Secrets of longevity: what you need to do every day to live as long as possible. How to live a long time without getting sick: debunking myths How to live a long time

There is now more research confirming that signs of aging are caused by lifestyle. We can agree that heredity and luck play an important role, but how long a person lives is influenced by himself.

The most curious thing is that following the advice there is no need to “live in a dark room and eat only rice”, following the advice will help you get up every day with more energy and less often feel sick or depressed.

  1. How healthy is fish?

Fish is a good source of high quality proteins, the best source of fatty acids, omega 3, an important component for maintaining proper brain and heart function, eating river or sea fish several times a week, long-term maintains mental alertness and helps to live long.

Delicious fish, tuna or salmon, are the healthiest.

You can take a fish oil extract capsule every day.

  1. Choose whole foods

To live long, eat coarse bread, 100 times better than a roll, and 100 times healthier. Eating whole grains instead of refined grains maintains normal blood glucose levels, reduces the risk of obesity and increases the dietary fiber content of meals.

Whole grains will give you a greater feeling of fullness, therefore, eat less of other foods.

Make sure that the labels on food products made from cereals, breads and bakery products include the words “unrefined” or “whole”.

  1. To live long, eat well, but don’t indulge in “gluttony”

Eating a large meal increases the risk of a heart attack an hour after eating, so it is preferable to eat lighter and more frequent meals.

To live long, you should eat several times a day, easily, instead of three traditional meals, to maintain stable blood glucose levels and give more energy.

Choose salads as a first course, fruits for dessert, and try to prepare second courses without sauces or fried foods.

  1. Move!

Numerous studies prove that a person who is physically active throughout life, and therefore more resilient, has a reduced mortality rate from various diseases, including cancer and heart disease.

Is exercise making you feel better, more relaxed and happier a good enough reason to live a long and active lifestyle? You will have a beautiful and athletic body.

There is no time for training, it doesn’t matter if you train daily and regularly.

  1. Don't "oxidize"

Eating foods rich in antioxidants and low in fat will prevent an increase in acidity in the body, which directly affects longevity. This is due to a decrease in the oxidation of food during metabolism.

You don't need to eat less food to consume fewer calories, just choose lean foods, fruits and vegetables

Eat more foods containing antioxidants: vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, zinc, selenium and gluten.

  1. Be happy!

Happy people live longer than depressed people. There are many studies that prove happiness allows you to live long.

Psychologists believe that happiness does not depend on what kind of life you have, on your positive or negative attitude towards life.

Try smiling more often, you will see, it will make you look at things in the most positive way, stimulate your mind, feel happier.

  1. Sleep enough

Lack of sleep can cause physical, mental and hormonal changes (changes in the hormones released during sleep). It has a negative effect on the body, aging the skin and increasing the risk of diabetes. Most adults sleep less time than they should.

Sleeping more is the best solution to live long.

Go to bed and get up at the same time. Keep the bedroom dark and the temperature no more than 20 ºC.

  1. Don't you like broccoli?

The substance that gives cauliflower, broccoli or Brussels sprouts a bitter taste is what makes broccoli healthy - sulfurophan. The substance - sulfurophan, a chemical combined with sulfur, protects against certain types of cancer. Learn to eat these foods several times a week, and you will live much longer.

Broccoli – contains higher amounts of sulfurophan. Sulforaphane (isothiocyanate) was first isolated in 1959 from watercress (Carddria draba), which contains it in huge quantities].

Luckily, there are broccoli extracts available in capsule form.

One of the reasons why Mediterranean Spanish cuisine is healthy is the widespread use of olive oil. Olive oil is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin and blood vessels. Reduces cholesterol and blood pressure. It has been confirmed that people who consume olive oil throughout their lives have lower rates of cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer and arthritis. Unrefined olive oil is the healthiest and will help you live long.

Olive oil has a delicious taste that enhances food.

  1. Watch your weight, lose a few kilos

According to WHO information, the top 10 causes of death are due to diseases associated with excess weight. Many studies show that most adults are, albeit slightly, overweight.

Losing extra pounds will improve your life and overall health.

By doing exercise, you will lose calories and prolong your life.

