Electronic queue system in Sberbank. Electronic queue at Sberbank

You need to take a coupon with a number from the terminal located right there in the lobby, and then sit quietly on the sofa or stand (depending on your luck) waiting for a call. The first thing that catches your eye is the calm that reigns in the hall. There are no arguments over who took charge of whom, and no real nervousness when the operator announces that the window is closing for a technical break. “Boring, girls!” - the great schemer Ostap Bender would say. And I would be wrong. Visitors to the central branch are not yet bored. A client visiting Sberbank for the first time after a long break feels cheerful as soon as he enters. Where to go, what to do is unclear. This information can only be obtained from kind-hearted people in line. Just sitting and waiting after you have the treasured coupon in your hands is also not as easy as it seems. If in a “live” queue it is more or less clear how many people are ahead of the queue, then in an “electronic” queue you can’t figure out anything. You have, say, number 114, and the numbers “95”, “60” and “73” are displayed on the scoreboard. How much longer to wait? It's good if not more than 15 minutes. According to research conducted by the international company Nexter, this is how much time the average Russian is willing to spend in line. A resident of the European Union, by the way, “explodes” already in the third minute of waiting. But we are people seasoned in queues and therefore we obediently stand for almost an hour. Although, perhaps, we will soon also relax like the Europeans, because “electronic” queues are being introduced to reduce these same queues. The management of VTB-24, where 85 percent of visitors are served this way (Sosnovy Bor is still an exception), for example, claims that the branch’s throughput increases by an average of ten percent just three months after the system is introduced. During approximately the same period, clients get used to queuing with coupons. However, it cannot be said that what is good for VTB-24 will also suit Sberbank. Clients are different. Moreover, their quantity. A typical visitor to Sberbank is a pensioner who comes to receive a pension, deposit or withdraw money from a savings book and pay utility bills. For him, getting a ticket through the terminal is a big problem, as is any communication with electronic devices in general. However, no employees were seen in the lobby helping to understand the intricacies of the terminal. Therefore, an elderly person will have to spend time to navigate the innovations. At the same time, there are thousands of pensioners who are accustomed to trusting a stable “Soviet” bank. Moreover, after problems arose with accepting utility payments at the post office, their number increased even more. Therefore, working people who do not have enough free time will have to get used to sitting in an electronic queue, just as they previously got used to standing in its “live” counterpart - some payments can only be paid at Sberbank, and nowhere else. For now, however, Sosnovy Bor residents have a choice. You can stand the old fashioned way in four other city branches of Sberbank, which have not yet been affected by new trends. When will they switch to “electronic” queues? Considering that the cost of installing an electronic system in a department ranges from half a million to a million rubles, this is unlikely to happen soon. A more precise answer could have been given by the management of the Sosnovy Bor branch, but they turned out to be unprepared to answer our questions without a written request to the head press service. *** Self-tested On Monday, after the end of the working day (at 18.30), a Mayak correspondent went to Sberbank to pay several bills. The terminal was covered with an information board, since the branch is open until 19.00, and there were still quite a few people in the lobby. People standing in line advised us to ask the security guard about coupons left by visitors who did not want to stand in line. One of the four such coupons left, issued at 18.00, was given to the correspondent, which caused some dissatisfaction among people who had already spent half an hour in the “electronic” queue. The invitation to the box office was displayed on the information board at 18.50 - ten minutes before closing. There were still people with coupons in the Sberbank lobby. Numbers After the introduction of electronic queues, sales of banking products increase by 9%.

Many of our readers are interested in the question of how to properly use the electronic queue at Sberbank offices? We will tell you about this in our article today, after reading which you will be able to feel confident in the branches of this bank.

Description of service

So, first, let's figure out what an electronic queue is and how it works. This is an automated system that distributes bank clients to the specialists they need, depending on what interests them.

As you probably know, in each bank branch there are several specialists who receive people in separate windows. Each such employee has his own specialization, for example, working with cards, processing loans, consulting, etc.

It is in order to direct the client directly to the right specialist who has the necessary knowledge on the issue of interest to you that this system was created. It automatically distributes everyone who wants to receive advice to different windows for faster and better service.

Step-by-step instructions for using the electronic queue

When you enter a bank, the first thing you will see is a special terminal. As a rule, it is located either opposite the entrance or slightly to the side.

