Shushary 40. LCD "Shushary" from the company "Dalpiterstroy": far beyond the distance. Apartments from developers with promotions

Real estate in the residential complex under construction "standard" "Shushary" in the Pushkin district of St. Petersburg has an obscenely low price tag. The developer, the construction corporation Dalpiterstroy, is building a whole block here, which will have its own social and cultural facilities, landscaping and landscaping, which, by the way, are so lacking in this location. What is the secret of pricing from IC "Dalpiterstroy" and what pitfalls can buyers get into in this case - we will tell you in detail below.

The cost of apartments in more than 20 monolithic buildings starts at 1.7 million rubles. Of the neighbors, such "chocolate" offers are available, perhaps, only in the residential complex "Bosphorus" from "Leader Group". However, the Bosphorus 2.2 million rubles. significantly lose the price tag of the residential complex "Shushary". What is the secret? The fact is that the developer closely cooperates with the Administration of St. Petersburg, selling it housing at affordable prices for those on the waiting list and beneficiaries. State payments, of course, cannot be too large, but in return the developer gets a "green light" in many issues.

If we compare Dalpiterstroy with the activities of sneaky discounter firms, which also sell real estate at a reduced cost, there will still be a difference. Indeed, in this case, the developer is fully responsible for all his objects himself, and does not disappear in which case. Discounters will sell you an apartment for good money, but they participate in construction only as a contracting organization, and demand does not hit them in the nose.

LLC "Dalpiterstroy" is ready to bear responsibility for its "jambs", which, in the case of "Shushary" since the beginning of construction in 2013, have been made a lot. The most annoying are the delays in the delivery of the object, which spoiled a lot of nerves for equity holders. For example, the receipt of RVE for buildings No. 1 and No. 2 at section No. 463, scheduled for the 4th quarter of 2013, dates back only to the 2nd quarter of 2017; and building No. 40.2 will (if, of course) be put into operation in the II quarter of 2020 instead of the same IV quarter of 2013. Agree that this is no longer a delay, but a real long-term construction.

To be fair, we note that "Dalpiterstroy" is responsible for all overdue dates and famously pays penalties to equity holders, and those who file regular lawsuits against him to declare bankrupt GUP "TEK SPb", LLC "Energetika Technologies Innovation Group" (the latter are associated with Lenenergo and LOESK) are responsible for amicable agreements and repayments of millions of debts.

Well, Mr. Skorov, who has been heading the company since 1998, is probably not in a hurry to throw millions back and forth. After all, according to the Rating of Billionaires DP, since 2015, his fortune has grown from 4 billion rubles to 19.4 billion rubles. The crushed stone quarry "Alho", of which he is a shareholder, is unlikely to give such a profit, but eight oil wells of "Dalpromsintez" - quite.

Affordable "many" or expensive exclusive

The project itself provides for the construction of an entire residential microdistrict in the south of St. Petersburg. If you look closely at the location map, you can see how dense the buildings are here. Residential complex "House on Shkolnaya", "Aerocity", "UP-quarter Moskovsky" surround "Shushary" in a tight ring.

Transport accessibility is generally good. Close proximity to St. Petersburg, city registration - all these are fat pluses of the Shushary project. Motorists can take advantage of the convenient junction of the Moscow and Vitebskoye highways, which is located nearby. If you need to fly, Pulkovo airport is a 20-minute drive away.

Pedestrians will be able to resort to the services of the railway - the station "Shushary" is located 500 meters from the complex. The event was the long-awaited opening in October 2019 of the Shushary metro station, the final Frunzensko-Primorskaya (Fifth) line. Of course, you will have to stomp to it from section No. 463 about a kilometer, and from No. 68 - even more. However, you can choose from the Kupchino and Zvezdnaya stations, so there is an alternative in this case.

In terms of architectural solutions, the houses of the residential complex "Shushary" do not differ in special exclusivity. Many equity holders note rather ascetic facades, although they are ventilated, but they have boring colors with occasional inserts of yellow, terracotta, and blue. In response, the developer designed ornate mosaics in the form of sailboats or cartoon characters on some blank facades. The number of floors of the buildings is gradually increasing - starting from 10, by the end of construction, the houses should "grow up" to 25 levels.

Eat, ride and store

Its own infrastructure is being built in the microdistrict, which in this case will come in handy. The population of the Shushary village is growing by leaps and bounds, and from 22.6 thousand people in 2010, in 2019 it increased to 84.9 thousand people! The reason lies in the economic specialization of the region, where the main industries are such key areas for human life as the automotive industry, logistics and the food industry. Industrial giants "Suzuki", "MAN", "Toyota", "General Motors", "Scania" and other eminent manufacturers carry out their activities on the territory of the intracity municipality.

By the way, about the names. The world-famous brands "Coca-Cola", "Procter&Gamble" also conduct active production activities here. So the locals do not have to complain about the lack of jobs.

In the midst of such a high production density, the need for social facilities naturally grows. On the territory of the village itself there are two schools - No. 93 and 459, several kindergartens. In the future, there is still the construction of municipal schools and preschool educational institutions, however, this is all a drop in the ocean.

