The highest point in Australia was discovered by whom. The highest point in Australia. Mountains of Australia: names and locations

The highest point in Australia is a mountain called Kosciuszko, which is located in the state of New South Wales. The highest point of Kosciuszko is 2228 meters. Fans of hiking can climb here along a specially equipped trail. For everyone else there are lifts. And fans of skiing are attracted here by comfortable slopes.

Where is the mountain

Those who want to conquer the highest peak of the continent need to go to the south of Australia. Here, next to the state of Victoria, are the Australian Alps. It was part of this mountain system that Mount Kosciuszko became.

If you look at the map, this peak is located at 36.45° south latitude, as well as 148.27° east longitude.

The peak is located on the territory of the National Park, which has the same name. Travelers and lovers of natural attractions will find amazing landscapes and thermal lakes here, the water temperature of which does not drop below +27 °C. In the park you can find a huge number of rare species of animals and plants, which you can see during the excursion.

Regular buses do not go directly to the foot of the mountain. Therefore, those who decide to visit Kosciuszko should take care of personal transport or use the services of travel agencies that offer similar tours.

History of the summit

For many centuries, local residents called this mountain Tar-Gan-Zhil. These places were considered sacred, so no one went here unless absolutely necessary. Today their attitude towards the place has not changed, but there are very few real aborigines left here. The bulk of people who come here are tourists.

Mount Kosciuszko received its modern name thanks to the traveler from Poland Pavel Edmund Strzelski, who, while visiting the mainland in 1840, found 2 peaks standing next to each other. He decided to name one of them after the Pole Tadeusz Kosciuszko, who fought for the freedom of the people in America.

However, at the beginning there was a small incident. The fact is that in those years there was no special equipment that would allow measuring the exact height of mountains. Therefore, visually assessing them, Strzelski climbed the neighboring mountain, which was initially named Kosciuszko. It was later renamed Townsland.

This peak still has the same name today and is 18 meters lower than Kosciuszko. The decision to rename the peaks was made by the entire leadership of the state, because their pioneer really wanted the highest of the mountains to bear the name of the famous Polish revolutionary.

There are a lot of interesting points associated with the Kosciuszko peak:

  1. Not only fans of mountain climbing want to come here, but also fans of ski slopes, who will find here trails of varying levels of difficulty.
  2. This is one of the few mountain peaks where retirees like to come. The thing is that there is a comfortable lift here. And the ascent itself takes place directly from the foot of the mountain and reaches almost to the very top.
  3. In Australia, this peak is usually called Koziosko.
  4. Mount Kosciuszko is included in the program of climbers “Conquering the 7 Summits”, even though in comparison with such giants as Everest, it can be called a dwarf. But, no matter how white it is, this is the highest mountain on the continent.
  5. The optimal time for hiking on this mountain is November-March. It's summer in Australia at this time.

Highest mountain in Australia

What is the highest point in Australia?

Australia is one of the most mysterious and interesting places on the planet. For several hundred years there was no specific information about the island-mainland, and most of the information was semi-legendary in nature. Be that as it may, Australia is now one of the richest countries in the world, its flora, fauna and nature in general attract hundreds of thousands of tourists from dozens of countries around the world.

Australia is also called the Green Continent, but in reality most of it is occupied by semi-deserts and deserts. There are mountain ranges in the southeast. Here are the Australian Alps - the highest mountain system in Australia (part of the Great Dividing Range). The highest point of the Green Continent is located in the Australian Mountains - Mount Kosciuszko (2228 meters).

It was opened in 1840 Polish traveler-geologist Count Strzelecki. Mount Kosciuszko is named after the Polish general, hero of Belarus, Poland and America Tadeusz Kosciuszko. An interesting fact is that the early name “Kosciuszko” belonged to the neighboring mountain, since it was considered the highest. But then it turned out that Townsend, which is how Mount Kosciuszko was previously called, is 20 meters higher. Out of respect for the discoverer, the Australians changed the name of the highest mountain so that the highest point in Australia would continue to bear the name of the Polish hero.

The indigenous inhabitants of the Green Continent, whose number does not exceed 1.5% of the entire population of the continent, call this mountain Tar-Gan-Zhil and consider it sacred. It is part of the informal climbing program of the Seven Summits (the idea of ​​conquering all the highest points on the continents).

