Download maps for passing on minecraft pe. Maps for Minecraft PE Minecraft download map for walkthrough

In this section you will find the best and most amazing maps for Minecraft Pocket Edition. Here you will find maps with mini-games for friends, parkour maps, logic maps or even PvP maps! Our website contains a huge archive of amazing maps.

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Maps for Minecraft Pocket Edition represent any object depicting the structure of the game world. It could be a castle, a labyrinth, several interconnected buildings, etc. It is possible to study or update cards only if the character is currently holding it. Any map has three defining parameters: scale, determined by the number of reductions that were made on a particular map; the dimension in which the map was created (when viewing the map in another dimension, updates will not occur and the character will not be displayed); center - the place where the map was created.

Using the card, the player receives a quest that must be completed to achieve a particular goal. If desired, the resulting map can be used in single player mode or installed on a server in order to play with a team. Cards are often chosen to build an impressive structure or to add variety to the gameplay.

I would also like to note that all cards Minecraft PE are divided into certain categories: PvP maps, parkour maps, city maps, survival maps, and so on. But don’t worry, because on our website we always divide all cards into categories and you can easily find the card you need!

You can download maps for the game Minecraft Pocket Edition quickly and easily on our portal, specially provided for the services of experienced and novice gamers. The weight of the cards is relatively light and the installation process is not complicated, so you can install them yourself without any problems.

In this section you will find the best and most amazing maps for Minecraft Pocket Edition. Here you will find maps with mini-games for friends, parkour maps, logic maps or even PvP maps! Our website contains a huge archive of amazing maps.

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Maps for Minecraft Pocket Edition represent any object depicting the structure of the game world. It could be a castle, a labyrinth, several interconnected buildings, etc. It is possible to study or update cards only if the character is currently holding it. Any map has three defining parameters: scale, determined by the number of reductions that were made on a particular map; the dimension in which the map was created (when viewing the map in another dimension, updates will not occur and the character will not be displayed); center - the place where the map was created.

Using the card, the player receives a quest that must be completed to achieve a particular goal. If desired, the resulting map can be used in single player mode or installed on a server in order to play with a team. Cards are often chosen to build an impressive structure or to add variety to the gameplay.

I would also like to note that all cards Minecraft PE are divided into certain categories: PvP maps, parkour maps, city maps, survival maps, and so on. But don’t worry, because on our website we always divide all cards into categories and you can easily find the card you need!

You can download maps for the game Minecraft Pocket Edition quickly and easily on our portal, specially provided for the services of experienced and novice gamers. The weight of the cards is relatively light and the installation process is not complicated, so you can install them yourself without any problems.

A long time ago, when the game Minecraft was just beginning to develop, there were no maps in it. The player or team was loaded into a huge world and began to survive. This entire playing space was called a map, where everyone was free to do as they pleased.

However, the increased popularity did its job. A variety of craftsmen and enthusiasts, and even the developers themselves, began to create Minecraft maps and gradually improve them. The same opportunity is available for any player who wants some variety.

If you are a sophisticated player and have seen absolutely everything in the world of Minecraft, then you should definitely try downloading new maps and try your hand at something new. The following types of locations were developed specifically for this purpose:

  • Maps for passing

This is perhaps the most interesting thing that is currently freely available for the popular game. In them, the player does not need to build or craft anything; here he will have to alternately complete special tasks and quests, gradually approaching the finale. Solving each task will make it easier to move on to the next goal.

The level of difficulty varies depending on how much imagination the map author has. Completing certain tasks can sometimes take up to several days. So, for example, a task like filling a giant reservoir with volcanic lava definitely cannot be completed in a couple of hours. And this capacity can be the size of a modern shopping center. On such maps, it is important to automate the process of crafting certain items or things so that you can leave the game in the background and go about your business. An important point: until you complete the active task, you will not be able to start another one.

  • Maps for parkour

Active training and not a second without movement - this is how you can characterize best minecraft maps in this mode. All your dexterity will come in handy, because even one mistake can lead to you having to start going through the entire location from the beginning. Jumping between platforms, hanging bridges, running in zigzags and dodging various kinds of dangers - all this will add new sensations to your favorite old game.

It’s especially fun to go through such maps in a team with friends, because it’s so exciting to compete in dexterity and feel the delightful victory after completing all the tasks.

