Recreational substances. Recreational use. Health effects


CHAPTER 1. Reserves and sanctuaries as specially protected natural areas

1.1 Concept and significance of the reserve

1.2 Reserves

CHAPTER 2. Russian nature reserves

2.1 History of the emergence and development of nature reserves in Russia

2.2 Analysis of the recreational use of nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries in Russia

CHAPTER 3. Description of tours organized on the basis of environmental institutions and environmentally friendly areas

3.1 Ecological tour “The Reserved Necklace of Baikal”

3.2 Ecological tour “To the epicenter of the Tunguska disaster”

3.3 Ecological tour “Cocktail of Adventure”




The purpose of the study of this work is the recreational use of reserves and wildlife sanctuaries in Russia. The problem of this study has relevance in the modern world. This is evidenced by the frequent study of questions on this topic. Many articles, textbooks, books and scientific papers are devoted to research issues. The relevance of this work is due, on the one hand, to the great interest in the topic in modern tourism, and on the other hand, to its insufficient development.

Ecotourism (ecology is the science of human interaction with the environment (natural, technogenic, anthropogenic, social, psychological, cultural, national, etc.)) appeared relatively recently in Russia, but is already in demand among tourists. Our country is home to most of the weakly disturbed ecosystems (due to the presence of vast undeveloped territories), including 26% of the planet's virgin forests. This means that it is Russia that has the reserves to expand the world system of specially protected natural areas, the need for which will grow. Due to the economic crisis, annual profits from ecotourism have fallen, but not by much. This indicates that although this type of tourism is not very developed in our country, it is still in demand.

Currently, many developed and developing countries are urgently allocating large areas of their territory to nature reserves and national parks, creating special organizational structures to attract ecotourists, and with them their capital.

Ecotourism plays an important economic role. It is due to one of its leading principles, according to which the bulk of the income from the development of environmentally oriented forms of tourism feeds the local economy, is sent to municipal budgets, and is used for the needs of the local population. To summarize, we can highlight the following positive economic and at the same time social functions of ecotourism:

Creation of new jobs for the local population;

Production of organic food;

Increasing investment in both infrastructure and services, as well as in nature conservation;

Increased well-being of the local population;

Development of special education aimed at acquiring tourism and environmental professions;

Development of crafts;

Development of local self-government;

Formation of development plans “from the inside”, taking into account the interests of local residents.

Our country has vast territories with untouched nature. Unfortunately, until recently, the development of ecotourism in Russia proceeded mainly at the amateur level. Now we are seeing a trend towards the development of this sector of the tourism industry. The development of eco-tourism will help preserve the natural beauty of unique areas.

The main goal is a detailed consideration of the problems and range of issues related to the recreational use of reserves and wildlife sanctuaries in Russia, namely, consideration of the concepts of a reserve and a reserve as specially protected natural areas, a study of the history of the emergence and development of reserves in Russia, an analysis of the recreational use of reserves and wildlife sanctuaries in our country and a description of tours organized on the basis of environmental institutions and environmentally friendly areas.

CHAPTER 1. Reserves and sanctuaries as specially protected natural areas

1.1 Concept and significance of the reserve

Reserves are areas of land, water surface and air space above them where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health value, which must be withdrawn in whole or in part from economic use. A special security regime should be established for them. These include state reserves, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments and protected forest areas.

Specially protected natural areas are a resource for ecological tourism (ecology is the science of human interaction with the environment (natural, technogenic, anthropogenic, social, psychological, cultural, national, etc.)).

A reserve is an environmental institution whose territories include natural complexes and objects of unique environmental value.

The purpose of using the reserve: 1) environmental protection 2) scientific 3) scientific and educational 4) recreational (very limited).

The territories of the reserve, based on the purpose of use, are divided into several zones, each of which has its own functional significance (See Fig. 1).

I is a zone of conservation regime, the interaction of the living and plant world occurs without human intervention.

II – environmental monitoring zone, which may contain weather stations and mini laboratories for operational analysis of soil, water, and air.