  1. You need to go to this device and select on its screen the section for which you need help or service. These can be bank cards, loans, transfers, deposits, etc. If you find it difficult to choose, you can always call a consultant and he will help you decide on the right category.
  2. The terminal will give you a small paper receipt on which your number will be printed, which consists of an alphanumeric code. Take it and go to the waiting room.
  3. Opposite you there will be electronic signs indicating which window is currently receiving a particular specialist and the number of the person who is being invited for a consultation.
  4. When the bank employee is released, the line moves on and a new number is displayed on the display.

Thus, you just need to wait for your number from the ticket to appear on the board and go to the window where the operational employee will be.

For most operations, you will be asked for a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another document that can prove your identity, therefore, we recommend preparing in advance all the necessary papers, as well as cards/contracts, if you have them.

Are exceptions possible?

If you have a small child in your arms, or an elderly person with you, or have health restrictions, in particular, a disability, you can ask the staff for priority admission without waiting in line.

In addition, if you are a client who uses the ““ service, then in this case you will have a personal manager with whom you can resolve all issues. In order to get an appointment with him, you must first call the department where you are served and agree with him on a date and time that is convenient for you. In this case, you do not need to take any numbers.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in using the electronic queue at Sberbank.

For objective reasons, I rarely visit any bank, so I experience their innovations much later than they appeared. However, I still show up at the bank at least once a year (for example, to pay for hosting and/or domain name). And today, at a nearby Sberbank office, I came across another paper innovation.

The innovation is called “Electronic queue”. What is its essence? Previously, in order to pay, you had to come to the savings bank, stand in the usual line (if there was one, of course), do your thing and then leave. Now another point has been added to this technology: receiving a token. For that, to get in in the “regular” queue, I must first withstand“electronic”, the essence of which is to receive a check, proudly called a “token”.

To do this, there is an ATM in the office, the screen of which you poke your finger at and they immediately give you this check. After that you you get the right go to the desired cash register and do what you previously did without this check-token. The funny thing is that the ATM is literally four meters from this very cash desk. If they had placed it at the checkout itself, it would have been much funnier :) (and more practical, by the way).

However, as I already said, I visit the bank about once a year, so I almost never encounter queues there (I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t exist anymore). That is why all the delights of waiting in line did not affect me today - I received a check token, paid for the domain name and two minutes later I was drinking tea at home. But the thought came to me - maybe the management of Sberbank deliberately introduced two queues, instead of one, in order to somehow remember the old Soviet times? You never know, maybe they really miss the queues 😀

However, I am more than sure that this is another “innovative” decision of Sberbank made for the sake of show, they say, we are working, we are improving. After all, how beautiful it sounds - ELECTRONIC queue. And recent failures in the operation of ATMs due to a software error are “not typical for us.” According to the same type, in my hospital they once introduced “electronic” document flow, the essence of which is that previously all certificates/extracts/cards were only paper, but now they are also electronic... They were not introduced instead of paper ones, but simply introduced. For what? I still don't understand. In fact:

  • No one has access to them (not even 90% of the employees themselves)
  • Nobody uses them (100% of employees and 100% of patients)
  • The archive is still only paper (the whole building)
  • If a copy of a document is required, then they make a photocopy of the paper original, rather than print an electronic copy (sometimes they also require an electronic copy of the paper original)

Eh, the electronic backwardness of our bureaucracy personally depresses me (sometimes also)... With my modest strength I still struggle with this, because if you want to change something, start with yourself.

P.S. I am not a representative of the current opposition liberalism. Therefore, my words should not be taken as criticism of the state in general and V.V. Putin in particular 🙂 I am only stating a bureaucratic-bureaucratic fact.

P.P.S. There have been no jokes for a long time:

Lotox: What happened to the server?
Connect: Nashchalnika, may servira pastavil, fribizdya instalya made, Apaches sabral, pyhape patklyuchil, sapuskayu, and ano - ajambeh pashambe eshelbe shaitanama!
Lotox: Kirill, if you don’t start expressing yourself normally, we will find a new system administrator. I repeat the question - what happened?
Connect: Wha-oh?.. Happened...)

Yesterday was my birthday, leading up to which I spent two days shopping. I had to go to Sberbank, where I had a small amount in my account. A pleasant surprise awaited me at Sberbank; an electronic queue system was introduced in our branch.

I come in and look - everyone is sitting. Well, as usual, I ask: "Who's last?" Someone answers me: “Now it’s a new one, take a piece of paper there.” Before I had time to use the terminal myself, the girl in charge of working with visitors ran up, asked what my operation was and pressed one of the buttons drawn on the screen. She handed me a receipt issued by the terminal.

