The happiest fairy tale about a dragon. Stolen by a dragon, or a happy student - a porn story of your own character

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful princess. Well, maybe not the most beautiful, we have been to other kingdoms that were more beautiful. But our heroine had an unusually tender and kind heart, and the ability to always understand others.
She understood and forgave the father-king, who became entangled with a maid and abandoned raising his daughter and ruling the state to his mother-queen, and he himself went with his mistress to distant islands. She understood when, a few years later, a thick stack of bills arrived from dad and the maid, which would be nice to pay someone. She understood her mother, who sent her to a distant, boring boarding school - after all, the girl also needs to study, and the queen has so much to do. That's why she couldn't take the princess home for the holidays, and the girl had to while away the time in the cold rooms of the old monastery, among the stern nuns. And all these nuns also wished her well, as best they could. It’s just that they all had a hard and difficult life, few joys, many difficulties, work and hardships. How could you not understand them and their sometimes cruel treatment?
When the princess returned home with a diploma under her arm, she discovered that her former spacious and beautiful room was occupied by her little brother, who had been born during her absence. And the girl resignedly took the closet under the roof. After all, a child needs somewhere to store toys, books and paints, he is mobile and active, he needs to run and play in order to grow up healthy. But she doesn’t care, she’s used to the harsh life in the monastery. And in general, difficulties build character, so the princess was grateful for the new turn in life.
Then it was decided that she was getting married. She had never seen the prince-heir of a neighboring kingdom in her life, but an obedient daughter would never go against her mother’s will. Mom wished her daughter happiness and could not choose a completely useless match for her. Therefore, the princess obediently curled her locks and chose the most beautiful dress for the introduction ceremony, which they decided to combine with the engagement ceremony.
She was lucky - the prince turned out to be handsome, cheerful and witty. He danced magnificently, read poetry to her under the moon, sitting on the windowsill in the tallest tower of the castle. And he invited his bride to spend the night in his room. The princess was enchanted and in love, and the groom was equally delighted with her. Until this day, no one admired her so much!
Early in the morning, the princess had to quickly get dressed and sneak through the dark corridors to her closet under the roof. The prince could not see her off, she understood, because they could be caught together and guess everything.
The wedding celebration was supposed to take place in six months. The princess officially saw off her lover in the evening of that day, accepting his promises to write letters to her every week. And the girl lived the next seven days absolutely happy.
When the first letter did not arrive, she thought that the messenger might have been detained on the road. Or what good thing to kill at all - after all, in recent years there have been many robbers in the surrounding forests. The Queen Mother was too busy with herself and her favorites, and how could a weak woman solve such complex state problems?
The next letter to the prince could be prevented from writing important matters of governing the kingdom. He is a man, and not a weak and stupid girl like herself. He had long helped his father in solving government issues.
Further... there were no further letters for several months, but the princess understood that the groom was busy with important matters. And in fact, there is no need to waste time, parchments and ink, to compose words that no one needs, to send messengers on a long journey, when the main issue has long been resolved, the wedding will take place very soon, and they love each other. After all, true love does not need any extra evidence. Very soon they will be together forever.
The letter still arrived. A month before the wedding. And it was addressed to the queen. In it, the prince apologized, assured of his utmost respect and notified of the decision to cancel the wedding, since conflicts on the northern borders required his urgent participation in the negotiations. He did not write a single line to the princess herself.
And, as usual, she understood. Since the circumstances have developed the way they have, then why poison your soul with unnecessary sentimental notes? He did absolutely the right thing, he just didn’t want to upset her, and he himself probably felt as much pain as his ex-fiancee.
At night, the princess climbed onto the roof. She sometimes loved to sit on the green tiles, looking high up at the diamond scattering of stars. That night she wanted to cry away from everyone. Suddenly, a huge shadow covered the sky above her. The princess didn’t even have time to get scared before she was grabbed by huge dragon paws and carried to God knows where. Fear came only later, when our heroine discovered that she was hanging upside down in the air, and far, far below her the lights were burning in a small dark square - the palace from which she had been so impudently stolen. The princess thought for a while and decided to faint just in case.
When she opened her eyes, it was quite dark around her, soft underneath her, and daylight trickling in ahead. The princess rose from her bed, which turned out to be a large armful of fragrant herbs, shook off her dress, smoothed her hair as best she could, and went to see what was ahead. There was an exit from the cave, a small rocky area, several bushes with large ruby ​​berries and a stunning view of the mountain slopes, curly trees and a small lake below. The girl sat down almost on the very edge of the cliff and began to admire the beauty that had opened up, regretting for a second that there was no paper and paints here - it could have turned out to be a pretty good landscape, even for a royal living room.
The scales of its wings rustled, and the dragon carefully landed next to her. The princess flinched in surprise, but was not too frightened. The dragon did not immediately begin to breathe fire on her, and yesterday he even put her to sleep in his cave, so one should thank him for his kind attitude. Which the princess immediately did.
The dragon still breathed red flame, but not in her direction. A strange expression flashed in his black and gold eyes.
- Do you understand what you are saying? – he asked in a hoarse bass voice. - I kidnapped you, stupid one! I am a terrible dragon.
“I wouldn’t say that you’re so scary,” the slightly pale princess answered timidly. “You’re even cute, it’s just that no one has ever seen you in daylight.” Sorry if I hurt you. But I understand - maybe I wasn't respectful enough.
- And it doesn’t bother you that I stole you from your castle?
- You're a dragon. In all the books, dragons kidnap people. I understand that you need to eat something. It's good that you chose me. Nobody needs me, I can’t do anything and I can’t do anything in my life. It would be much worse if you caught some warrior or peasant. They bring benefits with their work. I am a useless creature.
The dragon rose from his seat, flew a little around the rock in which his cave was located, dived into the lake far below, calmed down, cooled down and slowly returned to the princess, who was still sitting in the same place.
