Russian language. Russian language All-Russian Olympiad in Russian language

Head of Sector - Borovskaya Natalya Sergeevna
Teacher-organizer- Savostina Kristina Rodionovna

Telephone: 310-65-03

Fax: 310-30-39

General email address for the sector.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.- for applications and appeals;

Address: pl. Ostrovskogo, 2 B (entrance under the arch of building 2A), entrance 5 (code 1B), 2nd floor, room. 204


Events and results



Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation


State budgetary non-standard educational institution


hold an Olympiad for students and schoolchildren in the Russian language


Dear friends!

We invite you to participate

in the open Russian language Olympiad “Russian language and its origins”

The Olympiad can be attended by students of grades 9-10-11 of state, municipal and non-state educational institutions and university students, cadets of military and Suvorov schools from various regions and regions of Russia, near and far abroad countries.

The regional round of the Olympiad will be held on May 13, 2017 from 12.00 to 17.00 at the Faculty of Social Technologies of the SZIU RANH and GS under the President of the Russian Federation at the address:

St. Petersburg, st. Dnepropetrovskaya, 8, room. 410

The regional tour will take place 1 May 3, 2017from 12.00 to 17.00 Venue: St. Petersburg, st. Dnepropetrovskaya, 8 (SZIU RANH and GS under the President of the Russian Federation). When registering, participants in the full-time tour must present a passport and (for students) a student ID.

Foreign and nonresident participants can take part in the regional tour remotely 1 May 3, 2017from 12.00 to 17.00 on the website online.


Tasks and answers

Information !

Dear winners and prize-winners of the REGIONAL stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language!

The awarding of the winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language will take place March 03, 2020 at 16:00.

Start of registration at 15:45 at the CARNIVAL Concert Complex at the address: Nevsky Ave., 39 (bring an ID card and change of shoes)

The regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language for the 2019-2020 academic year will take place:

Venue of the stage:

Northwestern Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Faculty of Social Technologies at the address: St. Petersburg, st. Chernyakhovskogo, 6/10 (metro station Ligovsky Prospekt / Obvodny Canal).

Starts at 09.00. Registration starts at 08:15.

4 astronomical hours are allotted for solving problems.

Passing score for participation in the regional stage:

9th grade - 29 points;

10th grade - 29 points;

11th grade - 29.5 points.

Participants in the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language must have with them:

1. Identity document (passport);

2. Completed Olympiad Participant Form;

3. Certificate from the educational organization about the status of the student;

4. Stationery (gel pens in black, purple or dark blue, ruler).

5. If you are the winner or prize-winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in this subject in the previous academic year and studied in another region of the Russian Federation, you must provide a copy of your diploma or certificate for the previous year.

6. Replacement shoes/shoe covers.

7.Consent to the processing of personal data

8. The accompanying person from the educational institution must have with him an order to send the participant to the Olympiad.

Analysis of assignments, display of work, submission and consideration of appeals will take place on January 20, 2020.

Registration begins at 15:30, task analysis begins at 16:00, at the site of the Faculty of Social Technologies of the North-Western Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation at the address: St. Petersburg, st. Chernyakhovskogo, 6/10 (metro station Ligovsky Prospekt / Obvodny Canal).

Bring your identification document with you during the appeal.

2017-2018 SCHOOL YEAR

5th grade

Specification of the Olympiad work (its features)

Purpose of the Olympiad work: to identify the most prepared students who have special abilities and aptitudes for the Russian language subject; support and develop students’ cognitive interests in the field of the Russian language; assess the level of knowledge of 5th grade students in the Russian language in order to select them for participation in the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad.

The structure of tasks for the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language in grade 5 consists of seven sections:

1. Phonetics. Orthoepy.

2. Vocabulary.

3. Morphemics and word formation.

4. Morphology.

5. Spelling.

6. Syntax

7. History of language.

List of knowledge and skills tested in each question

1 question

Knowledge of orthoepic norms of the Russian language

Question 2

Ability to characterize sounds

Question 3

Ability to form words based on meaning

Question 4

Ability to form phrases in compliance with grammatical norms

Question 5

Ability to determine the lexical meaning of words

Question 6

Knowledge of spelling rules and their application in practice

Question 7

The ability to qualify a word as a part of speech

Question 8

Knowledge of cases, ability to identify them

Question 9

Knowledge of the etymology of a word, the ability to use linguistic flair

10 question

The ability to determine the syntactic function of words. Ability to creatively interpret a given topic

Ability to use Russian words correctly

Participants in the school stage of the Olympics,highest scorers, are recognized as winners school stage of the Olympiad, provided that the number of points they scored exceeds half of the maximum possible points. Prize-winners of the school stage of the Olympics, within the established quota of winners and prize-winners, are recognized as all participants in the school stage of the Olympics, following the winners in the final table.

