Fish and ice cream compatibility. Food compatibility. Compatible healthy food products

Many people have heard about the idea of ​​product compatibility, but few have put it into practice. It seems difficult, requiring willpower, which is sorely lacking. In fact, such a system does not require large moral costs, because it does not involve a hunger strike or any restrictions, but compliance with certain rules. The theory of separate nutrition for the purpose of losing weight, popular at the beginning of the 20th century, still finds its supporters. There are also many opponents who expose the idea itself and its founder.

Separate nutrition is based on the idea of ​​food compatibility, the same for all people. Shelton believed that the enzymes produced by the stomach to digest different types of food differ. Thus, the enzymes needed to break down carbohydrates will not be able to process proteins and vice versa. If you eat one type of food at one time, this will greatly facilitate the process of digestion and assimilation.

If preference is given to traditional food, in which different ingredients are mixed, then the stomach begins to secrete several enzymes at once. As a result, some foods are broken down faster, others slower, which leads to their long stay in the stomach. This, in turn, entails processes of fermentation, rotting, causes intoxication of the body, and metabolic processes are disrupted. The result is excess weight, sludge, and poor health.

According to Shelton and his followers, individual food groups should not be combined with each other; they should be consumed only after the previous food has been digested and absorbed. Following the separate nutrition system, it is necessary to give up tea and coffee, store-bought juices, and products containing preservatives, since the ingredients have already been mixed here.

Groups of foods that require the production of different enzymes

Separate meals for weight loss have the main rule: never consume proteins and carbohydrates at the same time. In order for proteins to be absorbed, an acidic environment is required; to break down carbohydrates, an alkaline environment is required. If you eat proteins together with carbohydrates, alkaline and acidic enzymes will be simultaneously released for absorption, neutralizing each other. As a result, the digestion process will be noticeably slowed down; not all food will be processed in the stomach.

Products requiring an acidic environment (protein foods):

  • all types of meat;
  • eggs of any bird;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • milk and products made from it (including cheeses);
  • mushrooms and nuts.

Starch is considered one of the most common carbohydrates. Starchy vegetables include potatoes, green peas, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, carrots, and beets. Little starch is found in green vegetables: cucumbers, celery and others. Carbohydrates in the form of sugar are found in honey, sweet fruits and dried fruits. This group of products will require an alkaline environment. In addition, it is necessary for processing cereals and flour products, bananas, chocolate and candies, and other sweets. Beer is also a carbohydrate, so combining it with fish and meat is unacceptable.

Fats are vegetable oils, fatty meats and fish, nuts and seeds. Semi-acidic fruits - sweet apples, pears, apricots and peaches, plums, many berries.

Unacceptable combinations for separate meals

Based on data on the composition of foods that require different enzymes to digest, Shelton came up with combinations that should not be used together:

  1. Protein + protein (especially saturated protein). You cannot combine, for example, meat and fish, or add eggs or nuts to them. All of these contain proteins that are qualitatively different from each other. To digest such dishes, a considerable amount of gastric juice is needed; they will be processed and pass through the digestive tract for a very long time. This causes discomfort: gas formation, bloating, intestinal disturbances.
  2. Proteins + fats (including vegetable ones). Fat coats the stomach, preventing sufficient gastric juice from being produced to process and digest protein. As a result, food takes longer to digest, and some of it remains unprocessed.
  3. Proteins + acids. Sour fruits should not be eaten with protein foods: meat, eggs, cottage cheese. The acid released by the stomach is enough to break them down. Fruits only slow down the process, causing increased acidity and heartburn. You cannot eat sour fruits immediately after protein: protein is digested mainly in the stomach, so it stays there for 4-6 hours, while the absorption of fruits and berries occurs in the intestines, they are in the stomach for only half an hour. Staying here longer, they begin to ferment, all beneficial properties disintegrate.
  4. Carbohydrates + acids. Digestion of carbohydrates requires an alkaline environment, while excess acidity destroys the enzyme ptyalin, which is necessary for the breakdown of carbohydrates.
  5. Carbohydrates + carbohydrates. Foods rich in carbohydrates inhibit the digestion process and slow down metabolism. Excess carbohydrates accumulate in the body as fat. This is why you should not eat mashed potatoes with bread.
  6. Carbohydrates + sugar. Sweet foods don't go well with anything at all. If you really want to treat yourself to a piece of cake or your favorite candy, it’s better to do it separately from the rest, as an independent meal, and not as an addition to it in the form of dessert. It’s better to eat sweets before lunch so that it doesn’t affect your weight loss.
  7. Milk should not be consumed with anything, only as a stand-alone drink that replaces meals. In general, Sheldon believed that a person could live without milk. This is a baby product. Each animal has a special composition of milk (cow, goat, and human breast milk are completely different in properties). It is practically not processed by the body, so there is little benefit from it.
  8. Melon is very healthy, contains many vitamins and minerals, and cleanses the body. But you need to eat it strictly separately. If you eat it with any other food, it will not be beneficial.