“If I understand correctly,” he spoke in a calm tone, “you always find excuses for everyone.”
“I know how to understand others,” the princess nodded.
“Tell me more,” the dragon asked.
No one had ever been interested in the girl’s life before, so she readily told the dragon her whole story - about the father-king, and about the monastery, and about the room under the roof of the castle, about the prince, the letter and the upset wedding. The dragon listened attentively, nodded, sometimes asked clarifying questions, and they talked like that for almost the whole day. More precisely, one princess spoke.
The dragon flew off for prey, advising the princess to help herself to some berries. They turned out to be very juicy and tasty, and then the dragon brought a fawn, lit a fire with one breath, the princess collected a handful of herbs that grew in abundance around the cave, and their dinner turned out to be truly royal.
The next morning the dragon promised to give the princess a ride on his own back. And, when our heroine settled comfortably between the giant wings, the beast suddenly asked:
- Do you really think that everything that others did to you is normal?
“Fine,” the girl shrugged. “They ultimately strengthened my character.” And all of them can be understood...
- Of course you can! - the dragon exploded and soared up with such speed that the princess could barely stay in place. They flew for a long time, then landed near the lake, where the girl happily swam in the icy water.
“What you say is character,” the dragon returned to the conversation in the evening, when the two of them whiled away the time by the fire. – Where does your character show itself?
- Well... - the princess never thought about it, - I was always told that I was kind and understanding...
- Understanding – that’s for sure. Where is the character? Have you ever allowed yourself to be indignant? You’ve seen that they treat you unfairly, they don’t care about your feelings, they offend you? And you swallowed it all silently and gratefully. This is not character, this is spinelessness.
The princess suddenly realized that the dragon was right. She lowered her head and tried to hold back the tears that rolled up.
“But you are strong and smart,” the dragon continued in a completely different tone, soft and sympathetic, “since you were able to endure all the betrayals, all the neglect, and from the closest and most beloved people.” You will be able to put everything in its place. And do it as you need it.
“But how... After all, people need to be forgiven, even when they do you bad...” whispered the princess.
“We need to forgive,” the dragon agreed. - When asked for it. So I ask your forgiveness for kidnapping you. Tomorrow I'll take you home.
“And I want to thank you,” answered the princess. “You made me think about important things.”
The princess went to bed, but spent almost the entire night tossing and turning from side to side, overwhelmed by unusual thoughts awakened by the dragon’s words. In the morning she quickly got ready and asked for a new friend:
- Can you help me? I want to try to change something in my life, but I can’t do it alone.
“I’ll be there,” the dragon promised.
A few hours later, the princess was already standing on the roof, in the same place from where she was kidnapped a couple of days ago by a wild and terrible beast, which turned out to be wise and kind.
The princess resolutely went to the throne room, to her mother. Then there were quite a lot of conversations, during which the princess screamed, cried, stomped her feet, gently exhorted, sulked and was offended, offended herself, apologized and accepted the apology. In the end, she returned to her favorite room - for her brother she found it no worse, the palace was still quite large. She expressed all her old grievances to her mother, both nobles cried and asked each other for forgiveness. She began to engage in some government affairs with her mother, and first of all she sent back another stack of bills to her father.
“Let him pay for it himself,” said the daughter, “it’s enough for him to spend our money without helping us in any way.”
The girl really wanted revenge on the prince who broke her heart. She even thought about war, but the dragon advised her not to get excited. The beast now often flew in late in the evening to sit on the roof with the princess.
“He, of course, acted very disgustingly,” agreed the princess’s friend, “but the war will involve too many other people in your revenge who did nothing bad to you personally and did not even want to.”
“You’re right,” the princess sighed, “but it’s so hard and painful for me that I tried to forgive a person who didn’t ask for it.” And he doesn't even understand how deeply he hurt me. So, should I swallow all this?
“Don’t get excited,” advised the wise dragon. – I have lived in this world for a long time and I know that life is usually very fair. She gives chances. Everyone.
The dragon was right. A year later, the prince himself came to the palace of the princess, who by that time had almost completely replaced her aging mother in the post of rule, asking for help in conquering the northern states. The princess listened to his appeal and promised to give an answer in the evening.
The prince found her in the castle corridor an hour before the appointed time for negotiations. The princess grew up, stopped wearing pink silks, replacing them with a blue camisole that resembled a military uniform, and no longer curled her locks. In this image, she looked young, beautiful and confident, although the time of youth had already passed for her. The prince became somewhat plump and bloated from an overly cheerful, riotous life. He wanted to start with compliments, as he always began to communicate with girls, but for some reason the usual words failed to leave his lips.
-Have you made a decision? – he asked quietly.
“Yes,” the princess nodded. “You will leave my castle right now and never return here again.” I refuse to help you.
- But for you, the northern kingdoms can also be dangerous!
- Can not. I have already negotiated with them. We will not fight with them.
-Are you going to declare war on me?
- No. My state will not help either you or them. I don't approve of wars. I favor peaceful negotiations and cooperation. But only for those who are ready to negotiate. I warn you - my army is well trained and armed, so if necessary, we will be able to fight back.
- This is all... revenge? – the prince asked, turning her by the elbow to face him. The princess did not blush or lower her gaze.
“Yes,” she answered. - And no. I really don't approve of wars. But I absolutely do not want to help you.
- You’ve always been so... understanding...
“Exactly, it was,” the princess easily shook off the prince’s hand from hers and turned to leave. – I am still understanding and able to forgive, but only those who repent and ask for forgiveness. You don't fit into any of these categories. You have two hours to leave the castle grounds.
And the prince heard only the click of her heels as she climbed the marble steps to the roof. There she sat until the time she had appointed. No one saw off the procession of unlucky envoys, only a beautiful young woman and a wise old dragon, who helped her become so, looked after them.
And the moral of the story is simple: it is very important to forgive and understand. But this is too precious a gift to give it to those who do not need it, who do not ask for it.

