The largest spider in the history of the earth. The Goliath tarantula is the largest spider in the world. Huntsman spider or giant crab spider

Spiders can without a doubt be considered one of the most unusual and interesting representatives of the animal world. Many of them are brightly colored and differ significantly from other inhabitants of our planet. Arthropods amaze not only with their appearance, but also with their way of life, nutrition, and reproduction.

Large spiders are predators, eating insects, rodents, frogs, lizards, small snakes, birds and other small animals. As a rule, they do not use webs for hunting, tracking down and overtaking their victims, hiding in an inconspicuous place. Once next to the insect, the spider pierces its skin with sharp chelicerae located in the area of ​​the mouth opening, releasing poison and digestive juice into its body. Then, after waiting for some time, it sucks liquid nutrients from the animal.

For their homes, spiders choose secluded corners formed by fallen tree branches and bark; some species live in burrows dug in the ground or in trees. A characteristic feature of these animals is periodic molting, during which they pull off their now cramped shell, which is replaced by a new, more spacious shell - the exoskeleton.

Reproduction of spiders occurs with the obligatory preliminary demonstration of the male’s readiness to mate and the female’s response signals. After the process is over, the male has to quickly retreat so as not to become a tasty morsel for his partner.

We present to your attention the top largest spiders in the world - these living creatures often strike fear into impressionable people, but is it really worth fearing them?

5th place

The purple tarantula is a spider from the Tarantula family. Reaches 25 cm in length. The life expectancy of females is 15 years, males - from 2 to 3 years. These large spiders catch prey by hiding in a secluded place. Tarantulas do not use webs for this purpose.


  • the body of the spider consists of a cephalothorax, an abdomen densely covered with hairs, and long pubescent legs;
  • the colors of the female are dominated by dark blue, purple and black shades;
  • The color of males is yellow-green.

Under natural conditions, it is found in the tropical forests of South America, Asia, and the deserts of Africa. It feeds mainly on crickets, cockroaches, flies, small rodents, and sometimes eats frogs, fish, and small birds. For humans, a tarantula bite is not fatal, but can cause an allergic reaction.

4th place

The camel spider is also called the sun spider or phalanx spider. This huge spider grows up to 30 cm, and its body length is only 5–7 cm. It is yellow-brown in color, the body is divided into segments, and there are tentacles on the cephalothorax that act as limbs. This arthropod distinguishes light and moving objects well due to the presence of 4 compound eyes. The speed of movement of the phalanx is quite high - 16 km/h.

The camel spider feeds on various types of insects, lizards, and rodents. Sharp chelicerae (claw-shaped mouth appendages) have high cutting abilities and are capable of cutting skin, thin bones, and cutting off hair from the victim. The sites of camel spider bites may become inflamed due to the introduction of an infection located on the chelicerae into the wound. It lives in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America.

3rd place

Goliath tarantula, its second name is Blonde's Theraphosis. This is a huge spider: the body length of the goliath is about 10 cm, with limbs up to 30 cm. The abdomen, body and limbs of the arthropod are dark brown, covered with many hairs. The average lifespan of a male is 4.5 years, females live 5 times longer. It feeds mainly on frogs, small snakes, rodents, and lizards. When attacking a victim, it paralyzes it with poison contained in the fangs on its head.

The toxic component of goliath venom is not dangerous for humans; its effect feels similar to a bee sting. In order to protect itself from enemies, the spider also uses abdominal hairs, which cause irritation of the mucous membranes. The habitat of Theraphosa Blonda is South America. You can get an idea of ​​the appearance of this and other largest arthropods by looking at pictures of the largest spiders in the world.

2nd place

Brazilian salmon-pink tarantula. It reaches a size of 30 cm, body length is about 10 cm. Females are much larger than males in size and body weight. This species of tarantula lives in Brazil.

External features:

  1. The upper part of the spider's cephalothorax is covered with a shield with a pattern in the form of a 10-pointed black star on a salmon background.
  2. The first segments of the limbs adjacent to the body are colored pink, the rest are dark gray.
  3. The abdomen and legs are densely pubescent.

