Pencil drawing of the little mermaid for literary reading. How to draw a mermaid step by step with a pencil for beginners and children? How to beautifully draw a Barbie mermaid, Ariel, on the sea, on branches, on a tree, on a stone? How to draw a mermaid step by step

In this lesson you can learn how to draw a mermaid. We will draw step by step using simple pencils or a graphics tablet.

Drawing a mermaid is easy if you know how to draw, because a mermaid is nothing more than a person and a fish. Probably everyone remembers the mermaid Ariel from the cartoon, so let's try to draw her. This lesson is quite suitable for children and beginners, you just need a little patience and drawing tools.

To make the picture of a mermaid interesting, you need to draw not only the mermaid, but also the environment in which she will be, in our case, the sea. You can also draw a mermaid girl at sunset. If you don’t know how to beautifully draw a mermaid with a simple pencil, this lesson will be useful to you.

Drawing the general shape of the mermaid's body

You need to draw the figure and pose of a mermaid using simple shapes - the head in the form of a circle, the body in the form of a triangle and a circle, the tail in the form of two straight lines at an angle. How you arrange these objects relative to each other will determine what the mermaid picture will turn out to be.

Draw the contours of the body of the mermaid Ariel

At this stage we need to draw the general shapes of the mermaid's body, that is, I draw the shape of the mermaid's head, neck, shoulders and tail.

Drawing the fin of a mermaid's tail

What mermaid can do without a tail, and even more so, without a fin? Without this detail, our mermaid simply will not be able to swim anywhere, so do not forget to draw a beautiful and graceful fin on her tail.

Draw clear contours of the mermaid

We make the layer with the initial sketch translucent, and if you draw with a simple pencil, then you need to erase it a little, but not completely. We begin to outline the general shape of Ariel's face.

Drawing the body of a mermaid

The most difficult stage of drawing is drawing the mermaid's body. We need to draw a thin, graceful body, focusing on the original lines. Try to keep the transitions smooth and soft. Ariel has a special swimsuit shape, pay attention to this.

At this stage we need to draw Ariel's hair. Since she is underwater, her hair flutters beautifully in different directions, and the mermaid's hairstyle itself is very voluminous. Don't forget about Ariel's special bangs - look how they are drawn in the picture above.

How to draw the face of the mermaid Ariel

Now we need to draw the mermaids. quite large, and small, this makes ours very cute.

Drawing surrounding objects

Since we are drawing a sitting mermaid, we need to draw the stone on which our Ariel is so comfortable. The stone can be of any shape, everything is limited only by your imagination.

Drawing the final details of the mermaid picture

So that the drawing of a mermaid does not look so boring, we need to draw details - air bubbles under water, algae, you can also draw other sea creatures. All that remains is to color the drawing and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Congratulations, now you know how to draw a mermaid with a pencil step by step. I hope my lesson was useful to you.

With the help of step-by-step instructions in the article, you and your daughter will learn to draw a sweet and kind Little Mermaid.

The Little Mermaid is one of the most beloved fairy-tale heroines, mysterious, unique and beautiful. Many people like Andersen's famous fairy tale about the sad love story of the Little Mermaid and the Prince, many are also keen on the adventures of Disney's Ariel. In short, there is something you can teach a child to draw or learn yourself.

How to draw a mermaid step by step with a pencil for beginners?

First, you should choose the little mermaid pose. Let this time she be seen in all her glory, sitting on a stone, almost like on the famous monument to the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen, the birthplace of the storyteller Andersen.

VIDEO: Drawing lessons. How to draw a MERMAID?

How to draw a mermaid on a stone?

  1. A sketch is created: a vertical oval for the head, a slightly lower horizontal oval for the chest, an even lower circle for the hips and a line that goes smoothly downwards. there will be a mermaid tail there in the future. All ovals are connected by smoothly curving lines.
  2. The contours of the face are drawn, symmetry is determined for the nose, eyes and lips, and hair is sketched. Hair should be flowing strands as if made of water.
  3. Facial features and decorations on the head are drawn.
  4. The next stage is drawing the body parts. From the horizontal oval below we draw the chest of the little mermaid, shoulders and arms. Let her hands be folded on her knees, that is, on the fishtail, where her knees should be.
  5. The little mermaid's swimsuit is drawn in the form of a corset.
  6. Now all that remains is to draw the fish tail and move on to detailing: developing strands of hair, details of the swimsuit, tail. At the same time, you must not forget to erase the original sketch lines.
  7. According to the idea, the Little Mermaid sits on a stone, so the next step will be the image of this particular object. And small waves break around the stone; there must be some.