How is this possible?! How stubborn can you be?! Our neighbors almost all go to war against us - and all because of your stubbornness, my daughter!!! - The princess just snorted silently, waiting for her father to speak out. She knew perfectly well that no one goes to war - they don’t dare! but let him yell, maybe it will make him feel better.
- You will come with me to stay with the Marquis, I said!
- I will not go. The Marquis de la Fontaine is a fat pig, everything in his castle smelled of pig droppings. I will not go. And, dad, I won't marry him. For the same reason.
- So putting things in order is just a woman’s job!
- Dad, I'm a princess, not a scrubber. Besides, the Marquis could not defeat me in a sword fight - is this a worthy husband? Not to mention that he smells and looks like the pigs he adores.
- It was the twelfth. My patience has run out. Either you marry him or you go to the tower and sit there without food until I find you a groom.
She turned up her nose.
- And I’ll go!!! - daddy smiled - to the tower!!!

The girl picked up her skirts and rushed into the donjon. When the key turned behind her, she gave vent to her rage. But she quickly got tired of throwing plates against the wall (and they ran out even faster), and the princess began to think about an escape plan.
This dungeon had long been her favorite place. The place where you are most often is something you have to love, right? And Ani was here more often than anywhere else - the donjon was the place of her punishments. So she was now quite comfortable here and had everything to withstand daddy’s wrath. Only this time Ani was not going to stay here too long - perhaps until dark - she had a rope and a change of clothes in stock - she decided to get out and hide in the forest for now. Let them look!

The girl had almost descended from the tower window when a monster flew at her! Damn, how could she forget about the dragon, which has been terrorizing the entire area for several weeks now!! The dragon grabbed the girl, then destroyed the tower with a blow of its tail and blazed fire at her. Ani squealed, but more with delight than with horror - it was so interesting to see her lands from above! For some reason, she knew that he would not eat her - they flew over the pastures, and the monster did not even pay attention to the cows. It brought the girl into the cave, sat her down on something very hard and prickly (Later it turned out that it was a pile of gold and gold jewelry - they were the ones who pricked her!) and sat down opposite her.

I am a princess! Let me go! “It doesn’t seem to understand. Or maybe... Maybe I can tame him? Ani fidgeted and addressed him more affectionately:
- Look, I'm good! Let's be friends? I'll let you hunt on our lands, and you'll take me everywhere, huh?
The dragon was stunned by such a proposal and only snorted at the girl with smoke, after which he turned around and sat down not far from the entrance - clearly waiting for the next saviors. Something for the dragon - food and fun.

The princess was slightly stunned and sneezed from the smoke. Why did it turn away? She got off the pile, tearing her pants and scratching her butt, and stopped hesitantly in the middle of the cave. She had no one to wait for - the marquis wouldn’t come to the rescue! So, we need to look for a way out. Maybe he's here! And she dived into the dark side doorway, first somersaulting, then jumped to her feet and ran.
The dragon immediately caught her by the collar with his mouth and put her back on the pile, snorting in the same way. Then he growled menacingly, showing his fangs, and sat down again in the same place.

The girl frowned. I thought about it. “If it wants to eat me, it’s obviously not today, which means... That means I’m not in danger of dying from hunger! It’s obviously smart, so it won’t let me lose weight - it’ll rather fatten me up! In the meantime, I’ll figure out how to escape!”
- Miiiiiliy dragon! - Ani pulled out her lips and lisped, like one of her ladies-in-waiting - maybe it will help? Although this lady didn’t seem to have much help - she was always bitten by dogs and scratched by cats.

It was already dawn and the dragon, sighing calmly, turned into a lizard, without wings, walking upright. The only clothing he wore was a cassock, vaguely reminiscent of the cassock of magicians. The lizard approached the entrance of the cave, made a couple of simple gestures and blocked it with a magical barrier, disguising it as a rock. After that, he turned to the girl, came a little closer to her and said rudely:
- What do you want, captive!? Do you know who I am?! This kind of treatment is offensive to me.
The transformation frightened the princess and she backed away, bracing herself with her hands, and groped for the hilt of the dagger..."So he’s a sorcerer! (I immediately remembered the godmother’s stories - about werewolves and sorcerers) But I will sell my life dearly!”
- Don't come closer! - And she swung her dagger.
A slight movement by the magician - and the dagger quickly began to heat up, burning the girl’s hand, which is why she had to sharply throw it away.
- Don't do anything stupid - and you'll stay alive. - Another movement of the hand and the girl’s burn disappeared, as did the pain.
Now she was very scared. But her thoughts worked - and... they couldn’t find a way out... The girl tried to crawl away again - and simply rolled head over heap over this heap of treasures! Moreover, all sorts of (sometimes heavy) things from this pile began to fall on her! All that remained was to cover her head with her hands so that the next “treasure” would not knock her out.