The special decorative properties of large arthropods determine the interest of hobbyists in keeping them at home. When purchasing, it is necessary to create optimal living conditions for the pet. In the absence of such experience, you should take a closer look at the character of the animal: some spiders may experience increased anxiety and aggressiveness when kept in captivity.

1st place

Giant crab spider. The second name of this species is the hunter spider. Taking into account the length of the limbs, its size reaches 30 cm or more. This giant spider is a bit like a crab in the structure of its legs and the ability to move both forward and laterally. The body and limbs are usually gray or brown in color, often its color is spotted - contains black, white or red spots.

The photo shows what the largest spider in the world looks like. The hunter's food consists of insects and small invertebrates. Pursuing his prey, he overtakes her with quick jumps and injects poison, which includes a substance - a neurotoxin that affects nerve cells. The neurotoxin can cause pain and swelling, but does not lead to serious health consequences.

It can bite a person only for the purpose of self-defense. The habitat of the giant crab spider is Japan and Australia.

Humanity has never been indifferent to spiders. In some cultures, these animals are symbols of wisdom, in others - harbingers of trouble. Giant spiders inspire fear in humanity, appearing as heroes in horror films and action-packed novels.

Pictures of arachnids are used as designs for tattoos. Many people suffer from arachnophobia - the fear of these arthropods. Try not to be scared, because here are the top 10 largest spiders in the world.

10 Nephila edulis

The species of nephila golden web spiders has gained worldwide fame due to the fact that these spiders are capable of weaving the largest web. They are sometimes called orb weavers or tree spiders because of their love of making their home among tree branches.

The body size of this spider, including its legs, is 12 cm. Females predominate in size over males of this species. This phenomenon is called sexual dimorphism, and it is characteristic of most species of spiders on the planet.

The poison of the orb weaver cannot lead to the death of a person, but a blister at the site of the bite is guaranteed. The predator's powerful chelicerae are capable of leaving a bite scar on the skin. You can meet these graceful spiders in the forests of Australia and New Caledonia.

9 Huge wall tegenaria (Tegenaria parietin)

The size of wall tegenaria reaches 13 cm including limbs. Spiders of this species often hide in residential buildings, which was the reason for the name of the spider.

You should not be afraid of the formidable appearance of the spider, since this species does not pose a danger to humans. Tegenaria wallea feeds on insects.

Arachnids cannot run long distances, but they can overcome short distances very well. Previously, these arthropods could be found in African homes, but recently the population of the species has decreased significantly.

8 Arabian cerbal (Cerbalus aravensis)

Arachnids of this species caught the eye of researchers only in the 21st century. The first specimen was discovered in 2003. The size of the individual, including the paws, can reach up to 14 cm. The color of the Arabian Cerbal is predominantly beige with black spots on the paws.

The natural habitat for these predators is desert areas in Israel and Jordan.

7 Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria Brazil)

The dimensions of the animal are quite modest compared to the next representatives of the top. The length of its body together with its legs reaches 17 cm. Despite its modest size, this species poses a mortal threat to humans; the predator’s venom can cause death.

Residents of the tropics in South America should be wary of the wandering spider. Unlike its arthropod brothers, the predator prefers to actively search for prey rather than weave a web. Due to its constant movements around the area, the spider got its name - wandering.

If the spider sees prey, it makes a rapid jump to a great height and injects poison into the body of the victim.

The hunter's diet most often consists of insects, but with a strong desire he can kill even a small bird. Cannibalism is also common among spiders of this species, when strong and healthy individuals can eat weaker fellows.

6 Giant Baboon Spider (Spider Hysterocrates)

The baboon spider is a huge member of the tarantula family. Individuals of the species can be either gray or brown in color with white spots on the legs. The animal's legs are densely covered with coarse hairs.

Like many other spiders, the baboon spider searches for food primarily at night. During the day, he burrows into a deep hole and sleeps. The predator is not whimsical in its gastronomic preferences; it is not averse to snacking on insects or small rodents. Small birds can also be part of the predator’s diet.