  • Story cards

Here the player will also have to complete certain tasks and quests, but they will all be part of one big storyline (how big is decided solely by the author of the map). At the same time, the entire game world will be subject to transformation, as in a regular sandbox. Very often, these bright and beautiful Minecraft maps are made in different settings, which allows you to visit a variety of locations (underwater or underground, in the jungle or metropolis) in one game.

Despite the fact that many maps are created by amateurs, they turn out to be very decent. By playing them, you are guaranteed to receive a whole ocean of unforgettable emotions and sensations. The best part is that many of the downloaded maps can be modified, adapting the game to your tastes. True, this should be done with caution, because who knows - maybe some tree or building was needed to complete a certain quest.

Be that as it may, Minecraft maps- this is the best way to breathe new life into an old game. They are definitely worth downloading for those who like to feel powerful adrenaline rushes and enjoy every second spent in these bright, beautiful and incredibly interesting worlds!

Minecraft is an amazing game that enchants with its simplicity and atmosphere. It makes it possible to create your own, unique world, in which the main character is left alone with himself and the world around him. If you wish, you can simply wander through the forests, eating berries and waiting out the nights in caves, or you can build a real house or even a castle, sow the surrounding fields with wheat or engage in cattle breeding.

Some people like to create weapons and go into dangerous dungeons to mine valuable minerals and treasures. But all this gets boring over time, and at one moment the realization comes that everything around has already been explored, and the dream house has been built. So what can you do to save yourself from boredom? Passage cards come to the rescue. They are created just for this situation.

What's interesting about Minecraft maps for passing?

Each of them was created in advance by a professional player and carries not only a unique design, but also a deep meaning and purpose. Usually this is the need to solve complex riddles or solve puzzles, jump over obstacles or run away from various monsters through labyrinths.

There are also maps for Minecraft where you need to cope with an army of enemies, finally killing a strong boss. Due to their diversity and uniqueness, it is difficult to divide them into genres, highlighting specific types. A conditional division can be made according to the number of participants: some are suitable only for single playthroughs, while others are also suitable for collective, online playthroughs. In any case, the player will have to complete tasks, search for hiding places and explore large areas.

What types of cards are there?

Some force you to think logically and do not require rushing, presenting complex multi-step puzzles. Others allow you to participate in PVP battles or engage in survival with a specific goal and reward at the end of the level.

Minecraft maps usually contain one giant building, through which the player will have to run, or a whole complex of buildings and structures. Some of them even become like a full-fledged online game: there are characters on the streets handing out quests, signs with descriptions can be found everywhere, and many console commands are available to the player. But more often than not, the maps do not go beyond ordinary labyrinths with only one task - to reach the end, using parkour skills, working with buttons and levers, looking for the right path to completing the level.

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Thousands (if not tens of thousands) of different maps have been created for Minecraft. Most of them have no plot and are mostly a sandbox in which the hero can do whatever he wants. In our selection you will find exclusively story maps, or as they are also called, for passing. We have selected the coolest cards for you to play through.


You are the only survivor stranded in the middle of the ocean on a desert island. There are several other islands nearby and they all pose a danger hidden in their depths. Your only goal is to survive as long as possible, because every minute the difficulty will only increase, and besides, you will be constantly visited...

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Secret laboratory ALT 1.12.2

You are one of the volunteers who had the honor of visiting a closed, secret facility - a laboratory studying parallel universes. And one day, scientists open a portal leading to a new, alien, mysterious world that hides many secrets and mysteries. You, as a discoverer and explorer, go into a wormhole. p.s. save your ammo, perhaps they weren’t expecting you at all on the other side.

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The Land Of Edraria 1.13.2

The map is made in the style of the Middle Ages. Castles, ruins of long-forgotten gods, small village houses of peasants, farmlands, as well as the incredibly cool atmosphere of the map will engage you and will not let you go from the beginning to the last quest.

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Shadow Runner 1.13.2

An interesting map made in the form of rooms with many corridors. Your task is to activate all the pressure plates in order to open the door and move to the next level. There is only one way to do this: you will be able to move freely along the corridors for a certain time, at the end of which you will leave a trail of footprints behind you in the place where you stepped. It is precisely these traces that activate the necessary pressure plates. There are 3 levels in total on the map and it takes no more than 30 minutes to complete the entire map.

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Vault 2568

You somehow woke up in a strange vault and something tells you that you can’t stay here for long. You need to quickly navigate and solve difficult puzzles. And if you still hesitate and cannot get out in time, a surprise awaits you in the form of a large number of hostile mobs and characters who have been ordered to destroy the dangerous warehouse. Will you be able to solve all the mysteries and find a way out?

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