Product compatibility table for separate meals

How to use the table

The table below the numbers shows the main product groups (vertically and horizontally). To understand whether it is possible to combine certain ingredients when cooking, just find them, find out the numbers and look at the color that appears when they intersect. For example, fish and meat (1) go well with non-starchy vegetables (11); their combination with starchy vegetables (12) is acceptable. But the remaining cells are colored red - these are those products that cannot be consumed together with meat.

Sample menu for 1 day (taking into account the table data)

Guided by the principles of combination, it is not difficult to create a menu for separate meals.

Scrambled eggs with herbs (white version)
Porridge cooked in water (carbohydrate version)

Boiled chicken breast or steamed fish (protein option)
Baked (boiled) potatoes or pasta (carbohydrate option)

Cottage cheese or kefir (yogurt without additives)
Fresh vegetable or fruit salad (carbohydrate option)

It is important to know: Carbohydrate foods should alternate with protein foods containing fats or acidic foods. So, if you ate protein food for breakfast, then carbohydrate food for lunch, and dinner should consist of fruits.

Video: Separate nutrition: the essence of the diet and menu

Advantages of separate power supply

Many diets are based on the refusal of certain foods and restrictions, which often causes disruptions in the functioning of the body, which does not receive the necessary substances in full. For the same reason, it is difficult for dieters to cope with excess weight, since after stress the body stores substances for future use in case of another shortage. Separate consumption is not a diet in the generally accepted sense, it is rather a system of proper nutrition that can be followed all the time. In addition to losing weight, adherents of the system consider the following advantages of separate nutrition:

  1. Normalization of metabolism. Improper functioning of the digestive organs often causes excess body weight. The establishment of metabolic processes leads to the fact that food does not stay in the body longer than usual, all unnecessary substances leave it in a timely manner, without being deposited as fat.
  2. Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Since, with separate nutrition, the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the body completely stop, the decay products, the main cause of atherosclerotic vascular lesions, do not enter the blood. With this approach, almost all cholesterol is removed, and new cholesterol no longer accumulates.
  3. Varied menu. Almost everything can be used. The main thing is to stick to compatibility. When following the principles of separate nutrition, there is no feeling of hunger, since the goal is not to limit, but to improve digestion and absorption of food. It is noted, however, that the portion should not exceed 300-400 g at a time.

Separate nutrition does not involve eating food at regular intervals. It is important to wait until you feel a slight feeling of hunger, then start eating. For some people, twice is enough. If the next day you want to eat three times, you don’t need to suppress your hunger. Sooner or later, the body will choose its own regime.

Video: Nutritionist Kovalkov: myths about separate meals. What actually goes together

Arguments of supporters and opponents of separate nutrition

Proponents of separate nutrition base their assumptions not on any research, but on the belief that initially humans, like other mammals, consumed foods unchanged (that is, only meat or only vegetables). Over time, people learned to mix different ingredients to improve the taste.

Opponents argue that a separate nutrition system is impossible in principle, because there are practically no products containing only protein or only carbohydrates (except perhaps sugar and egg whites). They also debunk the basic idea of ​​“food rotting in the stomach,” which, according to Shelton, causes health problems and excess weight.

Doctors (S. Baxter, E. Chedia, L. Vasilevskaya and others) proved that, in addition to gastric enzymes, pancreatic enzymes are involved in processing. In addition, R. Minvaleev, a physiologist and candidate of biological sciences, notes that only preliminary processing of food occurs in the stomach; it is completely broken down and absorbed in the duodenum. All possible enzymes are produced here, regardless of what type follows the digestive tract (only protein, only carbohydrate, acidic or mixed).