The span of the legs of the majestic spider reaches 20 cm. During defense, the predator stands on its hind legs, furiously drumming on the soil with its front legs, thereby scaring off the attacker.

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5 Purple tarantula (Xenesthis immanis)

The name of this tarantula speaks for itself. Its body is bright purple with rare yellowish patches on its legs.

This species is often kept at home as a pet, since the spider cannot harm a person. But he willingly feeds on smaller spiders, frogs and small rodents. In captivity, spiders of this species can be fed insects.

The limb span of purple beauties reaches up to 20 cm, and you can meet them in the wild in the tropical forests of South America.

4 Camel spider

Another name for this spider is salpuga. The span of the spider's limbs can reach 30 cm, and its movement speed reaches 16 km/h. Natural habitat is deserts, excluding Australia.

The camel spider's hunting time is night. He is not averse to eating rodents, small reptiles and chicks. A distinctive feature of the salpuga is the most unpleasant squeak that the animal makes when defending itself.

3 Salmon pink tarantula spider (Lasiodora parahybana)

This terrifying spider has an unusually delicate coloring. The pink and coral hairs on the tarantula's body make it a desirable prey for collectors.

The spider's homeland is Brazil, and its size, including its limbs, can reach 30 cm. Females are much larger than males, their weight can reach 100 grams.

2 Giant Crab Spider (Huntsman Spider)

The body length of the crab spider along with its legs is 30 cm. The animal received its name due to the fact that its legs vaguely resemble the claws of a crab. Thick and imposing, they cause horror by their very appearance.

Most often there are individuals with a uniform brown color, but the presence of red and white spots is allowed. Huge crab spiders are native to Australia.

The arthropod received its other nickname, hunter, because of its speed of movement. Lightning-fast attacks to frightening heights leave the victims of this spider no chance.

True, people have nothing to worry about, since a bite from one of the largest spiders in the world does not lead to death.

1 Theraphosa blondi - the largest spider in the world

Another name for this huge spider is the goliath tarantula.

The food of this animal can be frogs, small snakes and even small rodents. The limb span of the largest spider of this species reached 40 cm. The body of females can reach a size of 100 mm, males have a more modest build, they grow up to 85 mm in the carcass. The weight of the animal can reach up to 200 grams.

You can admire the grace of this gigantic spider in the video.

Humanity first became acquainted with the goliath tarantula in 1804. An entomologist from France drew attention to the impressive dimensions of the spider and its coloring. The body of the tarantula is colored brown, and reddish hairs are visible on its legs. The animal prefers to live in deep burrows, the entrance to which is carefully woven with cobwebs.

The photo of the largest spider in the world received a place in the Guinness Book of Records. Many arachnid lovers want to purchase a rare specimen for their home collection, but this is impossible because tarantulas reproduce very poorly in captivity.

The export of Teraphosis Blond abroad is prohibited by the legislation of those countries in which this species lives. The natural habitat for the world record holder of spiders is Brazil, Venezuela and Suriname.

Arthropods are long-time companions of humans. They inhabited the Earth long before he appeared on it. This type of animal has been well studied, including the largest in terms of the number of species, including about 42 thousand units.

Many people are interested in record-breaking animals. For example, the largest, the smallest, the longest living, etc. What is the largest spider in the world? The answer to this question will be given below.

Ancient spiders

Giant spiders lived on our planet in prehistoric times. However, their size then, as scientists suggest, was much more impressive. In the modern world, the largest spider is no larger than the average size of a plate. In ancient times, according to researchers, spiders the size of a small child could have been found. These assumptions are based on the existence of meganeura, confirmed through archaeological research, giant dragonflies that lived on Earth in the Carboniferous period, whose wingspan was up to 1 meter. By analogy, it is believed that other insects, as well as arthropods that inhabited our planet in ancient times, could have had gigantic sizes. However, this hypothesis has not been confirmed by archaeological finds. The name of the largest fossil spider is Nephila Jurassica. It was found in China, and is quite comparable in size to modern arthropods: its paw span is about 15 centimeters. This is a female.

