Download a Valentine's Day card for your girlfriend. Happy Valentine's Day to your friend. Beautiful congratulations to your friend on Valentine's Day. Happy Valentine's Day wishes for best friend

Valentine's Day, a traditional holiday all over the world, has a long history. It is believed that a certain priest Valentin went against the imperial will and married legionnaires with their brides. Of course, this holiday is unofficial, it has nothing to do with the church, however, men and women of all ages really like to spend February 14th in a special way. Some consider it an invention of marketers, while others are close to the version about the direct connection between Valentine’s Day and the ancient custom of celebrating Lupercalia. One way or another, February 14 is a special day when millions of tender words and confessions are heard all over the world. People give each other and friends more than just love cards with inscriptions. There are known cases when a car in the shape of a heart, a house in gift wrapping, a brooch worth $300,000, or an installation were presented as a valentine. And a Japanese girl congratulated her lover by presenting him with a chocolate statue as tall as she was. Of course, there are more budget-friendly ways to give a gift to your girlfriend or husband on February 14th. For example, you can bake a Valentine's cake or an omelet, shower your house with rose petals, form a heart out of lighted candles under your loved one's windows, or make heart-shaped soap. A popular way of congratulations is a love quest. You need to download beautiful and funny postcards for Valentine's Day 2018 for free, print them, write a riddle, the answer to which will indicate the location of the next postcard. At the end of the game a prize is awarded.

Beautiful cards for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

People began exchanging cards on Valentine's Day around the 15th century. Since then, the fashion for valentines has spread throughout the world, love cards are sold in millions of copies. Cards for Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 can be given in person or sent by mail - it's fast and free.

Options for beautiful cards for Valentine's Day

Download free Valentine's Day cards for men

Any man will be touched by receiving a sincere recognition for Valentine's Day in the form of a sweet card. By the way, you can arrange a love quest for February 14 - just download free postcards for Valentine's Day for a man, write tasks on them and place them around the apartment. At the end of the game, a prize awaits the participant.

Postcard options for February 14th for boyfriend or husband

Postcards to your beloved husband or boyfriend for Valentine's Day with poems

You can congratulate your beloved husband in verse on Valentine's Day in an extraordinary way. For example, draw a heart on milk using cocoa or bake a heart cake. Now there is a special program for creating collages from joint photographs. All you need to do is download free pictures for your beloved husband or boyfriend for Valentine’s Day with poems and decorate them as a background. Such a gift will touch even the most unemotional man.

Options for postcards for your husband with congratulations in verse

Funny cards Happy Valentine's Day February 14, 2018 with congratulations to your friend

A touching and tender holiday, Valentine's Day is traditionally accompanied by romantic confessions between men and women. However, different customs of exchanging cards and greetings have taken root in different countries. For example, in the USA, on February 14, not only lovers, but also beloved relatives are congratulated, and in Italy this day is a holiday exclusively for couples in love. In Russia, you can send valentines, including to friends, and cool Valentine’s Day cards on February 14, 2018 with congratulations to your friend will cheer up your beloved friend.

Options for funny cards for girlfriends on February 14

Postcards with inscriptions Happy Valentine's Day February 14, 2018 for friends

You can tell about your kind attitude towards your beloved friends by downloading and sending postcards with the inscriptions Happy Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 to your friends. Of course, those friends who have not yet met their soulmate will definitely be pleased to receive a postcard from you on Valentine's Day on February 14th.

Beautiful cards with congratulations for friends on Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day cards with inscriptions for girls

Any girl loves to listen to confessions. Especially if they are designed outside the box and with imagination. It’s a pity that in our latitudes you won’t be able to fly in a hot air balloon in February, and the wind will blow away the rose petals under the windows. The easiest way to congratulate your sweetheart on Valentine's Day is to send her a card with the inscription. Of course, she will be doubly pleased if you don’t just send Valentine’s Day cards with inscriptions for the girl, but accompany your congratulations with a romantic gift or go on a trip together.

Beautiful cards with congratulations for a girl on February 14

Thus, postcards for Valentine's Day 2018 can become a wonderful assistant in the design of non-standard congratulations. All you need to do is download free beautiful and funny cards for your husband, friends or girlfriend with romantic inscriptions to make Valentine’s Day memorable.

May Saint Valentine help you
Find someone who will disturb your soul,
The one who won't let you sleep at night,
May the sparks flare up between you!

