Restaurant - quotes and aphorisms. Quotes about the restaurant Maria Farisa. Brasilis

If we ourselves cannot cope with weight, then we need to somehow raise this issue at the state level. The men are drinking, they are forbidden, that’s it, you can’t buy alcohol at 10 p.m.
Women also need to stop selling food after 18.00! You can't, that's it!
Who you are? Woman? Step away from the grocery store!
get out, get out of here!!!
not allowed into restaurants, not allowed anywhere! All!

Ranevskaya dined at a restaurant and was dissatisfied with both the cuisine and the service.
“Call the director,” she said, having paid.
And when he came, she offered him a hug.
- What's happened? - he was embarrassed.

- But why?

Envious people believe that women are attracted to rich men by their money. Or what can be purchased with this money. It's not money that attracts women. Not cars or jewelry. Not restaurants and expensive clothes. Not power, wealth and elegance. And what made a person powerful, rich and elegant. A power that some are endowed with and others are completely deprived of.” S. Dovlatov

When you are suffering, you can go to hell: to a disco, to a restaurant, on a date with your boyfriend or girlfriend. When you are suffering, this is what you need to do. But when you are happy, healthy, feeling good, cheerful and cheerful, when everything around you is fine - don’t waste this time on all sorts of nonsense. This is the most appropriate moment to jump into higher states, peace, ecstasy and bliss.

You don’t need to look for good wives in clubs and restaurants.. Yeah, of course, look for us in cemeteries, swamps and crossroads. We are easy to recognize by the rooster under our arms and the strange selection in the store: vodka, sweets, pie. And even if, objectively, we are no better, there is nothing better for you. In general, don’t look)) we will find you ourselves

Ranevskaya dined at a restaurant and was not satisfied with the cuisine and service.
“Call the director,” she said, having paid.
And when he came, she offered him a hug.
- What's happened? - he was embarrassed.
“Hug me,” Faina Georgievna repeated.
- But why?
- Goodbye. You won't see me here anymore.

They will sleep together. They know it. Each of them knows that the other knows it. But since they are young, chaste and decent, since each of them wants to maintain self-respect and the respect of their partner, since love is something great and poetic and cannot be scared away, they go to dances several times a week and to restaurants to show off their small ritual, mechanical steps. Besides, you have to kill time somehow. They are young, well built, they will have enough for another thirty years. So they don’t rush things, they delay them, and they are right. After they sleep with each other, they will have to find something else to mask the monstrous nonsense of their existence.

Previously, in order to seduce a woman or to keep her, it was necessary to invite her to the theater, to the opera, or to take her on a boat ride on the lake in the Bois de Boulogne. Nowadays, theaters rely on subsidies, operas are performed in prison settings, and the Forest has noticeably lost its former charm. Nowadays it is necessary to pass the test of the Restaurant. You are forced to watch how the object of your heart chews veal kidneys, how the heroine of your dreams decides whether to eat a piece of Camembert or a quarter of fresh, melting brie, you are forced to listen to how the heavenly beauty’s stomach rumbles. Uterine gurgling replaces the sound of kisses, the knock of forks replaces
a declaration of love.
What remains when love is dead? Stomach memories.

In a first-class restaurant, all the tables are always reserved and empty.

Nobody goes to this restaurant anymore because it is always crowded.
Yogi Berra

In any restaurant, the portion of any dish you are served will be smaller than it was a year ago.
“The Law of Diminishing Portions” by Gorobets and Slavinsky

If you see a girl in a restaurant who looks like his daughter, then she is not his daughter.
Henryk Jagodzinski

If you doubt whether there will be enough money for lunch with your family in a restaurant, it means it won’t be enough.

Nothing improves the taste of home-cooked food like checking out restaurant prices.

Chef: A person with a vocabulary rich enough to give a soup a new name every day.