General information

The largest spider in the world belongs to the Tarantula family. Its name is Theraphosa blondi. French scientist Pierre André Latreille described it in 1804, and it has been the focus of zoologists' attention ever since. These arthropods, which live in the mountain rainforests of northern Brazil, Venezuela, Suriname and Guyana, are quite rare in nature.

Tarantula spiders dig deep holes and line them with woven webs. They leave their home only for hunting and mating.


The females of these tarantulas, also called goliaths, as is often the case in the animal kingdom, are much larger than the males. The description of the largest spider in the world indicates its unique size. Thus, the body length of a male goliath tarantula is about 85 mm, and that of a female is up to 100 mm. If you straighten all its limbs, then the size of the arthropod will be about 28 cm! The average weight of a spider is about 150 grams.

The body of the Goliath spider is dark brown, the limbs are covered with reddish-brown small hairs. But this “plumage” is not decoration, but a means of protection. When these hairs get into the respiratory system or on the skin of an enemy goliath, they cause severe irritation and force him to retreat. Tarantula spiders scrape hairs off themselves with sharp movements of their hind legs towards the enemy. In addition, small hairs serve as an organ of touch. With their help, goliaths are able to detect the smallest vibrations in the air or solid environment. The hairs partially compensate for the spider's poor vision, helping it hunt at night.

On the front legs of males there are special hook-shaped outgrowths with which they hold the jaws of the female during the mating process in order to save their lives. After this process, the males hastily retreat.

In addition to hairs, these giants also have another weapon - a strong poison, which has long been considered deadly. In fact, in humans it only causes severe burning and swelling. The pain is quite tolerable and can be compared with the sensations from a bee sting. But for those who suffer from allergies, the bite of a goliath tarantula can pose a serious danger.


Goliath tarantulas reach sexual maturity at different times: males are one and a half years old, and females are two to two and a half years old. Until this time, males have 9 molts, and females have 10 molts. After mating, females spin a small cocoon, about 3 cm long, into which they lay eggs. The spider vigilantly guards the clutch throughout the entire breeding period (6-7 weeks), and even when going hunting, she carries it with her. At this time she is the most aggressive, and meeting her does not bode well. Little spiderlings live in a hole with their mother until the first moult, then leave the shelter.


The diet of this arthropod is quite varied. It includes insects, as well as small animals - snakes, frogs, lizards, rodents. Despite its name, it does not attack birds, except that it may feast on a chick that has fallen from the nest.

When attacking a victim, the goliath tarantula first bites it, immobilizing it with its poison, and injects digestive juices into its body, softening the flesh. This allows the spider to suck out the nutrients while leaving the hard shells intact.

Those who are going to keep these giants at home should provide them with familiar conditions. The optimal temperature for keeping these arthropods is 22-24 degrees Celsius, humidity is 70-80%. Since this spider is a burrowing spider and is nocturnal, the terrarium must have shelter. Good ventilation must be ensured. At the bottom of the terrarium there should be a layer of substrate 6-8 cm thick.

The spider should be fed small insects and pieces of meat. Lizards, mice and frogs can be used to feed adults.

It should be remembered that this arthropod has a rather nervous and aggressive character, and must be handled with care. The tarantula spider is not friendly, and if the owner wants to accustom it to handling, it must be done gradually, carefully removing the pet from the terrarium to avoid bites.

Here are some fun facts about Theraphosa blondi:

    The largest spider in the world owes its name to the famous illustrator and engraver of the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries, Maria Sibylla Merian, whose drawings enriched botany and zoology. Her contribution to science is difficult to overestimate, because the artist left many images of plants, insects, and animals. Her drawings still amaze today with their exceptional precision and vivid colors. Inspired by the story of researchers who supposedly saw the world's largest goliath spider devouring a bird, she depicted this scene in one of her works, and the legend thus spread further.