III – zone of scientific education can (gardeners’ laboratories, conduct ecological routes).

IV - economic and administrative zone (houses for staff, warehouses).

A particularly important role in nature conservation work is played by state reserves, created to ensure the safety of all natural complexes concentrated in a certain area of ​​particularly great scientific and cultural interest. In this area, all economic activities must be stopped: forest cutting (except for selective sanitary), grass cutting, grazing, hunting, etc. The main significance of nature reserves is to serve as standards of nature, to be a place for learning about the course of natural processes not disturbed by man. The reserves have become the basis for the conservation, reproduction and elimination of the threat of extinction of many rare species of plants and animals such as beaver, wild ass, bison, sika deer, tiger, leopard, sable, common eider, flamingo, etc.

The foundations of nature conservation in Russia were laid by prominent environmental scientists, such as: P. Borodin, G.A. Kozhevnikov, A.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, D.K. Soloviev. The idea of ​​​​creating the first Russian state reserves was warmly supported by G.F. Morozov and V.N. Sukachev.

Currently, state reserves have the status of environmental research organizations in Russia and have been conducting long-term scientific research for more than 60 years under the unified “Chronicle of Nature” program. These studies are the basis for environmental monitoring and control of the state of the natural environment. In the 90s XX century in Russia there were more than 80 reserves, including 16 biosphere reserves, with a total area of ​​more than 20 million hectares, which accounted for 1.2% of the country's territory. The international Russian-Finnish reserve “Friendship-2” was opened, work was carried out to create new international reserves in the border areas: Russian-Norwegian, Russian-Mongolian.

Among Russian nature reserves, the main place is occupied by 16 UNESCO biosphere reserves. Six of these reserves have integrated background monitoring (forecast) stations. These stations provide data on chemical pollution of reference protected ecosystems. In many reserves, nurseries have been created in which the most valuable gene pool is preserved, rare species of animals are studied and bred.

1.2 Reserves

Sanctuaries are protected areas where one of the components of nature is protected.

There are different types of wildlife sanctuaries, as well as the permitted recreational activities within them (see Table 1).

Table 1

Permitted activities depending on the type of reserve

The creation of hunting and fishing reserves is widely practiced. This category of protected areas differs from nature reserves in that it is only partial or selective in nature, and not comprehensive, as in nature reserves. In nature reserves, individual species of animals, plants, or part of a natural complex are protected for a number of years or constantly, in certain seasons or year-round. The economic use of other natural resources is permitted in a form that does not cause damage to the protected object or complex.

The reserves are varied in their purposes. They serve to restore or increase the number of game animals (game reserves), are created to provide a favorable environment for birds during nesting, molting, migrations and wintering (ornithological), protect fish spawning sites, feeding grounds for juveniles or places of their winter aggregations, and especially preserve valuable forest groves, individual landscape areas of great aesthetic and cultural significance (landscape reserves).

The total number of reserves in the 90s. XX century in Russia there were 1519, of which 71 were federal, 1448 were local. They occupied 3% of the country's territory.

Sanctuaries, unlike other systems of environmental territories, are an extremely dynamic and mobile form of protection of natural objects.

A review of land legislation allows us to identify such zones as recreational lands. The definition of this concept is given in.

These territories include land masses that are intended only for the organization of recreation areas, tourist centers, routes and campsites, as well as for the purpose of carrying out physical education and recreational activities.

Recreational lands belong to the category territories requiring the establishment of a special legal regime for exploitation and.

Composition of recreational lands

The composition of this category of areas is strictly defined. The group includes areas of the following intended use:

  • for the arrangement of recreation areas for the population and certain categories of citizens;
  • for the purpose of laying tourist routes and setting up campsites and camps;
  • as a territory for the placement of tourist centers, boarding houses, holiday homes;
  • for the construction of sports and recreational facilities;
  • territories for setting up children's camps, parks, fisherman's or hunter's houses.

The only one limitation, which the legislation establishes regarding this group of territories - the lands must be located.

