The most terrible monsters in the history of world cinema. Do monsters really exist? The most terrible monsters in the world are real

Incredible facts

These photos of strange and sometimes creepy creatures have caused many people to shudder and wonder, "What the hell is this?"

Images of them circulated all over the Internet, allowing many to come up with wild guesses about the creatures' origins.

Read also:25 Scary Creatures Found in Nature

Here are some of the most amazing creatures who were discovered and who they actually turned out to be.

Strange creatures

1. Montauk Monster

The story began when unknown creature washed ashore in the Montauk area of ​​New York in 2008. Local youth took photographs of the carcass and sold them to newspapers.

Since the Montauk monster was discovered, other carcasses have been found in the same area. There were suggestions that it was a turtle without a shell, a dog, a large rodent, or a scientific experiment that was carried out at a government animal testing center.

In fact:

Experts concluded that the creature was the corpse of a raccoon, consistent with the shape of teeth and paws, but which was missing a front jaw. Strange view explained by the fact that his body began to decompose.

2. Louisiana Monster

In December 2010, an unknown person's deer hunting camera captured something frightening.

The photo shows a thin, clumsy, fast-moving and, apparently, nocturnal creature that seemed to want to swallow your soul.

In fact:

The mystery of this creature has not been solved, although many believe that the picture was processed using Photoshop. Two companies tried to use the photo for viral advertising.

For example, the Playstation company stated that the creature was in the game Resistance 3.

There were also those who claimed that this was the “fallen angel” captured on video in the forest, appearing at 45 seconds.

3. Alien child from Mexico

In May 2007, a Mexican farmer Mario Moreno Lopez(Mario Moreno Lopez) discovered a strange creature in a rat trap. He tried to drown him, killing him only the third time.

The creature was small - about 70 cm long with an elongated head, which led to speculation that it was the child of an alien with high level intelligence.

However, skeptics have stated that it could be a reptile or a skinless squirrel monkey, which would explain the tail and spine as well as big head and eyes.

The farmer himself mysteriously died in a car during an abnormal high temperature some time after drowning the creature, which many ufologists considered alien revenge for the child.

In fact:

Scientists claimed that the creature's teeth are not located as human teeth, and it itself has a unique tissue that has not been modified, which refutes the monkey theory.

Later, the farmer’s nephew and part-time taxidermist admitted that the creature was the corpse of a monkey, from which the skin and ears were removed and which was placed in the liquids of various animals.

4. Blue Hill Horror

In September 2009, four teenagers playing in the village of Cerro Azul in Panama discovered a strange creature running out of a cave. According to them, the monster began to chase them, and the teenagers began throwing stones at it until they killed it, and then threw the body into the water.

The newspapers called the creature Gollum (the character from The Lord of the Rings) because it lived in a cave, and also the Blue Hill Horror.

In fact:

Scientists discovered that the teenagers' story was a fiction, and the creature turned out to be the body of a sloth that had begun to decompose. Because of long stay in the water, his vegetation had disappeared, giving him a bloated, rubbery appearance.

5. Alien corpse at ceremony in Thailand

In 2010 in in social networks a series of photographs taken in 2007 at a funeral ceremony has appeared strange creature, similar to an alien in Thailand. It had a large round head, gray skin covered in white powder, resembling a satyr with tiny hooves and a tail.

Some claim that the ceremony was performed to get rid of evil spirits associated with the creature, others believed that the inhabitants worshiped the creature as a deity.

In fact:

There were speculations that the creature was a disfigured cow, although it looked very humanoid. Many point to big number abnormal animals appearing all over the world, and they believe that aliens are experimenting on animals, creating strange hybrids that will one day take over the world.

Mysterious creatures

6. Humanoid from Chile

In October 2002, while traveling with his family to Chile Julio Carreno(Julio Carreno) discovered a tiny humanoid 7.2 cm long in the bushes.

The creature had a large humanoid head, nails and opened its eyes, and died 8 days after discovery. When he was alive, he had pink skin that darkened and his body remained warm before quickly mummifying itself.

In fact:

The humanoid's body was examined by veterinarians from Santiago, whose opinions were divided as to who the creature was. They confirmed that it is not a human fetus or the remains of a feline, but its physical characteristics were more suitable for a mouse possum. However, the creature did not have the small sharp teeth or tail of a possum, and the head was twice as large.