  1. Laughter is the best medicine

Laughter releases endogenous chemicals that relax blood vessels. Laughter stimulates the immune system, helps you recover from illness and live longer.

Laughter is contagious. Surround yourself with joyful people!

Try watching a humorous film or TV series every evening.

  1. Control yourself

A study conducted on 800 subjects showed that those who control themselves in life have a longer life expectancy. For example, keeping your work life under control reduces stress, especially if the job is demanding.

Your boss will want to reduce your stress if your good condition allows you to work better.

Starting to exercise will help maintain your physical and mental balance.

  1. Choose red

Red foods - tomatoes, peppers, are rich in a carotenoid, the so-called lycopene, reduces the risk of prostate cancer by at least 50% and improves cardiac health

Tomato cooked with a little olive oil (forming a delicious tomato sauce) is effective in prolonging life.

There is lycopene in capsules: choose your preferred carotenoid complex.

  1. Essential fatty acids

Fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acids) are vital for the human body. Fatty acids are important anti-aging agents, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, improve blood circulation, stimulate the immune system, and increase HDL cholesterol or “good” cholesterol.

Linoleic and linolenic acid are effective for athletes.

Fatty sea fish and seafood, delicious foods rich in fatty acids.

  1. Salt, the hidden enemy

Salt (sodium chloride) is found in sufficient form in food, therefore there is no need to use a salt shaker, excess salt is harmful to the body, salt accumulates in the arteries forming atherosclerosis, leading to hypertension, thrombosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Get used to doing without salt. You will stop noticing that the food is tasteless.

Replace the salt with some spices, they will add flavor to the food, and you will improve your health.

Yoga is ideal for all athletes and sedentary people in particular. Improves flexibility, promotes neuromuscular communication, improves concentration, increases strength. Yoga helps you relax and relieve stress. A more balanced life means a longer life.

Yoga coordinates the body, develops mental concentration through awareness of breathing, strengthens muscles and bones, relieves tension, and expands range of motion.

For 20 minutes a day, sit in a dark room and focus on your breathing. Relax your muscles and clear your mind.

  1. Avoid the smog

It's not news that environmental pollution is associated with a decrease in life expectancy. Pollution particles increase the risk of heart attack or lung disease.

If you live in a highly polluted city, try spending hot days in air-conditioned buildings. If you exercise outdoors, do it preferably in the morning or at night, avoiding crowded streets. You can go and live in the country.

  1. Choose your favorite animal

Having a pet reduces stress. More specifically, having a dog means someone is waiting for you with joy when you come home. Having a dog to walk with increases your time outdoors, and you can do exercise outdoors.

A pet won't leave you, a girlfriend/or friend can do the same.

  1. Get married

Married men live longer, according to research. Two possible reasons: first, maintaining a happy relationship is good for the body and mind. The second, marriage, helps men put their lives in order, eat healthy food and break bad habits... drinking too much, staying out late, etc.

Don't look at your friends' marriage failures.

  1. Enjoy your sex life

Sex increases life expectancy, an argument to increase your sex life.

There is now more research confirming that signs of aging are caused by lifestyle. We can agree that heredity and luck play an important role, but how long a person lives is influenced by himself.

The most curious thing is that following the advice there is no need to “live in a dark room and eat only rice”, following the advice will help you get up every day with more energy and less often feel sick or depressed.

  1. How healthy is fish?

Fish is a good source of high quality proteins, the best source of fatty acids, omega 3, an important component for maintaining proper brain and heart function, eating river or sea fish several times a week, long-term maintains mental alertness and helps to live long.

Delicious fish, tuna or salmon, are the healthiest.

You can take a fish oil extract capsule every day.

  1. Choose whole foods

To live long, eat coarse bread, 100 times better than a roll, and 100 times healthier. Eating whole grains instead of refined grains maintains normal blood glucose levels, reduces the risk of obesity and increases the dietary fiber content of meals.

Whole grains will give you a greater feeling of fullness, therefore, eat less of other foods.

Make sure that the labels on food products made from cereals, breads and bakery products include the words “unrefined” or “whole”.

  1. To live long, eat well, but don’t indulge in “gluttony”

Eating a large meal increases the risk of a heart attack an hour after eating, so it is preferable to eat lighter and more frequent meals.