Much that a person consumes together actually requires the production of various enzymes, but they do not interfere with each other, but complement and help break down indigestible substances. This leads to the fact that food is quickly processed, and its remains leave the body without causing harm to it. Opponents of the separate power supply system give the following arguments:

  1. Meat protein will be absorbed worse if it is not consumed together with carbohydrates (bread or vegetables), which activate the production of pancreatic enzymes necessary for processing protein in the intestines.
  2. Acidic fruits help absorb iron, which is why they are often eaten with grains.
  3. Fiber, which is sufficient in any vegetables, is important for proper functioning and timely cleansing of the intestines. Vegetables have always been considered an excellent complement to meat, because the fiber they contain is necessary for proper functioning and cleansing of the intestines.

However, separate meals for weight loss are suitable by reducing the calorie content of food and streamlining its intake. Much of what Shelton suggested forms the basis of a healthy diet. For example, everyone knows that it is better not to fry meat (proteins + fats), but to boil, stew or steam it. But it’s really better to eat fruits separately; they are absorbed together with fats.

The manifestation of many diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems, skin, hair, nails, etc. can be associated with improper human nutrition. We are accustomed to eating incompatible foods, which cause various adverse reactions in the body and lead to malfunctions in its functioning. The food combination table is a reminder for people seeking a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Let's learn to help the body!

Correct (the table will be given below) guarantees high efficiency of the digestive system. Eating meals that include compatible ingredients will relieve you of the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the gastrointestinal tract.

Each human body is different:

You need to come to terms with the first two points to the extent that this is how our body works. But you need to know useful combinations of products and be able to use them. This is an essential condition for good digestion, which has a direct impact on human health.

Mixed and separate meals

Despite the fact that many sources today talk about the benefits of consuming correctly combined foods, there are still supporters of traditional food intake. This means that many people believe that the mixed diet familiar to everyone from time immemorial does not harm the body. And they call the idea that separating foods promotes better digestion simply a fashionable trend.

Is it so? In fact, food can be mixed, this has been done at all times. But there are a number of foods that simply cannot be digested at the same time. This is explained by the fact that for the assimilation of each of them, certain conditions are necessary - different enzymes and media.

Combination of food flavors

Carbohydrates consumed by a person begin to be broken down in the oral cavity, and then, in turn, are processed by the stomach. Therefore, if you mix them, the absorption process becomes more difficult for the entire digestive system.

The effectiveness and usefulness of separate meals is spoken about not only by people who have tried the method on themselves, but also by doctors who have conducted research in this area. The right combination of foods is not only fashionable, but also necessary for health. The table is shown below. Thanks to her, we will learn to eat wisely.

Product combination table

For clarity and simplification of the concept of “separate nutrition,” we bring to your attention a diagram that will indicate what you can and should eat with.

Product combination table

type of product 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

fish, poultry, meat

1 - - - - - - - - + D- - - - -


2 - D+ + - D- - + + - - - - +

cream, butter

3 - D D- - + + - + + D- D- -
sour cream4 - + D D- + + D+ + - - - - +
vegetable oil5 - + - D - + + D+ + - - - - +
sweets, including sugar6 - - - - - - - - + - - - - - -
bread, potatoes7 - D+ + + - - - + + - - D- D
tomatoes, sour fruits8 - - + + + - - D+ D- D+ - +
dried fruits, sweet fruits9 - - - + + - - D + DD+ - - D
non-starchy and green vegetables10 + + + + + + + + + + - + + + +
starchy vegetables11 D+ + + + - + DD+ D+ + D+
milk12 - - D- - - - - D- D - - - -
dairy products13 - - - - - - - D+ + + - + - +
cheese, feta cheese14 - - D- - - D+ - + + - + - D
eggs15 - - - - - - - - - + D- - - -
nuts16 - + - + + - D+ D+ + - + D-

"-" products are incompatible; "+" compatible; "D" mixing is acceptable.

Explanation of the table

Each line contains information about a specific product and its serial number. Be careful! The columns contain the same products, but only their numbers are indicated. This table requires strict compliance with all points. The combination of foods indicated in it helps improve the functioning of the digestive system and your body.