7. Chupacabra from Texas

The creature known as "Yeti" Latin America seen several times in Puerto Rico and the United States, namely Texas. According to legend, the chupacabra (which translates from Spanish as “goat bloodsucker”) kills livestock and drinks their blood.

According to descriptions, this creature had no fur, its skin had a bluish-gray tint.

These creatures have been seen and shot several times in Texas for strangling dozens of chickens.

In fact:

DNA tests showed the animal was a wolf-coyote hybrid that had lost its hair due to mange. Although the ability to suck blood from chickens and goats remains unclear.

8. Huge boar from A Labamas

In May 2007, an 11-year-old boy, Jamison Stone, from Alabama in the USA, shot a huge wild boar weighing almost 480 kg and 2.80 meters long. The boy, who was hunting with his father, shot the animal eight times and chased it for three hours. When the boar was shot, trees had to be cut down to get it. The animal's head was left as a trophy, and about 200-300 kg of sausages were made from the meat.

In fact:

Many people signed a petition accusing the boy of animal cruelty. Skeptics consider the whole story to be fiction, and the boar was, in fact, raised on a farm and fattened in order to sensationalize the story. Also, many believed that this was simply the result of Photoshop processing.

9. Eastern Yeti Captured in China

In April 2010, hunters captured a balding mammal that resembled a bear with a kangaroo tail and made cat-like noises. The creature became a real sensation and was called the “Eastern Yeti.” According to legend, the Yeti had the figure of a bear, which was much taller than a man. This creature was no more than 60 cm in length.

In fact:

Experts concluded that it was a common musang with scabies. The animal was sent to Beijing for examination, but the results were never made public.

10. "Alien" from Chelyabinsk

This creature was discovered in an abandoned pit in Chelyabinsk in Russia. It had a hard shell, several limbs located one above the other, and a tail. Some have suggested that this monster is a huge scale insect, horseshoe crab, or trilobite, which went extinct before the dinosaurs.

In fact:

Apparently, these creatures are shield crustaceans, which are one of the oldest animals, a species that is more than 200 million years old. Usually its size does not exceed 6-7 cm, while the discovered animal reached about 60 cm

Modern people are skeptics by nature. Maybe it happened because they grew up reading, listening and watching fantasy stories, and then discovered that real life is much more prosaic? Monsters aren't real. Magic does not exist, just like Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga and Brownie. But just because Santa Claus is not some all-powerful magical overlord does not mean that real life There was no person who would not selflessly do something good for humanity and would not leave behind a lot of good things.

Let's put our skepticism aside for a second and take a look at ten things below (plus a bonus) that are considered mythical but either actually existed or had an equivalent in real world.

10. Dragons

Theories about what inspired the stories of dragons rely on lost bones of crocodiles and dinosaurs. However, we cannot call these creatures real dragons because humans have never encountered dinosaurs and crocodiles are too small in size. And that's where Megalania, an ancient relative of komodo dragon who terrorized the Australian Aborigines. It grew up to 8 meters in length and weighed up to 1.9 tons. Her poisonous saliva, containing an anti-clotting agent, caused her victims to bleed to death.

9. Hobbits

During excavations carried out in a limestone cave on the island of Flores in Indonesia, a skeleton approximately 1 meter high was discovered, the skull of which was only one-third the size of the skull. ordinary person- hobbit. Researchers have discovered the remains of nine such individuals, with the youngest skeleton dating back approximately 12,000 years. They also discovered tools and other signs of civilization. There are skeptics who believe that hobbits are simply people who suffered from some kind of growth-suppressing disease, such as microcephaly. However, the widespread opinion among scientists is that hobbits are actually separate species, the same as the Neanderthal species that shared a common ancestor with humans. In addition, Indonesia has active volcanoes, where, if necessary, you can throw away the ring...

8. Kraken

There is an opinion that the image of the Kraken was inspired by an encounter with a huge squid. It can't help but be frustrating, can it? With eyes the size of beach volleyballs, the giant squid is truly enormous, but it lacks monstrousness. He doesn't look like the kind of creature we might imagine tearing apart a boat.

However, recently it was discovered in the Southern Ocean Colossal squid. It is believed that its body length reaches fourteen meters, and its beak and eyes are much larger than those of the giant squid. What sets it apart from other squids is that in addition to the suckers, its limbs are covered with sharp hooks, some of which are curved inwards and some of which end in three claws. This is truly something that can cause significant damage.