Previously, this group included tracts of suburban green areas, however, they were later excluded from this category.

Use of recreational lands

The exploitation of recreational plots occurs within the framework of an agreement concluded with managers (owners or users of urgent operation) lands. Use occurs on the basis of the agreement, i.e. no land is being taken. The easement is of a public nature.

Recreational lands are intended and used for arrangement of recreation areas, tourist routes and physical education and health activities.

In relation to such lands, a special legal regime of use has been introduced, according to which plots are not confiscated from owners and temporary managers, however, a procedure for free access by everyone is established in relation to them.

Lands can participate in any legal transactions not prohibited by current legislation - purchase and sale, donation, exchange. Responsibility for the safety and initial condition of lands lies with the managers of the territories. According to , the fine may be from 0.5 to 1% from the cadastral value of the territories, but not less than 10 thousand rubles for citizens and from 1 to 1.5% from the cadastral indicator for officials, but not less than 20 thousand rubles. As for organizations, the fine will be from 1.5 to 2% cadastral value, but not less than 100 thousand rubles.

Features of the legal regime of this category of land are that any citizen can visit these areas, subject to compliance with the regime for use of the territories.

The law prohibits the performance of work in areas of recreational significance that does not meet their intended purpose. The transfer of land from one group of plots to another is also prohibited.


In conclusion, a number of conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Recreational areas are used for organizing tourism and sports and recreational activities.
  2. The lands must be located behind and have a certain natural potential for exploitation.
  3. Such territories include places for organizing camping sites, hiking trails, tourist centers and sports facilities.
  4. The use of areas is permitted only in accordance with the intended purpose of the land. Transfer to another category of plots is prohibited.
  5. A special regime of use is established for the plots and an easement agreement is concluded with the owners or temporary users.

The most popular questions and answers regarding recreational lands

Question: Hello, my name is Peter Vasilievich. I am the owner of a plot on the shore of a lake in recreational area. The territory was recognized as such only a year ago, and I acquired ownership of the land about ten years earlier.

Now a situation has arisen where I am forced to provide access to the lake through my site to everyone. The local administration issued the corresponding order, and now I am forced to provide my plot for access to the lake.

Unfortunately, this causes significant damage to the land, although I installed all the necessary information signs defining the procedure for using the site.

Tell me, do I have the right to prohibit citizens from using my site or not? Where should I go for this?

Answer: Dear Pyotr Vasilievich. According to current legislation, since your site is located within a recreational zone, a certain land use regime is established in relation to the allotment. However, regarding the provision of passage through your massif to the lake, the regional department must conclude with you, as the owner of the land easement agreement (Art. 98 Land Code of the Russian Federation).

Also, by law, owners are required to provide appropriate protection to these lands during operation. If such use of the territory leads to a deterioration in its condition, you have the right to contact the authorized body (the administration) and demand termination of the easement agreement.

If your application is denied, you will need to expert analysis condition of the site, and if it turns out that it has deteriorated significantly, you can file a claim in court. In court, you will have to confirm your position with the data of the examination. If your demands are satisfied, the easement will be removed by court decision.

Regardless of this, you yourself have the right to exploit the plot only within the permitted use, which prohibits the establishment of gardens, vegetable gardens and other activities. Don't forget this.

From what I understand, there is no problem with using erectile dysfunction drugs for ED. I'm wondering if there is anything problematic about using drugs like Viagra to enhance cohabitation for pleasure (either party).

Possible issues that come to mind are kishuy lada"as (deliberately arousing oneself) or excessive sexuality, although I admit that I don't know enough about the parameters of either topic. I also don't know much about how ED medications work. .

Point sources will be most valued.


Should I use “for relaxation”? Has a doctor been consulted about whether this is healthy? Was the prescription/medication obtained legally?


@Shalom I don't know if you are referring to a specific event. Questions that require answers to specific situations should not be asked on this site. I am asking a general question about the halachic permissibility of the use. In real cases, your questions seem important, but that's not my question.