Separate nutrition as an option for high-quality weight loss

Proper nutrition is not only about health, but also about getting rid of extra pounds. Separate consumption of food and proper combination is an excellent method. You can see this for yourself.

The food combination table should always be at your fingertips; it would be great to switch to this way of eating for life. At first the sensations will be ambiguous. However, over time, you will get a guaranteed result, and tasty and habitual meals will become an absolute norm for you.

Product combination

The question of combining products has been studied since ancient times.

Ibn Sina, for example, in the “Canon of Medical Science” examines in detail,

which types of food can be consumed at one time and which cannot.

Ignorance of these rules leads to the fact that very often it is possible

to see how at lunch people eat a plate of cottage cheese and bread first,

then pea soup with meat, potatoes and also bread, then porridge

with the basics, wash it all down with sweet compote or, even better, juice (or even

with cake!) and finally eat an orange or an apple (they say


A familiar picture, isn't it? But as a result of such a “lunch” neither

one of the listed products cannot be properly digested and

The calories received will barely cover the costs of digestion and

neutralization of toxins, the excretory system will groan from the flow

poisons formed when food spoils in the stomach and intestines.

An apple, for example, eaten on an empty stomach, leaves it already

after 15 - 20 minutes, the orange is even faster. What happens when

Does fruit end up in a full stomach, that is, after another meal? They

cannot move into the intestines and after the same 15-20 minutes they simply

begin to rot.

And the rest of the products in our example are not related to each other

better. Cottage cheese - peas, cottage cheese - meat, peas - meat, bread - meat, etc.

All these combinations are extremely unfortunate.

It has already been said about the selective action of the digestive

enzymes and that each type of food requires digestive

juices of their composition. Moreover, the conditions for digesting various foods

in the stomach are often opposite.

Proteins, for example, require an acidic environment (certain acidity

for each type of protein) for the normal functioning of pepsin - an enzyme,

breaking down proteins.

Hydrolysis of starches occurs only in an alkaline solution,

acids inhibit the activity of the corresponding enzymes. Therefore not

For the same reason, it is harmful to eat starches with acidic foods - with

vinegar, citrus fruits, tomato sauce, etc. If, say, you drink

bread with tomato or orange juice, then salivary enzymes are still in the mouth

will lose their activity.

True, intestinal digestion still remains. Under the influence

pancreatic juice breaks down all nutrients - both proteins and

carbohydrates, and fats. This, by the way, is the main argument of opponents

separate food. But the body is far from indifferent in what

combinations of these components come.

It’s one thing when a person eats porridge with water. She envelops

gastric mucosa, not very strong juice is secreted moderately, in

Salivary enzymes continue to operate in the deeper layers. Perfect

the semi-liquid mixture processed in the stomach quickly enters

intestines, where it is completely and almost without loss absorbed, not

overloading the digestive organs.

And a completely different picture if the same porridge is eaten with meat. Stomach

cannot produce juice that is equally good for porridge and meat. IN

As a result, both are retained in the stomach and leave it in

insufficiently processed form.

Of course, pancreatic enzymes to some extent

complete the splitting. But the normal operation of a well-coordinated mechanism is already

broken. Food masses entered the intestines unprepared.

The liver, pancreas, and thin gland will have to be strained

gut. And to top it off, the composition of the intestinal microflora will change, top in

which the putrid “freeloaders” will take.

The human digestive tract is oriented primarily towards

various fruits - fruits, cereals, juicy vegetables and herbs. And intestinal

microflora plays a very prominent role in it. It depends on its composition

will the incoming substances be converted into nutritional components or into

toxins, and how well digestion will proceed.

In fact, in the intestines there are representatives of a huge variety

various microorganisms. Some species predominate, others

oppressed. The ratio is determined mainly by the nature of the food and

the performance of the digestive system as a whole. With healthy food,

consumed in the right combinations and in reasonable quantities,

“friendly” microflora is established.

With unnatural combinations of products or with excessive

the amount of food eaten disrupts the gastric and then intestinal

digestion. Underdigested, long-lingering masses

become prey for putrefactive bacteria. A flood of toxins hits the liver,

kidneys, poisons the entire body and leads to numerous diseases.