7. Amazons

You've undoubtedly heard of the Amazons, an all-female tribe who were fierce warriors. They are also known from legends about the exploits of Hercules. The Greek historian Herodotus described the fate of the Amazons as follows: he said that they were captured and transported to another territory, then they overthrew their captors, were shipwrecked and ended up on the Eurasian steppe, where they fought with the Scythians. Believing that the Amazons could be strong wives, the Scythian men decided to fight them only in the field of love. Having survived all these ups and downs, the Amazons agreed to marry Scythian men, but only on the condition that they would allow their daughters to continue the proud tradition of their mothers and become warriors.

Herodotus is known for his love of embellishing history, so he should not be believed unless his words are backed up by archaeological evidence. However, they are backed up. Excavations of ancient graves on the Eurasian steppe have shown that a significant proportion of Scythian women had the bone damage associated with battle, and that they were buried with swords, bows, daggers and other weapons of warriors.

6. Dire Wolf

The dire wolf has appeared in many role-playing games, and you may even have recently read or seen him in Game of Thrones. In real life, dire wolves coexisted with early humans in the megafauna during the Pleistocene era. They were larger and stronger than a normal wolf, and their teeth were sharper.

However, when the megafauna began to die out, dire wolves lost their main source of food. They were too slow to hunt the kind of prey that modern gray wolves hunt, forcing them to become scavengers - although they were not adapted for this. They eventually became extinct.

5. Scylla and Charybdis

On one of the days of his journey, Odysseus was forced to direct his ships through a narrow cave, on both sides of which he and his crew were waiting terrible monsters. On one shore, Scylla, a multi-headed monster, was waiting for his ship, who dragged part of Odysseus’s crew off the deck. On the other side, waiting for him was Charybdis, a sea beast that sucked ships to the bottom using a funnel. Odysseus decided to sail near Scylla, believing that it would be better to lose a few people, but allow everyone else to survive, than to lose the entire ship and all his people.

The Straits of Messina runs between Sicily and mainland Italy. It was here, according to legend, that Skilla and Charybdis lived. Charybdis is actually a funnel, only there is no monster in it and its flow is much calmer than described in the legends. On the other side of the strait there are rocky shallows, which inspired people to create the legend of the heads of Scylla. In fact, Odysseus would have been better off choosing Charybdis.

4. Berserkers

Berserkers are not just heroes taken from screenshots of the game Skyrim - the first mention of them can be found in old Norwegian poems. They were quite fearsome warriors in their time. But how did they get supernatural strength and invulnerability? Surely their legendary madness in battle was nothing more than an embellishment of history? But no, this actually happened. They took drugs before the fight, most likely hallucinogens, which made them fearless, strong and immune to pain and danger. Researchers have found that the drug bufotenine can replicate the effects of their violent anger.

3. Tower of Babel

Unlike the Hanging Gardens, the construction of the Tower of Babel is evidenced by archaeological finds that were found at the excavation site of Babylon and prove that Nebuchadnezzar II received the right to erect it.

However, it was not a place where people talked nonsense that God destroyed. It was a ziggurat called Etemenanki, a temple to the god Marduk, which was later destroyed by Alexander the Great. He wanted to rebuild it as he saw fit, but died before he could do so. After this, many people tried to rebuild the temple according to their own ideas, each time demolishing what had been built before in order to start all over again. But no one managed to finish anything. It turns out that this place, after all, may be a symbol of human inability to work together.

2. Moby Dick and Captain Ahab

Moby Dick was based on stories about a real-life giant white sperm whale. Moreover, the real sperm whale was much cooler than in the book. In fact, his name was Mocha Dick, probably because he lived near Mocha Island. He won battles with hundreds of whaling ships, smashing some of them to pieces and sending them to the bottom. One day he fought three whaling ships at once and won.

The character of Captain Ahab was also based on real person, who lived around the same time as Mocha Dick. Captain Pollard did not seek revenge after the whale destroyed his ship. He and his crew had to resort to cannibalism to survive. But, he went to sea again, as a captain on a new ship...which also sank, this time due to a storm. He spent his remaining years working as a night watchman.

1. Imoogi or Korean Dragon

Korean legends tell about Imuji - huge pythons that were considered young dragons. According to legend, the Imuji lived in water or caves, and had to live on earth for a thousand years before they could ascend to the heavens and become true, fully formed dragons.