Tourist and aesthetic value of Mount Kosciuszko

Kosciuszko is an incredibly beautiful mountain, which people from dozens of countries around the world come to admire. It has become a kind of calling card for visiting tourists, who climb in the hundreds every year to conquer it. There is snow here seven months of the year, which allows this mountain to be used as an arena for competitions in winter sports. For professional mountain climbers, climbing the mountain is not of particular interest in terms of difficulty. But even they come here as part of a program to conquer all the highest points of the seven continents, and simply to admire the beautiful nature. Once you see the beauty of the local landscapes, you will never be able to forget them.

Each continent, each country and state is amazing, wonderful and unique in its own way. On any continent, every nation has its own characteristics, traditions and which will be very interesting for any tourist. Thanks to these features, a vivid and complete picture of a particular area is formed.

This article presents useful and very interesting facts about Australia.


Australia is a very large country. It ranks sixth in the world in terms of the size of its territory. It is so huge that it occupies an entire continent. Its territory occupies more than seven million square kilometers.

Interesting facts about Australia regarding the geographical location of the country - these are undoubtedly three oceans. The mainland is washed immediately by the Indian, Pacific and Southern.

A huge part of the country is occupied by deserts and semi-desert areas. The most famous of them are Bolshaya Peschanaya and Victoria. From a bird's eye view, Australia looks like a bleak and red desert.

The country is indeed considered the driest continent, as it receives only 500 mm of precipitation per year.

But despite all this, the mainland is among the top ten countries in the world in terms of quality and standard of living.

The most famous Australian animal is the kangaroo. It is a symbol of the country. Australia is full of them. When it gets dark, they, attracted by the headlights, go out onto the highway and jump under the wheels of cars. That's why Australians even have a special "kangaroo" sign to warn drivers about danger on the road. Mostly Australian kangaroos are small in size - up to 60 centimeters. But there are also larger individuals - up to 3 meters.

The most dangerous animals in Australia are crocodiles. The northern part of the country is simply teeming with them. And hardly a week goes by before accidents occur involving these animals. Alligators simply eat the people they come across. There are plenty of crocodiles on the continent. The most famous is the Australian saltwater one. It is found in salty sea water and is the largest of all species found on earth. An adult crocodile can weigh a ton (!) and reach 3-4 meters in length.

There are quite well-known horror stories about poisonous predators from which hundreds of people die. However, these are just stories. Since 1979, no person has died from a spider bite in Australia. So you can rest easy.

The same goes for sharks. They are not uncommon off the coast of the Australian continent. Yes, they are dangerous, but if you behave carefully and do not provoke them, then everything will work out. Sharks are non-conflict creatures; they never attack first.

What other animals are there in Australia? You will learn interesting facts about its inhabitants if you visit local zoos. For example, have you ever heard of an animal called a wombat? And this is the continent. A small guinea pig that looks very similar to a wild boar. Do you know about the Tasmanian devil? This is an Australian dog breed that resembles the French Bulldog.

River of Life

Australia's largest river is the Murray. It flows in the eastern part of the continent and reaches a length of 2570 kilometers. The river originates in the Australian Alps and flows into the Indian Ocean. On its way to the sea, it flows through a variety of environments: cities, agricultural land, etc.

Australia's largest river is the most “alive” of all bodies of water. Frogs, fish, ducks, crayfish, snakes, and many other animals live here. The river is so diverse that every representative of the animal world can find a place for themselves here. Proud swans swim in the clear crystal waters, and frogs croak and snakes and lizards crawl in the wetlands.

The Murray River is home to a wide variety of fish species: trout, cod, golden perch, Australian smelt, minnows and many others.

The only things higher than mountains are mountains

Interesting facts about Australia are undoubtedly its lowest and highest geographical points. So, on the one hand, the continent is below sea level when compared with other land areas of the Earth. The lowest point is Lake Eyre (15 meters below sea level). By the way, it is the driest in the world. It is covered with a thick four-meter layer of salt, and there is absolutely no water in it.

On the other hand, there are the Alps, on whose territory the highest mountain in Australia is located - Kosciuszko (2228 meters). This is the highest point of the Green Continent.