Age group of participants

Olympiad tasks in the Russian language at the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad were developed approximately for 5th grade students.

Duration of the Olympiad in academic hours

45 minutes are allotted to complete tasks in the Russian language for grade 5.

List of material and technical support for the school stage of the Olympiad, depending on the proposed content and examples of tasks, possible accessories

To hold the school stage of the Russian Language Olympiad, a school-type building with classrooms of 20-30 tables is required; a sufficient number of copies of assignments, blank paper for drafts, fountain pens, paper clips or a stapler. To compile a rating of Olympiad participants, it is advisable to use a computer (laptop) with MS Excel or its equivalent. To replicate materials, a photocopier or printer is required. The building where the Olympics are being held must have a fully equipped medical center with a doctor on duty, whose presence must be ensured for the entire duration of the Olympics.

Department of Education of the Administration of the Municipal Municipality "Velizh District"


2017-2018 SCHOOL YEAR

5th grade

1. Place stress on the following words (5 points):

took, call, spoiled, quarter, kilometer, more beautiful, oil pipeline, adolescence, cakes, expert.

2.Write down a word that contains only hard consonants (2 points):

a) drives; b) plow; c) believes; d) laughter.

3. Write down words whose meaning is determined through the original word (5 points):

a) “one who deceives”______________________________

b) “little cucumber” _________________________

c) “slightly bitter” _________________________

d) “one who reads” __________________________

e) “where raspberries grow” ________________________

4. In one African tribe there lives a family of four. The mother's name is Bere-rubo-toro-dak (dark, odorless flower), the father's name is Kobo-rudo-dir (large green mountain). The parents gave the eldest son the name Dak - rubu-pele (the smell of a flower field). What does the name of the youngest son Kobo-pele-toro-rubo mean? Write (6 points).

5. Read a fragment of the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila". Write down the underlined words. Determine their lexical meaning (10 points):

The princess jumped out of bed,

Gray-haired Karl for the cap

With a quick hand I grabbed it,

Trembling raised fist

And she screamed in fear,

Which stunned all the Arabs.

Trembling, the poor man hunched over,

The frightened princess is paler;

Quickly cover your ears,

I wanted to run, but I had a beard

Confused, fallen and struggling;

Gets up, fell; in such trouble

Arapov black swarm restless;

They make noise, push, run,

They grab the sorcerer

And out they carry to unravel,

Leaving Lyudmila's hat.

6. Read the text of the spelling rule.

In order not to make a mistake in writing ˂…. ˃ at the root of the word, needs to be changed

word or choose a single-root word in which after

verified ˂…. costs …. ˃ or consonants L, M, N, R.

A. Restore the school spelling rule: insert the missing

ny fragments.

B. State the name of this spelling rule.

B. Give examples of its use (5 points).

7. What part of speech can the words listed below be (2 points), make sentences with them (4 points):

Chalk, perch, strands, salt.

8. How many nouns are in the prepositional case (3 points)?

Go to the fence, buy beets, do a running jump, make some coffee,

sitting at the airport, holding on to glue, crawling on the floor, hiding in

closet, answer to the director.

9.The word has been known since the 18th century salary . Try to determine its lexical meaning. Name three more words related to the concept salary (8 points).

10. Parse the sentence. What work is it from? Who is its author? (8 points)

“An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea.”

Come up with an old woman's monologue. (18 points)

Answers to assignments.

(total 76 points)

1. Total 5 points.

For each correct answer - 0.5 points.

took, call, spoiled, quarter, kilometer, prettier, oil pipeline, adolescence, cakes, expert.

2. Only 2 points.


3. Total 5 points.

Deceiver, cucumber, bitter, reader, raspberry.

4. Total 6 points.

1 point for each correctly interpreted word. For a correctly composed phrase 2 points.

Kobo (large), pele (field), toro (without), rubo (flower) - a large field without flowers.

5. Total 10 points.

For each correctly interpreted word, 2 points.

