Sister drinks milk, dad likes cold milk. Why can't you drink cold milk? What happens to milk in the human body

Milk consanguinity occurs as a result of a woman feeding someone else's child with breast milk under the following conditions:

1 – It is necessary that the milk be female. For example, if a boy and a girl drink milk from the same animal, milk relatedness is not established.

2 – that the nurse be at least nine years old, and the child no more than two. It is also necessary that feeding takes place in five stages. For example, one delivery is counted even if the baby comes off the breast and immediately returns, or comes off to move to the other breast. And if the child breaks away several times, refusing, then the number of times he breaks away is the number of moves that count. If all the milk was expressed at once, but was fed five times, or vice versa, and was fed only once, then only one feeding is counted.

And if the nurse doubts how many times she fed the child or how old the child was at the time of feeding, then there will be no dairy relationship.

Marriage between dairy relatives is prohibited according to Shariah. Breast milk or any other product derived from similar milk. If all the above-mentioned circumstances are met during feeding, the nurse becomes the child’s milk mother, and he becomes her milk son or daughter. And the nurse’s husband is the milk father. His children are this child's foster brothers and sisters. The natural or milk parents of the wet nurse become milk grandparents. And the nurse’s children are his brothers and sisters. Her (nurse's) brothers and sisters (child) are uncles and aunts. The father of the wet nurse's husband is the grandfather, and his (the wet nurse's husband) brother is the uncle of that child, and so on, all other relatives.

Marriage between dairy relatives is prohibited according to Shariah. In the event that the husband divorces his wife or dies, then any child who is nursed by his ex-wife (or widow in the 2nd situation) becomes the milk child of not only the wet nurse, but also her ex-husband. A milk relationship between a child and the wet-nurse’s ex-husband does not arise only when the wet-nurse, at the time of feeding the child, has just given birth, or is pregnant from another husband, and so much time has passed since pregnancy during which the process of milk production begins.

If a man claims that a certain woman is his foster sister (or any other close relative with whom he is forbidden to marry), then he is forbidden to marry her, but subject to the truthfulness of his confession. For example, he claims that a certain woman is his daughter, and she turned out to be older than him in age, then marriage between them is not prohibited. And if both spouses admit that there is a relationship between them that prevents the continuation of the marriage, they must separate. Consequently, the husband gives his wife a dowry (mahr) corresponding to her level and status instead of what was agreed upon at the time of marriage, if they had sexual intercourse. If there was no connection, then I don’t owe anything. If the husband claims that he and his wife are biological relatives, and she denies this, then the marriage is dissolved. He is obliged to give his wife the agreed mahr if they had sexual intercourse, and if not, then half the mahr. If the wife claims that they are blood relatives, and the husband denies, then they accept the husband’s word, supported by an oath, that she was given in marriage with her consent. If she was given in marriage by a mujbir (father or grandfather) without her consent, then she is acquitted. The marriage is dissolved and the husband is obliged to give her mahr corresponding to her level and status if they had sexual intercourse, and if not, then he should not. Breastfeeding is confirmed by the testimony of two men, or one man and two women, or the testimony of four women. The wet nurse can also act as a witness if she does not require payment for the services she provides. Witnesses must remember the exact date of feeding, the number of feedings, and the entry of milk into the child’s stomach.

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Sister drinks

Yesterday I found out that my cousin drinks... She says that she wants to die... She has a 12-year-old son.. What should I do? How can I help her? I can call her every day, even on the street, to my home... I can call her. But she doesn’t go, she says her drinking buddy will come now.. And her son is on vacation.. She is very smart, well-read, but unlucky in life. My sister is 33 years old, she is a psychologist by training, divorced, the child is not from her husband, she did not love him. And her sister... But she lives with her husband in another city. She has no one here except my family.

My sister’s father also drank to the point of drinking. Our dear aunt and grandmother also drink. Everything is in front of our eyes, and now here she is... My uncle died from drunkenness. I don't want someone like her to disappear too. I know that I won’t help without her desire, what she should want, but you understand that I’m not much of an authority for her (I’m 8 years younger), she’s smarter... What to do, where to go? She won't go to a psychologist. Even more so to a psychotherapist. I meant that my admonitions would not be particularly significant for her.

Neither my father, nor my mother, nor my husband drinks or smokes or gambles. But here is my mother’s mother (she and I share the same grandmother). But my grandmother started using after 50 (she was a school teacher, a deputy), now she has suffered from dementia... Our grandfathers are different. Grandmother's son and grandmother's daughter (brother and sister of my mother and my sister's mother) are alcoholics. The son drank from life, and the daughter and her husband.