Naturally, residential complexes that are being built at an active pace are making their contribution to the social infrastructure. Shushary does not lag behind in this respect either. The project provides for the construction of 7 kindergartens and 3 schools, its own clinic, shopping center, which will have a swimming pool and underground parking for 130 cars. The last one in the residential complex "Shushary" will be replaced by two parking lots. Although they will be protected, but still not the subway, where it is dry and warm . The situation with parking is difficult here, because the adjacent parking lots are not able to accommodate everyone.

You will find other commercial outlets and household services on the lower floors of the buildings. In addition, there are chain stores nearby, such as "Dixie", "Family", "Lenta".

The ecological background of the location cannot be attributed to the cleanest. In addition to the fact that there are no special green areas and parks, the Ring Road runs less than a kilometer away. Therefore, noise and gas pollution have a place to be. In addition, no one canceled traffic jams during rush hour - there is only one exit to the city.

Housing problem

The developer rents out the housing stock both without finishing work at all, and with pre-finishing and fine finishing. The choice is up to the buyers. A feature is the presence of a balcony in each apartment, which significantly increases the usable area.

The layouts of 1-, 2- and 3-room apartments, as well as studios, are distinguished by thoughtful conciseness. You will not find complex geometric fantasies or artsy French balconies here. All apartments are predominantly undershirts, there are corner ones.

One-room apartments have an average footage of 32-42 square meters. m. There are very small kitchenettes, 8.2 sq. m, for example, and there are luxurious, 14-meter. The two-room apartments have separate bathrooms and pretty good corridors, exceeding 10 square meters. m. Three-room apartments come with guest bathrooms, the footage of such premises is 80.3-84 sq. m. m.

The elevator equipment of the Shcherbinsky plant will take you to the floors. MOPs have concierges and video surveillance. Metal doors are installed in the entrances, the territory is not fenced, but there is security.

The complex is maintained by Management Company No. 1 "Technoprak", for which there are no particular complaints from the residents. But there are complaints about the quality of construction work from Dalpiterstroy. So, residents of houses on the street could not wait for the repair of storm sewers. Valdai, in the basements of which it is damp and the fungus began to grow. There are those who are dissatisfied with the way the developer reacts to comments and gets in touch with its customers.

In general, the budget option of housing with a St. Petersburg residence permit suits many. The cost varies in the range of 1.7-5.8 million rubles. Purchase today is possible both in the primary market and in the secondary market. Of course, while the house is being built, you can buy from the most profitable, after commissioning the price will rise significantly. However, it is not a fact that they will be handed over on time, so see for yourself what is your priority - finances or restful sleep.


    very good price;

    availability of own infrastructure facilities;

    Petersburg registration;

    monolithic houses;

    convenient trips to the city;

    the complex is mostly completed;


    constant delays in the delivery of buildings;

    low quality of construction;

    high building density;

    The environment leaves much to be desired.

Editorial Conclusion

Residential complex "Shushary" is interesting, first of all, for its prices. For this, many equity holders are loyal to the lack of punctuality of Dalpiterstroy, which allows itself to delay construction dates for several years. The area is developing, attracts by the availability of jobs. The reverse side of the coin is the lack of a sufficient number of social facilities, congested roads, poor ecology. But, given that the registration here is urban, and St. Petersburg can be reached by road and rail, many people working in the Northern capital do not mind dropping anchor here.

Verified personally

2016-11-15 14:41:00

2016-11-15 14:41:00

Vyacheslav Yarnykh

LCD "Shushary" from Dalpiterstroy is one of the largest residential areas of the city and, alas, one of the problematic objects. Buyers of apartments in one of the buildings of the complex are included in the register of defrauded real estate investors. the site checks if there is a chance to wait for housing from old and new customers.

LCD "Shushary" from Dalpiterstroy is one of the largest residential areas of the city and, alas, one of the problematic objects. Buyers of apartments in one of the buildings of the complex are included in the register of defrauded real estate investors. the site checks if there is a chance to wait for housing from old and new customers.

Multi-apartment residential building with built-in and attached premises: bldg. No. 33.1. Start of construction - III quarter of 2013, completion - IV quarter of 2016. Building permit from August 02, 2013 to November 02, 2016. The term for putting the house into operation, according to the project declaration, is the 4th quarter of 2016. At the same time, on the developer’s website, the completion date for this building is defined as the 1st quarter of 2019. There is no information on the progress of construction on the site. There is no such information on this building on the forums dedicated to the construction of the residential complex. According to the data of Rosreestr, as of November 6, 2016, not a single mortgage agreement of equity participation was registered in this building. Perhaps there are some sales in installments, for a one-time payment, or contracts are being registered.

Apartments from developers with promotions

Multi-apartment residential buildings with built-in and attached premises and underground parking lots, bldg. 40.1, 40.2, 40.3, 40.4. The start of construction is the 2nd quarter of 2013, the end, according to the initial declaration, is the 4th quarter of 2017. Commissioning is also the 4th quarter of 2017. Changes in the project declaration postponed the completion of construction and commissioning several times. For example, in buildings 40.2 and 40.3. - for the 2nd quarter of 2018 (that is, the terms were increased by 3 quarters or 9 months). But in the latest changes from 10/06/2016, the previous dates are again indicated, the 4th quarter of 2017. In addition to building 40.4, the completion date of which and commissioning was postponed to the 4th quarter of 2018 (that is, increased by a year). The building permit is valid from 03 June 2013 until 03 October 2017.