The lizard teleported the girl to his true chambers. She found herself in a huge room made entirely of gold, the furniture was ordinary, only decorated with intricate carvings. There was only one room, but it had everything - a large bed with many pillows, a bathtub - also not small in size, and a long table with a lot of different food, and in the corner of the room there was a small library and a desk, and other little things.
- Welcome to my home, I think it will be better here than in a cold cave.
Ani was still covering her head with her hands, then she realized that this was funny - and stood up. She walked around the room and stopped at the library.
- I... - she squeaked, then cleared her throat,
- I also think it’s better here. - She turned up her nose.
“I’ll stay here for now, my dad will send troops soon.”
- And it would be better for you to just give me to dad! - And she smiled as radiantly as possible.
The lizard grinned.

I'm begging you, army? Don't expect that you will leave me so easily.

Ani looked arrogantly at the lizard - although she was desperately afraid of him, she had been practicing arrogant looks since she was five!
-Didn't you hear me? I'm not going to leave! They'll come for me. What was still missing was for me! Go! On foot! They'll come for me. Wait! - She turned her back to him and headed to the nearest chair.
- Whatever you say... princess. - the lizard said mockingly.

If you want to eat, please help yourself. - the lizard pointed to the table, on which there was a lot of food - from the simplest dishes to delicacies and various confectionery delicacies.
“I think I’ll take a bath...” Not at all embarrassed by the girl’s presence, he threw off his cassock, revealing a muscular and, in its own way, beautiful body. Again, with a gesture and a magic word, he heated the water and smoothly plunged into it.
Trying not to look at the lizard, Ani sat down in a chair. It wouldn’t hurt for her to wash herself! But since she is his captive, let him endure. And the table smelled so tempting! She somehow remembered that the last time she ate was yesterday... Or... Oh, even the day before yesterday. But no! I remembered again how daddy laughed at her in such cases - “I’ll sit with my bare butt in the snow, let it be worse for you!” "Let it go! And I will not!" - She pouted her lips and sucked in her stomach to make it grow less. The lizard magically pulled the chicken leg towards him, warmed it up on the fly, and, as if teasingly, deliberately circled the leg in front of the girl’s face, after which he abruptly pulled it towards him and began to eat with appetite. Ani silently sniffled and crossed her legs. And she grabbed the chair - well, no! And she carefully looked around the room. So, there are no horizontal exits, but there is a vertical one. But it takes a lot of time to go along it... Never mind, she will have time! And she licked her lips... I wish I had a drink... A glass of wine appeared right in front of the girl, and remained hanging in the air in front of her.
- If you are tormented by hunger and thirst, do not torment yourself.
“I want to drink, water...” she answered this... Sorcerer, unexpectedly even for herself... But she was very thirsty, she grabbed the glass and drained it in one gulp.
- Oh thank you. But... - The wine immediately went to my head.
- Ooooh! I... don't... feel bad... - A glass of milk with honey appeared in front of the girl.
- Sorry, I mixed up the glasses, drink this. You'll feel better right away.
- Nnooo... I won't... - She shook her head, trying to sober up, but nothing came of it...
- I poisoned you once - the second time I didn’t - hic! - I won’t! - “Damn, what’s wrong with me?!” So, you need to get up and wash your face with cold water.” - It was difficult, but it worked - she got up (thank God, her legs didn’t get tangled!), walked to the small fountain and lowered her head there. The cold water immediately made me feel better. Ani put her hands on her hips and shook her wet hair.
- Did you want to poison me? For what?
- It was wine. If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it a long time ago and in a more sophisticated way. They mostly prefer to poison kings.

Wine? But dad allowed me wine. True, only if my nanny served it. And it was delicious, like berries. And if I wanted to taste wine from his cup, he swore. He doesn't love me anymore... Only his new wife, Lady Melissa, can now drink from his goblet. And now I can’t eat at the common table... Only in my room. - The girl thought about it.

I'm still thirsty! Where is your water here? “There are obviously no servants here, so you’ll have to do it yourself.”
- Um... where do you think you put your head? - the lizard pointed out the girl’s obvious stupidity and handed her a clean glass.
- Oh! - She smiled, scooped up a glass and drank heartily. Then she went to the books, trying not to pay attention to the fact that the lizard was still lying in the bathtub.
- I read this, and this, and this... But I haven’t read this yet. New? “I didn’t even remember that my pants were torn, I was so carried away.” Through the hole, the lizard saw the girl’s firm ass. Noticing a small wound, he healed it, but could not resist making a joke - he took a pen and lightly pricked his round buttock.
- Heh, you have a beautiful ass. - He chuckled quietly.
- Ay!! - The pain from the scratch went away, as if it had never happened, but this prick and tickling... Ani looked back at the lizard - he was still lying in the bathtub, and he was far away - who made the remark about her butt? ? She began to spin around in place, trying to make out the joker. Controlling the pen from afar, the lizard lightly tickled the girl's ear. Without understanding anything, she caught the feather. It trembles, if you let it go, it starts to tickle your ear... I couldn’t stand it and laughed - and started playing with the feather, letting it go and catching it and rushing around the room squealing and laughing, I even forgot about the lizard! Meanwhile, he pointed the pen closer to himself, giggling quietly.
- Wow, I’ll catch you, I’ll catch you right now, stop! Ooi!! - The princess plopped into the bathtub with a running start, right in her clothes, emerged covered in soapy foam, her head ended up roughly between the lizard’s paws, and her legs dangled on the side of the bathtub.
- OH! I’m... I’m right now... I’ll leave... - She kicked her legs - but couldn’t get out.
Grinning, the lizard simply snapped his fingers and all the girl’s clothes disappeared from her body and she found herself completely naked in the bath with him.
- As I heard your thoughts... You also seemed to want to take a bath. - he said with a grin.
- Uh... Well, yeah... But - alone! And in general, eavesdropping on thoughts is not good! - “What if I suddenly think that I like him... And I... OH!!!”
- That's not what I meant at all! - And unsuccessfully tried to get out of the bath. And immediately another thought came, which she did not have time to hide - “but it’s probably uncomfortable in the bath... What am I thinking about?! The water is absolutely clear, and I’m without clothes.” She was very embarrassed and covered herself with her hands as best she could - but her hands could not cover her breasts, only her right palm slightly covered the fluffy mound. And then - not quite. The lizard involuntarily purred, looking at all this.
“I could tell you how to free yourself from excessive modesty, but I’m afraid to embarrass you even more.” “It was a very transparent hint, especially when he spread his legs, revealing to her gaze a rather large penis, the tip of which was peeking out of the water.