You write that everyone in your grandmother’s family drank, except your mother and her sister. Inheritance of addiction occurs not so much at the genetic level, but through the assimilation of behavioral stereotypes, ways of coping with difficulties, etc. When your sister felt lonely and sad, she resorted to the coping skills she learned from her family, which is why your sister drinks.

Addiction cannot be overcome by willpower or persuasion. A person must have independent motivation for this, plus the help of other people: the community of Alcoholics Anonymous and specialists (). Unfortunately, the help of loved ones not only does not help, but even makes the situation worse.

The fact is that in families where there are alcoholics, all other family members are either dependent or codependent. Your uncle was an addict, your aunt was a codependent. There is always a codependent next to him, and these two have their own roles in this relationship: one drinks, the other treats him. One falls, the other picks him up. One skips work, drinks away all the money, the other saves him, shields him and gets money. Such interaction only deepens the dependence, as the alcoholic gets used to relying on another and behaves more and more irresponsibly.

At the moment, it turns out that your sister is dependent, and you are beginning to behave according to codependent behavior patterns that you also inherited in your family. The only thing you can do to help your sister is to support her if she herself wants to stop drinking and makes efforts to do so. Babysitting her child while she goes to an AA meeting or looking for a job is a help to her. Persuading your sister not to drink, saving her from problems, giving her money is not help, but only aggravates her addiction.

It is a tragedy to see how a loved one sinks, but you need to clearly understand how you can help her, and how you will only make things worse. The very first thing I would advise you to do is to address your own tendency towards codependent behavior. As you have already had the opportunity to see, in families of codependents, sooner or later someone starts drinking, and this is not by chance. In order not to aggravate the situation, you must first begin to recognize your own codependent impulses. Then you will be able to distinguish between how you can help your sister and how you will only make things worse.

Milk is a necessary and healthy food product for the human body. Its nutritional value, processing speed and digestibility are directly affected by the temperature during consumption. Fresh milk is considered the most beneficial. The product (in addition to favorable temperature) has the following advantages:

  • has bactericidal properties (within an hour);
  • saturated with a huge amount of vitamins and microelements (if storage conditions are violated, the amount of vitamins is significantly reduced);
  • contains immune bodies;
  • easily processed and absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract.

Is it true that the temperature of milk directly affects human health, and why can't you drink cold milk? can be found out by studying the body's digestive processes.

What happens to milk in the human body

After entering the stomach, any product is affected by gastric juice. Mixing milk and gastric juice promotes curdling (the loss of protein flakes and milk fat). The speed of the curdling process is affected by the acidity of the stomach.

With increased acidity, curdling occurs more intensely, acidity decreases, and pain in peptic ulcers decreases. In such situations, the recommended milk temperature is 35-40 0 C. In people with low acidity, curdling does not occur and the product enters the intestines in its original form. In this situation, milk is not recommended at any temperature.

Many religious teachings prohibit eating milk at the same time as other foods, and this is justified. Curdling is followed by the separation of the product into curd flakes and whey.

If milk is consumed with other foods or after meals, the curd clots envelop the food with a hard-to-digest dense layer, creating an obstacle from the protein layer between the food and the gastric juice, which makes it difficult to digest the food.

First, the protein layer is digested, and then the processing of the rest of the food resumes. Nutritionists recommend maintaining a gap of half an hour between meals and drinking milk. It is most beneficial to drink milk on an empty stomach in small sips.

Why you shouldn't drink cold milk

  • The conclusions of doctors are clear - drinking cold milk is not recommended. Once in the body, the cooled product is transformed into a heavy sticky substance that settles on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, which turns into a toxin, which is unfavorable for human health. For some people, a cup of milk from the refrigerator can cause diarrhea and indigestion.
  • Digesting cold milk requires an enormous amount of energy. After the curdling process, the whey is separated and quickly absorbed into the blood, and the cold curd clot remains undigested in the stomach for a long time, causing various disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • In addition to disturbances in the digestive processes, cold milk often causes colds (most often sore throat). This is explained by the high heat capacity of milk fat, which cools the nasopharynx much more intensely than other soft drinks.

You can eat warm milk at any age without harming your health (which cannot be said about a cold product). An exception is the ban on milk for certain diseases (low stomach acidity, lactose intolerance, allergies, etc.). You just need to choose the right temperature.

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