Multi-apartment residential building No. 61. Start of construction - II quarter of 2011, completion - I quarter of 2014. By changes in the project declaration, the deadline was postponed to the 2nd quarter of 2014, then to the 4th quarter of 2014, then to the 4th quarter of 2015. Thus, according to the documents, the completion of construction was postponed for 1 year and 9 months. Building permit dated 12/13/2011, extended until April 26, 2014, then extended until November 30, 2015 (extended for 1 year and 7 months). Obtaining permission to put the facility into operation, according to the initial project declaration, I quarter of 2014, was postponed to the 3rd quarter of 2014, then to the 4th quarter of 2015. The house was commissioned in July 2016, that is, the delay was more than two years.

Multi-apartment residential building with built-in and attached premises: building 62. Start of construction: 1st quarter of 2013. The building permit is valid from March 18, 2013 to September 18, 2015; changed to December 30, 2015, then to June 30, 2016. Completion of construction and obtaining permission to enter: 3rd quarter of 2015, changed to 4th quarter of 2015, changed to 2nd quarter of 2016. In fact, as of November 2016, construction has not been completed and the house has not been put into operation. Thus, the delay period was 1 year.

Multi-apartment residential building with built-in and attached premises: building 65. Start of construction: I quarter of 2013. The building permit is valid from 21 March 2013 until 21 September 2015; changed until 11/30/2016 (i.e. 1 year and 2 months). Completion of construction: 3rd quarter of 2015; extended to the 4th quarter of 2016. Estimated term for obtaining permission to put the facility into operation: 3rd quarter of 2015 changed to 4th quarter of 2016. Presumably, the delay will be at least 1 year and 3 months.

Multi-apartment residential building with built-in and attached premises: building 66. Start of construction: I quarter of 2013. Building permit from March 21, 2013 to September 21, 2015. Completion of construction: 3rd quarter of 2015. The estimated completion date for the construction of the house and obtaining permission to put the facility into operation is the 3rd quarter of 2015. No changes that increase the deadline for the completion of this house are included in the project declarations. However, on the official website of the developer, the completion date appears - the 4th quarter of 2016.

Multi-apartment residential building: building 68. Start of construction: 2nd quarter of 2014. Construction permit dated April 04, 2014. Validity of the permit - until December 30, 2014 was changed to March 30, 2016, then to December 31, 2016. Completion date: 4th quarter 2014, changed to 1st quarter 2016. Estimated completion date for the construction of the house and obtaining permission to put the facility into operation: 4th quarter of 2014. Changed to Q1 2016, then to Q4 2016. As of November 2016, the house has not been commissioned, that is, the deadline has been delayed for 1 year and 11 months.

Multi-apartment residential building: building 7.1. Start of construction: I quarter of 2013. Building permit from March 01, 2013 to February 01, 2015, changed to February 1, 2016, then to December 31, 2016. Completion of construction: 1st quarter 2015, changed to 1st quarter 2016, then to 4th quarter 2016. The expected period for obtaining permission to put the facility into operation in the 1st quarter of 2015 was changed to the 1st quarter of 2016 and to the 4th quarter of 2016. Thus, as of November 2016, the deadline for commissioning a residential building was delayed by more than a year and a half.

Residential buildings: plot 463 bldg. 1, bldg. 2. Start of construction: II quarter of 2011. The building permit dated 05/13/2011, valid until 10/13/2014, was changed to March 30, 2015, then to December 30, 2015, then to July 1, 2016 and to December 31, 2016. Completion of construction Q4 2014 changed to Q1 2015, then to Q4 2015, then to Q3 2016, then to Q4 2016. The expected completion date for the construction of the house and obtaining permission to put the facility into operation is the 4th quarter of 2014 and has also been changed to the 1st quarter of 2015, to the 4th quarter of 2015, to the 3rd quarter of 2016, to the 4th quarter of 2016. Thus, as of November 2016, the deadline for commissioning a residential building was delayed by 1 year and 11 months.

It can be stated that the delays in putting objects into operation range from a year to more than two years. Such unacceptable terms usually characterize construction companies that are in a near-bankruptcy state.

Bankrupt or not?

But "Dalpiterstroy" is not in bankruptcy. If you look at the indicators for the last two years, reflected in the project declarations and amendments to them, you can see that the developer shows a steady (albeit small) profit throughout this time.

Financial results (profit):

As of Q2 2013 RUB 19,732,000
As of Q4 2013 RUB 70,775,000
As of Q1 2014 RUB 11,960,000
As of Q3 2014 RUB 18,147,000
As of Q4 2014 RUB 94,097,000
As of Q1 2015 RUB 5,758,000
As of Q2 2015 RUB 11,471,000
As of Q3 2015 RUB 9,744,000
As of March 31, 2016 RUB 47,595,000
As of 04/29/2016 RUB 5,504,000
As of 08/01/2016 RUB 12,649,000

In addition, an indicator of business stability can be access to credit and borrowed resources, including credit resources of JSC.