To live long, you should eat several times a day, easily, instead of three traditional meals, to maintain stable blood glucose levels and give more energy.

Choose salads as a first course, fruits for dessert, and try to prepare second courses without sauces or fried foods.

  1. Move!

Numerous studies prove that a person who is physically active throughout life, and therefore more resilient, has a reduced mortality rate from various diseases, including cancer and heart disease.

Is exercise making you feel better, more relaxed and happier a good enough reason to live a long and active lifestyle? You will have a beautiful and athletic body.

There is no time for training, it doesn’t matter if you train daily and regularly.

  1. Don't "oxidize"

Eating foods rich in antioxidants and low in fat will prevent an increase in acidity in the body, which directly affects longevity. This is due to a decrease in the oxidation of food during metabolism.

You don't need to eat less food to consume fewer calories, just choose lean foods, fruits and vegetables

Eat more foods containing antioxidants: vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, zinc, selenium and gluten.

  1. Be happy!

Happy people live longer than depressed people. There are many studies that prove happiness allows you to live long.

Psychologists believe that happiness does not depend on what kind of life you have, on your positive or negative attitude towards life.

Try smiling more often, you will see, it will make you look at things in the most positive way, stimulate your mind, feel happier.

  1. Sleep enough

Lack of sleep can cause physical, mental and hormonal changes (changes in the hormones released during sleep). It has a negative effect on the body, aging the skin and increasing the risk of diabetes. Most adults sleep less time than they should.

Sleeping more is the best solution to live long.

Go to bed and get up at the same time. Keep the bedroom dark and the temperature no more than 20 ºC.

  1. Don't you like broccoli?

The substance that gives cauliflower, broccoli or Brussels sprouts a bitter taste is what makes broccoli healthy - sulfurophan. The substance - sulfurophan, a chemical combined with sulfur, protects against certain types of cancer. Learn to eat these foods several times a week, and you will live much longer.

Broccoli – contains higher amounts of sulfurophan. Sulforaphane (isothiocyanate) was first isolated in 1959 from watercress (Carddria draba), which contains it in huge quantities].

Luckily, there are broccoli extracts available in capsule form.

One of the reasons why Mediterranean Spanish cuisine is healthy is the widespread use of olive oil. Olive oil is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin and blood vessels. Reduces cholesterol and blood pressure. It has been confirmed that people who consume olive oil throughout their lives have lower rates of cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer and arthritis. Unrefined olive oil is the healthiest and will help you live long.

Olive oil has a delicious taste that enhances food.

  1. Watch your weight, lose a few kilos

According to WHO information, the top 10 causes of death are due to diseases associated with excess weight. Many studies show that most adults are, albeit slightly, overweight.

Losing extra pounds will improve your life and overall health.

By doing exercise, you will lose calories and prolong your life.

  1. Laughter is the best medicine

Laughter releases endogenous chemicals that relax blood vessels. Laughter stimulates the immune system, helps you recover from illness and live longer.

Laughter is contagious. Surround yourself with joyful people!

Try watching a humorous film or TV series every evening.

  1. Control yourself

A study conducted on 800 subjects showed that those who control themselves in life have a longer life expectancy. For example, keeping your work life under control reduces stress, especially if the job is demanding.

Your boss will want to reduce your stress if your good condition allows you to work better.

Starting to exercise will help maintain your physical and mental balance.

  1. Choose red

Red foods - tomatoes, peppers, are rich in a carotenoid, the so-called lycopene, reduces the risk of prostate cancer by at least 50% and improves cardiac health

Tomato cooked with a little olive oil (forming a delicious tomato sauce) is effective in prolonging life.

There is lycopene in capsules: choose your preferred carotenoid complex.

  1. Essential fatty acids

Fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acids) are vital for the human body. Fatty acids are important anti-aging agents, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, improve blood circulation, stimulate the immune system, and increase HDL cholesterol or “good” cholesterol.

Linoleic and linolenic acid are effective for athletes.

Fatty sea fish and seafood, delicious foods rich in fatty acids.

  1. Salt, the hidden enemy

Salt (sodium chloride) is found in sufficient form in food, therefore there is no need to use a salt shaker, excess salt is harmful to the body, salt accumulates in the arteries forming atherosclerosis, leading to hypertension, thrombosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Get used to doing without salt. You will stop noticing that the food is tasteless.