Mermaid on the stone: stages 1-4.

Mermaid on the stone: stages 5-8.

Pencil drawing: mermaid on a stone.

How to draw a mermaid in the sea?

Now let's try to draw a mermaid splashing in the sea at the moment when she jumped out of the water so that everyone could admire her.

  1. A basic sketch is made. As before, these will be a vertical oval, a horizontal oval and a circle, as well as the lines connecting them and the tail line. You can also immediately note the mermaid’s hands.
  2. Drawing of details begins with the face and hair. Let's draw a smile on her face, let the little mermaid be cheerful and playful.
  3. Next, move on to drawing the hands, swimsuit and tail.
  4. We finish drawing the details: flying hair, scales on the tail. If desired, the little mermaid can be painted, or you can add shading to indicate chiaroscuro.

Mermaid at sea: stages 1-4.

Mermaid at sea: stages 5-8.

Pencil drawing: mermaid in the sea.

How to draw the mermaid Ariel?

Ariel was the name of the beautiful, playful little mermaid from the Disney cartoon. Everyone probably remembers her flowing red hair and green tail.
To diversify the poses of the little mermaids, let’s draw Ariel reclining, facing those looking at her.

Ariel's face.

Little Mermaid Ariel step by step.

  1. A sketch of the drawing is made. First the circle for the face and the lines of the arms, shoulders, body and tail.
  2. Now it’s time to detail the face and its parts - sly big eyes, eyebrows, eyelashes, a mouth slightly open in a smile and a small, neatly upturned nose. We make the outlines of the hair.
  3. The next stage is drawing the body and arms. This is best done along pre-marked guide lines.
  4. We finish drawing the arms and tail. She has it raised up, as if Ariel is chatting with it, the way people like to dangle their legs while lying on their stomachs.
  5. At the next stage, you can draw the details of her outfit and color it the way she looked in the cartoon.

The Little Mermaid Ariel: step-by-step drawing

VIDEO: How to draw the little mermaid Ariel?

How to draw Barbie a mermaid?

Barbie is a little mermaid.

Who has Barbie dressed up as, what characters has she transformed into! Well, this time Barbie is the little mermaid.

  1. Barbie is a beautiful, flirty fashionista, so the first thing you need to do is try to draw a slender, tall beauty with a head of thick and long hair. Only instead of legs she will have a fish tail.
  2. The drawing always begins with the outlines, it’s easier this way. When drawing the contours, you immediately need to make the mermaid’s pose not standing straight, but playful and in motion. Accordingly, the contour lines will be smooth.
  3. When drawing the details of the Barbie mermaid costume, do not forget to give them shine and brightness.
  4. Perhaps it is worth surrounding Barbie the mermaid with shiny waves and stars, so that there is a beautiful underwater landscape around her.

How to draw an anime mermaid?

  1. The preparatory sketch includes the circumference of the head, the designation of symmetry on the face, the lines of the body and tail.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to the eyes, because they are the calling card of anime characters. Next - eyebrows, mouth, nose designation and hair. An anime mermaid must have bangs.
  3. The body and tail are drawn along the marked contours, the extra preliminary lines are erased.
  4. The last stage is detailing: a shell-shaped bra, fingers, a scaly tail, jewelry: earrings, a belt, a necklace.

Anime mermaid face.

Mermaid anime step by step.

Anime mermaid in pencil.

VIDEO: How to learn to draw a mermaid?

How to draw a mermaid girl?

As a rule, mermaids are young maidens doomed to live in water. It’s unlikely that anyone imagines a respectable lady in the form of a mermaid, and little mermaid girls are all modern inventions of Hollywood directors.
Therefore, you should choose the pose of the mermaid girl, draw a sketch, and then follow the steps described above step by step.

How to draw a mermaid easily by cells?

Of course, a drawing of a mermaid in squares will not convey all her charm and grace, but it will help pass the time with an exciting pastime.

VIDEO: Drawing a mermaid by cells

How to draw a mermaid's face?

  1. You must first draw an oval as a sketch of the face and make symmetry guides inside it. It’s better to try to draw the face half-turned, and not so that the mermaid’s face is like on the passport.
  2. Next, huge eyes, a smiling mouth and a barely marked nose are drawn.
  3. The mermaid's face is surrounded by thick, flowing strands of hair.