Why is the highest mountain in Australia named after the Polish general and hero of Belarus Tadeusz Kosciusz? The fact is that its discovery was made by the Polish geologist Strzelecki in 1840. By the way, initially it was not called that, but bore the name Townsend. “Kosciuszko” was a neighboring mountain, which was then considered the highest. But later, when it was scientifically proven that Townsend was 20 meters higher, the Australians changed the names of the mountains so that the highest point bore the name of the hero of Poland. They did this as a sign of respect for the discoverer.

City life

The largest cities in Australia are Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Hobat. And none of the above is the capital. The fact is that the capital of Australia, Canberra, is a very small city. It is home to just over 350 thousand people.

The largest Australian city is Sydney. About five million people live there. Next comes Melbourne, with a population of about four million. By the way, Melbourne was previously the capital of Australia. Today this city is only the cultural capital of the continent. Brisbane, a major industrial center of the mainland, is home to about two million residents. In Perth and Adelaide - one and a half million each.

Gastronomic facts

What does Australia offer travelers? Interesting facts about the culinary characteristics of the country also cannot be ignored. First of all, we should talk about a traditional Australian dish - Vegemite. The name sounds mysterious, doesn't it? But in reality everything is much simpler. This is ordinary yeast spread on unleavened bread. The pungent smell of the brown mass and its salty taste will not appeal to every traveler. The same cannot be said about the Australians themselves, who simply adore their traditional “pate”.

Another unusual edible feature of the country is the basket-shaped pies. Inside there is meat filling. It looks beautiful and tastes good.

Sights of Sydney

One of the most amazing and beautiful buildings in the world is the Sydney Opera House. Its opening took place in 1973 by order of Queen Victoria. This unusual building is rightfully considered the most beautiful building of the twentieth century.

The Sydney Television Tower is the tallest structure in the entire South. Its height is amazing - 309 meters in height! Thousands of visitors climb the Tower every year to admire the panorama of the city from the observation deck, the heights that open before them and the largest bridge in the world - the Harbor Bridge.

Sydney is also home to the world's largest aquarium. Its huge number of underwater tunnels will not leave anyone indifferent. There is a lot to see here - more than six thousand species of various representatives of the deep sea are at your service!

What else to see in Australia?

The main attraction of the continent is the Great Barrier Reef. This is a real miracle of nature. The largest coral reef system in the world. 900 islands stretch over a vast territory - more than 3,000 kilometers. By the way, it is here, on one of the islands, that the most remote mailbox is located.

Another natural miracle of Australia is pink. Scientists still cannot explain the reason for its scarlet color.


The inhabitants of the continent themselves will tell you interesting facts about Australia. By the way, mostly Europeans live here - more than 90 percent of the total population. These are mainly Irish and British.

The residents themselves call themselves by the funny nickname “Ozzie”. They also call the American dollar the same way. It’s strange, do they really associate themselves with money? But we don't understand this.

By the way, Aborigines still exist in Australia. They occupy five percent of the total population. These black Australians live in remote reserves and settlements.

Australians are very cheerful people. They love to joke and laugh. And in general, they strive to live and breathe to the fullest. This is probably why they are so friendly and hospitable. In addition, they love to travel. Not only on our own continent, but throughout the whole world.

Every year, Australia hosts a wide variety of international celebrations to attract overseas visitors.

Unusual facts

1. Only in Australia does the flying doctor medical service operate. They provide only emergency care to patients living in areas remote from the city. This service is a kind of symbol of the country. After all, she speaks of a high level of medicine and life in general.

2. Australia is a country of sheep. In 2000, more than 100 million of these animals were counted in the country. It turns out that the number of “sheep population” is five times higher than the human population.

3. This is the largest pasture in the world. Still would! There are so many sheep in Australia! But they need somewhere to graze. The largest pasture is called Anna Creek and covers an area of ​​35,000 square kilometers.

4. Nondescript capital. Canberra is a small and unremarkable city. Unlike Sydney or Melbourne. Then why her? This is a kind of compromise. The city is located exactly halfway between Melbourne and Sydney. As they say, let there be no disagreements.

5. There is more snow in the mountains of Australia than in the Swiss Alps. The fact is that a huge amount of snow falls in the Australian Alps, much more than in Switzerland. Therefore, winter holidays are very popular here.

6. A continent of prisoners. Australia was discovered by Great Britain and became its colony. England used the remote island to exile criminals. Therefore, those who survived a long sea voyage in dirty ship holds actually became the first inhabitants of this country. So a quarter of Australia's population are descendants of British prisoners.