"Kishui Ladas"? If it were prohibited even for the purpose of sex, wouldn't all sex be prohibited?


@mevaqesh I readily admit that I don't know much about this, but in my ignorance I entertain the possibility that intentionally having a qishui that is not intended to be a mazria is prohibited, or that intentionally having a qishui that extends to after tashmish (I think Viagra causes kishui for quite a long time) is prohibited.


which is not meant to be a mazria, this is the critical line. Consider editing in (although it may have been obvious from the context).



First of all, there are two people in a relationship; we assume both are ok with this.

Any time someone mentions "recreational use" of prescription drugs, the critical questions are whether there are any health concerns, and whether it is legal to use and obtain in this manner.

"Kishuy l"daas" - if mainly in a family context, probably not a problem; Rabbi Moshe Feinstein has a response when someone was worried about this when hugging/kissing his wife, he said it was not a problem. ( Assuming it doesn't go any further than "Kishui".)

The broader context of "too much marital indulgence is bad" is the many different philosophical views on this. The late Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein z"tl addresses him in part traditions, entitled: "Marriage: Relationships and Relationships". In short, there are many ascetic voices dating back to the medieval period, but Rabbi Lichteinstein is careful to argue that the voices of the Talmud itself are more positive about the marital relationship. (With the caveat that Torah scholars still have plenty of time and attention devoted to Torah study.) People like to point to the Ramban's commentary on holiness (beginning of Parshas Kedoshim), which includes not indulging in everything that is technically permissible; but if you look carefully at his examples of one who "keeps the letter of the law, but is disgusting" [ sea ​​birshu ha-torah], he is talking about someone who goes into marriage with only one thing in mind.


Maybe I'm missing something, but everything except your third paragraph seems to be irrelevant to my question, and the third paragraph seems like an unclear and unhelpful comparison.

Al Berko

I'd like to present a more Hasidic approach, instead of minimizing "Sur meRah" to increase "Ase Tov":

Things are not good or bad in themselves, but in a certain context. Pleasure in itself is not a sin, it depends on one's own intention. Many decrees in the Torah, Gemmorah and Meforshim oblige us to turn all our thoughts and intentions to the creativity of the Most High (i.e., the Last Rashi on the ecclesiastical "מה שתוכל עשה ולבך לשמים").

As long as you intend to use it for the "holy" purposes of Mitzvos, for example, to please your wife and increase the bait of Shalom, or to prolong your fatigue so that you can study Torah better in the rest of the day or something else, this would be allowed and recommended.

Once you fail to find righteous intentions for it and are drowned in lust, you reject numerous moral decisions such as "קדושים תהיו", "קדש את עצמך במותר לך", probably hurting your wife ("לא תאנו") and others .


This would be a very good post if there was no such thing as halacha. Given that there is such a thing as halakhah, the question is whether halakhah has anything to say on this topic. If not, then it is dvar hareshut, in which case this post is relevant. The question, however, is whether halakhah has anything to say about this. This post has nothing to do with that.

Al Berko

I think this adds a lot of alternative perspectives to the issue. Most people focus on "סור מרע" and unless it is explicitly forbidden, they will drown in it. I'm trying to suggest a way to go further and formulate additional considerations, such as intentions.


Most people focus on "סור מרע" and unless it is explicitly forbidden, they will drown in it. But who says that this is not expressly prohibited? This is the OP's question, and it remains the same question after your post, so AFAICT, this is not the answer.

Al Berko

I think if you're a hammer, you see everyone else as nails. Since you are inclined towards Halacha, you see this in every question. The guy asked " Possible problems", I gave him possible problems. The guy is not familiar with this approach - good, you are not familiar - also good, but why say that this is not the answer?


You are not right. I am not saying that the question is limited by halakhah. But the first step to addressing the issue of appropriateness is to determine whether it is permitted or prohibited. Only then can you state that "as long as your intention is to use it for 'holy' purposes... it will be permitted and recommended." These are predicates on the assumption that it is allowed. (Unless you're such an antinomian that you think averot is fine as long as you do it for a good purpose). And this is exactly why this is not the answer.