The founder of the theory of separate nutrition G. Shelton, works

which nutritionists all over the world now use, wrote: “We don’t get

benefits from food that is not digested. Eating and spoiling at the same time

food in the digestive tract is a waste of food. But it's even worse

Spoiled food leads to the formation of poisons, which are very

harmful...A surprising number of food allergies are disappearing

completely when patients begin to eat food in the right combinations.

Such people suffer not from allergies, but from indigestion of food. Allergy -

is a term applied to protein poisoning. Abnormal

Digestion carries into the bloodstream not nutrients, but poisons.”

Below is a classification of food products with indications of

ideal, acceptable and harmful combinations. All products

are divided into 10 groups. But unlike the generally accepted classification

vegetables here are divided into compatible and less compatible, and not into

"non-starchy" and "moderately starchy". This is due to the fact that

vegetables traditionally classified as “moderately starchy”, in

in fact, they often contain very little starch, and even

compatibility with other products many of the "moderately starchy"

practically no different from “non-starchy” vegetables.

Such, for example, are carrots, which go well with almost

all products. Or beets, which contain even less starch than

green beans (beets contain a lot of sugar). Meanwhile, beets are usually

classified as “moderately starchy” vegetables.

Therefore, vegetables are classified not according to their starch content, but according to their

ability to combine with most other products.

So, 10 groups.

Group 1. Sweet fruits

Bananas, dates, persimmons, figs, all dried fruits, raisins, dried melon.

Fruits are fast-digesting foods. Several sweet fruits

stay in the stomach longer, more acidic ones - less. All fruits

Best eaten separately from other foods. Particularly harmful

eat them as desserts after meals. In this case they

cause fermentation (especially sweet fruits). The same applies to

fruit juices.

Both fruits and juices are best consumed as a separate meal or

half an hour to an hour before meals, but so that after the previous meal

at least 3 hours have passed.

Sweet fruits go perfectly together (raisins with

prunes) and with semi-acidic fruits (persimmon with apple).

Sweet fruits can also be combined with cream, sour cream,

greens, dairy products. Dried fruits in small quantities

it is acceptable to add to some porridges (for example, pilaf with raisins or

dried apricots, etc.)

The peculiarities of our digestion do not seem to prevent us from combining

any fruits and vegetables, but still eating them together

undesirable. People instinctively feel this, and few people come to this

head to eat persimmons with cucumbers or dates with cabbage. But there is also

exceptions. Acceptable, for example, are apple and carrot puree, vegetable

salads with cranberries or lemon juice, etc.

Group 2. Semi-acidic fruits

Sometimes they are called semi-sweet. These are mango, blueberry, blueberry,

strawberries, raspberries, as well as sweet-tasting ones: apples, pears, cherries,

plums, grapes, apricots, peaches, etc. This also includes watermelons.

Semi-acidic fruits go well with each other and sweet ones.

fruits (pear with figs), with sour fruits (apple with tangerine) and

with fermented milk products (grapes with kefir).

Compatible with cream, sour cream, herbs, as well as protein

foods containing a lot of fat - cheese, nuts, fatty

cottage cheese. Some berries can be consumed with warm milk.

Combinations with other protein foods (meat, eggs, fish,

mushrooms, legumes) are harmful, mainly due to the difference in speed

digestion. Compounds with starches are even less desirable.

Peaches, blueberries, blueberries, grapes, and melons are known for their

special "delicacy".

They are perfectly digestible when eaten on their own.

but are not compatible with any other product (except some

semi-sour fruits). It is best to eat them not before or after meals, but in

quality of food.

According to their properties, the group of semi-acidic fruits also includes

tomatoes - due to their high acid content. But, like all vegetables,

tomatoes don't go well with fruit and, unlike fruit,

relatively well compatible with proteins and vegetables.

Group 3. Sour fruits

Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons,

currants, blackberries, cranberries; and also sour in taste: apples, pears,

plums, apricots, grapes, etc.

They go well with each other, with semi-acidic fruits, with

fermented milk products, cream, sour cream, full-fat cottage cheese.

Combinations with nuts, cheeses, and herbs are acceptable.

Incompatible with animal protein products, grain legumes,

starches and less compatible vegetables.

Group 4. Compatible vegetables

Cucumbers, raw cabbage (except cauliflower), radishes, sweet peppers,

green beans, radishes, onions, garlic, beets, turnips, rutabaga, carrots,

young pumpkin, young zucchini, lettuce and some others.