Carla is a dwarf.

Arab is a black man.

Crouched - bent over.

Restless - is in anxiety, excitement (possibly: excitedly and disorderly-

moves slowly).

Out - outside.

6. Total 5 points.

1. For a correctly restored rule - 2 points.

2. For an adequate name of the rule - 2 points.

3. For a sufficient number (at least 2) examples of its use -

1 point.

In order not to make a mistake in spelling CONSONANT at the root of a word, you need

change a word or choose a word with the same root in which after

The CONSONANT being tested is a VOWEL or the consonants L, M, N, R.

The rule is called: spelling of the consonant being checked at the root of the word.

Examples: oak - oaks, tooth - tooth, etc.

7. Total 6 points.

For identifying parts of speech a word gets 1 point.

For a couple of completed sentences - 1 point.

Luminary, soap, spruce, perch - can be both nouns and verbs.

8. Total 3 points.

For each correct answer 1 point.

Sitting at the airport, holding on to glue, hiding in the closet.

9. Total 8 points.

For the formulation of lexical meaning - 1 point. For the formulation of lexical meaning and etymology (full answer) - 2 points.

For each given word 2 points.

Salary. An Old Russian word derived from the verb zhalovati - “to show mercy; present". The original meaning - “gift, award” over time turned into “reward for work.”

Salary is payment for work.

Salary, pay, earnings.

10. Maximum – 26 points.

Syntactic analysis of a sentence 6 points (predicate, subject, modifier, object, definition, definition, adverbial place).

Work – “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” - 1 point.

For the structure, meaning, imagery of the monologue - 18 points.

Table with points for each task indicating the maximum total amount

(it is also possible to indicate points after each task).

Example table:

Job No.


Max. point




List of references, Internet sources used to prepare Olympiad assignments.

Kazbek-Kazieva M.M. School Olympiads. Russian language. 5-11 grades. M.: Iris press, 2011.

Olympiads in Russian language. / Compiled by T.N. Skorokhodova - Volgograd: ITD “Corypheus”, 2006.

Voronina N.V., Egorova T.V. Olympiads in Russian language. – M.: LLC TID “Russkoe Slovo – RS”, 2006.

Russian language. All-Russian Olympiads. Vol. 4. M.: Education, 2012. - portal of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language.


School stage

Russian language

4th grade

Dear friend! You are a participant in the Olympiad and can show all the knowledge and skills that you received in Russian language lessons. We wish you success. Be attentive, patient and persistent!

Exercise 1.(10 points) The text is given in transcription. Write it down according to the rules of Russian spelling and punctuation:

[ch" and p"isunk"and onakn"e/ like the pattern on the crystal"e// sch"ipl"it vs"akava for the nose z"imn"iy d"edushka maros//]




Task 2.(5 points) From the sounds of these words, get new words with the specified meaning.

Linen – name of the number ____________________________________

lei – name of the tree ______________________________________

forehead – name of the flooring in the room _________________________

current – name of the pet ________________________

walked - not true ____________________________________________

Task 3. (5 points) Replace each phrase with one word with the required suffix.

Someone who likes to joke _____________________________________________

Resident of Moscow___________________________________________

One who is rich in inventions_______________________________________________

A musician who plays the violin_________________________________
A person who loves to dream _______________________________________

Task 4. (5 points) Insert the correct letter at the beginning of the word.

(s, h) giving_________________ (s, h) doing____________________

(s, h) reap_________________ (s, h) dear____________________

(s, h)give________________

Task 5. (4 points) Underline the words in which the meaning of the word changes due to a change in stress:satin, sorrel, iris, cement, chicken out, go out.

Task 6. (6 points) Make up proverbs:

One, seven, cut, one, measure, one.

The horse, no, in, the gift, teeth, look.


No, everything, the forest, the wolf, looks how much, feed, it, in.


Task 7.(4 points) Stable phrases have gone astray. Connect them with arrows to form the correct sentence.

out of the blue.

I knew the city lanes

like clockwork.

The guests fell down

like the back of my hand.

Things soon got better and went well

like out of a bucket.

Task 8.(4 points)

In one African tribe there lives a family of four. The mother's name is Bere-rubo-toro-dak (Dark, odorless flower), the father's name is Kobo-rudo-dir (Big Green Mountain). The parents gave the eldest son the name Dak-rubu-pele (Smell of a flower field). What does the name of the youngest son Kobo-pele-toro-rubo mean?