Replace the salt with some spices, they will add flavor to the food, and you will improve your health.

Yoga is ideal for all athletes and sedentary people in particular. Improves flexibility, promotes neuromuscular communication, improves concentration, increases strength. Yoga helps you relax and relieve stress. A more balanced life means a longer life.

Yoga coordinates the body, develops mental concentration through awareness of breathing, strengthens muscles and bones, relieves tension, and expands range of motion.

For 20 minutes a day, sit in a dark room and focus on your breathing. Relax your muscles and clear your mind.

  1. Avoid the smog

It's not news that environmental pollution is associated with a decrease in life expectancy. Pollution particles increase the risk of heart attack or lung disease.

If you live in a highly polluted city, try spending hot days in air-conditioned buildings. If you exercise outdoors, do it preferably in the morning or at night, avoiding crowded streets. You can go and live in the country.

  1. Choose your favorite animal

Having a pet reduces stress. More specifically, having a dog means someone is waiting for you with joy when you come home. Having a dog to walk with increases your time outdoors, and you can do exercise outdoors.

A pet won't leave you, a girlfriend/or friend can do the same.

  1. Get married

Married men live longer, according to research. Two possible reasons: first, maintaining a happy relationship is good for the body and mind. The second, marriage, helps men put their lives in order, eat healthy food and break bad habits... drinking too much, staying out late, etc.

Don't look at your friends' marriage failures.

  1. Enjoy your sex life

Sex increases life expectancy, an argument to increase your sex life.

How to live long? I am sure that this question is not the last thing in most people’s lives. For many people, genetics or circumstances play a huge role in how they live a long life. However, despite this, happiness has nothing to do with the limitations of human life.

We all have the potential to live long lives if we do the right things. In this article, we'll look at how to live long by improving your health and preventing disease through diet and exercise.

As is known, the average human life expectancy for developed countries is in the range of 75-85 years. This level, however, takes into account all the negative habits that a person has and which reduce his life expectancy, causing various diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes.

But, frankly, many of the stereotypical problems of “old age” can be completely avoided or their severity can be significantly reduced by taking simple preventive measures and using proven healthy anti-aging methods. Simply limiting your vices and negative habits is probably all that is needed to ensure you hit the upper end of the human longevity spectrum.

Generally speaking, living long is a good thing, as long as you are in good enough health to enjoy that long life. Nowadays, medicine has advanced so much that it can keep people alive on earth for much longer than many could actually do on their own. This increases healthcare costs and makes people nervous and worried about their old age.

I'm telling you - forget it all, because living long doesn't have to be so dramatic (only with the help of medicine), but it can be an enjoyable journey. Let's learn the components of how to live a long and happy life.

Tip #1: Learn to be happy and have a positive outlook on life

Research, both clinical and anecdotal, shows us that people who have a positive character and positive outlook on life live longer than others.

Find a way to live your life as a happy person. Help others - because by making others happy, you will make yourself happy. Eventually, you will begin to feel all the good you have done to other people and who you have helped along the way. Don't forget the golden rule: treat others the way you would like to be treated personally.

Another simple way to be happy and positive is to give importance to your family. Although family can sometimes be a stressful factor, as a rule, people who value and are very close to their families live longer.

Tip #2: Live a healthy and safe lifestyle

This is the most obvious component of longevity and yet one of the main reasons why people do not live longer. A person simply does not want to change his or her habits. He’s lazy or he’s already “convenient.”

For example, on average, smoking kills people 14 years earlier than they would otherwise have lived. Smoking leads to lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, etc. Smoking is also a major cause of heart disease and diabetes, which are among the leading causes of death. Eliminating or quitting smoking alone will allow you to live longer.

Alcohol is another obvious risk factor that does not lead to longer life. Excess alcohol leads to accidents, heart disease, cancer, and is generally harmful to the body. How many alcoholics do you see who look young? Think about this factor, refuse or reduce your alcohol intake - and you will live longer.

Also, follow basic safety precautions in various situations. Seat belts are one of them. You must use them. Also be careful when taking part in emergency events. Accidents, along with disease, remain one of the leading causes of death, and if you avoid them, you are more likely to live longer.