2. Recreational lands include land plots on which there are rest houses, boarding houses, campsites, physical culture and sports facilities, tourist centers, stationary and tent tourist and recreational camps, children's tourist stations, tourist parks, educational and tourist trails, trails, children's and sports camps, and other similar facilities.

3. The use of educational and tourist trails and routes established by agreement with land owners, land users, landowners and tenants of land plots can be carried out on the basis of easements; in this case, the specified land plots are not withdrawn from use. Recreational zones within the lands of settlements also have a recreational purpose, including land plots occupied by urban forests, squares, parks, city gardens, ponds, lakes, reservoirs used for recreation of citizens and tourism (clause

9 tbsp. 85 Land Code of the Russian Federation)

Recreational use of territory as a geographical problem

Determination of specific indicators of the cadastral value of recreational lands. Thus, recreational comfort is an indicator that determines the possible state of a person during recreation and the quality of possible recreational services. 5. Geography of tourism as a section of recreational geography. Geography of tourism is a discipline that studies countries and regions of interest for tourism. Geography of tourism is a section of recreational geography that studies the patterns and factors of the territorial organization of tourism as one of the types of recreation and the corresponding sector of the economy.

Article 50.

The geography of tourism examines the territorial distribution of natural and anthropogenic resources (climate, beaches, landscape, mineral water reserves, history, culture, etc.), studies the nature and structure of the use of free time and related leisure, as well as the direction of tourist flows.

Determination of lands for recreational purposes. Recreational lands include lands used for organizing public recreation, tourism and sporting events. Article 51. Composition of lands for recreational purposes. Lands for recreational purposes include land plots of green zones and green spaces in cities and other populated areas, educational, tourist and ecological trails, marked routes, land plots occupied by the territories of rest houses, boarding houses, physical culture facilities and sports, tourist centers, campsites, yacht clubs, stationary and tent tourist and recreational camps, houses of fishermen and hunters, children's tourist stations, children's and sports camps, other similar facilities, as well as land plots provided for summer cottage construction and the construction of other facilities stationary recreation.

Article 52.

Recreational activities: types, essence and features

  1. the process of recreating human forces (both physical and psychological) that people expend in the process of their work;
  2. rest after work or school hours and between them, etc.
  3. pastime during the allotted annual leave;
  4. improved health and ability to work;

In other words, this is a set of actions that helps a person stay in an active working state throughout the year.

From here it becomes clear that recreational activity directly depends on the availability of time free from work (or other) duties for a person. The concept of recreation, in fact, was born back in antiquity (V-I centuries BC), when the first resort towns began to appear on the shores of Greece and Rome.

Recreational use is

Or here’s another: In 1957, the Moscow Canal created two gardening partnerships for its employees: “Rechnik” in Krylatskoye and “Vodnik” in Khimki.

Both were located on the banks of the Moscow River, both received land under an agreement for indefinite use with the right to erect houses. Now “Rechnik” is being demolished, without recognizing its residents’ right to either houses or land plots. “Vodnik” successfully passed the “dacha amnesty”; its residents registered their houses and plots using the same documents from 1957. — There is a lull in Rechnik, and they decided not to demolish the elite Fantasy Island — FSSP: the Abramovs’ house in the village of Rechnik was demolished by court order — The attack on Sokol continues — artists were accused of illegal rental income More than 20 million Russian dacha farms For a long time they were not registered anywhere.

Recreational lands: category, use, restrictions

Once upon a time, recreation meant a vacation, a school break, or a place where one could relax.

Later, recreation began to be called various activities that are designed to help tired people and restore their health. The term “recreational” expanded even more when it became one of the definitions of our country’s Land Code.

Articles of “land” laws clearly classify all territories according to their existing and/or potential purpose and use.

Some territories are classified as specially protected.