But... But I’m already free... And I know everything myself! - She again took on a proud and independent look - not having the slightest idea what to do when looking at this! - I just got up and left the bath. With the thought “If I’m not confusing anything, then this is done in bed... Oh, I’m afraid!” - calmly lay down on the pillows.

The lizard, coming out of the bath, dried himself and slowly approached the bed.
- Don't be afraid, I won't harm you. I think you’ll even like it... He spread the girl’s legs, lubricated his penis with a gentle cream and did the same with the princess’s crotch, now gently rubbing against her labia, gently pressing with the head and gently caressing with the thorns. Ani was even more frightened... Then she began to calm down - because now what she had long dreamed of would happen. Despite the nanny's scary stories, this is exactly what she dreamed of. This lizard... Although he is not a person, he is beautiful and smells good. And... He's already doing what she likes... Does she like it? They didn’t tell her about this - everyone said it was very painful.
The girl bit her lip, expecting pain. “He won’t hear my screams!” The lizard clearly realized that this was her first time and again took the cream, gently began to rub her pink labia and a little harder between them, then he smeared his penis again and again rested the head between the lips. Pressing smoothly, he very carefully and slowly penetrated the womb, taking frequent breaks so that the girl would get used to this feeling and just to his penis. Thanks to the abundance of lubrication, it was easy and virtually painless. She felt his gentle fingers lubricating everything with something cool... And then - careful thrusts... Directly into her? Ani bent her legs - it seemed to her that it would be easier for him to get inside... Something resisted there, didn’t let him in... But he was persistent - and...
- Vsssssssss... - She sobbed convulsively - it really hurts!! She wiggled her hips, trying to wiggle out from under him so that he would take this thing out...
- It hurts... - The lizard put his palm just below her stomach and, saying something, gently stroked it so that all her pain would dissipate and the muscles of her womb would relax a little. And now he moves his pelvis a little more freely towards the girl’s hips... The persistent thrusts continued, and all the pain was taken away by the cool palm on her stomach. And this coolness was so exciting - she herself began to move her hips towards the hot thrusts, not yet really understanding what to do and how.
- Ooooh! Oooh, yeah... - The lizard threw the princess’s legs over his shoulders and, growling predatorily, inserted the hot organ as deeply as possible with each thrust. The pain returned again, but it was not the same as before - this pain brought even more pleasure, because the spines on the trunk of the lizard caressed the walls of the womb with every slight movement. “God! What is he doing to me!!! And... And how he does it!! From somewhere came the grumbling voice of my nanny, “He’s fucking you, honey, he’s fucking you!” “Yes, let him do what he wants!” And Ani wrapped her legs around his strong thighs, which were still walking, pushing the huge penis into the womb... No longer a virgin womb..." I want him more and more!" - And she screamed and started

scratch his back with sharp nails.

Yesss, more! Moreeee! - The lizard bent over the princess, almost lying on her. In a fit of passion, he pressed his lips to hers and kissed her, strongly and sensually. Inserting the penis to its full length and almost without pulling it out, he moved his pelvis as quickly as he could, preparing to pour out at any moment.
“He kisses me so much, I’m ready to just explode with pleasure! What can I do to please him? I don’t know...” She simply squeezed him with her hips, without stopping the kiss... The lizard could no longer stand it and, pressing tightly against her, a powerful stream of viscous seed hit inside the girl’s womb, filling her with sperm to the limit. He entered her so strongly and powerfully that the princess felt pain again... But the pain was overshadowed by another sensation - a strange sensation of an elastic flow inside...
"What is this? What is he doing? The lizard could not say anything, he had not experienced this for so long, and now he simply could not tear himself away, he only growled protractedly with pleasure... And continuing to erupt, he instinctively moved his pelvis... From his thrusts and this elastic stream, Anya’s insides flooded such a strange feeling... She suddenly felt so good like she had never felt before - even when she was touching her tender “chicken” - she didn’t feel so good... The girl couldn’t stand it and screamed.
- Arrrggghhhhhhhhhhhh!! - The lizard gradually relaxed...
- Do you still want to go home? - Everything in her screamed - “no!! I don’t want to!” - but she's a princess. Duty comes first!” And Ani said quietly:
- Yes...
There was a squelching feeling between her legs, and she didn’t know what to do...
- I want to go to the bath... - but the lizard had already fallen asleep - it seems, without having heard what the girl said. He lay right on top of her, not allowing her to even get up, and his dick was still inside her.