7. The largest part of Antarctica belongs to Australia. In 1933, Australia's Antarctic territory was officially transferred to it by England. This is a huge area - about six million square kilometers.

Australia: interesting facts for children

1. This Green Continent was discovered by James Cook in 1770.

2. The most common animal in Australia is the kangaroo. It is home to the largest number of snakes in the whole world.

3. Australia is the smallest continent. At the same time, it is the largest island in the world.

4. In Australia they speak English. And mostly Europeans live here. Although there is also an indigenous population - aborigines.

5. The main architectural value of the continent is the Sydney Opera House. It is built right in the harbor and is surrounded by water on three sides. The roof of the building resembles a ship with sails or the wings of a swan.

Australia is a continent of plains, they occupy most of the territory, as well as plateaus and lowlands. The mountains are located in the eastern part of the continent: East Australian and Great Dividing Range, which starts in the northern part in Cape York and ends in Tasmania. It stretches for 3,500 kilometers and goes around Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria. It is the fourth largest in the world.

– Alpine National Park, Victoria, Australia

Top 10 Australia

Peaks to be conquered

On average, the East Australian peaks are only 700 meters, the maximum point - 2228 meters - is Mount Kosciuszko (Australian Alps). The height progresses from the northern part, they are wider and higher in the south. There the average height reaches 1 kilometer. The highest peaks are the Blue Mountains, Liverpool Range and others. The former have World Heritage status. The ridges are also high in the east and on the shores; they drop sharply towards the Pacific Ocean, their peaks have a pointed shape. In the west, the ridges are lower, the peaks, on the contrary, are flat. This mountain range is divided by basins, forming the eastern and western parts.

I bring you a list of ten peaks in Australia that boast beautiful views. Treat yourself to stunning views and add these peaks to your climbing list.

– 1 – Mount Warning

– Mount Warning or Wollumbin, New South Wales

In the central part of the region Byron Bay the mountain rises (1159 m.). Near this ancient extinct and almost destroyed volcano, also known as Wollumbin, relict moist evergreen forests of Australia have been preserved to this day, dating back to the Jurassic period.

This is one of the most amazing places that the driest continent on Earth has preserved since those distant times when Australia and Tasmania were one with Antarctica. In these forests, along with typical tropical plants, there live such amazing trees and animals as Antarctic beech and lyrebirds that have remained in Australia since the time of dinosaurs.

In terms of weather conditions, it is best to plan the climb to the top from March to November. To climb such a peak as Wollumbin requires more physical than technical training. For a successful ascent, you most likely will not need crampons or complex insurance; the ascent can be accomplished in any weather and in almost any season. You will not need to organize intermediate camps or complex logistics.

Mountain Mount Warning included in the mountain McPherson Range, which was first explored in 1828 by botanist Allan Cunningham and his partner Patrick Logan, who named the mountains after Duncan MacPherson. However, the outlines of the ridge from the shore were seen back in 1770 by the British traveler James Cook, who named the mountain peak he noticed “Mount Warning”. In general, the highest point, Mount Barney, reaches a height of 1372 meters.

On the territory of the mountain range there are several national parks, including one that is part of a World Heritage Site.

– 2 – Mount Gower

– Mount Gower and Mount Lidgbird, Lord Howe Island

Mount Gower or Mount Rover is one of the most amazing attractions, one of the oldest volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean (about 20 million years old). This mountain is also known as Big Hill and has a height of 875 meters, making it the highest on the island.

A rather difficult 8.5-hour route leads to the top. No special climbing skills are required.

Lord Howe Island This is the 3rd time on my list – how and how. In addition, the island is one of the 12 most romantic islands in the South Pacific. Those. here you can not just passively relax on the beach, but also for lovers of active leisure activities there are activities such as diving, snorkeling, boating, playing tennis and golf, climbing Mount Gower, bird watching and exploring the nature of the island.

– 3 – Mount Kosciuszko

– Seaman’s Hut, Mount Kosciusko NP, New South Wales

This small peak (2228 m.) Kosciuszko was discovered in 1839. Already in the next 1840, the Polish traveler, geographer and geologist Pavel Edmund Strzelecki, who gave the name to the mountain in honor of the military and political figure Tadeusz Kosciuszko.