    An interesting feature of goliath tarantulas is the so-called stridulation - the ability to make peculiar hissing sounds by rubbing the chelicerae - oral appendages - against each other. It is assumed that in nature it is used by these giants to scare away enemies.

    The population of Theraphosa blondi in nature is quite small, and it is declining from year to year. One of the reasons for this is that among local residents, not only the spiders themselves, but also their eggs are considered a real delicacy, and they eat them with pleasure.

    The largest and most dangerous spiders in the world for humans are not tarantulas. They are considered arthropods called Brazilian wandering spiders (genus Phoneutria). Their size is much more modest, only about 10 cm, but the poison is much more toxic. The bite of the Brazilian wandering spider is of moderate pain, but in the absence of medical attention it results in paralysis and respiratory arrest. However, there is an effective antidote against this neurotoxin (PhTx3), so the number of deaths is lower than it would otherwise be.

On a note

In some lists of the largest and most terrible spiders, the first place is mistakenly occupied by Heteropoda maxima, a species discovered in 2001 in Laos. Indeed, this arthropod has a larger limb span - up to 30 mm. However, the goliath tarantula significantly exceeds it in body size: 85 and 100 mm in males and females, respectively, against 30 and 46 mm. Thus, of these giant spiders, Theraphosa blondi is still considered the largest spider in the world.


The article briefly described the largest spider in the world. Although it does not pose a particular danger to humans, its size inspires respect. This unique creature, despite its repulsive appearance, is an integral harmonious part of living nature and takes its rightful place in it. We hope that the information presented in the material will be interesting and useful for readers.

A European considers a spider 4-6 cm in size to be large, but in the world there are almost 42 thousand species of these arthropods, among which there are larger specimens. The largest spiders in the world have dimensions that are simply not natural, they eat rodents and large birds, and can be dangerous because of their poison. You can read about them in the Guinness Book of Records, and if you are going on vacation to exotic countries, then our rating of the largest spiders on the planet will be useful to you.

10. Nephila the gold weaver

In last place on our list of the largest spiders in the world is a relative of the ancient spiders Nephil Jurassik, who were on our earth back in the Jurassic period. Of all types of spiders orb weavers stands out not only because of its huge size, but also because... . Females are much larger than males. They live in trees, which is why they are also called tree spiders. The world inhabits such hot regions as South and North America, Asia, Africa, and Australia. Between the branches, these spiders weave a web in which flies, butterflies and birds become entangled. At the center of the web is a large female, and the gentlemen huddle near the edges of the golden yarn during mating season. The color is greenish-yellow, with a transition to red. They have a highly toxic but not lethal poison for humans.

9. Tegenaria brownie

This representative of large spiders lives in Europe and is also called the giant house spider. Lives in Central Asia, Africa, Uruguay and Argentina. . The body color is pale gray, the front legs are brown. Females wear a cocoon with eggs on themselves until the spiders hatch from it. Tegenaria Moves faster than all spiders over short distances. The species got its name because it likes to live in caves and abandoned buildings. Meet Tegenariy quite difficult, mainly, these spiders live in hot Asia and Africa.

8. Brazilian wandering spider

These arachnids are also called banana spiders. Science knows 8 varieties of this genus of spiders. . They live in humid areas of Central and South America, these are the forests of Venezuela and northern Brazil. It is called so due to the fact that it always migrates, looking for food. It is divided into the running type (catching up with its victim at a very high speed), and the jumping type (overtaking the victim with the help of jumps). They eat beetles, other spiders, lizards and birds. Brazilian spider not only one of the largest in the world, but also has very strong poison. It has a pronounced brown color and a body with sensitive hairs. They go after the victim at night, and during the day they hide in crevices, under stones or in residential buildings.

The genus of spiders, which includes Brazilian wandering spider, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as containing the most poisonous members of the family.

7. Cerbalus of Arabia

Scientists discovered this type of large spider only in 2003. . Females are always larger than males. Globally, they have been found in the sand dunes of Arabia, Israel and South Jordan. It is very difficult to notice it on the sand, since its color is yellowish, there are black stripes on its limbs, and its body is covered in hairs. It hunts only at night, which is why science discovered it so late.