The project declaration for buildings 1 and 2 on site 463 contains information about the pledge of a land plot with a total area of ​​34,885 sq. m., located at the address: St. Petersburg, the territory of the Shushary enterprise, plot 463, cadastral number 78:42:15104:46 in Sberbank OJSC. As well as information on the mortgage agreement 2009-2-101612 / I-1 dated May 25, 2012, registered by the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration of Cadastre and Cartography in St. Petersburg on June 27, 2012, registration number: 78-78-06 / 019/2012-270, with the attachment of the agreement on opening a non-revolving credit line No. 2009-2-101612 dated May 25, 2012.

Obviously, Sberbank does not give loans to enterprises that are unable to repay them. Access to credit and borrowed funds is also confirmed by the indicators of the latest reporting of the developer as of December 31, 2014, available in an open database on the Rosstat website (in thousand rubles):

Name Meaning Name (at the end of the reporting year) Meaning
Fixed assets at the end of the reporting year 467 332 Other long-term liabilities 8 255 925
Financial investments at the end of the reporting year 104 024 Total non-current liabilities 9 814 286
Non-current assets at the end of the reporting year* 15 859 031 Short-term accounts payable 3 377 226
Interest payable for the reporting year 129 964 Other current liabilities 8 349 302
Stocks at the end of the reporting year 1 618 188 Other income 687 999
Accounts receivable at the end of the reporting year 3 442 831 other expenses 766 222
Long-term borrowings at the end of the reporting year 1 558 361 Revenue 2 951 700
Short-term borrowings at the end of the reporting year 521 624 Net profit 94 097

Let's study sales

Although the project declarations and amendments to them indicate that construction is financed through the sale of apartments under construction under Federal Law No. 214, it is obvious that not only money from equity holders is used. This is confirmed in the following data on LCD cases:

Multi-apartment residential buildings with built-in and attached premises and underground parking lots, bldg. 40.1, 40.2, 40.3, 40.4. The number of apartments in these four buildings, according to the initial project declaration, was 2,160. According to the changes in the project declaration dated 06.10.2016, the number of apartments has been increased to 2,856 units. As of November 6, 2016, only 116 mortgage agreements for equity participation in these houses were registered with Rosreestr. Most of it falls in 2016 and only a small part - in the middle and end of 2015. Even taking into account apartments purchased by other means (installment plan, lump sum payment) or contracts currently at the registration stage, about 4% of the total number of apartments have been contracted.

Multi-apartment residential building: building No. 61. The number of apartments in this building is 648. Meanwhile, according to the data of Rosreestr, as of November 6, 2016, 22 equity mortgage agreements were concluded (moreover, mainly in 2016). According to the old cadastral number, 10 more contracts (all in 2012). Total: 32 apartments. Keeping in mind purchases paid for in other ways, we get about 5% of the apartments sold.

Multi-apartment residential building with built-in and attached premises: building 62. The number of apartments in this building is 868 pcs. As of November 6, 2016, a total of 28 equity participation mortgage agreements were registered, with most of them in 2016, and some in 2015. Based on official figures, we get about 3% of sales from the total number of apartments.

Multi-apartment residential building with built-in and attached premises: building 65. The number of apartments in this building is 335 pcs. As of November 6, 2016, a total of 23 equity participation mortgage agreements were registered. Among them there are contracts for 2014, for 2015, for 2016. Thus, the number of concluded equity participation agreements amounted to about 7% of the total number of apartments. Probably, there are still sales with other payment methods, but the developer does not provide information about them.

Multi-apartment residential building with built-in and attached premises: building 66. The number of apartments in this building is 209 pcs. As of November 6, 2016, 16 equity participation mortgage agreements were registered. Among them, mainly contracts for 2014, there are a few for 2015 and 2016. Thus, the number of purchased apartments, according to information available in the public domain, amounted to about 7% of the total.

Multi-apartment residential building: building 68. The number of apartments in the building, according to the initial design declaration - 390 units. Then changed to 400 pcs. As of November 6, 2016, a total of 139 equity participation agreements were registered. Among them are several contracts for 2014, the rest for 2015 and 2016. Plus, we remind you about apartments that could be sold in installments, for a one-time payment, or whose DDUs are still being registered. But according to official data from Rosstat, the number of purchased apartments amounted to about 35% of the total.

Multi-apartment residential building: building 7.1. The number of apartments according to the project declaration - 648 units. Meanwhile, as of 11/06/2016, only 96 equity participation mortgage agreements have been registered. Among them are many contracts for 2014 and 2015, and several for 2016. The number of purchased apartments amounted to about 15% of the total.

Residential buildings: plot 463 bldg. 1, bldg. 2. There are 984 apartments in building No. 1, 517 apartments in building No. 2. Total: 1,501 apartments. Meanwhile, as of November 6, 2016, only 482 equity participation agreements were registered. Among them are contracts for 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. The number of purchased apartments amounted to about 32% of the total.

Probably, during the construction of residential complex houses, not only the funds of equity holders, but also other funds were used. The developer has (or until that time had) access to credit and debt financing, which confirms the creditworthiness of himself, as well as a good study of the economics of his construction projects. In simple terms, a bankrupt is not given a loan.