Previously the mountain was called Townsend, same name "Kosciuszko" belonged to the neighboring peak, which was then considered the highest in the Australian Alps. After later studies found that Townsend still 20 meters higher, out of respect for Pawel Edmund Strzelecki, the New South Wales Land Department decided to swap the names of the two mountains so that the highest one would still be called "Kosciuszko".

The best season for climbing the mountain is from November to March. The pinnacle of such a level as Mount Kosciuszko is more of a tourist attraction than a mountain climbing object. This is one of the most welcoming and well-equipped peaks in the world. There are several routes for the climb, practically no different in difficulty. Check the weather forecast and don't forget a raincoat or raincoat if necessary and go for a walk to the highest peak in Australia.

You can start on the “roof of the continent” from Thredbo (lift and leisurely walk 6.5 km long) and from Charlotte Pass there are two trails 9 km long. and 12 km.

– 4 – Mount Feathertop

– Mount Feathertop, Alpine National Park, Victoria

Mount Feathertop is the second highest mountain in the state of Victoria in Australia, having a height of 1922 meters (the highest mountain in Victoria is Mt Bogong, 1986 m) and is located in Alpine National Park. From June to September it is covered with snow.

The first people to systematically explore Bogong High Plains, Jim Brown and Jack Wells named the mountain "Feathertop" in 1851.

In 1906 from Harrietville They built a track to the mountain (today the Bungalow Spur hiking route is close to it) and built a hut near a spring on a flat area. The hut was rebuilt in 1912 and is now known as Feathertop Hut. From Federation Hut there is a 2 km long track leading to the mountain, which connects with other hiking tracks leading to the mountain - Razorback and North West Spur.

– 5 – Mount Barney

– Mount Barney, Queensland

Highest point McPherson Range, Mount Barney, reaches a height of 1372 meters. It is located in south-eastern Queensland, approximately 130 km. southwest of Brisbane, near the border with New South Wales. It is the fifth highest in Queensland.

It is a popular tourist destination for rainforest hiking. The mountain consists of two main peaks (East Peak and slightly higher West Peak), as well as a number of smaller subsidiary peaks. East Peak is the most popular for climbing. The mountain occupies a prominent place in local Aboriginal culture.

On August 3, 1828, explorer Allan Cunningham named the mountain Mt. Lindsay. However, it is believed that the Surveyor General of New South Wales, Thomas Mitchell, renamed the mountain in 1840 to Mount Barney, after George Barney, a colonial engineer.

The first European to climb Mt. Mount Barney was Captain Patrick Logan, who summited East Peak via what is now called Logan's Ridge during an exploring expedition in 1828. An account of the ascent was written by botanists Charles Fraser and Allan Cunningham, who accompanied Logan when climbing.

In 1947 it was created Mount Barney National Park to protect the natural heritage surrounding the peak. Mount Barney was included in Australia's Central and Eastern Rainforest Conservation Areas in 1994 to protect rare plants and animals whose habitats are at risk of extinction.

– 6 – Walshs Pyramid

– Walshs Pyramid, Wooroonooran National Park, Queensland

Walshs Pyramid the world's highest free-standing hill (922 m) with a distinct pyramidal appearance, 20 km south of Burns. It is located in Wooroonooran National Park. For experienced people, the ascent and descent can take from 4 to 6 hours. Every year on the third Saturday in August, the national Great Pyramid Race and Farm Fair is held here. According to official data, the height of the mountain corresponds to the level of the highest city Ravenshoe. This mountain also has a local Aboriginal name - Buadadjarruga

The mountain received its name in 1870 in honor of William Henry Walsh, a minister of the Queensland Government.

Wurunuran National Park is located in an area designated as a World Heritage Area (Wet Tropics World Heritage Area). The part of the park called Palmerston is the most striking example of a tropical rainforest ecosystem with the most diverse flora and fauna. More than 500 species of tropical trees grow here, and rare endemic species of animals and birds live here, including the marsupial rat and the chowchilla bird. Since ancient times, these lands were inhabited by aborigines of the Wari and Dulgubara tribes. The first European to explore the territory of the future national park was Christie Palmerston. Part of the park is named after him.