Although he lived in South America, and not in Korea, a python of such gigantic size actually existed. He was so huge that we could have mistaken him for a young dragon. Titanoboa was approximately 14 meters long and weighed more than 1 ton. He strangled his victim with a force of 400psi, which is equivalent to if the Brooklyn Bridge fell on you, only 1.5 times heavier. Such a python could swallow a person even without its body expanding anywhere as the person's body moved along it. digestive system. They became extinct many years ago, but I would like to think that they ascended and became dragons.

Dwarka - Kingdom of Krishna (Krishna’s City of Dwarka)

According to legend, Krishna (the Hindu equivalent of Jesus) ruled the city of Dwarka until the city was swallowed up by the sea. Finding the lost city of Dwarka would be equivalent to us finding the Holy Grail or Noah's Ark for Hindus.

Archaeologists have indeed discovered a sunken city off the coast of India. The stone reliefs found in this city have not only confirmed that this is actually Dwarka, oldest city in history, but also that it was under the control of Krishna.

“You know, you can’t hear the thunderstorm here at all, so there’s no interest in being afraid. I’d rather go and be afraid in the attic again.” kitten woof

We watch movies to experience all sorts of different emotions. And fear too. Vile creatures are great for this. And they are also interesting to look at. You half-close your eyes with your fingers so that it’s not so scary, and you peek. This selection contains the very best. It was scary to even insert pictures.

The Witches - "The Witches" Still: Warner Bros.

Perhaps in no other film were witches so terrible. For many children of the 90s, it was these “beauties” that became the cause of nightmares.

Werewolves - " Another world"
Frame: Sony/Columbia

The story of the rivalry between vampires and werewolves is far from new and has become the basis for many books, films, TV series and even comics. However, regardless of whether these creatures are fighting each other or twisting romance novels, they still remain monsters. And in the film “Another World” werewolves look especially creepy. These are huge, muscular creatures with the head of a mad dog. This is probably the last thing you would want to see in real life.

Predator - " Predators"
Frame: 20th Century Fox

Now, someone, but a predator can fully be called a terrible creature. Absolutely everything about him is creepy, from his name to his appearance. Just look at the jaws, like those of insects. In addition, Predators are not just some kind of monsters, they are a race of highly intelligent creatures, whose development is significantly ahead of ours, and this makes them even more dangerous.

Pumpkinhead - "Pumpkinhead"
Frame: MGM/UA

When you hear the name Pumpkinhead, you might think of a funny cartoon character, but that's not the case at all. Pumpkinhead is an evil demon of revenge, summoned from the underworld by the father of a murdered boy, thirsting for retribution. You only have to see this creature once to understand that he is truly one of the most terrifying monsters in film history.

Clover - " Monstro"
Frame: Paramount Goblins - "Goblins 2"
Frame: Empire Pictures

Unlike most of the other monsters on this list, which are mostly much larger and stronger than man, Goblins are tiny creatures that take the concept of “ugliness” to the extreme. new level. Despite their size, these are evil and bloodthirsty creatures that attack people.

Something - " Something"
Frame: Universal

An alien life form that can take on almost any form. But the image of the creepy dog ​​that we saw in the film is truly scary.

Brundle fly - " Fly"
Frame: 20th Century Fox

Seth Brundle was a promising scientist who invented a teleportation device. But a fatal incident ended his career overnight. During one of the experiments, a fly got into the teleport device, its cells were mixed with Brundle's cells. As a result, Seth began to turn into a creepy humanoid creature.

Mimic - " Edge of Tomorrow"
Frame: 20th Century Fox

Aliens are often depicted in films in the most various forms and guises. But in the film "Edge of Tomorrow" they are especially frightening. And it's not just their appearance. After all, they have an excellent command of military tactics and strategy, and also know how to manage time, which makes them very dangerous opponents.

Acromantula - " Harry Potter And The Chamber of secrets"
Frame: Warner Bros.

The Acromantula is a huge eight-eyed spider, its entire body is covered with thick black hair, and its paw span reaches several meters. It secretes a deadly poison, and when it is angry or scared, it clicks loudly. Among other things, he is a predator, and is not averse to snacking on humans.

Pale man - " Pan's Labyrinth"
Frame: Picturehouse

A humanoid creature with eye sockets in its palms, into which it independently inserts its eyes, and then, spreading its fingers wide, looks around, isn’t that creepy? Such a fabulous monster rightfully deserves a place on this list.