Currently, the developer offers discounts of up to 18% of the cost of housing for a one-time payment. This is a very significant discount, which may indicate that now Dalpiterstroy LLC needs funds from equity holders to continue the construction of residential complex facilities. It is obvious that a simple sale of apartments in houses of a high degree of readiness can provide the necessary funds to complete the construction of the announced residential complex objects. And if significant delays are a very significant minus of this developer, then the potential substantial profit that may appear after the sale of these apartments is its plus.


The advantages include the accuracy of the developer in financial relationships with contractors. The Developer is not involved in any significant litigation that may affect its operations.

And although over the past 3 years against IC "Dalpiterstroy" 4 lawsuits were filed to declare him bankrupt, including in 2016 by Ariel Metal JSC, all these bankruptcy applications did not reach the trial, due to the withdrawal by the plaintiffs. In particular, for Ariel Metal JSC, the court refused to consider the bankruptcy petition due to its withdrawal on July 29, 2016. In other words, the developer solves problems out of court.

From civil litigation, a significant number of claims from energy supply organizations can be noted. But the sums that these organizations collected from the developer are scanty, and amounted to several tens of thousands of rubles, which in relation to the volumes of this company are simply imperceptible values.

We can also note 24 court proceedings over the past 3 years on administrative fines issued by the State Construction Supervision and Expertise Service of St. Petersburg, and the State Administrative and Technical Inspectorate, some of which IC "Dalpiterstroy" won, thus canceling these fines.

However, the fact remains. For a company that allows delays in the delivery of houses under construction up to almost 3 years, the number of litigations is insignificant. Available ones are unlikely to affect the results of this developer. In addition, there are no enforcement proceedings against the developer.

Thus, there is nothing to indicate that the developer IC "Dalpiterstroy" is experiencing critical financial difficulties.

However, such significant delays in the commissioning of facilities, the constant postponement of their deadlines indicate insufficient funding for construction work. Probably, the developer really does not have enough money for all the objects.


It can be assumed that recently the developer has lost access to debt financing, and therefore at the moment can only focus on the funds of equity holders.

The developer carries out the construction of many objects not only of this residential complex, but also others. During the crisis, the number of buyers has decreased significantly. The flow of funds from equity holders has decreased, so the money from a smaller number of buyers has to be “smeared in a thin layer” on the same number of houses that was mortgaged earlier, hence the long-term construction.

Whether the “canopy” of unsold apartments, which the developer has, will help solve problems with financing objects under construction is a big question, since buyers of apartments in houses on plot 463, included in the register of deceived equity holders, affect the reputation of the developer. Even in houses with a high degree of readiness, one can assume another delay with the completion of construction and commissioning of buildings.

Good and inexpensive housing, which can be delivered much later than scheduled, in a village with infrastructural difficulties.

Reading time: 15 minutes

Dalpiterstroy, the main developer of Shushar, is active in the village. But the houses are rented out later than the scheduled time.

The company has existed since 1998. In Shushary alone, she built two dozen houses, several parking lots and shops, two kindergartens, a school with a swimming pool and a stadium, a children's clinic, a multifunctional center and a temple complex. From the metro to Shushary - a few minutes by bus or train. Prices for apartments in "Dalpiterstroevsky" houses are more than humane. The company is actively building housing for people on the waiting list and beneficiaries. At the same time, many equity holders are outraged by her work. What's the matter?

Promises vs reality

It is dispersed throughout the village - under this name "Dalpiterstroy" united almost all the buildings that are being erected in Shushary. According to the company's website, in 2016 it rents 8 houses, 3 more should be ready in 2018 and one in 2019. That's just to believe "Dalpiterstroy", alas, is not always possible.

Houses on plot 463 have been built since 2011. In the spring of 2016, interest-holders went out to Smolny with posters for a month, hoping to meet with Vice Governor Igor Albin, and seriously considered starting a hunger strike. They are still not sure that they will receive the keys to the apartments in the near future. The keys to the "long-playing" buildings numbered 61 and 63 are being issued only now, in August 2016, although their developer was also going to move in much earlier.

It took a painfully long time to build a company in Shushary. Shareholders even sent a letter to Patriarch Kirill with a request to guide the true co-owner of Dalpiterstroy, Arkady Skorov, on the path. The authors of the message were perplexed: Mr. Skorov has enough money for charity and the construction of a church, but not for fulfilling obligations to equity holders. In the end, Volna was handed over in 2015 instead of 2011. They handed over without water, electricity and with faulty elevators ( wrote about this). It took a few more months to finish. Owners of apartments in building 61 are now complaining about the same problems on the forums.

In general, there is no shortage of complaints about Dalpiterstroy. The shareholder of building 62 shares his impressions: "We bought it in 2012 and have been waiting since then. We lost time (we promised to move in in 2014), money and a lot of nerves. Who has children, parents or dreams - bypass this developer!" . However, there are also positive opinions: "The delay turned out to be somewhat useful for us - we bought an apartment quite inexpensively, by assignment. After the house is handed over, its price should increase significantly." Loyal to the developer are those who did not buy an apartment with their last money and were not forced to rent housing while waiting for the house to be handed over. Other equity holders are much more pessimistic.