Chapter 18 is devoted to this. The lands we are considering are discussed in Article 98. Recreational lands are intended and used to create opportunities for tourism, sports, as well as relaxation and health improvement for everyone (those in need). Also, Article 98 stipulates the composition of recreational lands, as well as everything that can be built there. There is an interesting feature: recreational zones can be allocated in cities, towns, and so on.

Recreational use is

One of the important functions performed by national parks is their use for recreational purposes (leisure, tourism, aesthetic human needs).

Today, most countries in the world are experiencing a “Recreational Explosion.” This is explained by demographic reasons (the emergence of free time, transport opportunities) and an increase in environmental pollution in industrial centers and urban agglomerations.

Thus, visitation to protected areas in the United States increases annually by 10-12%.

In many countries, the recreational use of landscapes has acquired national importance. The use of a particular territory for recreational purposes generates more income than could be obtained from any other exploitation of its resources.

Recreational purposes

Gone are the days when the word “vacation” brought to mind mainly trips to Egypt or Turkey on the tired all-inclusive system.

Thus, tourist visits to national and local parks in California bring more than 300 million to the state.

I already want something different: fresh, clean, without noise and fuss, interesting and at the same time healthy.

All this can provide recreational holidays. This name is not very common yet, and even scares some, but a few years will pass and this word will be on the lips of everyone who is going on vacation. The term “recreational resources” refers to special natural areas that combine uniqueness, the opportunity to improve health and at the same time see something interesting.

In general, this can be called an ideal pastime when you take a break from the bustle of the city, engage in sports that you enjoy, be it leisurely walks or rock climbing, sightseeing, gain impressions and health for the year ahead.

What is recreational activity

Recreation (recreatio) translated from Latin means “restoration” and includes those types of life activities that are aimed at improving the health and maintaining the normal performance of a person who is tired from work or study. It is carried out in free time, and its purpose cannot be to obtain material benefits.

This is primarily sanatorium treatment, tourist trips, as well as sports, entertainment and other events that take place outside the home.

Recreational activities are focused not only on rest and physical recovery, but also on personal development, revealing a person’s creative potential, satisfying his spiritual and cultural needs, forming and developing communication skills, and perception of nature.

Reading time: 4 minutes

Land is recognized as a valuable and protected resource, so its use must be careful and consistent with the established purpose. The purpose of land is the criterion for dividing plots into categories. For example, the lands of settlements are allocated not only for housing construction, but also for the development of the territory. They provide places for recreation and tourism, which are combined into recreational lands.

Main categories of land

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 7 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Land Code of the Russian Federation), all lands of the Russian Federation are divided in accordance with their intended purpose into seven categories. This makes it possible to determine the legal regimes of the territories and establish the framework of permitted use within which the site should be operated. For example, it is prohibited to build residential buildings in agricultural areas.

So, it is customary to allocate land:

  1. Water Fund.
  2. Agricultural purposes.
  3. Specially protected areas and objects.
  4. Special purpose: territories for traffic, for supporting space activities and others.

Recreational lands belong to the category of lands of populated areas. At the same time, urban planning regulations within the boundaries of populated areas provide for the presence of residential, public and business, engineering and transport, as well as other zones.

The concept of recreational lands

The definition of the term can be found in paragraph 1 of Art. 98 Land Code of the Russian Federation. The legislator indicates that lands within recreational zones are areas used for recreation, tourism, physical education, health and sports activities of citizens.

Not every area is suitable for these purposes, although each territory has resources that can be used to meet the needs of the population. Only the lands of settlements that have recreational potential should be adapted for recreation and recreation.

The potential is assessed based on natural, environmental, sanatorium-resort (balneological, mud) and cultural-historical prerequisites. They create the necessary conditions and climate to restore the well-being and performance of people tired of the bustle of the city.

Recreation of a land plot is the existing and created favorable characteristics of the territory for the restoration of human health.

What territories are included?