All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2017-2018

Russian language

School stage

4th grade

Keys, evaluation criteria





10 b.

Whose drawings are on the window,

What's the pattern on the crystal?

Pinches everyone's nose

Winter Grandfather Frost.

The maximum number of points is 10 (1 point for correctly placed punctuation + 1 point for formatting the text in the form of a poem + from 0 to 8 points for spelling in accordance with the table)


5 B.

Linen – name of the number -zero

lei - name of the tree -spruce

forehead – name of the flooring in the room -floor

current - name of the pet -cat

walked - not true -lie


5 B.

Someone who loves to joke -joker

Resident of Moscow –Muscovite (Muscovite)

The one who is rich in inventions -inventor
A musician who plays the violin -

A man who loves to dream -dreamer


5 B.

(s, h) data - building

(s, h) reap - squeeze

(s, h) give - hand over

(s, h) do - do

(s, h) local - local


4 b.

atlas, sorrel,iris, cement,be a coward , go out


6 b.

Seven times measure cut once.

They do not look at a given horse's teeth.

No matter how much you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest.


4 b.

The rain was pouring down in buckets.

Soon things got better and went like clockwork.

I knew the city's alleys like the back of my hand.

The guests fell out of the blue


4 b.

Large field without a flower

Maximum score – 43

School stage

Russian language

5 – 6 grades

Duration – 45 minutes

Exercise 1. (3 points) Find and write down words in which two vowel sounds are next to each other:

theater, shine, union, jet, fighter, spy, duet, oasis, piano, rubber.

Task 2. (6 points) Place stress in the following words:

alphabet, plum, chain, sorrel, cakes, will hand over.

Task 3. (5 points) Highlight the prefixes in each of the following words:

feed, plow,enter, climb, jump.

Task 4. (2 points) A sentence is given that contains a phraseological phrase (in bold).

How many times did they tell Vasya to do his homework carefully?

A scratch / write / amuse / pasha at least a stake on his head !

Write the correct version of the phraseological phrase and give an interpretation of its meaning.

Task 5. (5 points) Insert the missing letters in the words, open the brackets.

local custom

taming predators

co(h/s)ba of spring crops



Task 6. (5 points) Suggestion given:The bed was dug up by a pig's snout.

How many words are there in this sentence? What parts of speech do they belong to?

Task 7. (4 points)

1. Wet rain has been pouring since the morning.

2. Everyone was happy and cheerful.

3. The work must be completed by the third of April.

4. The hunter put on his hat and went out.

2017 – 2018 academic year

School stage

5 – 6 grades

Keys, verification criteria


3 b.

Theater, spy, duet, oasis, piano, rubber


6 b.

AlphavAnd t, slAnd first, flailO chka, shchave l, tO mouths, handAnd T


5 B.

All-feed, all-plow, all-step,

all-climb, all-jump


2 b.

The correct option isat least a stake on your head (to someone) (1 point).

Phraseologism means “someone is completely unable or stubbornly does not want to do or understand something (no force can force or convince him)” (1 point)


5 B.

local custom

Taming Predators


mowing spring crops

grinding bread


5 B.

This sentence has four words (1 point).

bed (noun)snout (ch.)pork (adj.)

snout (noun) (4 points)


4 b.

1. It has been raining since the morning.

2. Everyone was happy andcheerful .

3. The work must be completed by the third of AprilI .

4. Hunterallotment cap and went out.

Maximum score – 30

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2017 – 2018

School stage

Russian language

7th – 8th grade

Duration – 45 minutes

Exercise 1. (4 points) Write down the word(s) in which the number of letters is not equal to the number of sounds. Justify your answer.

Worker, pick up, shaggy, sculptor, drive, garden, tenderness, size.

Task 2. (5 points) Explain why the dictionary for the word “hat” gives the following synonyms: 1) mattress, klutz 2) hat?

Task 3. (2 points) A sentence is given in which a phraseological phrase is encrypted. The phraseological unit corresponds to the semantic and grammatical scheme (model) of the emergence of an expression that actually exists in the Russian language.

We pointed out his mistakes to him several times, but he doesn’t even puff at his beard: he hasn’t corrected anything, he’s not doing anything.

Guess what phraseological unit is meant, write it down and give an interpretation of its meaning.