A recent interview by Arkady Skorov with Delovoy Peterburg is indicative: “What are the company’s plans for commissioning housing for this year? - We have accumulated a lot of objects that need to be completed. We will hand over 200 thousand m2. years". Where a year is, there are several years.

"Dalpiterstroy" promises affordable housing to its shareholders. There is no special lyrics on the company's website. Already built houses are really similar to their advertising images or differ slightly from them. But the dates of completion of construction sometimes look downright fantastic. Well, it's time to take a look at what stage the cases put on sale are at and how they look from the inside.


Getting to is easy. You can use the train from the Vitebsk railway station, bus number 190 or minibus K-418 from. Without traffic jams from the metro to the village you reach in 7 minutes. But traffic jams happen, and they are very impressive. The population of Shushary has reached 35 thousand people, you can enter and leave the village on a single road! This problem became the main topic of the rally, which was held in mid-August 2016 and brought together several hundred participants. Rallies in the village are held regularly.

Shushary and "Shushary"

On a fine summer day, Shushary looks decent. For my taste - much better than or. There is no stylistic discord here - because of the clean, bright high-rise buildings, smoked, clumsy huts do not look out. On the ground floors of the buildings there are all kinds of shops, there are also stand-alone food stalls. Bakeries and alcohol stores are in the lead - as, indeed, in all areas with new buildings. There is Spar, "Dixie", "Family". On the way, I come across kindergartens (two of them were built by Dalpiterstroy), a school (also the brainchild of a developer) and a private medical facility.

Alas, the figure again comes to mind - 35 thousand, 35 thousand people - the current population of the village of Shushary. For such a large number of residents, three kindergartens and two schools, one of which needs repair, is clearly not enough. How many more houses and educational institutions will be built by Dalpiterstroy is unknown.

Shushary people live without a police station, without their own ambulance station, without a full-fledged adult polyclinic. There are only separate doctors' offices and a fenced area where Dalpiterstroy has allegedly been working on a polyclinic since 2015. Further, apparently, it will only get worse: despite the protests of local residents, the authorities approved a planning project that provides for the construction of another million square meters of high-rise housing! We are talking about a large-scale project of the company. If it is implemented, the population of Shushary will double, and the Pulkovo observatory located nearby will not be able to work normally - the light that will come from the houses will interfere with observations.

Now all the attention of the Shusharians is riveted to the activities of "Leader Group". Dalpiterstroy, meanwhile, continues to slowly but surely build its houses. At every object that I saw up close, work was going on - active and not very active, outside or inside.

The creations of "Dalpiterstroy" are not interesting from an architectural point of view, but neat. Some buildings are decorated with cute drawings. So, on one house a giraffe is drawn, on the other - penguins from Madagascar. Building 68, which Dalpiterstroy promises to commission in 2016, is decorated with colored squares. The buildings, located in the direction of the airport in section 463, have geometric patterns.

The company started with panel technology, now it has switched to a monolith. The number of storeys gradually grew - if earlier the developer could limit himself to 10 floors, now he relies on houses with a height of 20 floors or more.

Modest playgrounds have been made in the yards. Landscaping is not going well. True, on Visherskaya Street, the developer set up a small public garden.

What do elevators sing about?

I managed to get into one of the buildings. Inside was clean. The decoration of common areas is modest, but there is room for wheelchairs. There are three elevators, the manufacturer is Wellmaks. They drive slowly, while music sounds in the cockpit - first some kind of harsh Indian song, like from a western, then an imposing melody from the movie "Emmanuel".

The staircase offers an impressive view of the surroundings: houses under construction, a kindergarten and a school, a foundation pit, in the place of which a parking will appear.

Prices, discounts, footage

The consultation center of Dalpiterstroy is located in one of the houses built by the company, on Okulovskaya street, 7, building 2. The receptionist is friendly, the manager too.

Apartments of all types, from studios to three-room apartments, remained in only two houses - at numbers 40.2 and 40.3. Until August 30, with a one-time payment, a solid discount of 17% applies to them.

25-storey monolithic buildings 40.2 and 40.3 should appear not far from the bright house with a giraffe, between Valdaiskaya and Pushkinskaya streets, near building 40.1, which has already grown several floors. Most of the apartments in it, if not sold out, are reserved or are no longer being sold by Dalpiterstroy, but by contractors who do not make such generous discounts.

The delivery of buildings 40.2 and 40.3 is scheduled for the end of 2018, but so far they are pits. Odnushki start with 32 m2 and 1.6 million rubles. There are also spacious options with an area of ​​43.7 m2 for 2.2 million, taking into account the discount.

All one-room apartments have a shared bathroom. But there are small and inexpensive kopeck pieces that can be easily redeveloped and can turn into a spacious 52-meter odnushka or studio. This option with a discount will cost 2.6 million rubles.

Some three-room apartments can also be changed beyond recognition with a minimum of effort. The footage of three-ruble bills is in the range from 74 to 87 m2, and the cost is from 3.3 to 3.9 million rubles, taking into account the discount. All apartments in the residential complex "Shushary" are rented without finishing, but with installed sockets, switches and heated towel rails.