She was a little confused, but then she noticed that the lizard was already sleeping... She fidgeted and fidgeted and - victory! got out from under him. She got up and was about to head to the bath, but she ran her hand between her legs and saw blood. She sobbed quietly and began to think about how to escape from the werewolf sorcerer who had caused the damage - after all, the blood was supposed to appear only in ten days!
- I won’t let myself be killed!! She didn’t allow it for ten years - and even more so now!! - the lizard felt that there was no one under him, and his penis was resting on the bed, which was not so pleasant, he woke up and went to the bath - a girl was already drawing water there.
- Can't sleep? - And then he saw a trace of blood on her leg.
- Oh yes, I forgot to say. The first time, all girls will bleed for a while after this. But soon it will pass. The exception is menstruation, but you should know that yourself... and yes... it turned out so ugly... I never learned your name. - The princess shyed away in fear.
- You... You didn’t send damage to me? - Trying to remain independent, she climbed into the filled bathtub, hurriedly washed everything off and relaxed.
- I am Ani. And you?
- Yakko Han... you can just call him Yakko. No, I didn’t send damage, I don’t do that kind of thing.
- But you are a sorcerer? You're turning into a dragon, and in general...
Still sitting in the bath, she tried to hide from the persistent gaze - the water was clear.
- There is a big difference between a Sorcerer and a Magician... Sorcerers are not as powerful as Mages... But first of all, I am a Dragon. And dragons have access to knowledge that humans will never know.

Is it true? I didn’t know... So - a dragon and a sorcerer and a magician? “She became so interested that she got up and got out of the bath.

Tell me, where in these books is it written? - I went to the library, as if I was naked, I just washed my butt a little. The lizard grinned, seeing her curiosity, but lay down on the bed again.
- These books do not have what you are looking for, our knowledge is passed on from generation to generation. And these books were written by people, some of them - those who were friends and followed the dragons. I decided to write my own, “correct” book about dragons.
- Correct? - She turned around sharply.
- Correct, how you steal princesses and... - And she became very embarrassed and again covered her fluffy mound with her hands...
- And you definitely put a spell on me... - She looked at him as he lay - calm and beautiful... And she wanted to come up so much..." No, I won’t. I... I’m afraid!"
- Heh... trust me, I didn't do anything. At that moment I was no better than any person - the only thing I did was reduce your pain. “He used magic to draw a small ball of water from the bathtub and, in full view of the girl, placed the ball on his still hard penis, washing it of seed. After washing, the lizard turned the water ball into steam.
- Not better?! “The princess’s sense of justice just started screaming!”
- Yes, I know for sure that any person in such a situation would simply rape me, without even thinking about my feelings and... And my pride... - She said this very quietly... Then she decided to change the subject.
- And there, in the cave you had so many decorations! Can I have one? - Yakko nodded and again examined her beautiful body, answered:
- In a cave? This is the "fool's" gold; as soon as they take it outside the cave, it will turn into stones. The real gold is here. But if you are interested in decorations... - He opened a secret room - behind the shelves of books. It was an equally large room, with many glass stands with various jewelry, sometimes unusual or even special - jewelry with magical properties.
- Ooh! - Ani ran there, even forgetting that she was naked! She walked around, looking at everything... Sometimes she sighed - but everything was behind glass, you couldn’t even touch it. Yakko read the girl’s thoughts and made all the glass from the shop windows disappear.
- Aaahhh... - She sighed, and sometimes just touched her fingers - these are such jewels that she was afraid to breathe next to them... Approaching from behind, the lizard put a beautiful ruby ​​in the shape of a heart on the girl’s neck, he was pleased thin and smooth in shape.
- This necklace is not only beautiful, but also has useful properties - all your injuries will heal very quickly.
- Is it true? And I have no injuries. Well, they do happen, but rarely... - Ani simply froze next to Yakko, almost not breathing with admiration, then sharply turned around and hung on her neck.
- Thank you!! - the lizard liked the closeness of this girl - and he already allowed her to behave more freely, he even took her into his paws.
- My pleasure. - “He took me in his arms... Oh, I look bad!! And oh... It's a lizard!! So what?" - The princess’s thoughts were racing, but her paws were so warm...
- And I want more jewelry! will you show me?
- It’s already deep night... - Yakko yawned long and grinned when he read the girl’s thoughts...
- Tomorrow I will show you what I have.
- Will you show me everything? - She asked very quietly.
- Is that all? And... Will you also show me how to do it correctly? - This was already said almost silently, buried in the chest.
Yakko, having softened up, licked Ani on the cheek and whispered in her ear.
- That's it... Definitely... - He carried the girl to the bed, laid her down comfortably and lay down next to her. She hesitantly snuggled and sniffled, curling up... They slept until the morning, the lizard did not let go of the girl from his arms and slept sweetly...

9653 0 21094 +8.6

  • Head Akhmedzhanova Saniya Ismatullovna

    • prove that the dragon existed, and interest in it will not fade.

    expand knowledge about dragons,

    • expand knowledge about dragons,

    • learn to work with the Internet,

    • read the literature on the topic,

    • conduct a survey among students and adults,

    • process the results obtained,

    • draw a conclusion about the role of dragons in different types of art.

      Dragon is a collective name that unites a number of mythological and fantastic creatures. The dragon, as one of the most common mythological creatures, is a creature consisting of the body of a reptile, sometimes in combination with body parts of other animals, birds, and fish. For example, dragons can have the body of a lizard, the neck of a snake, the wings of a bat, or the head of a crocodile.

    • The name “dragon” itself comes from the ancient Greek word meaning “serpent”. In medieval legends, snakes and dragons were called by the same word “worm”. Some fairy tale dragons look like huge snakes, others look almost like real dinosaurs.