Be happy, dear friend,
Love will always help in life, I know.
I wish she finds you
And on Valentine’s Day I came to you!

Here, girlfriend, the day has come,
Which was feared.
Congratulations from him,
They didn't wait.

Nothing! Everything is fine!
I'm with you.
He will come to you again
You won't be able to look away.

You are beautiful, there are no words.
And smart to boot.
Valentin will send you
Super duper boy!

It's a holiday again - Valentine's Day.
Let it be winter and let it be February!
After all, the issue has already been resolved -
Drive away your sadness.

Today he is waiting for you, my friend,
Castle, prince, luxurious ball,
Happiness in red hemp
And a tempting ending!

There is a love that doesn't burn
Hot flame of passions,
But no less inspiring
And much more fun!

I love you, girlfriend,
On Valentine's Day, you too know,
I'll whisper in your ear:
You and I are good!

For you, my friend,
Despite the snow and blizzard,
Despite being lazy,
I will bring a gift on this day.
Well, however, there is progress -
I'll send an SMS
I'll attach a heart to it
And you will understand everything, of course.
Let your holy hand
Valentin will cover you!

On Valentine's Day, dear friend,
I want to sincerely wish you
No matter how hard it may be for us,
Don’t be sad for a day, don’t be discouraged.

To know and believe that miracles happen.
To hope from the heart, to love.
And then as you want, so it will be,
It can't be any other way.

May good luck accompany you in love,
Happiness is the golden mean.
Let everything be this way and not otherwise.
Happy Valentine's Day!

On Valentine's Day I send it to my friend
Your usual congratulations!
I wish her to be loved,
So that the magic prince can
Appreciate her smile
The beauty of her face!
So that he plays the violin for her,
Kissed him endlessly!
So that always, at any time,
He carried her in his arms,
So that he remains faithful to her,
May I love her all my life!

The day has come when it's time to fall in love
And don’t lose this feeling anymore.
Let Cupid on wings like a bird
It flutters and shoots an arrow again
Into a beautiful and fiery heart,
Which love has been waiting for so long.
And you, friend, won’t be able to escape
Nowhere from the prince. After all, he will come.
Everyday life will disappear and holiday will reign,
The round dance will make you feel...
Today this fairy tale will happen.
Hear her magical good move!

You, my friend, don't have to
Feeling bored alone at the table today.
A joyful holiday is bursting at your doors,
Threatening to spill wine on the carpet,

Scatter something white on the tablecloth,
Break through a hole on the edge of the table
And rub your jackets on the walls,
Melt snow spread across the floors.

But all this is a cost, dear.
We'll clean the apartment tomorrow.
And Valentine's Day comes once a year
And we only live once in the world!

Hello my dear,
Swallow and bunny,
It's time to accept congratulations,
May it shine brightly.

I wish you
Meet your soul mate.
So that always, in any trouble,
Saved you, blonde.

Everything you do is great.
Even in the most difficult hour.
And a bunch of kids too,
This is my order!

Love is the strongest, brightest and most beautiful feeling in the world, because it is what pushes people to achieve achievements and deeds, makes them become better people and brings true happiness. Romantic, family and friendly love fills the soul of each of us with light and warmth and gives confidence in the need of other people. And February 14, 2018 is the day when each of us can and even should show our feelings to our loved ones. On this day, the whole world celebrates Valentine's Day, and it has long been a tradition on February 14 to give Valentine's Day cards to your husband or wife, beloved girlfriend or boyfriend, best friends and close relatives. Moreover, thanks to the Internet, you don’t have to buy postcards at all - the Internet has an almost limitless selection of beautiful pictures with inscriptions for friends and loved ones. And here we have selected the best funny and romantic cards for Valentine's Day, which you can download for free.

Beautiful cards to your beloved for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

Girls love romance and attention, so on February 14, 2018, every representative of the fair sex will expect from her chosen one a beautiful postcard for Valentine’s Day, a declaration of love, and a romantic surprise. And all loving boys and men will definitely please their beloved with gifts and tender words, because Valentine’s Day is a holiday of the triumph of love and the sincere expression of their romantic feelings.

The best cards for Valentine's Day for a girl

To make it easier for men to find the most beautiful picture with congratulations to their girlfriend or wife, here we have collected and posted the best cards for Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 to their beloved.