Not far from buildings 40.2 and 40.3 there is another house, already built under the roof - 7.1. Only three rubles remained there, and they cost the same as similar apartments in ready-made houses - 4.7 million. The prices for such apartments in buildings on site 463 are even higher. The manager said that it was completely unprofitable to consider them. In other houses, apartments are available only by assignment. By assignment, you can also buy odnushki and dvushki at the 463rd site and in the building 7.1, which is starred under the roof. But the mortgage rate on such housing will be high - from 14%.

In fact, given Dalpiterstroy's propensity for delays, it certainly makes sense to consider apartments in houses that have already been built. Ultimately, they can be cheaper than apartments in houses at the stage of excavation, which will be handed over no one knows when.

Purchase terms

"Dalpiterstroy" works under the DDU agreement. Mortgages are available for apartments. It is provided by several large banks, including, and. And you can get an installment plan for up to two years. The conditions are flexible, the down payment should be about 50% and it also has a 17% discount. The frequency of payments is chosen by the shareholder.

car parks

There are open parking spaces in front of each house. Dalpiterstroy has already built parking lots on Visherskaya and Pervomaiskaya streets and is going to build two more such buildings. Prices for a parking space range from 620 thousand to a million rubles. Moreover, the average price in the city is 500 thousand per parking space. Residents of Shushary can also use paid guarded parking. According to the manager, there are places there and they cost 120-130 rubles per day.

Prospects for Dalpiterstroy

Despite the fact that Dalpiterstroy regularly delays the delivery of its houses, and the company's management complains that demand for housing is falling, the developer continues to work. By agreement with the city, he provides housing for those on the waiting list and beneficiaries: only this year, according to data published by the Vedomosti newspaper, the city administration bought apartments from Dalpiterstroy for 433 million rubles. The co-owner of the company Arkady Skorov has his own oil business, a bank, the Rosenergoset grid company, a place in the rating of billionaires and good ties with the Russian Orthodox Church.

In the July publication of Vedomosti, it was said that a certain company Ariel Metall had filed bankruptcy claims against Dalpiterstroy LLC and Dalpiterstroy IC LLC. In total, over the past two years, 154 lawsuits were filed against these two organizations with claims for 629 million rubles. Bankruptcy applications have already been filed with the developer, but so far none of them has been accepted for production. If Dalpiterstroy were really threatened with bankruptcy, the company would hardly have retained its agreements with the city, it is unlikely that it would provide free cottages to families who adopted orphans, and was engaged in other types of charity.It is only unclear why not add one more to these good deeds - to hand over at least one residential building on time.

"Dalpiterstroy" offers apartments at low prices and favorable conditions. The layouts are varied and comfortable. There are not so many negative reviews about the quality of construction in the network, but there are plenty of complaints about the broken deadlines for the delivery of houses. Six months, a year or even several years of waiting - alas, not a single equity holder of Dalpiterstroy is insured against this. The village of Shushary itself is experiencing serious infrastructure problems. There is a lack of places in kindergartens and schools, a lack of medical facilities. If the Leader Group's ambitious project to build another million square meters of housing in the village is implemented, Shusharam will face a transport disaster, because there is only one entrance and exit from the village. The ecological situation in Shushary is also unfavorable: there is a noisy ring road nearby, a landfill and several industries are located at some distance. However, if we compare Shushary with another location popular among developers, Yanino, then the comparison will be in favor of Shushary: they seem much more settled and comfortable. Yes, and the registration of the local residents of the city.

LCD "Shushary 40 k. 1" is a monolithic building, made in a laconic modern style. The developer "Dalpiterstroy" decorated the facade of the building with bright color inserts, which are in perfect harmony with the general light background of the house. The residential complex has 17 floors.

Apartments and finishing in the residential complex "Shushary 40 k. 1"

The developer offers in a residential complex to choose from: studio apartments, one / two / three-room options. The total number of residential premises is 480 apartments, of which the majority are given over to studios and one-room apartments - 368 apartments. There are 64 two-room apartments and 48 three-room apartments. All residential premises require a balcony, double-glazed windows, internet, telephone and television. The developer offers apartments without finishing.

Infrastructure and landscaping of the residential complex "Shushary 40 k. 1"

The infrastructure of the Shushary settlement is developing rapidly. The village already has two kindergartens, an educational school, clinics, a pharmacy and other socially important facilities. In addition, the sports sector is well developed in Shushary, there is a football field, many sports grounds, including basketball.
The Dalpiterstroy company undertakes to improve the local area: landscaping, a playground, paved roads and sidewalks, a recreation area, installation of special gymnastic and game equipment and simulators.
An underground parking for 60 cars with an area of ​​3,180.5 sq.m. is planned in the residential complex.

Transport accessibility of the residential complex "Shushary 40 k. 1"

Ring Road is located 600 meters from the residential complex. In addition, the train from the Vitebsk railway station will reach the destination in 20 minutes.
From the metro station "Kupchino" there are many buses and fixed-route taxis (buses - 196, 179, 192; minibuses - K410, K688, K287, K292, etc.).

Completion date of residential complex "Shushary 40 k. 1"

In accordance with the project declaration, the developer plans to complete the construction of the complex in the 4th quarter of 2017.

Contract and opening of sales in the residential complex "Shushary 40 k. 1"

"Dalpiterstroy" launched sales in the residential complex "Shushary 40 k. 1" in the village of Shushary, Pushkinsky district. The company sells apartments in the complex under equity participation agreements (DDU), within the framework of Federal Law No. 214.