Viy - " Viy"
Frame: UPI

The same old Viy from the 1967 film, of course, is also creepy, and instilled fear in more than one generation of our viewers. But the new Viy from 2014 with many eyes and long eyelids, looking more like a giant insect, is also very scary.

Bear - "Morozko"
Frame: Gorky Studio

A clear demonstration of what happens when you don’t bow to talking humanoid mushrooms. But seriously, this creepy bear face still looks scary, but even then, in the 1960s, it was simply terrifying.

Stranger - " Stranger"
Frame: 20th Century Fox

This six-foot, acid-spitting alien monster is without a doubt one of the creepiest creatures to ever grace the silver screen. Aliens are somewhat similar to giant ants, they also have a queen - the main and largest individual in the colony, and also have soldiers and drones. It’s scary to even imagine the horror of that world where strangers can be just as harmless ants.

Monster - "The Spell of the Valley of Serpents"
Frame: Tallinnfilm

The terrible monster that Breacher turned into, although he did not live on the screen for very long, managed to scare many of his viewers.


These findings - with rare exceptions - have never found any scientific explanation. Scientists are still wondering what they encountered. But the fact remains...

On the coast of Guinea West Africa A huge unknown animal was found on the shallows.

The dead monster washed ashore during a storm.

Judging by the photo, the possibility of discovering a new species of animal, hitherto unknown to science, cannot be ruled out.

U mysterious monster you can clearly see the head, paws, teeth and tail...

All the residents of nearby villages gathered to look at the monster.

But on July 28, 2008, in the United States, another animal unknown to science washed up on the shore of Long Island.

While scientists are examining the corpse, many researchers are already speculating. Many are inclined to believe that the creepy corpse belongs to an ordinary turtle, only without a shell.

But fishermen in one of the ponds in the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region caught an unknown creature, which was filmed mobile phone. Judging by the recording, the creature consists of a tail and a flat round body covered with a shell. When turned over on its back, numerous moving legs are revealed under the shell. The size of the animal has not yet been determined.

According to preliminary data, this is a shieldfish from the order Gilliapods. Shchitni are considered one of the most ancient animals on earth. Their morphology has been preserved since Triassic period(220 million years ago). They have about 70 pairs of legs, on which the gills are located.

Shields can live in any body of water, including puddles, on all continents except Antarctica. They are omnivores, burrowing in the mud, feeding on larvae, tadpoles, etc. Shields are the top predators in their ecological niche; they eat anything smaller than them. Cannibalism is widespread in most species.

USA, Texas. A resident of the city of Cuero, Phillips Canyon, found on his ranch strange dead an animal previously unknown to science. Scientists have attributed this animal to the Chupacabra. The photo shows just the head of the animal.

Eyewitnesses claim that the one and a half meter creature walks on its hind legs and is somewhat reminiscent of a reptile or dinosaur. He has only three toes on his feet, so the marks remain like those left by a chicken, only much larger and with indentations from claws. The features of a baboon are clearly visible on the face, and the huge red eyes are exactly the same as those of the aliens depicted in the pictures.

Every now and then you can find photographs of the Chupacabra on the Internet, allegedly found by one of the farmers.

But the existence of this very Chupacabra has not yet been scientifically confirmed.

On one of the beaches Pacific Ocean Chilean fishermen found a 13-ton carcass sea ​​monster. The body is a huge jelly-like body gray approximately 12 meters long and weighing approximately 13 tons. The carcass has already begun to decompose, which significantly complicates the identification process. Pending DNA analysis, scientists speculate that the organism could have been giant squid, the half-decomposed remains of a strange swollen whale or an octopus. Latest version seems most likely to them.

In April 1977, the whole world received a sensational message about the discovery of Japanese fishermen from the Tsuyo Maru trawler. While fishing for mackerel near New Zealand, the net brought back the half-decomposed corpse of an unknown animal. The condition of the find was deplorable. The thirteen-meter carcass, weighing about two tons, spread a stench. The fishermen discerned a shapeless body with four limbs (either fins or flippers), A long tail and a small head on thin neck. The catch was measured, photographed, and then had to be thrown overboard.