They go well with almost any food, helping to

its better absorption: with proteins (meat with cucumber, carrots with cottage cheese),

fats (cabbage with butter), with all vegetables, starches (bread with

beets), greens.

All vegetables are incompatible with milk.

Compounds with fruits are also undesirable, although they are possible


Group 5. Less compatible vegetables

Cauliflower, boiled white cabbage, green peas,

late pumpkin, late zucchini, eggplant.

Pairs well with starches (zucchini and bread) and all

vegetables, with fats (eggplant with sour cream), with herbs.

It is acceptable to combine with cheese.

Less desirable are combinations with animal proteins (cauliflower with

meat, green peas with egg).

Incompatible with fruits and milk.

Group 6. Starchy foods

Wheat, rye, oats and products made from them (bread, pasta, etc.);

cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, etc.; potatoes, chestnuts, ripe


Ideally combined with herbs, fats and all vegetables.

It is also possible to combine different types of starches with each other,

In addition, different cereals and grains differ greatly in composition

proteins, and ideally it is better not to mix them.

When consuming starchy foods with fats, it is recommended

also eat some greens or vegetables.

Combinations of starches with proteins, especially animal proteins (bread with

meat, potatoes with fish), with milk and fermented milk products (porridge

with milk, kefir with bread), with sugars (bread with jam, porridge with

sugar), with any fruits and fruit juices.

Group 7. Protein products

Meat, fish, eggs; cottage cheese, cheese, feta cheese; milk, curdled milk, kefir

and etc.; dry beans, beans, lentils and peas; nuts, seeds; mushrooms.

Ideally combined with herbs and compatible vegetables. More

In addition, these products promote good digestion of proteins and

removal of many toxic compounds.

The exception here is milk, which is best drunk separately.

Moreover, warm (but not boiled!) milk is most easily digestible.

Milk can sometimes be combined with fruits, but the tolerance of such

connection varies from person to person.

It is acceptable to consume proteins with fats, and animal proteins

are better combined with animal fats, and vegetable proteins - with

animal fats and vegetable fats. But fats slow down digestion,

Therefore, it is advisable to add vegetables and fats to the combination of proteins and fats.

Proteins are incompatible with starchy foods, fruits and


Exceptions: cottage cheese, cheese, fermented milk products, nuts, seeds,

which can sometimes be consumed with fruit.

Group 8. Greens

Lettuce, nettle, plantain, green onion, sorrel, sorrel, coriander,

parsley, acacia, rose petals, clover, dill, etc.

Greens go well with all foods except milk.

a bunch of greenery. Its use with starches and proteins is especially useful,

in this case, it promotes excellent digestion, neutralizes

toxins, replenishes the deficiency of subtle prana and vitamins, improves


Group 9. Fats

Butter and ghee, cream, sour cream; vegetable oils;

lard and other animal fats. Sometimes fatty foods are also included in this group.

meat, fatty fish, nuts.

The general property of fats is that they inhibit the secretion

gastric juice, especially if consumed at the beginning of a meal. Together with

Thus, fats mitigate the negative effects of some unsuccessful foods

combinations. For example, low-fat cottage cheese with bread and sour cream will be digested

better than the same cottage cheese with bread, but without sour cream (although cottage cheese with

bread - a very unfortunate example).

Fats are ideally combined with herbs, vegetables (salad with

sour cream), with starchy foods (porridge with butter). Sometimes

it is permissible to combine fats with fruits, especially berries (strawberries with

sour cream).

It is undesirable to combine fats with sugars (cream with sugar,

confectionery). Here are the negative consequences of the inhibitory

The effects of fats are especially pronounced.

plant origin, although exceptions are possible. Vegetable

oil, for example, goes relatively well with fish, in which

It often goes better with other foods than cream.

Group 10. Sahara

White and yellow sugar, fructose, jam, syrups, honey, molasses.

When combined with proteins and starches, they cause fermentation,

contribute to spoilage of other products.

It is best to consume sweets separately (if at all).

use). For example, have tea with jam or

sweets. In principle, you can eat 2-3 candies if you really want to

40 - 60 minutes before meals, but in no case after meals!

An exception to the general rule is honey. It contains substances

prevent rotting, and in small quantities is compatible with many

products (except animal food). But honey is biologically strong

active remedy, and it is not advisable to eat it every day (to

the body is not used to it). Sometimes you can drink herbal tea with honey

or add a teaspoon of honey to your porridge or salad.

