How old is Apina now? At home I can allow myself to be sad and stupid. Biography and personal life of Alena Apina

Today children of Alena Apina- this is not only her twelve-year-old daughter Ksyusha, but also students of one of the Moscow schools to whom she teaches music. When the popular singer is asked why she went to teach, and does it for free, she replied that she simply loves music very much and prefers to spend time not on parties and presentations, but on communicating with children. Now Alena Apina’s children, including her own daughter, are preparing to stage a musical together with their famous teacher, for which she has used all her connections and acquaintance with professionals in this field.

In the photo - Alena Apina with her daughter Ksyusha

Looking at how the singer communicates with schoolchildren, it becomes clear how much she wanted to have her own children. When, after several unsuccessful attempts to give birth on their own and long-term treatment, Alena and her husband, producer Alexander Iratov, completely lost hope of becoming parents, she decided to take a desperate step at that time - to give birth to a child with the help of a surrogate mother. This story received a loud response - journalists often visited Alena, she was invited to all sorts of talk shows, and in order to eliminate all rumors, in one of the television programs she openly talked about the fact that Alena Apina’s children would never have appeared in the usual way, and about everything she had to go through to become the mother of a little daughter.

The singer and her husband are quite wealthy people who were able to afford this operation, which then cost them twenty-five thousand dollars. True, at first Alena, unlike her husband, did not really believe in success and was already preparing to adopt a child from an orphanage, because she could not imagine a family without children at all. Fortunately, everything worked out for them, and Alena Apina and Alexander Iratov got little Ksyusha.

In the photo - Alena Apina with her students

Alena Apina is a popular singer who shone on the stage in the difficult 90s of the last century. Who among those living in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries did not know her hits! “Ksyusha”, “My best guy”, “Electric train”, “Knots” were sung by everyone. Songs sounded literally from everywhere.

Suddenly the popular star disappeared. She did not give concerts and refused to tour. Only after some time it became known that Alena gave up her career for the sake of the daughter that fate gave her. Currently, the woman works as a music teacher in one of the educational institutions in the near Moscow region.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alena Apina

Immediately after the release of songs performed by Alena Apina, the pop star gained a large number of fans. He knows everything about this pop singer, including her height, weight, age. How old Alena Apina is currently can be found out quite officially by turning to various sources.

The woman was born in mid-1964, therefore, by performing simple mathematical manipulations, you can easily calculate that in 2018 she will celebrate her 54th birthday.

Alena Apina, whose photos in her youth and now are interesting for fans to compare, is still just as attractive, despite her no longer young age. With a height of 164 cm, the star of the 90s weighs 54 kg. She adheres to a healthy diet and exercises every day.

Biography and personal life of Alena Apina

In 1964, a girl was born, whom her parents named Elena. Father - Evgeny Viktorovich Lyovochkin was an engineer. Mother - Lyudmila Vladimirovna Lyovochkina was a salesman. The girl grew up in comfort and bliss. All the whims of the only daughter were fulfilled immediately.

At the age of 5, the girl received a piano. From that time on, our heroine began to dream of becoming a singer. Mom, father, grandparents were amazed at her talent. And Lenochka was sure that she would certainly become famous. At the age of 7, the girl went to first grade in one of the Saratov schools. In addition, Lena began to study music.

Our heroine has always amazed those around her with her diligence and talent. After receiving a certificate, she becomes a student at a music school in her native Saratov, where she was one of the best. Her teachers predicted a good future for her.

Supported by her family and teachers, Elena goes to the capital of the Soviet Union to continue her education. Due to high competition, the pop star managed to enter the faculty where the talent of folk performers was improved.

In the evenings, the girl earns money by pleasing the taste of the public who comes to the restaurant. It was here that Lena met with the young artist Valery Apin. The young people dated for several months, after which they decided to formalize their marriage. Soon the wedding took place. The celebration was attended by close friends and relatives of the couple. It was from this time that the biography and personal life of Alena Apina began.

After a short time, the girl is invited to the newly organized “Combination” group. Alena begins to stay late at work, which her young husband does not like. Soon, in order to scare his wife, he files for divorce. Alena agrees to end the marriage.

Since that time, she has been immersed in rehearsals, tours, and performances. In the early 90s of the last century, Alexander Iratov received a proposal for a solo career. A man talks about his feelings. Alena agrees to the proposal.

Soon the songs of the pop star become incredibly popular. “Ksyusha”, “Electric Train”, “Knots”, “Druzhochek” and many others are still loved. The younger generation listens to them, not noticing that some compositions are 15-20 years old.

The pop star was presented with many prizes and awards. For example, she becomes the winner of the “Silver Galosh”, “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone” and many others.