Over the past year "Dalpiterstroy" somewhat improved its position in , although the assessment given to the company by experts remains quite low (“B-”). As far as the large-scale construction in Shushary is concerned, the developer is progressing, albeit with delays. In 2017, since the last opinion of the portal was written, a number of local buildings were put into operation. For other houses, the deadline was postponed to 2018-2019. Judging by how things are at the beginning of April 2018, some of these houses may be commissioned according to the new deadlines, while others are likely to be postponed again. Buildings 65 and 66 have advanced the farthest. Outwardly, they are almost ready, internal work is underway in the houses. In the coming months, the delivery of these houses is quite possible. Building 7.1 has also been erected, the facade is being finished, stained glass windows, and interior work are underway. This year, the house is also realistically put into operation. For the rest of the houses under construction, the situation is as follows. In building 40.1, the last floors are being erected and the outer walls are being filled. Installation of windows and finishing of facades has not yet begun. Building 40.2 is being built at the level of the 13th floor, building 40.3 - at the level of the 15th. In our opinion, the commissioning of these three houses in the second quarter of 2018 is questionable. There are big doubts about building 40.4 "Autumn", which is supposed to be put into operation in the fourth quarter of this year. Now construction here is at the level of foundation work and the basement floor. Houses 33.1 and 33.3 are also at an early stage of construction. True, there is still a year before they are delivered, so it is premature to assume anything.

In earlier opinions of the portal, it has already been said about the strengths and weaknesses of the residential area being built by Dalpiterstroy in Shushary. Today, a few words can be added in the part that concerns social infrastructure. It is slowly developing here. So, at the end of January in Shushary, four groups of a kindergarten were opened within the walls of an elementary school, designed for a short stay. A 200-seat kindergarten is due to open in 2019, which is being built "Dalpiterstroy". In addition, the local authorities plan to buy premises from the company in three houses under construction in order to open full-day and short-stay groups for children. Negotiations are also underway that Dalpiterstroy will build three modular kindergartens in Shushary. From other news - the imminent opening of the Lenta supermarket.

About the residential complex "Shushary" a lot has been written on our portal. All information about the pros and cons of this project is contained in its description and in the previous opinion of the portal. It's hard to say something new. Unless once again to warn potential buyers: "fit" into this project - be prepared for many years of waiting for your apartment. The situation here is repeated from year to year. Some hulls are being delivered with delays, others are being launched, and they are also being built more slowly than stated. As of January 2017, about a dozen buildings are under construction, the deadlines for which have been postponed repeatedly. Four houses are scheduled for completion this year. All of them, judging by the photo reports, are at a high stage of readiness, and, logically, it is realistic to hand them over. However, will it be possible to do this in the first quarter, as planned? It is difficult to say: there is not much time left and, given the current practice, new transfers cannot be ruled out. On January 30, it became known that the first of the four houses planned for 2017, building No. 68, was put into operation. Now the developer must also fulfill the obligations for buildings No. 62, and No. 463 k.1 and k.2. But this year nothing shines for the equity holders of building No. 7.1. Previously (after a series of postponements), the second quarter of 2017 was called the deadline for commissioning this house. But, alas, the year has begun, and the deadline has been moved again - now to the first quarter of 2018. The reason is clear: the work on this object is going slowly, the monolithic frame of the house is ready, but the filling of the outer walls has been completed by a maximum of half, not to mention the rest of the work. This year this house, with all the desire not to pass. However, it is distressing that the unpleasant trend of postponing dates has continued into the new year.

The city authorities are aware of the problems of equity holders, meetings are periodically held at which the progress of work in Shushary is considered, but so far this has not led to a radical improvement in the situation. The main reason referred to by representatives of Dalpiterstroy, explaining the delay in the commissioning of facilities, is the difficult situation against the backdrop of the crisis: an increase in construction costs and a decrease in demand for apartments.

The main problems of Shushary, which potential buyers of apartments should pay attention to, are social and transport. In social terms, development is gradually proceeding, according to the results of 2016, the village already has three schools, three kindergartens, a clinic, a police station, and commercial facilities are opening. Recently, plans were announced to build a huge residential complex in Shushary for a million square meters. meters. As part of it, several new schools and kindergartens, sports complexes, and medical centers should appear. Of course, all this will not appear very soon, and yet one can look to the future with restrained optimism. In terms of transport, the expansion of Pushkinskaya and Valdaiskaya streets, the extension of the latter to Vitebsky Prospekt and the construction of an interchange promises to improve the situation. This is planned to be done in 2018. There is also hope for a decrease in the density of the traffic flow along the Moscow highway after the opening of the toll highway between St. Petersburg and Moscow for the World Cup.

Despite delays in terms of delivery, apartments in the residential complex "Shushary" are in demand. All the cons outweigh the main plus - low price. Among the main alternatives is also not flawless in terms of meeting deadlines from "Leader Group" company(rating "B +" in ) and the project (rating "A +") UP-quarter "Moskovsky". If you don’t want to wait until the house is completed, you can consider options in rented residential complexes from and LCD in from.

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