Download free Valentine's Day cards for men

Even in past centuries, when society in Western countries was much more conservative than today, on February 14, girls and women were allowed to be the first to confess their feelings and show their love to a man. Therefore, it is not surprising that modern girls rush on this day to congratulate their chosen ones and once again assure them of their love. And if your loved one is not around on this day, it doesn’t matter - girls can download Valentine’s Day cards for free and send them to a man.

Free cards for men on February 14

Here representatives of the fair sex will find the most beautiful cards with congratulations to their beloved men. All Valentine's Day cards below can be downloaded from our website for free.

Cards with congratulations on Valentine's Day to your husband

Many netizens are engaged in drawing e-cards, and while for some it is a source of income, for others it is a hobby. And it is not surprising that many married women create beautiful Valentine's Day cards for their husbands to please their spouse, as well as to demonstrate their talent to all network users. All representatives of the fair sex can download such pictures and send them to their “soul mates”, especially since the choice of postcards for February 14th for the husband is so large that choosing an original Valentine’s card will not be difficult.

A selection of postcards from February 14 for your husband

Our website contains a small selection of postcards for Valentine's Day to your husband with heartfelt congratulations on this romantic holiday.

Funny cards for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

Laughter is a manifestation of joy and happiness and a way to prolong life, and lovers often strive to make each other laugh and give positive emotions to their loved ones. Therefore, postcards for Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 will be no less popular than romantic pictures. Such funny cards with funny inscriptions will not only show love and affection, but will also definitely bring a smile to the recipient’s lips. And despite the fact that funny postcards may not seem very romantic at first glance, it is still possible to send your warmth and the brightest and most sincere feelings to your loved ones.

Collection of funny cards for February 14, 2018

You can download original funny Valentine's Day cards to congratulate your loved ones on February 14, 2018 here.

Cards for friends and girlfriends on Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

On Valentine's Day, it is customary to congratulate not only lovers, but also friends. And this is quite correct, because people feel almost the same strong love for friends and girlfriends as for brothers and sisters. Therefore, Happy Valentine’s Day cards on February 14, 2018 for friends should definitely be sent to all girlfriends, friends and good acquaintances.

Valentine's Day cards for friends

We have made a small selection of beautiful Valentine's Day cards for friends so that all users can download them from our website on February 14, 2018 and send them to loved ones.

Happy Valentine's Day greeting cards with inscriptions

Beautiful Valentine's Day cards with inscriptions - poems and declarations of love - can touch the soul and evoke a whole range of positive feelings in the recipient. Such cards will tell about the feelings of the sender and give the recipients a feeling of happiness, faith in happy love and the patronage of St. Valentine.

Musical card for Valentine's Day

Paper and electronic Valentine's Day cards with romantic inscriptions dedicated to your beloved husband, wife, girlfriend or boyfriend have long become a classic way of congratulating Valentine's Day. But in addition to such familiar postcards, on the Internet you can find and download for free funny postcards for February 14, 2018 for friends and loved ones, which are a romantic music video greeting. And all visitors to our site can watch one of these video cards here.

Every year on February 14, Valentine's Day comes - the most romantic and tender holiday that came to us from Europe. Indeed, for more than 1,500 years, both young people and mature people have been anxiously awaiting the cherished date to congratulate their loved one with a colorful valentine. And how many marriage proposals are heard on this wonderful holiday - it is on Valentine’s Day that many people mark the beginning of pleasant changes in their personal lives. According to one legend, the founder of the celebration was the Christian preacher and healer Valentin, who lived during the reign of the Roman Emperor Claudius II. Powerful and cruel, Claudius forbade his soldiers to tie the knot - in his opinion, a man burdened with a family was unlikely to show proper zeal in military service. However, Valentine assisted the lovers in every possible way and, violating the imperial decree, arranged secret weddings at night. As punishment, Claudius ordered the daring priest to be thrown into prison, where Valentin met Julia, the daughter of the warden. Knowing about his imminent death, the young priest wrote a letter to the girl declaring his love - it was this message that became the prototype of the modern Valentine. Valentine was later elevated to the rank of saint, and the date of his execution on February 14 is still celebrated as Valentine's Day. On this day, it is customary to exchange bright “Valentines” pictures in the shape of a heart with loved ones and friends - with words of congratulations, touching confessions, support and sympathy. So, we have selected the most beautiful and funny pictures for Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 - for our beloved boyfriend and husband, girlfriend and wife. All you have to do is select a Valentine card and download it to your desktop for free, and then decorate it with an inscription wishing all the best. That's it, send it by email! Your loved one will definitely appreciate the symbolic expression of your sincere feelings. Such a funny picture can be used to design a page on social networks - bright, festive and uplifting. Happy Valentine's Day!