Mermaid drawing for children

Drawing with children is great and exciting, even if adults are completely devoid of artistic skills.
This drawing may be naive and far from perfect, but it will be cute and funny, a pleasure for both big and small. The main thing is not to forget the little mermaid’s tail and her flowing strands.

Mermaid on the seabed

VIDEO: How to draw a mermaid for children?

In fact, this lesson is quite simple and accessible, and using it, even the most novice artist will be able to draw a mermaid beautifully and without much effort. Moreover, the review presents 2 detailed lessons at once.

Figure one:

Look what a beautiful and mysterious girl came to us today. She is very similar to Ariel, as she has red hair and the same expressive eyes. However, this is a different mermaid whose name you can choose yourself when you draw her. This is the first lesson from our collection, where a mermaid sits on a hill protruding from the water. There are continuous waves all around and an invigorating breeze enveloping the beauty. To begin, create a simple sketch of a fairy-tale girl, and then, moving through the steps, beautifully draw the little mermaid using pencils.

Stage 1 - Create a simple sketch Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6

Stage 7

Stage 8

Stage 9

Stage 10

Stage 11

Stage 12

Stage 13

Stage 14 - Coloring our first beautiful mermaid

Figure two:

This mermaid is an anonymous inhabitant of the sea, she has large blue eyes, a golden tail and brown hair. If you want to draw the little mermaid Ariel, then go HERE. And in this example, we will analyze the process of drawing another, no less charming representative of this fabulous species of creatures.

First of all, in order to draw a mermaid and make it easy and beautiful, you will need to create a simple basis for the drawing. Then, each individual stage is drawing the details of the image. When everything is ready, all you have to do is color the mermaid and get the desired result.

Stage 1 - Sketch of the second mermaid

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Mysterious creatures - mermaids - have been exciting people's imagination for many centuries. Legends about these sea nymphs - the souls of trees and water - are found in ancient cultures. According to beliefs, mermaids can be good or evil, and can appear in the guise of girls, babies or elderly people.

But no matter how complex and ambiguous the image of a mermaid in mythology is, in the modern world it is invariably associated with the kind and friendly beauty Ariel - the main character of the animated film "The Little Mermaid" by the company The youngest daughter of the sea king Triton is cheerful and inquisitive, she has true friends, and What's most interesting is that she is madly in love with the handsome prince. The funny adventures of the little mermaid Ariel are very popular with children and adults, and the heroine herself has become a favorite of small audiences and a role model for young princesses.

In this article we will try to figure out how to draw an ordinary mermaid and a beautiful sea princess in stages.

How to draw a mermaid for beginners?

If your artistic skills are far from perfect, it is better to start with a simple drawing. In addition, you can involve a child in the creation of such a masterpiece, which will allow you to have fun and usefully spend time.

So let's get started. First, let's prepare everything you need: a sheet of paper, simple and colored pencils, an eraser. Now, following the step-by-step instructions below on how to draw a mermaid with a pencil, let's start drawing a simplified version of the sea diva.

The secrets of the depths of the sea have always attracted people. Many legends have been created about countless treasures guarded by monsters, about underwater palaces where the mistresses of the sea - mermaids - live. They are very beautiful and have a charming voice. Mermaids keep order at the bottom of the sea, helping the inhabitants and shipwrecked sailors. Before drawing a mermaid, practice drawing people and dolphins, since it is difficult to draw a beautiful mermaid the first time, you need to have drawing skills.

How to draw a mermaid for kids

Draw a circle (head). Use two horizontal lines to outline the eye area. Use curved lines to outline the position of the mermaid’s body, arms, and tail. Where the shoulders will be, draw 2 small circles.

Draw big eyes. Draw a curve at the top and right to indicate the border of the hair. Draw the mouth.

Give volume to the body by outlining it on both sides with lines. Show the curves in the back area in the drawing.

Add a tail fin to the little mermaid; it is shaped like a drop forked at the end. Outline the place where the tail begins, put a swimsuit on the little mermaid. Draw the hands.

Mermaids are famous for their long hair, draw her a waterfall of hair by drawing wavy lines from her head down.

Add details. A flower will look beautiful in your hair, and your eyes will be more expressive with eyelashes.

The little mermaid is ready, you can paint it if desired.

How to draw a mermaid video

How to draw a mermaid step by step

Draw 3 circles arranged in an arc (head and body). The second is slightly larger than the first and third. From the last circle, draw a smooth line (the basis for the tail). Draw an auxiliary line in the upper circle.