6. Giant Baboon Spider

Also called Red Cameroon baboon spider. , is part of the tarantula family. Inhabits the tropics and subtropics of South America. It got its name for the similarity of its legs to the paws of a monkey. The body is covered with hairs, the color changes from dark gray to pronounced brown. It hunts in the dark, eating beetles and other insects, scorpions, termites, lizards, toads and the same large baboon spiders. The spider is poisonous and its poison can be fatal to humans, but it attacks people only when it sees a threat from them. After the bite, the victim experiences shock, vomiting and partial paralysis of the body. This large spider is interesting because, when attacking or defending itself, it stands upright on its hind legs and hisses like a snake. The view is truly terrifying. People should be wary of such ferocious animals, which are also among the ten largest spiders in the world.

5. Purple Tarantula

In the middle of the ranking of the largest arthropods in the world is Colombian purple spider. This species belongs to the genus Tarantula and is found in the forests of South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica). . It is called so because it often feeds on birds. They are not dangerous for people. The main diet will be insects, frogs, and rodents. The number of purple tarantulas on the planet is small, which is why it is problematic to meet this large and beautiful spider in nature. Colombian tarantula spider has a velvet black color, limbs of bright purple or crimson color. The pattern is star-shaped, the surface of the carapace is covered with hairs. Males live 2-3 years, females live longer - up to 15 years.

4. Camel spider

This type of giant spider belongs to the class of arachnids, order phalanges. There are more than 1000 species of them in the world. In various sources it is also called bichorka, salpuga, phalanx spider, wind scorpion, etc. . Inhabits camel spider all continents of the world except Australia. They got their name for their resemblance to camels, due to several humps on their heads. The color of the body is brownish-yellow, the legs have long hairs. They are active at night, hunting beetles, lizards, birds, mice and other animals. Often these spiders attack people. They can run very fast, up to 16 km per hour. They do not have poison, but when bitten, rotted remains of the previous prey enter the body, which can lead to blood poisoning; in addition, the bite is accompanied by great pain. The area where the spider bitten should be treated with an antiseptic, and if infected, take antibiotics.

3. Giant crab spider

The top three list of the largest spiders in the world opens Giant crab spider. Belongs to the sidewalker family. . Lives in Australia. The crab spider is so called due to its curved limbs and the ability to move not only forward, but also left and right. It moves as fast as a crab and kills its prey with lightning speed. During the attack they make large jumps and inject poison when biting. It is not fatal to humans, but it is better not to encounter this big monster. After a bite, headache, nausea, vomiting, and local swelling appear. The color of spiders is gray, light brown, sometimes black and white, with red spots. Sparse hairs grow on the body and feed on invertebrates, frogs, and insects.

2. Brazilian pink tarantula spider

Brazilian pink tarantula spider(Lasiodora parahybana) was first discovered in Brazil in 1917. Every. This spider is very popular to keep as a pet. In the world, these spiders live in the eastern part of Brazil. Females are always larger than males, of course. They live a very long time, females up to 15 years old. They have an aggressive character. They got this name for the pink coloring of the body in the place where the legs come out. It feeds on birds, lizards, and young snakes. For protection, it shakes off the toxic substance from its allergenic hairs, and demonstrates its fighting spirit by raising its front pair of paws.

1. Goliath tarantula

It is rightly called the largest spider in the world. Straight leg size Goliath, in the mouth there are fangs with poison, 2.5 cm in size. This species of tarantula spider lives in South America. The color is all shades of brown, with characteristic transverse white stripes on the paws. He likes to be in damp, swampy places; here he digs holes half a meter deep and covers them with cobwebs. Contrary to their name, they rarely feed on birds; their diet consists of snakes, rodents, toads, lizards, and butterflies. At night, the spider sees well, it waits for prey in ambush, then pounces on it with great speed and bites with large fangs. It is aggressive, before attacking it makes strong sounds and shakes off an irritating allergenic substance from its hairs. Goliath's venom is quite weak, but the biggest danger is the hairs, which can cause allergies or asthma.