Task 4. (4 points) Two words “got lost” and ended up in the wrong column. Correct the error and explain your answer.

Task 5. (5 points) What syntactic role can the noun SIDE play in a sentence?

Write example sentences of this noun (one sentence to demonstrate each syntactic role).

Task 6. (5 points) Find speech and grammatical errors, write down the corrected sentences.

1. Heavy logs were placed on sticks and carried.

2. And they made a new swing in our yard!

3. Every minute counted.

4. Now methods of water purification are becoming more advanced.

5. The spring sun was shining brightly, and the birds were singing.

Task 7. (5 points) Open the brackets in the words below and insert the missing letters:



(half) Moscow



All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Russian language

2017 – 2018 academic year

School stage

7th – 8th grade

Keys, verification criteria


4 b.

Select (1 point), the letters t stand for one soft sound [t’] (1 point);

trip (1 point), the letter e after the vowel o indicates the sounds [ye] (1 point)


5 B.

Wordhat - polysemantic, used in the meaning of “headdress” (direct meaning), and then the wordhat is a synonym for this meaning of the word. The second meaning of the word “hat” is figurative; a hat is used to describe a sluggish, uninitiative person, a bungler; synonyms for this meaning will be the wordsmattress, klutz


2 b.

Phraseologism is encryptedthere's no air in my mouth (someone) (1 point) – someone does not worry about anything, does not care about anything, shows complete indifference to anything (1 point).

Note . If students write down phraseological unitseven though the grass won't grow


4 b.

"Lost" wordsthe note Andoutsole They need to be swapped. Wordthe note must be in the same column with words formed from the verbmark

(noticeable, mark, quick-witted, etc.), and the wordoutsole must be in the same column with words formed from the verb to throw (throw, machine gun, take off, etc.)


5 B.

Syntax functions:


predicate (parts of a compound nominal predicate),

additions (direct and indirect),


definition (inconsistent: “outside person”)


5 B.

1. Heavy logs were placed on sticks and carried.

2. And they made a new swing in our yard!

3. Every minute counted.

4. Now methods of water purification are becoming more advanced (more advanced).

5. The spring sun is shining brightly, and the birds are singing.


5 B.



half of Moscow

launch vehicle


Maximum score – 30

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2017 – 2018

School stage

Russian language

9th grade

Duration – 60 minutes

Exercise 1 . (4 points) Write down the words in which the stress falls on the first syllable.

Agreement, glimpse, jagged, cough, wholesale, scoop, loop, understood, shell, enviable.

Task 2. (3 points) What phraseological units correspond to the interpretations?

A) A story known to many peoples.

B) A written document, illiterate and/or without legal force (it arose in the era of Ivan the Terrible).

C) A long, hopeless, constantly repeating fairy tale, story, situation.

Task 3. (3 points) Fill in the missing links in the word-formation chain:Conciliator←…←…←…← peace.

Task 4. (4 points) What are the names of the residents of the following cities:

Vidnoye, Dubna, Lyubertsy, Arkhangelsk?

Task 5. (9 points) Suggestion given:It was warm yesterday , dress warmly today , because the warmth is gone .

How many significant words are there in this sentence? What parts of speech do they belong to?

Task 6. (5 points) How many N are written in words: mOshen...ik, prostitute...ik, labor...ik, nephew...ik, name day...ik, martyred...ik, traitor...ik, dowryless...itsa, oil...ik, windy...k?

Write down words with one letter N.

Task 7 . ( 2 points) Make up two sentences, one of which contains the word HOWEVER introductory, and in the other - a conjunction.

Task 8 . ( 4 points) What syntactic role do the highlighted words play in the sentence?

A) We got an idea cook dinner.

B) The student was asked answer to questions.

IN) We went out onto the balcony breathe fresh spring air.

G) Choose a good book for yourself means finding a friend.

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Russian language

2017 – 2018 academic year

School stage

9th grade

Keys, verification criteria


4 b.

Glancing, coughing, scooping, loop


3 b.

A) The talk of the town

B) Filkin’s letter

B) a fairy tale about a white bull


3 b.

Conciliator← conciliator←reconcile←

make peace←peace


4 b.

Vidnovtsy, Dubna, Lyubertsy, Arkhangelsk residents


9 b.