At the beginning of the new millennium, Alena Apina became a mother. She gave birth to a baby daughter, who was named Ksenia. From this time on, the star begins to perform less. She decides to raise Ksyusha herself and take care of the well-being of the home. Soon there were fewer and fewer performances, and at the same time the popularity of the star of the 90s began to fall.

In order for her daughter to be raised in good conditions, the popular singer moves out of town. Alena is raising her daughter. To be closer to her, the woman gets a job at a gymnasium. Here she teaches children to listen and love music.

The artist organized a vocal and instrumental group from high school students, which is popular not only with high school students, but also among young people. The musicians perform songs written by Alena Apina. This is where the pop star of the 90s of the last century sees his calling.

In 2014, misunderstandings began to arise between the spouses. Alena Apina and Alexander Iratov, who divorced in 2016, are currently communicating on friendly terms. They maintained good relations for the sake of their daughter Ksenia.

Family and children of Alena Apina

The family and children of Alena Apina have always aroused interest among admirers of the talent of the popular pop singer. She herself tried not to talk about her personal life.

Our heroine’s father and mother tried to do everything to make her a successful singer. Alena set off to conquer the capital. Her parents could not support her financially as living in the city was expensive. There was a financial crisis in the country. The girl had to perform in restaurants to earn money.

In her youth, Alena became the wife of a very talented graphic designer. He gave her a sonorous surname. But the marriage lasted only a few years, since the girl was constantly engaged in creative activities. There was very little time left for the young husband. Soon it was the husband who decided to divorce Lenochka. The girl herself did not interfere with this.

Soon Alena fell in love with Alexander Iratov, who became her husband and producer. It was in this marriage that our heroine’s only daughter, Ksenia, was born. After two decades of endless happiness, disagreements began to arise in the family, leading to divorce. Currently, Alena works as a music teacher at a gymnasium and is raising her beloved daughter.

Daughter of Alena Apina - Ksenia Iratova

For a long time, the popular pop singer dreamed of having a child. She even thought about adopting a child from an orphanage.

At the beginning of the new millennium, our heroine became a mother. She gave birth to a wonderful girl. They decided to name the baby in honor of Ksenia of St. Petersburg, since it was on the birthday of the patroness that she was born. The girl was given birth to a surrogate mother, since the woman herself could not give birth.

The daughter of Alena Apina, Ksenia Iratova, is supported by her star mother in everything. She is a student at the gymnasium and music school. According to some reports, the girl is incredibly talented. She sings well. With her artistry, Ksenia has already captivated the audience in her hometown. The girl’s dream is to become a world-famous artist, whose singing will drive millions of listeners crazy.

Alena Apina's ex-husband - Valery Apin

While studying at the conservatory, the future popular singer had to earn money. She performed in various restaurants. It was there that she was introduced to a talented young graphic designer. After meeting her chosen one, Alena had a desire to become a happy wife and mother. But the lovers decided to wait until the girl received her diploma.

When Alena started touring with the group “Combination”, her husband began to tell her to pay more attention to him.

Alena Apina’s ex-husband, Valery Apin, filed for divorce after some time. With this he tried to reason with his wife. But the heroine realized that she had made a mistake by marrying a man. After the divorce they never communicated again.

Alena Apina's ex-husband - Alexander Iratov

While working in the Combination group, the pop star met Alexander Iratov, who was a famous Soviet producer and musician. The girl fell in love with him at first sight. She believed that such a celestial being would not pay any attention to her. Alena considered herself ordinary.

But in the early 90s of the last century, a conversation took place with Alexander, as a result of which it turned out that the man was also in love. From that time on, they first began to date, and then live together. After some time, the marriage was registered.

Alena Apina’s ex-husband, Alexander Iratov, suggested our heroine take up a solo career. The only daughter, Ksenia, was born into the marriage.

The couple recently separated, maintaining friendly relations. A man sometimes comes and talks with his daughter.

Photos of Alena Apina never appeared in Maxim magazine, since the woman was popular in those days when it was not fashionable to appear naked in photos for magazine publishers. The singer at the time of her fame, which occurred in the harsh 90s of the last century, became desirable. Her portraits were everywhere, but she never appeared openly, which many now regret.

Social media pages feature pictures of the star in a swimsuit. It was filmed on vacation in Crimea and Sochi. These photographs are rare. Currently, Alena does not post explicit pictures, believing that the teacher should not appear naked.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alena Apina

Alena Apina's Instagram and Wikipedia are sources that inspire new performers. Aspiring artists, learning about the fate of the singer, dream of becoming as successful as our heroine.

Wikipedia is a source that tells about the life and creative work of the star. The page contains a complete list of songs and awards.

Alena Apina is not registered on social networks. But the woman’s fans provide the most detailed information about our heroine. Among other things, here you can listen to songs performed by the star of the 90s, view her photographs taken during different periods of her creative activity. Article found on

Alena Apina (born Elena Levochkina) is an honored artist, singer, composer, TV presenter and poetess, former soloist of the group “Combination”, popular in the 90s.