Menu: a list of dishes that have just run out.
Leonard Louis Levinson

McDonald's in Tokyo is a terrible revenge for Pearl Harbor.
S. Hayakawa

- Waiter, if this is coffee, then I want tea, and if this is tea, I want coffee.
Punch Magazine, 1902

Meals – food without a tablecloth.
Gennady Malkin

The worse the cooks are, the more polite the waiters should be.
Mikhail Genin

Older person: The customer who studies the menu first, not the waitress.

The waiter is like an echo: he responds, but does not come.

Don't humiliate a person with a ruble - give him three.
Grigory Yablonsky

Two and two equals four, but try paying a restaurant bill with that knowledge!
Henryk Jagodzinski

The bartender is a person who understands you better than your wife.
American proverb

An honest bartender: one who earns a little less than the owner of the establishment.
Robert Orben

Bar: a dimly lit room filled with semi-dark people.
Unknown American

Club: a place where people who have nothing to remember come to forget themselves.

Eatery: a place where you go every evening for the last time in your life.
Julian Tuwim, based on Adrien Decourcel

The better the pub, the worse the wife; the worse the wife, the better the pub.
Heinrich Mann

In a restaurant, I always ask for a table closer to the waiter.

No matter how many good tables there are left in a restaurant, you will always be offered the worst one available.
Jonathan Yardley

NACHMAN'S RULE: The less authentic a foreign food is, the better it is.
Gerald Nachman

For any restaurant, the rule is true: the harder the butter, the softer the bread.
Harriet Markman

A hamburger by any other name costs twice as much.
Evan Esar

The golden rule when reading a menu is: what you can't pronounce, you can't afford.
Frank Muir

The longer the name of the dish, the smaller the portion.
Shirley Love

The longer the menu, the faster the waiter will appear to take your order.
"The Cranston Restaurant Principle"

Your soup is not hot enough if the waiter can hold a big flame in it.
William Collier Sr.

Those who expect the biggest tips get the worst service.
Murphy's Laws

It’s a shame to give a little, but a pity to give a lot.

Self-esteem does not prevent you from accepting tips, but it does prevent you from thanking them for them.
Abel Bonnard

And in a second-rate restaurant you can stumble upon a first-class bartender. This can be seen from the score.
Jan Kurnakovich

Among psychotherapists, there are those who work in short white jackets and see patients behind the bar.
Robert Lembke

The bartender is the only psychiatrist who will never try to persuade you to stop drinking.

The height of optimism: going to a restaurant, expecting to pay for dinner with a pearl found in an oyster.
Tristan Bernard

Quotes about cafe

This girl from the cafe turned out to be a guardian angel sent to me, who with her own hand wrote me a pass to heaven.

After all, it doesn’t matter what you look like, there will still be a person who considers you the most beautiful creature in the world.

Fannie Flagg.

A woman with red hair is worth living for.

We were only in that cafe once, but now I can’t drive past it. I try not to do this. We then sat in it for no more than forty minutes, drank - she tea, I two coffee. They talked about nothing, she laughed, and I looked at her - and thought about how I want to take her hand now and never let go. We sat for forty minutes, and this cafe became “our” cafe for me. I can't go there anymore, and the sight of this cafe hurts me. And the boulevards... all the boulevards hurt. And the whole city hurts me continuously. Because she's here. And all those places where we met became simply epicenters of unbearable... excitement, anxiety...

Evgeny Grishkovets. Shirt

If you don't believe that I'm leaving, just count the days since I disappeared. And when you hear that your phone is silent, know that I’m not calling you.

Fannie Flagg. Fried green tomatoes at Polustanok cafe

And here’s what else I’ll tell you: you can’t indulge in despondency, it will definitely make you sick.

Fannie Flagg. Fried green tomatoes at Polustanok cafe

I have terrible news to tell you. Today my gloves were taken away in a cafe... And I fell in love with someone else!

Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession

Of course, these days it no longer surprises anyone that people work from morning to night, and then, according to their personal tastes, kill the time they have left for life with cards, sitting in cafes and chatting. But there are cities and countries where people at least sometimes suspect the existence of something else.

He never touched her, except to sometimes shake her hand. He never hugged her or kissed her. But he remained faithful to her alone.

Fried green tomatoes at Polustanok cafe

Ninny, the Lord made you tall so that you would be closer to heaven.

Fried green tomatoes at Polustanok cafe

I'm too young to be an old woman and too old to be young. I'm superfluous everywhere.

Fried green tomatoes at Polustanok cafe

Maybe coffee is a growing-up drink? If you drink it, do you become an adult? The grasshopper believed that this was so. Life obeyed its own laws, not invented by anyone, one of which was coffee and those who drank it. First you are allowed to drink coffee. Then they stop monitoring what time you go to bed. Nobody allows smoking, but you can not allow it in different ways. Therefore, almost all of the older ones smoke, and only one of the younger ones smokes. Seniors who smoke and drink coffee become very nervous - and now they are allowed to turn the lecture hall into a cafe, not sleep at night and not have breakfast. And it all starts with coffee.

Mariam Petrosyan

Listen, who knows some cozy place to make a date?
- At Tony's cafe. There, if you eat five steaks, dinner is free!
- What if the date is not with a bear, but with a girl?


...let's go slower. Past all these cafes where people sit who have only one concern - to be happy and not look for any arguments to justify themselves.

Erich Maria Remarque

Girls, I urgently need to go to the cafe!
- Did they tell you that on TV?
- Yeah, at first they said, and then a sign appeared: “Dasha, go to the cafe!” Then suddenly the lights turned off and lightning flashed outside the window, and the same inscription appeared on the ceiling!
Zhenya [whispering]: Galina Sergeevna, don’t brew this herb anymore, okay?

Dasha Vasnetsova, Zhenya Vasnetsova

I figured out how to invite a completely illogical girl to a cafe using absolute logic and... a soldering iron!
- Well, with the help of a soldering iron you can persuade anyone without logic!

Venik, Galina Sergeevna Vasnetsova

Paris! Let's just say - no matter where you go later, Paris is a holiday that is always with you.
- Nice line!
- This is Hemingway, he always skillfully handled words, as well as women.
- So what would Henry Morgan recommend you see in Paris?
- In my opinion, the best thing you can do in Paris is get lost in it. Wake up, go wherever your eyes look, and get lost.... Wander the streets until you are so tired that you collapse in the nearest cafe and order something amazing with a glass of wine... Then return home, and the next day everything will be all over again. True, this will only work as it should if you are in the company of someone very dear to you.


If you put a wild animal in a cage, it will probably die, but let it go free, and nine times out of ten it will come back to you.

Fried green tomatoes at Polustanok cafe

Eva allowed herself the greatest luxury in life - not caring about the opinions of others.

Fried green tomatoes at Polustanok cafe

She just liked people to think badly of her. But in fact it was soft, like a marshmallow.

Fried green tomatoes at Polustanok cafe

I swear, I don't understand why people stopped using their brains for other purposes. Just think: these guys are disgusted to sit at the table with a black person, but they calmly eat eggs that came straight out of a chicken’s ass.

Fried green tomatoes at Polustanok cafe

God never locks a door until he opens another.

Fried green tomatoes at Polustanok cafe

How could these people get so low?
- I think out of disappointment. Usually it's all about the woman. Some lost it, while others never found it in their entire lives. So he carries a man downhill...

Fried green tomatoes at Polustanok cafe

You know, it’s funny: you begin to appreciate the joys of life only when you find yourself away from home.

Fried green tomatoes at Polustanok cafe

Does anyone have a good nanny in mind for their husband?

Fried green tomatoes at Polustanok cafe

You forget your umbrella in a cafe, come back, and life takes a different turn.