The largest spider in the world, the Goliath tarantula (Theraphosa Blondi), hunts a mouse.

The most terrible and huge spiders in the world!

10 "Nephila the gold-weaver"

The tenth place is occupied by the nephila golden moth, the body length is about 4 cm, but if you add the size of the limbs to it, you get about 11-13 cm. Females have these sizes, but males are slightly smaller and therefore make up 7-10 cm along with legs.
As for color, representatives of this species can be seen in green and yellow, while the belly and head will be painted white. Such spiders can cause quite serious harm to humans, as they contain toxic poison. They live in warm regions of the planet, namely Asia, Australia and South America.

9 “Wall Tegenaria”

At first glance, it may seem that such a spider is very large, but this is a little wrong, since its body size is only 8-14 cm. But due to the fact that it has voluminous curved legs in the amount of 8 pieces, it may seem that he's huge. Tegenaria is pale in color and is a fairly good long-distance runner. Today it is quite difficult to meet such representatives. They can only be found in Asia or Africa. They choose caves and ruined structures for their habitat.

8 "Brazilian wandering spider"

It is necessary to initially pay attention to the fact that this representative is also included in the rating of the most poisonous spiders, so in order to avoid meeting him in the future, carefully read his photo. The size of the body is 5-7 cm, but together with the legs it is already about 17 cm long. This representative lives in Central and South America. The main distinguishing features are that such spiders love to climb into other people's houses, and they are also used to taking their prey with the help of jumping movements.

7 "Cerbalus of Arabia"

This type of spider is relatively new, since scientists only learned about their existence a few years ago. The largest individuals can reach sizes of 20 cm, and live in Jordan and Israel. They were not known about for such a long time, since spiders are only nocturnal.

6 "Giant Baboon Spider"

Despite the fact that this type of spider is quite large in size, they do not pose any threat to humanity. An attack can only be carried out as a defense, for example, if there is an active threat to the spiders. Individuals can grow to a size of 30 cm, the body length in this case will be about 13 cm. The baboon spider leads only an active night life in order to infect cockroaches and butterflies with its poison.

5 "Purple Tarantula"

The largest representatives measure approximately 35 cm including limbs, but their average size is 26 cm. An acceptable habitat for them is the Colombian forests. The occupation of these individuals is clear directly from the name. It is worth paying attention to the fact that they do not pose any danger to people.

4 "Camel Spider"

They received this name based on the fact that they have several humps on their heads. This element gives them a certain resemblance to “ships of the desert.” Camel spiders feed mainly on mammals, such as lizards, rodents, and maybe also small birds. They can reach speeds of up to 16 kilometers per hour. If we take into account the length of the limbs, then such spiders can be found in sizes of 30 cm. Individual individuals can reach a size of 12 inches, including legs.

3 "Salmon Pink Tarantula Spider"

Such spiders can easily live at home, even though they are the largest representatives in the whole world. The size of such individuals can exceed 30 cm. The main food is small snakes, birds and lizards. They act very quickly, so they almost always leave no chance for the survival of their prey.

2 "Giant Crab Spider"

Spiders got this name because of their rather scary appearance. Their dimensions can exceed 30 cm. They are capable of destroying their prey with lightning speed. They do not pose any danger to people, but can only attack in self-defense. Well, of course, it’s best to go around them by a different route.

1 "Goliath Tarantula"

The tarantula is the largest spider in the world, which is why it ranks first in the ranking. The usual habitat for such representatives is South America. The dimensions are about 30 cm, and they also have fairly large fangs, weighing about 200 grams. It is precisely because of such large sizes that such a spider can safely be considered the largest in the world. Goliath lives exclusively in burrows, but birds, mice and snakes can be prey. For people, such a representative does not pose any particular danger, since the poison it contains is quite weak. Now you know what the largest spiders in the world look like.

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