On the island of New Britain, part of the Pacific state of Papua New Guinea, local residents discovered a huge terrible beast. This news was first brought by a resident of a remote village, Kristina Samey, who personally observed the emergence of a 3-meter monster with the head of a dog and the tail of a crocodile from the swamp. The tribesmen were quite skeptical about her story, but with the growing number of eyewitnesses, as well as frightening details, passions began to heat up. In the end, the local administration considered it necessary to inform about unusual phenomenon central authorities, dubbing the swamp hybrid " prehistoric dinosaur"An animal unknown to science was captured on film: filmed by Robert Le Serrec, Hook Island, Australia.

And this photo went around the entire Internet. The miracle whale fish was caught by fishermen in Astrakhan. The fishermen were so amazed by the find that their imagination was enough to capture the monster on a mobile phone camera and throw the carcass back into the sea.

However, often mysterious finds still have their own explanation. Thus, near the village of Tangi on the northern and almost impassable tip of Sakhalin Island, fishermen discovered the carcass of a huge sea ​​beast, which they identified as a pleosaur, an animal that lived millions of years ago during the Jurassic period.

Soon, ichthyologists made a verdict - the Sakhalin “fossil lizard” turned out to be an ordinary large killer whale.

A large killer whale was thrown onto the rocks by a strong storm, where the carcass became stuck in a twisted position.

The “thick fur” of the animal that amazed the fishermen turned out to be a huge amount of algae adhering to it, and for the “crocodile’s face” they mistook a skull flattened by the impact of the stones and exposed.

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As they say, there is some truth in every fairy tale, and as it turns out, sometimes this share comes from the role of dragons, hobbits and underwater giants the size of a 10-story building.

For those who dreamed of being in a fairy tale, website made a selection of 7 legendary creatures that actually existed.


The word “hobbit” was invented by Tolkien, but there is evidence that little people actually existed.

During excavations in 2003 on the island of Flores in Indonesia, archaeologists discovered a human skeleton about 1 meter tall and with a head 3 times smaller than that of an ordinary person. A little later, scientists found the remains of 9 more such people, and the age of the youngest of them was 12,000 years.

Scientists have concluded that this is a separate species. And they gave him the name “Floresian man” (lat. Homo floresiensis), but most of them call them hobbits.

In addition, in Indonesia there are quite suitable volcanoes for, say, throwing a ring into them if necessary.


Dragons are without a doubt the most famous of mythical creatures. Huge lizards breathing fire that only a brave knight could defeat.

But there were also real animals, and it was quite possible to call them dragons. For example, Megalania is the largest of the lizards, known to science. They grew up to 9 meters in length, weighed 2,200 kg and spit poisonous saliva. Sounds familiar, right? Megalania existed in the Pleistocene era and could have met humans, and their remains gave rise to the myth of dragons.

By the way, dragons still exist today. They are called Komodo dragons, they live in Indonesia and can reach 3 meters in length, which is also quite a lot.


Giant squids, which is essentially what the kraken is, may still exist today. Moreover, this has been repeatedly confirmed by sailors and scientists.

In 2015, a 3.7-meter-long squid was discovered and filmed near Japan. As scientists later said, it was only a cub that can grow up to 25 meters in length. Agree, a 25-meter big guy can easily grab with his tentacles and drag even a large ship to the bottom.

Imoogi, or Korean dragon

Korean legends tell about imuji - huge pythons that were considered young dragons. According to legend, they were found in water or caves and were supposed to live on earth for a thousand years before turning into dragons and flying to the sky.

The most big shark in the world - megalodon - roamed the depths of the oceans about 28 million years ago. Megalodon was a real king underwater world, reached 16 meters in length and weighed approximately 47 tons.

According to some versions of scientists, which are based on the remains found, these superpredators could survive until the advent of humans. And some believe that megalodons still live in unexplored waters.


The famous novel Moby Dick was based on stories about a real-life giant white sperm whale. He attacked whaling ships and smashed them into pieces, sending them to the bottom. In 1819, the crew of a whaling ship hunted whales for a year and a half until a huge white sperm whale put an end to it.

  • In 1839, an article was published in one of the magazines of that time, which stated that giant whale was defeated off the coast of Chile near the island of Mocha, since then he has been nicknamed Mocha Dick.
  • And in 1974, Canadian sailors spotted an albino whale in the Atlantic. They chased the animal for many hours until they managed to envelop it in nets in the bay. It turned out that it was a young female. This means that exactly the same giant whale could exist.

In addition, experts in Peru found a well-preserved sperm whale skull, the length of which reached 12–17 meters. This species of animal was named Leviathan melvillei.

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