Recreational lands are heterogeneous. They vary depending on the specific use.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 98 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, this category includes areas with:

  • camping;
  • holiday homes, boarding houses;
  • objects of physical culture and sports;
  • tourist centers;
  • stationary and tent tourist and recreational camps;
  • children's tourist stations;
  • parks;
  • educational and tourist trails and routes;
  • children's and sports camps, and other similar facilities.

Such lands include forest belts, parks, as well as public gardens located outside the city or within the city limits.

Recreational lands are intended and used to provide sports, physical education and health activities for citizens, as well as to organize their recreation and tourism. This determines the scope of its operation.

To organize educational and tourist trails and routes, a special easement agreement may be concluded with the owner, user, possessor or tenant of the land. This allows you to lay routes through the territory without taking it out of use.

An easement is a limited right to use recreational areas and can be either public or private. Public means the territory is accessible to everyone. Private, as a rule, is provided to legal entities for the purpose of constructing holiday homes and similar facilities.

Carrying out recreational activities on forest lands is permitted in accordance with the provisions of Art. 41 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the LC RF). The legislator also provided for the possibility of erecting special temporary buildings in the forest. In this case, the territory is provided to state and municipal institutions for permanent (indefinite) use.

For legal entities, it is possible to lease forest lands for recreation (clause 4 of article 41 of the LC RF). Please note that this category of land is not provided to individuals.

Legal regime

The lands in question have a specific legal status. They are used for recreational purposes without seizure from owners or temporary managers. However, the rights of the latter are burdened: their allotment can be free for everyone to access. Everyone has the right to visit such a site if they comply with the rules of use.

The value of recreational lands is evidenced by the fact that their misuse or transfer to another group of sites is strictly prohibited. In addition, if an individual or legal entity has ownership rights to a site with recreational potential, the state can forcibly seize the land for state or municipal needs.

However, such plots are not excluded from. Recreational land ownership can be transferred to legal entities, subject to the consent of municipal and government agencies.

Prohibition on the use of recreational areas for other purposes

Clause 5 Art. 98 of the RF Land Code establishes a direct ban on the use of recreational lands for other purposes. This means that this category is not suitable for any activity other than tourism and recreation.

Restrictions also apply to the construction of real estate. For example, a residential building cannot be built on the territory of the park. What can be built is determined by the intended purpose of the site. All buildings and structures must be intended for recreation, sports, health, tourism or for servicing the listed facilities.

The legal use of land is controlled by state land supervision authorities:

  • Rosreestr,
  • Rosselkhoznadzor,
  • Rosprirodnadzor.

Public control is also included in the inspections. Every citizen who has identified violations of the use of an allotment can appeal to the indicated authorities with a complaint. If the fact is confirmed, an administrative fine will be imposed on the violator.

Amount of administrative fine

Administrative liability for violating the procedure for using recreational land varies depending on its subject. Thus, if a site is provided for use by a state or municipal institution, then their officials will bear responsibility.

The fine will be from 1 to 1.5% of the cadastral value of the site, but not less than twenty thousand rubles. If the cadastral price is not established, a fine will be imposed in the amount of twenty to fifty thousand rubles.

In the case where the land is owned by a legal entity that ignores the rules for its intended use, the fine will be from 1.5 to 2% of the cadastral value, but not less than one hundred thousand rubles.

If the price according to the cadastre is unknown, the organization will be fined in the amount of one hundred to two hundred thousand rubles.

The limits of liability are established by the provisions of Art. 8.8 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences. The punishment incurred does not cancel the obligation to use the lands in strict accordance with their purpose.


Recreational lands belong to the category of areas of settlements. They are intended for health, recreation and tourism and should not be used for other purposes. Violation of this rule entails administrative liability in the form of a fine. This type of plot is not available to citizens; only legal entities can acquire ownership of it.

Types of permitted use of land: Video

Master of Law in the field of “Civil and Family Law”. In 2005 he graduated from St. Petersburg State University, in 2012 from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov with a degree in Financial Analytics. After receiving a second higher education, he founded an independent appraisal company. I am engaged in the assessment of real estate, land and other property.

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