– 7 – Mount Ngungun

– Mount Ngungun, Glass House Mountains, Queensland

Mount Ngungun is one of the mountains of volcanic origin, or hills, park Glass House Mountains. This mountain is the sixth of 11 in this park in height (253 meters).

The hills were first described by James Cook on May 17, 1770, and he gave them their current name. In 1799 they were explored in detail by Matthew Flinders, who also conquered one of them: Beerburrum (278 meters). According to modern research, the age of the hills is about 25 million years. Access to the hills themselves is limited due to the fact that the Aboriginal people consider them sacred places.

According to the Kabi Kabi Aboriginal beliefs, the father is Tibrogargan Hill, the mother is Beerwah, and the rest are their sons and daughters, the eldest of whom is Coonowrin. One day, when Tibrogargan was looking out to sea, he saw a great rise in the waters. He realized that there was a flood in the distance, and began to worry about Birwa, who had bore him many children and was pregnant again, and would not be able to reach a safe height in the west without outside help. And calling to him his eldest son, Kunourin, and telling him about the flood, he told him to help his pregnant mother gather the little children together so that the family could flee from the natural disaster. Koonourin ran away in fear alone and Tibrogargan, indignant at the cowardice of his son, struck him with such force that it dislocated his neck, and he was never able to straighten it again from then on. When the sea receded, the family returned to the plain. Kunourin, teased with a crooked neck and he was very ashamed of his behavior, he went to Tibrogargan and asked for forgiveness, but his father simply cried with shame. Kunourin then approached the brothers and sisters to ask for their forgiveness, but they too could only cry in shame, which explains the large number of streams and springs. The father, calling his eldest son to him, began to find out why he did not help his mother, to which he replied that he felt that she was old enough to take care of herself, although he did not know then that she was pregnant. Tibrogargan turned his back on his son and still looks at the sea today, refusing to look at his delinquent son, who always holds his neck crooked and cries. Beerwah, is still pregnant, as it takes a long time to give birth to the mountain.

– 8 – Cradle Mountain

– Cradle Mountain, Tasmania

The jagged mountain peak, 1545 meters high and the fifth highest mountain on the island, has become a symbol of the park, and indeed the whole of Tasmania.

Cradle Mountain named in 1827 by explorer Joseph Fossey, who decided that the site bore a remarkable resemblance to a cradle. In 1831, explorer Henry Hellyer successfully reached the summit of Cradle Mountain.

When talking about this place, we must definitely mention Gustav Weindorfer. Austrian naturalist, considered the founding father of tourism in the area. He and his wife Kate chose the site to build a chalet that would allow tourists to stay in the valley and explore its beauty.

– 9 – Mount Bishop and Clerk

– Mount Bishop and Clerk, Maria Island, Tasmania

On the northern part is the highest point of the island - Mount Maria of the same name, 711 m high (according to other sources, 710 m) above sea level. In the same mountain range, to the north, are Mount Martins Tor (705 m high) and Mount Pedder (653 m high). At the northernmost tip of the mountain range is Mount Bishop and Clerk. The highest point of the southern part of the island is Middle Hill with a height of 324 m. The dolerite structure of the mountain peaks is classified as natural values, the most striking are the peaks Bishop and Clerk, so named because they resembled a bishop carrying a miter and walking behind a priest.

An interesting and picturesque route is the hike to Mount Bishop and Clerk– 12 km round trip, takes from 3 to 5 hours. Australian Traveler magazine named it one of the top 10 day hikes in Australia.

– 10 – St. Mary Peak

– St Mary Peak, Flinders Ranges NP,

St Mary's Peak or the highest (1171 m) peak of the Flinders Ranges in South Australia, located on the north-west side of the valley. Located on the territory Flinders Ranges NP. It ranks eighth on the list of the highest peaks in South Australia. The peak also has a local Aboriginal name - Ngarri Mudlanha.

There are two trails to the top - a short 7-kilometer track running along the outside of Wilpena Pound (14 km, about 3.5 hours one way) and a long, internal trail running through the middle of Wilpena Pound (21.2 km, about 4 .5 hours one way.The trails are considered quite difficult and require serious experience.

St Mary Peak plays a special role in the culture of local aborigines, so there would be no shame if you refuse to climb this peak. According to legend, this peak is the head of the ancient snake Akurra, or rather the snake, whose body petrified and formed the northeastern wall Wilpena Pound

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