Over the past ten years, it has become clear that your diet has a lot to do with longevity. It has been proven that mice will live about 30 percent longer if they eat 30 percent fewer calories in their diet compared to their normal diet. The same longevity conclusions were made for large primates.

How many very old obese people do you see around? A little. If you want to live longer, cut your calories. Don't force yourself to starve, just keep your calories low. Normal daily calorie intake is in the 2000 range. A 30% reduction would be 600 calories, leaving you with a daily intake of 1400 calories. If you want to live a long time, this is probably a good start. If this is too extreme for you, try cutting just 15%. It won't hurt.

Increase your intake of all fruits and vegetables. Don't forget to eat fish. A fish diet leads to a longer life because fish contains high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 acids have been shown to help protect against diseases of seemingly all kinds.

Physical activity will help you live a long time. Not everyone wants to hear about this, but it is very important. You must stay active if you want to live longer. People who walk more often and do moderate physical activity every day tend to live longer.

You don't have to go to the gym every day, but you should get up and move. Even those of us who consider ourselves “working” often don’t physically work. We sit at desks hour after hour, we drive cars everywhere, and we go “crazy” when we have to walk more than one flight of stairs and the thought of walking one block is out of the question.

Laziness is our number one enemy. If your goal is to live a long time, then you have a better chance of achieving it if you stop complaining and start looking for opportunities to stay active in the normal daily routine of life.

  • Walk around the store with a shopping cart in your hand, not a cart.
  • Park your car further away.
  • Walk to the nearest store rather than driving 100 meters.
  • Take a walk around your home/office during breaks between tasks.
  • Take the stairs instead of taking the elevator all the time.
  • Walk your dog (if you have one) longer and further than usual.

There are so many areas in your daily life where you can add physical activity. More life does not come to those who sit and wait for old age. More life comes when you use your body and keep it in shape.

No one can tell you how long you will live, but if you follow these longevity tips, you will greatly increase your chances of living happily ever after.

A person sometimes lives a long time, seemingly against all the rules, but you now have the power to make this happen through your own “small” actions. Now go and live long!

What tips do you know on how to live a long life?

Medical experts have compiled a list of the most beneficial things you can do to live longer and stay healthy until your very last days. If you develop good habits like these, you will quickly begin to feel better.

Go for a run

Sport is the most effective way to prolong your life. Running helps activate your heart. Every hour-long run adds seven hours to your life! People who run reduce their risk of premature death and live an average of three years longer. They are also healthier overall.

Eat plant protein

Recent studies have shown that eating processed meats increases the likelihood of premature death. People who eat plant-based protein are much less likely to experience cardiovascular disease.

Get some sun, but not too much

Vitamin D has been shown to help fight disease, promote bone health, and ward off depression. Studies have shown that it even prolongs life. Just don't spend too much time in the sun.

Drink coffee

To the delight of all coffee lovers, the invigorating drink can prolong life. Moderate coffee consumption protects against type 2 diabetes and may even reduce the likelihood of dementia and heart disease.

Eat nuts

Don't think that they are harmful because they are high in calories; nuts can prolong your life. This has been proven by research.

Use spices

There are spices that are incredibly beneficial for the body, for example, turmeric has amazing anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation speeds up the aging process, so fighting it can be very beneficial.

Do not smoke

You probably already know about this. Quitting smoking is the most important decision you can make to prolong your life. Cigarettes are linked to virtually every serious disease, from cancer to heart disease.

Drink alcohol in moderation

Drinking too much alcohol is dangerous to your health, but drinking in moderation, especially red wine, can be beneficial if you want to live longer.

Eat more pepper

Recent studies have shown that people who regularly consume pepper reduce their risk of premature death by thirteen percent. Pepper lowers blood pressure due to its capsaicin content.

Be less nervous

The effects of stress on the body are extremely serious, so try to reduce tension. Studies have shown that people with chronic stress have much more hormones that cause aging.

Do strength exercises

Don’t think that you only need cardio training; to prolong your life, you will also need strength training. Recent studies have shown that people who work out at the gym twice a week have significant health benefits.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Researchers are confident that those who want to live longer should eat more fruits and vegetables. People who eat about ten servings of vegetables and fruits a day are incredibly healthy.