Mikhail Shishkin

True femininity lies in not being afraid to appear funny. Whether it’s taking a cheap strapontin at the opera and sitting there with your knees to your chin, or tying a stupid sweater over your head on a windy beach, or, say, taking off your tight shoes in a cafe and wiggling your toes - in general, always do what you want, not paying attention to the surprised looks of friends.

Lena Eltang

My mother is a humble woman. Very, very humble. She is humping in a small cafe, one hour away from our house. She presents the visitors with food and drink, and tells me: “I'm getting on the bus for an hour so I can work all day doing things I hate. Do you want to know why? For your sake, Alexy-don’t-nervous-me! Someday you will start doing things for me that you hate. It's because we're family." What she doesn't grasp is that I'm already doing things for her that I hate. I listen to her when she talks to me. I refrain from complaining about my pygmy pocket funds. And have I already mentioned that I don’t irritate her nearly as much as I would like to. But this is not because we are a family. I do all these things because they are common courtesy. This is an idiom that a hero taught me. And also because I'm not an ass with a fucking hole.

Jonathan Safran Foer

One day it suddenly occurred to me that poems should only be written at the tables of small cafes, on napkins while you are waiting for your order, and you should not read them at all: reading only spoils good poems, so the written napkin should be crumpled up, or even better, thrown into the ashtray and burn it.

All women dream of falling asleep on the shoulder of their loved one.

Cafe visitor

Remember when you left Gotham? Before these events, before Batman? You were gone for seven years. For seven years I waited, hoping that you would not return. Every year I took a vacation. I went to Florence, there is a cafe on the banks of the Arno River. Every evening I sat there and ordered Fernet Branca. I imagined that I would look across the tables and see you with your wife and maybe a couple of kids. You won't tell me anything, and I won't tell you either. But we will both understand that you did it, that you are happy. I didn't want you to return to Gotham. I always knew that nothing awaits you here except pain and misfortune. And I wished you a completely different life. And now I wish.

The Dark Knight Rises

Restaurant business

See also “Consumer. Client" (p. 158)

The worst thing in the restaurant business is being the first owner of a new restaurant. Typically, an establishment goes through three or four pairs of hands before a balance is struck between the restaurant's profile, its location and its clientele.

Harvey Mackay(b. 1933),

American businessman

In a first-class restaurant, all the tables are always reserved and empty.

Nobody goes to this restaurant anymore because it is always crowded.

Yogi Berra(b.1925), American baseball player

When I come to Paris, I only dine at the restaurant on the Eiffel Tower. This is the only place from where this monstrous structure is not visible.

William Morris(1834–1896),

English artist-designer

Dine at this restaurant and you will never dine anywhere else!

Bob Phillips(USA)

A photograph may fade, a trinket may be lost, a bust of Wagner may break, but who ever swallows food in a Bayreuth restaurant will carry it with him to his death.

Mark Twain(1835–1910), American writer

McDonald's in Tokyo is a terrible revenge for Pearl Harbor.

S. Hayakawa(1906–1992),

American linguist and senator

England is the only country in the world where food is more dangerous than sex.

Jackie Mason(b.1931), American comedian

The best number for a dinner party is two: me and a first-class head waiter.

Nubar Gulbenkian(1896–1972),

American millionaire

MAIN HOTEL: The only person who gets paid to show people their real place.

In a really good restaurant, the main entertainment is on the plate.


Precision is the politeness of the cooks.

Alexander Pushkin(1799–1837), poet

CHEF: A person with a vocabulary rich enough to give a soup a new name every day.

From the book by E. Mackenzie “14,000 phrases...”


The less authentic foreign food is, the better it is.

Gerald Nachman(b. 1938),

American writer

[About tamarinds, Hawaiian fruits]: Tamarinds are eaten only by visitors, and only once in their lives.

Mark Twain

Never eat Chinese food in Oklahoma.

Brian Miller(USA)

Italian food has only one drawback: after five or six days you are hungry again.