There are eight significant words in this sentence (1 point)

yesterday, today – adverbs;

get dressed, was, gone - verbs;

warm1 – state category word;

warm2 – adverb; warm3 - noun


5 B.

Confused, toiler, martyr, oil worker, flighty


2 b.

For example: The rain, however, did not stop. However, you are stubborn. The mistakes are minor, but annoying.


4 b.

A) We got an idea cook (definition) dinner.

B) The student was asked answer (addition) to questions.

IN) We went out onto the balcony breathe (circumstance) fresh spring air.

G) Choose (to) yourself a good book means to find a friend.

Maximum score 34

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren 2017 – 2018

School stage

Russian language

10 – 11 grade

Duration 60 minutes

Exercise 1. (6 points) Write down the word(s) that have more letters than sounds. Justify your answer.

Count up, splashes, revealing, French, driving around, soldering iron, making it clear.

Task 2. (4 points) Explain the lexical meaning of these borrowed words; replace them with Russian synonyms.

D) presentation

Task 3. (8 points) Let’s say the Russian language has the following phraseological units:

1) when the bear growls in the sea;

2) (smb.) five holidays per quarter;

3) mashed pie;

4) make a rail out of a nail;

5) (as) the crocodile swallowed with its mouth;

6) the match is not worth the sticks;

7) our “Lada” is a second cousin “Zhiguli”;

8) some in the field, some behind the grass.

What phraseological units that actually exist in the Russian language could correspond to them?

Task 4. (4 points) Restore the word-formation chain:

A) prudent ← … ← consider ← …

B) … ← resume ← … ← new

Task 5. (4 points) In E. Baratynsky’s poem “Waterfall” there are two very original oxymorons. Find them in the passage below and explain what they are based on.

I stand enchanted
Above your smoky abyss.
And, it seems, I mean with my heart
Your speech without words.

Task 6. (4 points) Indicate which part of speech it belongs tothe word ONCE in each example.

1. How much once told the world.

2. Once At the beginning of autumn I went hunting.

3. Once you promised - do it.

4. And he is a friend once by hand.

Task 7. (6 points) Form the genitive plural form of the words:

shoe, manger, chicken, seat,jeans, shorts.

Task 8. (3 points) Punctuate the sentence and explain your choice.

And my years fly by fieryly and powerfully, and my star burns and does not want to go out.

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Russian language

2017 – 2018 academic year

School stage. 10 – 11 grade

Keys, criteria


6 b.

Count up before sch’] ita[ T’] ( 2 points).

splashes bra and] no( 2 points).

French–- Frenchman With] cue (2points).


4 b.

A) Hypothesis - a guess, assumption, position, probable answer to a problematic question.

B) Convention is an international treaty on a special issue.

C) Consensus - general agreement on the issue under discussion, reached through discussion.

D) Presentation - public presentation of something or someone


8 b.

1) when the cancer hangs on the mountain; 2) someone has seven Fridays in a week; 3) grated kalach; 4) make mountains out of molehills; 5) how a cow licked it with its tongue; 6) the game is not worth the candle; 7) our fence has a cousin’s fence; 8) some into the forest, some for firewood


4 b.

A) prudent ←provide ← see ←look
renewal ← resume ←update ← new


4 b.

1. Oxymoron"I mean it in my heart" is based on the connection of the word “understand” (understand (with the mind)) with the word “heart”; the heart is considered to be the center of feelings, not the mind.
2. Oxymoron
"verbless speech" is based on the combination of the word “speech” (a spoken (spoken) word) with the word “verbless”, which has the same root as the word “verb” (word). As a result, when this combination is read literally, the meaning “speech without words // wordless speech // wordless words” is born.


4 b.

1. How muchonce told the world (noun)

2. Once at the beginning of autumn I went hunting (adverb)

3. Once you promised - do it (union)

4. And he is a friendonce by hand (interjection)


6 b.

shoes, mangers, chickens,seats, jeans, shorts


3 b.

And my years fly by ardently and powerfully , and my star is burning and does not want to go out . (1 point)

This is a complex sentence, so its parts are separated by a comma. (1 point)

The sentence contains two blocks of homogeneous members, connected by a single conjunction AND (in this case, a comma is not used).(1 point)

Maximum score – 39

Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language in the 2017/2018 academic year, grade 4

MBOU "School No. 41"

Last name_______________________________ First name_____________________

Beetroot, sorrel, agreement, quarter, pamper, turn on, call, ease, leisure, deepen.