The proposed classification is intended to help navigate

variety of products, remember the basic principles of their combination.

However, products within each group in relation to a particular food

often behave differently. For example, cottage cheese with jam - more

a better combination than cheese and jam, although, of course, such compounds

best avoided. Yes, and people differ from each other in enzyme composition

juices, the predominant microflora. Suitable combinations for one will be

not always as successful for another, although the main provisions

As a rule, people are interested in the compatibility of products when they intend to switch to separate meals. In essence, the principle of product compatibility is separate nutrition. Our body produces digestive juices of different compositions for different types of food. If the products are compatible, the composition of these juices is the same, and the nutrition is easily absorbed by the body. If compatibility is not complete, food is difficult to digest, since the body is forced to simultaneously produce juices of different compositions.

Product compatibility table for separate feeding

type of product1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 Meat, fish, poultry
2 Pulses
3 Butter, cream
4 Sour cream
5 Vegetable oil
6 Sugar, confectionery
7 Bread, cereals, potatoes
8 Sour fruits, tomatoes
9 Semi-sour fruits
10 Sweet fruits, dried fruits
11 Vegetables are green and non-starchy
12 Starchy vegetables
13 Milk
14 Cottage cheese, sour milk products
15 Cheese, feta cheese
16 Eggs
17 Nuts
18 Greenery
19 Melon, peaches, grapes, blueberries
20 Late pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant

The processes of rotting and fermentation in the body occur precisely when the compatibility of products is impaired. Eating in such cases disrupts normal digestion and causes intoxication.

All products are usually divided into 10 groups. Let us list which food compatibility will be permissible during nutrition, and which should be avoided.

Group 1. Sweet fruits

Figs, dates, persimmons, bananas and all dried fruits.

Ideal combinations: with each other, with fermented milk products, with semi-acidic fruits.

Valid combinations: with herbs, milk, nuts, non-starchy, moderately starchy and starchy vegetables.

When combined with any other products, they provoke fermentation.

All fruits are very healthy if eaten as a meal on their own. It is always better to drink juices half an hour or an hour before meals. Fruit juices or fruits should not be consumed as dessert.

Group 2. Semi-acidic fruits

Watermelons, apricots, mangoes, blueberries, blueberries, melons.

Sweet to taste: pears, grapes, apples, peaches, plums, cherries. Tomatoes also belong to this group due to their properties.

Ideal combinations: with each other, with fermented milk products, with sweet and sour fruits.

Valid combinations: with non-starchy vegetables, fatty protein products (fat cheese, cottage cheese, nuts), herbs.

Compounds with other protein products are harmful.

Combination with semi-starchy vegetables and starches provokes fermentation.

Note. Blueberries, blueberries and melon are incompatible with any other product. These fruits are perfectly digestible when eaten as an independent meal, and not in addition to it. Or - in small quantities - an hour before the main meal.

Group 3. Sour fruits

Tangerines, lemons, grapefruits, pomegranates, oranges, pineapples. Sour-tasting: grapes, apples, cherries, peaches, plums, pears, as well as cranberries, currants, blackberries.

Good combinations: with milk, fermented milk products, semi-acidic fruits.

Valid combinations: with herbs, cheeses, fatty cottage cheese, non-starchy vegetables, seeds, nuts. Incompatible with other protein products.

Invalid combinations: with sweet fruits, semi-starchy vegetables, starches.

Group 4. Non-starchy vegetables

Green beans, cucumbers, sweet peppers, cabbage.

Ideal combinations: with fats, starches, moderately starchy vegetables, proteins, herbs.

Valid combinations: with fruits.

Invalid combinations: with milk.

Group 5. Moderately starchy vegetables

Green peas, beets, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, seaweed, turnips, eggplants, rutabaga.

Successful combinations: with herbs, fats, non-starchy vegetables, starches.

Valid combinations: with cottage cheese, seeds, nuts, cheese, dairy products.

Harmful combinations: with fruits, proteins, sugars, milk.

Group 6. Starchy foods

Rye, wheat, oats and products made from them.

Cereals: rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, millet, as well as chestnuts and potatoes.