George Miller(USA)

I won't eat oysters. I want my food to be dead - not sick, not injured, but dead.

Woody Allen(b. 1935),

American film director, actor, screenwriter

When you reach fifty-two, food becomes more important than sex.

Pru Leith, English cook

PATRIOT: a person who does not order a dish on the menu if he cannot pronounce its name.

From the book by E. Mackenzie “14,000 phrases...”

MENU: a list of dishes that have just run out.

From the “Dictionary of Unreliable Definitions” by L. L. Levinson

It's terrible if there's nothing on the menu that a dieter likes; and it is completely unbearable if everything he likes is there.

From the book by E. Mackenzie “14,000 phrases...”

Anyone who offers to pay equally probably ordered the most expensive dish.

"The Spruanes Restaurant Principle"

In any restaurant, the portion of any dish you are served will be smaller than it was a year ago.

"The Law of Diminishing Portions"

Gorobets and Slavinsky

If you doubt whether there will be enough money for lunch with your family in a restaurant, it means it won’t be enough.

Nothing improves the taste of home-cooked food like checking out restaurant prices.

From the book by E. Mackenzie “14,000 phrases...”

A hamburger by any other name costs twice as much.

Evan Esar(1899–1995), American man of letters

The well-fed cannot understand the hungry. Take, for example, the waiter and the visitor.

Henryk Jagodzinski(b. 1928),

Polish writer

The longer the menu, the faster the waiter will appear to take your order.

"The Cranston Restaurant Principle"

The English waiter waits for orders, carries them out and never anticipates them; if you change your mind, he shows neither surprise nor displeasure. The Italian waiter has a very clear idea of ​​where you will sit and what you will eat, and if you fail to meet his expectations, he will kill you.

George Bernard Shaw(1856–1950),

English playwright

- Waiter, if this is coffee, then I want tea, and if this is tea, I want coffee.

Punch Magazine, 1902

The worse the cooks are, the more polite the waiters should be.

Mikhail Genin(b.1927), writer

ELDERLY MAN: A customer who studies the menu first, not the waitress.

From the “Dictionary of Unreliable Definitions” by L. L. Levinson

Ogre: A restaurant patron who demands a waiter instead of a menu.

Jack Benny(1894–1974), American humorist

The waiter is like an echo: he responds, but does not come.


A tip is a hand-delivered “thank you.”

Stanislav Luchko(Poland)

Pride does not prevent you from taking tips, but it does prevent you from thanking them for them.

Henri Bonnard

Those who expect the biggest tips get the worst service.

Don't humiliate a person with a ruble - give him three.

Grigory Yablonsky(b. 1939) (Odessa),

It’s a shame to give a little, but a pity to give a lot.

Modern service: payments are made quickly and politely.

Vladimir Chevnovoy(Ukraine)

The bartender is a person who understands you better than your wife.

American proverb

And in a second-rate restaurant you can stumble upon a first-class bartender. This can be seen from the score.

Jan Kurnakovich, Polish writer

Honest bartender: one who earns a little less than the owner of the establishment.

Robert Orben(b.1927), American humorist

Two and two equals four, but try paying a restaurant bill with that knowledge!

Henryk Jagodzinski

If you haven't learned the rules of arithmetic, you can always get a job as a waiter in some nightclub.

Herbert Procnow, American writer (20th century)

Cocktails have all the properties of disinfectants, except the ability to disinfect.

Shana Leslie(USA)

There was a sign above the piano in the bar: “DO NOT SHOOT THE PIANIST – HE’S DOING EVERYTHING HE CAN.”

Oscar Wilde(1854–1900), English writer

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But for me, whatever is the matter, what is not the matter, / My custom is this: / Signed, so off your shoulders From the comedy “Woe from Wit” (1824) by A. S. Griboyedov (1795-1829). Famusov's words (act. 1, appearance 4). Ironically about the bureaucratic conduct of affairs in

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