She was born in 1964 in the city of Saratov into an ordinary family that has nothing to do with art: her mother is a saleswoman, and her father is an engineer. She graduated from music school, and then college, while studying at the conservatory, received an offer to work part-time in a group and became a soloist in the “Combination” for four years, but in 1991 she decided to go into a solo career.

A year later she released her first album, and then her second, which received the greatest success among listeners. By the mid-90s, for the first time in the history of Russian music, a musical called “Limita” was staged, which was a success in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In the early 2000s, she actively worked on television, and in 2017 she got a job as a music teacher at school, where her daughter Ksenia studied.

Personal life

For the first time she married the artist Valery Apin, but soon the couple broke up, and in 1991 she married a second time to Alexander Iratov, who also became her producer. At the end of 2016, reports of their divorce began to appear.

The artist really wanted to become a mother, but unfortunately neither hormones, nor artificial insemination and other methods helped her, and by 2000 she and her husband decided on surrogacy. A year later they had a daughter, Ksenia.

Alena Apina's house

The singer lived on Leningradsky Prospekt for many years, but after a year of struggle with an annoying fan, she sold it and moved to a new address: Petrovsky Lane, 5K2.

After the birth of her daughter, she spends most of her time outside the city in old Peredelkino. It is located in an ecologically clean area among deciduous and pine trees. Also, in addition to a good environmental component, this place has a triple degree of security and video cameras posted on the streets of the village.

Iratov’s father gave the newlyweds land in this village in the early 90s.

She planted huge thujas around the site, which in fifteen years grew stronger and grew in all directions. The owner supervised the construction of the future house at all stages independently, and also hired professional and trusted designers and landscape design specialists.

The two-story mansion is not very large by modern standards, but quite cozy and spacious. The building has a multi-level height, the roof is tiled, and the facade is made in pistachio color.

The interior is made in light beige color. On the ground floor: living room, dining room, fireplace area and kitchen. The floor is laid with parquet in light colors, and silk wallpaper in gray shades hangs on the walls. The dining table is made of natural solid wood, and the sofas are upholstered in beige textiles. The highlight of the mansion are the wide windows that let in the maximum amount of sunlight.

On the second floor there are master bedrooms, guest bedrooms and a children's room. Ksenia’s room looks truly childish, bright and light. One of the walls is occupied by open shelving with many books and toys, and the central place is occupied by a snow-white bed and other furniture with drawings from popular cartoons.

The entire area around the house is landscaped and well-groomed. On one side, a children's playground is installed on round pebbles, stone paths are laid around and lawns are beautifully cut, and animal figures and various sculptures are neatly placed between them.

The artist’s heiress accompanies her at concerts in Moscow, while Alena’s husband, Alexander Iratov, recently told reporters that. At such a difficult time for the family, Apina and her daughter prefer to stay together.

The actress shared a photo of her baby on Instagram. "Favorite child!" – Alena signed the portrait of Ksenia with tenderness. “Your daughter is beautiful💋💋💋 (Hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors have been preserved. – Ed.)”, “Ksyu!!! You are our beautiful girl! 😘😘😘😘😘,” the performer’s fans are touched.

In another photo, Apina poses with Ksenia. But the not very good quality of the photo upset the singer a little. “For once I persuaded my daughter to come with me, but.... my beloved assistant Sveta has never been good at photography! People! Help her take pictures of me!” – the singer asked.

Earlier, Alena commented on information about her for the first time. The artist asked the public not to stir up a fuss because she was afraid for her daughter. The star decided to put an end to numerous rumors that are actively discussed in the media around information about the singer’s divorce. On her official page, the artist published a photo of herself with her husband Alexander Iratov. However, the photo was torn. Thus, Apina made it clear that her married life was really over.

In the caption to the photo, Alena explained in detail why she decided. It turns out that the popular singer is afraid for her daughter, who may be negatively affected by the media hype. “This is the case when everything that happens around (your discussions, condemnations, assumptions, etc.) has no meaning or meaning. All the fuss that you are making is flying only in one direction - towards our daughter! She is only 14. All “who is to blame”, why, why, etc., make no sense! And they will not cancel the fact itself,” Apina wrote.

Alena confirmed that her family life with Alexander Iratov has come to an end: “YES. I’M FILE FOR DIVORCE. This period of my life is coming to an end. It was very big and for many of you very beautiful. But life is much wiser than many of us.”

According to Alena, no third party is to blame for their breakup, and indeed there is no specific reason at all. “It’s just time. Thank you all for your participation and excitement. And try to discuss this as little as possible. Today the most important thing is to cause less problems for our daughter. Everything else cannot be changed. And life does not end there,” she concluded her signature with these words to photo Alena Apina.

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