Ideal combinations:

Valid combinations: with each other and with fats. However, people who are prone to obesity should avoid combining different starches with each other. When combining starches with fats, it is recommended to also eat some non-starchy vegetables or greens.

Not very desirable combinations: with seeds, nuts, cheese.

Very harmful combinations: with any fruits, sugars, milk and animal proteins in general.

Note. Sauerkraut, mushrooms in any form and all other pickles go well with potatoes, but poorly with bread.

Group 7. Protein products

Cheeses, eggs, kefir, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, fish, meat.

Dry beans, peas, beans, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, nuts (except peanuts).

Ideal combinations:

Valid connections: with moderately starchy vegetables.

Invalid combinations: with starchy foods, sweet fruits, sugars, two types of proteins.

Undesirable combinations: with sour and semi-acidic fruits, fats.

Exceptions. Seeds, nuts, cheeses, and fatty cottage cheese can be combined with semi-sour and sour berries and fruits.

Milk can be combined with semi-sour and sweet berries and fruits.

Fermented milk products can be combined with sour, semi-sweet and sweet fruits.

Group 8. Greens

Horseradish, sorrel, radish, nettle, dandelion, onion, sage, lettuce, chicory, plantain, rose petals, acacia, coriander.

With the exception of milk, they can be combined with any food.

Group 9. Fats

Sour cream, vegetable oils, ghee and butter, cream, lard and other animal fats.

Ideal combinations: with herbs, moderately starchy and non-starchy vegetables.

Valid combinations: with starches. However, in these cases, it is recommended to also consume non-starchy vegetables or greens.

Harmful combinations: with sugars, fruits, animal proteins.

Group 10. Sahara

Honey, yellow and white sugar, syrups, jam.

The best option- consume them an hour and a half before meals, separately from other foods.

Combinations with fats, starches, and proteins provoke fermentation. This is why you can't eat desserts.

Possible combinations: with non-starchy vegetables and herbs.

Note. Honey is an exception. In small quantities it can be combined with all foods, with the exception of animal foods.

From the above unique compatibility tables it can be seen that food products can be mixed. However, if the compatibility of foods is ignored when mixing food, the food does more harm to a person than good.

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Nutritionists say that whole milk is not compatible with any food products, and it is advisable to drink it separately. But kefir, thanks to its unique composition (completely different from milk), combines perfectly with a lot of products. Why can a drink obtained directly by fermenting milk be consumed with other foods, but milk itself cannot?

The fact is that in the process of preparing a fermented milk drink, part of the proteins breaks down, and the lion's share of lactose (milk sugar) is converted into lactic acid, which is an excellent accelerator of the process of digestion of food received at the same time. It is thanks to lactic acid that kefir is a dietary product that significantly improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive processes.

What products can kefir be combined with?

The most favorable combination is the use of kefir simultaneously with vegetables, especially those containing a large amount of chlorophyll - these are green vegetables (all leafy greens, including celery, parsley, coriander, dill, arugula, as well as cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, green bell pepper ) .

Kefir goes well with berries, fruits, including dried, dried and frozen, jam, and natural bee honey. Kefir perfectly complements whole grain dishes, various cereals, muesli, and all types of bread, especially whole grain. The combination of kefir and fiber (wheat, flax, milk thistle, pumpkin, etc.) or bran is an excellent remedy for normalizing weight, improving digestion and cleansing the intestines of fecal debris, decay products, toxic compounds and accumulated toxins.

What products should you not combine kefir with?

There are a number of products that can be consumed together with kefir, but it is better to avoid this if possible. These include: seeds (poppy, sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, cumin, sesame), nuts (walnuts, brazil, almonds, cashews, cedar, peanuts, hazelnuts), legumes (lentils, beans, peas, beans), and all varieties of mushrooms, including dishes made from dried mushrooms.

What products are contraindicated to combine with?

Scientists have proven that the compatibility or incompatibility of individual products is due to the fact that each of them requires the specific activity of the digestive glands. That is why two proteins of different nature and different from each other in composition, requiring different changes in the digestive glands and different times for digestion and complete breakdown, cannot be taken at the same time. For this reason, kefir is absolutely not combined with eggs, whole milk, fish, caviar, seafood and meat.

Consider these simple recommendations when planning your daily diet, and your digestive system will always function normally, avoiding unnecessary overload.

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