    • The dragon is the artistic development of the image of the snake in all its contradictions. The snake is both wise and at the same time cunning. She personifies underground and underwater forces, because she always crawls on the ground and knows how to swim.

    • A dragon is a fire-breathing winged snake with wings. This is a bold attempt by the ancients to combine in one creature all the power of the four elements: life-giving earth, clean water, merciless flame and fresh wind.

    • In the artistic world of dragons there are “fire”, “water”, “earth”, “air” creations: but a real dragon combines everything.

      • Dragons are unique creatures that used to live, apparently, all over the planet. There are many different ancient designs of dragons on clay pots, vases, and stained glass windows. You can, of course, dismiss this and say that dragons are a figment of people’s imagination. But how then do hundreds of countries that never communicated with each other in ancient times have very similar stories about dragons? There is only one answer - dragons lived and flourished until about the beginning of the 15th century!

      Dragons had wings and could fly, but how did they do it, because they were too heavy for their wings? The answer is in their anatomy. The fact is that during digestion in ordinary animals a mixture of gases is released in the intestines. Dragons have a special gas - hydrogen. Through two channels, hydrogen entered the additional lungs, with a volume of about 30 cubic meters. This is what helped the dragon fly. After all, if you fill a balloon with hydrogen, it will fly, right? One more question remains - could they breathe fire?

      To create a fire you need fuel and an igniter. But if you think about it, the fuel already exists - it's hydrogen. All that remains is to find its igniter. Dragon teeth have a rather strange structure. The front incisors are for biting and the molars are for gnawing, like fur seals. But if seals chew shells, what do dragons chew? It turns out that they eat rocks, the majority of which are platinum. And platinum, combining with hydrogen, ignites. Here are the answers to the main riddles of dragons.

    • The main groups of dragons: Western and Eastern.

    • These groups of dragons differ from each other not only in their habitats, but also in external characteristics, in the peculiarities of their behavior, character and habits.

      Western European dragons most often look like large reptiles. The body is usually dark gray or dark green, covered with scales or some kind of hard shell. The dragon most often has one head with huge and sharp teeth, and powerful hind legs. The front legs of many dragons extend into webbed wings, like those of a bat, and some lack them. Despite having wings, many Western dragons cannot fly, preferring to walk on their feet or generally crawl like snakes. Most Western dragons like to make their nests in caves, which are located in swampy places or deep in the thicket of impenetrable forests, in inaccessible swampy river banks. Western dragons are very fierce, very jealously guarding their territory from outsiders. They often raid nearby cities and villages, eating and taking away livestock (cows, bulls, horses), as well as people who get in their way. Many dragons were considered the guardians of countless riches (gold, precious stones, etc.) that they inherited from the ancient kings and the states they devastated.

    The main hero of the Slavic

    • The main hero of the Slavic

    • fairy tales is the Serpent Gorynych,

    • which is sometimes similar in appearance to

    • Western dragons, but has

    • your own character.

    • All Slavic dragons have

    • similar features. They're all evil

    • and bloodthirsty, eager to kill,

    • eat and kidnap ordinary people.

    • They love to attack cities

    • rob them and burn them with your fire.

      The dragon occupies an important place in Chinese culture. The dragon is a magical creature in the hearts of the Chinese. The legend of dragons arose in ancient times and had a great influence on the education and development of other cultures. The ancient ancestors of the Chinese recognized the dragon as their totem cult. 8,000 years ago, during the Neolithic period, the image of the dragon had already appeared, which, in the process of the continuous development of society, took on various images and forms, and deeply penetrated the lives of people. The dragon, being an integral part of Chinese culture, has always appeared in artistic works, on various architectural structures, and in theatrical performances, accumulating the wealth of Chinese culture.

      The dragon symbolizes China, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture. When people say “successors of the dragon line” or “descendants of the dragon,” everyone understands that they are talking about the Chinese, and the Chinese themselves also speak about themselves with pride and enthusiasm. Over the next millennia, the Chinese dragon, together with numerous settlers, crosses seas and oceans and settles in new places. Now in all corners of the world, wherever there are Chinese towns or areas where the Chinese live concentrated, you can see dragons that attract everyone's attention. It is generally accepted throughout the world that China is the birthplace of the dragon.

      In children's literature of the 20th century. New features of the dragon appear - he often appears completely non-aggressive. A typical example of a new dragon is the polite and friendly Lazy Dragon from the book of the same name by Kenneth Grahame. Despite the fact that he is endowed with all the basic features of a classic dragon: claws, a long tail and fire spewing from his mouth, he is good-natured, loves to tell stories, write poetry and reminisce about the “good old days when there were dragons and life in general was better". Saint George enters into a mock battle with him, in which no one is wounded. The story ends with George, the Dragon and the townspeople gathering for a gala dinner, at which the Dragon behaves extremely politely and becomes the life of the party.

    Today Dragons are

    • Today Dragons are

    • unique political cultural

    • realities, the popularity of this

    • the image caused a kind of

    • "dragon boom" and as a consequence

    • this is the emergence of a special science

    • dragonology, which studies

    • like the roots of the origin of dragons,

    • and so are all the variety of interpretations

    • this image in the modern world.

    • Another reason for the enduring popularity of dragons is their close connection with the culture of the Middle Ages. Is it possible to imagine a real knight who would not break a single spear on his thick scaly skin?

    • But it all started much earlier - with the same myths about the victory of God over the serpent. Hence the numerous legends about snake fighters, the most famous of which is St. George the Victorious.

    • But these are all things of bygone days. Medieval dragons came to modern culture through fantasy - probably the most productive and popular art style of the last half century.