Be kind and generous

Building relationships with other people is very important if you want to stay healthy in the long run. The best way to improve your health is to focus not only on yourself, but also on others.

Eat fish

Eating healthy varieties of fish is important for those who want to prolong their life. Eat fatty fish, such as salmon, twice a week.

Get enough sleep

We are all constantly busy, so sleep often suffers. If you want to live as long as possible, make rest a priority and get seven to eight hours of sleep every day.

Be young at heart

You are as old as you feel. Those who feel younger live longer. Perhaps the fact is that attitude to life is associated with activity and health.

Don't sit all day

Even if you're not sure you're ready to become more athletic, you need at least minimal movement. Try to walk for at least ten minutes - such an effort will still reduce the risk of death.

Eat berries

Berries are known to be one of the best sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent cell destruction during the aging process. In addition, the berries also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Exercise your brain

Your brain also needs exercise. Stimulation of brain activity helps to avoid senile dementia in the future.

Chat with friends

People who are connected to others are more likely to live to an old age. Having strong friendships increases your chance of longevity by fifty percent.

Eat like the Japanese

Not only do you need to eat vegetables and fish, but you also need to stop overeating. The Japanese eat small meals and have the highest life expectancy in the world.

Do some stretching

According to research, stretching helps improve the condition of the arteries, which means preventing the development of cardiovascular diseases. Regularly work on flexibility and balance, for example, in yoga classes or dancing.

Find your purpose in life

If you have a purpose, you will live a little longer. This was proven by researchers from London.

A positive outlook on life extends your years. Studies have shown that optimism helps cope with a variety of health problems quite effectively.

Take a walk

If you don't like running, go for a walk, it will protect you from heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Become a volunteer

It’s useful to help not only your acquaintances; volunteer work also has a good effect on your health. Studies have shown that volunteers have a longer life expectancy, but only when they help unselfishly.

Have sex

Sex life fades with age, and this is a problem. Those who maintain sexual activity live longer.

Take care of your teeth

The condition of your teeth can be a reflection of your overall health, so brush and floss.

Give up soda

It's no surprise that sugary drinks shorten your life, harm your metabolism, and cause diabetes.

Start a family

People who have a partner tend to live longer. A happy marriage is the key to success.

Feel gratitude

You should be more grateful to your body, it helps prolong your life.

Drink more

The human body contains a lot of water, so you should drink more often to maintain it.


If you regularly experience positive emotions, you reduce your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and even Alzheimer's disease.

Go on vacation

When traveling, it is easier to find moments that lift your spirits. It turns out that vacation can be a way to extend your life!

Eat right

Try to consume as many natural, whole foods as possible, as well as fresh herbs and spices.

Get a pet

Researchers have found that pets make people happier, which reduces stress levels.

Videos with cats are great for uplifting your mood, which means you will experience less negative emotions.

Have kids

Children have a positive effect on life expectancy, Swedish research confirms this.

Spend time with your grandchildren

Grandchildren also prolong life. Those who spend time with them live much longer.

Prevent diseases

Nobody likes going to the doctor, but regular checkups can help you prevent illness.

Take a walk in nature

Contact with nature has a positive effect on the psyche and prolongs life.

Maintain a healthy weight

Obesity seriously shortens life expectancy, causing diabetes and heart disease.

Eat calcium

With age, bones become more fragile. Prevent this with calcium.

Eat dark chocolate

This dessert will help you prolong your life. It protects the heart and lowers cholesterol levels.


Meditation is extremely useful in the fight against cell destruction and aging.


Relax and sing, it strengthens the immune system and stabilizes the heart rate.

Use social networks

Connecting with loved ones helps prolong your life, so go online.


Laughter is the best medicine. Scientists have found plenty of evidence for this.

Get some plants

If you can't go to nature, just admire a houseplant.

Spend time alone with yourself

This will allow you to reduce stress and relax, prolonging your life.

They talked about their lifestyle, habits and relationships with others. From these conversations the following “rules of longevity” can be deduced:

1. Find a business that benefits people

Despite the selfishness inherent in many people, everyone is happy to help another, and most people are satisfied with themselves if their life’s work, their work, is needed by other people. Awareness of this raises a person’s status in his own eyes and gives him strength and impetus for a long and fruitful life.