2. Read the words and write them down:


______________ _____________ ______________


Forest, forester, beauty, forest, copse, foresters, ladder, forester, forestry, mechanic.

Related words

Forms of the same word

5. Give five phraseological units with the word “hand”. Explain their meanings._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________















  1. Put the nouns in the genitive plural:

Oranges-________________, boots-______________tomatoes-_______________________, shoes-_________.

A. The worm wears away the tree from the inside.

B. The skate cuts the ice.

B. The oar touches the seaweed.

D. The master is repairing the phone.

D. Nature is preparing to meet the night.

9.What are the people of different countries called? Fill in the blanks using the following example:

Japan - Japanese, France - _________________________, Russia - ____________, Ukraine - ______________, Uzbekistan - _______________________, Czech Republic - _____________ __, Denmark - _______________.




12. Complete the proverbs:

Whoever is in pain is ________________________________________________.
Where there are many words, there are _________________________________________________.
He takes care of everything, yes _______________________________________________ .
It’s hard to study - _________________________________________________.

Make up proverbs with these words:

Friendship, awl, brave, light, firewood, idleness, dog, business, scythe, fun, learning, forest, hour, cowardly, time, service, big, bite, small, bag, bark, hide, stone, darkness, more, ignorance.


13. Select Russian proverbs that are suitable in meaning to these proverbs:
Vietnamese: a leisurely elephant reaches its goal faster than a frisky stallion.

Finnish: he who asks will not get lost.

Polish: like a hare in a pineapple.



1. Place emphasis on words.

Answer : quarter, beets, sorrel, agreement, pamper, turn on, call, ease, leisure, deepen.

Score: 0.2 points for each word. Total - 2 points.

  1. FIX, HINT, GRAY, SKIRT– (2 points)

3. How many sounds are in the phrase “thin-necked animal”? Why?

Answer: 20. The last two letters in words represent two sounds: [e] and [j].

Score: for answer - 1 point; for explanation - 2 points. Total - 3 points.

4. Write down related words in one column, and forms of the same word in another.

Related words

Forms of the same word










Score: 0.5 points for each correctly specified word. Total - 4.5 b.

5. Give five phraseological units with the word “hand”. Explain their meanings.

It's just a stone's throw away - nearby, close.

Work tirelessly- work hard.

Light hand - about who brings good luck.

Right hand - a reliable assistant.

To rake in the heat with someone else's hands- appropriate someone else's work.

NB: other options are possible.

Score: 0.5 points for each specified phraseological unit, 0.5 points for an explanation of its meaning. Total - 5 points.

6. Determine the gender of nouns. Choose adjectives for them, matching them with the nouns. Fill out the table.






































NB: other adjective options are possible.

Score: 0.2 points for the correct definition of gender, 0.2 for a correctly selected agreed adjective. Total - 4.4 points.

  1. (1 point for each word) Kilograms-kilograms, oranges-oranges, boots-boots, tomatoes-tomatoes, boots-boots.

8. Underline the grammatical basis in the following sentences:

A. The worm wears away the tree from the inside.

B. The skate cuts the ice.

B. The oar touches the seaweed.

D. The master is repairing the phone.

D. Nature is preparing to meet the night.

Score: 0.3 points for each correctly identified main member of the sentence.

Total - 3 points.


10. Interrogative sentenceHas the construction of the residential building been completed?can be turned into a narrative by replacing the question mark with a period. What interrogative sentences cannot be turned into declarative sentences in this way? Give two examples.


If a sentence contains the words " when", "isn't ", "why", "really" (other options are possible), then the sentence cannot be made narrative:Is the construction of a residential building completed? When is the construction of a residential building completed?

Score: 1 point for each example given.

Total - 2 points.

11. Is it possible to have an unstressed vowel in the word “ birch » check with the word “white”? Explain.

Answer: possible, based on etymological analysis. Word " birch "derived from a very ancient root be- meaning “brilliance, whiteness.” The same root in the word “white”.

Score: 0.1 point for answer “can be”, 2 points for explanation.

Total - 2.1 points.

12. Whoever is in pain talks about it.
Where there are many words, there is little action.
He takes on everything, but not everything succeeds.
It's hard to learn, but it's easy to fight.
0.5 points for each proverb. +1 point for each correctly composed proverb

The language will take you to Kyiv.

Like cheese in butter. (3 points)

Total points -47 points

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