Andrey Larkov, Alexander Bolshunov, Alexey Chervotkin and Denis Spitsov (4x10 km relay), Bolshunov in the 50 km race, Spitsov and Bolshunov in the team sprint, figure skater Evgenia Medvedeva (women's singles), Russian national figure skating team team competitions (Medvedeva and Zagitova, Mikhail Kolyada, Evgenia Tarasova/Vladimir Morozov, Natalya Zabiyako/Alexander Enbert, Ekaterina Bobrova/Dmitry Solovyov), skeletonist Nikita Tregubov.

The country has nine bronze medals.

Bronze medalists were: skiers Natalya Nepryaeva, Yulia Belorukova, Anastasia Sedova, Anna Nechaevskaya (4x5 km relay), Belorukova (individual sprint), Spitsov (15 km individual race), Larkov (50 km race), Bolshunov (individual sprint) , freestylers Ilya Burov (ski acrobatics) and Sergei Ridzik (ski cross), speed skater Natalya Voronina (5000 meters), short track speed skater Semyon Elistratov (1500 meters).

The IOC made an official statement that the medals will not be given back to Russia as such - they all belong to athletes from Russia, and the country’s participation in the Olympics will not go down in history in any way.

Athletes from Norway undoubtedly took first place in terms of the number and value of awards. The guys took home 14 gold, 14 silver and 11 bronze medals. Germany was in second place - here the number of medals is 14-10-7. In third place was Canada with medals in the ratio 11-8-10.

The top ten most “awarded” countries also included athletes from the USA, the Netherlands, Sweden, South Korea, Switzerland, France, and Austria. By the way, in terms of the number of awards, the Russians caught up with the holders of seventh place, Korea, but the hosts of the Olympics had much more gold medals.

Almost half of Russian medals - eight out of 17 - were earned by skiers. On Saturday, February 24, Alexander Bolshunov and Andrey Larkov became silver and bronze medalists in the marathon. Previously, Denis Spitsov won bronze in the individual freestyle race, Bolshunov took bronze in the individual sprint classic style. Both won silver in the team sprint, and together with Larkov and Alexey Chervotkin, a similar medal in the relay. Russian Yulia Belorukova won bronze in the individual sprint in the classical style, as well as the women's relay team (Natalia Nepryaeva, Yulia Belorukova, Anastasia Sedova, Anna Nechaevskaya).

Thus, the team of Russian skiers earned more awards at the 2018 Games than the combined Olympic teams of Hungary, Ukraine, Belgium, Kazakhstan, Latvia, and Liechtenstein, who each have one medal in various sports.

Several athletes were caught doping during the Olympics. Among them are two Russians. Traces of meldonium were found in the body of curling player Alexander Krushelnitsky. The athlete denied the fact of deliberate use of doping, but also refused to fight for justice. At the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) hearing, he decided not to participate, resulting in CAS canceling the hearing itself. As a result, Krushelnitsy parted with the bronze medal, which he won with his wife Anastasia Bryzgalova in double mixed doubles. It was handed over to the Norwegian pair, who lost to the Russians in the match for third place.

In 2014, the twenty-second Winter Olympic Games will be held in Sochi. An Olympic gold medal is the highest award an athlete can receive for his or her achievements.

Especially for you, the News Week publication has prepared a ranking of the countries of the world that have won the largest number of gold medals in the entire history of the Olympic Games.

1. USA

The United States of America occupies first place in our ranking and will not leave its pedestal for at least another 100 years. It is the United States that wins gold medals for playing basketball almost every year. In total, the United States managed to win 894 Olympic gold medals.

2. UK

Athletes of this country have participated in almost all games since the very beginning of the Olympic Games. Throughout history, they managed to collect 189 gold medals.

3. France

4. Italy

Basically, Italians win in sports such as swimming and downhill skiing. Having collected 182 gold medals, Italy takes an honorable 4th place in our ranking.

5. Hungary

With 156 gold medals in its arsenal, Hungary ranks fifth in the ranking.

6. Germany

German athletes have won 147 gold medals at the Olympic Games. It is worth considering that after World War II, this country was divided into western and eastern Germany. It is for these reasons that many teams simply disbanded.

7. Sweden

Sweden is known for its high achievements in swimming and wrestling. Having collected 142 gold medals, she ranks 7th in the rankings.

8. Australia

Basketball and hockey are among the most “golden” sports of Australians. Throughout history, they managed to collect 117 gold medals.