Funny pictures on Valentine's Day - congratulations for your beloved girls and guys

For many, Valentine's Day is a great opportunity to confess your tender feelings to your chosen one. So, we suggest giving your loved one a bright valentine picture depicting traditional hearts, roses, doves and angels. Our holiday collection presents the most beautiful funny pictures of Valentine's Day - by adding a touching congratulation inscription in verse or prose, you will receive an original gift for your beloved girl or boyfriend. As an option, you can download for free several cool pictures with words of touching wishes and congratulate your loved one “virtually” - a real surprise for Valentine’s Day 2018!

A collection of funny pictures for Valentine's Day for your favorite girls and guys

Pictures for Valentine's Day – download for free by February 14, 2018

The last month of winter often comes with blizzards and frosts, not wanting to give way to spring warmth. However, even in the midst of snowstorms, we joyfully look forward to Valentine's Day - every year the holiday of all lovers comes on February 14th. For this romantic day, it is better to stock up in advance on bright Valentine pictures in the shape of a heart, decorated with symbolic images and inscriptions that emphasize your sincere feelings. Where can I download Valentine's Day pictures for free? Take a look at our pages and you can easily find a beautiful card or picture to download for free for Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018. Arrange a surprise for your loved ones - and enjoy the response “hearts” with tender confessions!

A selection of free pictures for Valentine's Day on February 14th for downloading

Funny pictures for Valentine's Day - with wishes to loved ones and friends

Presenting funny pictures in the shape of a heart with inscriptions to loved ones and friends is one of the main traditions of Valentine's Day. So, with the help of such a touching picture you can express love or the most sincere friendly feelings without words. When stocking up on Valentine's cards for Valentine's Day, don't forget about everyone who is near and dear to you - parents, friends, good buddies and work colleagues. It is best to decorate such funny pictures with an inscription indicating the name of the recipient, as well as add a few congratulatory lines and good wishes for a loved one.

Choose a cool picture to congratulate your loved ones and friends on Valentine's Day

Beautiful pictures for Valentine's Day for a friend - funny congratulations in verse

As Valentine's Day approaches, many people are in a romantic mood and want to share joy with loved ones and friends. Indeed, it’s so nice to give a piece of your heart to a loved one - a valentine in the form of a colorful picture or postcard will best convey the warmest friendly feelings. We have selected beautiful pictures with which you can congratulate your best friend on Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018, and funny congratulations in verse will lift your spirits and create a unique festive atmosphere.

Several funny beautiful pictures for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018 for a friend

Bright pictures for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018 - for your beloved guy

Valentine's Day is a holiday for lovers, uniting the hearts and feelings of two people. On the eve of the holiday, every girl prepares her chosen one a touching bright picture or postcard with a congratulation and declaration of love. We offer a choice of the most beautiful pictures for Valentine's Day - you can download them for free and give them to your beloved guy on February 14, 2018 as a symbol of the most ardent feelings.

How to congratulate your beloved guy on Valentine's Day with a picture

Pictures and cards for your beloved husband for Valentine's Day - with congratulatory inscriptions

On the eve of Valentine's Day, you can surprise your beloved husband with a traditional Valentine's card in the form of a bright scarlet heart. Undoubtedly, your faithful life partner and soulmate will like such attention, so we recommend choosing any picture or postcard for Valentine’s Day from the presented options. We are sure that our pictures with congratulatory inscriptions for Valentine's Day will touch even the most stern husband and put him in a festive and romantic mood.

Options for pictures with an inscription on Valentine's Day for your beloved husband

Beautiful pictures of Happy Valentine's Day February 14, 2018 – love hearts for wife

Valentine's Day is an excellent occasion to express your most sincere and tender feelings to your beloved wife. So, we bring to your attention beautiful pictures of Valentine’s Day depicting hearts, flowers and other “love” attributes. The most beautiful valentine picture for my beloved wife!

Download a free picture with congratulations on Valentine's Day February 14, 2018 for your beloved wife

Funny pictures from February 14th - video card for your loved one for Valentine's Day

On Valentine's Day, young people and adults have fun from the heart - they exchange valentines, funny congratulations in poetry and prose. In the video you will find cool funny postcard pictures to congratulate your loved one on February 14th.

Video with funny pictures for Valentine's Day

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