2. Don't worry

Worry about any, even the most important, issue leads to stress, and it negatively affects the nervous system - this is how a person gradually loses the protection of his autonomic system, which is responsible for life expectancy. Even if you are late for an important meeting, take it for granted, with the calmness of a Buddha. Accept this way any situation that you cannot change. Because worrying won’t fix it anyway.

3. Eat healthy fruits

Take a look at what you eat and eliminate everything that is especially harmful that you have been planning to stop eating for a long time. The time for this was yesterday - so do it at least today. The most harmful products are those using palm oil and those containing GMOs. Start by eliminating these foods from your diet and you will notice an improvement in your health.

4. Purposeful without assumptions

There are people in the world who know why they live every day. Waking up in the morning, they can name the reason why they need to get up and go outside now, why they live this day and all the next. As a rule, these people live long and (which is very important) happy lives. So one of the rules of long-livers is purposefulness in everything, including the search for the meaning of life. They say that this quality adds an extra 10 years to a person.

5. Find yourself a placebo

Some people believe in the absolute power of herbs, others in dietary supplements or mumiyo. Therefore, everyone can find a placebo instead of pills. If you believe that honey contains all the elements necessary for a person, eat a spoonful of honey every morning, seasoning it with the belief that by doing this you will prolong your life. Some people take red wine with dinner, others take vodka with sunflower oil, and others harden themselves with cold douches. This is a person’s personal placebo. What is yours?

6. Movement is life

This phrase does not cause controversy among anyone; all that remains is to implement it in your everyday life, because this point was present in almost every centenarian. Some worked physically, some went to the mountains, some did serious morning exercises. However, examples will not help here, because it is best for anyone who wants to live over 100 years to choose the type of physical activity themselves. Moreover, there are now a lot of opportunities for this.

7. We are social creatures

Don't shy away from the company of people. On the contrary, it’s worth finding a group of like-minded people with whom you can discuss physical activity or giving up bad habits. Or maybe get involved in art? Communication, according to Saint-Exupery, is the greatest luxury for a person. And scientists say that a person who is part of any community adds 10 years to his life.

8. Spirituality prolongs life

Spirituality is not necessarily religiosity. The purer a person’s thoughts, the more spiritual he is. The more cordial a person is, the more often people turn to his advice, the more gratitude and love he receives in response to his help. Research says that a person who is in a spiritual community experiences stress much less often, which means he prolongs his life. If it is not possible to enter such a society, you can make friends with spiritual or esoteric literature, choosing it on the basis of “what your heart lies in.” If you don’t like a book, you shouldn’t read it, because spirituality is not instilled by force - only by love and gratitude

9. Learn to rejoice

Many of the centenarians said that they knew how to enjoy every little thing and knew how to give thanks for everything that life brings them. They were very little offended and did not hold a grudge against the offenders. In the language of science, they did not know stress, they knew how to relate to life correctly. And they were very... Apparently, they understood that the offense hurts them and brings nothing to the offender. But joy, on the contrary, fills the body with positive emotions and helps it live longer.

10. Curiosity is good

When a person is interested in everything, he has no time to grow old. There are so many important things in life that we do not have time to learn throughout our lives! Therefore, you can start studying anything - a foreign language, the habits of iguanas, the history of your hometown, the Internet and all its possibilities, and the like. Remember your childhood hobbies - perhaps this will help awaken a forgotten interest.

11. Don't sit still

When a person stays in the same place for a long time, he seems to “freeze” in the same rules, instructions, and habits. It may stop developing, and this is the first sign of aging. Therefore, make it a habit to travel wherever possible. To a neighboring village, to nature, to another country. Even if you take an unusual route to work, you can find a lot of new and interesting things. Change this job to another, eventually. Look for changes - any kind, and life will be more interesting and longer.

12. Find passionate people

If you decide to live more than a hundred years, look for like-minded people. In their environment it will be much easier to take care of your health and look for new ways to improve it. After all, if there are those around who drink alcohol and eat unhealthy food, you will be a black sheep. Let like-minded people inspire you and find inspiration in you, and then longevity will become a reality.

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