Shape the face and start drawing the hair. They are easy to draw using straight and wavy lines.

On the auxiliary line, draw an eye contour with fluffy eyelashes, mark the position of the nose and lips.

Draw the iris of the eyes, add eyebrows and lower lip.

Draw long hair, it should “float” in the water like a voluminous cloud.

Outline the contours of the chest, draw the shoulders and arms. Draw a necklace on the neck.

Finish drawing the right hand and draw the hands, decorate the wrist with a pearl bracelet. Draw a line for the back.

Start working on the tail.

At the end of the tail, draw a large and powerful fin. Add flakes.

Erase the auxiliary lines. The drawing is ready, you can color it if desired.

How to draw a mermaid with a pencil

Draw a vertical line resembling a fish hook (torso and tail). Add 2 horizontal lines indicating the position of the shoulders and the beginning of the tail.

Draw a circle above the shoulders (head). Draw the outline of the waist and hips, mark the tail fin.

Draw the mermaid's tail. Draw a smooth line from the left shoulder to the head (bent left arm). At the other shoulder, mark the beginning of the right arm, lowered down.

Draw the hands of the little mermaid, and start drawing the face and hair.

Try to draw the face as beautifully as possible, complete the hands, add jewelry in the hair, a swimsuit bodice, and a belt.

Draw scales on the tail and blend them well.

How to draw a mermaid with a pencil step by step

Using a hard pencil, outline the position of the figure in the drawing: the tilt of the head and torso, the length of the tail, arms and the position of the hands, the line of the shoulders and pelvis. Pay attention to the curves of your torso.

Using auxiliary lines, outline the contours of the mermaid’s tail and body. Outline the head, strands of hair, chest, neck, arms, collarbones and hands. Check the proportionality of the drawing. Start drawing the face, giving shape to the fins.

Draw the outline of the drawing, add expressiveness to the face, draw fingers and small scales.

Use a soft pencil to shade the darkened areas. And then carefully blend the pencil. Highlight the texture of the scales.

If necessary, correct the design with an elastic band and continue applying shadows in the hair and tail area.

The mermaid is in the water, add highlights to the background. The hair strands in the foreground should be clear, while those in the background should blend into the background. This is achieved by shading.

Finish the drawing by shading the background and shadows on the tail.

How to draw a Winx mermaid

Draw a horizontally elongated circle. Draw a horizontal line inside.

Below the circle draw a hand that covers the mouth.

Add hair to the little mermaid and insert a flower into it.

Focusing on the auxiliary line, draw 2 large eyes with lush eyelashes. Draw the nose and fingers on the hand.

Draw the fish tail and right hand.

Draw an additional line at the waist and draw scales on the tail.

Erase the auxiliary lines.

How to draw a Barbie mermaid

Draw a circle (head) and an oval (hips). Connect the circle and the oval with a smooth line. Draw an auxiliary axis of symmetry inside the circle, and draw a slightly curving line from the oval.

Draw an oval of the face, an ear, and mark the beginning of the hair.

Focusing on the auxiliary line, draw the eyes, mouth, eyebrows.

Draw a hairstyle, it is shaped like a cone or flame, tilted to one side.

Draw the line of the shoulders, arms, chest. Use smooth lines to outline the back and stomach.

Draw a tail, add a swimsuit to the mermaid, and a belt where the skin meets the scales.

All that remains is to draw the tail fin.

Auxiliary lines can be erased and the drawing can be colored.

How to draw the mermaid Ariel

Draw a sketch of auxiliary lines on a sheet of paper. First, the head is drawn with axes of symmetry, then the body line, rounded in the chest area, arms, and a forked tail.

Before drawing the hair, carefully study its shape again and try to draw it as accurately as possible.

Start drawing the face from the nose. Then start drawing the eyes and mouth. Draw the shoulders, the left arm (the hand will be hidden), outline the chest and cover it with shells.

Draw the second hand, immediately drawing the fingers. Draw the tail and separate it from the body with a “belt”. Draw the tail fin.

Erase the auxiliary lines, and Ariel's drawing will be ready.

How to draw a mermaid from h2o

Outline the boundaries of the drawing.

Draw two ovals in the upper (head and chest) right corner.

Below them in the lower right corner draw another oval (hips).

Outline the forked tail.

Make a sketch of the position of the hand (the dots indicate the bends).

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