I marveled at the progress, I sit and rejoice that we live in a civilized society and it is still developing further. I'm goofing around, listening to the radio, watching the newcomers. The wait time smoothly passed 40 minutes. Some cashiers are having lunch.

A girl came to pay her for college, they gave her a receipt. At the fifth window, a bank employee came back from a break and started accepting money. Girl A003 walked towards her, they finished. The operator in the window then switches A004 - there is no person, A005 - there is no person, A006 - there is a girl who came about 5 minutes ago. I look, I think, wow. People look and begin to boil.

The most impatient began to be indignant. Naturally, the customer service employee in the hall had to take the rap; she clearly gives in and cannot explain anything about where she is alone against the angry visitors. People are already screaming, cancel this system and return to a normal queue. I also got involved, only in defense of the system and suggested taking the book of “Complaints” and complaining if you don’t like something. The loudest man followed my advice. Meanwhile, the operator began to accept people from queue “B” and the passions subsided. Almost everyone who had been waiting in line for a long time, including me, was quickly accepted.

Obviously, the system must take into account the waiting time of people from all queues, which means the operator must also take into account the waiting time of people from those queues through which he can receive reception. I got the impression that it is not the computer that chooses who to accept, but the operator, the computer only offers numbers. In general, they did it, but as always it was poor.

I also used the book “Comments and Suggestions”. I decided that indignant visitors are unlikely to write about the shortcomings of the system; most likely, they demand that everything be returned to the old way, the electronic queue be removed, etc. He wrote that he was very happy with the innovation and suggested that it be improved so that the system takes into account the waiting time of all visitors and people between The windows were distributed according to this dependence.

Of course, I understand that operators do not perform all operations, but most windows accepted people from several queues or even from all. This means that it is possible and necessary to optimize.

I have long wanted to learn English, but I doubt that I can do it without courses. I would sign up for some intensive English classes, but as always there is not enough time for the courses, or maybe this is an excuse? ;)

Many Voronezh residents actively use bank cards. They need to be updated every few years. As it turns out, you need to be vigilant during this simple procedure. Otherwise, your accounts will be connected to services that you didn’t even know existed.

Elena, a resident of Voronezh, was connected to several additional services during the planned re-issuance of her card at Sberbank. On Thursday, April 21, she came for a new “plastic” to the branch on Koltsovskaya Street, 46.

“I took a coupon to reissue the card. I walked up to the window following an electronic queue. This is not the first time I am changing a card - the procedure is familiar to me. I signed the documents and entered the PIN code several times to activate. After that, a bank employee brought me to a consultant who was supposed to restore the mobile bank,” says Elena. “She activated the mobile bank through the terminal, and then quickly pressed and printed the check. She then quickly walked over to the computer and logged into my online banking. She told me to dictate the password from the SMS message to her.”

The client clarified for what purpose the employee wanted to log into her banking. The employee stated that she needed to “activate the card - the new card does not work yet.” The client objected that she had already changed the card more than once and such manipulations were not required.

“Now the rules have been tightened, we need to make test payments,” the consultant explained to me,” the client quotes the employee. “I was surprised, but agreed to dictate the password to her.” Then the Sberbank employee said that for the transfer you need two numbers - one is mine, and the second is a loved one to whom you can test the payment. After that, she went to the auto payments section. I pointed out to her that I don’t need auto payments - I don’t want to connect them. She also assured that this is a mandatory procedure, the payment will go through once - otherwise my card will not be connected.”

According to the client, everything happened very quickly. After visiting the bank, Elena carefully re-read all the SMS messages that had arrived. It turned out that she was connected to two automatic payments and two Piggy Bank services, which she did not ask for.

“I was shocked, then I came home and started turning off the services,” Elena says indignantly. - It's good that I noticed it. I’ve heard a lot about the pressure to buy filters and cosmetics, but you don’t expect that from a large bank. There is some trust in the employees.”


If you don't want it, you'll save it up

On the same day, when the card was reissued, another Sberbank client also received the “Piggy Bank” service. Unlike Elena, they did not connect him to auto payments. The essence of the “Piggy Bank” is that a percentage of income or expenses from your card is automatically transferred to one of your accounts. Most often, this is a “savings account”, the interest on which is minimal. This service is positioned as a way to accumulate the required amount of money. However, does every client want this service?

For those who have connected the Piggy Bank, we will tell you how to turn it off. To do this, you need to go to Sberbank online banking. Click on the debit card account - funds are debited from it. Then select “Map Information” and scroll down. That's where all the "Piggy Banks" will be. In the upper right corner, click on the “Operation” button and select “Disable”.

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