    • Now dragons are another bridge into the romantic world of the Middle Ages and magic, the doors to which are opened by books, films and paintings. Defeating a winged serpent is a good challenge for a real hero, and therefore, while heroes are still valuable, dragons will not be left without work either.

    The dragon is one of the most

    • The dragon is one of the most

    • victorious, strong and

    • lucky zodiac signs.

    • It can be said that people

    • appeared in the year of the Dragon,

    • were born wearing a shirt. Them

    • characterized by fiery

    • assertive temperament and

    • the spirit of a fighter, a winner.

    • The desire for leadership is in the Dragon's blood. A sharp mind and natural talent allow him to achieve heights in creativity and career. The dragon is often the center of attention and is loved by many. He is admired, respected, and his opinion is listened to.

    The Dragon also has a broad soul

    • The Dragon also has a broad soul

    • and a kind heart. But he's intolerant

    • to ridicule and stupid jokes.

    • Sometimes the Dragon can be rude and

    • unrestrained, but he is quick-witted and

    • generous with praise. In love

    • The dragon is romantic and sometimes

    • reckless.

    • Those born in the year of the RAT can rest assured that next year will be successful.

    • BULLEN may encounter difficulties, but perseverance and moving forward will help them overcome them.

    • For TIGERS, 2012 may not be an easy year, so it is extremely important for them to find reliable support.

    • CATS are guaranteed complete peace of mind.

    • For DRAGONS, their year will turn into a real year of triumphs and victories.

    • SNAKES will need their wisdom to get out of possible difficult situations.

    • For the HORSE, GOAT, MONKEY and ROOSTER, the Year of the Dragon will be extremely successful and favorable.

    • The DOG, unfortunately, will have to face certain difficulties.

    • For the PIG, the Year of the Dragon promises prosperity.

    The dragon is a powerful creature

    • The dragon is a powerful creature

    • wise and fair

    • capable of bringing wealth,

    • well-being and longevity,

    • however, it is worth remembering that everything

    • it must be earned

    • perseverance and kindness

    • actions.

      These magical scaly creatures, living in a parallel world of myths and legends, have been exciting the imagination of mankind for centuries. Predatory, bloodthirsty and cruel - and at the same time bright, graceful and beautiful - they belong to the favorite images of art of all times. This review is about dragons in modern fine art, about how and why we see them now; and at the same time - an attempt to lift the veil of secrecy over why they are still interesting.

    • Hooray! Our 4th grade class at Starokulatkinsky school No. 1 took 1st place in the regional ice drawing competition!

    • A team of architects, urban planners and designers, led by Enrico Taranta, develop projects designed for an international audience. Some of their latest work includes a designer hotel in Shanghai, the Bird's Nest Stadium in Beijing, and several office buildings in China.

    • The Dragon Eco-Suspension Bridge project was developed for Chongqing Municipality. Observing from above, one can see a dragon-like form glistening in the sun. The bridge platform is connected to the green mountain slope; thus blurring the line between natural and man-made design. The project is currently under construction,

    • The fascination with China, characteristic of the turn of the 17th and 19th centuries, was reflected not only in the pavilions of Alexander Park, but also in the three bridges of the New Garden, thrown across the Cross Canal - Draconov, Great Chinese and Cross.

    • Dragon Bridge, called a bridge in documents of the late 18th century

    • “with monstrous figures”, was built in 1785 according to the design of Charles Cameron, not far from the Chinese Theater. It is decorated with four expressive figures of winged dragons mounted on granite pedestals. The figures of dragons are full of expression, their paws are stretched forward, their tails bend in steep loops. Initially, during the construction of the bridge during the reign of Empress Catherine II, the figures were made of limestone; The currently existing cast iron dragons were cast in 1860 according to the models of the sculptor I. Schwartz.

      It turns out that even the ancient Celts used the image of a dragon for pendants. The Celts recommended wearing such a talisman to careless and hot-tempered people, those who first act and then think about the consequences. Also, according to Celtic legends, an amulet with a dragon can make your most cherished dreams come true, but not all of them, but only those that come from the heart.

      There are many legends about dragons and stars in the world. Some legends tell us that Dragons are a special race of god-like creatures that flew to us from the stars. Other legends say that when a dragon dies, a new star lights up in the sky. There are legends according to which stars are the children of dragons. This pendant was created according to a legend, according to which, the love of a dragon is as eternal as the stars and each star is the love of two dragons. Therefore, the symbol of a dragon entwined around a star or inscribed in a star is often used.

      Swords with images of dragons were considered the privilege of sorcerers, heroes and kings. The Dragon Sword combines the symbols of fire and air. Such a union makes the owner of this amulet swift and invulnerable. And the decoration of such swords is rubies: in another way - the hot blood of the Dragon, symbolizing the element of Fire. It is no coincidence that this “stone of life and love” is compared to a dragon. The ancients believed that it could give unlimited power and influence people.

    • When wearing a dragon talisman on your body, you must follow some rules.

    • You should not wear a dragon near your heart; avoid pendants with a long chain. Although the dragon on the neck provides protection, so wear the pendant with a short chain.

    • You can also wear a brooch or pin with a dragon on your collar. Only men should wear it on the left and women on the right.

    • Wearing the dragon correctly gives you a strong amulet that will protect you from all diseases and misfortunes.

    • A ring with a dragon image will create a powerful flow of Qi energy around you, which will protect you from gossipers, envious people and other bad people. Men should wear such rings on their left hand, and women on their right.

    • So, when choosing a decoration with a dragon image, think carefully: what kind of help do you expect from it and what do you want to receive? Wealth, beauty, power, health or love?

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