9. Japan

Over the entire history of Japan, they managed to collect 114 medals. She is only 3 gold medals behind her predecessor.

10. China

Recently, China has begun to win gold medals more and more often and that is why it appeared in our top ten.

Summer-olympic-games results

Medal standings at the Rio Olympics (Summer Olympic Games in Brazil, Olympic Games 2016)
A country Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 USA46 37 38 121
2 Great Britain27 23 17 67
3 China26 18 26 70
4 Russia19 18 19 56
5 Germany17 10 15 42
6 Japan12 8 21 41
7 France10 18 14 42
8 South Korea9 3 9 21
9 Italy8 12 8 28
10 Australia8 11 10 29
11 Netherlands8 7 4 19
12 Hungary8 3 4 15
13 Brazil7 6 6 19
14 Spain7 4 6 17
15 Kenya6 6 1 13
16 Jamaica6 3 2 11
17 Croatia5 3 2 10
18 Cuba5 2 4 11
19 New Zealand4 9 5 18
20 Canada4 3 15 22
21 Uzbekistan4 2 7 13
22 Kazakhstan3 5 9 17
23 Colombia3 2 3 8
24 Switzerland3 2 2 7
25 Iran3 1 4 8
26 Greece3 1 2 6
27 Argentina3 1 0 4
28 Denmark2 6 7 15
29 Sweden2 6 3 11
30 South Africa2 6 2 10
31 Ukraine2 5 4 11
32 Serbia2 4 2 8
33 Poland2 3 6 11
34 North Korea2 3 2 7
35 Belgium2 2 2 6
35 Thailand2 2 2 6
37 Slovakia2 2 0 4
38 Georgia2 1 4 7
39 Azerbaijan1 7 10 18
40 Belarus1 4 4 9
41 Türkiye1 3 4 8
42 Armenia1 3 0 4
43 Czech1 2 7 10
44 Ethiopia1 2 5 8
45 Slovenia1 2 1 4
46 Indonesia1 2 0 3
47 Romania1 1 3 5
48 Bahrain1 1 0 2
48 Vietnam1 1 0 2
50 Chinese Taipei1 0 2 3
51 Bahamas1 0 1 2
51 NOA1 0 1 2
51 Ivory Coast1 0 1 2
54 Fiji1 0 0 1
54 Jordan1 0 0 1
54 Kosovo1 0 0 1
54 Puerto Rico1 0 0 1
54 Singapore1 0 0 1
54 Tajikistan1 0 0 1
60 Malaysia0 4 1 5
61 Mexico0 3 2 5
62 Algeria0 2 0 2
62 Ireland0 2 0 2
64 Lithuania0 1 3 4
65 Bulgaria0 1 2 3
65 Venezuela0 1 2 3
67 India0 1 1 2
67 Mongolia0 1 1 2
69 Burundi0 1 0 1
69 Grenada0 1 0 1
69 Niger0 1 0 1
69 Philippines0 1 0 1
69 Qatar0 1 0 1
74 Norway0 0 4 4
75 Egypt0 0 3 3
75 Tunisia0 0 3 3
77 Israel0 0 2 2
78 Austria0 0 1 1
78 DR0 0 1 1
78 Estonia0 0 1 1
78 Finland0 0 1 1
78 Moldova0 0 1 1
78 Morocco0 0 1 1
78 Nigeria0 0 1 1
78 Portugal0 0 1 1
78 Trinidad and Tobago0 0 1 1
78 UAE0 0 1 1

In this online section of our website " Medal standings of the 2016 Olympics» presents the most complete table of medals at the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil, the overall Olympic medal standings, the results of the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, the number of gold, silver and bronze medals for the Russian team and other Olympic participants. Now, at any given time, you can safely answer the question: “How many medals does Russia have in Rio?” The leaders of the overall standings of the main sporting event of the four years are at the top; accordingly, the lower the position of the country participating in the 2016 Olympic Games in the table, the fewer gold medals it has. This final Olympic medal table shows all countries that have at least one Brazilian Games medal (either gold, silver or bronze). The award plate clearly shows the position of the countries and the amount of precious metal won in the capital of the largest state in South America from each country. Now fans can easily track the movement of countries across overall medal table. For the convenience of fans, we have highlighted Russian national team, which clearly shows her position in the Olympic tournament. We analyze data, read news, write blogs, discuss articles. We track the results of the overall leaders and countries that are interesting to us, for example Kazakhstan, Germany, Ukraine, Belarus. We are cheering for ours!

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